[GO TO RADIATION CONVERSATION II – NO further comments here as of 26 April 2014]
After 2,433 comments EnviroReporter.com’s Radiation Station was a victim of its own success. The informative and lively comments were so numerous and lengthy that the page slowed loading considerably. So while the page continues with its live radiation readings and expanded in-situ and multi-media radiation sampling and testing, we decided to close the comments there and move the conversation here.
In addition, we’ve conducted a slew of new tests that you will find of interest. Your comments about them and what they could mean are most certainly welcome here as well.
This is Radiation Conversation – Welcome! Here are some new items that you might find interesting…
Recently we’ve obtained a number of Japanese-made food and drink products available in Southern California. Seaweed, dattan soba tea, adlay tea, and green tea all measured considerably higher in radiation than background levels. One beer test as well as another beer radiation detection session also showed heightened radiation. A Swiss roll pastry with green tea, vegetable juice and sake, all made in Japan, were detected with higher than normal radiation.
There are at least 43 Japanese markets in Southern California as well as 885 Japanese restaurants, according to a 2011 Japanese telephone and business directory. The implications of radioactive products possibly impacted by the Fukushima triple meltdowns making their way into the American consumer product stream is troubling and completely undetected, at least publicly, by the governments of either Japan or the United States.
[GO TO RADIATION CONVERSATION II – NO further comments here as of 26 April 2014]
Also discounted by the government here downwind of the Fukushima disaster is the possibility that radiation from Japan’s meltdowns and the widespread Japanese practice of burning radioactive debris and rubble could drift on the Jet Stream over and onto North America. Numerous contributors to this site have shown this to be false. Huge amounts of radiation has rained upon America including Potrblog’s recent reading of over 133 times background in the St. Louis, Missouri area. The Pacific Northwest, Midwest and large areas of both west and central-east Canada have also suffered from high radiation levels in precipitation.
Now EnviroReporter.com has found significantly high radiation readings far south of the Jet Stream in some of America’s most cherished national parks including the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Zion.
These readings, detected during the same time frame of Potrblog’s 133 times background detection, suggest that the radioactive fallout from Fukushima is dispersing wider and farther away from the Jet Stream than previously known.
Now as winter approaches, the Jet Stream will move south and places like Southern California will possibly see the astronomically-high radiation readings suffered by so many other places across the United States and Canada.
Most disturbing in these detections was the high presence of alpha radiation which is 60 to 1,000 times more dangerous than beta or gamma radiation. Such an alpha presence is also indicative of radiation from the meltdowns and destroyed spent fuel pools.
[GO TO RADIATION CONVERSATION II – NO further comments here as of 26 April 2014]
Sunshine Coast,
February 2014 rain water test,
It was a dry month with only 37mm of rain, so not much rain water flowed through the roof down pipe filter. Traces of Beryllium Be-7, Iodine I-129, Lead Pb-210, and Uranium U-235? were detected. The main Isotopes Be-7, I-129, and Pb-210, detected, seem to be in significant amounts, taking into account the amount of rainfall we had here for February.
Be-7 can be created naturally by spallation, from solar wind and upper atmosphere interaction. The Sun has been very quite at recently. There was some significant solar activity towards the end of February, but it takes around two weeks for any Be-7 created by this process to reach the lower atmosphere.
A theory proposed by a contact:
“One could speculate the increased production from solar variation, however, it is most likely from Boron neutron synthesis.”
The theory is that lots of Boron has been used to control the meltdowns at the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. Neutron bombardment of the Boron from the molten Coriums is creating lots of Be-7, which is being released into the atmosphere.
Technical Details:
Roof down pipe filter design, http://sccc.org.au/down-pipe-filter-design
February roof down pipe filter test chart.
Disclaimer: This is an amateur volunteer run service. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented here, without further research.
Marking Three Years of Post-Fukushima Progress
Posted on March 11, 2014
Allison M. Macfarlane
Chairman NRC
This page is open to comments. No log-in required. Yes, you can tell the NRC what you think. Comments are moderated, so one has to be polite, but apparently it’s okay to disagree.
You got the guts? Be heard.
Here’s my first comment. I thought I would put it here for historical archive purposes.
March 11, 2014 at 2:09 pm
Where do you get your information on dispersion of ‘radioactive’ contamination?
Radiation will spread and accumulate, especially since the ongoing 3 meltdowns are not going to stop any time soon.
The saying “dilution is a solution to pollution” is just a rhyme, it is not truth.
“Scientists have not seen any Fukushima contamination that raises a concern about the U.S. food supply, water supply, or public health.” – Macfarlane
What? There are many others whose opinions differ greatly. In all fairness I feel that should be mentioned.
In my opinion you are obviously being informed by the wrong scientists/doctors or experts that most likely have conflicts of interest in the Nuclear Industry.
We should not allow this kind of misguided information to harm our children or the environment, just for the sake of continuing a proven high risk technology whose only real solution is to decommission all of the Nuclear plants and then start trying to figure out what to really do with the nonstop dangerous waste.
Oh… there’s more.
IMO – Comment while you can is what I’ve got to say. If Michael Collins or anybody can drop a good comment there, it might go a long way.
Good luck!
We need it. 😉
2011-03-11 🙁
3 years and 3 out of control ongoing meltdowns at Fukushima and here we are.
I wanted to say thanks to all who have commented here and to the EnviroReporter Team for their non-stop dedication to sticking with facts and calling it as they see it.
I also am glad I took Mr. Collins’s advise when he suggested I make a youtube channel to store relevant videos. I have done that and maintained it. It is a compilation of videos that I felt related to the subject of Fukushima and radiation mitigation. If someone who’s new to this subject, actually took the time to watch these videos, they would know ‘pretty much’ what I know.
My YouTube Channel:
A Chain Reaction: (Santa Monica, CA)
Peace & Love,
As we come up to the third anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster I suggest you all use this document and article as resources to prove to those that say “No one has died from the Fukushima Nuclear disaster”, they are totally wrong. This is just the tip of the iceberg of how many have died.
This occurred in the first few days of the disaster. In this correspondence between the NRC and the Japanese, the Japanese admitted to 5 people having received lethal radiation doses.
TEPCO Workers deaths are not reported
“She also said that there were 100,000shifts shared between the work force that have worked at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant so far, also, 4% of 100,000 (4300) workers have reportedly died.”
“Apart from Tepco workers, 64 members of the Self Defence Force and about 300 policemen have also died. They said that those policemen who work at the security check points of the no go zones in Fukushima prefecture are not wearing any protection, therefore, they have been exposed to huge amounts of ionizing radiation.”
Sunshine Coast
February 2014 background Radiation Report
Monitoring Station Location
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
February 2014 was 40% above the 4 year pre-Fukushima February average.
February 2013 was 39% above the pre-Fukushima average.
February 2012 was 37% above the pre-Fukushima average.
The extensive local recorded data shows that the background radiation level increases here, appear to have stabilized. At the beginning of the Fukushima Nuclear disaster there was a dramatic 37% increase for February 2012. This dramatic single year increase has not been repeated in succeeding years. There has been a much smaller 3% increase over the last two years.
Still, it would be better not to see any increase!
WIPP MATH ALERT! 33 Minute DELAY In HEPA FILTER Start After Radiation Alarm Sounded
March 1, 2014
7:15pm: INT SANTA MONICA/WEST LOS ANGELES BASIN RAIN SAMPLE: 42.5 CPM^^ which is background. No indication of radon progeny. Radiation Station Glendale California reported 23% above background at 1:30pm in cloudburst rain. Commenter Alan from Altadena California, about 20 miles northwest of Glendale, wrote this to us illustrating the variability of radiation readings within Southern California in this storm: “I measured a 10 min average of 106 CPM from rain that dripped off my roof on 3-28-14. The 10 min average from background was 41 CPM. Later in the day I measured a 10 min avg. of 91 CPM from a puddle. I wish my readings were as low as the ones in Glendale the same day. I took these measurements in the foothills of Altadena, CA at 2000 feet above sea level.”
I measured a 10 min average of 106 CPM from rain that dripped off my roof on 3-28-14. The 10 min average from background was 41 CPM. Later in the day I measured a 10 min avg. of 91 CPM from a puddle. I wish my readings were as low as the ones in Glendale the same day. I took these measurements in the foothills of Altadena, CA at 2000 feet above sea level.
March 1st, 2014, 1:30 PM: 1st rain sample today, 49.6 CPM vs 40.3 CPM background. That’s about 23% over background. This rain sample came from a brief downpour with lightning and thunder nearby. These are 10 minute average readings using an Inspector Alert.
Third Glendale CA rain sample for Feb 28, 2014 9:25 PM: 40.6 CPM 10 minute average, 38.5 CPM background. This sample is not showing any significant excess radiation.
Look what’s 250 miles away to the southeast from WIPP and just had a huge beta surge in the last four days: San Angelo, Texas.
And look what’s also about 250 miles downwind of WIPP but to the northeast: Amarillo, Texas.
Surely wish that ALL of New Mexico’s and Texas’s beta monitors were actually functioning.
February 28, 2014
12:30pm: INT SANTA MONICA/WEST LOS ANGELES BASIN RAIN SAMPLE: 47.1 CPM^^ which is background. No indication of radon progeny/daughters, per usual.
Second Rain Sample Feb 28,2014 measured at 49.0 CPM, while background is 39.7 CPM, both readings are 10 min averages. 23% over background is a bit more active, but not much higher than normal variability.
Insider WIPP Information Indicates PLUTONIUM CLOUD WAS MUCH LARGER Than Previously Calculated!
The insider, who has proven him/herself to be a reliable source of WIPP information, gave us some very shocking information in reference to our report about the ventilation system and HEPA filters at WIPP.
Rain sample (collected directly from roof onto a paper towel) from Hemet, CA, tested inside for 10 min: 45.6
Interior background: 46.9
Glendale rain sample Feb 28, 2014, 11:30 AM, 44.8 CPM, background is 43.1 CPM. Rain sample was collected in a clean dish with paper towel absorber pad. The background and sample readings were both 10 minute averages. There seems to be little, if any, excess radiation in this storm.
Report at Nuke Pro – WIPP Busted Dead to Rights, they WERE Storing High Level Waste WIPP (25th February 2014)
I caught the former director of CEMRC (2004 to 2010) bragging about how the facility has 100,000 cubic meters of waste. “Some fairly high level (>7ci/liter), hotter than anything left in the Hanford tanks”
HIGH RISK of New Large Plutonium Release! ‘Stabilization Efforts’ Indicative of Explosion Damaged Ventilation System!
PotrBlog report 27th February 2014 – report
“Previously we stated: “We believe that it is unlikely that the DOE WIPP site has Air Filtration systems capable of surviving an explosion.”
Two rain samples each returned 10 minute averages of 40.7 CPM. The Background radiation measured 37.8 CPM over a 10 minute average.
Sample 1 was collected from rainwater clinging to leaves, and sample 2 from a dish exposed to the open sky containing an inch of rainwater. In the later case, 1/2 oz of water was sucked up using a clean kitchen baster and filtered through a coffee filter.
February 26, 2014
9:40PM: INT SANTA MONICA/WEST LOS ANGELES BASIN RAIN SAMPLE: 42.5 CPM^^ which is background. Note that, as always here at RSSM, there is no indication of radon progeny/daughters. Note that when we do have overages here that radon progeny is not a factor as we have reported and discussed repeatedly.
Rain Sample in Socal!
Swipe taken from a drizzled on car windshield in Hemet, CA, then tested inside.
10 min results are 54.1. Average exterior cpm is low to mid 40s.
Tomorrow is supposed to be the big rain day, so I’ll try to test again and update.
This was sent to me by Leuren Moret, and has given permission to publish it.
Hi Peter – I want you to know that I worked as a geochemist at Livermore Nuke Lab 1989-91 on the WIPP project. DOE spent about $2.5 billion dollars developing a “package” (canister) for the low level nuclear waste intended for the pilot study at WIPP. After 5 years in the Permian salt formation, the packages/canisters were brought back to Livermore nuke lab, along with the same canisters used to store rad waste at Yucca Mtn in Nevada. The bacteria in the “mines”, as they are referred to at Livermore, had eaten the special metal alloy canisters IN FIVE YEARS and left the nuclear waste.
They STILL after 50 years have no way to safely store their radioactive waste. $2.5 billion later, a Judge in Washington DC about 5 years ago, ordered the Yucca Mtn. project be scuttled with all their fraudulent science. He told them to throw it all out and start from scratch if they wanted to pursue it. He also told them that the National Academy of Sciences had recommended that the waste must be guaranteed to be safely stored for 200,000 years. The Yucca Mtn. project ignored that non-negotiable requirement and said it would be safely stored for 10,000 years. They could not even store it safely for 5 years.
The Judge ruled on the case and threw the Yucca Mtn. project into the nuclear garbage can.
The entire project at WIPP and at Yucca Mtn. were science fraud at the beginning, the end, and in the middle.
I live in Northern California in the Sierra foothills west of Lake Tahoe.
Have been monitoring since Sept 2011.
I’m using a Ludlum 44-25 Alpha detector running through a Blackcat Systems GMI interface and the RAD software.
What I’ve recorded is a fairly consistent increase particularly during storms originating from the mid Pacific (the “Pineapple Express”).
I’m only monitoring inside but still see a consistent 2 to 3 % increase during the rains.
At TIME ZERO, GROUND ZERO, the Plutonium cloud at DOE’s WIPP plant was approximately 330,000,000 Becquerels in size, comprising an estimated 10,000 cubic meters of contaminated air.
On going releases are approximately 6,667 Becquerels per minute, comprising an estimated 20,000 cubic meters of contaminated air per minute. A person on site would inhale roughly 1 Becquerel per hour. Thats why DOE wants to claim its safe for people on site: Of course, these “on going” values get significantly more dangerous when they are concentrated over a smaller area by rain, fog, or temperature inversion. Unfortunately the Midwest, especially Saint Louis experience all those concentrating factors between 2/14 and 2/17.
More info at
MAX ALERT! The Department of Energy is Funding FREE Whole Body NUKE Scans For People Living Within 100 Miles of WIPP Plutonium Disaster in New Mexico
Note: that Fukushima residents only got a 1/2 price discount on the their full body scans.
Analysis: WIPP Is No Safe Haven For Nuclear Materials – 21st January 2011
“In essence, if water manages to penetrate whatever protection the materials are being afforded, then radioactive isotopes can be carried away to be deposited in one of the many aquifers that serve the drinking and agricultural water needs of New Mexico. As for the protection around the materials themselves, that consists of ordinary steel drums, suitable for storage in non-oxidising environments, but not suitable for any environment that would result in corrosion. As a paper written for the Sandia Laboratories – a government owned facility – states:”
“According to a study of comprehensive well records for nine townships around the WIPP site (Broadhead et al. 1995), 532 wells had been drilled in search of oil and gas by the end of 1993. Few wells had been drilled in the area prior to 1960. Between 1960 and 1989, drilling activity increased but was sporadic and never exceeded 20 wells per year. Since 1990, however, drilling has increased markedly, with annual totals increasing to a maximum of 140 wells in 1993. This increase has been partially attributable to the opening of previously restricted areas of the Potash Area to drilling. Most of these wells were drilled into the Brushy Canyon Formation of the Delaware Mountain Group.”
“Three commercial wells have been drilled for oil and gas within the boundaries of the WIPP Land Withdrawal Area. Two vertical wells were drilled within the area during the 1970s; neither one became a producing well. A third well was drilled in 1982 from a location outside of the WIPP Land Withdrawal Area. The well was drilled at an angle underneath the area to intercept gas in the Atoka Formation and is currently commercially productive.”
DEADLY WARNING! Nearly ELEVEN THOUSAND Becquerels per Cubic Meter of Radioactive Pu239 + Am241 Air Released In New Mexico
Confirmation the Airborne Plutonium and Americium has been detected in New Mexico
The document trail points to radiation induced explosion
DELETED Report Indicating NUCLEAR FIRE in New Mexico & Plutonium Release
The claim was a Plutonium surface swipe reading of over 1 million Disintegrations per minute per square centimeter
The Radiation detection at DOE’s WIPP site in New Mexico correlates directly to a M5.1 earthquake in Fukushima on 2/8/14.(H/T Robert Filos)
That doesn’t mean it is the cause of the alarm, but it does fit the profile. We expect this event to be blamed on Radon, of course there will be no indication given that the source was Fukushima
Max Alert!
Airborne Radiation Detection at DOE WIPPS New Mexico Plant.
Do not discount Fukushima as the possible source of this detection; if it is, its a broad ranging event.
Sunshine Coast,
January 2014 Rain Water Test Results
Monitoring Station location
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
It was a relatively dry January, so not much water flowed through the polyester rain water filter.
Roof down pipe filter design.
The rain water filter test main peaks are for trace amounts of Iodine I-129, lead Pb-210 and Beryllium Be-7. There is a natural Beryllium Be-7 and Lead Pb-210 cycle here in the Southern Hemisphere. More Beryllium Be-7 and Lead Pb-210, is detected in rain washouts during summer, than in winter.
Here is the test scintillator chart for the rain water test.
Is it all natural, or is some from Fukushima, that is the question?
I am suggesting that the peak at around 80 keV is test chamber Lead fluorescence, caused by the Be-7 Beta radiation released from Be-7.
Disclaimer: This is an amateur volunteer run service. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented on this web site, without further research.
Hemet, CA exterior: 41.2
Food Testing
Reports of Cesium Cs-137 and Cs-134 Pacific Salmon contamination detections, have been added to the EnviroReporters Radiation Food Lab list in the last month.
The Salmon were caught off Alaska, and the Philippines. These detections indicate the Bio-accumulation of Cesium from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.
A lot of food and environmental detection reports tend to concentrate on Cesium detection. This is because it is relatively easy to test for, and detect. If Cesium is present in a test result, there is a possibility that other types of radioactive isotopes are also present, but not reported. Fallout is a dirty mixture of isotopes. It is not just Cesium. Some of the other isotope contaminants, particularly the dangerous Alpha emitters, need more specialized and expensive equipment to detect their presence.
Here is an excellent 10 minute video on Cesium food contamination and testing, to quickly get you up to speed on the subject.
07.01.2014 – No Elevated Levels of Radiation Found in North Pacific Salmon Samples.
Loki Fish Company announced today that laboratory analysis of five salmon species harvested by its fishermen in Puget Sound and Southeast Alaska during 2013 show no indications of elevated radiation levels.
Two of the samples registered at trace levels – Alaskan Keta at 1.4Bq/kg for Cesium 137, and Alaskan Pink at 1.2Bq/kg for Cesium 134. There were no detectable levels of iodine-131 in any samples.
This first report here is based on a small number of tested fish, and any detected Cesium is of concern.
21.01.2014 -Cesium Found in Tuna in Swiss Stores and in Some Samples of Salmon Tested by a Seattle Fish Company
The fish come from the Philippines. As they travel long distances, they could have floated by the vicinity of the damaged nuclear power plant at Fukushima. For months, radioactively contaminated water has been leaking into the sea. Markus Zehringer, head of radioactivity in air and space at the Cantonal Laboratory in Basel, also assumes that the radiation is related to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima.
Original German article.
If ingested, Cesium and other artificial radioactive isotopes create radioactive hot spots in the body. Where these radioactive hot spots develop depends on the isotope’s chemical affinities. These damaging radioactive isotopes are often chemically toxic, as well as radioactive.
This test chart shows how much more radioactive Cesium is by weight, than naturally occurring Potassium K40. You are welcome to use this chart wherever you wish, to help educate people to the dangers of ingested artificial isotopes.
The latest International Food detections reports can be found here.
January 2014 Southern Hemisphere Background Radiation Level Report.
Monitoring Station Location
January 2014 month average background radiation level was 41 % above the pre-Fukushima 4 year average. This is better than the recorded January 2013, 52% above average, and January 2012, 43% above average. This suggests at this location, the Southern hemisphere increasing background levels have stabilized. It means it hasn’t gotten worse, but it is still higher than pre-Fukushima levels for this time of the year. The average 4 year per Fukushima Nuclear disaster local background radiation level recorded from 2007 to 2011, was 0.10 uSv/hr.
The spike in this chart around August and September 2008 is mystery. It may have been caused by the operator experimenting.
More Technical Information and Charts
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
Comparing the month and day average, (Chart links are provide below.)
a. There is definitely a seasonal variation in local background levels. A seasonal variation very clearly shows in all the monthly average charts.
b. The considerable variation in month averages indicates there is more Northern Hemisphere to Southern Hemisphere air flow break through in the warmer summer months, than in the colder winter months.
c. January 2012 day average chart shows whatever was in the air was not mixed as well as in 2013 and 2014. This can be seen by the dramatic swings in the day averages for 2012, when you compared with the day average charts of 2013 and 2014.
d. Something major must have occurred at Fukushima in late 2012 and early 2013, to have caused such a dramatic month average increase for January 2013. Note that for January 2013 most of the month was dry, drought conditions here. The drought was broken by a significant rain event around the 26th January.
January Day Average Year Chart Comparisons
Explanation of the alert level colour coding in the charts.
You can go here, to see all the report charts on one page for easy comparison,
or look at them individually here.
January 2014 day average chart
January 2013 day average chart
January 2012 day average chart
January Month Average Year Chart Comparisons
2014 month average chart
2013 month average chart
2012 month average chart
A Radiation Forecast Map.
Perhaps this is a look into the future. It’s crude, but fairly accurate.
(As accurate as can be with existing data. )
It uses a NOAA weather map and overlays areas based on combined information from netc.com and the EPA radnet readings.
On Friday Jan 31st they published the Super Bowl forecast, and had a direct hit based on NETC/EPA fallout data.
February 2, 2014
7:00pm INT SANTA MONICA/WEST LOS ANGELES BASIN RAIN SAMPLE: 54.8 CPM^^ which is 19.4% HIGHER THAN BACKGROUND. This is a valid reading because it exceeds the Inspector Alert’s conservative +/-15% margin of error. However, this near background rain reading, like many before it that thankfully came in flatlining, illustrate a scientific point lost on Fukushima deniers: no radon progeny (daughters) is being detected or the samples from tonight and January 30, for example, or they would have had higher readings. The rain in Santa Monica and the Los Angeles Basin are not impacted by radon at all past an inconsequential amount. This radon potential map shows why, a fact we wrote about in the February 20, 2012 of the expose Beta Watch. So what’s the point in noting, once again, nothing over background? It’s to show the value of naught, zero, nothing. Radon progeny doesn’t generally impact the Golden State as this California radon map shows. With over 3,400 radiation tests at Radiation Station Santa Monica alone, we’ve measure ‘naught’ over background many times. What this all means it crucial to understanding the importance of our measurements: when we do hit something, like we did in Death Valley big time, we are hitting radiation coming from a source other than radon or natural background. Odds are that source is the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan with three ongoing and out of control nuclear meltdowns in progress. When our next Fukushima expose hits the virtual newsstands any day now, you’ll see why we are dealing with this radon daughter nonsense right now. Our exclusive discoveries are considerably hotter and more troubling than anything you’ve read anywhere that has been detected in the U.S. this year.
6:45pm INT BG: 45.9 CPM^^
Dear Senator Boxer, (CA)
There is NO ICE WALL in Fukushima!
Please research this for about one second.
Fukushima is still spewing radioactive contamination into the atmosphere and sea and nobody’s even testing properly.
There is no projected end or fix in sight for the triple meltdowns.
Someday, somebody will speak the truth instead of spewing hubris and misinformation.
There is NO ICE WALL in Fukushima!
Send her your thoughts here:
Meeting description:
U.S. Senate Committee on
Environment and Public Works
*Joint Hearing: Full Committee and Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety*
“Oversight Hearing: NRC’s Implementation of the Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendations and other Actions to Enhance and Maintain Nuclear Safety”
BACKGROUND: Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Chairman of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, and Senator Tom Carper (D-DE), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety, will convene a joint hearing to discuss the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) progress on implementing the Fukushima Near-Term Task Force recommendations and other safeguards related to nuclear facilities.
9:30 AM ET
LOCATION: EPW Hearing Room
406 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC
WEBCAST: Webcast will be available at http://www.epw.senate.gov starting at 9:30 AM ET
WITNESSES: (Order subject to change)
Panel I:
The Honorable Allison M. Macfarlane, Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The Honorable Kristine L. Svinicki, Commissioner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The Honorable George Apostolakis, Commissioner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The Honorable William D. Magwood, IV, Commissioner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The Honorable William C. Ostendorff, Commissioner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Quote of the day:
“There is no safety in unlimited technological hubris.”
– McGeorge Bundy
(National Security Adviser to President JFK)
Sounds like something Michael Collins of EnviroReporter.com would say. Actually, I am pretty sure he has said something similar to this on multiple occasions. Me too. It’s worth repeating.
Follow up post on the Alaska Marine Science Symposium 2014
Atomic Suicide: The Tale of the Sailors and the Seals, excellent article by Christina Consolo. (26th January 2014)
The symptom similarities that both the USS Ronald Reagan sailors and seals are suffering, can be explained by ingested plutonium fallout.
“These findings in dogs suggest that similar dose-related biological effects could be expected in humans accidentally exposed to 238PuO2.”
Alaska Marine Science Symposium 2014
On page 222 (PDF page 233)
Mammals 2011 Fukushima Fall Out Aerial Deposition On To Sea Ice Scenario And Wildlife Health Implications To Ice – Associated Seals
During summer 2011 it became evident to coastal communities and wildlife management agencies that there was a novel disease outbreak
occurring in several species of Arctic ice associated seals.
Gross symptoms associated with the disease included lethargy, no new hair growth, and skin lesions, with the majority of the outbreak reports occurring between the Nome and Barrow region. NOAA and USFWS declared an Alaska Northern Pinnipeds Usual Mortality Event (UME) in late winter of 2011.
The ongoing Alaska 2011 Northern Pinnipeds UME investigation
continues to explore a mix of potential etiologies (infectious, endocrine, toxins, nutritious etc.), including radioactivity. Currently, the underlying etiology remains undetermined.
Hemet, CA 10 minute exterior: 41.7
All – I am traveling on business for an extended period of time and could not bring my Inspector Alert with me so I will not be able to provide my daily readings from Simi Valley. Once I return, I will continue with my readings.
Until then, I look forward to seeing other readings in this forum.
@Michael and everyone.
Thanks again for your readings.
I know you have done the HEPA filter readings on a regular basis. What would a graph of these ‘regular’ tests look like since 311?
((( 190 cpm for 2 days. )))
People should note this!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:50a INT 48.0 CPM
8:00a EXT 55.2 CPM
January 14, 2013
6:20pm INT HEPA DUST from two HEPA filters and one Ionizer/HEPA filter: 81.9 CPM^^ which is 81.6% HIGHER than background over a 40 day period. This is a higher per day overage than the last period. Can’t further investigate why higher because EPA RadNet Los Angeles seemed out of order during much of this period except one noticeable jump just after New Years with 190 CPM for two days.
5:50pm INT BG: 45.1 CPM^^
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:50a INT 48.8 CPM
7:00a EXT 51.9 CPM
The Roy Process for transmutation of radioactive isotopes into stable ones.
[Editor: Because it is nonsense based on unproven wishful thinking from decades ago, george.]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, breezy
6:10a INT 50.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.2 CPM
Took a rain swab off a car here on the 6th January 2013.
This swab was tested using a Theremino Geiger counter kit using a Russian SBT-10 pancake probe. Initial peak was around 5 uSv/hr 3,000 cpm. This is the second hottest rain washout detected here so far.
The decay chart of the rain swab showed classic Radon-222 decay daughter decay.
Here is the scintillator test chart preliminary assessment, of that rain swab. I used experimental MCA Theremino software for this test. It can get a bit noisy near background. This experimental software is pushing the limits of what can be detected with the equipment here. I have placed peak markers at the top of the chart for reference.
The rain swab Geiger counter and scintillator tests showed that the rain event on the 6th January was mainly Radon-222, and Radon-220 washout.
You can see some of the peaks for Radon-222 and Radon-220 decay daughters still present in the test chart. The main peaks are for Radon-220 daughters at, Pb-212 X-ray (77 kev), Lead Pb-212 (238 keV) and Tl-208 (583 keV).
As you can see there is possibly traces of Iodine I-129 (40 keV?), Lead Pb-210 (47keV), U-235 at (185 keV?), and Beryllium Be-7 (477 keV). The peak between the Be-7 and 511 peak markers is probably a sum peak of the two.
Cesium and I-131 in Australia?
Bobby1’s blog has an alternative detailed analysis of the 6th January rain swab scintillator test I did.
Disclaimer: This is an amateur volunteer run service. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented here, without further research.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, windy
6:10a INT 41.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 46.5 CPM
Thanks Michael. I’ve been able to work the readings into my daily routine so it’s been quite easy. I’m no expert like the others who post here but figured a consistent reading in Simi Valley would be of good historical use.
Here are today’s readings:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, windy
7:10a INT 47.0 CPM
7:20a EXT 52.7 CPM
Sunshine Coast
Year Report for 2013,
Monitoring station location http://sccc.org.au/monitoring/Australian-Map.jpg
A large amount of collected recorded data for 2013 has been correlated. The year average background was 22% above the 4 year pre Fukushima average. This is only a very marginal 1% increase over 2012 year 21% increase.
2013 monthly average chart,
2012 monthly average chart,
January 2013 had the highest monthly increase.
The 2013 year average suggests that at present, the Southern Hemisphere increase at the monitoring location has stabilized, with a very marginal year average increase for 2013.
Rain Water Tests Report for 2013
A lot of rain water and car bonnet swabs were conducted during the year. At the beginning of the year, these Geiger counter and scintillator tests manly detected Radon-222 decay daughter isotope washouts, with traces of Beryllium Be-7, Lead Pb-210, Iodine I-129 and Uranium U-235. In July, traces of Thorium Th-234 were detected, plus in September, Radon-220 decay daughter isotopes were also detected for the first time.
If traces of U-235 were detected, it means a lot more Uranium U-238 was in the atmosphere. The detection of I-129 is also of concern, even if it is in trace amounts.
Testing Results can be found here.
Even though the amounts detected maybe below Government set risk levels, it is suggested that those who are using tank water should have very good water filters in place, and those on town water use a good reverse osmosis water filter. Also wash your fruit and vegetables well before cooking and eating.
A hearty EnviroReporter.com CONGRATULATIONS to Simi Rich and Radiation Station Simi Valley for not only reaching a milestone One Thousand RSSV radiation tests, but obliterating it! Simi Rich has performed 1,072 interior, exterior, rain and other materials tests since December 26, 2012 which is absolutely remarkable. It takes character, fortitude and guts to do what others won’t. Simi Rich is one of those people – a raddie and essential pillar of Team EnviroReporter.
Question for Michael or anyone,
Radiation is naturally greater at higher elevations. When cruising at 36,000 feet does anyone know what the normal backround CPM was prior to Fukushima? I do realize that all the bomb tests, Chernobyl, etc. have contributed to the readings. Thanks.
[Michael Collins: Yes we do. As reported in Winter Hot Zones: The Inspector Alert’s manual reads “When you fly in an air plane at 30,000 feet your rate meter is getting 200 CPM [Counts Per Minute] for anywhere between 2 to 5 hours.” Analysis of our latest readings is coming forthwith. Thanks for the excellent question, George.]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.5 CPM
Hemet, CA 10 min exterior: 41.3
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.3 CPM
November 23, 2013
3:35pm INT SUV CAB RAIN SAMPLE at Furnace Creek Visitors Center parking lot, Death Valley National Park, CA: 1,087 CPM^ WHICH IS 31.5 TIMES BG HIGHER
3:20pm INT SUV CAB BACKGROUND at Furnace Creek Visitors Center parking lot, Death Valley National Park, CA: 34.5 CPM^
10:45am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 49.1 CPM^
November 21, 2013
11:30am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 44.3 CPM^
November 19, 2013
10:30am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 49.5 CPM^
November 16, 2013
9:45am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 42.9 CPM^
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.2 CPM
Thanks Michael. I think I’ll be staying out of airplanes for awhile. Unreal.
January 5, 2014
10:30am CST INT JET north of Four Corners, Navajo Nation @ 30,000′ crusing altitude: ~625 CPM^^ [~20.8 x INT ORD BG HIGHER]
8:45am CST INT JET ~ 36,000′ cruising altitude: 990.1 [33 x INT ORD BG HIGHER]
6:00am CST INT O’Hare Int. Airport ~BG: 30 CPM^^
January 3, 2014
12:10pm EST INT SW MICHIGAN: 41.8 CPM^^
December 31, 2013
11:00am EST INT SW MICHIGAN: 45.7 CPM^^
December 29, 2013
5:54pm EST EXT SW MICHIGAN: 39.2 CPM^^
5:30pm EST INT SW MICHIGAN: 35.6 CPM^^
December 27, 2013
8:50pm EST INT SW MICHIGAN: 39.0 CPM^^
December 24, 2013
3:45pm EST INT SW MICHIGAN: 73.0 CPM^^
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG windy, clear sky
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.5 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with an external reading of 49 cpm 10 minute average.Normal readings on the east side.
Survey meter used: WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500/hp-265 “pancake” probe
So. Lake Tahoe snow at 94 CPM.
Sunshine Coast,
4th January 2014,
December 2013 report
Monitoring Station location
December 2013 day average chart,
The December month average was 36% above the pre Fukushima 4 year average, and 7% below the December 2012 month average. This is an indication that the levels are stabilizing, here in the South Hemisphere at this location.
December 2012 day average chart,
The day average charts are colour coded, green is normal level and yellow is the first alert level set by the station operator, me in this case 🙂 . It is not based on any Government risk level.
Sunshine Coast Monitoring Station Alert level explanation,
General increase here on the East Coast of Australia, 54% above average yesterday.
Also, an increase detected on the North Island of New Zealand. They use a scintillator for monitoring, and around 700 to 750 cpm would be average.
New Zealand Monitoring Station
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
8:00a INT 44.9 CPM
8:10a EXT 52.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a INT 46.0 CPM
8:10a EXT 51.8 CPM
Detection by Toadmac, Melbourne 31st December 2013 – Video of elevated rain swab detection. “Left over rain from tropical storm Christine has my counter excited! Radiation from what?”
Happy New Year everyone!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:20a INT 41.8 CPM
8:30a EXT 48.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:20a INT 46.6 CPM
8:30a EXT 50.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:20a INT 46.0 CPM
8:30a EXT 51.0 CPM
Alaskan Airlines flights cancelled due to mystery illness. More Fukushima radiation at 35,000 feet IMO.
Mystery illness killing bald eagles in western US.
We’ve had recent reports of seals with strange lesions, whales dying, sardines disappearing, fish die offs, and now this. I believe it is due to cesium 137. Their hearts are all enlarged. Imagine if you were a bald eagle being exposed to all the rain, wind, and weather patterns since Fukushima at their elevations. Their immune systems are being destroyed (as will ours eventually) as they are exposed to radioisotopes of all sorts on an almost constant basis. They don’t have a roof over their heads thus their exposure is great and their bodies are small. If they eat fish they are probably getting even higher levels of DNA destroying radiation. God help us… our planet is dying and no one is even talking about this.
Reports of steam coming from the plant in Japan– no bueno.
Hemet, CA exterior: 41.1
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG windy
8:20a INT 48.7 CPM
8:30a EXT 52.8 CPM
“Brief radiation spike on Kauai” on 12/27
I was pointed to this video of a high radiation beach detection.
I was asked to comment on some of the posts, in response to this detection.
I have put the post in quotes here.
“saying it’s radon washout,”
Unlikely, it is in the beach, and it is a sunny day.
“The Geiger counter he is using is crap,”
The inspector brand is considered to be one of the best brands of Geiger counters.
“that this is baseless fear mongering.”
Obviously this person is doing the best with the tools he has.
I noticed there appears to be black sand on the beach in the locations where he gets the high detections.
This could be a deposit of naturally occurring radioactive sand. Black sand on a beach can be contain radioactive materials such as thorium and monazite. This sand can be highly radioactive depending on its concentration. Wave action can concentrate it because it is heavier than normal sand.
Radioactive sand causes mutations in human DNA.
Scintillator testing would confirm if it is a black sand deposit, or something else, or both.
No way of knowing for sure without testing with better equipment.
“@vital1 I do not believe it is the sand because this guy has been taking *historical readings and they were never high there before.”
It may not be the sand in this case causing the high detection, but a possibility.
I had a similar report here in Australia last year. The person sent me a sample for testing.
The test showed it was radioactive black sand, being concentrated in one location on the sandy beach.
It is important that people are aware of the black sand possibility for beach detections.
It could be radioactive material that came from Fukushima collecting on the beach, natural radioactive black sand, or a combination of both.
You need more people with better test equipment in the USA to step forward and test, using equipment that can identify isotopes.
This way you remove any uncertainty.
East Los Angeles checks in with a 10 minute average ambient count of 46 cpm external and 43 cpm internal at 11:50am. Normal activity for this area.
Survey meter used: WB Johnson GSM-500/ Johnson up-265 “pancake” probe
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:30a INT 52.4 CPM
8:40a EXT 53.0 CPM
Hi guys
I live on a boat in marina del Rey, a bit concerned about the situation. I think a move is in order, but where do you go,the southern Hemisphere?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:20a INT 46.0 CPM
8:30a EXT 48.3 CPM
I am seeing reports of high readings on the northern CA coasts, but we are holding steady inland.
Hemet, CA: 10 min exterior 43.3
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG windy
8:10a INT 45.4 CPM
8:20a EXT 52.4 CPM
Merry Christmas to all!!!
East Los Angeles checks in with an external ambient reading of 46 cpm. All normal readings on the east side. This is a 10 minute timed count at 12:35
Internal reading was 43 cpm
Clear sunny skies!!
Survey meter used: Wb Johnson Instruments GSM-500 survey meter/hp-265 “pancake” probe
Merry Christmas to all!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG windy
6:50a INT 47.2 CPM
7:00a EXT 48.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:30a INT 45.2 CPM
6:40a EXT 47.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a INT 50.0 CPM
7:50a EXT 46.0 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with an external reading of 47 cpm and an internal reading of 42 cpm. This was a 10 minute average. All normal on the east side at 8:45pm.
Wb Johnson Instruments GSM-500/hp-265 “pancake” probe
Multiple Flu outbreaks.
We are focused on the radiation detections in food, water and the environment in the radiation conversation EnviroReprter forum. OK, this is important, but I think at this point I would suggest that we all start looking at the larger implications of these detections.
1. There is now a large group of people with compromised immune systems, particularly in the Northern hemisphere.
2. This is a particularly cold Northern Winter.
3. There have been reports of an H7N9 bird flu in China, mainly Hong Kong at present, and now an H1N1 swine flu outbreak in Texas. There are new cases being reported across the U.S
4. We have large numbers of people traveling, and mixing during the holiday season.
All the evidence suggests it would be wise to,
1. Fortify your immune systems, with good food and supplements.
(Clarification regarding “Fortify your immune systems,” I was referring to eating good healthy food, and taking safe supplements etc. Taking immune boosters natural or artificial for some of these flu variants can increase risk, if you become infected. An over reaction by the immune system can create a potential for cytokine storm creation. http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-the-cytokine-storm.htm Hence the need to do research on the subject.)
2. Avoid contact with sick people were possible, plus avoid public places in high risk areas.
3. Research methods on how to prevent infection, good hygiene practices, and disinfection techniques.
4. Have enough food and water provisions in place too, so you can shelter in place, if a major epidemic or pandemic eventuates. The above dynamics have statistically increased the chances of this happening.
This Google service provides information on worldwide flu trends. Click on the Interactive map for information at your location.
PotrBlog has been keeping track of these out breaks and provides independent analysis. If you scroll down through the his blog list, you will find protective measures, plus the latest information on these flu outbreaks.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:50a INT 49.7 CPM
8:00a EXT 52.6 CPM
Pacifica Readings
Taken 19-20/December/2013
Not good news! I have been taking readings around Pacifica, in airplanes, Colorado trips, etc. for over two years now. Thursday I went to a beach I frequent. Because of high tide, I had limited beach to throw the ball for Cricket so I took my Geiger counter with me. The background radiation counts (CPM) average 25-35 around Pacifica. I have fewer readings from Surfer’s Beach but they were close to levels in Pacifica. As I stepped out on the sand about 25 yards from the water’s edge, my alarm on the detector started to beep. I have never had my detector go into alarm before. I went back Friday morning and took more readings. See below. The alarm is set to 99 CPM, roughly x3 over background. A HazMat situation is assumed present when counts go x3 and higher. See my results below. The xBG readings closer to 1 were from the road or parklands immediately adjacent to the beach. The higher readings were at water’s edge. This is disturbing. I need to do more investigation but this is solid evidence something is present in that environment that wasn’t there last week. My detector is kept in a ziplock bag for protection and will not allow reading Alpha waves. The uptick has to be Gamma or Beta, both emitted as Cesium 137 decays into daughter particles. Cesium is what we are looking for from Fukushima as a signature of man-made radiation events.
There is no stopping this thing.
Surfers Beach
33.5 1.12 12/20/2013 9:50:08 AM
110.5 3.68 12/20/2013 9:35:59 AM
179 5.97 12/20/2013 9:30:25 AM
128.5 4.28 12/20/2013 9:22:31 AM
45.2 1.51 12/19/2013 4:01:26 PM sea grass sample
26.5 .88 12/19/2013 9:55:58 AM
28.5 .95 12/19/2013 9:51:06 AM
130 4.33 12/19/2013 9:41:53 AM
76.2 2.54 12/19/2013 9:34:28 AM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:10a INT 46.9 CPM
8:20a EXT 55.1 CPM
Observations of visible FALLOUT Phenomenon via the Fukushima web cam.
These screen shots compiled by user majia.
Dec 20, 2013 – https://www.dropbox.com/s/gdd7i30qspio0dw/December%2020.pdf
1. What looks like ‘possible’ plasma interactions with large metal objects.
2. Rust colored raindrops or dirty snow. Thick fallout on the cam lens.
A general observation from the Sierra Nevada foothills of California. Tulare County.
I have to mention this for what it’s worth.
(For future historical documentation purposes.)
IMO – Over the last couple of weeks and more specifically over the last several days I have noticed the lack of early morning bird songs. Almost none! An eerie quiet. Except for woodpeckers and a few blue jays later in the day.
I live in the mountains, I used to wake up to birds chirping loudly every day. I think something has changed.
* From commenter Liz mar 21 2011, at EnviroReporter.com
“Our task to work for the curtailment of nuclear energy is large, indeed. At times, it feels even daunting, although urgently necessary. But before sallying forth to do battle where battle should be done, it is always wise to begin with a survey of our own tiny, individual contribution to the problem. No matter how “Green” we all might try to be, how often do we really “unplug” and listen to the still, small voice of a BIRD in the garden? No nuclear power plant was ever needed to supply energy to create such a simple, perfect miracle.” – Liz
I am listening right now Liz, but I’m no longer hearing their songs like before. 🙁
North American Bird Sounds:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.1 CPM
Does the fairly quick decay in rain samples mean that much of the elevated counts are due to radon or could it be something else?
December 19, 2013
6:25pm INT BG RSSM SAME CALABASAS RAIN SAMPLE: 48.0 CPM which means rain sample decayed to background after six hours (or maybe less time)
6:15pm INT BG Radiation Station Santa Monica: 50.3 CPM
11:30am INT BG EnviroReporter.com vehicle RAIN in Calabasas CA: 56.3 CPM^^ WHICH IS 30.1% ABOVE BG
11:15am INT BG EnviroReporter.com vehicle in Calabasas CA: 42.9 CPM^^
[Editor: Note how Radiation Stations Santa Monica and Glendale detected nearly identical rain sampling numbers and decay.]
Rain sample #1 Glendale,CA: 53.0 CPM, background at 40.6 CPM
Rain sample #2 Glendale,CA: 80.8 CPM, background at 40.6 CPM
Both samples were collected directly on a paper towel standing in a container 2 feet above the ground. The first sample is 31% over background, the second, taken 1 hour later is 99% over background. I’ve used a paper shield and aluminum foil shield on the second sample. The reading is 73.0 and 63.6 CPM respectively. Ten minute averages were taken to determine all CPM statistics.
Update: rain sample from Hemet decayed to 45.8– background.
Rain soaked paper towel, tested 10 min indoors in Hemet, CA:
BG is < 45.
Will retest sample in 1-2 hours and report back.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
6:10a INT 47.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.7 CPM
Japan’s radioactive black dirt, black stains, and black puddles explained, see 29:28 into the video.
If you want to know how Black mushrooms can protect your GI tract against radiation sickness jump to 34:54 into the video.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
6:10a INT 50.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.5 CPM
I’m so happy that people on this thread keep monitoring for fallout — because the news from Japan is getting more ominous.
Cesium levels are rising in their forests…
… and real victims are coming forward with real cancers:
The Japanese are protesting but there protest leaders are being jailed.
Prof. Masaki Shimoji
He was Jailed for 21 days because he was speaking out against the way the Japanese government is handling the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster – burning debris, hiding test results, etc.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds, breezy
6:10a INT 45.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, breezy
6:10a INT 47.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.9 CPM
To beef up our children’s radiation exposure our fine schools have decided to irradiate every classroom our children sit in 6 hours a day, 5 days a week by installing WiFi. Michael, I’m not sure if you allow petitions but I thought this was an important one. Thanks!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, windy
7:10a INT 47.8 CPM
7:20a EXT 51.2 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in this morning with 10 minute ambient average at 6:45am. Probe 5 feet off ground. A little windy with 52F.
External- 40 cpm
Internal- 36 cpm
All normal readings on the east side
WB Johnson GSM-500 survey meter/HP-265 “pancake”
East Los Angeles checks in with 47 cpm. External 10 minute ambient average. Normal range.
45 cpm internal. Also normal. Nice clear skies.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500/Johnson hp-265 “pancake”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:20a INT 46.7 CPM
7:30a EXT 52.9 CPM
A 30 second video I put together using an audio clip from my latest album.
I remember coming to this site near the end of March 2011. My band had been rehearsing at a studio and we had to move equipment through the rain. I can clearly remember wondering how long the Fallout conditions would continue.
I guess now I know. 🙁
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.6 CPM
Alert detection 116uR/hr, South San Francisco on Blackcat systems, stations near it are not showing alert levels?
Screen shot
The San Francisco EnviroReporter EPA monitor is not showing anything at present either.
[Editor: EnviroReporter.com does not endorse any pay-to-see-the-data private radiation monitoring websites because of inaccuracies and the mandatory fee-paying. Our Radiation Stations and US EPA RadNet Data are not only free but accurate as well. This comment demonstrates this.]
What you can do to reduce levels of radiological contamination.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, windy
6:10a INT 49.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.7 CPM
Southern Hemisphere rain swab and rain water tests, for November 2013.
Sunshine Coast,
Station Location,
Why we can get detections so far south.
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
This test chart is from the roof down pipe filter,
that was in place all November.
Just a couple of showers and storms for November at this location, not much rain mainly dry.
Scintillator testing shows the most significant peaks were for radioactive Lead Pb-210 and Beryllium Be-7 isotopes, plus a small trace of Uranium U-235.
The rain swab collected on the 30th November and tested on the 31st, was interesting in that there were significant detections of both Radon-222 and Radion-220, plus possibly a trace amount of Cobalt Co-57.
Hemet, CA exterior: 42.4
Explosion @ Arkansas Nuclear,
Memphis, Tn to New Madrid, Mo areas of concern.
NRC activates Incident Response- claims SAFE
ThyroSafe Shortage: Gov Orders 14 MILLION Children’s Doses, maybe headed to Pacific Rim.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, breezy
6:10a INT 44.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.6 CPM
Thanks so much Michael. Looks like a very nice unit.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG mostly clear sky
8:20a INT 44.8 CPM
8:30a EXT 51.4 CPM
@Michael: thank you for clearing this up for me. If a future rain sample is high, then I will try to take another reading without alpha for comparison.
Thanks for the kind words. I’m really just a creature of habit and have a schedule in the morning that allows for me to take these tests. I’m happy to contribute because I’m just as concerned as everyone else that reads your incredible website. Thank you for all that you do!
