The debate became contentious, in part due to the Rangers’ revelations that several City Council members received developer contributions including KB Home, GreenPark Runkle and Boeing. Four out of five council members received Runkle Canyon developer campaign contributions, including Mayor Paul Miller and Council Member Glen Becerra who received the funds before approving the massive project’s EIR in 2004. The City Council berated the Rangers, calling their accusations “shameful.”
It remains to be seen if a new law cleaning up Rocketdyne for parkland will affect the adjacent KB Home development. Rocketdyne watchdog Dan Hirsch debated Norm Riley of Department of Toxic Substances Control over cleanup standards for Rocketdyne with passage of historic State Senate Bill 990 at the October 18, 2007 Santa Susana Field Laboratory (Rocketdyne) Workgroup Meeting.
24 Years of Award-Winning SSFL/Rocketdyne Reporting
June 1998 – June 2022
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