“We’re going to waste a million dollars for no purpose,” a VA official said to an LA city insider in four-hour discussions before the September 6 CARES public meeting.
During the meeting, VA Secretary Nicholson’s Special Assistant Halpern said the nuke dump delayed Bush Administration plans for development. “There were other issues that we ran into that were much more complicated,” says Halpern. “Certainly the issue around the radiation of Barrington Park which we have addressed in the Phase One report coming out. Now enter the Phase Two study to insure that there is absolutely nothing there underneath there.”
Supervisor Yaroslavsky, former LA Mayor Richard Riordan and others spoke to development issues at meeting, and EnviroReporter‘s Collins asked about areas missed in Phase One radiation survey. LA Councilman Rosendahl expressed concerns — “[F]irst phase didn’t resolve the comfort level of the community as it might of,” he says.
Halpern and Collins talked after meeting but the VA official declining to address Phase Two excavation methods.
The Phase One report found high readings despite missing most of the dump site. It states that “[A]verage readings for the East Arroyo, West Arroyo, and the Brentwood School lower soccer fields were notably above the Control areas.”
The Phase One report also lacked access to important reports released to Congressman Waxman in August 2007. A January 2000 environmental report states that a 5 by 100 foot debris pit is buried under the Brentwood School football field.
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