@SimiRich: You aren’t ignorant in the least so pardon me if it came off that way! You indeed are counting right but if you’re going to bring up alpha, I would suggest putting something between your Inspector and the sample to tell us if you are cutting any radiation down (reducing the count) so we would know how much alpha might be in it. That would require another 10-minute test which might not be worth the hassle unless the sample tests hot. Otherwise, there’s no need to mention alpha because we know you’re already detecting alpha, beta and gamma.
Denise Anne and I can’t thank you enough, SimiRich, for your incredible and accurate testing run. You have just passed 1,000 tests with over 1,007 samples and detections to Radiation Station Simi Valley‘s credit!
Michael – please excuse my ignorance in using the incorrect terminology. When I took the 10 minutes test, there was nothing between the rain soaked paper towel and the pancake tube of my Inspector Alert allowing alpha radiation to be counted. Please let me know if I should be using different terminology for future readings.
@george: Forgive my tardiness in replying but I definitely recommend the new version of the Inspector by IMI International Medcom. It’s called the Inspector Alert and we heartily endorse this superb V2-version of this famous nuclear radiation monitor.
Some major features: The V2 accesses the timer through the 3 push button switches on the end panel. There is no slide switch so the interface is simpler. At the end of timed counting period push the set button for automatic calculation of average CPM rate. The V2 also has uSv/hr – CPM option. Two clicks to activate Alert feature or disable it, so less chance of that happening accidentally. One year warranty on GM tube and two years on everything else.
I would jump on this incredible machine before Unit 4’s spent fuel pool goes kablooey when the Japanese get around to trying to remove the damaged rods. Remember the rush on Geiger counters after 11 March 2011? Round Two of Goo will dwarf that. Now’s the season to treat yourself and your family to knowing what’s hot and what’s not in your food, drink, air, water and so much more.
December 7, 2013
11:15am INT RAIN SAMPLE RSSM: 45.0 CPM^ = BACKGROUND/NORMAL but also illustrates that as we reported in Beta Watch, radon progeny/daughters do NOT impact Radiation Station Santa Monica rain/HEPA dust readings or they would have shown up in this sampling and detecting.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy/drizzle
6:50a INT 47.5 CPM
7:00a EXT 55.3 CPM
7:10a INT Paper towel rain sample w/alpha 84.4 CPM
[Editor: Though we aren’t sure what “w/alpha” means for this rain reading, the measurement of this SIMI VALLEY RAIN is 52.6% ABOVE BACKGROUND]
7:20a INT iPhone 4s glass test 61.3 CPM
The phone was in standby mode w/no activity
The cause of the 2011 Japanese Tohoku earthquake’s large movement in shallow subduction zone, may portend similar risk for the Pacific Northwest. http://news.discovery.com/earth/rocks-fossils/slippery-clay-at-fault-in-2011-japan-earthquake-131206.htm Another wakeup call for better risk assessment of reactor sites. Of course, historical records of large earthquakes and tsunamis in the Tohoku region, did not seem to deter the placement of Japanese nuclear plants.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.5 CPM
6:30a INT iPad 2nd Gen glass test 101.8 CPM
My wife’s 1st generation I-pad tested 100cpm on contact on glass on 10 minute count. Nothing on back. Did test inside. Background level was the usual 46 cpm at 9:30pm. Anybody else has seen this???
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.5 CPM
Accidental, and surprising detection of radioactivity in lead solder! (Preliminary Report)
I was sent this email from a person informing me about an accidental and surprising detection of radioactivity in lead solder that this person had purchased in Australia.
Email 18th October 2013,
“Had my roll of electrical solder come close to my SBT 10, and started getting counts – Bloody great – tested it with my LND 7317 and averaged ~400cpm. Im doing a few more tests with sheet of paper, etc and will send a chart with results and maybe send a sample of the solder to Peter to try and see what the . is going on. Perhaps dirty lead?…”
I received the first 12 gram sample late on the 30th of October, and started testing immediately. It took a while to complete multiple tests, plus do research on the test results. In my opinion the sample tests showed the lead solder to be significantly radioactive.
On the 8th November I contacted the company that had sold this brand of solder roll here in Australia. I spoke to the Australian product manager. I did this to inform the company of the detection, plus to provide the company with the opportunity to do further investigations into how wide spread and significant this contamination was. The product manager requested a sample for further assessment and testing, which I posted to him on the afternoon of the 8th of November 2013.
Later that afternoon a more senior representative phoned me, and freely volunteered the information that this solder was manufactured in China from recycled electronic circuit boards. They had been dealing with this Chinese supplier for over twenty years, and had not had any problems with this product before.
They said they would be transparent in their dealings with this detection, and provide feedback. I was sent a replacement roll of solder with a different product name, and it tested clean.
I phoned product manager on the 26th of November and was informed they were still waiting on the test results. When I heard nothing back from them, I rang on the 2nd of December 2013 to find out if the test results had been received yet. I spoke to the project manager again. He conveyed to me,
1. The test results had not been received yet.
2. The information conveyed to him, by the scientist doing the testing was it was mainly radioactive lead that was detected. He pointed out there was radioactive lead all around us in the environment, and in all lead. So it was unlikely that this contamination detection would be an issue.
In our discussion I pointed out that three contaminated rolls had now been detected in Australia by different people. (four now) In my opinion, the amount of radioactive contamination was significant, and way above what you would normally find in normal lead solder products.
Here is a Geiger counter test of 250 grams of a different brand of lead solder. This is solder roll sent as a replacement for the contaminated roll. As you can see from the test chart, it is at background level. This is how lead solder you purchase should test!
Now compare that test to the test of 64 grams of lead solder, taken off the contaminated roll.
There is a very large and obvious difference between the test results of normal solder, and the contaminated roll. Here is a more scientific long average Geiger counter tested conducted in the same background environment, for comparison.
I now have lots of reports from people who have tested a broad range of solder brands. So far, the contaminated detections are restricted to four rolls of this brand purchased in Australia. A contact in New Zealand has reported a clean test for newly purchased solder, including the brand in question.
Email Report: ( I have removed the company and product information from this email )
Hi Peter,
I popped into the branch in Wellington yesterday and bought a 200g roll. I also bought small samples of the 1.0mm version and their lead-less solder.
I then wandered up to the university and found a professor who works on such things. He placed the samples in front of his handy survey meter. There was no sign of radioactivity above the existing background.
This morning I’ve put them in front of my scintillator. Readings decreased by about 10%, perhaps due to the shielding effect of the lead.
All the best,
This evidence now suggests the contaminated solder is restricted to a batch sold in Australia. This is not conclusive. Unfortunately there does not appear to be any batch information provided on the product labeling.
My opinion
The radioactive contaminated lead solder could present a health risk under these circumstances.
1. If you didn’t wash your hands well after use, or touched other objects before washing your hands. Yes, I know, you should do this even if it was just plain lead solder.
2. Lead X-ray fluorescence, plus the significant amount Beta radiation released, could also be an issue if enough of it was in close proximity, eg. a wearable electronic device, or stored in large amounts.
3. Adults and children potentially breathing in volatilized contaminants on melting when soldering.
My big concern is children using this contaminated solder, when working on hobby electronics projects. Their greater potential for hand to mouth contact, and breathing in volatilized contaminants.
I have no idea how widely this contaminated lead may have been distributed. Has it been used in the manufacture of other electronic devices, or products that use lead? More investigation is needed to establish if this is the case. If you were building a Geiger counter kit or scintillator equipment using this solder, it would contaminate your project. At present, I would suggest anyone who uses lead solder for electronic projects to test it before use.
From the information conveyed to me at present, the company’s interpretation of the hazard appears to be different from mine.
At this point I and others have contacted the relevant Government regulators in both Australia and New Zealand. Health and safety complaint forms have been submitted to inform the authorities of the detections. We will have to wait and see what the outcomes are from this process. I will submit a more detail report once this process is complete.
The major issue here is Nuclear waste getting into the manufacturing process through poor control, regulation, and corruption. That everyone is a victim when this happens, manufacturer, distributor and consumer, plus the environment. These consumer goods will end up in land fills!
Test before use, would be the wisest action at present.
More Detailed Test Results
Because the first sample sent to me was sent to the manufacturer for further analysis, my contact sent me a larger 64 gram sample for further testing.
A Theremino Geiger counter Kit, + Russian SBT-10 pancake tube, was used for Geiger counter testing. The solder sample was in a zip locked plastic bag during testing. The lead in the solder would offer some self shielding.
This sample was from the original 200 gram solder roll. The Geiger counter testing of this lead solder detected mostly beta, a significant Alpha presence, plus a small amount of Gamma.
Gamma + Beta test result
1.6 uSv/hr
Geiger counter test chart shows that there was very little Gamma radiation detected, when an Aluminum Beta shield was in place.
This Alpha test was done by another person with different equipment. Alpha test chart of the solder using a LND 7317 pancake probe. Unshielded 532cpm, with a piece of paper between solder sample and probe 332cpm. So approximately 200 cpm was Alpha Radiation 532 – 332.
The main peaks in the scintillator testing appear to be for radioactive Lead Pb-210 at 46 keV and Lead X-ray fluorescence. The “Americium Am-241 ?” maker in this chart is not confirmed, and has a considerable amount of uncertainty associated with it. We will have to wait for the company’s final report.
Here is a MCA Theremino software chart of a 64 gram sample of the lead solder.
The best suggestion at present for the peak around 21 keV, is the X-ray fluorescence of another metal in the solder, eg., Rhodium, Palladium or Silver.
For further information and technical discussion on the radioactive lead solder detection, go to this Gamma Spectacular forum.
Disclaimer: This is an amateur volunteer run service. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented here, without further research.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 51.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.3 CPM
Alive and well here. Legal matters going on for last month +… Since my last report 11/12… been only 2 showers of any significance… Both have been just under 2x background and some outside air tests have been around average thus NO reports. I think 2014 may change this downward trend though. Hope Everyone is doing well………..
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.3 CPM
Michael or anyone… I’m considering the purchase of a personal rad monitor and would like to know which products you might recommend. Mazur has a good looking model in their 9000 for under $600. How does this unit compare with the Inspector? Are they both accurate for alpha, beta, and gamma readings? I’m most concerned with food, water, and air (backround) readings. Also concerned about my water filters in my RO under sink system. Thanks so much.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:30a INT 51.5 CPM
8:40a EXT 48.9 CPM
East Los Angeles at 10:15am
External ambient 10 minute average 45 cpm.Probe 4 feet above ground. Normal for this area.
Backyard soil sample 10 minute average got 70 cpm. Probe on contact looking at beta and gamma only. Normal reading for soil sample.
Wb Johnson gsm-500 survey meter/HP-265
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a INT 50.2 CPM
7:50a EXT 47.1 CPM
East Los Angeles external background check at 3:55pm came back at 50 cpm probe 4 feet above ground. Overall within normal range for this area. Actually on the high end of the normal range for this area. Cloudy with more possible rain.
Active rain in east los Angeles.
Here are the readings for this morning shower. These are 10 minute averages
Interior background-45 cpm-normal
Car window wipe test rain sample 210 cpm. Probe in plastic bag so only looking at beta and gamma rays. Looks like radon progeny on the east side. This test was conducted at 10:30am.
[Editor: Rain progeny which does affect East Los Angeles can measure up to one to two times background. This sample is 3.67 times background HIGHER and should be considered HOT.]
Some light rain fell so I set out a paper towel for a sample.
Background an hour earlier was 44.7 CPM
[Editor: This rain reading is 40.3% HIGHER THAN BACKGROUND]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
8:10a INT 44.7 CPM
8:20a EXT 47.9 CPM
@george: Thank you for the kind wishes which we enjoin to wish all a happy Thanksgiving! Our research and reporting show that indeed radioactivity can be re-suspended in the air through evaporation and ocean mist churned up by ocean chop. It also will remain in residue such as in the paper towels we used to sample it in Death Valley. Note that we put up two more Death Valley radiation rain videos of sampling and testing at Badwater and Stovepipe Wells. These new videos, as well as the two previous ones, are at https://www.enviroreporter.com/2013/11/boreas-storm-packs-radioactive-punch/ with more to come! Tell us what you think in article comments, george! And, again, happy Thanksgiving and don’t be depressed by this information: be determined to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Happy Thanksgiving to all as well. Michael those readings from Death Valley are unbelievably high. I’m curious but when the rainwater evaporates does that radioactivity evaporate with it or does it stay in the ground? I don’t see how we will survive this onslaught. There is nowhere to hide. Very depressing.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
8:00a INT 46.9 CPM
8:10a EXT 48.6 CPM
Hector, re: the east LA readings — was that right after the big rainstorm last week? Because the really high radiation recorded by Michael Collins in the Boreas storm samples (the post just below yours) make me think you may have been picking up radioactive residue from the recent storm. What do you think? Can you take another sample after the next storm?
The radiation readings from Winter Storm Boreas are truly shocking, Michael. You’ve been saying this would happen; now it’s here, the Fukushima meltdown in all its radioactive glory. People are so excited that we’re finally getting rain (I’m in the Bay Area), but it’s TOXIC. I wish the pro-nuke shills all over the internet would examine these readings with open minds. Maybe they’d shill a little less for nukes, and shill a little more for just turning off the god-damned lights when they leave a room.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a INT 47.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 58.1 CPM
Wow Hector that is surprisingly high. Do you mind repeating that at some time? Thanks.
80 cpm in east los angeles with probe on ground.(dirt) Probe inside baggie so only looking at beta and gamma. This was a 10 minute average. Looks like natural sources probably thorium and natural uranium in soil.
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute average. External 47 cpm at 4:15pm. Normal range. Probe 4 feet above ground. A little cloudy.
WB JOHNSON GSM-500/hp-265
November 23, 2013
3:35pm INT SUV CAB RAIN SAMPLE at Furnace Creek Visitors Center parking lot, Death Valley National Park, CA: 1,087 CPM^ WHICH IS 31.5 TIMES BG HIGHER
3:20pm INT SUV CAB BACKGROUND at Furnace Creek Visitors Center parking lot, Death Valley National Park, CA: 34.5 CPM^
November 21, 2013
11:30am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 44.3 CPM^
November 19, 2013
10:30am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 49.5 CPM^
November 16, 2013
9:45am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 42.9 CPM^
10 min exterior, Hemet, CA: 48.8
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
8:10a INT 47.6 CPM
8:20a EXT 53.2 CPM
24th November 2013
Station location
Alert – On the 23rd it was 46% above the 4 year pre Fukushima day average for this location. What do these local alert levels mean, and how are they determined?
These alert levels are set by the station operator, and are not based on any government alert level.
Here is last years November day average chart for comparison.
Large cloud masses where flowing from the tropics from around Darwin to the East Coast of Australia, during this period. This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
It is suggested that during these periods of elevated free air background radiation detections, it would be wise to stay out of the rain. Here you will find local rain tests results explained in detail, plus why it is suggested to stay out of the rain during these elevated detection events.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG windy and high clouds
7:30a INT 50.7 CPM
7:40a EXT 49.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG windy and high clouds
6:10a INT 47.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.0 CPM
Thanks Kim and SimiRich for those rain samples. It keeps all of us informed.
Rain sample from Hemet CA tested 10 minutes: 49.4
Not too much above background, but a bit.
[Editor: The rain was from the same Boreas winter storm system EnviroReporter.com reported on November 25 in Boreas Storm Packs Radioactive Punch. Without taking a background reading, it is impossible to know whether this sample was impacted by man-made radiation.]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky but no rain
6:10a INT 43.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.3 CPM
We finally received some rain…
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG
[Editor: The rain sample is 22% above background which is higher than the +/- 15% margin of error for Simi Rich’s nuclear radiation monitor making the measurement valid. The rain was from the same Boreas winter storm system EnviroReporter.com reported on November 25 in Boreas Storm Packs Radioactive Punch.]
10 minute exterior in Hemet, CA: 41.9
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 47.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.1 CPM
Dear Mr. Collins,
I just visited the rense website and read that your house was invaded by someone while you were asleep. They apparently stacked your shoes in a peculiar manner perhaps as a warning of some kind. Is this true? I find this very difficult to believe but psyops happen often in America. This is very strange but troubling to say the least. Hoping all is well.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 51.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.1 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with 45 cpm external at 2:50pm. Clear skies. This is a 10 minute timed test. Probe at ground level.
ALERT: Unusual Increase In Airborne Radioactivity, Saint Louis
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:10a INT 50.4 CPM
8:20a EXT 48.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
8:10a INT 47.0 CPM
8:20a EXT 51.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:20a INT 48.2 CPM
7:30a EXT 48.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.1 CPM
Sunshine Coast
14th November 2013
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
Here is the 24 hour data chart for the 13th November. Notice that there are hardly any peaks above 0.2 uSv/hr and yet the 24 average is 39.49% above average. Peak watching does not necessarily convey the true situation. An extra 1.0 uSv hour for one day is significant.
It is hot and dry here at present, so this is a free air detection, not a Radon rain washout event.
What does a 40% increase in background radiation mean at my location.
Our local 4 year pre Fukushima nuclear disaster local background level average was 0.1 uSv/hr. A 40% increase in a day average detection here means that we receive approximately a 0.96 uSv hour increase in background radiation, for that day above average.
To put it another way, if the 40% increase in a day average was condensed into a one hour event, it would show on a Geiger counter as approximately 1.06 uSv/hr detection for one hour. (40% increase = 0.96 uSv hour + 0.1 uSv/hr local average = 1.06 uSv/hr)
Each 40% increase in the local background level here represents an additional ~1 uSv hour increase for that day.
I have set the colour coded Alert levels at the Sunshine Coast monitoring station here, to 40% increases.
You really need long term data recording and analysis of local background radiation levels, to clearly determine what is happening in any location. Monitoring station spot peak observations and alerts are helpful, but not good enough to fully understand what is happening. Average background increases can mean you are cumulatively getting a far bigger radiation dose, than from a short term peak detection.
If you are interested in trying your hand at charting here are some basics.
There is also information on charting in the free Geiger counter guide.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.5 CPM
ALERT! Airborne #Radioactive YELLOWCAKE Leak In Richland, Washington
Rain has been very scarce for sometime. Below is a report on a leak/temp.close down of the OCONEE NUKE Plant in South Carolina just SW of me…. Many of my High readings in past year ++ is where showers were traveling from SW to NE directly over Harrisburg here…….?????….Hmm….I Wonder how long that leak has existed??
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a INT 49.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.2 CPM
Thank you Michael.
Here is November’s day average chart for my location in the Southern Hemisphere.
Very steady for four days from the 6th to 9th, and then significant increases on the 10th and 11th November to over 30% + in day averages.
From observation most of the increases occur here, when we get Northerly winds from the tropics.
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
@george: Perhaps Simi Valley’s substantially higher background than Glendale has to do with the proximity of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory which suffered at least three partial meltdowns during its history. Today, cleanup of the site at the headwaters of the Los Angeles River is threatened by a corrupt government agencies, a polluter spending serious resources to lower the standards of cleanup and a small group of greenwashing astroturfers we exposed in Boeing’s Meltdown Makeover. Yes, three times background is a level determined as a HazMat situation by the California Highway Patrol as reported by EnviroReporter.com.
Hello again. I have a question that I hope someone will be able to answer. Are the readings I’m seeing for Glendale normal for backround? They are usually between 30 – 36 CPM or so. I see Simi Valley has been much higher on average… around 48 – 52 CPM. Is this still considered normal? I read somewhere that 100 CPM or higher was a Hazmat emergency. How true is this? I’m obviously not versed in nuclear tech or engineering but a very concerned citizen. Thanks for all that you do.
@Vital1, do weather patterns tie your recent increase in radioactive detections back to the geographic starting point of Typhoon Haiyan?
On of the worst Tornado seasons we ever had in the USA lined up well with the fallout burst from Fukushima, makes me wonder if the size / power of Haiyan might also be so correlated.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
8:20a INT 48.4 CPM
8:30a EXT 48.3 CPM
Hi my name is Julian. I am a 66 year old gentleman very concern to the terrible issue of radiation. Thanks for this information.
Yesterday, 10 min Hemet, CA exterior: 48.8
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a INT 47.3 CPM
8:10a EXT 49.7 CPM
Hello Everyone,
I’ve never posted here but I visit the site almost daily. I’m very thankful for the live readings ever since Fukushima. I am very worried about our future. The corium of those reactors are underground and will release their rads into the Pacific ocean for millions of years via the aquifers flowing into the ocean. If not sufficiently cooled they could still explode if they reach the water table. God what a mess. The Japanese are about to start removing the spent fuel from SFP#4. This is another danger to the world although they may be sufficiently cooled to not spontaneously combust if exposed to air. I also understand that new unused rods are in the pool but these are apparently less dangerous. New rods are stored in warehouses out of water all over the country with no combustion. Zeolites might be a wise supplemental choice for us. They can help detox heavy metals and radioactive particles from our bodies safely. Nascient iodine might also be a wise choice in small doses so we won’t uptake radioactive iodine instead. Love to all. Wash your fruits and veggies well before eating.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.1 CPM
2 exteriors in Hemet today. First was 56.8, so I moved locations and retested half an hour later. Second test was 45.1.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.5 CPM
Alert level 1202 uR/hr Fukushima Japan on Blackatsystems, this is not the Nuclear Plant, but appears to be Fukushima city.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 48.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.4 CPM
Sunshine Coast,
October 2013 Local Background Radiation Report
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
October 2013 month average was 25% above the 4 year pre-Fukushima October average, and 6% above October 2012.
October 24 hour day average chart,
Month average chart for 2013,
Month average chart for 2012,
Previous reports can be found here,
10 min exterior, Hemet, CA: 46.4
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a INT 51.8 CPM
8:10a EXT 52.5 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in at 10:15am
External readings 10 minute average 42cpm with sunny clear skies
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500 with gm pancake probe 3 feet off ground.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a INT 49.3 CPM
8:10a EXT 54.5 CPM
Hemet, CA 10 min exterior 43.1
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.6 CPM
10 min exterior in Hemet, CA: 46.8
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 51.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.0 CPM
10 min exterior in Hemet, CA: 49.4
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.3 CPM
North Island New Zealand report update – All the evidence is suggesting that the recent Blackcatsystems detection was genuine.
From a contact on the North Island of New Zealand. They had just arrived back from overseas.
“I had usually high readings averaging .47 micro SV yesterday 28th” It was located at One Tree Hill (which is a former Volcano in Auckland), it was there all day. No Cel Phones in vicinity…”
This person is using a Gamma Scout Geiger counter.
This was from another contact of theirs.
“Contacted one other here in North Island around Auckland and they also noted unusually high readings (they knew something was up) the past three days but today its back to normal current background.”
North Island New Zealand 26th and 27th – Can’t confirm if it is a station malfunction, or a genuine elevated detection. This North Island New Zealand monitoring station had elevated detections on Blackcatsystems on the 26th and 27th.
The monitoring station has since been taken down by Blackcatsystems. During this event two other private monitoring stations, located on the North Island of New Zealand, did not show any significant elevation in background radiation levels.
Screen Shots,
Still elevated on the 27th,
I had elevated background detections on the 24th October, at my location on the central east coast of Australia. This air flow picture shows that air mass which passed over my location, hit the North Island of new Zealand on the 25th / 26th.
On the 24th October the day average background at my location was 38% above the 4 year pre-Fukushima average.
Report here,
October 28, 2013
8:45am INT BG: 49.9 CPM^
Rain in Hemet, collected on a paper towel, tested in doors 10 minutes.
46.2, background
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 50.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.4 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:10a INT 49.3 CPM
8:20a EXT 56.1 CPM
10 min exterior in Hemet, CA (Riverside county, roughly between Palm Springs, San Diego and Ontario airport)
East Los Angeles clear sky. 10 minute intergrate average at 10:45am. External readings
47 cpm-normal range(gm pancake probe) @ 5 feet off ground
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:35a INT 52.3 CPM
8:45a EXT 49.4 CPM
10 min exterior in Hemet, CA: 52.5
Definitely higher than normal, which is low 40s.
Illinois, USA
This location is 35 miles South-West from downtown Chicago, IL
Inspector Geiger Counter, Measures alpha, beta, gamma.
53.4 CPM on 10 min. timed count outside 3 feet off the ground, open air.
Average background radiation for this area is 36 CPM.
Readings are slightly elevated but nothing to worry about right now. 100 CPM is considered alert level but I always like to add that it means to start figuring out why a reading is high. It is time to worry when you get 100 CPM or over for a series of days.
For Comparison the highest reading I have taken was on August 2, 2012 after a release event from Fukushima that people were detecting across the USA. The reading was 72.6 CPM.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 47.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.7 CPM
Sunshine Coast
25th October 2013
Monitoring Station Location
Yesterday’s day average was 38% above the 4 year pre Fukushima day average. It is dry and windy here at present, so this is a free air detection increase, not a radon washout event. It is suggested that if it does rain, to stay out of it.
Local long term data can be found here.
Alert Level detection Hawaii on Blackcatsystems monitoring map yesterday, was 157 uR/hr, presently at 155 uR/hr
I looked at other monitoring networks with stations on the Hawaii islands, and could not see a any corresponding increased detections.
This netc monitoring system screen shot on Bobby1’s blog indicates a general increase in background across the west coast of the USA on the 24th.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 46.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG foggy conditions
6:10a INT 47.5 CPM
EXT was on a plastic, dew covered chair
Alert level at San Bernardino on the Netc network
Significant detection Hawaii on Blackcatsystems,
POTRBLOG Reverse Engineers U.S. Radiological Disaster CONOPS & Identifies Nuclear Threats
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a INT 54.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.5 CPM
On Saturday October 19th 2013 [a large group of] people gathered at Ocean Beach in San Francisco and formed a human banner that said Fukushima Is Here.
Fukushima Is Here (sky photo)
by D Boyer
Note the bridge in the background.
Article with photos:
😉 Why wasn’t this on the evening news?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:50a EXT 50.5 CPM
7:00a INT 53.1 CPM
Strangely at the same time, all the European Blackcatsystems monitoring stations are down at present. System malfunction?
Alert Level Eastern Hokkaido Japan on Blackcat systems.
Screen Shot,
Blackcat systems, click on the International map, and drag to see Japan.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:30a INT 48.6 CPM
6:40a EXT 53.3 CPM
Finding a hot fragment of Chernobyl’s spent fuel…
Amazing how radioactive such a small piece can be.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 44.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.4 CPM
A person on another forum found the source of the Infowars Iodine product here.
It says on this page,
Contains raw, certified-USP grade iodine derived from all-natural deep-sea vegetable sources, including kelp.
This information raises questions.
1. Where are the all-natural deep-sea vegetable sources, including kelp harvested?
2. Is it tested for radioactive contaminants including Iodine isotopes like I-129, which has a half life of 15.7 million years.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly overcast sky
8:40a EXT 51.1 CPM
8:50a INT 45.0 CPM
Sunshine Coast
September Report
Monitoring Location
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
The significant Isotopes detected in rain water tests during the month were Radon-222, Radon-220, Iodine I-129, Lead, Pb-210, Beryllium Be-7 and Uranium-235. If Uranium U-235 is present, even in trace amounts, it means a lot more Uranium 238 is also present. Uranium U-238 can’t be directly detected by the Gamma Scintillator equipment used for testing, as it is mainly an Alpha emitter.
Local Background Radiation Report
It was very dry in September with storms passing through on the 17th. The September 2013 month average was 2% above September 2012, and 15% above the pre Fukushime 4 year average. This means most of the detected local background increase was from free air detections, and had nothing to do with possible radon washouts.
September Day Averages
You can see that the chart became much more dynamic towards the middle of September. This dynamic has occurred in previous years, and correlates with more Northern tropical air breaking through the equatorial barrier, in the warmer months and generally peaking in December, January, February and March.
2013 Monthly averages
2012 Monthly averages
Full report on September rain event.
The fact that I-129 appears to be present in lots of recent tests, it begs the question, is it important to be taking a non contaminated dietary Iodine supplements to try to block the uptake of I-129?
* Everyone is different, and taking extra Iodine may be a risk for some people. On the other hand, under these circumstances, it may be the best thing for the majority.
We really need some expert medical advice on this subject. I see Infowars has come out with an Iodine supplement. Ask if they have tested their product for possible radioactive Iodine contamination, before considering purchasing this product.
I have no financial interest in this product. I have only put the links here for information purposes, and suggest you do further research before you consider purchasing any iodine supplement.
Disclaimer: This is an amateur volunteer run service. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented here, without further research.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:40a INT 46.3 CPM
6:50a EXT 50.7 CPM
Alert Level Spearfish, SD ~ 3,648 feet ~ PRM-9000
Elapsed Minutes 353 ~ Total Counts 27,013
Average CPM 76
Minimum CPM 49
Maximum CPM 107
Beginning time 10/11/13 12:10:49 PM
Ending time 10/11/13 06:03:57 PM EST
Report From
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.1 CPM
Radon progeny???
10 minute paper towel wipe test conducted indoors.
75 cpm. 7 miles east of los Angeles at 6:00pm
WB Johnson GSM 500 and pancake probe
Light rain falling in Hemet, CA.
Paper towel swipe off car, tested inside for 10 minutes: 52.5
Normal seems to be low 40s around here.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.2 CPM
12.2 uSv/hr is displayed as a Geiger counter detection on this Japanese commuter train, at around one minute 25 seconds into this video. This is just MADNESS CARRYING ON AS IF NOTHING IS WRONG AT THESE DETECTION LEVELS on public transport services!
HELP NEEDED : “The Lonely train Goes On as the Children of Fukushima rail toward darkness”
Finally got some rain late this morning. Overcast/gray sky 20 min shower fron W to E…
1… 147.7 cpm @ 10:06 am
2… 29.5 cpm background @ 10:17 am
3… 5 X background
This morning I watched a report about Malibu High School where 1/3 of the teachers are sick. (60 teachers)
Note: unexplainable hair loss, skin rashes, bladder cancer, and several respiratory illnesses, persistent migraines, thyroid cancer and other issues
No mention or any detail regarding the health of the students. (?) I would think recent graduates should also be considered too.
I cannot believe that nobody is asking the BIG questions.
FALLOUT from Fukushima?
Maybe it blew in from the sea as ‘buckyballs’ or fell as rain?
Perhaps the school lunch menu is serving tuna with milk?
“A concerned group has hired environmental consultants to try to find the source of skin diseases, thyroid cancers and other serious maladies.”
😉 Currently placing blame on pesticides.
Because it’s a small high school the ‘control group’ of test subjects is easy to determine. If your neighborhood had the same issue you would never know, most people don’t even talk to their neighbors.
I get the gut feeling this is not an isolated case. This scenario may start repeating thousands of times.
I live in a small town (2000) and my personal observation, here in the foothills of central California, is that there is an unusual number of serious maladies.
Maybe the CDC should look into this if the government shutdown ever ends.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 47.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.4 CPM
No meaningful amounts of rain in quite sometime….FAIRWINDS Arnie Gunderson just put out this video
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG breezy, clear sky
8:10a INT 47.5 CPM
8:20a EXT 48.1 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute average at 5:20pm.
Interior- 46 cpm
External-49 cpm
Clear sky and a bit warm.
All within normal range for this area.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG heavy wind, clear sky
7:10a INT 49.4 CPM
7:20a EXT 52.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG heavy wind, clear sky
6:10a INT 47.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 41.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.4 CPM
I think finding a safe source of Iodine as a food supplement, maybe important at present.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 48.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.7 CPM
@vital1 The troublesome thing with Iodine is that Japan is a major producer of it. The test I wold like to see is if there is any I-129 in the post Fukushima iodine supplements
@ Potrblog, Yes, there is a lot of evidence that Fukushima became much more unstable in August, which has resulted in increased emissions.
My concern at my location is the increased detections of I-129, Pb-210, and Uranium U-235. These detection have not just been in local rain washout, but also in food samples from all over the world. These have been in trace amounts, but still of a concern!
I recently placed a couple of reports here at EnviroReporter’s “Radiation Food Lab” under the Australian heading on this subject.
I will present more food detection reports on this subject soon.
This brings up the question, is it important to be taking dietary Iodine supplements to try an block the uptake of I-129?
Everyone is different, and taking extra Iodine may be a risk for some people. On the other hand, under these circumstances, it may be the best thing for the majority.
We really need some expert medical advice on this subject. I see infowars has come out with a Iodine supplement.
I have no financial interest in this product, or infowars. I have only put this link here for information purposes.
There are also a lots of other great suggestions by Michael and Denise here at EnviroReporter, like using reverse osmosis water filters, and Hepa air filters.
Also, in Enviroreporter’s Radiation Food Lab, there is information there on how to make Liposomal Vitamin C.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.9 CPM
@vital1, in what may be purely coincidence there also seems to be a lot of radiation stack monitor outages at nuke plant across the USA.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 55.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a INT 51.7 CPM
7:40a EXT 54.1 CPM
Alert Level FREDERIC, Wisconsin ~ Altitude 1,273 feet ~ Geiger Counter
Inspector EXP+
Elapsed Minutes 400 ~ Total Counts 28,084
Average CPM 70
Minimum CPM 44
Maximum CPM 102
Beginning time 09/28/13 09:36:56 AM
Ending time 09/28/13 04:16:03 PM EST
There was also a large spike at Raleigh. EPA RadNet beta readings for Raleigh, NC 243CPM on 9/25 at 12:57!!
Report from,
You will find the EPA beta charts for 123 cities in the USA, are made easy to look up and view, here at EnviroReporter.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a INT 44.0 CPM
7:40a EXT 50.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, breezy
7:30a INT 45.4 CPM
7:40a EXT 51.1 CPM
Alert Level Georgia USA 789 uR/hr (microRem per Hour) showing up on the Black Cat Systems at present. It maybe an equipment fault or false alarm, keep and eye on it just in case. There is a slight elevation 50 cpm on a station in the same state, on Radiation network at present.
Here is a screen shot.
From Harvey Wasserman on CommonDreams.org
“We are now within two months of what may be humankind’s most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis. There is no excuse for not acting. All the resources our species can muster must be focused on the fuel pool at Fukushima Unit 4.
Fukushima’s owner, Tokyo Electric (Tepco), says that within as few as 60 days it may begin trying to remove more than 1300 spent fuel rods from a badly damaged pool perched 100 feet in the air. The pool rests on a badly damaged building that is tilting, sinking and could easily come down in the next earthquake, if not on its own.
Some 400 tons of fuel in that pool could spew out more than 15,000 times as much radiation as was released at Hiroshima.”
Read full article http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/09/20-1
East Los Angeles checks in with the following readings at 11:30am.
External 46 cpm
Internal 44 cpm
All normal readings.
Sunshine Coast
Preliminary report of rain event detections
“Alert Caloundra report 17th September 2013 – Storms overnight here, so I took rain swab off a car this morning. On testing it peaked at approximately 6 uSv/hr (1800 cpm) using two Russian SBM-20 tubes, and Theremino Geiger kit. Again it is suggested to stay out of the rain. This rain sample is decaying quickly which suggests it is a large radon washout.”
The long period Geiger counter test chart indicated the presence of other Isotopes besides Radon washout decay daughters. (So it was placed in the scintillator lead test chamber for further testing.)
Day average background levels have been very volatile here the last 11 days. September 2013 day average chart.
NOTE: Scintillator testing of the rain swab collected on the 18th September at Caloundra, is indicating the presence of a Zeolite type material. A source of this could be volcanic ash from the recent Indonesian volcanic eruptions.
When testing is complete, the full report will be posted here. The scintillator test chart will be provided soon. Preliminary analysis also indicates the presence of trace amounts of Iodine I-129, and Lead Pb-210.
Alert Nimbin Monitoring Station report 16th September 2013 – Nimbin is located on the east coast of northern New South Wales Australia.
“…Rain began this morning…. drove to town about midday, got home about 30min ago and sat my SBT 10 on the roof of the car, as I gathered my things out of the back seat, and it started beeping. It was reading 0.38uSv/h….moments later I took a swab off the whole car roof (small sedan) and put it to my LND 7317 and got ~6500CPM for the first few minutes. I’ll send a photo and chart soon….” Here is the decay chart and detection photo.
We haven’t seen any studies on the heath effects of being exposed to large Radon washout events like this. It is only a suggestion to take these precautions in the Rain Alert emails. If you live in the area, it is suggested to stay out of the rain during these events, plus keep children and pets out of it also. If you do get wet, have a good shower. It maybe a very large radon washout event, that seems to be common to the Nimbin area. This rain washout could also have other isotopes in it. Without further testing with better equipment, there is no way of knowing.
Another report indicating recent Fukushima releases went far and wide.
“Radiation plume after Japanese earthquake. Iodine-131 cloud reached France.”
East Los Angeles checks in 10 minute average at 8:15am.
External-48 cpm
Internal- 46 cpm
All normal readings on the east side.
Todo nivel normal.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
USG puts out a 2.79 Million Dose award order for radiation sickness treatment in “nuclear incident” (treats FLU too)
10 minute exterior test, Hemet, CA: 43.7 CPM
Some of the statistics presented in this report are astonishing.
If nothing else at least read the conclusion page.
Report: Health Effects of San Onofre published:
Joseph Mangano, MPH, MBA
Executive Director
March 26, 2013
If you live in California or anywhere near one of these DNA Destroying Death Machines, then you really need to read this.
Also of interest:
WONDER online databases utilize a rich ad-hoc query system for the analysis of public health data.
I wonder? 😉
FEMA Readies 100,000 Person National Disaster Medical System Mobilization
We think this is Pandemic related, but we can’t rule out Fukushima either. It again seems to be Pacific Rim targeted as it mentions 20 locations in California and 5 each in Oregon and Washington.
U.S. Plans Nuclear Missile Tests Around International Day of Peace and UN High-Level Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament.
Two dates this month have special significance to those who want to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons: the International Day of Peace (September 21) and the UN High-Level Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament (September 26).
Instead of honoring the significance of these dates and working in good faith to achieve nuclear disarmament, the United States has chosen to schedule two tests of its Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile on September 22 and September 26.
Just hours after the International Day of Peace ends, the U.S. plans to launch a Minuteman III – the missile that delivers U.S. land-based nuclear weapons – from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California to the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.
Then, on the same day that most countries will send their head of state or foreign minister to New York for the UN’s first-ever High-Level Meeting on nuclear disarmament, the U.S. plans to send another Minuteman III missile from California to the Marshall Islands.
These missiles are designed to carry nuclear warheads capable of killing thousands of times more people than the chemical weapons used in Syria.
Your actions have helped stop Minuteman III tests before: in 2011 on the International Day of Peace, and in 2012 on the anniversary of the largest-ever nuclear weapon test conducted by the U.S. (Castle Bravo in the Marshall Islands).
We need your support to stop these two tests as well. Send a message to President Obama, telling him to cancel these two provocative nuclear missile tests and to attend the UN High-Level Meeting on September 26.
Click onto: http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/6357/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=8657 to find out more.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:10a INT 51.7 CPM
7:20a EXT 55.4 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:10a EXT 52.1 CPM
8:20a INT 51.4 CPM
Good morning from East Los Angeles. 10 minute ambient average at 8:30am
All normal readings on the east side of los Angeles
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:20a INT 50.6 CPM
7:30a EXT 51.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.7 CPM
UNUSUAL URGENT ACTIVITY: The Centers For Disease Control is Readying for MULTIPLE Medical Stations & EMERGENCY National Stockpile Supply Deliveries to the Pacific Rim.
This could be Fukushima related, or H7N9 Pandemic related.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.8 CPM
I stumbled upon this ‘letter to the Editor’ in the LA Times archives.
This letter could have been written yesterday.
“…we have growing pools of spent nuclear fuel, which will be radioactive for thousands of years, and no more idea of how to dispose of it than we did 30 years ago.”
“The benefits of nuclear power will be coming to your town soon.” – from letter
of Sherman Oaks, CA
May 5, 1986 (just after Chernobyl)
I do not know Mr. Cooksey or if he’s around or alive, but I wish he could somehow know his words have rang true more than 25 years later.
Here’s another article from that same day.
Wider Spread of Radiation in Soviet Admitted
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:45a INT 54.8 CPM
6:55a EXT 48.6 CPM
Japan wins 2020 Olympic bid. Will spend 60 billion.
[from article]
However, Abe in an assured and polished performance speaking in English left no doubt that he and his government had the situation under control.
“Let me assure you the situation is UNDER CONTROL,” he said.
“It has never done or will do any damage to Tokyo.”
[Prime Minister] Abe replied decisively…
“There have been no health problems and nor will there be.”
Come on… give me a break!
I really feel like using expletives regarding these outright outrageous lies, but I shall refrain.
The story was also on the NBC Nightly News tonight. So, once again, the sleeping masses in the USA are going to believe that the Nuclear Plant in Japan is AOK.
IMO – There is a distinct possibility that Tokyo will be a ghost town by 2020.
Maybe we should protest like these guys:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:15a INT 47.2 CPM
7:25a EXT 56.8 CPM
Columbia Generating Station Operates BLIND, Once AGAIN Loses Radiation Assessment Capability
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 57.6 CPM
A powerful and moving movie.
“… a family’s struggle to survive in the aftermath of an earthquake and the resulting nuclear crisis.”
The Land Of Hope (2 hrs)
directed by Sion Sono
(Note: Turn captions ON for English subtitles)
Same thing on youtube:
Official Trailer:
Toronto Film Festival 2012
Won NETPAC Award
Mainichi Film Concours 2012
Won Mainichi Film Concours
Best Actor Isao Natsuyagi
Chicago International Film Festival 2012
Nominated Gold Hugo
Best International Feature
🙂 I highly recommend this!
I really felt like I was in a contamination evacuation zone.
Nobody could watch this film and still think Nuclear Power was a good idea. I hope everyone can find the time to see this.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 50.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.0 CPM
September 1st– Hemet, CA exterior: 52.0
September 2nd– Hemet, CA rain soaked paper towel: 84.5
tested again about 1 hour later: 51.2
exterior, about 1 hour after the rain: 40.4
Chasaha pointed to your recent detection videos on another forum, with this heading
“Very HOT rain swipe. Harrisburg, North Carolina”
I also noticed this on Bobby1’s Blog. The latest article there is reporting more Iodine detections at Chiba and Gunma prefectures in Japan. This strongly suggest criticalities are occurring in the underground coriums at Fukushima.
If you are living in North America, my suggestion would be to stay out of the rain, and avoid flying at present. Also keep a close eye on the situation, in case things get worst.
OK, here are the 4 tests on YOUTUBE as described below
….Watch ALL 4 ,This rda001 thru rad oo4.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG mostly clear sky
7:45a INT 51.8 CPM
7:55a EXT 56.7 CPM
Since last report about 4 1/2 weeks ago there have been a couple of FULL days continuous showers with average readings so NO reports. Yesterday afternoon a large storm cell lasting about 25 min. with thunder/lightning at tail end traveling W to E. Got 1 of the Highest readings in some time. Taken off cars windshield/moonroof. Just became aware of RADCON Alerts map of 8/33 by @CHASE here…Possible remnants?? of MANY alerts as I’m in “direct line of fire ” here from several……Have taken 4 reading of napkin sample..normal/paper blocking Alpha/Inspector WIPE Test plate blocking Alpha-beta/background
1…585.2 cpm @ 7:36 pm….(17.47 X backgrnd)
2…371.2 cpm @ 7:48 pm….paper block Alpha (11.08X) backgrnd
3…47.4 cpm @ 8:02 pm…..Test plate block Beta (1.41X) backgrnd
4…33.5 cpm Backgrnd
Will try to put up 4 videos here of tests
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
7:55a INT 51.1 CPM
8:05a EXT 47.9 CPM
East Los Angeles 10 minute ambient average at 2:50pm
External 49cpm
Internal 46cpm
Normal readings 10 miles east of downtown los Angeles
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
Aug 30th– Hemet, CA exterior: 44.3
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
7:00a EXT 48.6 CPM
7:10a INT 46.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:20a EXT 51.9 CPM
8:30a INT 44.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:40a INT 46.6 CPM
6:50a EXT 52.7 CPM
Speaking of the ‘Triple Meltdown’ lost coriums.
Here is a simple diagram that shows what is ‘most likely’ happening.
It makes sense to me.
3 Subsurface Nuclear Cores:
Groundwater Flow – Graphic
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 42.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.0 CPM
@Vital1, Yes that is absolutely the case with EPA’s RADNET. EPA calls their data censoring “Reviewing and Approving the data”; we made a series of videos documenting in detail the different methods the EPA uses to obfusticate the data.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:05a EXT 51.4 CPM
8:15a INT 50.6 CPM
@potrblog, All the evidence points to Government run monitoring systems in Japan, USA and Europe being manipulated to protect the Nuclear industry. High detections are explained away by equipment malfunctions, or they just turn the monitoring equipment off during an event.
In Japan they have been caught placing lead backup batteries near the sensors to shield them, placing the monitoring equipment high off the ground, only decontaminating an area around monitoring stations, plus altering the monitoring equipment so it shows much lower readings.
I am telling you what you already know, new people visiting here may not realize this.
Here is just one of many articles relating to this subject.
In my previous post you will need to scroll down the page to see this Long Beach chart, in the comment section.
There was a considerable spike in radiation detected on a Long Beach monitoring station. Here is a link to the Long Beach chart kindly provide by Harlan of netc.com. There are also reports that San Diego had a small spike around the same time. There is uncertainty as to what caused these spikes, maybe a false alarm.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a EXT 52.9 CPM
7:50a INT 48.1 CPM
@Vital1 It seems Columbia Nuclear was blind for about 6 hours to what ever their radiation situation was with their Nuclear Reactor vent stack. I’m not sure how they can forthrightly lead people to believe that there was no radiation increase during this blind time period.
Something Alert worthy happened at Columbia. But given their recent update, we’re just not sure whether there was an actual radiological issue, or just trouble shooting incompetence on their part. Or a combination of both, which left them blind and the public at risk. The truth is we will never know because they won’t share the data; you’ll just have to take them at their word.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:50a EXT 59.6 CPM
7:00a INT 49.9 CPM
7:10a EXT 53.4 CPM secondary reading after my first reading was a bit higher than normal
I think potrblog’s alert was justified, if you take into account all the evidence available at present. Even though Columbia Nuclear say the high radiation detections were caused by equipment malfunctions.
In the last couple of weeks it’s been easy to see the waves of radiation passing over the USA, at times reaching Alert levels as seen in Chase’s screen shot below of the USA monitoring sites netc.com. It is consistent with our recent observations here. These Alert level events happened a number of times at different locations in the USA recently, on the netc monitoring system.
There have been numerous recent reports from the web cam viewers of significant events, steam venting and bright flashes, plus very elevated detections on the monitoring systems at the Fukushimka site itself. There were also recent detections of Xenon in South Korea, plus Iodine and Xenon in some Japanese cites near Fukushima.
Just in:
Quote from article on simply info;
Even more concerning is this statement from the head of Japan’s nuclear regulator who has not been someone prone to dramatic language. Shunichi Tanaka, head of the Japan NRA said this today in relation to the current problems at Daiichi. “We cannot waste even a minute,” he said. “This is what we have been fearing.”
I feel considering all the evidence, it is important to maintain a close eye on the situation.
Columbia Nuclear Offers Partial Explanation As To Unusual Radiation Readings
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.7 CPM
At around noon today I observed a wave of high readings on netc.com. Like I had never seen before.
There were a total of 8 Level 5 ALERTS mostly on the east coast.
There were 19 Level 4 Warnings mostly from the Mississippi River east.
Netc.com uses the EPA systems data and places it on a google map basically. I used EnviroReporter.com’s RadNet graphs as a verification.
Here’s the screen shot:
This was a big wave of radiation considering half of the beta detectors are not even working. This is the biggest uptick I have witnessed.
I wonder if the EPA will make some sort of statement?
They should, it’s their job. 😉
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.7 CPM
@POTRBLOG: Invaluable news. This radiation surge can be seen in several U.S. cities on RadNet Air Monitoring as we discussed on the radio last night. Please keep us informed, Potrblog!
@All: This one was a doozy…
MAXIMUM ALERT! Columbia Nuclear Detecting Unusual Radiation- Fukushima Recritical?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG foggy sky
6:10a INT 46.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 50.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.7 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute ambient average at 10:30am.
