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US EPA Rad Net

483 streaming radiation detection stations at 142 sites across USA

Alabama Kentucky North Dakota Wyoming
Alaska Louisiana Ohio
Arizona Maine Oklahoma
Arkansas Maryland Oregon
California Massachusetts Pennsylvania
Colorado Michigan Puerto Rico
Connecticut Minnesota Rhode Island
Delaware Mississippi South Carolina
District of Columbia Missouri South Dakota
Florida Montana Tennessee
Georgia Nebraska Texas
Hawaii Nevada Utah
Idaho New Hampshire Vermont
Illinois New Jersey Virginia
Indiana New Mexico Washington
Iowa New York West Virginia
Kansas North Carolina Wisconsin  


There are 142 EPA RadNet stations across America monitoring gamma and beta radiation levels and gamma exposure rates displayed here. As of June 13, 2024, there are 483 live graphs organized here. Gamma Gross Count Rate and Gamma Gross Count Rate by Channel Range as well as Gamma Exposure Rate and Beta Air Filter Results are graphed continuously courtesy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EnviroReporter.com organized this vital data for ease of use.

June 2, 2017 – 0
August 1, 2016 – 0
June 14, 2016 – 9
May 22, 2016 – 14
May 14, 2016 – 14
May 3, 2016 – 19
April 24, 2016 – 20
April 15, 2016 – 20
April 5, 2016 – 24
March 17, 2016 – 29
September 1, 2015 – 0
August 20, 2015 – 31
August 4, 2015 – 30
July 6, 2015 – 36
June 1, 2015 – 37
May 23, 2015 – 35
May 8, 2015 – 34
April 7, 2015 – 34
March 29, 2015 – 34
March 18, 2015 – 35
March 11, 2015 – 33
February 1, 2015 – 35
January 31, 2015 – 35
January 30, 2015 – 34
January 14, 2015 – 37
December 27, 2014 – 37
December 17, 2014 – 36
December 10, 2014 – 37
December 2, 2014 – 31
November 23, 2014 – 39
October 1, 2014 – 40
September 1, 2014 – 40
August 6, 2014 – 44
July 28, 2014 – 43
July 21, 2014 – 42
July 14, 2014 – 44
July 7, 2014 – 39
June 30, 2014 – 42
June 19, 2014 – 40
June 2, 2014 – 44
May 5, 2014 – 42
April 13, 2014: 46
January 19, 2014 – 42
July 9, 2013 – 60

Readings of 100 CPM or more indicate significant beta radiation activity. Three times background readings could mean a hazardous situation exists and protocols discussed and reported on in EnviroReporter.com since March 11, 2011 should be noted. See that below the tilde symbol (~) before some rad readings means mathematically approximate.

June 1 2015 Nationwide Radiation Report:


Since our last report April 17, 2015 (below in archives), Montgomery AL soared to a four month high May 10 topping ~365 CPM; Anchorage AK saw its crucial beta monitoring cease March 24 but sputtered to life April 28 and shows June 1 to be a mild ~40 CPM; Fairbanks AK hit 150 CPM May 22; Phoenix AZ May Day was perhaps a good watch-word on May 1 with a ~520 CPM spike; Tuscon AZ hit a four month high May 12 with a sizzling ~435 CPM May 12; Little Rock AR registered ~135 CPM May 5; Fort Smith AR registered 100 CPM June 1; Anaheim CA‘s beta graph shows just ~45 CPM June 1 which is small consolation for their Anaheim Ducks’ historic debacle; Fresno CA smashed through previous highs hitting ~970 CPM November 11 and then the graph died December 2 leaving a huge hole in California airborne beta monitoring – as of June 1 it’s still blank but it’s gamma graph is active; Bakersfield CA hit ~440 CPM May 28; Los Angeles CA‘s beta graph stopped in March 2014 never to return in America’s second largest metropolitan. Our June 1 HEPA filter debris test found hot dust registering positive for alpha radiation which came in alone at 168.4% of background higher which is astonishing; Riverside CA‘s graph gave out September 15, 2014 never to return; San Bernardino County CA smashed through a four month high of ~610 CPM on May 8 which is about twenty times normal; San Diego no longer has a working beta graph because it died January 15 after months of erratic fits and starts but gone for good in a town with a huge Navy base which makes the station’s inoperability careless in the extreme; Hartford CT jumped to a four month high May 30 with ~125 CPM; Washington DC registered just ~35 CPM June 1; still not one beta monitor out of five works in Florida which is amazing and maybe because the gamma’s high activity suggests something really hot in the Sunshine State where citrus has tested positive for Fukushima-originated Cesium-134 since the meltdowns began; Augusta GA no longer has a working beta graph in a very active environment, unfortunately, giving out August 25, 2014 never to return; Ft. Wayne IN had a malfunctioning beta station from February 5 through March 9 but hit a four month high May 24 with a jolting ~340 CPM; Baton Rouge LA was just ~20 CPM June 1; Orono ME is the farthest functioning beta station away from the triple meltdowns at Fukushima Dai-ichi, Japan, and this lovely town has the lowest readings sometimes down into the single digits for days at a time like June 28 with it in the single digits around 9 CPM; Baltimore MD‘s beta and gamma graphs are now ‘on’ and functioning properly with the city hitting 200 CPM May 18, a four month high; Worcester MA blew through ~320 CPM September 28 and has spiked three times in November over 200 CPM and then its beta station died December 9 and then briefly be reborn Christmas Day only to die, for good, the next day and joined Boston in the dead beta graphs group; Grand Rapids MI got up to a four month high May 15 with ~175 CPM; St. Paul MN was blowing through 300-350 CPM regularly before its beta station died October 16, 2014 not to return in this important upper Midwest center until the last two days where it read a scant ~35 CPM June 1; St. Louis tested ~40 CPM June 1; Lincoln NE topped 300 CPM on May Day; Concord NH registered a four month high May 12 with ~195 CPM in an area with normal background around ~25 CPM; Albuquerque NM registered ~260 CPM May 7; Buffalo NY tested at 150 CPM May 30; New York City NY is not functioning as it hasn’t for years but its gamma gross count is sort of jumping around like LA’s gamma is – just one difference, NYC’s gamma is much more active which is one thing New Yorkers can brag about: they’re hotter than Los Angelenos even if their crucial beta station is on the fritz; Syracuse NY showed ~160 CPM November 26 and then the beta graph died December 1 and never came back plus its gamma station is poorly maintained as evidenced by the scant and inaccurate readings, dying once again completely May 5; Charlotte NC‘s graph died January 13 but came alive May 6 hitting ~145 CPM May 19; Raleigh NC hit ~170 CPM July 24, 2014 and cut out and still hasn’t come back on, a real loss in the South; Toledo OH hit a four month high May 8 with ~210 CPM; Corvalis OR was ~105 CPM June 1Pittsburgh PA soared to a four month high May 7 topping ~225 CPM; Puerto Rico‘s beta graph doesn’t work but the gamma remains somewhat active; Amarillo TX is one of the hottest sites in the country was just ~80 CPM last night after topping ~910 CPM April 27; Dallas TX spiked to ~245 CPM May 28; Ft. Worth was just ~40 June 1; Salt Lake City UT‘s beta station is still down since a huge beta increase over 200 CPM in early May 2014 and remains knocked out; and Madison WI hit peaked at a four month high May 25 with a chart-topping 350 CPM.

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