our LA Weekly news feature “Schwarzenegger’s Chemical Romance – Angering Environmentalists, Arnold Rewrites his Green Chemistry Initiative in his Final Days in Office

WATCH how it all began with the September 29, 2008 press conference with video, photos and the governor’s speech at Governor Schwarzenegger Signs Groundbreaking Legislation Implementing First-in-the-Nation Green Chemistry Program.

SEE the Department of Toxic Substances Control’s “Green Chemistry” page.

READ the original 92 page original Green Chemistry regulations before they were cut by 30%. These regulations received 762 pages of comments from more than 90 stakeholders, legislators and the public.

READ the revised and abridged 61 page current Green Chemistry regulations.

READ the Californians for a Healthy & Green Economy CHANGE Green Chemistry Initiative position on the new regulations and why they oppose them.

SEE who makes up the CHANGE coalition.

READ the Green Chemistry Alliance position on the new Green Chemistry Initiative regulations.

SEE who makes up the Green Chemistry Alliance.

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