External 49 cpm
Internal 46 cpm
All normal on the east side
Todos los niveles estan normales a las 10:30am
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a EXT 55.1 CPM
8:10a INT 49.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a INT 47.9 CPM
7:50a EXT 52.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 57.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 52.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 54.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.1 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute ambient average levels at 11:30am
External-50 cpm
Internal- 46 cpm
All normal on the east side
To do nivel normal a las 11:30 am
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:45a INT 46.5 CPM
7:55a EXT 50.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:30a EXT 52.8 CPM
8:40a INT 46.9 CPM
An interesting retrospective comparison.
March of 2011-
A Michael Collins interview on KTLA 5. In the interview Michael states that if a meltdown reaches ground WATER it would not be good. [paraphrased]
KTLA breaks EnviroReporter’s Radiation Station
March 17, 2011-
President Obama
Harmful Radiation Not Expected in US
You be the judge of who was telling the truth.
As of today.
PBS News Hour interview on ground water contamination and the continuous leaking.
😉 Too bad they did not have a journalist like Michael Collins asking them the hard questions.
Note: They never mention PLUTONIUM.
Some interesting comments there though.
Perhaps the tide is beginning to change. (?)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a INT 47.4 CPM
7:40a EXT 49.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 52.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 56.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.2 CPM
Heavy rain shower traveling from W to E.Went out for sample 10 min after ending.Most water evaporated.Took from larger area where water was left on car.Some dirt also as will add some radon progeny
1…379.1 CPM @ 10:15 am
2….28.1 CPM background @ 10:26 am
3…13.49 X background
I also took another reading at 10:38 am using a piece of paper to cover sample to BLOCK Alpha emissions for Beta
Beta/Gamma…212.4 CPM reading = 7.56 X background
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly overcast sky
6:10a INT 47.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.1 CPM
July 2013 Report, Fukushima very unstable, Pacific Sea Food Risk, Southern Hemisphere Background, and Rain reports
Fukushima Criticalities Occurring?
The Fukushima Nuclear disaster site has been getting very unstable. In early July, possible fires were seen on Fukushima webcam. There also have been lots of large steam events witnessed recently on the Fukushima live webcams. These events seem to be following a two week cycle at present.
Thanks to enenews webcam forum commenter ‘pure water’ for the screen shots of the possible fire at reactor 3. One other suggestion is it is not a fire, they were burning off Tritium near the reactor 3 building.
Radioactive Iodine I-131 was also detected in sludge in nearby cities. There were also increased levels of Tritium, Cesium and Strontium, detected in recent tests of water from bore holes at the Fukushima nuclear plant. This all points to the possibility that underground criticalities are occurring, or have occurred, recently at the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site.
Here is a list of International radiation monitoring stations if a major event happens at Fukushima.
Consumption of any Northern Pacific Ocean sea food is risky
Headline in a recent Japanese news article.
“Tepco now admits radioactive water entering the sea at Fukushima, No. 1 Fisheries exec shocked by utility’s flip-flop on groundwater’s flow.”
Shocked, really! Anyone who has taken any notice of what has been happening at the Fukushima Nuclear disaster site from the very beginning, would not be shocked. Contamination has flowed into the Pacific Ocean for 28 months now. They use the word leak, to play it down. Their estimate is 800 tons a day of ground water is flowing into the Pacific Ocean. This is probably a very conservative estimate! It’s a flood, not a leak!
Look under the Pacific Ocean heading at,
to see the magnitude of these contamination reports.
It is important to keep an eye on reports here, so you know what to avoid. There are new reports being posted constantly. Contamination detection reports of Korean, and Atlantic Canadian seaweed are two of the very newest.
Background Radiation Levels
Monitoring station location
July’s 2013 month average was 6% above the pre Fukushima nuclear disaster four year average. It is lower than July 2012 month average of 9% above. Local radiation levels have been relatively lower during winter months here over the last couple years. Our theory for this seasonal change is that less air breaks through the equatorial barrier during the winter months.
2013 month average chart
2012 month average chart
Day average chart for July 2013
Rain Report
There were very small traces of Iodine I-129, Lead Pb-210, Uranium U-235, Thorium Th-234 and Beryllium Be-7, detected in this month’s rain test. It was in smaller amounts compared to previous months.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partially overcast sky
I noticed heavy overnight dew on my backyard table so I took a sample.
7:50a EXT 52.5 CPM
Hard bounce 5.8 earthquake near Fukushima Daiichi.
Time: 2013-08-03 19:28:50 UTC
– EQ at 2x record speed on youtube user fuku1long
(The earthquake actually lasts twice as long.)
Start view at 14:30 on the recording
Occurs at 12:29 jst:
😉 Seems to me, it’s just a matter of time.
East los Angeles 10 minute ambient level
External- 45 counts per minute- normal range at 2:55pm Aug 3
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:20a INT 45.3 CPM
7:30a EXT 49.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.8 CPM
East los angeles checks in at 7:15pm. 10 minute average ambient reading
External-46 cpm
Internal -44 cpm
All normal on the east side
todos los niveles normalized a las 7:15pm.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500 survey meter
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 45.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.4 CPM
Earth’s close call with a disasterous EMP! Apparently, there was a Carrington-class coronal mass ejection event 2 weeks ago that just missed hitting the Earth. I wonder how many nuke plants are ready for a power outage stretching many weeks, months, or even years! The resulting forced shutdowns wouldn’t be pretty, maybe resulting in numerous meltdowns all around the world. http://washingtonexaminer.com/massive-solar-flare-narrowly-misses-earth-emp-disaster-barely-avoided/article/2533727
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 46.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG foggy sky
6:10a INT 46.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.3 CPM
Radiological Release SCHEDULED – Free Potassium Iodide available on August 8, 2013 in Lancaster County, PA.
_ 😉 “(KI) for their protection…”
What if one lives just outside the 10 mile zone?
Are people there AWARE of this?
How often do NPPs do this?
I’ve never heard of pre-distribution of KI pills announced regarding a specific RELEASE.
I wish I knew someone who lived near there, so we could get there opinion.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 50.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.4 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
8:00a EXT 50.7 CPM
8:10a INT 45.7 CPM
Just had a large 45 min thunder/lightning storm moderate/heavy rain from S to N (no jetstream) pass
1…433.8 CPM @ 2:25 pm
2….31.4 CPM background @ 2:36 pm
3….13.82 X background
Illinois, USA
30-35 miles South-West of Chicago
Inspector Extreme Geiger Counter readings taken in my yard.
For Reference: 100 CPM (Counts Per Minute) is an Alert Level
CAPITALIZED date indicates highest reading.
July 27, 2013
68.2 CPM at 1:30 pm, taken from a 10 minute timed count. Outside at ground level on grass in yard.
(Highest 72.6 Aug 2nd 2012)
(Previous CPM in 2012 were: 51.0 in June, 52.9 on July 2nd, 58.3 on July 13th, 60.5 on July 15th, 72.6 ON AUG 2ND, 64.0 on Aug 4th, 52.7 on Aug 30th)
July 27, 2013
53.9 CPM at 1:15 pm, taken from a 10 minute timed count. Outside on Picnic table.
(Highest 63.7 Aug 2nd 2012)
(Previous CPM in 2012 were: 39.8 in May, 57.9 in June, 54.0 on July 2nd, 61.1 on July 13th, 59.1 on July 15th, 59.1 on July 24th, 63.7 ON AUG 2nd, 61.0 Aug 4th, 58.8 on Aug 30th)
July 27, 2013
35.2 CPM* at `1:00 pm, taken from a 10 minute timed count. Inside house at Kitchen table windows and doors closed. *=door open
(Highest was 47.1 July 13th 2012)
(Previous CPM in 2012 were: 32.4 in May & 37.4 in June, 43.4 on July 2nd, 47.1 ON JULY 13TH, 44.0 on July 15th, 43.0 on Aug 2nd, 38.8 on Aug 4th, 43.8 on Aug 30th)
Other Previous Counts:
42.3 CPM at 6:44 am, taken from a 10 minute timed count on July 24th 2012.
Inside house at screen door, storm front, pre-rain, high winds with gusts in area around 60mph.
53.2 CPM at 6:50 am, taken from a 10 minute timed count on July 24th 2012.
Inside house at screen door, during rain, fast moving storm & after first burst of rain.
October 25, 2012
These radiation readings were taken outdoors at 3½ feet height above the ground.
44.0 CPM at 1:50 p.m. (clear/warm/slight wind)
46.4 CPM at 3:10 p.m. (clear/warm/slight wind)
42.7 CPM at 4:30 p.m. (clear/warm/slight wind)
49.4 CPM at 6:00 p.m. (Storm/Intense rain/slight wind)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:25a INT 44.1 CPM
7:35a EXT 47.9 CPM
The question of ‘why’ people react they way they do to Fukushima has somewhat baffled me for awhile.
Very few seem aware or care, so to speak.
“…control the flow of information and you can control the event.” – internet user Cisco
The psychology of programming of the masses intrigues me.
This documentary explains pretty clearly how and why people can be controlled.
Tap peoples emotions NOT their logic. It’s really pretty easy. It’s not magic, it’s literally mind control. It works very well about 95% of the time.
IMO – One of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen.
🙂 Catch it while you can.
Ethos (2012)
Full Movie – free (68 min)
Narrated by Woody Harrelson
Ethos trailer (3 min)
This video was on Vimeo and Youtube, but has since been removed.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
6:10a INT 51.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.1 CPM
East los Angeles 10 minute average ambient levels
External- 41 cpm
Internal-37 cpm
All normal on the east side at 9:00pm
todos los niveles normales en el este de los Angeles a las 9:00pm
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500 survey meter
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.4 CPM
Here is a report from 7/21/13
Heavy ltng/thunder/rain lasting 1/2 hr…from West to East
1…170.5 cpm @ 7:53 pm
2….29.3 cpm background @ 8:05 pm
3….5.82 X background
Note also 2 short storms since last report and this which were LESS than 1 X background…Both storms traveling from East to West…a rarity! Higher readings definitely coming from West/SouthWest/South.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 44.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.5 CPM
From our friends at the Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network:
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN) today applauded the recent American Medical Association (AMA) resolution that calls on the U.S. government to test all U.S. seafood for radiation and fully report the results to the public. The AMA joins FFAN in demanding the public’s ‘Right to Know’ regarding radiation levels in food. The California Medical Association (CMA) initiated the resolution.
In March of 2013, in response to the worst ongoing nuclear disaster in history at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, FFAN coalition member groups Beyond Nuclear, Citizens for Health and Ecological Options Network filed a legal Citizen Petition through the official process of the United States Department of Health Services Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The FFAN Citizen Petition points out that the U.S. currently has the highest allowable limits for radioactive Cesium 134 and 137 in the world, 12 times higher in fact than Japan’s. “Food and beverages that are considered far too dangerous for consumption in Japan can be exported to U.S. citizens, including vulnerable children and pregnant women. This is an outrageous radioactive loophole that our lawmakers and FDA must address immediately,” states Kimberly Roberson, FFAN Director and author of “Silence Deafening, Fukushima Fallout.” Roberson continues, “We appreciate the AMA’s call for testing and encourage all to speak out for the additional steps required to protect our children as the current U.S. limits are still dangerously high.”
To that end, FFAN has petitioned the FDA to accept their petition into official process and lower the amount of man-made radiation currently allowed in U.S. food, nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals.
After the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl exploded, children in Belarus were found to have heart and hormonal problems with approximately 1% of the current U.S. limit for radioactive Cesium in their bodies.
“We must demand our right to know what’s in our food, nutritional supplements and pharmaceutical products. The National Academy of Sciences has stated that there is no safe dose of radiation, therefore we reject the current FDA radiation in food policy. The limit the FDA has set will doom a certain number of people to unnecessary disease, particularly children who are much more vulnerable to radiation,” says Cindy Folkers of Beyond Nuclear.
On July 10, 2013, the Japan Times reported that rising radioactivity levels in seawater off the coast of Fukushima measured 90,000 times more than officially “safe” drinking water. This is in ocean water that migratory fish, such as bluefin tuna spawn and swim in before crossing the Pacific to U.S. coastal waters. Bluefin tuna caught off San Diego in an August 2012 study demonstrated elevated amounts of Cesium 134 and 137, which are considered characteristic isotopic markers for Fukushima radiation.
Both AMA and FFAN want a national database, and we invite others to join us in demanding that FDA reduces the amount of radiation permitted in our food.
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN) is a coalition of groups and concerned citizens working for safe food policy in the U.S. For more information please visit http://www.FFAN.us and http://www.silencedeafening.com
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG mostly clear sky
6:10a INT 47.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.9 CPM
July 22, 2013
10:30am INT RAIN SAMPLE taken 12 hours after its precipitation in Santa Monica garden: 48.1 CPM^ 16.8% HIGHER than BACKGROUND LEVEL w/ no radon progeny. Result over Inspector’s +/- 15% margin of error.
10:15am INT BG: 41.2 CPM^
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 47.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.6 CPM
East Los Angeles 10 minute average ambient levels t 4:45 pm
external-51 CPM
internal 47 CPM
all normal reading on the east side.
Todos los niveles normales a las 4:45 pm.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
7:45a EXT 53.2 CPM
7:55a INT 47.2 CPM
Possible fires seen on Fukushima webcam in early July, plus huge levels of Tritium, Cesium and Strontium detected from recent tests of water from bore holes at Fukushima nuclear plant.
There also have been lots of large steam events recently caught on the Fukushima live webcams.
This all points to the possibility that underground re-criticalities are occurring, or have occurred recently at the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site.
For recent reports of the huge detections of Tritium, Cesium and Strontium at the site, go to the Pacific Ocean heading, under the International detection list at,
Thanks to enenews webcam forum commenter ‘pure water’ for the screen shots of the possible fire at reactor 3. One other suggestion is it is not a fire. They were burning off Tritium near the reactor 3 building.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
8:10a EXT 49.3 CPM
8:20a INT 50.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG smoky sky from Idyllwild fire
6:40a EXT 53.4 CPM
6:50a INT 46.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7;45a EXT 55.3 CPM
7:55a INT 50.0 CPM
Great interview the other night on Rense Radio!
(the 15th of July)
Also wanted to say that everyone should take a periodic look at the US EPA RADnet Data Graphs. Very nicely done. Thanks EnviroReporter.
Being 1.5 hours drive north of Bakersfield and at an even higher elevation really makes me wonder. The Bakersfield readings are very HIGH in comparison to almost everywhere else except Fresno which is 1.5 hours to my north.
Is there any way to tell what the readings in Bakersfield were like, say 4 or more years ago? Again, just wondering. A comparison might say a lot.
East los Angeles 10 minute ambient levels at 10:45am
Internal-47 cpm
External- 50 cpm
All normal on the east side
todos los niveles ambientales de radioactvidad estan normalized a las 10:45am
Vector v
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:15a EXT 51.4 CPM
8:25a INT 47.9 CPM
After the show, we received the nicest message from Rusty E. in Matawan New Jersey that we wanted to share because folks like Rusty make all the work worth it:
Hi Mike,
I have to tell you how much we enjoy your reports weekly during your
appearances. It’s so refreshing to hear real data, developments – and
we love your sense of humor. After all, it is a depressing subject.
Your spark of humor and unique delivery helps us get the point, but
not so that we’re numb by the end. Instead, we’re motivated to tell
others about the information, yours/Jeff’s program and the radiation
developments. Keep up the good work.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:55a EXT 55.9 CPM
7:05a INT 46.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:15a INT 48.7 CPM
7:25a EXT 53.0 CPM
East los Angeles ambient levels at 7:45pm. 10 minute integrate
External-46 cpm
Internal-44 cpm
All normal levels
It seems as if things may be getting out of control in Fukushima!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:20a INT 51.1 CPM
6:30a EXT 53.7 CPM
East los Angeles 10 minute average ambient count rate
Internal-46 cpm
External- 49 cpm at 9:00am
All normal readings on the east side
Todo normal en el este de los Angeles
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:20a INT 46.8 CPM
7:30a EXT 51.1 CPM
Dear Mr. Collins,
Please be aware of soon-to-be-released response to public comments from Cal EPA’s DTSC regarding their nuclear, chemical, and in-situ gun range contaminant cleanup plan at Chatsworth Park South (CPS). Tunnel #26 connects Simi Valley to CPS. This train tunnel is over 7000 feet long and bleeds contaminated-by-Rocketdyne (?!) groundwater that illegally flows out ends of the tunnel and is allowed to ‘settle out’ in the middle of the old skeet shooting range at CPS. Every day of the year, thousands of gallons of this tunnel goo is then mixed with exposed soils laden with high amounts of lead & arsenic shot plus Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon target pieces (aka skeet pigeons), dioxins, furans, plus other firing range goo — creating, in effect, a SUPER GOO…
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy
6:10a INT 45.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.7 CPM
NRC Regional Office Webinar to Discuss Agency Steps on Palisades Water Tank
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Region III office will hold a webinar on July 16 to discuss the agency’s response to the leak from the safety injection refueling water tank that occurred May 5 at the Palisades nuclear plant near South Haven, Mich.
The office, located in Lisle, Ill., will present information about the NRC’s close monitoring of the plant’s actions to identify the source of the leak and conduct repairs to ensure the tank’s safety going forward. The plant returned to service June 17 after the tank was repaired.
NRC inspectors independently verified the condition of the tank before Palisades could start up. Even though there is no current evidence of leakage from the tank, NRC Resident Inspectors at the plant continue to monitor its condition through visual examinations and other reviews.
“We remain committed to the high level of openness and engagement with the public,” said Region III Administrator Charles Casto. “This webinar will give us an opportunity to talk to participants about issues we know are of interest to the community and answer questions.”
The webinar will be held at 5:30 p.m EDT. Participants will be able to view presentation slides prepared by NRC staff and submit questions in writing over the Internet. Interested members of the public must to register at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/431957345 or follow the instructions on the meeting notice in order to participate. If you need assistance with registration, call 888-259-8414.
NRC Will Hold Meeting to Discuss Status of the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a public meeting on July 24 to discuss the NRC’s ongoing oversight and inspection activities at the Fort Calhoun nuclear plant. The plant, located 19 miles north of Omaha, Neb. is owned and operated by Omaha Public Power District (OPPD).
Fort Calhoun has been shut down for a refueling outage prior to the 2011 Missouri River flooding, and remained shutdown to address a breaker fire and other restart complications.
The meeting will be held from 6-9 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, 3321 South 72 St., Omaha. Following NRC and OPPD presentations, the public will have opportunities to ask the NRC questions about Fort Calhoun and the regulator’s oversight activities.
This meeting is one of a series the NRC is holding to keep the public informed about OPPD’s effort to address performance issues. No restart decision will be made at the meeting.
Pacifica Readings
Taken 7/9/2013
BG 27.9 cpm – taken before measuring samples at home
LMB Air 31.8
LMB 7 39.5
LMB 8 34.9
LMB Air 31.8
LMB Creek 27.3
PWS 1 26.9
PWS 2 30.2
PWS 3 27.7
PWS 4 30.7
PWS 5 32.3
PWS 6 28.9
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a INT 43.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.1 CPM
July 10, 2013
10:15pm INT RAIN SAMPLE: 68.1 CPM^ 126.6% of BACKGROUND LEVEL HIGHER w/ no radon progeny
10:00pm INT BG: 53.4 CPM^
The background is highish and the measurement larger than the +/- 15% error range making it valid. RadNet Los Angeles is still down so can’t compare. Anaheim looks good. Simi Valley & East Los Angeles are solid.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a INT 50.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.8 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in this morning with 10 minute average ambient levels at 6:45 am.
exterior 49 CPM
interior 46 CPM
all normal on the east side
Todos los niveles normales en el este de los angeles, ca a las 6:45 am
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 49,9 CPM
Now is the time for you to comment on the EPA’s radical new plan to loosen up radiation standards for air, water and soil during an emergency – and beyond – as our coverage will soon show later this week. But with only one week left until comment cutoff on Monday July 15, we’ve decided to give you a head start.
June 2013 report on local background radiation levels, and rain test results.
Background radiation report
Here are the June charts for this location, day averages, 2013 month averages, and for comparison, the 2012 month averages. The June 2013 local background radiation level was 7% above the 4 year pre Fukushima June average.
Day averages June 2013
Month averages 2013
Month averages 2012
Rain water Test
Junes local rain water test detected Beryllium Be-7, Uranium U-235 ?, Lead Pb-210, and possibly I-129 in trace amounts. (See test chart). At the location here, June was a very wet month, with over 300 mm of rain. A lot of water went through the filter. Even so, the amount of these isotopes that were detected, was less than previous months.
Food Report
Food contamination fears still persist in Japan, and will for decades. This short video by Jamie Williams of the New York Times, clearly explains why private food testing has become a necessity to protect families, and children in Japan.
Keep an eye on Enviroreporter’s “Radiation Food Lab”
for the latest food detection reports.
Quick moderate 10min shower from S to N….Sample off car a bit dirty..
1…340.1 CPM @ 12:01 pm
2….27.2 CPM background @ 12:12 pm
3…12.5 X background
FYI…South of my address approximately 20 miles “as the crow flies” are the 2 McGUIRE I II nuke plants may be adding to this count??
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
8:05a EXT 52.2 CPM
8:15a INT 46.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:55a EXT 46.5 CPM
9:05a INT 46.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a INT 46.0 CPM
7:50a EXT 46.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 50.6 CPM
7:40a INT 47.1 CPM
The interview in this article provides deep insights into the seriousness of the Fukushima Nuclear disaster, and Tepco’s management mind set.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.1 CPM
10 minute interval ambient levels east los Angeles,ca @4:30pm
External-49cpm- normal
Internal 45cpm- normal
All reading within normal range
Todos los niveles normales en el este de los angeles a las 4:30pm
Survey meter:WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.8 CPM
@Chase: Note that I didn’t take these measurements so I didn’t make the comment about the 300-400 cpm range at altitude. Indeed, in our two articles Seasons Readings and Winter Hot Zones we refer to S.E. International’s “Radiation Detection Basics” page which says “when you fly in an airplane at 30,000 feet your rate meter may measure 200 CPM (.2 mR) for 2 to 5 hours.”
Bottom line: 30,000 feet = ~200 cpm not 300-400 cpm.
Re Airplane:
The 300 – 400 cpm is what I remember also. With an extreme high considered to be 700.
All of your rad readings are above that.
I remember this from when I was researching ‘Dark Lightning’ and it’s dangers. I went back to a saved link, but it’s no longer there. (?)
IMO – Pregnant women, small children, absolutely should not fly.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG mostly clear sky
6:10a INT 49.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:05a EXT 50.4 CPM
8:15a INT 45.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:40a EXT 49.5 CPM
8:50a INT 47.9 CPM
From Radiation Station Pacifica California
SFO-AUS Sample 1
BG = 22.1 cpm *
Timed = 60 min
Sample = 923.3 cpm
SFO-AUS Sample 2
BG = 22.1 cpm *
Timed = 10 min
Sample = 974.4 cpm
AUS Terminal
BG =
Timed = 10 min
Sample = 38.2 cpm
BG = 29.9 cpm *
Timed = 60 min
Sample = 1026.5 cpm
BG = 44.2 cpm *
Timed = 30 min
Sample = 899.0 cpm
* 10 min sample measured in plane prior to takeoff.
DEN Terminal
BG =
Timed = 10 min
Sample = 60.6 cpm
– SFO = San Francisco, CA
– AUS = Austin, TX
– DEN = Denver, CO
– MSP = Minneapolis-St Paul, MN
– All inflight samples were taken at cruising altitude: 35-37k feet.
– Data indicates levels at this these altitudes should be ~300-400 cpm, but I can’t find definitive data regarding this.
No: 13-053 June 24, 2013
CONTACT: Scott Burnell, 301-415-8200
NRC Seeks Public Comment on Spent Fuel Pool Study
The NRC is interested in comments on a draft study examining if faster removal of spent reactor fuel from pools to dry cask storage significantly reduces risks to public health and safety. Based on previous research showing earthquakes present the dominant risk for spent fuel pools, the draft study evaluated how pool leakage from a potential earthquake might cause the spent fuel to overheat and release radioactive material to the environment. The draft study concludes there is approximately a one-in-10-million-years chance of a severe earthquake causing a radioactive release from the pool at the site examined.
The NRC began the study following the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident, where the spent fuel pools survived a strong earthquake. The study considered a spent fuel pool similar to those at Fukushima and 23 other U.S. reactors, and an earthquake several times stronger than what the pool’s design considered. The study examined both a “full” spent fuel pool and one with less fuel and more spacing between individual fuel assemblies, as well as emergency procedures for adding water to the pool in the unlikely event that the earthquake causes the pool to lose water.
“Our detailed analysis showed that even a very strong earthquake has a low probability of damaging the pool studied to the point of losing water,” said Brian Sheron, Director of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. “The draft study also shows that even if this particular pool was damaged, the fuel could be kept safely cool in all but a few exceptional circumstances. We’ll use the final study to inform further analysis of U.S. spent fuel pools.”
In cases where the analysis led to fuel damage, the draft study concluded existing emergency procedures would keep the population around the plant safe. Those emergency measures could mean relocating people from a large area of potentially contaminated land. The study also examined the potential benefits of moving all spent fuel older than five years (and therefore easier to cool) into storage casks within five years. For the scenarios examined, the study concluded faster fuel transfer to casks would not provide a significant safety benefit for the plant studied. The NRC will incorporate public comments and use the final study in a broader regulatory analysis of the spent fuel pools at U.S. operating nuclear reactors as part of its Japan Lessons-Learned activities.
The public and interested groups can comment on the study, using Docket ID NRC-2013-0136 on the Regulations.gov website, for 30 days following publication of a notice in the Federal Register, expected shortly. Comments can also be submitted, using the Docket ID, via mail to
Cindy Bladey
Chief, Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch (RADB)
Office of Administration, Mail Stop: TWB-05-B01M
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555
The study will be available on the Regulations.gov website, as well as in the agency’s electronic document database, ADAMS, under accession number ML13133A132.
East los Angeles at 2:00pm
External-48 cpm
Internal-46 cpm
All normal levels on the east side with 100 degree heat
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.5 CPM
@biggee – the information in that video is sickening. Thank you very much for posting for us to see.
In regards to last message this is the 1st DANE WIGINGTON Live talk from Youtube to watch FIRST!! It should take PRECIDENCE above ALL others…..Im lost for words….PLEASE Watch and email to friends….Comments appreciated
I have 2 rain sample reports
6/25/13…short thunder/lightning shower 10 min from W to E
1…60.3 CPM @ 6:24 pm
2…29.5 CPM background @ 6:35 pm
3…2.04 x background
6/27/13…Short moderate shower about 5-7 min from W to E
1…121.8 CPM @ 5:39 pm
2…30.7 CPM background @ 5:50 pm
3…= 3.97 x background
Im also adding a MUST VIEW interview GEORGE NOORY/DANE WIGINGTON on how WEATHER MODIFICATION is gone “outa-hand” and they have LOST CONTROL of it….WW#/radiation/Fukushima/GMO foods ALL take a back seat to Destruction to Life on this planet…..YOUR RESPONSES APPRECIATED…..
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 44.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.4 CPM
Posted by the the site admin of netc.com radiation monitoring site. The dark red and black markers on the map, indicate locations in Japan, where there have been recent increasing radiation detections.
“The radiation in Japan is increasing south as seen on the map. It looks like South Korea should have increased radiation from Japan.”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.9 CPM
East los angeles 10 minute average at 3:45 pm.
internal 45 CPM
external 48 CPM
all normal readings on the east side
Todo nivel ambiental normal en el este de los angeles, ca a las 3;45pm
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500 survey meter
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 51.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
8:05a EXT 47.6 CPM
8:15a INT 49.2 CPM
Here’s a TOP 10 list of the most radioactive places on Earth. (with photos)
Can you guess which site is number 1 on the list?
Hint: It’s ongoing with no end in sight and is setting the bar for radioactive contamination on a global scale.
I am sure the list of ‘known’ contamination sites worldwide must be staggering.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:40a INT 45.3 CPM
6:50a EXT 49.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.7 CPM
Michael Collins Radiation Update June 17, 2013: Taut one-hour show starting with amazing images of Pacific hot zones of water matching Sea of Goo floating on the Kuroshio Current towards North America. Custom-video illutstrates just how far in the drink Pacific users and exploiters are two years after Fukushima Dai-ichi meltdowns began; more startling San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station exclusive exposures; Boeing’s meltdown makeover with reputation-shredding antics.
East Los Angeles, CA at 7:45 am
external 46CPM-normal
internal 40 CPM-normal
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 57.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 43.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 46.9 CPM
Back from a short road trip.
East Los Angeles checks in with 48 CPM external 10 minute average-normal for this area
internal-45 CPM-normal for this area
All normal ambient readings on the east side
Todo nivel de radioactividad ambiental normal en el este de los angeles, ca a las 6:15pm
WB Johnson GSM 500 survey meter
Moderate shower from W to E. Some thunder/lightning N & S.
1…129.7 CPM @ 7:39 pm
2….28.7 CPM background @ 7:50 pm
3….4.52 X background
@Chase: We will more than reply to this in the form of a series of articles soon to appear weeks before the end of comments. USEPA is quite keen on what we have to say according to inside sources. So will you be.
@Rich: Thank you for making us aware of this must-see link with daily images of the Pacific Ocean heat anomalies. We discussed it extensively last night on the 6/17/13 Michael Collins Radiation Update, thanks to you.
@vital1/Peter, Dr. Solar, Simi Rich, Hector & Biggee: Thank you so much for your outstanding work contributing to your respective Radiation Stations. We are most fortunate for your excellent work.
@Chase: We will more than reply to this in the form of a series of articles soon to appear weeks before the end of comments. USEPA is quite keen on what we have to say according to inside sources. So will you be.
@Rich: Thank you for making us aware of this must-see link with daily images of the Pacific Ocean heat anomalies. We discussed it extensively last night on the 6/17/13 Michael Collins Radiation Update, thanks to you.
@vital1/Peter, Dr. Solar, Simi Rich, Hector & Biggee: Thank you so much for your outstanding work contributing to your respective Radiation Stations. We are most fortunate for your excellent work.
Some updates on PAG at the EPA.
EPA is seeking public comment on a proposed revision of the current PAG Manual:
The update, titled “PAG Manual: Protective Action Guides and Planning Guidance for Radiological Incidents,” includes new science, expands the document’s relevancy to more than just nuclear power plants and incorporates recent guidance on re-entry, cleanup and waste disposal.
Comments must be received by 07/15/2013.
Submit comment guidelines:
IMO – It seems a bit complex, but maybe someone here could add their 2 cents.
What’s your “LOC” today?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 56.6 CPM
OK guys, sorry if you’ve seen this before:
Go to: http://www.weather.unisys.com/surface/sst_anom.gif
You will see a sea surface temperature hotspot ballooning out off the NE coast of Japan. It is changing by the day! A few months ago this was quite severe, it then vanished for a while and has now started up again.
I dont know if this is due to normal volcanic activity in the region, or if there is a criticality on, or under the sea bed that is causing this.
There’s also a hotpot towards the west cost of the US – could this be the sea of radioactive debris that we hear about?
Hopefully somebody with some scientific insight can explain these charts.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 51.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 56.3 CPM
Happy Father’s Day!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly overcast sky
7:50a EXT 47.9 CPM
8:00a INT 45.1 CPM
This loving couple will most certainly have their lives cut short.
Probably on their honeymoon. Little did they suspect, and in the end they will never know, that a simple stroll down the beach on a cool foggy day would kill them.
It’s not fair! 🙁
Ducks · On the Beach · FINAL FLIGHT
(I was able to capture three frames.)
Tribute… Screenshot video:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:15a INT 49.1 CPM
6:25a EXT 49.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 58.1 CPM
Large storm/heavy wind moving W to E.Lightning/thunder N and S.Winds knocked out power here.Im doing this test in dark with artificial lights.1/2 hr moderate showers passed after power outage
1…224.2 CPM @ 6:10 pm
2…30.2 CPM background @ 6:21 pm
3…7.42 X background
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 50.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 55.0 CPM
East Los Angeles,ca 10 minute average ambient at 7:50am
Internal-40 counts per minute
External-48 counts per minute
All normal on the east side
Todo normal en Los Angeles
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500 survey meter
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 44.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.3 CPM
This is either 3rd or 4th heavy shower today. I was home to collect sample of this one… Heavy rain thunder/lightning/wind shower from SW to NE about 25 minutes.
1…73.9 CPM @ 3:58 pm
2…27.3 CPM Background @ 4:09 pm
3…2.71 x background and minimal radon prodigy due to the proceeding showers
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 47.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.2 CPM
Early morning screenshot of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Facility.
Here’s my screenshot photo.
This is an original.
It has not been filtered or manipulated.
Rainbow-like Emissions Jun 9th 3:33 jst
Watch this for 3 or 4 minutes and you’ll really get the picture.
Source video fuku1long at 15 minutes in:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
8:05a EXT 51.8 CPM
8:15a INT 45.0 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with 49 CPM external at 10:15am and 45 counts per minute internal 10 minute average.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:30a INT 48.1 CPM
7:40a EXT 52.5 CPM
A: There is no 100% quantitative way to tie it to Fukushima, you can only make qualitative correlations based on the magnitude detected vs what would be expected, and other factors like opportunity and timing.
B: I-129 is the most dangerous thing listed in the EPA’s drinking water limits. Its limit is 1 piCu/L. The limit for I-131 is 3 piCu/L. see
C: That is a question people have to answer for themselves; Post Fukushima, my concern would be is the Iodine supplement also contaminated with I-129. (Japan produces 21% of the worlds iodine, see http://www.iofina.com/mid-stream-iodine-business/iodine )
East Los Angeles 10 minute ambient levels at 11:15am 6/7/13
external 49 CPM-probe on ground
internal 45 CPM
all normal on the east side
Todo normal en el este de los angeles, ca a las 11:15am
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500+ “pancake” probe
Very good news, regarding the closure of SONGS! One less potential radiation risk for the So Cal area… Now, if we could just stop that nasty Pacific Ocean radiation plume coming from Fukushima. It’s the 9,000 pound gorilla in the room, but everyone acts as if it isn’t there. It is literally breathing hot poison down all of our necks. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, and it never stops.
Op-Ed News article “Swan SONGS” coming later today
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 44.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.5 CPM
@ Potrblog “it is not “proof” in a scientific sense.” Agreed
Radioactive I-129 is a lot less radioactive than the I-131, they are both released during a nuclear reactor melt down, at a fixed ratio of 3 parts iodine-131 to one part iodine-129.
Half life 1-131 8 day, in the environment 80 days +.
Half Life I-129 15.7 million years.
I-129 can also be naturally produced in the upper atmosphere by a process call cosmic spallation.
1-129 can bio accumulate in the environment.
The questions being debated here are.
A. If it is a I-129 detection, is it from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster?
B. Does it pose a health risk? (It is far less radioactive that I-131.)
C. Would it be wise to take Iodine supplements, if a significant extra amount of it was being released into the environment, and bio accumulating?
Potrblog as you suggested, I will see if I can source a sample from a sea water evaporation zone, and test it.
Two heavy showers today about 1/2 hr+ from SW to NE
1…92.2 CPM @ 2:13 pm
2…33.1 CPM Background @ 2:23 pm
….2.79 X background
2nd shower
1…154.0 CPM @ 4:53 PM
2…30.6 CPM background @ 5:04 pm
….5.03 X background
[EDITOR’S NOTE: Note how the second reading is twice as high as the first reading where most of any potential radon progeny would have been washed out. This strongly suggests another radiation source such as continued air emissions from Fukushima and ongoing resuspension of radioactive particulates caused by the triple meltdowns of March 11, 2011.]
@vital1, its not “proof” in a scientific sense. But that type of information is useful in making risk assessments.
The Be-7 would come from Tepco pumping nitrogen (likely liquid) into the reactor. I would think your exposure would be from ocean currents and evaporation. Ocean water sampling from those evaporation zones would give a better indication. The difficulty would be getting the sample, and then precipitating out the elements in question out of the solution in effort to get the best reading.
Local cow thyroids would also be an interesting place to test.
According to Arnie Gundersen…
There have been 5 meltdowns over a 35 year period. That averages to 1 meltdown every 7 years.
There is NO OFF switch in a Nuclear Power plant. 🙁
Fukushima Lessons for Nuclear Power in California
– Excerpt 3
by youtube user MsMilkytheclown1 ·
According to Arnie Gundersen…
There have been 5 meltdowns over a 35 year period. That averages to 1 meltdown every 7 years.
There is NO OFF switch in a Nuclear Power plant. 🙁
Fukushima Lessons for Nuclear Power in California
– Excerpt 3
by youtube user MsMilkytheclown1·
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly overcast sky
6:40a INT 46.7 CPM
6:50a EXT 52.5 CPM
10 minute internal and external ambient average E. Los Angeles, CA
internal 42CPM
external 44 CPM
all normal readings on the east side at 8:00pm
Todo normal en el este de los angeles, ca
a las 8:00pm
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500+ HP-265 Probe
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 48.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.4 CPM
Is this proof, that some of the Beryllium Be-7 in our rain tests here in Australia, is from Fukushima?
This is open for discussion, I am interested in positive feedback,
and alternative views on the test results.
Read this previous post in the EnviroReporter “Radiation Food Lab”, to get information on why a I-129 detection is a pointer to Beryllium Be-7 coming from Fukushima.
Looks like a detection of Iodine I-129 from the tin roof down pipe polyester filter. It was collecting rain off a 36 sqm tin roof at my location.
Test chart
If it is, it is still a very small detection of I-129, because the filter was in place for all of May. Mind you, not all of it would have been captured using this filter system. Lots of Beryllium Be-7 is also present! If this is present in the Southern Hemisphere, it would suggest that there is a lot more in the rain in the Northern Hemisphere!
Nimbin Australia has been getting huge Radon washouts this year. The rain swab test charts from that location have been showing lots of Lead Pd-210 and Beryllium Be-7. Lead Pb-210 is the end isotope of the Radon daughter decay chain.
Nimbin test chart
Because the I-129 at 39.6 keV, and Pb-210 at 46.5 keV, have energy peaks so close together it can be difficult to tell them apart with a NAI scintillator. If they are present at the same time, the peak that shows will drift toward the 39.6 kev if more I-129 is present, and towards 46.5 keV if more Pb-210 is present.
The experimental Theremino MCA V4.5 software used in this test is a bit noisy near background. It is a lot more sensitive than the other scintillator MCA software I use. It is just that the noise at low CPS activity can make it harder to interpret isotope peaks.
Disclaimer: I am an amateur. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented here, without further research.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 46.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.4 CPM
Concerned citizens of Southern California are honored to announce that the former Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, will be their guest on June 4th to share his perspectives on nuclear safety and the future of sustainable alternatives. Kan was prime minister in March 2011 when an earthquake and tsunami triggered the catastrophe at the Fukushima-daiichi nuclear plant. He was confronted by three reactor meltdowns and a nuclear crisis that persists to this day. Other distinguished speakers will include top names in the industry.
Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Location: Map
Chambers of the County Board of Supervisors,
1600 Pacific Highway,
San Diego, CA, 3rd Floor
Time: Doors open at 8:00 AM (come early for parking)
Webcast begins at 8:30 AM (PDT)
Q&A will be taken at the end of the event for as long as time permits.
Please join and promote our Facebook event.
Naoto Kan, Former Prime Minister of Japan
In 2011, Mr. Kan was Japan’s Prime Minister during the Fukushima nuclear disaster. At one point Japan faced a situation where there was a chance that people might not be able to live in the capital zone including Tokyo and would have to evacuate. Mr. Kan declared the need for Japan to end its reliance on atomic power and promote renewable sources of energy, such as solar that have long taken a back seat in the resource-poor country’s energy mix. Mr. Kan resigned as Prime Minister in August 2011 and now serves the Democratic Party of Japan to garner support for alternative energy policies.
Gregory Jaczko, Former Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Mr. Jaczko was first sworn in as a Commissioner of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on January 21, 2005. On May 13, 2009, President Obama designated him the organization’s Chairman. During the Fukushima crisis, Chairman Jaczko recommended that Americans evacuate 50 miles outside Fukushima. On February 9, 2012 Mr. Jaczko cast the lone dissenting vote on plans to build the first new nuclear power plant in more than 30 years when the NRC voted 4-1 to allow Atlanta-based Southern Co. to build and operate two new nuclear power reactors at its existing Vogtle nuclear power plant in Georgia. He cited safety concerns stemming from Japan’s 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, stating, “I cannot support issuing this license as if Fukushima never happened.” His pro-safety stance caused much friction with the other commissioners, resulting in his departure from the NRC. He has since been appointed to a post on a Congressional panel overseeing the National Nuclear Security Administration.
Peter A. Bradford, former member of the NRC
Mr. Bradford was a member of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission during the Three Mile Island accident. He was also the former chair of the New York and Maine utility regulatory commissions, Peter Bradford has taught at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and currently is an Adjunct Professor at Vermont Law School teaching “Nuclear Power and Public Policy”. A member of the China Sustainable Energy Policy Council, he served on a recent panel evaluating the reliability of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Panel advising how best to replace the remaining Chernobyl nuclear plants in Ukraine, a panel on the opening of the Mochovce nuclear power plant in Slovakia, and the Keystone Center collaborative on nuclear power and climate change. He is the author of “Fragile Structures: A Story of Oil Refineries, National Securities and the Coast of Maine” and many articles. He is a graduate of Yale University and the Yale Law School and is Vice Chair of the board of The Union of Concerned Scientists.
Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer, Fairewinds Associates
Arnold “Arnie” Gundersen is chief engineer of energy consulting company, Fairewinds Associates. Arnie Gundersen has 40-years of nuclear power engineering experience. He attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) where he earned his Bachelor Degree cum laude while also becoming the recipient of a prestigious Atomic Energy Commission Fellowship for his Masters Degree in nuclear engineering. Arnie holds a nuclear safety patent, was a licensed reactor operator, and is a former nuclear industry senior vice president. During his nuclear power industry career, Arnie also managed and coordinated projects at 70-nuclear power plants in the US.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 43.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.8 CPM
Sunshine Coast,
Monthly report
Monitoring location
The May 2013 monthly average was 7% above the pre-Fukushima monthly average for May. This is the same as May 2012. (See charts below) This would suggest that at our location, background radiation levels have stabilized for the time being.
Month averages 2013
Month averages 2012
May, day local background averages
We now also have in place a new live monitoring station in Australia, near Melbourne, at Grovedale in Victoria . The live Grovedale Victorian Australian charts can be found on this page.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 49.5 CPM
7:40a INT 50.9 CPM
Tornado Damage, Car Wreck, Radioactive Fire, Another Day In Saint Louis.
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute external ambient level at 6:15pm 46 CPM. All normal on the east side.
Todo normal nivel ambiental 46 CPM en el este de Los Angeles 10 minutos promedio
WB Johnson nstruments GSM 500 with Pancake GM probe
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute external ambient level at 6:15pm 46 CPM. All normal on the east side.
Todo normal nivel ambiebtal 46 CPM en el este de Los Angeles 10 minutos promedio
WB Johnson nstruments GSM 500 with Pancake GM probe
UPDATE: minor tree damage at STL underground radioactive landfill fire, Radiation levels 33 cpm upwind and 27 cpm downwind; major tree damage at nearby Holiday Inn Express; no indications of casualties, video to follow later.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 54.1 CPM
7:40a INT 50.4 CPM
East Los Angeles 10 minute ambient levels
interior 42CPM
exterior 43CPM
all normal on the east side at 10:44pm
Todo normal en el este de los angeles
WB Johnson GSM 500+pancake probe
ALERT! Tornado Strikes At Radioactive Underground Landfill Fire In Saint Louis
Tornado related Mass causality event reported at Holiday Inn at Earthcity, Mo. within a few thousand feet of the WestLake superfund site. The landfill was in the direct path of the tornado, immediate radioactive risk assumed low, but bears watching
From Residents Organized For a Safe Environment:
Sen Boxer 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510, (202)224-3553
Email address and Phone #’s of the NRC commission below.
Chairman@nrc.gov Tel: 301-415-1750
CMRSVINICKI@nrc.gov Tel: 301-415-1855
CMRAPOSTOLAKIS@nrc.gov Tel: 301-415-1810
CMRMAGWOOD@nrc.gov Tel: 301-415-8420
CMROSTENDORFF@nrc.gov Tel: 301-415-1800
AP Exclusive: Calif Sen Boxer wants Justice Dept probe on troubled San Onofre nuclear plant
Another very strong action that can be taken over the next few weeks is to write CEO Ted Craver of Southern California Edison asking him to make the tough financial decisions to SHUTDOWN SONGS for good and start the decommissioning process at San Onofre for the good of the ratepayers in California, property owners in the future children of California.
It is time to replace nuclear power with solar and you can start immediately by doing rooftop solar in areas that are projected to have grid instability in San Diego & Orange counties.
I believe if we can get 10,000 California ratepayers to send him a letter saying the same thing we can make a big impact on him.
His mailing address is:
Theodore (Ted) Craver Jr.
Southern California Edison
P.O. Box 800
Rosemead, CA. 91770
Gene Stone
Residents Organized For a Safe Environment (ROSE)
949-233-7724, On twitter @gene_stone
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.9 CPM
East los Angeles checks in with 10 minute ambient levels
Interior 45 cpm
External 48cpm
All normal on the east side at 7:25pm
Yay!!!! Sorry if this has already been posted. Just saw it and had to tell somebody. It is also in my general local area (i’m in north San Diego County). Thanks to all who put effort into this case!!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG some high clouds
6:10a INT 51.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 46.7 CPM
@ABC Unfortunately I have no contacts in those regions who have been willing to share monitoring information.
Thanks for the “Editor’s note”. That is a very informative source you mentioned. I was also wondering about geiger readings in other areas up north, in Northern Territory, Western Australia (i said SA but i meant WA), and northern Queensland. Maybe i overlooked some info, i’ll check again.
I’d like to thank those that serve/served in our military to give us the freedom we have today!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 50.3 CPM
7:40a INT 46.7 CPM
Happy Memorial Day Weekend. East Los Angeles, CA checks in with 10 minute ambient levels at 3:07pm
internal 45CPM
external 48 CPM
all normal on the east side
Niveles Normales de Radioactividad ambiental a las 3:07PM
45 CPM-interior
48CPM exterior
WB Johnston Instruments GSM 500+pancake probe
I just checked out the site netc.com – some crazy readings. Anyone know whether it’s possible that the latest CMEs from solar activity could cause that? From the geomagnetic storms or solar winds which are currently blowing through but dying down (solarham.net)? Just wondering, because of that wave of high readings.
Thanks for all your readings, resources and info!
@vital1 – been looking into going to Australia, maybe northward for winter. Never been there (checking out helpx.net, a work exchange program). But wondering whether you’d heard of any readings from NT, SA, or northern Q. Or the most reliable source to look up.
Thanks again for all your work and intent!
[Editor’s note – Radiation Station Sunshine Coast Australia is the most reliable source to look up, abc. And don’t forget to check vital1’s incredible Radiation Food Lab too for the world’s best data on hot, or not, food and drink in 12 nations, Europe and the Pacific Ocean.]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 53.4 CPM
7:40a INT 46.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG mostly clear sky
7:40a EXT 52.1 CPM
7:50a INT 47.0 CPM
East Los Angeles at 8:00pm 10 minute average ambient readings
external 43 CPM
internal 40 CPM
all normal on the east side
Todos los niveles normales en el este de los angeles a las 8:00pm
Alert Level showing at Burlington Vermont, on the netc.com site 24th May 2013 at 23:40, plus 5 other stations showing significant increases down the east coast of the USA, from Vermont to The District of Columbia.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 43.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.3 CPM
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute ambient average
exterior-48 CPM
interior-45 CPM
all normal on the east side at 4:15pm
Nivel de radioactividad ambiental 10 minutos promedio
interior 45 CPM
exterior 48 CPM
Todo normal en el este de los angeles
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500+ “pancake” probe
These are some recent reports from the Nimbin monitoring station. Nimbin is located on the north east coast of New South Wales Australia. This location has been getting up to 10 uSv/hr + rain swab detections!
Alert Nimbin monitoring station 22 May 2013.
“Very high radon washout event currently in the Nimbin Valley. About 40 minutes ago, as I was leaving to drive to town for some supplies, I took a rain sample from the bonnet of my car (small sedan) using a cotton swab. When I returned home 25 minutes later I put the swab under my LND 7317 geiger counter and got 3974 counts in the first minute. That’s basically 10uSv/h! I’m logging it’s decay now….”
Nimbim update on the 22nd Alert Level detection 24.05.2013 –
“….and here’s the chart – http://youtu.be/j18DbxD5Oys”
Note: Large Radon washout events can be very localized, just because it is happening in one location does not mean it is happening at yours.
Alert Nimbin monitoring station 11 May 2013.
“Heavy downpours this morning have brought yet more radon progeny. A swab taken off the roof of the car (small sedan) this morning gave 2755cpm (LND7317) or ~6.8uSv/h. Ouch! Nimbin Update: After more than 500 minutes, here’s the decay chart –
I’ll send this one to be analysed too…”
Note: The Nimbin monitoring station has multiple Geiger Counters to verify detections.
Alert Nimbin monitoring station 2nd May 2013.
“Radon and friends are back! A little shower just now left behind 1900cpm (LND7317) on a swab taken from the car windscreen…Average here with LND7317 is 27CPM.”
Scintillator rain swabs test chart, for the 2nd and 11th May alert level rain event, at Nimbin Australia. They appear to be very large Radon washouts.
Theory put forward by the station operator for these huge detections.
“I live on the rim of a very large caldera and I suspect that the radon responsible for these events is forced out of the ground right here at times of high rainfall, when the fractures in the strata are inundated with water.
Often the mountain that is my back yard is under mist and I suspect that mist accumulates radon progeny which is then rained out. On to my bloody vegetable garden!”
Title: Hanford officials hid leak evidence from advisory panel
Date: May 21, 2013
…..measurable amounts of Cesium-137 and Strontium-90, two highly radioactive elements that are a byproduct of nuclear fission. Trace amounts of Plutonium 239/240 and Americium-241 were also detected.
….the materials were registering 800,000 dpm (disintegrations per minute), a high level of radioactivity
Good morning from East Los Angeles, CA
10 minute ambient average readings at 7:00am
interior 42 CPM
exterior 43 CPM
all normal ambient levels on the east side of town
Buenos dias desde el este de los angeles, ca
nivel ambiental
interio 42 CPM
exterior 43 CPM
todo normal en East Los
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500+”pancake” probe
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.8 CPM
Greetings from East Los Angeles, CA
10 minute average integrate at 10:15pm
exterior-40CPM all within normal range
Nivel ambiental de radioactividad a las 10:15pm
Todo los niveles estan normales
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 43.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.2 CPM
Large thunder/lightning showers moving S to N (not in jetstream)
1…229.5 CPM @ 4:07 pm
2…30.4 CPM background @ 4:20 pm
3…7.55 X background
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a INT 51.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.9 CPM
Scintillator rain swabs test chart, for the 2nd and 11th May alert level rain event, at Nimbin Australia. It appears to be another very large Radon washout. The levels of Lead Pb-210 and Beryllium Be7 detected in these rain swabs, is much less than the Nimbin late January, and early February 2013 rain swabs.
Lead Pb-210 is the end product of the Radon isotope daughter decay chain.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 51.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.6 CPM
local central coast newspaper with an article on environmental health specialist testing japanese drift onto central cali beaches [of course it does not test for increased radiation levels]:
Been rebuilding my crashed pc the last couple weeks. About 1 1/2 weeks ago a rain shower reading was almost 2x background. Today a short/light thunder/lightning shower from S to N went through.
1..79.4 CPM @ 3:50 pm
2..29.2 CPM background @ 4:12 pm
Much lower than what its averaged in the past
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:05a EXT 47.9 CPM
8:15a INT 45.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a EXT 55.1 CPM
8:10a INT 48.1 CPM
Good morning from East Los Angeles, CA.
10 minute average
internal at 7:30am 39 counts per minute
external at 7:45am 45 counts per minute
all normal on the east side
Buenos dias, nivel de radioactividad ambiental son
interior a las 7;30am 39 Counts por minuto
interior a las 7:45am 45 counts por minuto
todo normal
WB Johnson GSM-500
While observing the TEPCO Web Cam I saw a team of white suited workers on top of Reactor #3. They were there for approximately 5 minutes.
IMO – This is significant in at least several ways.
1. Why were they using people to access R3 when they’ve got cranes with cameras?
2. What was there exposure? Lead suits did not work for Chernobyl. 🙁
Here’s the preset start time on recording at 19:15.
(that’s 2013-05-16 16:38 jst time clock)
Fuku1long 16:00 – 17:00
Time, Distance, Shielding…
“In some cases, improper shielding can actually make the situation worse, when the radiation interacts with the shielding material and absorbs in the organisms more readily.”
“…although high atomic number materials are very effective in shielding photons, using them to shield beta particles may cause higher radiation exposure due to the production of bremsstrahlung x-rays…”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 45.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 45.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.4 CPM
Crazy Radioactive Stench From Underground Fire At Superfund Landfill in Saint Louis. We take readings and video
East los angeles checks in with 47 CPM external 10 minute average and 45 CPM internal. All normal on the east side at 7:15pm
Nivel de radioactividad ambintal en el en el este de los angeles. 47 CPM-extrior
45 CPM en el interior. Todo normal a las 7:15pm
WB Johnson Instruments GMS 500
From our friends at San Clemente Green:
Thanks to a high level of grassroots support, we are doing pretty well on our petition and poll. Unfortunately we are still considerably short of our goals. We are counting on people like you to do what you can to reach out to others, more than ever before.
We need your help to give us one more big push ASAP. We will submit the results of the poll and petition by 8:00 am Thursday – May 16, to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), a few hours before they are closed for comments. The results will be submitted to the NRC as one aggregate statement from San Clemente Green. Your contact information will not be published or shared by us. Your non-deductible donations will be used to get the word out and cover other out-of-pocket expenses.
FYI – We have word that the tentative date for the final NRC meeting might be June 24th, just before their critical restart decision is determined. We’ll definitely let you know when more details are available. That is going to be our last chance to make an impression on the NRC, to let them know we don’t want Edison to do a nuclear experiment in our backyards. Please hold this date on your calendar and plan on being there. It is important to show up in great numbers.
There is also one more important way you can help our cause. Send in your own individual comment to the NRC. At this link you’ll find a couple of easy options to send a prepared statement or one of your own. You’ll be doubling your impact at a critical time before Edison can find away around public oversight and is allowed to recklessly restart a defective nuclear reactor.
Thank you for your help!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.4 CPM
6:30a INT 51.1 CPM Re-take of paper towel sample from yesterday’s morning dew
Jeff Rense has posted a photo-essay showing dead sea lions on the beach near San Onofre with a Radex detector showing mSv readings taken in March from different parts on the carcasses and sea weed. One photo shows a .48 mSv reading from the heart and liver region of a dead sea lion.
@Marge Brown, thanks for the link, too bad it was not scratch and sniff. Given the exponential stench growth over the last weeks, it is unbelievable that anyone can live near it. To bad all radioactivity doesn’t have the same stink.
The heart of the matter is individual property rights; we don’t have them anymore, and that’s how they get away with polluting their neighbors. In a free country, the neighbors would sue and a jury trial would take place in the stink zone. As it stands now, it will just be an excuse for more one size fits all regulations whose only true purpose is to stifle the free market.
Further testing of the morning dew sample taken from my backyard table:
6:30a 73.1 CPM Alpha Reading
7:05a 50.5 CPM Non-Alpha Reading (background)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG foggy
6:10a INT 50.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.6 CPM
6:30a INT 73.1 CPM Paper towel sample of morning dew taken from outside table
From our friends at Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles with the link for you to comment on whether San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station should be allowed to be restarted:
Last month, Southern California Edison requested a license amendent with a “No Significant Hazards” consideration that would allow it to re-start Unit 2 at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Station at 70% power. Take action to keep San Onofre shut down now.
Both reactors have been shut down since January 2012 when a radioactive leak led to discovery of extensive damage. Though Edison has tried to minimize the damage of Unit 2, a September report revealed that its damage is nearly as bad as Unit 3 and more than 400 times what is normal for new steam generators in the entire country. Even Edison’s own consultants have stated that if Unit 2 is restarted, another leak could be expected within months.
No significant hazard? According to a 1982 NRC study, a meltdown at one of San Onofre reactors could cause 130,000 prompt fatalities; 300,000 latent cancers, and 600,000 cases of genetic defects within 35 miles of the site. Since then, the population in the area has increased substantially with over 8 million people living within 50 miles of the reactors.
San Onofre must not be allowed to restart, and must have a public adjudicated license amendment hearing with testimony from independent experts before any decision is made. The deadline to submit comments to the Nuclear Regularly Commission is This Thursday, May 16. Comments can be submitted here.
Here’s a sample comment. If you are a physician, we encourage you to add information about radiological dose and impacts on human health.
I write to ask that the NRC reject Southern California Edison’s narrow license amendment request and no significant hazard consideration. These requests from Edison would pave the way to restart before a full adjudicated license amendment hearing with testimony from independent experts was held. This license amendment seeks to remove the critical licensing issues from the context in which it is requested – to pave the way for restarting a severely damaged reactor without understanding the cause and without fixing the problems. It further fails to address significant safety and licensing issues, such as impacts on vital safety systems. Given the extensive damage at both reactors and tremendous public concern, Southern California Edison should not be attempting fast-track a restart decision. The health and safety of Southern Californians must come first.
Please submit your comment today!
All of us at PSR-LA
@ Potrblog
Good morning from the east side of Los Angeles, CA
10 minute average atr 8:00m
interior-40 CPM
exterior-45 CPM
all normal background readings on this side of town with a 90+ heat forecast.
Buenos dias desde el este de los angeles. Nivel ambiental promedio de 10 minutos
interior-40 CPM
Todo nivel normal para esta area con un dia bastante caliente
Hasta Luego
WB Johnson Instruments GGM-500 contamination survey meter
@Chase thanks for your ongoing efforts to elucidate as well.
@POTR thanks for cluing us in to your region. What goes around comes around.
The recent scholarship on St. Louis nuke testing is truly frightening and I haven’t read the dissertation yet but a St. Louis City College instructor just published on Cold War Era radiation testing on downtown residents there. This probably provides a major new trail of breadcrumbs into other insights.
What I learned after years of working with infrastructure professionals all over the US is that infrastructure in the US was perverted long ago to serve political/real estate development interests rather than the greater good and/or sane/sustainable urban development. However, this varies quite widely from city to city and region to region.
Where there is government transparency and/or good investigative reporting there is a chance at the city’s adaptation and survival into the post-climate change era.
My Grandfather, who was an editor at the LA Mirror and LA Times (’40s -’60s) told my Grandmother that the LA Times always forecast nice weather for the weekend to encourage its readers to go out shopping and support its advertisers.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.2 CPM
New West Auckland Monitoring Station New Zealand, has charts to show day and monthly trends, plus other information.
@Michael Collins, 99.9% of the time we are upwind of that landfill, our radioactive readings correlate with the Jet Stream.
A few weeks ago we did have a wind shift that blew in our direction from the landfill, but did not notice any unusual detections. However that evening we drove to a Sam’s Club a few miles closer to the landfill site, the smell was horrendous (worse than a rendering plant or paper mill).
Something is seriously wrong at that land fill, underground fires and such. They claim that the fire is not in the radioactive section, but it is unlikely they actually know what they have. What ever has gone wrong has gotten much worse recently. And there were reports of official airborne radioactive detections, but supposedly at “safe levels”
Saint Louis has serious radioactive problems related to the ww2 and the cold war, many details are unknown and those which are known are hidden (the McDonnell Douglas folks used to play softball on a radioactive superfund site).
In the end, like all big failing cities, the powers that be are more concerned about negative perceptions influencing the city’s “recovery” than they are about the facts and data. Otherwise, they would handout rifles and NBC rated gas masks when you cross over the Missouri river into the Saint Louis area. Unfortunately, the pickup point for the rifles and NBC gear on the far side would have to be at the Indiana State welcome center, as the political cesspool responsible stretches all the way to the Indiana state line.
Excellent insight.
Overcoming the ‘veil of silence’ is not an easy task. It is a weapon the terrorists of toxic contamination use as a shield to hide their legacy which has destroyed an untold number of lives in the name of profit.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:25a EXT 51.4 CPM
8:35a INT 47.2 CPM
While I was developing accredited continuing education programs for civil engineers as part of a national infrastructure conference I had an occasion to contact the St. Louis public works department to find a keynote speaker for a workshop. I had done the same thing in probably seven or eight different states prior to this and had never had anyone be anything other than enthusiastic and/or gracious to speak at this workshop — in fact Jan Perry drove quite a distance on a very hot day to speak at one of these, as did one of the nation’s top scientists in the field.
Meanwhile St. Louis public works department never allowed me to speak to anyone there with any authority. No one returned my calls. They acted as if I was trying to contact the President. It was the weirdest most egregious stonewalling experience I had in any of the regions of the U.S. dealing with (in one way or another) virtually all aspects of urban infrastructure.
Why would infrastructure professionals do this without hiding something? This has since been confirmed in spades: St. Louis was/is a hotbed of nuke waste dumping and nuke testing on St. Louis residents. The nuke testing company was subsequently acquired by Monsanto.
The infrastructure people there know it and covering this up runs deep in the culture there if they can’t face their own peers at a national professional training conference.
Rain Alert Nimbin monitoring station north east coast New South Wales Australia, 11 May 2013.
“Heavy downpours this morning have brought yet more radon progeny. A swab taken off the roof of the car (small sedan) this morning gave 2755cpm (LND7317) or ~6.8uSv/h. Ouch!”
Nimbin Update: This update information has been provided by the Nimbin Monitoring station.
“After more than 500 minutes, here’s the decay chart,
I’ll send this rain swab to be analysed too…”
Note: The Nimbin monitoring station has multiple Geiger Counters to verify detections.
We haven’t seen any studies on the heath effects of being exposed to large Radon washout events. It is only a suggestion to take those precautions in the in the post on this subject below. Why is the east coast of Northern New South Wales is getting such large radon washout events? We have some theories, but don’t really know.
Here is a link to more information on Radon.
@Potrblog et al: Could burning radioactive material at the Westlake Landfill Superfund Site be contributing to high rad readings in the St. Louis/St. Charles area? In a rare burst of once-regular excellent investigative journalism, Rolling Stone investigates this site. If anyone knows if the hot rains in the area are impacted by this dump, with 8,000 tons of nuclear waste – much from the Manhattan Project – it’s Potrblog.
@Chase & Hector: Looking at the “Radon Potential Zone Map for Southern Los Angeles County, California” on page 5 of Beta Watch, it does seem East Los Angeles that there is a area of moderate radon gas exposure (light pink areas). While the map posted isn’t as big as the original from which we took it, the map does lend credence quite strongly that Hector is correct. Radiation stations Santa Monica and Glendale do not have this geologic phenomena affecting its readings from this map and other information EnviroReporter.com uncovered as reported in Beta Watch.
Chase thanks for the info. The readings quickly dropped from the wet paper towel. I took a reading about 45 minutes later ad it had dropped down from 101CPM to 60CPM, so I figured it was a bit of radon progeny going on.
East Los Angeles reports internal reading of 45 CPM 10 minute average 48 CPM-external at 9:00am. All normal readings
Niveles normales de radioactividad con 45 CPM interior y 48CPM en el exterior 10 minutos de promedio a las 9:00am.
WB Johnson GSM-500+”pancake”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a EXT 49.5 CPM
7:50a INT 50.8 CPM
A reading of 101 cpm on the towel means it is 101 cpm.
That would be well over double the normal background reading of 45. That’s my understanding.
Michael or vital1 can explain the percentage calculation.
I have also seen readings of samples taken after a specific periods of time in order to determine the ‘decay rate’ which may be an indicator of the what the isotope is.
Also putting a piece of plastic between the tube and the sample can indicate alpha present if the cpm drops.
There are other such tips out there. I don’t own a rad detector yet. I’m not an expert, but I read EnviroReporter most everyday and I appreciate everyone’s readings and comments.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:21a INT 50.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.8 CPM
East los Angeles reports rain. Internal 10 minute count 45 CPM. Tested rain sample towel for 10 minutes and was 101CPM. So 101CPM-45CPM=56CPM. Slightly above the average for this area. Must be some radon on the paper towel at 8:50pm
WB Johnson GSM-500+”pancake”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:21a INT 49.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.2 CPM
Arnie Gundersen and Kevin Kamps interview.
Nuclear Regulators Stick Their Heads In The Sand
Podcast (22 min) May 8, 2013
re: Fukushima
At about 15 minutes in on the podcast Arnie says that a girder ceiling beam was detected at 54 REMS. (that is mega-hot!) He also states that the high doses workers are receiving while working on Unit 4 are actually coming from Unit 3.
He says that the radioactive debris is being placed in a pit. I wonder if it’s lined with leak proof lead? 🙁
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:30a INT 50.0 CPM
6:40a EXT 50.5 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in 40 CPM internal and 45 CPM external. This was a 20 minute average at 4:38pm.
All normal background levels for this area. We did not pick up any additional levels due to the light rain. See you next time.
Todo normal en el este de los angeles. 40CPM interior y 45 CPM en el exterior a las 4:38pm. Niveles de radioactividad ambiental normal para esta area. No detectamos ningun nivel arriba de lo normal con la lluvia ligera. Hasta luego.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500+”pancake”gm
11:15pm INT RAIN SAMPLE: 49.9 CPM^ BACKGROUND LEVEL w/ no radon progeny
11:00pm INT BG: 46.1 CPM^
Alert level +++ Columbia River in Portland, Oregon
Just posted on another forum.
“I have been monitoring regularly for over a year. CPM inside my house stays at the new higher background levels between 15 and 25 CPM 98% of the time.
Yesterday, I took the unit outside and it climbed to 4000 CPM and stayed above 3000 for the 15 minutes that I remained outside measuring. I left the counter outside and when I retrieved it hours later, it was back down at 20 CPM.
I was depending on the data download option, but unfortunately the data was corrupted. I did take a video while the counts were climbing and will try to post that somewhere.
The day was sunny, but there was an unusual wind blowing and the wind was coming from the East when the count was climbing.
I live on the Columbia River in Portland, Oregon.”
My reply
“That is 200 times your normal background!!
If that is a free air measurement, it is of great concern because it is coming through on the wind. This is a serious alert level event!
You should try, and establish what is the source.
Are you near Hanford?
It was wise not to stay outside during this event.”
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute rain sample of 47 CPM which is normal background level. No radon progeny on the east side detected at 11:00 am May 6.
Nivel normales de radioactividad embiental en la lluvia. 47 Counts por minuto. Nivel normal a las 11:00 am 6 de mayo
Wb Johnson Instruments GSM-500+”pancake” probe
Light rain in Ventura, CA.
Tested a rain soaked paper towel for 10 minutes.
Results were 45.9– BACKGROUND.
Plutonium Fizzle Bomb: Uncle Sam Upgrading Emergency Triage Capability
Alert level detections in Brazil update to my previous posts here on this subject, youtube video by Chris Busby
Here in Australia we also have had large Radon washout events on the New South Wales East coast in late January and early February 2013. On another forum eatliesndie has posted info on another recent large radon detection event that happened there again, a couple days ago.
Here is the January February rain swab test of those Australian detections. By the time I tested these swabs the Radon daughter isotopes had decayed away. What I did detect was a significant peak for Lead Pb-210 which is the end of radon decay. The large mystery isotope peak in this chart turned out to be Beryllium Be-7.
These Alert level detections in Brazil are still occurring. This latest report is for the 3rd May
Here is a theory put forward by the people running the local Nimbin monitoring Station in Norther New South Wales Australia, for the large Radon washout events detected in the Nimbin and Mullumbimby areas in late January 2013.
The area had been in a dry period, and the underground aquifers were low. A flooding rain event came through and quickly forced a large amount of radioactive Radon gas into the atmosphere, that had built up during the dry period, in the aquifer layers. The Radon daughter isotopes were then washed out of the atmosphere during the rain event, and detected on the rain swabs.
It is not uncommon to get large radon washout events happening anywhere in the world during rain events. Radon is in small amounts is in the air we all breath. Radon daughter isotopes decay very quickly. Even so, in an event like this, with such high multi uSv/hr levels of detection, it would advisable to stay out of the rain.
These are the suggestions we have been giving people here, if one of these event occurs in their area.
In these large Radon daughter washout events, at these multi uSv/hr levels of radiation being detected, it maybe advisable to keep children and pets, out of the rain.
Rain washout events like this can be very localized. Just because happening one location, doesn’t mean it will occur at your location. Radon wash out decays quickly, most of it has decayed after an hour. Because these are such large multi uSv/hr detections, it will take hours before it decays to near normal background levels.
Until further tests are done, there is no way of knowing if other longer lived isotopes are also present. If you, a child or a pet gets wet, it would be advisable to have a shower as soon as possible, and wash hair and body thoroughly.
After an event like this, it would be wise to wash any vegetables, herbs and fruit well, if picked from your garden. If you use tank water, it is suggested that the water passes through a good carbon, or better, type water filter before use.
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute average integrate checks in with 43 CPM-interior and 45 CPM exterior at 7:45 am Sunday May 5, 2013. All readings within normal range. Cloudy skies with possible rain on the way. If it rains will take measurements.
El este de Los Angeles reporta nivel de radioactividad ambiental normal con 45 CPM en el exterior y 43 CPM en el interior a las 7:45 am 5 de mayo 2013. Nublado con possible lluvia.
Wb Johnson Instruments GSM500+”pancake”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:20a INT 51.8 CPM
6:30a EXT 48.3 CPM
Theremino Geiger Kit and the Russian SBT-10A tube mounted in a case we designed for them. The SBT-10 tubes work well with this kit because of their high CPM. DIY cost, with case using the SBT-10 pancake tube under $200. This is a very cost effective way to get a very sensitive Geiger counter.
Wiring and assembly
In case
I removed the Aluminium beta shield and placed a metal mesh over the SBT-10 mica window, to maximize sensitivity. This equipment is being used to test lots of environmental items. I wanted to get it up as close and personal as possible to samples, so a very thin replaceable cling wrap plastic is used to prevent contamination. If alpha testing is conducted the cling wrap plastic is removed, and a spacer put in place. For beta testing a thin Aluminium plate is used.
Completed unit
We built these units for our local live monitoring, and environmental testing.
More information on the Theremino Geiger kit, can be found in the free Geiger Use Guide, in the kits section.
If you use a couple of SBM-20 tubes instead, it would cost around $130.
Good morning from East Los Angeles. Today the average 10 minute integrate internal count with pancake probe near window is 40 counts per minute at 8:30 am. All normal reading. Going to visit the Los Angeles Natural History Museum just south of downtown LA. Going to check out the mineral collection and see some of the natural radioactive minerals on display. Hope to write some CPM measurements from the samples on my pad.
Buenos dias desde el este de los angeles, ca
Nivel de radioactividad ambiental esta normal a 40 Counts por minute en 10 minutos promedio.
Wb Johnson Instruments GSM-500 + “pancake” gm detector
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a EXT 47.3 CPM
7:50a INT 46.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.8 CPM
May 2, 2013 2:00pm Reporting from East los Angeles, CA
10 minute average integrate count
interior-43 counts per minute-normal
exterior-47 counts per minute-normal
all normal ambient levels on the East Side
Todo normal en el este de los angeles
10 minutos tiempo promedio 2:00pm 2 de Mayo
interior 43 counts por minuto
exterior 47 counts por minute
Wb Johnston GSM 500+pancake
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear, strong wind
6:10a INT 48.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG broken overcast sky
6:10a INT 49.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 45.4 CPM
A 4/29 News report/insider on SAN ONOFRE
Sunshine Coast,
1st May 2013,
April 2013 report on local background radiation levels, and rain test results.
Monitoring site location.
April’s month average 9%, is lower than last years April 12% above average.
Monthly average for 2012
Monthly Average for 2013
Which brings us back to the Radon daughter isotopes, Uranium U-235 and Beryllium Be-7 as the main detected components in the latest April rain tests, collected at this location. Even though the refined Uranium was detected is in trace amounts, its presence is of considerable concern.
As the seasons change from summer to winter, the Northern Hemisphere mixed tropical air, flowing into the Southern Hemisphere, is replaced by the Southern ocean air flow, and our radiation levels drop.
East Los Angeles checking in this morning at 8:45 am 10 minute average integrate count April 30, 2013
interior 45 counts per minute-normal range
exterior 48 counts per minute-normal range
Reportando desde el este de los angeles nivel ambiental de radioactividad a las 8:45 am 30 de abril
10 minutos promedio integrado
interior-45 counts por minute-normal
exterior-48 counts por minutos-normal
survey meter: Wb Johnston GSM 500 & Pancake probe
Hi Friends,
Hope you all are well.
We are hitting June Gloom season in Ventura, CA.
Woke up this morning to a thick, foggy mist, enough to wet the ground and plants. Thankfully, a 10 minute check of a dampened paper towel showed it to be 49.2, which is around background.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 49.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.0 CPM
Reporting from east los Angeles 10 minute average integrate
Interior-41 cpm
Exterior-42 com
time:7:30pm April 29,2013
Radioactividad ambiental en este de los angeles
exterior-42 cpm
Todo normal
Instrument:Wb Johnson gsm 500 with pancake probe
East los Angeles checking in with 10 minute average integrate 7:00pm April 29, 2013
interior-41 counts per minute-normal
exterior-43 counts per minute-normal
all within normal limits
radioactividad ambiental en el este de los angeles
interior-41 counts por minuto
exterior-43 counts por minute
Todo normal a las 7:00pm Abril 29, 2013
instrument: Wb Johnson GSM-500 with “pancake” probe
Good news, no indications of long half life radiation were found in the 40x over background 4/23/13 Saint Louis rain sample
ALERT! Radioactive Core Leak At La Salle, IL Nuclear During Restart
@MichaelCollins At the first of the year, we took another RadRoadTrip, this time chasing the Jet Stream down South; that took us offline for a couple of weeks. We also switched over to using our Live outdoor radiation monitor as the primary measurement tool, and only reporting when we had spikes. That may have made it look like we ‘disappeared’.
Hi All – I’m back with reading from East Ventura County.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 48.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.9 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in at 9:00pm with
interior 44 CPM-normal
exterior 42 CPM -normal
10 minute average integrate
El este de los angeles se reporta con niveles normales de radioactividad ambiental
interior-44 CPM-normal
exterior-42 CPM-normal
las medidas son por el tiempo de 10 minutos de promedio.
See you all next time, hasta luego amigos
WB Johnston GSM 500 and “pancake” probe
Reporting from East Los Angeles, CA
Time: 7:00pm April 28
exterior count probe at grass ground level. beta & gamma only- 60 counts per minute
interior-60 counts per minute
all reading within normal range
Reportando desde el este de los Angeles, CA
Hora 7:00pm Abril 28
nivel externo-60 counts por minute
adentr 60 counts por minute
Todo normal
WB Johnston GSM-500 with “pancake” probe
@Hector & All: We are pleased to announce that, thanks to Hector Vazquez, we now have a bilingual (English and Spanish) Radiation Station East Los Angeles California! Thank you Hector!
Sunday April 26 8:30am East Los Angeles, CA
interior 10 minute average integrate 42 CPM-Normal Range
exterior 10 minute average integrate 45 CPM-Normal Range
Nivel de radioactividad ambiental en area del este de Los Angeles Domingo 26 de Abril a las 8:30 am.
interior-42 CPM-normal
exterior-45 CPM-normal
WB Johnson GSM-500+pancake
@Hector: Thank you so much for these measurements! We are absolutely delighted and will be creating your bilingual Radiation Station East Los Angeles tommorow.
@vital1: Your Radiation Station Sunshine Coast and Radiation Food Lab are fantastic! Your work is invaluable. We can’t thank you enough.
@Chase: Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor of the Japan Times, is also my ‘radio mate’ each week after my half hour and absolutely worth a listen. He is a brilliant man. I have a problem with his measurements: Yoichi actually rests his detector on the objects being tested, which can lead to instrument contamination, and he is also measuring media either on granite rocks or granitic sand which pushes the readings up. Both mistakes weaken the detecting but don’t make it useless entirely, but surely cause errors of over-measurement. I have asked surfers and raddies to tell me when any seal unfortunately washes up in the Santa Monica area because we’d like to inspect such a carcass.
location: East Los Angeles, CA
10 minute average integrate
interior- 42 CPM-normal range
exterior-46 CPM-normal range
Johnson GSM 500+pancake GM
hello from East Los Angeles CA
I’m located 6 miles east of downtown Los Angeles,CA
10 minute internal average integrate count
interior 47cpm-normal range
exterior 10 minute integrate count 40CPM-normal range
Hola nivel de radioactividad ambiental desde el este de los Angeles,Ca. Estoy a 6 millas de el centro de Los Angeles,CA
10 minutos promedio
interior 47CPM-normal
Time 12:41pm
Radiation detected in Sea Lion autopsy 150 meters north of the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant.
“A quick scan with a dosimeter revealed that the sea lion was radioactive. More careful measurements disclosed a shocking 0.48 microsieverts in the heart and liver region.”
Article – (warning: graphic photos)
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Hi Michael, sounds great I will post in English and Spanish with brief explanations. I will start with 10 minute internal/external and then measure foods and other stuff as I get more practice. I will send you some pics of my set up. I will be using a laboratory grade Johnson Instruments GSM-500 paired with the Johnson HP-265 “pancake” probe. The unit is a digital microprocessor instrument with analog readout. It has an integrate function which allows me to do timed counts. I can measure in CPM and dose rate with the flip of an external switch. Looking forward to posting readings.
NRC opens Special Investigation into La Salle Nuclear Plant
La Salle Nuclear ALERT! Systems Failures Continue, VIGILANCE REQUIRED
Alert Level at Grand Rapids, Again
Altitude 1,319 feet Geiger Counter Model Mazur PRM-9000
Elapsed Minutes 199
Total Counts 13,986
Average CPM 70
Minimum CPM 38
Maximum CPM 101
Beginning time 04/25/13 02:23:29 PM
Ending time 04/25/13 05:41:19 PM
@HECTOR: That’s fantastic. We really have needed a Radiation Station East Los Angeles for the millions of folks east of downtown to know how hot (or not) it is. Can you send us a photograph or two of your setup, perhaps with you in it, so folks can take a look at what and who is taking the measurements? Depending on how you take your measurements, we’ll set up a page once you’ve submitted some. If you include explanatory copy, it would be terrific and, if you wanted, you could include your copy/measurements in Spanish as well. This would make your radiation station so much more valuable (and understandable) to the people of East LA and all of LA.
@Potrblog: Your recent measurements and analysis are amazing and invaluable. We missed you for a couple of months and figured you were taking some time so we deactivated a link to your superb radiation station. We’d be more than happy to reactivate it in order to direct folks to your station if you plan to continue. The station page would also list your comments into Radiation Conversation so people would have full access to this superb effort to inform all of us what is going on in your region. Just say the word and up it goes again.
@ALL: We know a number of you raddies have proper nuclear radiation monitors that can detect alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Now with the Sea of Goo moving north and south up and down the Canadian and Northwest American coast, we need you to start taking measurements carefully, logging them and sharing them with us regularily. Setting up a radiation station for you is free and gets the many visitors to this site a clear way to find out radiation readings in your area. Do it for yourself and do it for your fellow citizens if you are up to it.
Hello Michael. I just got a new Johnson GSM 500 digital survey meter with pancake probe. I can provide 10 minute readings internal/external from the East Side of los Angeles. Im located 7 miles East of downtown LA. Looking forward to posting.
Brazilian Alert level swab, tested with very good test equipment, detects no isotope contamination.
This is a follow up to my previous post on the large Brazilian radiation detections.
Even if this was a large radon washout event, you would still expect to find at least some Lead Pb-210, using this type of test equipment.
This raises lots of questions about these Brazilian detections.
ALERT! Radioactive Rain @ 40 Times Greater Than Background Radiation in Saint Louis
We have been made aware of an UNCONFIRMED radiation Alarm / Alert which occurred down wind of the La Salle nuclear plant.
@roundabout Take your time on food testing by special request. No need to stress you out over your generous offer.
Your seaweed vs. seawater testing is really interesting.
That’s a test that would be really helpful if it were duplicated everywhere and repeatedly because it seems to prove that seaweed sequesters radiation and brings it onshore and then rots there and/or gets eaten by seashore animals.
Clarification; The empty plastic bucket was at background prior to the seawater measurement.
@SBLocal; Sure, I will get the readings in the next week and post them. Give me a few days.
Seawater from Pacific Ocean, Pismo Beach Ca, measured in a plastic bucket @ background: 50-70
Thick seaweed laying on the beach, wet and thick at Pismo Beach; 80
A lot of people playing at the beach and in the water this beautiful sunny weekend.
From Fukushima Oaks, CA:
3 months aggregation of dust from 20X24X1 Filtrete HVAC Filter:
456 CPM 10 Min Avg against a 44.8 CPM EXT background that’s over 900% increase.
I have a theory that air traffic routes into Burbank Airport may be blasting us with radioactive atmospheric particulate.
@roundabout congratulations on your brand new Inspector! Would you test Zico coconut water from Trader Joe’s? It is sourced from Thailand. Also, fruits and nuts from Brazil,Argentina, Chile, and Mexico that Trader Joe’s carries seasonally. Those have been a big part of our diet since Fukushima. Many thanks in advance for any measurements you contribute here.
ALERT! La Salle Nuclear Plant Nearly Took Out Chicago!
@Chase; Thank you for your good tidings. If you need anything tested, let me know. I will also be doing some testing in the central valley in the next few weeks (after my air conditioning is fixed lol). The couch is leather, and I think you are right about the inner materials.
@Michael; It has been my one true desire to be able to participate in the information feed of this website since 3/11/11… thus the excitement of my new detector! So yes, when I get a little more familiar with it, which won’t take long, let’s get going on the Central Coast area (just 20 minutes downwind from Diablo as well!) You can email me and let me know how you want it set up, or we can talk on the phone about the parameters needed. My pleasure! They sent a CD Rom but all it had was pictures, no real directions… Thanks for the online link! There is so much food testing above 50! Unbelievable. Some Ice Creams still test low…interesting…So many “healtb food” items gone hot.
To the organic farmer in Los Osos Ca: Contact me if you want readings… we talked about this last year…
Thanks to all who gave me requested readings over the years! Let me know how I can bless you back!
April 18, 2013
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will be briefed by its staff and other
stakeholders on the NRC’s efforts to implement lessons learned from the Fukushima Dai-ichi
accident in a public meeting April 23 at 9 a.m. at NRC Headquarters, 11555 Rockville Pike,
Rockville, Md. The commission meeting will be open to public observation and will be webcast.
Broadcast media outlets interested in sending crews to the meeting should contact the
Office of Public Affairs by close of business April 19, in order to facilitate clearing staff and
equipment through security. Other media should contact the office by close of business on
April 22.
Movement must be kept to a minimum so as not to be distracting and entry into the inner
well closest to the Commission briefing table is prohibited. Plan to arrive at the NRC least a half-
hour in advance of the meeting with proper media credentials. The NRC offices are located
across the street from the White Flint Metro station. Parking is available at the White Flint metro
parking garage on Marinelli Road.
Illinois, Lemont/Lockport Area
Geiger Counter Reading 60 miles North-East of LaSalle Nuclear which is located in Ottawa, IL
This location is 35 miles South-West from downtown Chicago, IL
Inspector Geiger Counter
Time: between 6pm-7pm
46.4 CPM on 10 min. timed count outside 3 feet off ground, open air.
55.6 CPM on 10 min. timed count outside on the grass no Alpha, Geiger Counter was in a plastic bag.
Average background radiation for this area is 36 CPM.
Readings are slightly elevated but nothing to worry about right now. 100 CPM is considered alert level but I always like to add that it means to start figuring out why a reading is high. It is time to worry when you get 100 CPM or over for a series of days.
Weather: We had a major rain event over the past 24 hrs. the ground is saturated. Wind blowing in from West which is the direction o the LaSalle Nuclear facility.
For Comparison the highest reading I have taken was on August 2, 2012 after a release event from Fukushima that people were detecting across the USA. The reading was 72.6 CPM.
Also I took some readings and video of snow bands created from the nuclear cooling towers in January of 2013. The last one in Dwight, IL was the closest reading I took to the LaSalle Nuclear Facility. I haven’t loaded the last one in Dwight, IL but the reading I took is below.
49.3 Bradley, IL, January 24th, 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGsz8gVxCOQ
44.7 Bonfield, IL, January 24th, 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oLmsmUdORI
54.2 Dwight, IL, January 24th, 2013 will upload at a later date.
@MichaelCollins Any one can be sued over anything, but the driver for the disclaimer is that we still consider it “Experimental”. And as such, the data (absent our analysis) should be viewed with an eye towards discounting it as a primary source for making risk mitigation decisions.
However since we have added an additional Geiger counter to the site which allows people to compare data, we’ll probably upgrade the confidence level to “for educational purposes”
@Wisconsin: No, it is not the time for KI pills. While our upcoming pieces will give you even less faith that nuclear events in this country will be assessed accurately, we still stick to the notion that one should 1)hear from medical or government authorities before ever using KI pills and 2)know the source of the event and measurements of local radiation before deciding yourself to take KI pills. That all said, you are less than 100 miles downwind (according to national wind maps kindly provided on Potrblog’s website) from the Kewaunee and Point Beach nuclear power plants in Wisconsin. What you need is an Inspector nuclear radiation monitor, like roundabout just got. That will allay your fears (perhaps) plus you could begin reporting readings there. Oh, and test your food and drink before consuming them too.
@roundabout: That is fantastic! Once you start doing regular readings, would you entertain the idea of a Radiation Station Central Coast California for us? It would be a welcome addition to our Radiation Stations. How is it you bought an Inspector and don’t have the manual? An online Inspector manual will therefore be useful.
@Chase: Amazing capture of that purple spark. What the heck? Anyone have a theory? It is clear that the Fukushima disaster continues unabated with the worst to come as the corrupt and incompetent plant owners are clearly out of ideas (and avalanches of money) to remediate the triple meltdowns. You are an OG Raddie that hasn’t lost sight of the fact that this kind of disaster is unique in that it only gets worse the longer it goes on. It is probably
@Potrblog: Superb setup you have there. The “entertainment purposes only” admonition doesn’t really engender confidence in the rad lab you have and perhaps isn’t needed. You can’t be sued over your readings, can you?
@vital1: Outstanding work. It is invaluable and we thank you for sharing it.
@SimiRich: We look forward to your safe return. Happy trails.
Great video and dialog on the Hepa Filter Test. Informative!
Glad to see you with a Geiger. That couch test was interesting. I guess furniture can act as a dust filter in a way. hmm..? The shoes, the clothes… etc…
I wish we knew what the couch tested like 3 years ago. Maybe test one in a furniture store that’s still wrapped in plastic. Maybe the metal springs were made from DU scrap metal we sold to China, then they shipped it back. (?)
Note: Coconuts may uptake the radiation better than many other plants.
re Bikini:
“A 1998 International Atomic Energy Agency report found that Bikini is still not safe for habitation, because of dangerous levels of radiation.”
– wiki [found in the coconuts]
Radioactive Rain Inside Our Basement- ARRRGH!
By the way, I need to give back as many of you have tested food for me… If there is a specific brand and if I can get it, I will be happy to measure it for you!!
Roundabout got her Inspector Unit today!!! I still have to learn a few things about how to do the ten minute averages. But I will not be drinking TJ’s unsweetened coconut milk as it spiked up to 94, ranging between 94 and high sixties. The sofa I am laying on rigth now is reading 500 cpms after ten minutes. And it is an old sofa! I have been on this sofa for almost two years!!! Yikes!
As the unit came with no instructions, whats a good link to go to so that I can begin to measure central coast california? Any links?
I am glad I can finally become a citizen reporter! I will be measuring pacific ocean seawater this weekend!
I am so glad that I finally have one of these… after two years post Fukushima!
Possible Emergency Radioactive Release @ La Salle, IL Nuclear Plant
I took this screen shot of a giant spark exiting the smoldering ‘pit’ area at Reactor 3.
Initially recorded from the TEPCO web cam.
Watching the (2x) source recording one can still see it moving vertically at high speed.
Long enough for a screen capture. Ha! 🙂
IMO – Something is happening. These ‘spark’ events are occurring with a greater frequency.
Is there ionization or some other effect?
Purple Bolt Ejecting from Reactor 3
(screen shots with zoom)
“Is it possible that the seismic activity around Papau New Guinea, Solomon Islands, etc etc, could cause the radon washouts in Australia?”
We have looked at the possibility that the large Radon rain washout event, in Northern New South Wales in late January 2013, was from a local source.
One theory put forward by one of the team members here, who lives in the area, is that we had just come out of a drought, and the underground aquifers where low.
The drought was broken by a flooding rain event. This quickly filled the aquifers forcing large amounts of underground Radon gas into the atmosphere. This was then washed out as Radon decay isotope daughters in the local rain.
Southern Pacific Ocean seismic events are also a possibility. They have not coincided with detections at present.
Other theories for the larger Radon detections.
Radon Theory One
50 times more Uranium than normal was detected in air over Hawaii on the 21.03.2011.
All this extra Uranium that has been aerosolized into the air from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster into the Northern Hemisphere atmosphere, is constantly releasing extra Radon gas. This would explain the increase in radioactive Radon gas coming across the equatorial boundary from the Northern hemisphere.
Also, there are constant steam releases from the underground super heated melted Nuclear reactor cores, hitting ground water. This releases a lot of extra Radon that is in the cores and soil at Fukushima. Watch this video from the 30.10.2012 to see a live shot of ground venting at the Fukushima site, from the underground Nuclear reactor cores. This is a common occurrence there.
Radon has a half life of 3.82 days so it is around for at lease 38 days. You multiply the half life of an isotope by 10 to get the effective life of it in the environment. If a sufficiently large enough extra amount of Radon is continually being produced in the Northern Hemisphere atmosphere, there is plenty of time for it to get here, and be detected, if the weather conditions are favourable.
Radon Theory Two
Increasing Radon levels have nothing to do with Fukushima, but by increased global temperatures, or seismic activity.
Any increase in background radiation levels, or Radon levels is not good. Radon is the second biggest cause of lung cancer, after smoking.
The latest Rain water test I just added to enviroreporter’s “Radiation Food Lab” comment section, tends to support theory one
for increased Radon detections at my location.
I don’t know this to be a real possibility, which is why i ask…
Is it possible that the seismic activity around Papau New Guinea, Solomon Islands, etc etc, could cause the radon washouts in Australia? Maybe something brewing around Brazil too?
There’s also the sick Sea Lion pups beaching along the southern Cali coast… maybe an effect of seismic activity further offshore?
I found an article from last year that tells of hundreds of dead dolphins and thousands of Pelicans off the shores of Peru: http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2012/0509/What-s-causing-mass-pelican-and-dolphin-deaths-in-Peru
I found this recently and thought it was current until i noticed the date from last May. They were guessing at ocean warming. I had not found an update to that investigation.
There were the recent dead manatees and dolphins on both coasts of Florida too, they were guessing had to do with the abundance of red algae (at least in the gulf), which would point to ocean warming also… but, really?
Oh, on and on…
Anyways, i don’t know. This would be a geology lesson for me.
Also seriously wondering if all that could really be caused by Fuku and accumulations from past nuclear mishaps, testings and dumpings: http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/legacy-danger-old-nuclear-waste-found-in-english-channel-a-893991.html ) …
Thanks for all your work and reporting!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 48.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.4 CPM
I’ll be offline for a couple of weeks.
Dust aggregate over 27 days as collected from two HEPA filter machines and a new ionizer at Radiation Station Santa Monica, California. Aggregate measures 90.4% above background. Previous period of 58 days from just the two HEPA filter machines yielded dust aggregate that was 46.3% higher than background. On a per day comparison, the current period’s dust is 419% than the previous reading, a significant jump. This comes as EnviroReporter.com explores U.S. EPA’s nuking of emergency radiation limits, a move so radical that the limits include raising the amount for Iodine-131 by 27,000 times.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
8:20a INT 48.2 CPM
8:30a EXT 50.0 CPM
Huge Alert level detections in Brazil. This one is a massive detection of 57 uSv/hr. It was on the 12th April. This person has posted video reports of exceptionally high level detections over many months. Why this is happening is a mystery. It it Fukushima or a local source?
A comment by firebombclipper 3 hours ago at youtube on this detection.
“I know this man to be honest and credible. I’ve seen his geiger run side by side with another soeks and it’s not malfunctioning. How would you feel if your rain was this hot, and had black ash in it, and people were coming around your site using every possible excuse not to believe there own eyes? I agree, it’s insanely high, but with all the plume models turned off delierately, and no nuke plant near him, what’s left? Fuk!”
Our team here in Australia detected large radon washouts up to 10 uSv/hr in Northern New South Wales, in late January 2013.
I tested the rain swabs from that event in early February. Here is the scintillator spectrometry test chart results. The mystery isotope peak in this chart turned out to be Beryllium Be-7.
There were also small traces of Uranium U-235 and Lead Pb-210, detected in this test result, plus the signature of Beryllium Be-7. Most of the detection was Radon decay daughter washout, because by the time I tested the swabs they were nowhere near as hot as when they were first tested. What was left of this large Radon washout event, was the lead Pb-210 peak signature. The Pb-210 is at the end of Radon Daughter decay, and has a half life 22.3 years.
Even if these were just huge Radon washout events in Brazil. To consistently get huge detection levels like this, your environment would be getting coated in significant amounts of radioactive isotope lead Pb-210. It would coat everything that gets wet.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
8:20a INT 47.2 CPM
8:30a EXT 53.6 CPM
Alert Levels detected at a station located in Newfoundland Canada, several alerts to plus 100 CPM, typically a quiet area.
Corner Brook, Canada ~ Altitude 49 feet
Elapsed Minutes 60
Total Counts 5,550
Average CPM 92
Minimum CPM 41
Maximum CPM 118
Beginning time 04/12/13 11:54:54 AM
Ending time 04/12/13 12:54:11 PM
10:17pm INT HEPA DUST from two HEPA filters and one Ionizer FROM 3/16/13 to 4/11/13: 91.6 CPM^ which is 90.4% HIGHER than background over a 27 day period. This is a per day INCREASE OF 419% OVER LAST PERIOD.
10:00pm INT BG: 48.1 CPM^
So why is the FBI called when radio communications “degrade” at San Onofre?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 46.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 51.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.2 CPM
Background levels here at my location here in Australia have been back to are near normal averages, in the last few days. Most of the air at my location has been coming from the east / south east, off the Pacific.
I used a Theremino Geiger Kit to test the rain swab I collected yesterday. It showed the rain that came through was also low in radon washout. I put it in long average charting to get this 13 hour chart. Then just took a screen shot, with the built in chart capture feature, built into the free software. The rain swab also started at a very low level of 0.20 uSv/hr.
Information on the Theremino Geiger kit can be found in the free Geiger use Guide,
Also, set up two live local monitoring stations using this system.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 49.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.6 CPM
Hear the comments portion of the proceedings from the NRC/Edison Meeting on 4-3-13.
The public was well represented and if you listen, you’ll become better informed on the dangers of restarting a defective nuclear reactor.
This collection of public testimony was provided by EON.
See full coverage at SanOnofreSafety.org
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
7:35a INT 46.7 CPM
7:45a EXT 49.5 CPM
New: LIVE streaming Outdoor and Indoor radiation monitors measuring ambient Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation.
Its going to be interesting to see how these measurements playout long term.
Our video livestream is located at
“The science of Fukushima fallout can seem distant and incomprehensible. The effects can be all to real.”
– Michael Collins
Well said. I thought the words were worth retyping.
Thank you so much for having the strength to tell your story.
I once took a screen shot about a year ago of one of your comments because it had a profound affect on me. I saved it to my hard drive and logged it as “saddest comment”. That was June 11th, 2012.
It is unfair!
@Margery Brown
I agree that the N. Korea Nuke threat with or without warheads is a real potential.
Because then, the Nuclear Industry and it’s puppet politicians can place BLAME for FALLOUT in the coming years on the ‘bad’ guys and on nukes called bombs and divert it away from the far greater threat, in many ways, of Nuclear Power plants.
I get the feeling that ‘the writing’s on the wall’ for this one.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:15a INT 48.5 CPM
7:25a EXT 48.7 CPM
Fukushima nuclear reactor #4 is currently leaning and is also sinking into the ground….about 30 inches so far..and, it has a crack. There are 1535 spent fuel rods hanging about six stories high…more radioactive then even the new fuel rods. There is 10 times more Cesium 137 than Chernobyl and also a great deal of plutonium. This reactor could set all of the others on fire, releasing incredible amounts of radionuclides.
Reactor #4 is a dreaded disaster waiting to happen…one that would predictably cause Tokyo to have to evacuate 30.5 million people. It could cause the U.S. West Coast to have to be evacuated, and could also become a complete global disaster.
On a slightly different type of issue, I have been experiencing a great deal of anxiety and concern over the (probably) slim possibility that North Korea could deliberately aim a missile over Japan, and, either on purpose or accidentally, hit one or more of the nuclear reactors in Fukushima. They could, accidentally,cause a nuclear catastrophe of global proportions, even if they do not yet have any nuclear warheads…..especially if they hit Fukushima reactor #4.
Update on possible weight of the Black Fungus material from Japan, that we talked about in this forum yesterday.
Comment by a poster on another forum, who saw the photo of the small test sample.
“I’m an expert on weighing objects (sell scales, use different ones daily, some precise to .01g). Fungus in that form does not appear to hold too much water weight and would likely weigh less than a gram given the scale. If it jis thin and flakey type fungus, it may be under .25-.5g. Is it thick like a mushroom cap or more like lichen? I’ve only observed extremely thin fungi growing on concrete, and I would err on the very low side. My best guess is .3g.”
If this is correct, it means the black fungus sample from Japan is very, very, hot.
Test results 117 Bg Cs-137 and 58 Bq Cs-134
117 + 58 = 175 Bq x (1000 grams/0.3 grams) = 583,333 Bq/Kg of Cesium
Even if it was 10 times greater in weight 3 grams, it would still be 58,333 Bq/Kg of Cesium.
I ran across the story link below today. Apparently medical researchers have found that hypothyroidism in infants in the 5 West Coast states, who were in utero or newborns around the time of the melt downs at Fukushima.
See: http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=28599
The news in this medical article is entirely consistent with conclusions in the Russian language medical journal articles concerning the effects of Chernobyl which were published by the New York Academy of Sciences, in English, shortly before the Fukushima melt down.
For those who are following the continuing effects of Fukushima, and like to read historical novels, I highly recommend Michael Beres’ novel Chernobyl Murders. It’s a better account of what happened to the people who were effected than the novel Wolves Eat Dogs.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.8 CPM
Beyond Nuclear and other organizations take action to reduce allowable radiation in food.
See also: beyondnuclear.org
Perhaps they can also find some way to convince our local markets to eliminate the known radioactive foods from their shelves…or, to even give a care about the potential harm to their customers.
@rocket: Denise and I are saddened by your story. Congenital birth defects can have a number of causes. Your radiation readings – readings you’ve been taking from almost since 3/11 began – are a real source of concern.
Your readings correspond with ours as well, in general. Thank goodness you have had HEPA filters running or your daughter’s condition could be even worse. Add a robust ionizing air purifier with permanent filters for even more protection for your daughters and family. We bought two Honeywell Oscillating ifD Tower Air Purifiers, model series HFD-120 & HFD-122.
The science of Fukushima fallout can seem distant and incomprehensible. The effects can be all too real. Please keep coming back to the forum, rocket, if you feel like it. We are literally your nuclear family.
@ rocket: Yes this is first study I’ve seen too indicating congenital birth defects – though limited specifically to hypothyroid function. Yes, how could you write it off as a coincidence. I surely would not. Is that something that has become less symptomatic as your younger daughter grows? or is she still experiencing gasping/wheezing?
Have you thought about contacting the organization that ran that study: Radiation and Public Health? http://www.radiation.org/
So many horrific things are ongoing globally. I read this interview today which gave me some hope. We are all in this together. Hopefully, it will lead to significant changes ultimately. http://www.globalresearch.ca/rise-of-the-global-corporatocracy-an-interview-with-john-perkins/5329456
This is simply amazing, vital1. Call it 3 grams at most yet it’s ionizing ferociously with the twin cesiums. For people who still feel detached from Fukushima’s real effects, think on this: black death is growing on concrete and rocks in Japan and it’s loaded with Cs-137 and Cs-134 plus yet to be identified isotopes. Yet 99 out 100 Americans have never heard of Japan’s Hot Black Death. If this silence, every bit as deadly as the HBD, can blanket Japan, no country’s red hot problems will ever really be aired. Until it’s too late. We see this intransigence in Southern California media repeatedly from “journalists” you’d think would know better. They don’t.
Thank you for this – we trust you’ll keep us informed if this develops further with the sample weight and photographs of the HBD in Minamisoma.
Michael, it is encapsulated in resin, with the very small sample in the center. So we don’t know how much it weighs. We are trying to find out. It may not have been weighed when it was collected. Visually, looking at the encased sample, it would be a few grams if that.
Here is a pen tip placed next to the sample, to give you and idea how small the sample is. The black center is the sample. Also, the sample does not fill up the small sample container, that is in the center of the resin encasement. The sample container is only around two thirds full.
@vital1: Unless we know the mass of the sample, it is impossible to know just how hot it is. Isn’t an accurate scale available to weigh it?
I was sent this resin encapsulated sample of black fungus like material. It has reportedly come from somewhere in the Minamisoma area Japan. A contact in Japan sent this sample to a friend. This is my test chart of it. For those of you who have not looked at a scintillator test chart like this before. The position of the peaks in a the chart indicate what isotopes are present.
This black fungus started growing on the concrete, and rock surfaces in Japan after the Fukushima Nuclear disaster. It appears to be bio-accumulating Cesium.
Scintillators are less sensitive as you go to higher energy keV. The Theremino MCA software allows you to increase the magnification of the higher energy peaks. The peaks in this Theremino MCA V4.5 software chart have been energy compensated, to bring out the smaller details at higher energies. This sample is very small, grams or less in weight.
A professional lab reported test results 117 Bg Cs-137 and 58 Bq Cs-134. I don’t know the exact weight. The friend is trying to find out.
Any comments or suggestions, regarding the results of this test chart results are welcome.
There is no copyright placed on the chart screen shot, so you can copy it, and make use of it where ever you like.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 50.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.0 CPM
Reports regarding increased infant mortality in the US following Fukushima have popped up sporadically, but I have not seen reports of congenital birthdefects tied to radionuclide exposure, until now. I have not had to see such reports because we are living with the effects. I have not been participating in the forum because its just too traumatizing. My oldest daughter was born in Burbank exactly 16 weeks PRIOR to the meltdown. She was breastfeeding at the time and we do not know how she has been impacted. However, my newest daughter was also born in Burbank, CA on 9-13-12. She was born with a congenital birth defect known as Laryngomalacia which is an abnormality just above the larynx, and causes stridor and interrupts the flow of air through the trachea, causing a wheezing, gasping sound that is frightening. We were up all night for months making sure she was breathing. No one in either of our families anywhere has ever had or recall anyone ever having such a condition, in fact there are no physical birth defects of any kind that we have been able to find. Could I write this off as just a coincidental anomaly? How could I? I have proof that our Honeywell 17000 Hepa Air Filters accumulated dust particles less than six months ago that measured up to 448 CPM in Sherman Oaks, CA against a 42 CPM Interior background. The most recent measurements of newly replaced filters came in at 137CPM. Background measurements disguise the truth that continuously running HEPA filters will reveal. My daughter is otherwise very healthy, but the larynx/thyroid region was obviously affected. We went to Santa Monica Beach on March 28th and I collected a Kelp Sample. I tested it at home and it measured on a 10 MIN average 57CPM against a Sherman Oaks Interior background of 42.
4-3-13 8:15 pm Sherman Oaks INT 10min AVG: 40.7 CPM
Check this out!
Read about DTSC at Toxic Department.
[From our friends at Consumer Watchdog.]
Consumer Watchdog News Release
April 3, 2013
Contact: Liza Tucker, 310-392-7931 (direct) or 626-372-1964 (cell)
SANTA MONICA, CA –Following news that the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) will investigate a top toxics regulator for financial conflicts of interest, Consumer Watchdog today reiterated its call for the firing of two top officials at the Department of Toxic Substances Control who invested as much as six and seven figures into companies that the DTSC regulates or licenses. The non-profit, non-partisan public interest group made a complaint to FPPC last month.
It was the second time that the non-partisan public interest group called for the dismissal of Chief Deputy Director Odette Madriago and Deputy Director Stewart Black. Thousands of Californians have written Governor Brown calling for their removal.
“Though you say you want to clean house, the people running your department are tainted by the specter of impropriety,” wrote consumer advocate Liza Tucker in a letter to DTSC Director Debbie Raphael today. “When the chief deputy of your agency invests up to $100,000 in Chevron and does not want to regulate the refinery industry, you have to willfully turn a blind eye not to see something is terribly wrong. This is why people do not trust government.”
See letter here: http://www.consumerwatchdog.org/resources/ltr_on_dtsc_response04-03-13.pdf
The letter calls for Ms. Raphael to:
•Use powers to heavily fine refiners like Chevron for toxic pollution
•Revoke permits of serial violators of environmental laws such as hazardous waste recyclers Evergreen Oil in Newark and Phibro-Tech in Santa Fe Springs
•Deny new permits to serial violators of environmental laws and to companies that have unfinished corrective actions such as Phibro-Tech and Chemical Waste Management at Kettleman Hills hazardous waste dump.
•Hire 130 criminal investigators onto staff by 2014, up from 13 now.
•Aggressively investigate and refer for prosecution cases of toxic pollution such as the poisoned community of Wildomar.
In recent months, the DTSC has refused to sanction Chevron for its toxic refinery fire in Richmond last summer that sent thousands to the hospital. In addition, Ms. Madriago accompanied Ms. Raphael to visit Chevron operations last year, and has in the past been primary liaison between the hazardous waste management program, the legislature, and industry lobbyists.
The non-profit public interest group turned up the financial conflicts of interest as part of its six-month investigation of the DTSC that led to its scathing report on the department’s failure to protect communities from toxic harm, Golden Wasteland.
See report here: http://www.ConsumerWatchdog.org/golden-wasteland-report
Said Tucker, “These conflicts are a symptom of the department’s capture by the very industry it is supposed to regulate.” The group’s Golden Wasteland report documented that capture, and outlined how the department has failed to protect eight communities poisoned by hazardous waste processors that habitually violate environmental laws.
DTSC Director Debbie Raphael posted a response to the report, titled “Restoring Public Confidence in DTSC,” on March 21. “Your formal, posted response admits that the department has lost public confidence, but you do little to restore it,” Tucker wrote.
“You did not address a single member among eight communities we highlighted as under toxic siege because of the department’s failure to protect them from harm,” the letter said.
“A state’s environmental laws are only as good as its enforcement,” the letter concludes. “Will you move forward with exercising the power already vested in the department to protect communities and the environment from toxic harm? Or will you continue on the current path that sends the public you work for, the regulated community, and your own staff exactly the wrong message?”
[From our friends at San Clemente Green]
The meeting will be held in Maryland, far from the issue but participation is still possible. Interested members of the public can participate in this meeting via Webcast link or toll-free audio teleconference. The Webcast link can be accessed at: http://video.nrc.gov. This link to the NRC webcast page will permit the user to select the meeting to be viewed and the viewing speed. The meeting link will become active approximately one hour prior to meeting start. The teleconference bridge number is 888-677-3916; passcode 2670631. Callers will initially be placed in a “listen only” status. At the designated point in the agenda, two way calling will be enabled, so that the public may ask questions of the NRC staff regarding the meeting discussions.
Please prepare a little statement to say during the call in period making it explicitly clear that we don’t want the NRC to give Edison a quick restart prior to and adjudicated License Amendment.
Dear [Raddies of the Radiation Nation],
Now that I got the urgent message done about today’s NRC meeting I can try to catch up on other news. Here is the brief rundown on our meeting with the Capistrano Unified School District. After an incredibly convincing period of public testimony, we were surprised that we didn’t get the resolution passed, but it was still good for us, considering the strong message we were able to deliver to students, parents and the media. Instead, they simply opted to table the matter for another time. This link to Channel 2 News coverage will give you a sense for what took place if that is all you have time for now.
Our hopes were lifted after the trustees began their discussion. Two board members, Amy Hanacek and Lynn Hatton were both passionate and even-handed, supporting Edison but still coming down firmly on the side of precaution. They were strongly in favor of the resolution. Then the disappointment came.
The others failed to see this as an opportunity to put children’s safety first. They were either uncommitted or had their minds made up already. Apparently they were heavily influenced by a recent 5 hour tour of the nuclear facility which was mentioned by them quite often.
It is tempting to be speculative about Edison’s influence, but I’ll let you decide. You can see some of the proceeding in segments on YouTube and make your own judgement by going to the links below, (due to technical problems we didn’t get every speaker, sorry to say).
It is really quite interesting to see the range of presentations by citizens and Edison and the comments from the CUSD Board. It is worth mentioning that only one person spoke in favor of Edison’s call for a quick restart without an adjudicated license amendment, and she was with the Chamber of Commerce.
If you’d like to express your feelings to the board you can post them on the CUSD Facebook page or write to Jane Boos, JBOOS@capousd.org. There are already some thoughtful comments being shared on Fb and in articles. Please keep up the positive, encouraging thoughts and let’s convince them to do the right thing next time (see below).
One final word of gratitude to those who not only showed up but especially to those who did such an amazing job expressing your concerns. You all make a huge difference and I hope others will be inspired by your actions. It is the only way we can counter a powerful industry that has unlimited resources. We have the truth and the power of the masses, and that will be enough if we just keep showing up.
[Thank you, Gary and all the fine folks bringing it on!]
@Chase & @Michael & ALL! I put this attachment on this website 3/12 but saw NO response…Its SO important to watch I’m putting it up again… Feedback appreciated… ALL ties in. Shocking!
Article just came out…28% Westcoast children SO FAR diagnosed with thyroid problems since Fukushima
This looks very unusual to me.
A sea surface temperature ‘anomaly’ off the coast of Japan.
😉 (understatement)
Sea Surface Temp Animated Map: NOAA
I took a screen shot of it also. Sometimes this kind of information tends to ‘float’ away, if you get my drift.
Sea Temp Fuku HOT
Screen shot frame 4:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 43.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.9 CPM
Sunshine Coast
2nd April 2013
March 2013 report
This month saw lower background day averages than the January (52%) and February (39%) highs. The whole month background average was 32% above the 4 year pre-Fukushima March background average. It was also higher than last March’s (2012) month’s average of 24% above average. A few day averages towards the end of the month went to 40% + above average. See charts.
Let’s see what a 42% increase in a day average means. It means there was and extra 0.042 uSv/hr increase for 24 hours. That is 24 x 0.042 or an extra 1.008 uSv radiation dose for that day. Let’s say that the 1.008 uS/hr extra was detected for just one hour in that day, instead of being spread over the whole 24 hour day. 0.10uSv/hr normal background for one hour + 1.008 = 1.108 uSv/hr for that hour. Most people with Geiger counters who detected a 1.108 uSv/hr detection for one whole hour would be ringing alarm bells!
Fukushima Meltdown Driving Increased Abnormalities Among (West Coast) US Infants
– Lauren McCauley, staff writer
According to a new study (.pdf) published in the Open Journal of Pediatrics, children born in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington between one week and 16 weeks after the meltdown began are 28 percent more likely to suffer from congenital hypothyroidism (CH) than were kids born in those states during the same period one year earlier.
CH results from a build up of radioactive iodine in our thyroids and can result in stunted growth, lowered intelligence, deafness, and neurological abnormalities—though can be treated if detected early.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.6 CPM
Hi all this is from our friend and ROSE member Cathy Iwane,
The US limit for carcinogenic radioactive cesium is 1200 Bq/kg in food. Japan, which is still suffering a triple meltdown, has a limit of 100 Bq/kg. Both of these limits are way too high to protect our children. We are asking that the limit be reduced to 5 Bq/kg for all food, nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals–lower when technology allows– and that we quickly and responsibly institute widespread, transparent testing to ensure this limit, particularly in the wake of Japan’s catastrophic and ongoing radiation releases from Fukushima Daiichi’s triple nuclear meltdowns.
That’s why I (Kimberly Roberson) created a petition to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, The United States House of Representatives, and 2 others.
Will you sign this petition? Click here: http://t.co/DYvMZKutd7
Thank you so much for your continued support.
Cathy Iwane
CAN Board Member, active in the movement to shut down San Onofre & to educate folks on Fukushima realities
Gene Stone
Residents Organized For a Safe Environment (ROSE)
949-233-7724, On twitter @gene_stone
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:20a INT 50.1 CPM
7:30a EXT 46.1 CPM
“One dead, three injured in Arkansas nuclear plant accident
–KTHV: Residents heard ‘large boom’ at the time of incident
31 Mar 2013 An accident at an Arkansas nuclear power plant at 7:45 a.m. local time resulted in the death of one worker and left three injured, according to the Arkansas Department of Health. The accident took place in Russellville, a city with 28,000 residents, about 81 miles from Little Rock. “There is no danger to the public,” said Entergy”
(Russellville is about 50 miles away from crude oil pipeline leak happening in Mayflower.)
Rain soaked paper towel, tested inside my house in Ventura, CA, for 10 minutes: 46.0
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
7:40a INT 49.8 CPM
7:50a EXT 47.8 CPM
Reports just in from other forums.
Poster Norbu
“Ok folks we have a problem it just started raining here in Nevada city CA 1 hour ago took a swipe off the truck, rain very serious
max data point- 610 cpm
average data point- 383.03 cpm
counts in 10 minutes- 3837
stay out of the rain it is hot.”
Nimbin Monitoring station, Northern New South Wales.
Rain swab “1280 cpm (lnd712) off 2 meters corro after first shower of the day”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:20a INT 47.7 CPM
7:30a EXT 49.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.4 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG mostly clear sky
6:10a INT 47.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.8 CPM
March 22, 2013
Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will meet with representatives of Southern
California Edison in Rockville, Md., on April 3 to discuss the utility’s plan to submit a license
amendment request for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 2.
The meeting will run from 1-3 p.m. in the Commission’s Hearing Room on the first floor
of the NRC’s One White Flint building at 11555 Rockville Pike in Rockville. Agency staff and
utility representatives will discuss Edison’s plan to submit a license amendment request that
would address compliance with the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station’s Unit 2 Technical
Specifications, as discussed in the staff’s request for additional information dated Dec. 26, 2012
(ML12361A065). No license amendment request has yet been filed, and no restart decisions will
be made during the meeting.
Each year, the NRC’s review process includes numerous public meetings between the
staff and licensees on technical matters being reviewed by agency headquarters staff. It’s not
possible to bring all these meetings to the communities near the plants in question, so the staff
will make a webcast and phone line available for this meeting so that people near San Onofre can
observe the review process in action and ask the NRC staff questions.
The teleconference number is 888-677-3916 and the passcode is 2670631. Callers will
initially be placed in a “listen only” status. At the designated point in the agenda, two-way
calling will be enabled, so that the public may ask the NRC staff questions regarding issues from
the meeting.
The two San Onofre reactors have been shut down since January 2012, when a leak in a
Unit 3 steam generator led to the discovery of unexpected wear in both reactors’ steam
generators. The NRC issued a Confirmatory Action Letter to Southern California Edison in
March 2012, requiring several actions by the utility before the agency would consider allowing
the plant to restart.
Note to Editors: To facilitate security screening, media interested in attending the meeting in
Rockville can contact the Office of Public Affairs at 301-415-8200.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.7 CPM
Radioactive Palm Sunday Snow Storm
Sunshine Coast,
25th, March, 2013
Background Radiation levels here have increased over the last 3 days, to 41%, 40%and 44% above the pre-Fukushima nuclear disaster 4 year average. The 4 year pre-Fukushima day average was 0.10 uSv/hr. Yellow bars in these charts mean background is 40%+ above average.
It is important to understand what significance increases in day average radiation background levels mean. The 42% increase in a day local background radiation levels is a lot of extra radiation exposure.
At our location 0.10 uSv/hr was the pre-Fukushima nuclear disaster day average. Lets see what a 42% increase in a day average means. It means there was and extra 0.042 uSv/hr increase for 24 hours. That is 24 x 0.042 or an extra 1.008 uSv radiation dose for that day.
Lets say that the 1.008 uS/hr extra was detected for just one hour in that day instead of being spread over the whole 24 hour day. 0.10uSv/hr normal background for one hour + 1.008 = 1.108 uSv/hr for that hour. If any of you with Geiger counters were to detect 1.108 uSv/hr for one whole hour, you would be ringing alarm bells!
Average background increases can mean you are cumulatively getting a far bigger radiation dose, than from a short term peak detections may indicate. What is we needed are lots of monitoring stations to provide day, month, and year average background level information, as well as peak detections.
All this charting will pay off in the end, because you will clearly see if your local background is increasing over time. Peak detection is only part of the story. Without long term detailed charting, you won’t see if your community’s monthly, or yearly radiation exposure is increasing.
You don’t need to do this on a computer. If you don’t have a computer, or the skills to use computer charting software, you can simply use a ruler and pencil to create a chart. Using charting paper you can get from your local stationers is better. A simple join the dots chart is good enough.
Most digital Geiger counters will display the day’s average background with the press of a button. If your Geiger counter starts calculating the average from 12 am the night before, do this. At a set time every day just before bed time, the later the better, press the button to display the days average. Mark the date and amount on your chart. If you do this every day, it will give you a good idea what is happening with your local background radiation levels over time. Some Geiger Counters come with software that will automatically chart the average for you.
It would be interesting to know how much world average background radiation levels have increased since Fukushima, and if they are still increasing.
A free charting tutorial, and chart templates can be found here.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:25a EXT 46.6 CPM
8:35a INT 50.0 CPM
Sunshine Coast,
24th, March, 2013
Background Radiation levels here have increased over the last 2 days, to 41% and 40% above the pre-Fukushima nuclear disaster 4 year average. The 4 year pre-Fukushima day average was 0.10 uSv/hr. Yellow bars in these charts mean background is 40%+ above average.
It is important to understand what significance increases in day average radiation background levels mean. Take the 42% increase on the 17th March in local background radiation levels in this chart.
At our location 0.10 uSv/hr was the pre-Fukushima nuclear disaster day average. Lets see what a 42% increase in a day average means. It means there was and extra 0.042 uSv/hr increase for 24 hours. That is 24 x 0.042 or an extra 1.008 uSv radiation dose for that day.
Lets say that the 1.008 uS/hr extra was detected for just one hour in that day instead of being spread over the whole 24 hour day. 0.10uSv/hr normal background for one hour + 1.008 = 1.108 uSv/hr for that hour. If any of you with Geiger counters were to detect 1.108 uSv/hr for one whole hour, you would be ringing alarm bells!
Average background increases can mean you are cumulatively getting a far bigger radiation dose, than you are from a short term peak detections.
You don’t need to do this on a computer. If you don’t have a computer, or the skills to use computer charting software, you can simply use a ruler and pencil to create a chart. Using charting paper you can get from your local stationers is better. A simple join the dots chart is good enough.
Most digital Geiger counters will display the day’s average background with the press of a button. If your Geiger counter starts calculating the average from 12 am the night before, do this. At a set time every day just before bed time, the later the better, press the button to display the days average. Mark the date and amount on your chart. If you do this every day, it will give you a good idea what is happening with your local background radiation levels over time.
All this charting will pay off in the end, because you will clearly see if your local background is increasing over time. Peak detection is only part of the story. Without long term detailed charting, you won’t see if your community’s monthly, or yearly radiation exposure is increasing.
It would be interesting to know how much world average background radiation levels have increased since Fukushima, and if they are still increasing.
Here is a free charting tutorial, plus chart templates. Some Geiger counters are provided with charting software, that can create charts automatically for you.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:05a INT 46.3 CPM
7:15a EXT 49.7 CPM
@Michael – thank you for letting us all know about the NRC’s March 19, 2013 order on the installation of vents on Mark 1 and ll Boiling Water Reactors.
It is distressing that the majority of the five-member Nuclear Regulatory Commission voted to reject the agency’s Japan Lessons Learned Project Directorate and their senior staff’s recommendation to promptly Order to back fit all General Electric boiling water reactors with Mark I and Mark II containments with the installation of engineered high-capacity radiation filters.
So now, in an accident, we will have vents but no filters to keep the radioactive releases out of the environment.
Beyond nuclear writes that “By majority vote (4-1), the Commissioners sided with the industry agenda for dangerous half measures that will potentially leave the downwind communities vulnerable to the uncontained releases of radioactivity in the event of an accident involving reactor core fuel damage and introduces undue, indeterminate and imprudent delay in addressing these aging reactors with dangerously flawed and vulnerable containment structures.”
On March 21, 2013, Beyond Nuclear and 24 safe energy organizations filed a petition with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the revocation of the operating licenses of the Fukushima-style GE boiling water reactors with Mark I and Mark II containments in the United States.
You can join Beyond Nuclear and safe energy organizations in petitioning the NRC to revoke these Fukushima-style reactors here in the United States by signing up here.
Allison MacFarlane was the only commissioner who voted in favour of the filters. In her notes talking about why she voted in favour of the filters, MacFarlane wrote:
“My decision reflects, in part, my experiences during a recent trip the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan. The visit r to the reactors required travel through deserted villages, full of abandoned homes and businesses overgrown with weeds, and past fallow fields, and unused industrial buildings, roads and railroad tracks, all of which emphasized the impact of the accident from a nuclear plant that was over 10 kilometers away.
Engineered filtered containment system can help protect the public and the environment by significantly reducing the amount of radiological effluent released from containment during a severe accident. All currently available information indicates that the ability to vent containment through filters would be an improvement to safety”.
It is clear the Mark l and Mark ll reactors are unsafe.
How could the other Commissioners put nuclear industry profits ahead of public safety?
We cannot have confidence in a regulatory body that puts profits ahead of safety.
The only solution now is to close down all the Mark l and Mark ll Boiling Water Reactors.
Sign onto the petition!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG some high clouds
6:10a INT 51.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.5 CPM
on a central california beach near you: junk from japan. no mention of radiation…
Longtime nuclear expert, Arnie Gunderson, calls it like he sees it…..in spite of the fact that the Japanese authorities seem to be rushing to reassure us (as usual) that everything is now fine concerning the power shut down which has been fixed. Arnie just doesn’t seem to see it that way!
No. 13-016
March 19, 2013
The NRC’s Commissioners have directed the agency’s technical staff to follow a two-
track approach for further improvements to systems for safely venting pressure during potential
accidents at 31 U.S. reactors.
The Commission’s Staff Requirements Memorandum calls for enhancing a March 2012
Order requiring “hardened” venting systems at 31 boiling-water reactors with “Mark I” and
“Mark II” containments. The memo also starts rulemaking activities to produce requirements for
those reactors to cool core debris and retain radioactive material in conjunction with venting
during severe accidents.
“In reaching this decision, the Commission engaged in thoughtful deliberation with each
other as we each considered these important issues in our post-Fukushima accident review
process,” said NRC Chairman Allison Macfarlane. “I compliment my colleagues and the staff for
their sustained efforts on this issue and for taking a hard look at a complex matter.”
The Commission has given the staff 60 days to finalize the enhanced Order, which will
require the vents to handle the elevated pressures, temperatures and radiation levels from a
damaged reactor. The enhanced Order will also ensure plant personnel can operate the vents
safely under these accident conditions.
The Commission has also given the staff a year to produce a technical evaluation to
support rulemaking on filtering. During that time the staff will gather more public input as it
completes its analysis. The Commission directed the staff to consider both the use of a filter to be
placed on the vent, as well as a more performance-based approach using existing systems to
achieve a similar reduction in radioactive release during an accident. The staff then must develop
a draft rule and final rule, all by March 2017. [Our emphasis]
The Commissioners’ individual votes on this decision are available on the NRC website.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.4 CPM
Alert level detection Northern California.
This report was just posted on another forum by Norbu
Just rained here in nor-cal Inspector is on duty
average 52.12 cpm
max data point 150 cpm
10 min total 520
7 counts over alert= 100 cpm
No sample
average 31.12
max data point 110
1 count over alert
5:14 pm
@potrblog; Thanks for the info! I am shopping!
@roundabout, I checked the links on my website and there were still Inspectors available on Amazon today; although at least one is way more expensive than it should be.
The ratio I look at is the the Inspector vs the RDS-80
The Inspector should be half the price of an RDS-80; typically $550 vs $1100(when bought from the importer)
One of my Amazon links shows the Inspector at $800; at that price the milspec waterproof-ness and features of the RDS 80 become more of a bargain. No matter what the key is to shop around at places other than just Amazon.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.1 CPM
Got the message early this morning about Fukushima cooling problems… went to Amazon and the first time in years they were out of stock on their Inspector units.
@ Margery
Let’s hope they can figure out what the problem is and start cooling down the pools again. We encourage everyone to reread Enviroreporter’s “The Unforgettable Fire” to understand what will happen if they can’t get this under control.
See March 14th, 2013 Rad News : Japan urged to send out global SOS over Fukushima.
Japan NEEDS Help!!
The situation is dire. WRITE to your government and demand they get involved in helping Japan deal with this situation that is threatening the entire Northern Hemisphere.
The cooling mechanism in Fukushima nuclear reactors 1, 3 and 4 has broken down. Supposedly, however, the reactors will still be o.k for a total of four days. When this 4th day will occur is currently not clear. Also, not mentioned are alternative plans to keep these reactors cool, if the cooling equipment cannot be re-started in time. Would a huge FIRE then become a possibility?
When it comes to Fukushima, the concerns and fears never cease! And, as usual, TEPKO is denying and minimizing the problem.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 45.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.3 CPM
Sunshine Coast,
18th, March, 2013
Background Radiation levels here have increased in the last 24 hours, to 42% above the pre-Fukushima nuclear disaster 4 year average. The 4 year pre-Fukushima day average was 0.10 uSv/hr.
(Yellow bars in these charts means background is 40%+ above average.)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a INT 46.2 CPM
8:10a EXT 49.9 CPM
@Chase; Your guess is as good as my million dollar guess. But I presume there were some expensive secrets that the executive had the “privileged burden” to hold. Perhaps you could contact his employer to find out…
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:35a INT 47.8 CPM
8:45a EXT 50.7 CPM
The chief nuclear officer, Peter Dietrich of San Onofre nuclear power plant on the California coast received compensation valued at nearly $2 million last year.
Top Exec Made 2 Million:
I can’t help but think, “2 MILLION DOLLARS! …for WHAT?”.
From our friends at ROSE:
Shutdown San Onofre petition – please sign and pass on.
Gene Stone
Residents Organized For a Safe Environment (ROSE)
949-233-7724, On twitter @gene_stone
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 52.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.4 CPM
Another comment from Jeff Jones, environmental lawyer:
“Look, it’s ONLY 47 quadrillion becquerels (QUADRILLION). Of cesium-137. Released into the Pacific Ocean. From the Fukushima meltdown.
Yes, that’s nearly 50 times the original Tepco estimate. But come on. What’s a few quadrillion between friends?
What’s a quadrillion? 1,000,000,000,000,000. (10(15) power).
What would a quadrillion pennies look like stacked up next to the Empire State Building? It would form a cube, 2,730′ x 2,730′ x 2,730′. It would weigh 3,000,000,000 tons.
It the pennies were stacked up in a column, they would rise 986,426,768 miles into the air. If they were laid out in a single layer, they would cover 89,675,161 acres.
And instead of pennies, we have Cesium 137. With a half life of 30 years.
A penny for your thoughts?
Jeff Jones”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 45.5 CPM
I’ve taken a few months sabbatical. Will be back shortly with continued readings….I’ve recently come across a YouTube video that will “put the icing on the cake” of Fukushima meltdown/continuing Gulf crisis…Its VERY depressing but needs to be watched/forwarded to ALL here…We are in DEEP doo-doo!..Haven’t seen this on this website so here we go!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.1 CPM
Hopefully someone will youtube these sessions. Missed the first day! And will only get parts of the second. Thank you Michael for the lead. It sounds totally amazing!
TODAY AND TOMORROW: MUST SEE FREE STREAMING – http://www.totalwebcasting.com/view/?id=hcf
A unique, two-day symposium at which an international panel of leading medical and biological scientists, nuclear engineers, and policy experts will make presentations on and discuss the bio-medical and ecological consequences of the Fukushima disaster, will be held at The New York Academy of Medicine on March 11-12, 2013, the second anniversary of the accident. The public is welcome.
A project of The Helen Caldicott Foundation, the symposium is being co-sponsored by Physicians for Social Responsibility.
The Presenters:
The event will be chaired by Donald Louria, MD: Chairman Emeritus of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, University of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey.
Confirmed speakers include:
Dr. Tim Mousseau, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina – Chernobyl, Fukushima and Other Hot Places, Biological Consequences
Ken Buesseler, Marine Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute –Consequences for the Ocean of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
David Lochbaum, The Union of Concerned Scientists – Another Unsurprising Surprise
Dr. Wladimir Wertelecki, President of the Board, OMNI-Net Ukraine Child Development Programs (current). Professor of Biomedical Anthropology (Adjunct) Graduate Program in Biomedical Anthropology, State University of New York at Binghamton, NY (2011-). Former Chair of the Department of Medical Genetics and Birth Defects, University of South Alabama, 1974-2010 – Congenital Malformations in Rivne Polossia and the Chernobyl Accident
Dr. Marek Niedziela, Professor of Pediatrics, Poznan (Poland) University of Medical Sciences – Differential diagnosis of ultrasonographic thyroid lesions in children
Dr. Alexy Yablokov, Russian Academy of Sciences – Lessons from Chernobyl
Akio Matsumura, Founder of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders – What did the World Learn from the Fukushima Accident?
Robert Alvarez, Senior Scholar, Institute for Policy Studies, formerly of DoE – Management of Spent Fuel Pools and Radioactive Waste
Arnie Gundersen, Nuclear Engineer, Fairewinds Associates – What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?
Dr. David Brenner, Higgins Professor Radiation Biophysics, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University – Mechanistic Models for Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Living Systems
Dr. Steven Wing, Associate Professor Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University North Carolina – Epidemiologic studies of radiation releases from nuclear facilities: Lessons past and present.
Steven Starr, Senior Scientist, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Clinical Laboratory Science Program Director, University of Missouri – The implications of the massive contamination of Japan with radioactive cesium
David Freeman, Engineer and Attorney, Former Chairman of TVA, Office of Science and Technology in charge of energy and the environment in the Johnson White House, and for 2 years under Nixon –The Rise and Fall of Nuclear Power
Dr. Ian Fairlie, Radiation Biologist and Independent Consultant on Radiation Risks, Former Scientific Secretary to UK Government’s Committee Examining Radiation Risks from Internal Emitters – The Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima: Nuclear Source Terms, Initial Health Effects
Andrew S. Kanter, MD MPH FACMI, Immediate Past-President of Physicians for Social Responsibility – Moderator, Health Effects Panel.
Dr. Hisako Sakiyama, Doctor of Medicine, Former Senior Researcher in National Institute Radiological Sciences, Member of Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigative Commission – Risk Assessment of Low Dose Radiation in Japan; What Became Clear to The National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission
Dr. Herbert Abrams, Stanford University, Emeritus Professor Radiology, Stanford University, Member Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation Committee National Academy Sciences (BEIR V11) – “The Hazards of Low-level Ionizing Radiation: Controversy and Evidence.”
Kevin Kamps, Specialist in High Level Waste Management and Transportation, Beyond Nuclear – Seventy Years of Radioactive Risks in Japan and America
Joseph Mangano, Executive Director, Radiation and Public Health Project, speaking on a new article about increases in newborn hypothyroidism.
Mary Olson, Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Southeast – Gender Matters in the Atomic Age
Cindy Folkers, Radiation and Health Specialist, Beyond Nuclear – Post-Fukushima Food Monitoring
Hiroaki Koide, Master of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute (KURRI), Specialist of Radiation Safety and Control.
Dr. Helen Caldicott, Founding President Physicians for Social Responsibility – The Nuclear Age and Future Generations
Don’t forget. FALLOUT(s) from Fukushima have now circled the globe 18 times.
Accumulating and spreading as it goes on with no end in site.
Since March 11, 2011
Now March 11, 2013
731 days
Seems like there has not been a lot of headway in getting people to realize the true risks of Nuclear Power. Maybe the next one to melt down will get some peoples attention. Maybe not?
The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
March 11, 2013, 9:00am to 6:15pm EST
Presented by the Helen Caldicott Foundation
Go to the website and watch the conference live! Wow. Unbelievable stuff being presented.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.4 CPM
I am forwarding a comment posted by Jeff Jones – environmental lawyer:
“This is a series being published in Asahi Shimbun. One can read it in sections (links below).
The content is quite revealing. First, the US clearly tells other countries what and what not to do (no real surprises there).
Secondly, the urgent concern the US expressed for Americans in Japan (only certain people; most others, not so much) is striking compared to the news blackout they imposed in North America, leaving the rest of us “people” to be inundated with radiation.
Thirdly, it’s obvious that corporations rule Japan’s government almost as much as they do in the US.
Fourthly, interesting to note, the US demanded that Japan start demonstrating “heroic sacrifice” (!). It just doesn’t get anymore absurd and hypocritical than that.
The West has become totally, totally unhinged. Insane.
Jeff Jones”
> (1) http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201301280006
> (2) http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201301300006
> (3) http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201302010004
> (4) http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201302040001
> (5) http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201302060007
> (6) http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201302080003
> (7) http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201302110006
> (8) http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201302130005
> (9) http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201302150001
> (10) http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201302180005
> http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201302200001
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:20a INT 46.1 CPM
8:30a EXT 47.8 CPM
9:45Am INT BG: 48.8 CPM^
10:10am INT BG: 48.7 CPM^
I agree, it would take a lot of something to knock them down like that.
Who knows what combination of toxic emission/fumes may have been at play.
I am sure however that the WHO would claim their deaths were caused by striking the ground at high velocity and not radiation. So, these animal deaths do not count as being killed by Fukushima. 🙁
I would strongly disagree with that logic and I would also further state, in my opinion, that these innocent creatures are but the first of many more deaths to come. Either, directly or indirectly. Seems obvious to me. Why more people don’t seem to care at this time is beyond me.
I have a feeling more will care as time goes on and it slowly becomes more obvious what the scale of this disaster means to ALL LIFE on the planet.
Ventura, CA rain sample… soaked a paper towel, tested inside. 10 minute average: 48.2
@Chase, I remember someone else mentioning seeing a large bird on the Fukushima web cam, drop out of the sky while flying over Fukushima, months ago. It would have to be a very high level of radiation to kill birds instantly like that.
Nuclear power is dead financially, and environmentally.
8:35pm INT HEPA DUST FROM 1/07/13 TO 3/06/13: 71.4 CPM^ which is 46.3% HIGHER than background over a 58 day period. Compared to the last 6 day period resulting in 92% over background, this means that the latest exceedance is half over 9.7 times as many days, therefore lower by a factor of 19.3 times by this comparison. This is superb news. There is less atmospheric fallout yet the Pacific Ocean is continuing to take a hammering as we chronicle in Rad News Digest II.
8:15pm INT BG: 48.8 CPM^
I wanted to relay a personal observation I had the other night. Literally an observation.
In the early hours of the morning back on Feb 25th, 2013 I was looking at the TEPCO live web cam. I am a regular cam observer. What I personally witnessed on that morning was horrifying.
It was afternoon in Japan
2103-02-25 16:45 jst
🙁 As I watched the screen I saw groups of birds flying by with many falling straight to the ground like rocks around Reactors 3 and 4. I watched this go on for 6 or 7 minutes. There were heavy pink emissions that day.
I know that there is a youtube channel that records every hour of the day from the TEPCO web cam. So I stopped viewing and figured I would review the recording later.
Guess what? Three hours of recording are missing. Including the hour of my observation.
I remember thinking at the time… “This video is going to go viral”.
Whatever knocked those birds down may be headed our way.
An independent film on Fukushima is being shown in North Hollywood on March 11th.
The film is entitled “3.11: Surviving Japan”
Only 10 more tickets need to be sold in order to confirm the event.
Due to the fact that it’s an independent screening, a certain amount of tickets must be sold to confirm a showing.
Please share this link with anyone and everyone you think would be interested in seeing this movie.
Here is the main link with all of the details:
And here is the North Hollywood link:
Less than TWO days are left to purchase tickets to confirm the event, so time is of the essence!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:45a INT 50.7 CPM
6:55a EXT 52.5 CPM
I will be offline for a week. Morning testing will resume when I return.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.5 CPM
For all you folks who only check Radiation Conversation: Two new important posts!
Radiation Food Lab: Hundreds of food and drink radiation tests from ten countries are conducted and compiled by Radiation Station Sunshine Coast Australia’s Peter Daley. This is the single most comprehensive collection of samples and results in English that exist. Radiation Food Lab shows what’s hot and what’s not in this growing and dynamic study of consumables possible impacted by fallout from the ongoing triple meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi, Japan.
Canada’s Land of Milk and Strontium 90: Team EnviroReporter does what the Canadian government refuses to do: test the country’s milk for the fission-product radionuclide Strontium 90. Not only are the test results shocking – the radiation regulatory system maintained by Canada is practically non-existent even as the triple meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi, Japan continue unabated and the Sea of Goo from the March 11, 2011 tsunami slowly makes its way to British Columbia shores.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 41.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.4 CPM
Sunshine Coast,
Beryllium Be-7 and traces of Uranium U-235, found in latest rain roof down pipe capture test. This capture was of a rain event that came through the local area between the 16th to the 19th February 2013.
The charcoal sample is left for a few days, to let any Radon decay daughter isotopes decay away before testing.
The other very small peaks showing in this chart could possibly be trace detections of other isotopes. At these small detections levels, they could also be created by a bit of random variation in counts in the background level over the time of the tests, showing up in the tests results.
A lot of water flowed through this charcoal, in the down pipe filter, to get these detections.
Down pipe filter design
There is approximately 880 grams of activated charcoal in the gray pipe section. When a collection test is finished the charcoal is removed and warmed in the sun to dry it out. It is then emptied into a large marinelli beaker, and placed in the scintillator test chamber.
If you have better equipment to test with than a Geiger counter, I think this method is a much better detection system for detecting trace amounts of fallout. The paper swab system is a quick, and effective collection system, for a Geiger counter test.
The side pipe is to release pressure if the flow rate gets to much, or the particulate filter starts to get blocked.
Making filter
Inserting filter
The side pipe is at a steeper angle than is shown in this picture, so as to improve the flow rate through the charcoal filter.
During a rain event it maybe necessary to remove the filter, and replace it with a new one. It can get blocked from the first down flows off the roof, if it hasn’t rained in a while. You can do this easily and quickly by putting your hand in through the side pipe and removing the old filter, and replacing it with a new one.
Always use disposable surgical gloves when handling a rain swab, charcoal or filter, when using either testing system. Also keep your hands away from your face, and wash your hands well afterwards. You have no idea what you may have captured!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.6 CPM
Dear EnviroReporter,
Thanks for the very thorough and good investigative work you and your team are doing in relation to Fukushima and its effect on the US. No one cares about us Americans so we have to do the work ourselves. I listen to you every week via the Jeff Rense website. Thanks again.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.0 CPM
Alert level report and clarification for Branford, CT USA
(re-post from an Internet conversation on the 25th)
Poster: It’s Curtains
“I live in Branford, CT (USA) and readings tonight were between 8μSv/h to 20μSv/h. That’s the upper east coast of the United States!”
Question from vital1
“I live in Branford, CT (USA) and readings tonight were between 8μSv/h to 20μSv/h.”
Do you really mean 8uSv/hr – 20uSv/hr or 0.8uSv/hr or 0.08uSv/hr etc.? 8μSv/h to 20μSv/h would be a serious alert level!
Post from Soleman
“I hope curtains lets us know quickly!”
Reply by Its curtains
“I mean 8uSv/hr to 20uSv/hr!!! When I started taking readings they were .07uSv/hr it was like that for around an hour. I was getting ready to go inside when all of a sudden a strong breeze came by and the meter starting alarming, at first I thought there may be something wrong with the meter but after checking and recalibrateing it the readings were the same. So I spent an hour taking some more readings around where I live and still they were very high, every time time a breeze/wind came by the CPM’s would rise significantly higher. So I drove around town taking readings and they were very high everywhere, it was also snowing and windy.”
I have no way to verify this report. If it is true it would suggest there has been a major release from a source on the east coast of America. There were no reported alert level detections, by any of the nearby radiation network stations. If this is a genuine detection, and not faulty equipment, then it could have been a very localized event.
If it was a release from a local Nuclear power station, it should be of great concern to the population exposed to this!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 52.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.3 CPM
Sunshine Coast,
24th, February, 2013
The local background here has increased, from 34% above background to 47% above in 24 hours. It has been fine with no rain during this period. the temperature has risen during that period, but not by a large amount. Solar activity has been quite. There has been a lot of moist tropical air flowing down our coast.
Radiation levels throughout this month have been elevated, not as much as last month’s record, but still way above the local background pre-Fukushima 4 year average.
See the chart, a green bar means average to slightly elevated background levels, and yellow means it was 40% above the four year pre-Fukushima average of 0.10 uSv/hr.
Those who love Trader Joes Chia Seeds; They are grown in Australia. Might want to test your bag!
re: Imported from Japan Food Testing
“These results indicate that the risk of the health to Australian consumers is negligible.” – from arpansa pdf
What, exactly, does this sentence mean?
It says to me, there IS RISK.
😉 Who is deciding the definition of ‘negligible?
I would say ANY amount makes it contaminated.
What about accumulation via numerous transport vectors over time?
What about foods (example: ocean fish)from other countries?
What about non-food products (example: toothpaste)?
Is the RISK ‘negligible’ when all of these are considered?
IMO – I don’t think so.
From our friends at Residents Organized For a Safe Environment (ROSE)
As a follow up to Sen. Boxer’s & Rep. Markey’s excellent letters about the many problems and possible wrongdoing at Southern California Edison and the NRC, ROSE invites you to join this action alert.
We believe that a call in and letter writing campaign to Sen. Boxer and Rep. Marky asking them to have the GAO investigate any possible wrongdoing by the NRC & SCE or plain negligence in regards to the new steam generators is in order and the best interest of the public.
If you agree feel free to rewrite this action alert and send to your members.
Office of U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
email http://boxer.senate.gov/en/contact/policycomments.cfm
Rep. Ed Markey
2108 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a INT 43.8 CPM
7:50a EXT 52.6 CPM
@Bar, You have to work your away around the nuclear propaganda in this document. These people in the industray are stuck in the old body warming physics model propaganda. The biological model is the one they should be using, how radiation damages cells and DNA. In my opinion, they’re placing lots of people at risk by their assessment.
The becquerel amounts they say are safe and acceptable, particularly for children, are just crazy.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.2 CPM
vital1, thank for the great info. Unfortunatly there is no safe level of contamination. The healthproblems dont happen right away but they will be there. All one needs to do is look at the contaminated sites in russia and the people that live there. This movie came out 1996, “Chelyabinsk: The Most Contaminated Spot on the Planet” (Thats the area where the meteorite went down recently) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYmGCIg9O6Y , it shows what lays ahead for the people that were exposed.
Contamination of Tasmanian Mutton Birds, American Helicopters, Food from Japan, and people.
Assessment of the impact on Australia from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident Julia Carpenter and Rick Tinker.
Some extracts.
1. Food from Japan page 22.
“Health impacts from imported foods
Of the food imported from Japan into Australia (which represents less than 1% of the food imported into Australia), only 7% tested had detectable amounts of 134Cs or 137Cs, and all tested well below the Codex guideline level of 1000 Bq/kg.
As an example, for an imported food contaminated with 1000 Bq/kg of 137Cs and assuming 55 kg of that food was consumed by an adult over one year, then a dose of 0.7 mSv can be attributed.
The health risk associated with this annual dose is negligible. It is highly unlikely that an individual would consume 55 kg of contaminated food imported from Japan. In addition, the food testing undertaken by ARPANSA suggests that foods imported from Japan are not contaminated at levels comparable to the Codex guideline levels. For consumption of a smaller amount of contaminated food (e.g. 0.55 kg), the estimated dose is 0.007 mSv.
These results indicate that the risk to the health of Australian consumers is negligible.”
2. Family living in Fukushima, page 32
“The levels of caesium measured in urine across all family members were similar ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 Bq/L for 137Cs and 0.1 to 0.4 Bq/L for 134Cs. This indicates that a chronic intake (daily over 150
days) of low levels of radioactive material has likely occurred. An acute exposure, for example in the first week after the accident, would result in significantly less caesium in urine of children compared to an adult, assuming all members of the family were equally exposed.”
3. Vehicles and Military aircraft, including American helicopters, page 28
They appear to be using measurements of square centimeters cm2 instead of per square meter m2, so multiply by 10,000 to get the square meter amount.
Analysis of the wipe samples for radionuclide content confirmed the presence of Cs134 and Cs137 on the aircraft surfaces at very low levels ranging from less than detectable to 0.1 Bq/cm2 (Table 5.1). The ratio of 137Cs to 134Cs ranged from 1.2 to 1.6.”
4. Tasmanian mutton Birds, page 36
Levels of 137Cs and 134Cs were less than 0.19 Bq/kg, the detection limit for a 24 hour count. Results are shown in Table 7.1.”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 43.6 CPM
“Safety concerns after radioactive-isotope theft
…. emits gamma and beta radiation as it decays and could, in theory, be used in the manufacture of a so-called ‘dirty bomb’.”
Incredible! They leave a sealed lead flask containing radioactive material in a parked Van over the weekend!!
One would think that whoever is responsible for the transport is extremly careful so it wont fall into the wrong hands. Lets hope they wont open it or worse sell it to “bad guys”.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy
6:10a INT 46.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.5 CPM
Los Angeles rain reading at background.
9:25pm INT RAIN SAMPLE: 47.0 CPM^
9:10pm INT BG: 52.2 CPM^
@M.R; How low can a company go than to pass out gift cards to attendance? This is not beyond the mentality of a fifth grader! Thanks for the intel!
@ roundabout/SBCLocal:
Too bad:
San Diego Union members attended San Onofre meeting after being gift cards for Costco.
Lemmon said… the union paid for the Costco gift cards for members who attended the public meeting at San Onofre. He declined to answer why they were given or what they were worth, saying he wanted to speak with lawyers first. Lemmon did not return subsequent calls.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
6:10a INT 49.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.8 CPM
(Great message from Bob Backus. It’s the money! it’s always the money!)
“I hope all activists will take note of what we can learn from the closure of Kewaunee and Crystal River.
This shows, once again, that the only decision makers who ever close commercial reactors are the owner/operators, not the NRC or other regulators, and it further shows that the reasons for closure are always, ultimately, economic.
This is the reason why I have so strongly advocated that we as advocates should make our top priority fighting the economic underpinnings of nuclear power
Today, it is absolutely clear that no new nuclear projects can expect to ever take off without either ratepayer or taxpayer funding, and often need both. Hence, the priority should be fighting things like loan guarantees from Congress, and CWIP or similar raids on captive ratepayers in the States. It is no accident that the only still continuing new construction projects are in Georgia and South Carolina; states where the utilities still have captive customers, due to a failure to move to a competitive market, and CWIP.
As the saying goes, “Follow the money.”
Again, it is economics that are closing, for the first time in many years, existing operating reactors. We can be thankful for the record low price of natural gas generation which is the overwhelming reason for this, but here it is possible to make a difference if we ever get an issue of such obvious and immense safety significance that even the NRC would require facilities to upgrade.
So in fighting to close operating reactors, monitoring for unresolved safety issues can make a difference, provided this can result in NRC action to either enforce their existing rules or to institute a new requirement. This can often tip the scales against continued operation. License renewals, absent such conditions, will never be denied, and participating in these proceedings can only end by being costly for us and frustrating in the result.”
@SBCLocal; I am not sure exactly how many or who from NRC was there, only that is was announced. I listened to the podcast, not the video. All I know is that between the state of the union address and the San Onofre fiasco, I had had about as much as I could take for one night! But the San Onofre was so full of what appeared to be staged atta boys, I just couldn’t take it. The real techi questions were left unanswered for the most part. I am not sure what the outcome of the decision was. Has anyone heard?
I thought this was creative video message.
What Part Of Fukushima Do YOU Not Understand?
(..or San Onofre for that matter.)
btw – I noticed in my small town today a poster on our local bulletin board about a free seminar on why Japan is the best travel destination. hmm…?
Nothing like ‘marketing’. 😉
We usually don’t specifically point out mainstream media articles that are tragically laughable. But when it comes from the Grey Lady herself, the New York Times, we have to make an exception once in a while. Look at this laugher: Japan’s Pollution Diet with gems like “Today, Japanese cities are among the world’s least polluted, according to the World Health Organization. Japan’s environmental record is hardly spotless, but the country rightly prides itself on blue skies, Prius taxis and mandatory recycling. What’s more, it managed to clean up without sacrificing growth by investing in pollution-control technologies and giving local governments leeway to tighten standards beyond national requirements.”
There is a comments section and we are curious if any of you raddies have anything to add to this misleading and dangerous nonsense?
“The hail of meteor pieces that hit Russia on Friday fell in a region with a cluster of major nuclear facilities, including the country’s largest nuclear fuel-processing plant, but officials said early on that none of them were damaged …. “Measurements have been made. Radiation levels in the city of Chelyabinsk are normal,” a statement by the city administration said.”
What i question is, why do they have to check for elevated radiation levels when there was no damage to nuke facilities? I dont trust them since Chernobyl. Back then it took weeks before they admitted that there was a problem. Do they have private radiation stations in that area that can be viewed by the public? Does anyone know?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.0 CPM
Whew!! The meteorite shower that went down in Russia was a close call!! It came real close to huge nuclear facilities. Its a scary thought that it could happen again anytime, anywhere and there is nothing that can be done about it.
“The Chelyabinsk region is Russia’s industrial heartland, home to many factories and other huge facilities that include a nuclear power plant and the Mayak atomic waste storage and treatment centre.
A spokesman for Rosatom, the Russian nuclear energy state corporation, said that its operations remained unaffected.
“All Rosatom enterprises located in the Urals region – including the Mayak complex – are working as normal,” said a Rosatom spokesman.”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 52.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 46.4 CPM
Thanks for the explanation Potrblog, haven`t thought of that. What about kids playing in that snow? Or eating it. Scary thought isn`t it?
@BAR, That is a sign of radioactive snow. We reported on similar events last year. The snow delays the fallout from seeping into the ground water and thereby keeps above ground radiation levels elevated.
@Roundabout: who from NRC was at the meeting? Any of the actual five NRC Commissioners? Thanks for briefly running down the meeting.
“A section of the roof at Ukraine’s Chernobyl nuclear plant has collapsed – but there has been no increase in radiation at the site, authorities say.”
Hi everybody, have you noticed that there are elevated radiation levels in Minnesota? I wonder whats going on there. Is there a problem at Elk River Station, Monticello Generating Plant or Prairie Island Power Plant? Or is it coming in from Canada?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.5 CPM
Edison sure sounded like they had their crowd out for sure at the NRC meeting in So Cal! Listened live via internet to the NRC meeting tonight. I can not believe that Mayors actually want that kind of liability on their property owners. Well, it was an experience listening to it. Couldn’t finish due to having to go to work. I just couldn’t believe the rhetoric, but shouldn’t have been surprised. Very educated responders asked good technical questions, most times without answers from those who should have known the answers.
UPDATE to mystery isotope detection, in my February 8th 2013 post below:
Mystery isotope in that test chart may be Beryllium Be-7 at 477 keV. “Can you try this sample again with a beta shield?” PavewayIII suggestion.
I put a extra Aluminum beta shield directly in front of the Scintillator crystal, with these rain swabs behind it. This shifted the gamma peak to around 477 keV, which is the marker for Beryllium Be-7. Beryllium puts out 10% gamma to around 90% beta. Beryllium beta energies are 11% at 384 keV, and 89% at 862 keV. There must be an interaction of these beta energy’s with the scintillator crystal, that was creating the slight gamma peak shift to around 490 keV. Berylllium also has a 53 day half life.
Fukushima Corium, plus Liquid Nitrogen Injections, produces Beryllium Be-7, from what I have been reading. It can also be created by a solar coronal mass ejection hitting the earth’s atmosphere.
Here is an important press release from Friends of the Earth to be aware of today before tonight’s NRC meeting…
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 – Southern California Edison, operator of the San Onofre nuclear reactors, appears to have submitted false information to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Friends of the Earth charged today. The nuclear watchdog again demanded the release of a suppressed report that two senior members of Congress say shows Edison had prior knowledge of potential design flaws in replacement steam generators that failed after less than two years of service.
In a letter to the NRC’s Petition Review Board, Friends of the Earth said the report, as described by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Representative Edward Markey (D-Mass.), contradicts Edison’s declarations to the Commission last month. The utility claimed it had no prior knowledge of deficiencies in the design of the generators until they failed in January 2012.
Details of the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries report were released last week by Sen. Boxer, Chairwoman of the Committee on Environment and Public Works. She did not release the report, but in a letter to the NRC she and Rep. Markey said Mitsubishi told Edison of potential problems with the new generators, but modifications to correct the design flaws were not adopted, as Edison wanted to avoid triggering an NRC license amendment process. This would have required a more thorough and public review of the replacement program.
Friends of the Earth also demanded that the Petition Review Board must consider the document in proceedings currently underway. The Review Board, in response to a petition from Friends of the Earth, is determining whether Edison improperly failed to apply for a license amendment before installing replacement steam generators of a radically different design than was permitted under the reactors’ operating license.
“The Mitsubishi document appears to confirm our case before the Petition Review Board,” said Kendra Ulrich, nuclear campaigner at Friends of the Earth. “Edison made radical design changes while representing the steam generators as a like for like exchange and then actively chose not to address critical safety issues in order to avoid the license amendment process. Now it appears it also submitted information that is patently false.
“The Mitsubishi report must be released immediately,” said Ulrich. “The public has a right to know what Edison knew and when it knew it.”
Pressure is mounting daily for release of the document. On Friday, the NRC confirmed that it has opened an official investigation into the replacement steam generator case. Still, the Commission maintains that the Mitsubishi report is proprietary. In fact, it won’t even be on the agenda for the public meeting the NRC is holding tonight to discuss the experimental restart proposal.
“Open disclosure and discussion of this document is critical to the public’s understanding of this controversial restart plan,” said Ulrich. “This is the same corporate actor that apparently gambled on safety in the past, and they are asking the NRC to allow them to do so again.”
In an editorial Sunday, The Los Angeles Times rebuked the NRC for not releasing information the public needs, and noted that the Mitsubishi report could not only be decisive in the NRC’s proceedings but in the investigation of Edison by the California Public Utilities Board. The Times said:
Release the report so that ratepayers, who are paying the tab for the purchase of the steam generators, and the public, whose safety depends on responsible operation of the plant, can determine the truth . . . The NRC should make the document public, and soon. It might provide an important description of how Edison makes its safety decisions, and it could become a key aspect of the Public Utility Commission’s inquiry into whether ratepayers should be forced to continue paying for the steam generators . . . What the public is entitled to is information about who knew what and when.
Click here to read the Friends of the Earth letter to the NRC Petition Review Board.
Click here for the Friends of the Earth petitions case.
The NRC public meeting is at 6 p.m. Pacific time, Tuesday, February 12, at Capo Beach Church, Capistrano Beach, and is accessible via a live webcast at:http://video.nrc.gov.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.3 CPM
From our friends at San Clemente Green and San Onofre Safety (SOS):
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
6:00pm until 9:00pm in PST
25975 Domingo Ave, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624
If you don’t want the public to attend a public meeting, then do like the Nuclear Regulatory Commission did and schedule it during the State of the Union Address.
If you want to silence the public at a public meeting, then do like Edison will do and bring in bus loads of employees to use the comment period to extol the virtues of the company.
But if you want to keep them honest and insist that public safety comes before profits, then be sure to join us Tuesday, 2/12.
Come to the 4:00 p.m. rally and press conference at the Capo Beach Church (see map) to express your concerns to the media.
Get there early before the Edison buses unload for the 6:00 p.m. meeting. They have capacity for 1100 people and ample free parking. Take off work early if you have to. It is THAT important!
Sign up for this event on Facebook here.
Please re-tweet, like, share and SHOW UP with family and friends!
This is the final Public Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Meeting in SoCal before the NRC decides if Edison should be allowed to start a defective reactor without first fixing the problem. They want to run it at 70% power for 5 months to see what happens. We were very lucky on 1/31/12 when a tube just leaked instead of bursting. It could have been worse for us than what Japan continues to endure.We all know now that we can live without nuclear power and its inherent dangers. It is our last chance to come together and demonstrate the will of the people. NO RESTART WITHOUT A TRIAL-LIKE HEARING BY AN IMPARTIAL JUDGE AND INDEPENDENT NUCLEAR EXPERTS!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.9 CPM
Alert Levels Exceeded Grand Rapids, MN, US
Altitude 1,319 feet
Geiger Counter Model PRM-9000
Beginning time 02/10/13 12:24:11 AM
Ending time 02/10/13 06:19:18 PM
Elapsed Minutes 1,067
Total Counts 64,478
Average CPM 60
Minimum CPM 24
Maximum CPM 117
Last Alert Level Set (CPM) 100
Minimum CPM occurred 02/10/13 01:18:18 PM
Maximum CPM occurred 02/10/13 06:02:36 PM
Alert Level first exceeded 02/10/13 06:13:35 PM
Alert Level last exceeded 02/10/13 06:16:34 PM
re-post from another site
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:05a INT 47.2 CPM
8:15a EXT 53.1 CPM
Please take a minute to sign this petition from the Nuclear Information and Resource Service:
The Department of Energy (DOE) is considering a plan to allow radioactively-contaminated metal from nuclear weapons facilities to be “recycled.” This would allow this toxic metal to be mixed with clean recycled metal and enter into normal commerce—where it could be turned into anything from your next pants zipper to baby toys. Act below to stop this outrage! Deadline is February 11, 2013.
10 min exterior in Ventura, CA: 50.1
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:10a INT 46.0 CPM
8:20a EXT 51.9 CPM
Alert level late January 2013 rain swab tests report, (09/02/2013) Tested the Alert level +++ rain swabs collected at a private monitoring station on the east coast of northern New South Wales Australia. They were collected in late January, during a flooding rain event that had come down the east coast of Australia, from the
tropics. Here is the test chart results of these rain swabs.
There were small traces of Uranium U-235 detected in this test result, plus the signature of the fallout isotope/isotopes, at around 492 keV.
Report at the time.
“Well, today I broke the record for high detections in rain samples. 2700cpm or ~10uSv/h (LND 7317) off an area the size of a Corolla bonnet. I’m logging its decay…”
Photo: http://sccc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Nimbin-Rain-swab-2013-01-27-11.42.12.jpg
This is the third test sample tested here, that found the signature of the fallout isotope/isotopes, at around 492 keV.
1. It was detected in a local soil sample last year, on the Sunshine Coast. Here is that test chart of that soil sample using PRA scintillator software. (In the test above Theremino MCA software was used.)
2. It was detected in the activated charcoal down pipe capture test.
3. Detected in the cloth rain swabs.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy
6:10a INT 50.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.4 CPM
Forwarded from San Clemente Green February 7, 2013:
“This is an OUTRAGE!
Senator Boxer claims that a leaked memo shows that
EDISON and MITSUBISHI knew the steam generators had safety related issues before they were installed.
They decided that fixing the problems would result in a lengthy review process which was “unacceptable” to them.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has had this document in hand since October 12, 2012, but protected EDISON by citing “proprietary information” for a flawed design that no one should ever replicate.
Meanwhile the public is expected to trust these same entities to determine if it is safe to restart a defective reactor and run it at 70% for 5 months without first fixing the problem.
The public must demand a trial-like hearing with testimony given under oath, with cross-examination by independent nuclear experts, and with the outcome determined by a judge or panel who has no financial stake in the matter.
We must stand together and speak with one voice! Come to the last public meeting the NRC plans to have before making a decision about restarting a defective reactor, experimenting with the lives and property of more than 8 million people.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.0 CPM
Extreme conditions.
Black Rain or Fallout Snow, whatever you want to call it, has been falling heavily over Fukushima. It sticks to the web cam lens.
This screen shot taken yesterday shows a flock of flying birds navigating the FALLOUT. Apparently stirred up by the ground shaking.
The birds have no face mask or protective suit. Their bones are light. Their future outlook is probably not so good.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.2 CPM
Special Rain WaterTest Report
Traces of U-235, and mystery Isotope found in local rain water test, on the Australian east coast.
Around 880 grams of activated charcoal was placed in the down pipe from a tin roof, just before the major flooding weather event passed over the area in late January 2013.
A reference test chart of the charcoal was made, so it could be compared with the down pipe charcoal capture test. The activated charcoal came from China, and already had some isotope contamination. It was used anyway.
After this weather event had passed, the down pipe charcoal was then dried in the Sun. The charts here are a comparison between the reference, and the down pipe test.
As you can see, the charcoal filter did capture some significant isotope markers.
A lot of water went through this filter to get these results, so in overall terms, they are small detections. I think this proves we are getting fallout, but not as much as we expected.
U-238 produces a small amount of gamma at 50 (0.06%) & 114 (0.01%) keV and X-rays at 16 & 12 Kev. U-235 puts out a lot more gamma at 186 (57%), 144 (11%) and 163 (5%) kev and X-rays at 89 and 93 keV.
This is probably the reason I was unable to detect U-238 directly at these low levels, when it has such a low gamma output? This brings us back to increasing Radon levels, as the biggest contributor to increasing background levels here.
Open to positive suggestions, feedback or corrections, plus any suggestions as to what the isotope or isotopes, might be, at around 492 kev.
Interestingly, I also detected this mystery isotope in a soil sample I collected around 15 km west of my location last year.
Here is that test chart of that soil sample using PRA scintillator software. (In the test above Theremino MCA software was used.)
“Unusual soil sample chart has a radioactive isotope in it, at approximately 490 keV, which has not been identified yet. It is the second blue peak in the chart. There have been lots of suggestions as to what it could be, but no positive identification yet. If you think you know what it is, leave your suggestion in the comment section.”
In nature, uranium is found as Uranium-238 99%, Uranium-235 0.72%, and a very small amount of Uranium-234 0.005%. In a nuclear reactor using enriched refined Uranium, the percentage of U-235 is significantly increased. Enriched Uranium in light water reactors has concentrations of around 3% to 5% of U-235.
The small amount of U-235 in the rain wash out means there is a lot more U-238 in the atmosphere with it, if it is purified Uranium.
Here is a test chart of Uranium ore, Uraninite. This sample was kindly loaned to me by enenews member Spectrometising. This chart has text peak markers to help you. As you can see,if it was Uranium contamination from a mine, you would expect to see significant peaks of radioactive Lead Pb-214 and Bismuth Bi-214 showing up.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.6 CPM
Alert level Mullumbimby Australia 2nd to 4th January 2013.
Mullumbimby in Northern New South Wales Australia, is still getting alert level local background, with day averages at times above 0.40 uSv/hr (50 CPM), plus peaks over 1.20 uSv/hr (150 CPM). Normal background is generally around 0.12 uSv/hr (11 CPM) , see 24 hour charts for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of February.
Ventura, CA, 10 minute exterior: 48.6
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:15a INT 45.2 CPM
6:25a EXT 51.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a EXT 52.5 CPM
8:10a INT 43.8 CPM
Alert level, Kauai Hawaii Report, from another web site (re-post)
Altitude 171 feet
Beginning time 02/01/13 11:16:08 AM
Ending time 02/01/13 07:23:01 PM
Elapsed Minutes 487
Total Counts 23,103
Average CPM 47
Minimum CPM 27
Maximum CPM 199
Minimum CPM occurred 02/01/13 04:49:07 PM
Maximum CPM occurred 02/01/13 04:15:09 PM
Alert Level first exceeded 02/01/13 04:15:09 PM
Alert Level last exceeded 02/01/13 04:15:09 PM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
7:35a INT 48.6 CPM
7:45a EXT 47.7 CPM
Fairewinds.com is experiencing a Cyber Attack.
Message from Fairewinds:
“…website was taken down by what we have now confirmed was a Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS). This type of cyber attack is similar to that which rendered the wikileaks website inoperable for days in August of 2012.”
They will be posting further updates on their Facebook and twitter:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:40a INT 44.8 CPM
6:50a EXT 49.9 CPM
Here is a Twitter of a 2012 monthly average radiation level chart for Fukushima city, showing the increasing radiation levels there.
Interestingly, it mirrors the monthly chart recorded at my location in the Southern Hemisphere. Obviously at my location it is at a lot lower levels, but both chart curves are very closely tacking each other.
This is last year 2012 monthly average chart at my location.
This is January 2013 month average. It is 52% above the pre Fukushima monthly average. The highest monthly average I have ever recorded here. If I am correct, and it is tracking, then there have been large releases of Radiation at Fukushima in January and December 2012, and January 2013.
It would seem if something major has happened at Fukushima, I appear to detect it using this very detailed data collection process.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:00a INT 47.1 CPM
7:10a EXT 46.3 CPM
exterior, Ventura, CA: 49.2
interior– tested a cup of fuzz, dust and dog hair from my vacuum: 47.9
(10 minute averages)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a INT 41.5 CPM
7:40a EXT 47.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear w/some high clouds
6:35a INT 47.9 CPM
6:45a EXT 49.7 CPM
“@Vital1; What do you suppose is causing these very high readings in Australia?”
There are three main possibilities
1. Fukushima contamination
2. Australian contamination from Uranium mines
3. A combination of the two above
We have conducted scintillator testing here of the rain washout from the recent rain event, that caused a lot of flooding here, plus these very high detections.
Besides the usual Radon washout decay daughters, testing is showing traces of Uranium, plus other isotopes in the samples. We are still analyzing the test results, and will post a more detailed report with test charts once complete.
The test results have been distributed to a number of people for analyses, and discussion.
roundabouts link mentions Reza Kahlili.
(“Iranian dissident-turned CIA operative Reza Kahlili told The Jerusalem Post on Monday that an alleged blast at the Fordow nuclear installation in Iran is “the largest case of sabotage in decades.”) I looked for info on Reza K. and came accross this site http://atimetobetray.com/about/ sure sounds like he would know something if it happend. Teheran says nothing happend, but would they say it if it did? Or would they try to cover it up to save their face?
German newspaper are writing about it again today. They write, that they think, that iran is covering up and that Reza Kahlili got his information from the iranian secret service.
@MichaelCollins; Yes, it could be a hoax perhaps. This morning I am unable to find any real details that would point to something other than a hoax. The timing for these talks with Iran is incredible as well. I just hope that the information is wrong.
@Vital1; What do you suppose is causing these very high readings in Australia? d
If anyone wants to sell me a used Inspector Unit, or knows someone, let me know. I live at the beach and Fukushima drift materials are bound to show up soon. I also live right downwind from Diablo Nuclear Power plant. “My bad”. I plan on taking daily readings to share when I get one.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:35a INT 46.0 CPM
7:45a EXT 49.1 CPM
@vital1 et al, I provide these spot readings because my schedule allows this and because I am a novice with the Inspector Alert and radiation in general. I am open to trying other things like day average readings but am unsure how to go about doing this especially exporting the information to my computer (Mac). If anyone can point me in the right direction, I will be happy to try new readings should my schedule allow.
Sunshine Coast,
28th, January, 2013.
Yesterday set a day average detection record for this location. It was 0.213 uSv/hr, or 113% above average. The highest day average ever recorded here!
This morning I am also getting multiple Geiger counter alarms. It is set to alarm at 0.50 uSv/hr.
Spot peak observations and alerts are helpful, but not good enough to fully understand what is happening in your local area. Day average background increases can mean you are cumulatively getting a far bigger radiation dose, than from a short term peak detection would indicate.
The Jerusalem Post is reporting evacuations for surrounding populations due to a nuclear emergency in Iran. Apparently there has been a huge underground explosion beneath a facility. See jpost.com for details.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: We couldn’t find anything about evacuations in the Post regarding this explosion that has not been confirmed. This is either a developing story or some kind of hoax. Thank you roundabout and Bar for your comments – please keep them coming.]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
8:00a INT 45.3 CPM
8:10a EXT 46.2 CPM
This is an english speaking news site. Must be something to it?
Hi good people, I live in Europe. Have you heard the news about Iran? There was supposed to have been an explosion in Fordo at the nuclear enrichment plant. I dont know for sure if it is a rumor or really true? Im concerned. Have you heard anything ? The link is to a German language newspaper.
Experte meldet schwere Explosion in Atomanlage
Chase; Your friends band captures the tragedy of Fukushima well. I love Three Rivers, and the band definitely mirrors the spirit of the land through their songs in a subtle but significant way.
Vital1; Thank you for the recordings in your part of the world. It is extremely concerning to see these high readings, and I am glad that you are recording these.
Thank you everyone, and Michael and Denise especially for not giving up on the battle that will continue to lay ahead for humanity.
Just in from Nimbin Northern New South Wales Australia, rain swab off bonnet of a small car.
“Well, today I broke the record for high detections in rain samples. 2700cpm or ~10uSv/h (LND 7317) off an area the size of a Corolla bonnet. I’m logging its decay…”
Sunshine Coast Queensland & Northern New South Wales
27th, January, 2013
Alert level here just went up a notch, local background here yesterday was 84% above the pre Fukushima 4 year 0.10 uSv/hr average.
Note: These charts are all free air data logged detections, using Gamma Scout Geiger counters.
Sunshine Coast Day average chart
Sunshine Coast 24 hour chart
Mullumbimby in Northern New South Wales is getting significant detections as this rain event passes through.
Mullumbimby 26th to 27th January 2013 chart
Nimbin, is also still getting elevated detections, from this rain event.
Nimbin, 25th to 27th January 2013 chart
Thanks to the team of people who collected the data of this event, and made it available.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy
7:50a INT 49.2 CPM
This rain sample is from rain that fell the previous night and was not ‘fresh’
8:20a EXT 50.7 CPM
Follow up from rain sample taken 1/24/13:
Australia, mid East coast.
Locations in Northern New south Wales have been getting large free air detections in the last 24hrs, plus there were some very large rain swabs detections five days ago.
A rain event here, as a low from the tropics, moves down the Queensland cost.
Nimbin Monitoring station report 26th January.
Alarming background here this morning. Gamma scout alarm set at 1uSv/h has been off a few times with visual readings above 1.2uSv/h. Just checked the log and background has been steadily rising since the wee hours and is now averaging over 0.3uSv/h.
Mullumbimby January 26th 2013.
More rain and high readings on the Gamma Scout – peaks at over 0.9 uSv/h. house is dry, temperature low twenties.
Rain soaked paper towel in Ventura, CA came in at 48.7, which is normal interior background.
Hemet, CA
1-24: interiors of 48.3 and 52.0, tested about 2 hours apart (10 min averages)
1-25: rain samples from Hemet, CA
paper towel soak: 53.4
small cup of collected rain, from a few hours later: 64.1
again, those are 10 min averages
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.3 CPM
@Chase: That was very moving. You and your band lay down a haunting line that’s hard to forget watching those images. Thank you.
9:45pm INT BG: 46.5 CPM^
This video is a tribute to all of the innocent life forms that have suffered and will suffer due to the insidious lies of the Nuclear Power industry.
The birds seen in these photos are most likely dead by now.
Band: Out Of Passion
Song: Fukushima Sunrise (Never Forget!)
Original Music – Recorded ‘Live’ Rehearsal
Date: Dec 2012
Video Screen shots captured from the Ranch Hope #2 cam and the Tepco web cams at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear facility 2011 through 2012.
😉 hint: I know the band members personally.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy, rain
6:10a INT 46.2 CPM
Alert Level Fall City, WA, US real time radiation event
Altitude 174 feet
Geiger Counter Model Inspector+
Report Period Day Time AM/PM
Beginning time 01/23/13 11:10:16 AM
Ending time 01/23/13 06:33:48 PM
Elapsed Minutes 442
Total Counts 17,611
Average CPM 39
Minimum CPM 21
Maximum CPM 103
Last Alert Level Set (CPM) 100
Minimum CPM occurred 01/23/13 02:33:16 PM
Maximum CPM occurred 01/23/13 06:28:22 PM
Alert Level first exceeded 01/23/13 06:28:22 PM
Alert Level last exceeded 01/23/13 06:28:22 PM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 50.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.2 CPM
[NRC press release]
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a public meeting on Feb. 12 to discuss the
status of its review of Southern California Edison Co.’s (SCE) proposed plan for restarting San
Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unit 2. The plant, operated by SCE, is located in San
Clemente, Calif.
The meeting will be held from 6-9 p.m. at the Capo Beach Church, 25975 Domingo Ave.,
in Capistrano Beach, Calif. The facility has seating for 1,100 persons and parking is free.
NRC staff will meet with the public to discuss the status of its inspection and technical
evaluation of SCE’s response to the NRC Confirmatory Action Letter of March 27, concerning
actions required to be taken by the company to address steam generator tube degradation at San
Onofre. The company’s response to the Confirmatory Action Letter is available on the NRC
A leak in a Unit 3 steam generator tube on Jan. 31, 2012, led to the shutdown of that unit.
The other reactor, Unit 2, was shut down for maintenance and refueling at the time. Subsequent
inspections of the nearly new steam generators in both units found unexpected wear. Both units
remain safely shut down and will not be permitted to restart until NRC has reasonable assurance
they can be operated safely.
The public will have an opportunity to ask questions of the NRC staff and Southern
California Edison Co. officials and provide comments concerning the inspection and technical
evaluation activities throughout the meeting.
“We want to provide the public with a status report on the NRC’s inspection activities at
San Onofre and our ongoing evaluation of Southern California Edison’s proposal for restarting
Unit 2,” said NRC Region IV Administrator Elmo E. Collins. “We encourage interested
members of the public to attend the meeting, ask questions and provide comments to the NRC
staff about our ongoing review.”
The meeting will be webcast live at: http://video.nrc.gov . The video stream will begin
about 5 p.m. PDT, but the audio stream will not start until the meeting begins.
A phone bridge is also available by calling: 1-888-790-2038 and entering passcode 47018.
The webcast and phone bridge will be one-way only. Questions or comments can be
submitted to the NRC staff after the meeting at: OPA4@nrc.gov.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 44.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.0 CPM
Hot Jewelry Detection Special Report
A pair of imported earrings from the USA, that were to be given as a gift to a friend, where tested with a Geiger counter. It was found that some of the gems embedded in this earring design were radioactive. From the front side, and with the earrings next to each other, they tested 0.90 uSv/hr.
Originally thought the radioactivity was coming from the blue Topaz looking centre stones in this design, because there have been reports of radioactive Topaz being detected in jewelry.
After removing these blue stones, and retesting the earrings, the light yellowy green stones positioned around these blue stones, were found to be the main source of the radioactivity.
Here are the scintillator and Geiger test charts results for these earrings. The main isotopes detected were Thorium Th-234 and Uranium U-235.
The Thorium Th-234 is from Uranium U-238 decay. U-238 puts out hardly any gamma, but the Thorium Th-234 puts out enough for the scintillator equipment to detect it. The presence of Thorium indicates the presence of Uranium U-238, as Thorium Th-234 is a decay daughter of Uranium U-238.
Scintillator test Chart of earrings
This explains why I was getting so much beta detection with the Geiger test. Couldn’t work out why at first. Thorium Th-234 puts out a lot of beta, and a small amount of gamma radiation.
Geiger Counter test chart using a Russian SBT-10 pancake tube.
Thorium Th-234 info
The small yellowy/green stones in these earrings are probably Uranium glass made from purified Uranium ore, because there are no decay daughters of Lead Pb-214 or Bismuth Bi-214 isotopes present. It would appear that someone is supplying Uranium glass stones to the jewelry industry.
Most of the radiation is beta radiation with a small gamma component. This is manly from the Thorium 234 decay. Most of the beta radiation body exposure is blocked by the glass stone metal mountings, in this particular earring jewelry design.
Using the Geiger Counter with the SBT-10 tube I detected approximately an extra 0.06 uSv/hr, above background from the rear of the earrings, as opposed to 0.90 uSv/hr from the front.
The Alpha output by Uranium U-238 and U-235 isotopes would be locked into the glass.
Do these earrings pose a health hazard? Probably not in this design, as the wearer is protected from most of the radiation by the metal mountings during use. A resent commenter pointed out that when beta radiation hits metal it can produce bremsstrahlung secondary radiation. This also maybe a potential hazard that needs further investigation.
Do the stones themselves pose a health hazard? Maybe in these, or some other unforeseen circumstances.
Listed in order of possible risk.
A. At a manufacturer site or jewelry store, where these stones could be stored in bulk. Being exposed to the dust from cutting or polishing this type of glass, in these environments, could pose the greatest health risk.
B. People spending long hours close up to the jewelry during assembly.
C. A person who had collected a lot of this type of jewelry, and stored it close to where they sleep.
D. Different types of jewelry design using these stones, could be potentially hazardous in these circumstances
1. The piece used larger stones, or more stones.
2. Thinner metal mountings were used.
3. If a piece was worn close to the body. The more proximity and surface area touching the body, means more radiation exposure.
Anyone have any commentary, corrections or suggestions, as to the correctness of these conclusions.
Not a professional at this type of work, so take all this information under that advisement.
It is suggested that those of you with Geiger Counters check everything that comes into your house.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:25a INT 46.8 CPM
7:35a EXT 48.5 CPM
A report just in from Nimbin Monitoring station, 21th January,
Nimbin is around 127 Kilometers south of Brisbane Queensland Australia.
These are rain swab tests.
“I’ve taken about 5 swabs in the last 24hrs and detected between 1.7 and 2.7uSv/h in all, accept for the swab I took about 5 mins ago on which I have detected ~1600cpm or ~6uSv/h using an LND 7317 pancake. HOT! Just took another swab – 6.9uSv/h….”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:50a INT 49.9 CPM
8:00a EXT 48.8 CPM
Okay, I did it. 🙂
These Nature.com articles are… misleading and inaccurate in many ways. (understatement) The author, Geoff Brumfiel, is clearly lacking in any kind of reporting skills.
I went back to another article of his that had an even more glaring idiotic statement written 07 March 2012.
Nature – Fukushima’s legacy of fear
My comment:
“2013-01-19 10:50 AM #53982
Chas Aha said:
Under Fallout – The environment
”Fukushima has stopped releasing radioisotopes into the air, and radioactivity in the sea seems to have dispersed with little effect.” – Brumfiel
This is about as inaccurate as it gets. Obviously the author is not researching the reports from TEPCO or anywhere else for that matter. IMO – this is an outright lie!
Dis or Mis information stated is bordering on criminal, as many could suffer as a result of this horrible inaccuracy.”
My biggest fear is that misinformation such as this guy is spewing will cause harm. It goes beyond negligent.
The other article Michael pointed to is just as bad. Several others had already written excellent comments and suggestions for Mr. Brumfiel.
Note: My observation. The FEAR factor, radiophobia, seems to be a big media push over the last several weeks.
IMO – If meltdowns did nothing more than cause mass psychological damage, then that itself is too much. A broken windmill has never caused mental stress to an entire population.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear, breezy
7:55a INT 48.8 CPM
8:05a EXT 51.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear, breezy
6:35a INT 45.3 CPM
6:45a EXT 49.1 CPM
Alert level Arkansas, radioactive sleet and snow.
Sunshine Coast,
18th, January, 2013
Since the 16th December 2012, 31 days out of 32 have been 40% above the local background radiation 4 year pre-Fukushima average.
See the charts for December 2012 and January 2013, a chart yellow bar means it is 40% + above average, and a green bar is below 40%, meaning levels are average or slightly elevated.
To All:
The once-venerable Nature journal, founded in 1869, has stepped in it big time with its “Fukushima: Fallout of fear After the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan kept people safe from the physical effects of radiation — but not from the psychological impacts.
I don’t think that I need to tell you that after reading that dek (sub-headline), the only right about this article is the spelling of Fukushima. It would be one thing if this hooey came out in a less lauded media concern, but Nature?
It is rare that I ask you folks to comment on another website but now is the time. Tell these nitwits to bone up on the facts on this website or any of the very few original news-related websites that have covered Fukushima (Fukushima Diary, Ex-skf and a few others) before so confidently trodding the droppings of dumb “journalism.”
In fact, if Nature had bothered to read just one related article out of the thousands faithfully presented by Team EnviroReporter in Rad News Digest II, it may not have made such a grave, pun intended, mistake.
Make sure to copy your “Dear Nature” comments over here so we can see what Nature doesn’t post. It is this kind of sloppy and deliberately misleading hogwash that makes EnviroReporter.com so much more valuable than it already was before the March 11, 2011 meltdowns began. A great part of that value is YOU so get cracking!
@abc Good questions.
😉 “The media is like a battleground for your brain.”
– Chase
What I know.
1. The Iran story. The ‘blip’ in the media regarding an evacuation of a large city was posted at several different ‘fairly’ reliable sites but, after further research it started to fall into the highly ‘exaggerated’ category, perhaps words used out of context, then overly twittered.
On the other hand. (speculation only) The way this story fell off the radar seemed more like a blanket blackout to me. We may never know.
2. The AU Fire was around Jan 7th.
“A fire has broken out in an electrical substation building at the Lucas Heights nuclear reactor in Sydney’s south. […]”
“Reactor officials say there is NO need for significant CONCERN about the blaze.”
Again, no followup that I can find. Anytime I hear this, “NO significant CONCERN”, a warning light goes off in my brain.
Side Note: Most US reactor ‘alerts’ and scrambles never get reported to the media. The NRC reports read like a nightmare of continuous failures. Unless you go to the site and read them you would never know. How many more plant ‘issues’ go unreported and how many people have suffered because of it? Again, we may never know.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear, windy
6:10a INT 46.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.2 CPM
@ Chase (who posted a link about it) or whoever may have heard:
Has there been any follow-up news on the evacuations in Iran, from a possible nuclear leak? I had also heard of a fire at a plant in Australia, but have not seen any more about it. Anybody heard about that?
Just wondering if there are any more incidents to keep an eye on…
Thank you all for your info-posting!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear, windy
6:10a INT 47.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear, windy
6:10a INT 48.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear, windy
6:10a INT 50.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:10a EXT 53.9 CPM
8:20a INT 46.8 CPM
Devon England, 16x background in rain wash out from light rain. About a week ago this person reported a 76x background detection.
Thanks for the mini-summary Michael.
I think it is of note that the airplane rides were so much higher than expected too.
It seems to me that what’s ‘up there’ will be coming down at some point.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:35a INT 50.2 CPM
7:45a EXT 47.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.2 CPM
Alert level + Grand Rapids Minnesota…not Michigan..Federal Alert Limit Exceeded
Grand Rapids, MN, US
Altitude 1,319 feet
Geiger Counter Model PRM-9000
Beginning time 01/09/13 11:54:53 PM
Ending time 01/10/13 04:12:14 PM
Elapsed Minutes 977
Total Counts 51,571
Average CPM 52
Minimum CPM 25
Maximum CPM 102
Last Alert Level Set (CPM) 100
Minimum CPM occurred 01/10/13 06:05:54 AM
Maximum CPM occurred 01/10/13 02:36:32 PM
I’ve probably posted this here before but if anyone hasn’t watched this 1970’s report by Warren Olney you need to watch it yesterday. Atomic Meltdown USA. It’s about what happened in Simi Valley. Here is a link to part one, parts two and three are also posted on YouTube.
I found this a few months back and it really knocked my socks off. Never had any idea there was a meltdown of this magnitude near L.A.
OK, I want to share a comment I left on Huffington Post’s story about San Onofre. Here it is: Dear Mr. A4P1, I think this is a really interesting conversation that we should continue offline.
I think we ought to get you, me, and everyone else who wants to chat, in a room together with a webcam and a ustream setup for comments, and do a bloody live conversation, what do you think, huffposters? We can have two moderators, one who favors nukes and one who doesn’t. I vote for Michael Collins of Enviroreporter for anti-nuke moderator, and you all pro nukers can pick whoever you like for the other mod. Let’s do it! It’ll be fun.
‘Cause I don’t know how long I can go on just typing into my computer. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I need to know for sure all these people typing messages that I reply to and who I argue with, are real actual red blooded people.
I’m a traffic reporter and every day I read off laundry lists of terrible, bloody, life-changing accidents on the freeways. Everyone who gets their metal exoskeleton wrapped around their tender bodies on the way out of this life would probably come back and tell us all to wake up and see the risk we face every day. I know they would. So let’s do it. HuffPo want to sponsor this talk, or no? What are we waiting for?
It’s in moderation but I hope they print it.
The story and the entire comments thread is at this post. My handle there is Lowflyin Lolana.
Tell me what you all think…
Yesterday in Ventura, CA:
interior– 46.6
exterior– 43.9
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 51.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.7 CPM
Report just in by poster norbu on another forum.
“Good news, it is raining. Bad News, 10 minute timed count on rain water sample:
1,293 counts
max data point 250 CPM
average 129.30 CPM
Nevada city, California
5:50 pm after 1 hour of rain. yesterday the average outside air was 38.7 CPM”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.9 CPM
9:00pm INT HEPA DUST FROM 1/01/13 TO 1/07/13: 89.2 CPM^ which is 92% HIGHER than background over a six day period. Compared to a prorated previous L.A air radiation high April 20, 2012 of 7.46 times background, this still-alarming reading is 18% lower.
8:40pm INT BG: 46.4 CPM^
4:55pm MST INT JET CABIN 37,985 over Nevada/Arizona/California border: 1,050 CPM^
4:40pm MST INT JET CABIN 37,985 with sampling ending simultaneously with near-miss with chemtrail jet: 1,098 CPM^. Inspector Alert manual says to expect 200 CPM at 30,000. the Inspector Alert nuclear radiation monitors which can detect alpha, beta, gamma and x-ray radiation. It is made by Tennessee-based SE International, Inc.. SE International’s “Radiation Basics” page says “When you fly in an air plane at 30,000 feet your rate meter is getting 200 CPM [Counts Per Minute] for anywhere between 2 to 5 hours.” This reading was over 5 times that, however at 8,000 higher which would account for some, but not nearly all that high radiation.
3:00pm EST INT Detroit airport terminal: 34.2 CPM^
2:30pm INT Michigan downstairs room testing second 1 kilogram bag of fresh snow: 42.9 CPM^
2:00pm INT Michigan downstairs room: 38.3 CPM^
11:10am INT Michigan downstairs room: 35.6 CPM^
12:45pm (PST): INT Boeing 757 25 miles from Detroit on landing approach: 273.9 CPM^
9:50am INT Boeing 757 crossing Colorado River on same route/elevation as tested one year before as described in Seasons Readings: 765.9 CPM^ which is 383% higher than Inspector Alert says should be expected at an even higher elevation. Reading 17.5 times LAX terminal background.
8:00am INT Los Angeles International Airport terminal: 43.9 CPM^
Correction to the previous post of radiation detection levels at Longmont. Measurements should be in uSv/hr not mSv/hr.
Significantly elevated peak levels are still being detected at the Longmont Colorado monitoring station, with a couple of detections being 102x and 60x background.
Longmont traditionally has had significant higher background levels than other locations in the USA. This is because of its altitude. Sometimes solar flare activity can cause significant detections there also.
The present peak detections are very large, and solar activity has been quite during this detection period.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:00a INT 45.7 CPM
6:10a EXT 51.3 CPM
Alert level ++++ for Longmont,Colorado USA. One detection 50.86 mSv/h, or 196x background! These figures just came in today. [Measurements corrected per subsequent comment]
Some readings in the last 6 hours in :
4890 cpm, 5460 cpm 630 cpm 4272 cpm,0.9744 uSv/hr, 1.023 uSv/h, 1.0231 uSv/h, 0.877 uSv/h
averages (last 6 hours) .8 uSv/h, 50.86 uSv/h, 18 uSv/h, 8 uSv/h.
Times background radiation: 196x, 60x, 154x.
I took a Screen shot.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:00a INT 52.3 CPM
6:10a EXT 48.1 CPM
Hope some good will come of this: EPA agrees to look into town’s radiation concerns in a northwestern Indiana community after residents and activists raised concern. Larry Jensen of PINES (People in Need of Environmental Safety) and a former EPA employee, conducted his own study of radiation levels and concluded that levels in the town are elevated.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear
8:20a INT 49.4 CPM
8:30a EXT 47.3 CPM
These peaks at the Kauai private monitoring station could be from a recent Fukushima event, but could also indicate a significant increase seismic activity in the seismically active Kauai Hawaii area. Large amounts of radioactive Radon gas can be released into the atmosphere as an indicator of a pending seismic or volcanic event.
Without air testing information it would be hard to tell which is the source.
Alert level +++ Kauai Hawaii hits 884 counts per minute. This Kauai station has been reporting high peaks for over a week now. Some of those previous reports are in this forum.
This is the highest reported peak so far.
Princeville, HI, US
Altitude 171 feet
Geiger Counter Model Inspector+
Beginning time 01/04/13 08:40:34 PM
Ending time 01/05/13 11:26:57 PM
Elapsed Minutes 1,605
Total Counts 86,248
Average CPM 53
Minimum CPM 17
Maximum CPM 884
Last Alert Level Set (CPM) 100
Minimum CPM occurred 01/05/13 08:30:33 AM
Maximum CPM occurred 01/05/13 11:21:33 PM
Alert Level first exceeded 01/05/13 07:54:34 AM
Alert Level last exceeded 01/05/13 11:26:35 PM
10 min exterior in Ventura, CA: 49.4
Follow up from rain sample taken 12/29/12:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear
7:15a INT 46.2 CPM
7:25a EXT 51.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear
6:00a INT 46.3 CPM
6:10a EXT 50.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear
6:00a INT 51.8 CPM
6:10a EXT 55.7 CPM
Hello Southern Hemisphere.
Possible early warning…
1.5 Million people in Iran are ordered to evacuate from nearby Nuclear facility…
“Iranian officials have instructed residents of Isfahan to leave the city, renewing concerns that a nearby nuclear site could be leaking radioactive material.”
“An edict issued Wednesday by Iranian authorities orders Isfahan’s one-and-a-half million people to leave the city “because pollution has now reached emergency levels,” the BBC reported.”
– from article:
Also being reported elsewhere at this time.
2nd, January, 2013
Food Detections Report
A number of new items have been added to “The Food Lab” international food contamination list. There is an increasing number of food items being detected with radioactive contamination from both Japan, and America.
To see the latest detections, please visit “The Food Lab” regularly.
Detection of Radiation in Gift
It is suggested that those of you with Geiger Counters check everything that comes into your house. Imported earrings from the USA, that were to be given as a gift to a friend, were found to have gems embedded in them that tested 0.90 uSv/hr. This is probably not as a result of Fukushima contamination. We are doing more sophisticated tests to find out the source of the radioactive content. I will report those findings in another report.
The Free Geiger Counter Guide has just had another update, with a couple suggestions on Geiger Counter kits costing $100, or under.
December 2012 report on local background radiation levels
Here is a chart for December 2012, plus this years monthly average chart. This December was 43% above the pre-Fukushima 4 year average for December, making it equal with the month high we had in January 2012.
The average for the year of 2012 was 21% above the pre-Fukushima 4 year average, see the month average chart.
I have incomplete data for December 2011, as the new Gamma Scout Geiger Counter had just arrived. It was a while before I set up data logging on this unit. Didn’t realize how important data logging would be at the time.
As you can see from the data I did record for that month, the average for December 2011 was 26% percent above average. Also you can see in that chart, there were more dynamic swings in background levels, compared to December 2012.
The data is clearly showing increasing background levels of radiation over the last two years, at my location on the central east coast of Australia.
Also, during the month there were significant rain washout detections in Caloundra and Nimbin, plus peak detections in Sydney, and on New Zealand North Island.
There is a relationship between heavy pixelation on the camera screen and the radioactive emissions.
From youtube user Bionerd –
– camera radiation demonstrations:
1. Radioactivity on Video – (go to 3:12)
2. Photon beam, ionizing radiation, striking camera
Fuku Web Cam viewing tips:
1. Most of the videos are time compressed.
Meaning 20x speed, 3 min = 1hr at Fukushima.
This can create a somewhat dramatic effect of moving clouds or fog. (just keep that in mind) It also saves on view time.
2. There is more ‘pixelation’ during the night view as opposed to daytime. (dark background)
3. The big lights at Fukushima turn on each day at sundown. The camera will ‘flash’ as it adjusts to the new light. This looks very scary if you don’t know what it is or that it happens every day.
😉 I wonder sometimes why the Japanese/TEPCO have allowed these cams to operate? If this were Russia, (or the USA/NRC),I don’t think we would have live cams.
In a way, it may be our best early warning.
IMO – Things are not getting better at the Fukushima Nuclear facilities. They are ‘seemingly’ slowly but surely degrading. At what point it ‘falls off a cliff’ or it’s radioactive ‘bubble bursts’ I do not know.
Even if things continue ‘as is’ at Fukushima, the accumulation of this ‘goo’ over time is really going to add up and spread. 🙁
Is there a major event happening at Fukushima right now?
Major temperature rise in at Plant Number 2, see chart
Lots of smoke at site recorded over the last few days since a cluster of earthquakes hit Fukushima.
Videos by Fukushima web cam watchers
“nuckelchen”, 1st January 2013
“fuku1live”, 30th December 2012
“Live Watcher” on the 29th December 2012, a bright glow starts to appear around 1.30 minutes into the video. Watch from the beginning to see the effects of the earthquake.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
8:05a INT 50.6 CPM
8:15a EXT 50.8 CPM
Sunshine Coast,
1st, January, 2013
Here is a chart for December 2012, plus this years monthly average chart.
This December was 43% above the pre-Fukushima 4 year average for December, making it equal with the month high we had in January 2012.
The average for the year of 2012 was 21% above the pre-Fukushima 4 year average, see the month average chart.
I have incomplete data for December 2011, as the new Gamma Scout Geiger Counter had just arrived. It was a while before I set up data logging on this unit. Didn’t realize how important data logging would be at the time.
As you can see from the data I did record for that month, the average for December 2011 was 26% percent above average. As you can see in that chart, there were more dynamic swings in background levels, compared to December 2012.
The data is clearly showing increasing background levels of radiation over the last two years, at my location on the central east coast of Australia.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:50a INT 47.3 CPM
8:00a EXT 49.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:50a INT 49.8 CPM
8:00a EXT 54.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG – a small amount of rain in the afternoon
3:00p INT PAPER TOWEL RAIN SAMPLE 54.6 CPM – taken with back flap of case closed [14% over background]
3:10p INT PAPER TOWEL RAIN SAMPLE 79.6 CPM – ALPHA READING (taken with back flap open) [66.2% over background; Alpha: 79.6 – 54.6 = 25 which is 52% above background in alpha alone.]
Background @ 47.9
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
8:25a INT 47.9 CPM
8:35a EXT 47.4 CPM
Just a few sprinkles overnight – not enough for a sample. Possible rain later in the day.
Alert level Princeville, HI, USA
Altitude 171 feet
Geiger Counter Model Inspector+
Beginning time 12/27/12 07:28:19 PM
Ending time 12/27/12 07:58:46 PM
Elapsed Minutes 31
Radiation Counts
Total Counts 1,875
Average CPM 60
Minimum CPM 26
Maximum CPM 127
Minimum CPM occurred 12/27/12 07:48:18 PM
Maximum CPM occurred 12/27/12 07:56:19 PM
Alert Level first exceeded 12/27/12 07:55:19 PM
Alert Level last exceeded 12/27/12 07:58:19 PM
Alert level Fresno, CA, US
Altitude 322 feet
Geiger Counter Model Inspector EXP+
Beginning time 12/28/12 01:09:33 PM
Ending time 12/28/12 10:10:38 PM
Elapsed Minutes 540
Total Counts 45,445
Average CPM 84
Minimum CPM 25
Maximum CPM 140
Minimum CPM occurred 12/28/12 01:30:33 PM
Maximum CPM occurred 12/28/12 05:53:56 PM
10 minute average in Idyllwild, CA. Taken on 12-26 on a covered exterior porch during a snow storm. Elevation approx 6000 ft. 62 cpm
Thank you for the invaluable information. Your two posts should be required reading for newbies like me. I wish I could copy/paste the information within your posts to keep for future reference but snapshots will work. I will take this information into careful consideration for all tests going forward. Many thanks!
Readings for today:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:35a INT 48.3 CPM
8:45a EXT 49.5 CPM
see below: Vital1’s outline on Dec 27, 2012 3:47 pm
Thanks vital1. 🙂 Well stated.
I also like what was said about the learning curve we’ve all been on and I agree we must be flexible to learn and change as needed.
Here are 2 basic Alpha, Beta, Gamma videos.
(about 30 seconds each)
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg9coTz43K0
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec8iomUS34U
alpha: a sheet of paper will stop it
beta: wood, water, plastic-acrylic, aluminum
gamma: water, concrete, lead
Why determine alpha?
What these videos do not make clear is that inhaling or ingesting an ALPHA particle is far MORE HAZARDOUS than beta, gamma or x-ray. (They’re all bad)
“A multiplication factor is used that represents the ‘effective’ biological damage of a given type of radiation.”
Radiation Factor (QF Quality Factor)
(1) Beta
(1) Gamma
(1) X-ray
(10) Neutron
(20) Alpha
“For example, ‘Alpha’ energy that is absorbed by soft human tissue does 20 times more damage… than Gamma, X-ray or Beta radiation.”
source: Geiger Counter Numbers, How Bad is Bad
NOTE: IMO – If I thought I was handling alpha I would certainly wear goggles and a mask.
More Alert levels Kauai
Big numbers on these Kauai spikes
Princeville, HI, US
Altitude 171 feet
Geiger Counter Model Inspector+
Beginning time 12/27/12 12:00:19 PM
Ending time 12/27/12 03:42:40 PM
Elapsed Minutes 221
Total Counts 14,374
Average CPM 65
Minimum CPM 29
Maximum CPM 350
Minimum CPM occurred 12/27/12 01:03:19 PM
Maximum CPM occurred 12/27/12 03:39:20 PM
Alert Level first exceeded 12/27/12 12:37:20 PM
Alert Level last exceeded 12/27/12 03:40:23 PM
“Would I get the same results if I closed the back flap of the XtremeBoot and then placed it over the sample?”
Yes, closing the back plastic flap would filter out the Alpha radiation component.
Do multiple Alpha, Beta, and Gamma level tests over varying lengths of time, at the beginning, a few days, and weeks. That is why putting it in a plastic bag, and dating it can be helpful.
This type of testing will tell you if it is contaminated with sort lived decay isotopes, or longer lived. Most of noise created by the short lived Radon daughter isotopes should have decayed away in a couple days. This makes it easier to detect the longer lived isotopes. If it is still hot after a few days you have most likely detected fallout.
The most important thing is to always do your rain swab sample collection with disposable gloves on. Be careful not to touch anything else including you face, and Geiger Counter until you remove the gloves. You don’t know what you are coming in contact with. Their are risks in doing this type of testing, so it is important to learn quarantine techniques. Particularly if you are in a contaminated area.
Long count Geiger Counter testing is the best way to detect small amounts of contamination. Determining what it is with a Geiger Counter is not that easy. It involves some detective work.
Be flexible, over time testing techniques may need to change.
I often see the comments like, “It is just Radon washout.” Radon is the second biggest cause of lung cancer after smoking. I have seen rain washout tests showing multi uSv/hr levels. You wouldn’t want to be getting wet in this, or breathing it in at these levels for any length of time.
I have been on a steep learning curve like everyone else here, others may have better suggestions.
Free Basic Geiger Counter Use Guide.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
8:35a INT 49.4 CPM
8:45a EXT 47.1 CPM
@Chase – answers to your questions:
1. I did not save the sample. I didn’t think to do this. I will try this in the future.
2. I have the International Medcom Inspector Alert that is kept in a ‘XtremeBoot’. The sample is taken by wiping a backyard patio table that collects rain water. I wring out the sample and place it on a paper plate and place the Inspector Alert right over the sample. The back flap is open on the XtremeBoot. This reading is taken in the same location that the INT background reading was taken. There were no paper or plastic between the wet paper towel and the IA.
Questions for you: Should I place the paper towel sample in a plastic bag then place the IA over that to test for Alpha readings? Should this be done before or after taking a reading of the sample by itself? Would I get the same results if I closed the back flap of the XtremeBoot and then placed it over the sample? This would put a piece of plastic between the sample and the detector.
Questions regarding the swipe reading of ‘concern’ from the other day.
Just wondering.
1. Did you save the sample and how does it test now?
2. Also, did you place a piece of paper and/or plastic to test for alpha? That tells a little bit more of the story if possible. (also depends on your detector to)
__This news could be significant…
–> “U S sailors aboard the USS Ronald Reagan have filed lawsuits against TEPCO and the government of Japan over misrepresenting radiation levels coming from Fukushima Daiichi, to which they were needlessly exposed because of the misinformation.”
(credit enenews user dosdos for the link)
We’ve ALL been misrepresented! 😉
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
7:45a INT 48.8 CPM
7:55a INT PAPER TOWEL RAIN SAMPLE 57.8 CPM [18.4% over subsequent interior background higher]
8:05a EXT 47.8 CPM
Sunshine Coast,
26th, December, 2012
A rain swab test was 1.2 uSv/hr. It was taken from the bonnet of a car. Light drizzle this morning, first rain here in weeks. The wind direction was from west south west. I am getting similar test results to the Nimbin monitoring station at present. Nimbin is about 200 Kilometers south of my location in northern New South Wales. Running a 12 hour decay test chart using the Theremino Geiger software, and a SBT-10 pancake probe.
Background radiation levels have been siting at 40% above average for nine days.
Nimbin Monitoring station report 26th December.
“Rain arrived last night and left a large bump on yesterdays chart. Rain continued to now so I just went out and took a swab off the car that measured ~1.4uSv/h. I had a blip on my newer GS early yesterday afternoon. Alarm, that was set for 0.5uSv/h, went off but by the time I got to it there was nothing exciting going on. It didn’t show up in the log either.”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
7:10a INT 43.0 CPM
7:20a EXT 42.7 CPM
I was very concerned about this rain sample so I took a secondary reading. Here are the numbers:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
7:40a INT 47.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
7:05a INT 51.6 CPM
7:25a EXT 47.9 CPM
Exterior, Ventura, CA (10 min avg): 45.8
@ Chasa
“When, IMO, the real issue is getting people to truly ‘understand’ the risks.”
That is where the effort has to be focused on educating people on mass, as to the huge risks of Nuclear.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy
7:50a INT 46.2 CPM
8:100a EXT 46.0 CPM
The Nuclear Industry studies how YOU THINK.
(You probably already knew this, but if not, then read on.)
How a Nuclear Power Plant Accident Influences Acceptance of Nuclear Power: Results of a Longitudinal Study Before and After the Fukushima Disaster
Partial Summary:
“Major nuclear accidents, such as the recent accident in Fukushima, Japan, have been shown to decrease the public’s acceptance of nuclear power. However, little is known about how a serious accident affects people’s acceptance of nuclear power and the determinants of acceptance.”
“We assessed acceptance, perceived risks, perceived benefits, and trust related to nuclear power stations.”
(this is the scary part)
“…the nuclear accident did not seem to have changed the relations between the determinants of acceptance. Even after a severe accident, the public may still consider the benefits as relevant, and trust remains important for determining their risk and benefit perceptions. A discussion of the benefits of nuclear power seems most likely to affect the public’s acceptance of nuclear power, even after a nuclear accident.”
Article first published online: 4 JUL 2012
(Institute for Environmental Decisions (IED), Consumer Behavior, Zurich, Switzerland.)
(Visschers, V. H. M. and Siegrist)
I don’t think so!!!
😉 It’s all about getting YOU/US to accept the risks.
When, IMO, the real issue is getting people to truly ‘understand’ the risks.
The risk of genetic damage and suffering to all living things is simply not worth it. Never was, never will be.
Thank you EnviroReporter and all who help in understanding the true risks and awareness needed to stop the Nuclear Industry’s insane ‘acceptance’ of risks that most do not even understand.
Another Big strike hits Kauai hard
Princeville, HI, US
Altitude 171 feet
Geiger Counter Model Inspector+
Beginning time 12/22/12 01:50:32 PM
Ending time 12/22/12 04:51:13 PM
Elapsed Minutes 181
Total Counts 9,043
Average CPM 49
Minimum CPM 27
Maximum CPM 182
Minimum CPM occurred 12/22/12 02:22:32 PM
Maximum CPM occurred 12/22/12 03:25:33 PM
This report is from,
Raining in Ventura, CA.
Let a paper towel soak and brought it in to test. 10 min average: 54.6 [25.2% above background]
10 minute interior background: 43.6
Yumm! In my opinion, Frankenfish will probably do quite well in radioactive ocean waters. The FDA says the GM fish is “probably OK”, so it must be so. lol http://gothamist.com/2012/12/22/the_fda_says_we_can_probably_eat_ge.php
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:20a INT 49.0 CPM
7:30a EXT 50.0 CPM
The third day this week, Alert Level Exceeded in Kauai
Princeville, HI, US
Altitude 171 feet
Geiger Counter Model Inspector+
Beginning time 12/21/12 02:40:34 PM
Ending time 12/21/12 09:24:13 PM
Elapsed Minutes 402
Total Counts 18,409
Average CPM 45
Minimum CPM 21
Maximum CPM 104
This report is from,
Re:news item:
December 20, 2012
More Fukushima nuclear pollution to hit U.S. starting in 2015 – Study: Impact strength of Cesium-137 on West Coast to be as high as 4 PERCENT.
Jeff Jones, Environmental lawyer in B.C. Canada comments:
“The media and our fearless leaders have persistently pretended this issue was either non-existent, or “local” to Japan, or unimportant. They’ve been wrong on all counts. That the radioactive remnants of the Fukushima fuel pools haven’t blown up again (since March 2011) is a miracle. We can only pray that there won’t be another earthquake. A second impact on the plant and it will be game over. There’s enough radioactive fuel present to make the earth virtually uninhabitable.
Meanwhile, millions of gallons of water laced with Cesium-137 have been pumped into the Pacific Ocean. And it’s still there. The ocean waters around Japan are radioactive and lethal. No, Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore. This radioactive pollution, which continues to be pumped out from the fuel pools as we speak, is making its way across the ocean. In March, 2011 we learned that it would take a looong time for it to make its way across the ocean. Like, maybe, a year and a half. Which was like, a year and half ago.
So what does this academic study conclude? At 1.5 years Cesium-37 will begin washing up on our ocean shores. With perhaps as much as a 4% volume of Cesium-137.
There is no safe level of Cesium-137.
So now it begins. And the silence from our (mainstream) media will become ever more deafening. “
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear
6:10a INT 45.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.3 CPM
Radioactive Black Walnuts In Missouri
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear, windy
6:10a INT 45.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.7 CPM
The Nimbin monitoring station is in Northern New South Wales Australia.
Nimbin Monitoring station report 20th December.
“Just took a swab from the car windscreen after 30mins of rain and measured 3.4uSv/h (one minute count). I also took a swab off the same windscreen when the rain started and measured 1.7uSv/h Background up slightly.”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear, windy
6:10a INT 50.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.8 CPM
A surreal photo of an artistic wall drawing in Chernobyl.
April 4 (2011) in the ghost city of Pripyat near the fourth nuclear reactor (background) at the former Chernobyl Nuclear power plant.
(Sergei Supinsky/AFP/Getty Images)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG raining
6:10a INT 48.8 CPM
6:30a EXT 51.4 CPM
Just put up at RadWatch Dot Info,
“Rad Update, Monday Dec 17, 2012: I just put up a new set of graphs
and data on our radiation monitoring community page, RadWatch Dot Info. We are continuing to see the vast majority of the graphs showing subtle to obvious wave shapes as well as mild (in most cases) to moderate increases in background radiation readings of 5-10-20% across the entire country, at almost every station – no region is spared.
Hawaii exceeded the federal alert limit of 100 CPM for a short time period several hours ago and then moseyed it’s way back down to more reasonable levels.
exterior in Ventura, CA: 49.3
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
6:20a INT 47.3 CPM
630a EXT 46.4 CPM
11:55am 10-minute INTERIOR average RADIATION STATION SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA RAIN SAMPLE: 47.8 CPM^ which is 3.0% above background but within =/-15% = background.
11:40am: 10-minute INTERIOR average background: 46.4 CPM^
Just in Sydney detection report 15th and 16th December.
“Hi Peter, Please find attached images. In my counter, 100 CPM means 0.5uSv/h. High readings have been confirmed by my other counter. So, it’s the true thing. Given numbers are 1 minute average. Please keep me informed,”
Chart for the 15th,
chart for the 16th,
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
7:10a INT 46.5 CPM
7:20a EXT 51.0 CPM
7:30a INT PAPER TOWEL RAIN SAMPLE 71.5 CPM [53.8% over INT BG!!!]
04.12.212- Californian Mandarins USA testing highly contaminated! 13 minutes into the video it get real interesting.
exterior, Ventura, CA: 46.6
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:20a INT 47.4 CPM
7:30a EXT 51.2 CPM
🙂 Happy Holidays!
…and thanks to all for the continued postings of rad detector readings and comments.
Amazing how close that chart mirrors yours. The proof is in the data, the silence from our expert agencies is deafening and heartbreaking, yet not totally unexpected.
Not only do we have to mitigate/combat radioactive contamination we also have to combat the massive PR onslaught of lies and disinformation.
Wave of radiation detected on Radiation Network stations moving across America.
Quote on facebook Radwatch-Dot-Info page.
“Today’s Rad Update, Friday Dec 14, 2012:
Interestingly, almost the entire country’s graphs are in a subtle wave form today. I have never seen so many stations in a wave form before – ever – in our 15 months of watching the graphs.
It has been a little over 7 days since the 7.3 earthquake near the Fukushima Daichi and Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plants. Perhaps the graphs’ wave forms are a reflection of the increased emissions following the earthquake, perhaps not – there
is no way for us to say for sure one way or the other.
And…. not surprisingly – Grand Rapids MN is still in a dramatic wave form, as it has been for weeks.
These graphs are loaded off of Radiation Network’s member’s area – for any who do not know.
You can view the graphs at the RadWatch Dot Info community page – which is open to all to view anonymously without needing to join a FB group (however if you would like to “like” us we’d appreciate it!). Nan Bhajani Tierra.”
Here is a Twitter of a monthly radiation level chart, showing the increasing radiation levels at Fukushima city over the last five months.
Interestingly, it mirrors the monthly chart recorded at my location in the Southern Hemisphere. It is at lot lower levels, but both chart curves are very close.
Full historical records here.
Get the message out there on how serious the Fukushima nuclear disaster is quickly, and efficiently. You don’t need to explain anything just distribute the lifesaver.pdf, (or create your own), hand it out, mailbox it, or email it.
10 min interior in Ventura: 47.1
10 min rain soaked paper towel, brought in to test: 52.1
Exterior in Ventura, CA: 52.2
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 51.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
6:10a INT 55.5 CPM
6:20a INT PAPER TOWEL RAIN SAMPLE 63.3 CPM [31.9% above external background]
6:30a EXT 48.0 CPM
Excessive radiation found at Santa Susana Field Lab site:
Ventura, CA
Rain soaked paper towel, tested 10 minutes inside: 49.1
Exterior in Ventura: 49.3
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
6:10a EXT 48.9 CPM
6:20a INT 42.7 CPM
Exterior, Ventura, CA: 49.1
late last night, 12-10-12, did a retest outside in Ventura: 50.4
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 50.3 CPM
6:20a INT 53.0 CPM
Exterior in Ventura, CA: 52.8
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, breezy
6:10a EXT 47.3 CPM
6:20a INT 45.4 CPM
Bait and switch — meanwhile, back at the ranch a NEW nuclear test…
“The US Energy Department said it conducted a “subcritical” test at an underground site in Nevada on Wednesday to study the behaviour of nuclear materials without triggering an atomic explosion. It was its first since February last year.”
“On Friday it was announced that the Nevada National Security Site had successfully detonated plutonium in a deep shaft Wednesday to test the safety and effectiveness of US nuclear weapons, National Nuclear Security Administration officials said.”
“The Pollux subcritical experiment was carried out by scientists at the Los Alamos, New Mexico national laboratory and the Sandia National Laboratories and involved a tiny sample of plutonium bomb material.”
“The experiment also drew criticism from Japan, with Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui wondering why the Obama administration carried out the test, despite saying he would ‘seek a nuclear-free world.’ ”
Learn more:
Fallout heading your way, downwinders (see links below):
Nimbin Monitoring station Australia report 9th December.
Just had a small rain shower here and I took a not too thorough swab from a clean sheet of corro, 1700x850mm, propped up on 4 star pickets in the center of a large area of lawn. Initial readings over 4.8uSv/h! Took another swab this morning and tested it w/ LND 7317, and was seeing over 3.0uSv/h (Ra226 calibration) then ~ 2.1uSv/h on the minute counts.
This station is a community run monitoring station a couple hundred kilometers from my location, on the east central coast of Australia. (corro, is corrugated iron roofing.)
Exterior, Ventura, CA, right on the west coast: 45.9
@abc; yes, at least potassium iodide which is plenteous and cheap at the moment. Duct tape and heavy painters plastic to seal up homes on the west coast as well, as well as water, food etc… at the very least.
Chase; You already know not to hold your breath for TEPCO to reveal any sort of relevant, bad news. Thanks again for your postings. And the quote. As Dad always said, percentages and probabilities don’t matter, when you are in the percentage and probability!
Anyone who has information on the CERN project related to pole shifting and tetonic plate movement please contact me! Thanks.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:45a EXT 48.1 CPM
7:55a INT 45.0 CPM
My wife has been buying these very colorful, painted porcelain tabletop decorations that play music. The paint reminds me of Fiestaware. They are from Hallmark and there’s a new one released every year. We have three. Here are the readings ;
8:05a Hallmark Gingerbread House 2008 71.5 CPM
8:15a Hallmark Gingerbread Train Undated 73.1 CPM
8:25a Hallmark Santa’s Workshop Undated but I think it’s from this year 71.7 CPM
“Probability is irrelevent after the facts…”
· enenews user – Jebus
December 8, 2012 at 3:23 pm
I really like that quote!
Dec 7th, 2012
– Fukushima Nuclear Plant, Japan
Here’s a Screen shot of a red flash (one of many)on top of Reactor #4.
A large ‘black’ cloud engulfed most of the facility. At the same time red/multicolored flashes started across the top of R4.
Source Video:
credit nuckelchen (enenews user)
reactor 4 @ fukushima 2012-12-07
(apprx 20:00 hrs jst)
See :27 :34 :37: :48 for flash/pops.
(be quick on the pause button)
I have no clue regarding the Black Fog/Cloud…?
🙁 I’m guessing that it’s not a good sign.
I have seen no announcement from TEPCO regarding this event.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:35a EXT 48.1 CPM
7:45a INT 48.6 CPM
Any idea approximately how long it would take for the plume to hit southern California, if there’s another explosion? Maybe anyone on the west coast should have potassium iodide on hand. At least.
@Margery Brown; I second the idea that we will be getting vwry much belated news from the Japan Government should there be any real threat or indeed, collapse of the plants. So I highly recommend going on sites or youtube accounts that supersede the government, such as the many we have been relying on throughout the entire problem. Busby, Potrblog, Michael Collins (this one) etc… for the real deal. We need to continue in the next days and weeks ahead be vigilant to see what this last quake really did. Who knows Margery, how much your prayers may be gluing these walls together, so good for you!
My attention has been absolutely riveted to Fukushima reactor #4 for quite some time now, and even if we get some reassuring news from the Japanese Government about this earthquake or aftershock,how can we ever believe anything the authorities might say? They have either minimized or denied any harm to their citizens, from the three Fukushima nuclear meltdowns, and have opted,consistently, to support TEPCO instead of being truthful.
There have been numerous warnings of how a large earthquake could result in the #4 reactor collapsing entirely….and possibly causing a devastating fire to the other reactors on site as well. A “global disaster” is how they describe it…that is, after Tokyo is evacuated.
The #3 reactor is also said to be in dreadful condition, and I have been holding my breath and praying a lot, since there would literally be no hiding place!
Japan Earthquake Agency Confirms POTRBLOG’s M8.2 Aftershock Alert
A video detailing the where’s and why’s of the M8.2 Fukushima aftershock still waiting in the wings.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, breezy
6:10a INT 46.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.7 CPM
Although no major tsunami, ( only a very small tsunami) a seven.three earthquake registered just east of Honshu Japan, and I notice on USGS quite a few aftershocks. How this affecting reactors in Fukushima is still a question, but keep your eyes and ears open today. Happened early this morning our time.
Thanks lucidf8
re: cadmuim
I had not heard of the protein drinks.
My own research showed that it’s used as a lining in some containment vessels in a nuclear reactor. It’s very absorbent.
“Cadmium is used as a barrier to control neutrons in nuclear fission. The pressurized water reactor designed by Westinghouse Electric Company uses an alloy consisting of 80% silver, 15% indium, and 5% cadmium.”
“…cadmium is composed of 8 isotopes.”
Saw this today.
Bought in USA from Thailand.
Independent tester.
Looks like a good test.
Showing above background.
That’s NOT good.
🙁 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOwg_DDOwK8
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.2 CPM
@Chase: I’m not sure what cadmium might be used for at n-plants, but Consumers Report mentioned cadmium in an article about protein drinks a couple of years ago.
The article also noted that:
“Shellfish and organ meats such as liver can be high in cadmium, and some plant foods such as potatoes, rice, sunflower seeds, spinach, and other leafy greens can also take in significant amounts of the metal from the environment, due in large part to the use of cadmium-containing phosphate fertilizers, according to Bruce A. Fowler, a researcher at the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.1 CPM
December 3, 2012: Supposedly safe San Onofre steam generator radiating 16+ times background dozens of yards off; 961% of normal rads in North Carolina rain, not-hot L.A. rain; new fracking within 1 mile of Pennsylvania nuclear plant could cause earthquake, Prince Charles says Mankind must go green or die plus more!
Increases in background detected in multiple locations around Japan in the last 24 hours, plus steam events at Fukushima.
Here background yesterday was 52% above average. Wind changed direction to SW so expecting a drop today.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 44.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.3 CPM
Noon: 10-minute INTERIOR average RAIN SAMPLE: 44.0 CPM^ Results like these at background rain readings almost make one forget that the Pacific Ocean has been hammered for 1.5 years with huge amounts of radionuclides pouring into it from Fukushima Daiichi. Do not let these readings fool you: do NOT eat anything out of the Pacific, north or south of the Equator unless you test it yourself and know what you’re doing.
11:45am: 10-minute INTERIOR average background: 45.4 CPM^
A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with kidney disease, they determined the cause was cadmium. He says he has never been near cadmium. Note: He lived near Three Mile Island in 1979.
Just wondering if or how ‘cadmium’ is used in Nuclear Plants and could it be one of the contaminants from Fukushima or even Simi-Valley?
I am hoping someone here might have some input.
Thanks in advance.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
6:10a INT 45.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 44.8 CPM
“40,000 microsievert thyroid dose for California infants from Fukushima — Data not released to public — ‘Very high doses to children’ ” [EDITOR – This is in regards to March 2012 news]
Does anyone have solid experience to FOIA the DOE, EPA, HHS, DITTRA, and Sandia National Labs? California infants in utero then born during or after 3-1-1… Think about the scope of young people affected.
[EDITOR: Sophia, we have solid experience using FOIA. It takes determination but it’s straightforward – follow FOIA instructions and have some cash ready. Let us know your results.]
Background in Ventura, CA: 45.4
Rain sample: 49.6
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
7:15a INT 50.9 CPM
7:25a EXT 44.9 CPM
Biggest background radiation spike I have seen on this North Island of New Zealand private monitoring station. They are using a scintillator for monitoring purposes, so it is normal at this station to have an average around the 750 CPM.
Here is a screen shot.
8:15m 10-minute INTERIOR average RAIN SAMPLE: 45.2CPM^ Below background is indicative of the effect water has on shielding radiation in the sample but in this case, there was no added radiation. No radon progeny per norm.
8:00pm: 10-minute INTERIOR average background: 49.3 CPM^
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy, drizzle
8:45a INT 50.7 CPM
8:55a INT PAPER TOWEL RAIN SAMPLE 69.5 CPM [36.8% over background]
9:05a EXT 50.8 CPM
Sunshine Coast,
1st, December, 2012
The day local background average for the 29th of November again hit 40% above average. This was the fifth time in November that the day local background average had gone 40% above average. (See day average chart)
This pushed the November monthly average to 31% above average, compared to the 4 year recorded average. (See monthly average chart)
Full historical local data can be found here.
This is showing a steady increase in background radiation levels over time, at our location in the Southern Hemisphere.
For those of you interested in trying long term charting of your local background radiation levels, here are some free tools.
Other than Simi Valley, rain reading looks good. Hey, I ALMOST am ready to get that geiger counter!!!! Yeah!!
10:15am 10-minute INTERIOR average RAIN SAMPLE: 47.3CPM^ meaning rain sample registers at background statistically.
10:00am: 10-minute INTERIOR average background: 48.5 CPM^
Rain sample from Ventura, CA tested 44.4, which is background.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy, drizzle
6:10a INT 49.8 CPM
6:25a INT PAPER TOWEL RAIN SAMPLE 65.1 CPM [37.3% above EXT BG]
6:35a EXT 47.4 CPM
@SimiRich; Along with others here, I have abstained from seafood since March 11, 2011. The Tuna reports that came out in mainstream news were also reported to have been a year “late” as though the isotopes in Tuna off the Pacific Coast was a new item. I cringe when people purchase salmon now. Most people who are in the know are not eating seafood, is my understanding. Life is no longer what it was pre Fukushima. Sad, but a fact if you are going to give yourself the best chance for survival.
11:15am 10-minute INTERIOR average RAIN SAMPLE: 49.7CPM^ meaning rain sample registers no radiation.
11:00am: 10-minute INTERIOR average background: 47.5 CPM^
Just wondering if anyone could give me feedback. Since 3/11 I have been really reluctant to eat seafood.
Is this nutty? Paranoid?
There were recent news reports in L.A. about restaurants and grocery stores labeling cheap fish as expensive fish. If they can’t even tell the truth about what kind of fish it is, how do we know they’re telling the truth about where it’s from? And if no one’s doing any testing of seafood, but we know cesium-137 was found in bluefin tuna….
Well, I’d like to hear anyone’s thoughts.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
7:10a INT 48.9 CPM
7:25a PAPER TOWEL RAIN SAMPLE 56.8 CPM [27.4% over EXT BG]
7:35a EXT 44.6 CPM
Radiation Station Santa Monica California
9:30pm 10-minute INTERIOR average RAIN SAMPLE: 44.9 CPM^ meaning rain sample has no added radioactivity and is not impacted by radon daughters or progeny.
9:15pm: 10-minute INTERIOR average background: 45.2 CPM^
Rain sample in Ventura, CA, collected in a cup and tested inside for 10 minutes. 46.8– ~background
Greetings from Cambria, CA. These readings were taken from our hotel room on Moonstone Beach.
10 MIN AVG cloudy
7:25a INT 37.7. CPM
7:35a EXT 37.1 CPM
November 26, 2012: High Cesium-134 and Cs-137 in New Zealand powdered milk, Cs-137 in NZ yogurt powder and Canadian maple sugar; lake tsunami threat endangers Cook & Palisades reactors on Lake Michigan; 40% of 96,000 Fukushima children have thyroid problems while government and TEPCO lie about radioactive water sloshing into Pacific; curium found 200 km from Fukushima and Cs-137 Pacific plume headed straight at North American coast while Obama Administration to push for smaller, cheaper & “safer” nuclear reactors defying reason and common economic sense all the while fallout-scavenging chem trails are sprayed over Southern California. “We live in an age of denial,” says Rense.
Alive and well here! Been no rain for many weeks…Finally today
Gray/overcast all day
54.3…CPM outside @ 10:40 am
32.4…CPM inside @ 11:00 am
1..rain sample…300.7 CPM @ 3:55 pm [9.61 TIMES BACKGROUND]
2…………….31.3 CPM background @ 4:07 pm
Greetings from Cambria, CA. These readings were taken from our hotel room on Moonstone Beach.
10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:20a INT 39.3 CPM
7:30a EXT 40.9 CPM
25.11.2012 – Report of Infant Powered Milk from New Zealand in South Korea, tested with Cesium in it.
Traditionally here in Australia, we have had a much lower background average than the USA. This means we can detect much smaller changes compared to a location with higher background. Even with our present higher detections it is still lower than the Australian (0.17 uSv/hr) and USA (0.34 uSv/hr) average. The Japanese average was 0.081 uSv/hr before Fukushima. Background levels could have been much lower everywhere before the advent of the nuclear age.
Because we have 4 years of historical recorded data to compare with, before 3/11, it makes it clearer to see that background levels here are increasing.
The Northern hemisphere dynamic is probably a lot different. There must be people in the Northern hemisphere who have long term data that could shed light on what is happening there.
Greetings from Cambria, CA. These readings were taken from our hotel room on Moonstone Beach:
10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:20a INT 36.2 CPM
7:40a EXT 39.2 CPM
Radiation Map from a TV movie clip of “On the Beach” movie remake 2005. The scale appears to be 1 to 5. Five is the red, the highest.
Credit sickputer, and to Chasa for re-posting it on another forum.
From my observations the North / South Hemisphere air mixing is not happening like in this movie. It is coming through like in this image.
Fingers of air are breaking through all along the equatorial barrier, reaching deep into the southern hemisphere, and this happens more in summer than in winter.
ALERT reported in Texas:
7:03 PM local time, November 23rd
Borger, TX (Panhandle)
(which is 40 miles northeast of Amarillo)
Reported on Radiation Network.
Surpassing 100 CPM multiple times over a half hour period.
from their message board:
“…There was no rain or wind at the time, the jet stream was flowing far to the north, and no local earthquakes of significance that might release Radon, no solar flares of note (which probably wouldn’t be localized, anyway), and no NRC events in the area. The operator knows of no radioactive persons or pets nearby that were undergoing medical treatment.”
The Pantex plant is located 25 miles to the southwest. For those unaware, Pantex is a division of Babcock and Wilcox, and operates a nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility outside Amarillo.”
Amarillo, TX always has the ‘strangest’, best word I could think of, readings of any city anywhere on the EPA Rad Net system’s charts.
They are also downwind of Los Alamos county, NM. One of the top ten richest counties in the USA.
Primary employer… guess.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:05a EXT 53.1 CPM
7:15a INT 48.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 48.9 CPM
7:40a INT 47.6 CPM
The Pacific Ocean as of 2012-11-23.
Screen shot from video:
The Quick View –
Ocean at day 623 TODAY!
March 2014 – at 3 years
The west coast of Canada and the USA will be engulfed.
March 2020 – at 9 years
Appears to reach maximum contamination!
(Assuming things don’t get worse. I also think it will be sooner than expected. Just a ‘gut’ feeling.)
3 Minutes source video showing 10 year spread:
Note: The GEOMAR | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel is one of the leading institutions in the field of marine research in Europe.
@Susan Thanks for those Bq conversions.
Much easier for me to relate to anyway.
Radiation Contamination Transport Vectors.
This is where it’s going to get tricky.
@all So… if it’s in the milk, what else is it in and what are the transport vectors that will lead to the ‘next thing’ to accumulate and get contaminated? It doesn’t magically go away.
(airborne methane (cow farts), sludge, grass, feed, meat, milk chocolate bars, etc…)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:25a EXT 55.5 CPM
7:35a INT 48.7 CPM
@Michael – thank you very much for the kind words. I have no expert training or experience to bring to this forum as you and many others do but I do have a cool tool and a desire to know what the heck is going on. It’s my pleasure to be able to take these readings every day and to report back. Thank you for hosting this site and all the hard work you do!
Thank you Michael for a great interview with Jeff Rense on November 19. Excellent sleuthing on EPA results for Cesium 137 in milk in L.A., Portland and San Francisco. I’ve translated the results you quoted from PiC/l to Bq/l:
U.S. Milk EPA RADNET results for Cesium 137
Los Angeles
before Fukushima not detected
May-11 not detected
Dec-11 0.53 piC/l 0.0916 Bq/l
Mar-12 0.6 piC/l 0.0222 Bq/l
Sep-12 0.99 pC/l 0.0366 Bq/l
Portland before Fukushima not detected
Mar-11 not detected
Oct-12 0.53 piC/l 0.0196 Bq/l
Jul-12 1.2 piC/l 0.0444 Bq/l
San Francisco before Fukushima not detected
Oct-11 2.5 piC/l 0.0925 Bq/l
Jan-12 2.9 piC/l 0.1073 Bq/l
Apr-12 1.9 piC/l 0.0703 Bq/l
Jul-12 1.2 piC/l 0.0444 Bq/l
It is interesting that the EPA has the ability to detect Cesium 137 in milk at levels as low as 0.0196 Bq/l. When we sent local Vancouver B.C. milk to a Canadian lab, their detection limit was 0.2 bq/l. The report from the lab stated that they could not detect any Cesium 137.
The results you quote indicate that we could well have Cesium 137 in our milk here on the north west coast, but our lab did not have low enough detection levels to find it.
The only time the Canadian government tested for fallout from Fukushima in milk was between April and June of 2011. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) tested 34 samples of milk in British Columbia. They reported all samples were below Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC). However they also reported that their MDC is ”typically 2.0 bq/kg”! Of course they did not find any detectable Cesium 137 in the milk – their detection level was too high – ten times higher than our lab. EPA has much lower detection levels.
CFIA also pointed out that the CODEX limits for Cesium 137 for general consumption is 1000 Bq/kg. This is an insane limit. More research is now showing that even low levels of radiation are harmful. THERE IS NO SAFE LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVITY.
CFIA states that they “continue to monitor events in Japan and assess any potential impacts on Canada’s food supply.” How can they access any impacts if they do not do any testing?!
They also state on their website that “Health Canada continues to regularly monitor for radionuclides in food sold in Canada through its Total Diet Study.” If you go to the link they give after this statement (Canadian Total Diet Study), you will see that the last time they did a Total Diet Study was in Vancouver B.C. in 2007! The last time they reported a Total Diet Study anywhere in Canada was 2009. Their statements are beyond infuriating.
@Michael and Denise
Thank you for your kind words to us in the Radiation Nation. We all wish you and Denise a Happy Thanksgiving. We are extremely grateful for all that you both do to bring us together in this search for the truth. You truly inspire us to action. Thank you
November 19, 2012: Highest readings in rain yet recorded by Radiation Station Simi Valley, highest Cs-137 in L.A. milk tested by USEPA as well as Portland, massive amounts of rad-ruined water gushing into Pacific at Fukushima, $640 billion that could be saved over 10 years from ditching nuclear weapon relics, and traveling rad-safe on jets during the Thanksgiving holidays add to great show.
@SimiRich & All our friends of the Radiation Nation: Denise and I are very thankful that patriots of the planet have found each other here. Your passion, persistence, creativity and undaunted desire to address the threats posed by Fukushima and our aging and unsafe nuclear infrastructure inspire us and Team EnviroReporter to even greater heights. Folks like you here are the clean clear rain on the dry and dusty plain thirsty for truth and action. Thank you from all of us on Thanksgiving 2012.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:05a EXT 47.4 CPM
8:15a INT 46.8 CPM
Happy Thanksgiving!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 50.1 CPM
6:20a INT 48.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 50.2 CPM
6:20a INT 50.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a EXT 45.8 CPM
6:20a INT 50.6 CPM
@SBLocal: We will be writing about the who trip replete with photos soon enough. I do not have the answers to your questions other than northern AZ.
@Michael your latest interview on Rense is quite informative and very much worth a listen. Are you going to delve any further into the chem trails you saw? How far ranging is the influence on rain formation? Are they front-loading chemicals in the Western states to make rain form over the midwest where it’s needed most? Why so heavily distributed in AZ (and where in AZ?)?
@Chase thanks for the British nuke docu links. Wow. That’s history we really need to know about.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
8:10a INT 43.9 CPM
This overnight rain produced a much larger reading than yesterday’s rain.
Cup of Ventura, CA rainwater just tested at background: 46.7
5:20pm 10-minute INTERIOR average RAIN SAMPLE: 42.3 CPM^ meaning rain sample has no added radioactivity and is not impacted by radon daughters or progeny as discussed extensively before.
5:05pm: 10-minute INTERIOR average background: 46.2 CPM^
Here is an alternative rain test swab test result using the new free Theremino MCA software for comparison. Theremino MCA allows the capture of charts as they change over time. The lower chart in the Theremino screen capture is after the first 15 minutes of swab testing, and the higher chart is after 9hrs. The PRA chart in the
post below is also after 9 hours.
@Susan I Watched the Britain’s Biggest Nuke Disaster 1957 and added it to my Radiation Realities playlist.
Thank you!
A Persimmon with a Proboscis:
(mutated fruit – 2012-11-17)
From the Central CA foothills, Tulare county.
I have also seen many deformed/mutated cherries and strawberries over the last several months.
18th, November, 2012
In the last 24 hours, local background levels have risen to 49% above the 4 year average of 0.10 uSv/hr. It is suggested that during these elevated background radiation events, if it rains, you keep children and pets out of the rain, plus re-divert rain tank inflows.
See November day average chart.
To keep up to date on local background radiation levels, regularly look at day chart, at the monitoring site.
Testing is showing a significant amount of Radon washout during the rain events that coincide with elevated background.
Report from the Nimbin monitoring station in the last 24 hours.
“Took a swab from the windscreen half an hour ago after many showers, and measured more than 650cpm(SBT10) throughout the first 10 mins.”
See rain swab test chart showing significant Radon decay daughter isotopes captured from the edge of a storm, here at Caloundra on the evening of the 17th.
This swab will be further tested to see if any long life isotopes are present.
Interior 10 min in Ventura (where rain soaked paper towel was just checked): 48.7
Rain soaked paper towel in Ventura, CA: 58.8cpm [Which is 20.7% higher than the subsequent background]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG rainy conditions
7:25a INT 48.6 CPM
Rain sample in Ventura, CA: 45.1
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy
6:10a EXT 51.0 CPM
6:20a INT 50.6 CPM
9:15pm 10-minute INTERIOR average background Radiation Station Santa Monica California: 41.6 CPM^ meaning rain sample is 17.6% HIGHER than background
9:00pm: 10-minute INTERIOR average RAIN SAMPLE: 48.9 CPM^
@Susan: Outstanding information!
Here’s a great series to add to your terrific StopnukesNow UTube Channel
It’s about Britain’s Biggest Nuclear Disaster in 1957. It’s truly a fascinating story. We all need to learn the history of the nuclear industry so we can understand our present day issues with perspective.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElotW9oKv1s part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEs1qLPFlEc part 2 – there’s a good graphic explanation of what makes a core melt in this episode
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1XApkJDOPU part 3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k7jGpISmUM part 4
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW6FQj66lc4 part 5
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xULwqKOaAFs part 6
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfu4hQkKexw part 7
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIKuWW9FUwY part 8
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Svbtz9rihU part 9
In the wikipedia it says 22 Terabq of Cesium 137 were released into the atmosphere during the fire. That’s 594.59 Curies!! (1 curie is 37 Billion disintegrations per second!) So that’s 21, 999 BILLION disintegrations every SECOND of just the Cesium 137 that has a half life of 30 years – it won’t go away til 300 years – that area is contaminated!
Thanks, Chase, for compiling such a great collection of nuclear videos.
Everyone who lives anywhere near San Onofre needs to know what’s happening at that nuclear power plant.(and doesn’t everyone in the northern hemisphere live close to San Onofre? – Fukushima has taught us all about the how connected we all are via the jet stream.)
Daniel Hirsch from UC Santa Cruz has clearly explained the problems at San Onofre. You can watch his video if you scroll down to the bottom of http://www.nuclearhotseat.com/japanese-seniors-thwarted-in-fukushima-clean-up-effort/
Here’s the summary:
– how much radioactivity is in each reactor = 1000 times the long life radioactivity as in the Hiroshima bomb.
– in the irradiated fuel pools there is 10 times as much radioactivity as in each reactor.
-so the amount of radioactivity at San Onofre is much more than was released at TMI, Chernobyl and Fukushima i.e. the amount available for release is just astronomical.
-put differently, there are 15 billion Curies of radioactivity.
( 1 curie is 37 billion disintegrations per second and there are 15 billion of those curies) inside each reactor.
-we measure permissible levels of radioactivity in picocuries which is a millionth of a million – radioactivity is so dangerous that we protect people by measuring in millionth of a million but there are 15 billion of those 37 billion disintegrations in each of those reactors.
-3 decades ago, the NRC estimated for San Onofre, that if there were a major accident at the reactor, there would be 130,000 immediate deaths from radiation sickness, 300,000 cancers that would show up years later, and 600,000 genetic defects that would show up in future generations i.e. over 1 million casualties. Estimated by the NRC 3 decades ago!
If something went wrong with the spent fuel pool, you would have 10 times the casualties.
-now the population has grown to 8 /1/2 million people . So the effects would be much greater.
These 8 ½ million people are within a 50 mile radius and at risk if there is a major problem – but you simply can’t evacuate that many people.
The great fear is that the cooling could stop.
– the steam generator are direct pathway out of containment and it requires the steam generator to work to keep the coolant working. There are back up diesels if the power goes out but these can be taken out by flooding or earthquake.
San ONofre is in a tsunami warning zone and on an earthquake fault and the great fear is that these events could stop the cooling and cause a major problem.
At San Onofre the steam generators are the worst and weakest in the country.
The average in U.S. is 4 indications of wear in 4 damaged tubes and 0 plugged.
Unit #2 at San Onofre –( the one they want to restart without an evidentiary hearing) has 4721 signs of wear in 1595 damaged tubes, with 510 plugged.
And you can read on RAD NEWS how on November 8th, 2012, how the
“Feds deny groups request for San Onofre nuclear plant license amendment”.
And then on Tuesday , November 13th, it was announced that although “Officials with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission had been scheduled to hold a public meeting with plant operator Southern California Edison on Friday November 16th to discuss Edison’s proposed restart plan for one of San Onofre’s shuttered reactors, the meeting has been postponed. No new date has been announced.
Get busy everyone and get iinvolved – “Active now or radioactive later”.
Rain soaked paper towel in Ventura, CA, tested for 10 minutes: 47.3
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a EXT 49.5 CPM
6:20a INT 48.6 CPM
Ventura, CA, 10 min. average: 43.7
Fukushima Corium + Liquid Nitrogen Injections > Beryllium 7
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 54.6 CPM
6:20a INT 49.3 CPM
Hemet, CA, 10 minute exterior: 43.1
November 12, 2012: Coming off tour of rad road trip through 13 states, Collins shares exclusive radiation readings plus chem trails blanketing West’s skies ‘capturing’ Fukushima fallout which Collins calls “sabotage” plus Hurricane Sandy’s effects on numerous reactors, giant SONGS reactor generator over 100 meters long moved from San Clemente CA to Clive UT, PG&E plans to use sonic blasts to identify earthquake faults adjacent Diablo Canyon on Southern California coast that could blast the eardrums of over 7,000 marine animals plus much much more on the only weekly Internet radio show anywhere devoted to analyzing Fukushima fallout contamination in North America, the Pacific Ocean and elsewhere on the globe – including Japan – that exists now over a year running!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky – breezy
6:10a EXT 48.2 CPM
6:20a INT 47.9 CPM
Sherman Oaks, CA (elevation appx 700 ft above sea)
Interior HVAC Filter 2 months accumulation: 138 CPM
Interior Honeywell HEPA 2 months continuous:145 CPM
Interior Homedics HEPA 2 months continuous:139 CPM
Interior Background: 41.6 CPM
(We have seen dust spikes as high as 448 CPM)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky – breezy
6:10a EXT 55.0 CPM [30.3% above INT BG]
6:20a INT 42.9 CPM
@Margery Brown – After reading Kristen Iversen’s new book “Full Body Burden” about the contamination from Rocky Flats, I’d say there’s a good chance that Denver is contaminated from the fallout from the fires at that nuclear weapons factory.
It is like watching at a scene in a science fiction movie, when you see these large electrical discharges in action, in the videos.
The large ionizing radiation releases at the Fukushima site are creating electrical discharges.
Ionizing means it is electrically charged. Some of the radiation will be positively (Alpha Radiation), and negitively (Beta Radiation) charged. Gamma radiation would also be creating other ionization effects. The site would be a big cauldron of Ionization.
The large amount of Ionization radiation at the Fukushima site is changing the conductivity of the materials etc., air, earth, and metals etc. Damaging current levels flow as large electrical potential differences are created between the different materials, as they Ionize differently in a highly radioactive environment.
These discharges will also be influenced by weather conditions at the site.
Theremino from Italy, have created excellent free computer Geiger charting and metering software. You will need a Geiger Counter with a sound output, that you can connect to a computer sound input, to use this software.
You also need two programs, to get the Geiger software up and working.
Download the Theremino Audio input program, an unzip and open it up. You need to set this up correctly, to get the Geiger audio input trigger level right, for the Theremino Geiger software to work. The Theremino Audio input program is at the bottom of the Downloads/multimedia page at the site. The Theremino Geiger software is in the Downloads/uncategorized section.
I am also using the new Theremino MCA spectrometry program, for spectrometry food testing.
A Scintillator can be set up to use the Theremino Geiger software. This turns it into a very sensitive Geiger Counter.
Select English labeling under the language menu item, in both software packages. You can also send charts to the Internet via FTP. Both programs are constantly being updated with new improvements.
Sunshine Coast,
12th, November, 2012,
A strong southerly came through around 12 pm on the 10th. The background average here dropped by 31% by the 11th, compared to high of 39% above for the 9th. Again this shows our local background increases with the presents Northern Tropical winds. (See Chart)
For full local details visit,
New to this forum? Here is a free Geiger Counter Use Guide.
“..no heightened radiation as has been the case at this site… since Fukushima radiation began.”
Then why the ‘heightened’ Hepa Filter readings?
What does that tell us? Just wondering.
A crane event at Fukushima.
I am not sure what this is. Perhaps someone like potrblog or anyone could offer up a theory here.
Time: 2012-11-09 14:22 jst
Here’s the youtube video of the screen shot sequence of events.
“You can see a lot, just by observing.”
– Yogi Berra
My general observation is that it looks/seems like the entire site, all of a sudden, becomes a giant electrostatic field.
I have observed this event several times from as many cameras as possible and I am still not sure what I’m witnessing. I should also state that I have seen this phenomenon, or ones very similar, on several occasions.
SOURCE: 2012.11.09_13.32–14.32(TBS_JNN)
Going frame by frame clicking ‘pause’ really fast.
(Caution: your finger may get tired.)
1:00 Crane to the right of the center stack begins to pick up and move a shinny object. The screen pixelation begins to increase.
2:22 Cranes (metal things) start to look ‘charged’.
2:23 Center crane begins to move and turn.
2:25 Center crane. Looks like there is some sort of electrical event.
A static ‘like’ discharge.
Above and below the lower joint.
2:26 Center crane. Several fast white flashes move up. It walks.
2:27 Something goes “zzz… ZAP”!!!
2:27 Center crane. Similar to the light from the muzzle of a gun and/or a bolt of lightning.
Sort of both. (?)
2:27 Something then ‘hits’ or goes off on the left crane.
Appearing almost simultaneous at high speed.
It looks to me, when I pause frame by frame, that something is flung from the center crane to the crane on the left. (?)
2:27 Upper left crane. A smoke plume appears from what I speculate to be ricocheting debris dust.
One theory was:
“…too many charged radioactive particles creates distributed capacitance lightening, just like clouds! Its the fallout!…ok a theory….” – enenews user CodeShutdown
My similar theory:
Electric currents flowing through the earth like a ‘magnifying transmitter’ perhaps?
“High power harmonic oscillation… transmission of electrical energy.”
I know when I’ve been under high power electrical lines, especially in damp conditions, you can hear and sort of feel the electricity.
That’s what this reminds me of, except on a mega huge scale. I can only imagine what it must have sounded like.
I am certain this will not be on your local news. 🙂
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a EXT 46.2 CPM
8:10a INT 46.1 CPM
@Margery Brown:
Radiation in Denver itself could also be coming from streets contaminated with radium. A four-square block area downtown, if memory serves me right, had to be excavated and disposed of in a low-level rad waste dump a couple of years ago.
That all said, such high beta readings are worrisome. Could you share the link where you espied these readings?
My grandson, wife and baby are moving from San Diego to Denver, Colorado because of a better job, and I am concerned because the Beta CMP’s seem to be very high…daily in the mid 200’s or 300’s. Can anyone tell me WHY the CPM’s are so very much higher there than in LA or San Diego? Is this because of Fukushima, or is it at least partially due to Rocky Flats?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:05a EXT 44.2 CPM
7:15a INT 52.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a EXT 50.2 CPM
6:20a INT 51.1 CPM
5:30pm: 10-minute INTERIOR average RAIN SAMPLE: 49.7 CPM [The amount over background is within the Inspector Alert’s margin of error and is therefore negligible and determined as background meaning no detection of Fukushima fallout. Also Radiation Station Santa Monica is not impacted by radon progeny affecting our rain readings hence no heightened radiation as has been the case at this site since measurements for Fukushima radiation began 3/15/11, four days after the meltdowns began.]
5:10pm 10-minute INTERIOR average background: 45.7 CPM^
Second rain sample from a soaked paper towel in Ventura, CA: 50.2
Wed, Nov 7– exterior in Ventura, CA (10 min avg): 49.4
Thurs, Nov 8– rain dampened paper towel (10 min): 47.8
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
6:10a EXT 46.9 CPM
6:20a INT 48.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 53.9 CPM
6:20a INT 48.4 CPM
@ MARGERY BROWN….HAARP does NOT predict but causes anomolies.(Earthquakes CAN be but NOT necessarily WILL be created ..sort of a hit-and-miss scenario)Weather modification was started in Viet Nam by cloud seeding causing rain/monsoons..Today HAARP pulsing can creat/direct storms and cause earthquakes.Just last week in NJ a earthquake was recorded and HAARP pulsing was high in the NE…Problem is other countries have this ability also as Russia/China/Japan/etc. have this also so is it possible a Weather WAR is going on?? HAARP unlike Radio Telescopes beam to areas on this planet and NOT into outer space only as HAARP does both.The chemtrails are also part of the climate modification also and work hand in hand .
also rain has been nil here for awhile at RADIATION STATION HARRISBURG NC thus no new reports of late.We got winds/clouds and no rain from SANDY here
Something that has come to my attention that seems minor, but is perhaps important in the big ‘scheme’ of things.
Siren issues:
1. Sirens around Nuclear Facilities are powered by electricity. So, during a storm for example, if a loss of power occurs and a siren alert is needed, guess what.
Q: Why not use solar powered battery sirens?
A: That would make too much sense and be embarrassing to the Nuclear Industry. (my opinion)
2. Generally, there is a single ‘button’ to turn on the sirens. Again if power fails it will not work. If lines are down it will not work. If the control room is destroyed, then it will not work.
Q: Weren’t these ‘risk’ issues thought about when building these ‘technical marvels’?
A: Yes. But, the alternative to ‘do it right’ was not cost effective.
The Nuclear Industry’s mantra of “Your safety is our utmost concern” is only true when it’s cost effective. Otherwise, the contamination goes on and is covered up by secrecy, lies and disinformation.
Movie Title: “WASTE. A Nuclear Nightmare.”
(1 hr 38 m produced-2009)
Watch this and you’ll be smarter.
🙁 Unbelievable and horrifying to say the least.
Claiming ‘secrecy’ and ‘passing the buck’ seems to be standard operating procedure, as innocent people’s lives are destroyed.
If people could only watch this long enough to understand.
Maybe things could change?
Note: This video has familiar faces in it, like the guy from CRIAD. He’s good with a Geiger. Brave too. It has the translations on the screen.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 47.3 CPM
6:20a INT 44.8 CPM
@biggee, thanks. I get woozy trying to figure out how HAARP fits into everything else.
But what does HAARP have to do with predicting earthquakes?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 52.1 CPM
6:25a EXT 50.7 CPM
@SBLocal – thanks for the encouragement. I’m glad I can contribute in some way as there are some very smart people in this forum.
@SBLlocal Here is the HAARP testing website.Notice the NE ! A Nor-eastener on the way….also before the hurricain the NE was lit up like this also for sometime..Rhere were 3 storms (fronts) that MERGED creating Sandy,,,,NOT normal!
@SBLlocal….Im not an expert in HAARP or Radiation here but where did you get the info beforeitsnews isnt a legitimate website.It reports on this HAARP monitoring website here (see below) and Not from a personal view so you have to go to THAT website for your??s which are explained pretty well what/how it works(see attachment below)Seems to explain pretty well your questions.For a more Scientific explination you can probably email them..
57 33 698 1751
HaarpStatus.com is a real-time sensor network from over 28 radio band that detect in frequency HAARP operates on.
These frequencies are similar to a code and the clicks, beeps, and even at times musical sounds in the ionosphere tells us how strong it is.
A system therefore was designed to detect, warn, and monitor of these frequency bands and it took several years to decode. The site Monitors plasma and ions in the atmosphere trying to predict extreme weather anomalies, and solar radiation effects.
Wavelengths –
Short spikes indicate near events, a high short spike usually means a short term major event is about to happen in that area.
Long and steady increases usually mean a large scale change is developing in the area that will affect a large area’s upper level jet stream.
Front Page – The front page shows a graph and map chart. The page refreshes automatically every five minutes, but the readings are anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour interval, depending on how strong the sensor signals are. Once a sensor detects a signal from HAARP in the ionosphere it will take anywhere from five to ten minutes for the system to show what magnitude and location this signal was over.
Magnitude System – This project has developed a way to measure the magnitude of change in the ionosphere due to HAARP. The scale is from 1 to 10. Zero to One magnitudes are pretty normal while anything over five would be considered moderate and possibly significant, which can alter a weather pattern.
Forecast System – Once a magnitude is determined, the system will look at the current jet stream location and a forecast will be generated showing the predicted change. Using this, HaarpStatus.com will be able to give you locations that will be affected, based on the readings, with a detailed forecast.
Is there downtime? With all networks there will be downtime. You’ll notice it by the split in the readings. If only one network reads the frequency then it cannot triangulate the location and it will not show up on the graph or map.
Why would you use this project? This project will update you on the effects HAARP has and you may correlate it with weather changes.
How often do the sensors pick something up that changes the weather pattern? Not too often do we get higher readings but when we do it means something big is coming. You can keep the page on another window and check back often to see the readings.
Notifications – Notifications are available if you have Facebook. Join the HAARP Status Facebook page
Click Here
Return to The Main Status Page
@SimiRich, thank you so much for your continuous posting of measurements! I am grateful every time you post. It’s great when there are three or four measurements to compare, and hopefully your constancy will inspire others to find time to do the same.
@biggee, could you and/or others please help me understand the method of data collection for HAARP pulses? And what exactly is being measured? Has this source ever accurately predicted (even retroactively) recent large earthquakes? Beforeitsnews is not a legitimate “alternative” media source; it’s potentially full of disinformation. I know HAARP exists and that it’s a magnet of speculation. Are there any legitimate sources on what HAARP is doing?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:05a EXT 48.9 CPM
8:15a INT 49.0 CPM
H.A.A.R.P pounding west coast to cause possible earthquake.Warning today through Wednesday for California
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 47.0 CPM
7:40a INT 50.0 CPM
It went over 4500 CPM before the Radiation network station went off line. A poster Yogda on enenews said he was 80 miles North, and his Geiger counter was at normal levels.
You can get very narrow band high level fallout coming through to a localized area. This chart of a Dunedin New Zealand 1st February 2012 rain event captured such an event passing through the area.
A Geiger Counter tube can suffer from saturation and go to zero until it recovers. This can happen when a large amount of radiation is detected. That seemed to be what happened to this station as it went to zero, and then recovered, when I was observing the event.
I had this happen to my Geiger Counter when I detected a radioactive cloud passing over our area in January 2012. My Geiger Counter went to zero, and then recovered. You can see it in the data chart taken of the event. The big dip just before the peak.
Full details of about this event can be found here,
The Oregon event could also be equipment malfunction. Without more information who knows?
More testing needs to be done as the dynamic seems to be changing. We have had lots of discussions here about this. “Theory One” in the post below seems to make the most sense from the test results. It is just a theory. The testing station is about mid way down the East Coast of Australia.
The Northern Hemisphere fallout dynamic could be a lot different, with lots of other isotopes present in the rain, or snow washouts.
Sunshine Coast
October monthly report from downunder
The local background radiation average for the month of October was elevated at 19% above the four year recorded average. It was also a very volatile month, with dynamic swings in local background radiation levels. These dynamic swings in background levels were tied to wind direction. Northerly wind direction consistently increased local background levels of radiation.
At the beginning of the year, we had lots of short duration spikes in radiation, that were detected up the eastern sea board of Australia and in New Zealand by independent testers. Now we are seeing broader increases over longer periods of time. Click the link to see the October day average chart, to see this dynamic.
After doing a lot of rain swab scintillator tests, what was detected were increased radioactive Radon gas levels. Here is a link to information on Radon gas.
The local rain washout test chart, link below, shows Radon, the daughter decay chain of Lead, Pb-210 and Pb-214, plus Bismuth Bi-214. Longer period testing showed that all that was left after leaving the test sample for a week, was the long life Radon daughter Pb-210.
There are a number of theories that have been put forward for the increasing Radon levels.
Radon Theory One
50 times more Uranium than normal was detected in air over Hawaii on the 21.03.2011. (
All this extra Uranium that has been aerosolized into the air from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster into the Northern Hemisphere atmosphere, is constantly releasing extra Radon gas. This would explain the increase in radioactive Radon gas coming across the equatorial boundary from the Northern hemisphere.
Also, there are constant steam releases from the underground super heated melted Nuclear reactor cores, hitting ground water. This releases a lot of extra Radon that is in the cores and soil at Fukushima. Watch this video from the 30.10.2012 to see a live shot of ground venting at the Fukushima site, from the underground Nuclear reactor cores. This is a common occurrence there.
(Thanks to enenews member nuckelchen, for this video.)
Radon has a half life of 3.82 days so it is around for at lease 38 days. You multiply the half life of an isotope by 10 to get the effective life of it in the environment. If a sufficiently large enough extra amount of Radon is continually being produced in the Northern Hemisphere atmosphere, there is plenty of time for it to get here, and be detected, if the weather conditions are favourable.
Radon Theory Two
Increasing Radon levels have nothing to do with Fukushima, but by increased global temperatures, or seismic activity in the Northern Hemisphere.
Any increase in background radiation levels, or Radon levels is not good. Radon is the second biggest cause of lung cancer, after smoking.
Monthly Average Chart 2012
@vital1; any further information on the reason for the 3000 plus cpm screenshot in Oregon let us know… that is shocking!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 49.4 CPM
6:20a INT 46.3 CPM
Alert Level ++++ USA Radiation Network, West Coast, Oregon, 3,794 CPM and rising, 02.11.2012
Screen Shot,
An even better story from Beyond nuclear.
Hurricane “Sandy” sends another warning on unreliable nuclear power in a climate changing world
The current news is all about how global warming is responsible for a super storm like Sandy, and how we can definitely expect more storms like this in the future. As I understand it,nuclear power is supposed to help prevent such storms by being a cleaner source of energy than coal,etc. Really? Apparently that is only if there are no nuclear accidents, releases or meltdowns during one of these monster storms. Just shutting down a nuclear facility before a storm, is obviously not THE answer.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG foggy
6:10a EXT 48.3 CPM
6:20a INT 45.6 CPM
October 29, 2012: Special 1-hour show with Hurricane Sandy slamming into New Jersey with 16 nuclear power plants in the storm’s projected path. Interview with Paul Gunther of Beyond Nuclear.org who says that while DC generators can power a reactor core for up to 48 hours, spent fuel pools have no backup power system at all in case of loss of electricity and have much more radioactivity. Collins also reveals that seas of 21 to 27 feet in Lake Michigan threaten the spent fuel pools at the Palisades nuke plant near South Haven Michigan where the spent fuel rods are contained outdoors in 21 16-foot-tall fortified casks, each containing 30 tons, and and seated on a concrete pad on sand dunes. Much more horrifying news about Sandy and the ongoing and spreading threat of Fukushima radiation in this exceptional show.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 51.4 CPM
6:20a INT 50.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 47.5 CPM
6:20a INT 49.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 63.1 CPM
6:20a INT 47.9 CPM
This is the largest exterior increase that I’ve seen. Not sure what has caused this.
Wake up guys! Millstone nuclear plant on the coast of Connecticut is expecting 11+ foot storm surge from Hurricane Sandy. Monday is also the Full Moon, meaning add 2-3 feet more as a (very) high tide rolls in at night. See links below —
Also interesting: the lower Manhattan Subway has a 50% chance of flooding…(read Jeff Masters blog above).
A storm surge is somewhat like a tsunami, in many respects it seems.
[MidWest Good News] Fukushima Fallout Food Contamination
North Carolina showing 187 cpm ALERT Level on Radiation Network.
Here’s the Screen Shot:
(as of 10/28/2012 – 12:45 pacific time, 3:45 eastern)
Near the U S Govt Harris Nuclear Plant.(pretty sure)
The detector, as of now, has been taken offline. (?)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a EXT 51.8 CPM
7:50a INT 50.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, windy
7:30a EXT 46.9 CPM
7:40a INT 45.5 CPM
@roundabout – I’ve had other occasional reading reaching 54 but they are sporadic. I think a key factor is the location of where I took the reading yesterday. I normally take a reading on a plastic chair, sitting on my lawn in the backyard. Yesterday, the chair was unstable due to the wind so I set the Inspector on a cushioned chair that was sitting on concrete decking. The sun was not up at the time but I think the concrete might have skewed the numbers.
@Simirich; Is this 54 mark the highest exterior range so far for you? And what do you suppose is the reason?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, extreme wind
6:10a EXT 54.1 CPM
6:20a INT 47.2 CPM
27x Background Radiation From Saint Louis Storms
Illinois, USA
35 miles south west of Chicago
October 25, 2012
These radiation readings were taken outdoors at 3½ feet height above the ground.
44.0 CPM at 1:50 p.m. (clear/warm/slight wind)
46.4 CPM at 3:10 p.m. (clear/warm/slight wind)
42.7 CPM at 4:30 p.m. (clear/warm/slight wind)
49.4 CPM at 6:00 p.m. (Storm/Intense rain/slight wind)
Geiger Counter: Inspector Extreme
Over 100 cpm ALERT(s)
“Frederic, WI is experiencing the same elevated radiation levels as detected by Grand Rapids only a day or two earlier, the two stations essentially corroborating each other.”
– from Radiation Network message page 10/25/2012
Maximum Alert: Airborne Radioactive Fallout On Jet Stream Boundary
We expect this system to move towards Saint Louis later today, and readily detectable levels of airborne radiation my be present! Real time Saint Louis area radiation monitoring is available on our Live Saint Louis Outdoor Radiation Monitor.
Video detailing the situation @
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 49.0 CPM
6:20a INT 47.1 CPM
article about “hydrogen leak” at San Onofre today is especially interesting in light of Michael’s conversation with whistleblower posted here on the 20th… I am clueless as to whether it is obvious Edison is lying, or not, about this incident when it says it was “small and presented no risk to workers or the public.” Hope many in area saw Michael’s post and meeting tomorrow is well-attended.
October 14th Radiation Spike measured in Hokkadio Japan is the smoking gun of the Eugene, Or and Grand Rapids, Mn fallout spikes measured on Oct 19-22.
See the update on:
UK – Subsidies for New Nuclear Plants
Article: 22 October 2012
“…shambolic energy strategy.”
“…squander public money to protect the profits of energy giants.”
[The Nuclear Industry] “…over many decades it has benefited from government subsidies at the expense of public investment in renewable energy.”
In other words… we’ve been robbed. 🙁
It’s really the same thing in the USA and all the Nuclear manipulated countries.
Here’s the visual of what I am seeing even on a clear day at Fukushima Daiichi’s destroyed Nuclear Facilities.
Watch for about 3 to 5 minutes.
Time stamp: 2012-10-24 14:30 jst
(via Fuk1long 2x)
Continuous Releases…
My description:
As the clouds pass quickly in front of the sunlight it creates a momentary visual effect.
Even at normal ‘live’ speed whereas one can see the translucent gaseous emissions ‘belching’ and ‘puffing’. At the slightly faster 2x recorded speeds, it really shows up.
Mostly from ‘the pit’ at R3 and all over from the exposed floor of R4.
Sometimes the right corner of R2 appears steamy too.
It’s now been 593 days since 311.
That’s 19 months and 13 days.
The initial fallout(s) have circled the globe over 14 times now. Accumulating, mixing, spreading and contaminating throughout ALL layers of our atmosphere and ocean.
(It takes about 40 days for the atmospheric fallout to circle the planet.)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 46.8 CPM
6:20a INT 48.0 CPM
More On The Way: Fallout Detected on Radiation Network and RadNet
Sunshine Coast,
24th, October, 2012
A strong southerly came through on the evening of the 22nd, and as I predicted it caused a dramatic drop in the 24hr average local background level for the 23rd.
The 24hr average went from 0.145 uSv/hr (45%) above the 4 year average of 0.10 uSv/hr on the 22nd, down to 8% above average on the 23rd. It was also 48% above average between 12am and 8am on the 22nd. This 40% drop in 24 hours happened in dry conditions.
@potrblog; The implications of your shared report are far reaching. One report each citizen of the world should read to increase general awareness. Can not thank you enough. A great read, and worthy of passing along! Blessings.
[EBO] Effects-Based Operations: The Math of Influence and YOU.
Correction to yesterdays comment:
It was Grand Rapids, Minnesota NOT Michigan with the 100+ cpm readings. (Comment #176361 at 10/22/2012 1:18 pm)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy
6:20a Paper towel swipe of overnight rain 50.0 CPM
6:35a EXT 42.9 CPM
6:45a INT 50.8 CPM
This Philadelphia Radiation Network station also had a high detection today.
@ Margery Brown,
There were events recorded by those who capture the web cam video of the Fukushima Nuclear site at enenews, starting around the 18th, that indicate significant radiation releases occurred around that time. This maybe contributing to the present round of high detections.
@Margery Brown, we believe there was a fuel rod fire back in April / May, and it correlated with EPA shutting down RADNET graphs; the same does not seem to yet be the case.
Fukushima Fuel Rod Fire Shut Down All EPA RADNET Graphs In APRIL / MAY
Illinois, USA
35 miles South West of Chicago
46.6 CPM
at 9:40 p.m. October 22, 2012
Reading taken over 10 minute period
with Inspector Extreme Geiger Counter
at waist height in my yard.
Alert level at Radiation Network Hawaii station screen shot.
(credit to yogda enenews)
This doesn’t look like a false alert as the station near it is also showing elevated detections.
Minnesota station is still on Alert level on Radiation Network, see screen shot.
Radiation Network Message.
Sunshine Coast,
23th, October, 2012
The 22nd 24 hour average was 0.145 uSv/hr (45%) above the 4 year average of 0.10 uSv/hr. Also, on the morning of the 22nd between 12am and 8am it was 48% above average.
A very strong Southerly came through at around 8pm last night, so I expect today’s average to be lower.
We are seeing increasing day averages here in the Southern Hemisphere as we move into our summer, more air appears to flow across the equatorial air circulation boundary in summer.
Well….in answer to my concern about how to find out….here is a brand new report from Energy News stating that there has been a HOAX. I certainly hope that this one is correct.
It may have just gotten worse! I just picked up the below link in an article posted in a comment to an article and I do not know how to find out if this is true…and I certainly hope that it is NOT!
Arnie Gunderson presents his first video in a planned series regarding nuclear energy…..”It could have been worse”.
Michigan’s Radiation Network bouncing at 100+ cpm for the last several hours.
Radiation Network – screen shot
(credit enenews user moozy)
Seems like the cpm numbers have been bumping up a bit lately.
🙂 In which case it might come in handy to know this information.
Radiation Emergency Medical Management
Managing Internal Contamination
Guidance on Diagnosis & Treatment for Health Care Providers
1. Isotopes of Interest: Properties, Treatment, and Fact Sheets table
2. Radiation Countermeasures for Treatment of Internal Contamination
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy
6:10a EXT 50.4 CPM
6:20a INT 42.2 CPM
@Potrblog Thank you so much for the amazing research into the historical values of aftershocks overlaid with aftershocks to date in order to predict what’s ahead. What a brilliant piece of work. We really appreciate this warning. Also this is a great reminder to everyone to buy your Potassium Iodide (Iosat) to protect your thyroid in the event of another meltdown. If you don’t have them on hand, your thyroid will be out of luck.
@ what the
There is a coloured chart near the top of the page at this site. It provides a basic reference to what CPM and uSv/hr background levels are considered safe, or dangerous.
Any increase in background levels increases risk.
Here is the Radiation Networks response to the incident in Oregin.
to vital1: i don’t understand what the numbers and all mean. Do you have a link to an explanation or a table that goes with that? I’m new to all these readings and stuff, and am limited on computer time.
Actually, can someone clarify what the radiation levels are “supposed to” be? Like a reference point for safe, standard, or borderline levels? (Like background, in food, etc). I keep looking thru the site, but haven’t found a clear reference on that.
And, has anyone heard of any readings in San Diego?
Thanks for all your efforts!
Magnitude M8.2 Aftershock Still Awaits Japan, Just Ask Sumatra
Finally put together a video with the details.
Air spot check on my covered back porch in Ventura, CA during a light mist showed a reading of about 50 cpm.
Kentucky: Radioactive (house) Air Filter
10 minute count 800 cpm
“INSIDE air filter. Last time (March – June) it was 2 or 3 times the background.” – from Show more
Video of test using an Inspector:
(originally Published on Oct 17, 2012)
Uh oh! 🙁
‘Risk of Nuclear Melt-Down in U.S. Higher than it was at Fukushima’
from article:
“An engineer with the NRC says that a reactor meltdown is an “absolute certainty” if a dam upstream of a nuclear plant fails … and that such a scenario is hundreds of times more likely than the tsunami that hit Fukushima :”
“The report concluded that, “Failure of one or more dams upstream from a nuclear power plant may result in flood levels at a site that render essential safety systems inoperable.””
“Dam failure and NRC’s calculated odds of such a failure — were among many details that were blacked out of the earlier, publicly released report.”
Larry Criscione, a risk engineer NRC
Richard H. Perkins, a risk engineer NRC
Some good Graphics Illustrations too.
From Gene Stone of San Clemente Green:
I have some interesting facts for you about what is going on today regarding San Onofre nuclear reactors.
1) Starting today, Unit 2 will be run at full capacity with highly radioactive water flowing through the damaged tubes in the steam generators for the next 5 days! This dangerous experiment is allowed by the NRC because the reactors are not actually being activated. Instead, they will use huge heat generating pumps to simulate running the system at 100%. Without repairing the problem, Edison is experimenting with a defective nuclear reactor just to see what happens. This fact was first brought to our attention by someone who is working on unit 2 presently and found this risk to be unacceptable. It is a little known fact that we had serious problems with the new reactor head because of the more prominent issues with the defective steam generators, (see specifics on the message from the whistleblower below). It has since been confirmed by Greg Warnick (greg.warnick@nrc.gov), NRC’s Chief Inspector on site. On Friday, he told me that this information was accurate. Unit 2 had several leaks in the new reactor head which was installed during the scheduled shutdown prior to the leak in Unit 3. He said that this is the only way for Edison to know if they have fixed the leaks in the many connections and fittings associated with the reactor head. He did not have the same level of concern about the defective steam tubes bursting as did our friend who is working on this project right now. Should we be concerned? I’m not sure, but I do think the public has a right to be informed about things like this in advance, and not covertly by someone afraid of losing his job.
Here is what he told me over the phone…
“Things are pretty bad here at the plant; Edison just hired a “union busting hot shot lawyer” and everyone is too afraid of losing their jobs to talk about anything that could make the company look worse, especially right now. I’m afraid of losing my job too, but my family and I also live ten miles away and I care more about them than anything else. We are working on Unit 2, bringing it up from Mode 5 to 4 and we are preparing to go from Mode 4 to 3 by the weekend of the 20th. They brought in the Aux. boiler, assigned 12 hour shifts, and they are making damn sure that no steam leaves the domes for fear the public will catch on. I can’t believe how audacious they are, but for all practical purposes, they are going to restart Unit 2-which still is highly radioactive-without the NRC thoroughly reviewing Edison’s application that was just submitted. Their motivation is to see if they fixed the new reactor head which leaked profusely the first time they tried it. They don’t want anything holding them back from actually restarting when they get the green light from the NRC. The NRC’s Confirmatory Action Letter allows them to take it up to Mode 3 because the reactor is not “critical”, (fission reaction is on hold). They are trying to beat the clock before time runs out on them and the CPUC (California Public Utility Commission) sticks Edison with the cost of the outage instead of the ratepayers.”
2) Coincidentally, while this is going on, an emergency preparedness meeting is taking place today in San Clemente. All the experts will converge to discuss disaster preparedness. I am going there to talk about Unit 2 “restarting” today and to see that they don’t merely gloss over the topic of sheltering in place. If there is a radioactive plume coming our way we need to be able to get by on our own for weeks, not days. Will they discuss how to decontaminate yourself and prevent ingestion of radioactive particle that will remain in your body the rest of your life? Will they discuss the need for enough plastic and duct tape to seal your home after an earthquake shatters all the windows? We have other important questions we hope to get discussed in this forum. I hope you can join us for what will hopefully be an informative and perhaps even a lifesaving event.
Thousands of letters have been sent to our elected officials, but more are still needed to make sure they hear us loud and clear.
We are simply requesting that they support our reasonable expectation that the decision regarding the fate of the nuclear reactors at San Onofre should be done in a court-like setting. We can’t allow the NRC to make this decision alone because they are the ones who have failed us in the past.
The Great California ShakeOut reminds us once again that our government agencies prefer to ignore the possibility of a radioactive disaster. This is a critical point in time where we need to be heard loud and clear. Tell our Public Servants that we want our safety to come first. An adjudicated license amendment hearing is the best way to make sure of that.
Please send a letter to 88 civic leaders
INSTANTLY and get others to do so as well.
Coming up next:
California Public Utility Commission (CPUC)
meeting on 10-25
Please attend to show support for a CPUC investigation into the financial aspects concerning the future of San Onofre. If approved, ratepayers will be given protection from unwarranted expenses and a clear choice about investing in truly clean, safe and sustainable alternatives. It will only take a small part of your morning to stand with us for this critical decision to start the investigation immediately.
The meeting will be held on Thursday, October 25, 8:30 a.m., at Irvine City Hall, Council Chambers, 1 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine, CA 92606.
Public comment will only be taken at the first part of the meeting, but just being there is all that really matters, (don’t feel like you have to say anything). You don’t need to stay any longer than an hour at most. There are not many people that can take off on a workday to do something like this, so if you are one of the lucky few, we need you to make the extra effort. If you want to carpool, email gary@sanclementegreen.org and we’ll try to set it up for all who are interested.
Rain in Ventura, CA, 10 min paper towel test: 56.8
Normal background is 45-50.
See screen shot taken on the 20th October 2012 12.14 am USA time, It went a lot higher to 2961 CPM.
@Bigee –
The possibility of the collapse of Unit #4 is even greater with the sinking of the ground underneath the reactor. Reread Michael Collins’ “the Unforgettable Fire” . It clearly tells us what will happen when the collapse happens.
It’s the greatest threat to humanity and you won’t read about it in the mainstream media.
Listen to Carl Grossman demystifiying the nuclear media manipulation.
Radioactive Peaches in Japan.
Peach Farmers – Oct 16, 2012
That is a lot of hard effort and work.
I believe their attempts to save crops, ‘within limits’, is futile.
Commendable, but sad. 🙁
Radioactive Tornadic Saint Louis Storms
More HOT rain.
Cleveland, OH “whoah!” is right.
“I don’t care what any of the experts say.”
– from video
Truck hood swipe Cleveland Ohio 10-15-2012
Heres the 4 min interview translated from Japanese to English…”Chilling! ”
MUST READ/Watch! The impending “doomsday” domino effect on collapse of Unit#4 Fukushima..WATCH 4 min interview @ end of article
Sky completely gray/overcast.A short electrical storm above it went over top of it from W to East followed by light showers
1…272.8 CPM @ 10:20 am (10+ Xs backgrnd)
2…27.0 CPM backgrnd @ 10:31 am
A Magnitude 8.0 Earthquake Aftershock Still Awaits Fukushima
Sunshine Coast,
15th, October, 2012
There was a dramatic drop in the 24hr local background with the arrival of southerly cold front. It went from a 39% above average high on the 10th, down to 9% above average on the 12th.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 47.4 CPM
6:20a INT 47.5 CPM
I’ll be offline for a week. See you soon!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy
6:10a EXT 47.3 CPM
6:20a INT 51.2 CPM
I agree, Doctor. We flatlined by the Pacific thankfully:
8:30 am 10-minute INTERIOR average RAIN SAMPLE: 52.7 CPM [This shows, once again, that Radiation Station Santa Monica is not impacted by radon progeny affecting our rain readings.]
8:15am 10-minute INTERIOR average background: 49.4 CPM^
Glendale CA, Radiation Station: Rain, Thunderstorm
10 minute background: 36.6 CPM
10 minute rain sample: 44.8 CPM
22% over background. Not bad.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a EXT 48.6 CPM
6:20a INT 57.0 CPM
Sunshine Coast,
11th, October, 2012
Our local background 24hr average was 39% above average yesterday, and it looks like increasing even more over the next 24hrs, if the wind doesn’t change direction from the North.
The goal of the seismic imaging project is to attempt to measure the three major earthquake fault lines which run along our coast. The existence of these fault lines, especially after the continuing disaster at Fukushima, Japan, call into question the advisability of maintaining the Diablo Canyon nuclear power facility, operating near Avila.
The proposed testing will do nothing to prevent an earthquake on any of these fault lines. The tests will instead produce a large amount of data about dangers that we cannot avoid when these earthquakes occur.
Here is how the environmental impact report for the project describes it:
“The offshore component of the Project would consist of operating a geophysical survey 29 vessel, its associated survey equipment, and support/monitoring vessels . … The survey would be conducted along the central coast from approximately Cambria to Guadalupe (including marine protected areas around Cambria and elsewhere). … 18 active air guns … would discharge once every 15 to 20 seconds.”
In other words, huge underwater cannons would blast ear-shattering sounds under the water in an area from Guadalupe to Marin County. (These same measures are used to search for offshore oil reserves — coincidence?)
The environmental impact report indicates these tests would kill or injure marine mammals, including seals, dolphins, whales and otters. They could make them go deaf which would mean a lingering death. Already depleted fishing resources would be impacted. Seabirds would be affected as well, with little or no way of mitigating the impacts. Migratory birds would be affected as the tests would go on 24 hours a day and lights at night would be required. Air quality would be impacted and the project would contribute to climate change.
The ocean is our most precious resource. If the life of the ocean does not matter then neither do our lives. Some few persons stand to make lots of money from this outrageous project. PG&E will pass on the costs to us, the consumers. We and all life in the ocean and the land around us stand to lose. And for what?
The project will not prevent the next earthquake. And if it happens and Diablo crashes, so do we. Think of the economic impact of such a disaster. A recent issue of The Economist has on its front cover a statement that says the dream of nuclear power has become a nightmare. It is time to put our resources into safe energy and abandon nuclear power. Please sign this petition.
Here is an interesting and constantly changing map that allows the user to find out where the jet stream is at any moment.
In my second comment on Oct 7 under Rad News Digest, i gave a link to a short report by ENENews from the same day, which said that the ground below reactor 4 is sinking. Has anyone else found other reports on this? Does it appear valid?
Also, is there anyone taking readings in San Diego county? We don’t get much rain, but i guess we are in the line-of-fire. And disturbingly, i did a search thru our local weekly publication “the Reader”, to check if there had been any previous articles about radiation levels. The one related report i found had simply stated that during the time of the earthquake, and for at least a week afterwards, the city’s radiation detection systems were malfunctioning and out of commission. A coincidence or an intentional block-out?…
Do you think filtering water through those Glacier machines is pretty safe? They combine reverse osmosis with other systems, but i don’t know how reliable the machines themselves are. Though i’ve been using them for years already.
Take care, and thanks for all the reporting!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.3 CPM
6:20a INT 47.5 CPM
October 8, 2012: Lively and provocative show with high detections at Radiation Stations on both sides of Equator, Fukushima fallout-scavenging chemtrails back in Los Angeles with a vengeance, radioactive tritium in Vancouver B.C. open air water reservoirs indicating a foreign source most likely Fukushima, and much more.
A 2 Billion dollar Nuclear Plant loan.
News Article:
October 09, 2012 3:45 PM
“…the first nuclear power plant on the Arabian Peninsula, which, upon completion, will number among the largest nuclear-generating facilities in the world.”
“The new chief executive of Westinghouse Electric Company and a HIGH-LEVEL adviser to President Barack Obama will visit the local Westinghouse plant on Shattuck Way Wednesday.”
“The visit of Westinghouse CEO Danny Roderick and Fred Hochberg, president and chairman of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, is related to a recent announcement that the Export-Import Bank has approved $2 billion in financing for a nuclear power plant in the United Arab Emirates.”
What are they… nuts?
Do we have any readings from Michigan?? anybody
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.2 CPM
6:20a INT 45.7 CPM
Breaking- Jet Stream Primary Conduit For Airborne Long Half Life Radioactive Particulate
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 47.4 CPM
6:20a INT 50.3 CPM
Exterior, Ventura, CA: 48.8
We purchased our Inspector in October 2011. I went back and looked up the exteriors I took in that month, to compare. Again, these are all from Oct, 2011.
59 (rain)
Protecting yourself from the effects of Radiation.
As you read this article pay attention to Lyposomal Vitamin C
How to Make Lyposomal Vitamin C
Counts Per Minute
I took a reading of 97.1 CPM I wanted to know how much of it might be Alpha so I put the meter in a plastic bag and took the reading again, and got 86.5 this would leave a difference of 10.6
What levels of Alpha would be considered a threat?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 50.0 CPM
7:40a INT 46.3 CPM
My last comment was 2 days ago but I need to correct a bad link to my database. This link should take you to a logon page where you can sign on as a guest:
The hosted database is a FileMaker document that allows me to easily enter and track readings over time and share the results with others. It may have some quirks but it is simple and accessible with the right link. This is a work-in-process and always open to suggestions. Thank you.
Rain been nil here..Electrical storm from W to E just went through
1…412.5 CPM @ 8:27 am
2… 32.7 CPM backgrnd @ 8:29 am ( 12.61 X backgrnd)
Here is a new and super-frightening video of many more video views of Fukushima nuclear reactor #4 that, contains 10 times more Cesium than Chernobyl, and seems to be gradually collapsing. When it does,(i.e.earthquake)it is anticipated that it will first destroy Japan and then become a global disaster….in the USA initially requiring evacuation of the West Coast. Appeals for help have been made to the United Nations. However, Tepco seems to be in no hurry to remove the 1530 highly radioactive spent fuel rods and will start doing so in 2014.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG some high clouds
7:30a EXT 51.0 CPM
7:40a INT 49.9 CPM
Heavy chemtrails this morning.
No significant change in readings compared to background. Database updated today:
I did have the opportunity to test some Albacore tuna caught off the north coast of CA a couple of weeks back that a local fisherman had given me. The sample was meat cut from the fish ‘close to the gut’, as explained to me. No shift over background read from the sample. Most of the people I talk to on the beach are ignorant of the radiation being dumped into the ocean. It make me feel very alone.
9am STL Thunderstorms @ 31X Greater than Background Radiation; estimated long half life rads @ 2 cpm over background.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG some high clouds
6:10a EXT 53.5 CPM
6:20a INT 49.4 CPM
Here is a chart of a rain swab test minus background, collected from a passing storm during the period noted in our previous post.
The largest peak on the left is a 78 kev X-ray. The next three largest peaks are for Lead isotope Pb-214 at 242, 295 and 353 kev. The next significant peak is for Bismuth Bi-214 at 609 kev. The sample collected decayed fast. This fast decay is the signature of Radon washout.
If there is something that has been missed in the analysis of this chart please let us know.
Sunshine Coast,
5th, October, 2012
Here are the October and September day average background level charts, for the local area. They show the day average background dropping to 7% above average on 2nd October, from the steady increase to the high of 32% above average on the 23rd September.
The recent drop occurred when the wind predominantly came from the South. I can tell the wind direction just by looking at the fine details in the 24hr charts at present, as the Northerlies from the tropics encroach on the area the background goes up.
All the tested sample evidence at present is showing there is a lot more Radon in the Northerly air coming from the tropics than there has been in previous years.
There may be other contaminants in the air with the Radon, but we have not been able to detect anything else of significance at present, with the test equipment available to us.
A number of theories have been put forward as to why there is an increase from previous years, in background and the amount of Radon gas being detected, when the Northerlies encroach. It has been organized here to collect more samples from contacts over a wider area, to try and more accurately define what is happening.
We are open to suggestions.
@All: Susan’s work as part of Team EnviroReporter is so outstanding, that we’ve created a new category called, oddly enough, Team EnviroReporter which will feature outstanding and relevant contributions from writers other than myself and Denise Anne. Look to this category of posts for some of the best reporting, writing and analysis that can be had anywhere on the environment and the challenges we face protecting it. We look forward to more work from Susan and Team EnviroReporter – indeed, we are honored to publish it.
Are you an excellent writer? Do you have a story that the thousands of people who visit EnviroReporter.com would want to read? Then send it our way!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a EXT 49.6 CPM
6:20a INT 49.4 CPM
Radioactive Tritium Found in Water in Vancouver B.C. Canada
I have just read Dr. Gordon Edwards’ article on Tritium Emissions. Dr. Edwards is the President of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility. Dr. Edwards is consultant on nuclear issues and has been qualified as a nuclear expert by courts in Canada and elsewhere.[1]
Some key points concerning tritium:
1. Tritium is a radioactive hydrogen atom. It replaces one of the stable hydrogen atoms in water H20 and is called tritiated water HTO. Like H20, tritiated water is colourless and odourless. It has a half life of 12.3 years so it will be around for 123 years before it decays away.
2. Naturally occurring tritium is extremely rare on Earth, where trace amounts are formed by the interaction of the atmosphere with cosmic rays. The Ontario Drinking Water Advisory Council (ODWAC) says that anything above 2 bq/l of tritium in drinking water is due to man-made pollution from nuclear weapons or from nuclear reactors.
3. The Canadian standard for tritium in drinking water is 7000 becquerels per litre which is 350,000% higher than background. (One Bq is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays every second).
4. Two independent scientific advisory bodies in Ontario have recommended reducing the permissible level of tritium in drinking water by a factor of 350 – down to 20 becquerels per litre maximum.
5. The UK Committee Evaluating Radiation Risks from Internal Emitters (CERRIE) has concluded that the biological harm caused by a given tritium exposure could be as much as 15 times greater than the harm caused by a corresponding quantity of gamma or X-ray.
6. Every radionuclide has its own unique pathway through the body. e.g Iodine 131 damages the thyroid. Cesium 137 goes to the muscle and is especially damaging to the heart muscle. Strontium 90 lodges in the bone and causes leukemia. But tritium, because it is attached to water, goes everywhere in the body and becomes incorporated directly into organic molecules.
7. According to the Nuclear Information Resource Service’s fact sheet –
“The public is only now becoming aware of the magnitude of tritium’s hazards. Most studies indicate that tritium in living creatures can produce typical radiogenic effects including cancer, genetic effects, developmental abnormalities and reproductive effects. Tritium can cause mutations, tumors and cell death.”
8. It has been shown that tritium crosses the placenta and enters the body of a developing fetus quite readily and that tritium damages both chromosomes and genes. A sudden intake of tritium can have a disproportionate effect on the subsequent life of a developing fetus.
9. It is not possible to filter out tritium once it is in the water. Bottled water is the only way to avoid drinking it (as long as the bottled water is tested to be tritium free). But it will still be in the rain water and will be absorbed through the skin in bath and shower water.
After the triple meltdowns and hydrogen explosions at Fukushima Daiichi on March 3, 2011, the City of Vancouver tested for radionuclides in the three open reservoirs at Capilano, Coquitlam and Seymour.
The lab gave a fairly high Minimum Detection Level for tritium – 15 becquerels per litre. For all three reservoirs, the results for March 16, 2011, March 25, 2011, March 28, 2011, April 5, 2011, April 11, 2011, April 18, 2011 and April 26, 2011 were all “less than 15 bq/l”.
Metro Vancouver either did not test for tritium on May 2, 2011 and September 21, 2011 or did not report results.
In January 2012, Metro Vancouver sent their water samples to the TestAmerica lab in Richland, Washington, U.S.A. TestAmerica sent results to Metro Vancouver but Metro Vancouver did not publish these results on their website. I found out about this because I contacted TestAmerica in August 2012 to find out about sending some foods to them for radioisotope testing.
TestAmerica said they could test my samples but that they would like me to have an expert to analyze the results. I asked them to recommend someone to me and they said they didn’t know anyone in Vancouver but that Metro Vancouver had sent samples to them and they suggested I call Metro Vancouver for a recommendation. If TestAmerica had not told me Metro Vancouver had done a test with them, I would not have known that more water samples had been tested. Once I had this information, I was able to request the test results from Metro Vancouver. The results are public information, so Bob Jones of Metro Vancouver sent me the results.
TestAmerica has much lower detection levels than the previous lab used by Metro Vancouver. Their “Method Detection Limit” is 3.6 to 3.7 bq/l.
Results in Jan 2012:
Seymour: 0.574 bq/l
Capilano: 4.884 bq/l
Coquitlam: 5.698 bq/l
Keeping in mind what Dr. Gordon Edwards said – that 2 bq/l is background and anything over that is either from a nuclear reactor or nuclear weapons (i.e. man made) then the Capilano Reservoir is 144% above background levels and the Seymour Reservoir is 185% above background levels.
Both Cesium 134 and Cesium 137 were detected in the January 2012 water tested. Cesium 134 is a trademark of Fukushima. The tritium could have come from Fukushima.
As the earlier 2011 results only measured any levels over 15 bq/l, it is not possible to compare results and see if they are rising or falling. This is another good reason why Metro Vancouver should have an ongoing, regular, monthly system in place of monitoring the city water. Why they will not do this is still a mystery.
Metro Vancouver has not published the January 2012 results. Metro Vancouver has not warned the public. The public has the right to know and choose to buy bottled water or not drink water from these reservoirs.
Metro Vancouver has not replied to my queries as to whether they have done any further testing since January 2012. Nine months later I do not know what the tritium levels in Vancouver water is. The reactors at Fukushima are still releasing an estimated 10 million becquerels per hour into the atmosphere – every hour of every day.
Metro Vancouver should be testing more regularly to see
whether or not the disaster is affecting our open water supply.
10 min exterior in Ventura, CA, with overcast skies: 48.8
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 49.0 CPM
6:20a INT 48.3 CPM
9:30pm passing STL drizzle at 5x over background radiation.
Question as to whether or not radioactive material was included in zinc cadmium sulfide spraying in St. Louis and Texas…
Diablo Canyon may be in the throws of man made trouble as well. Using what I call “harmonics” (sound blasts) to test the faults at Diablo sure doesn’t sound smart to me! I live five miles south of that Devil! Anyone in this area might want to join a local coalition on this. I am ready with my heavy weight plastic, duct tape and supplies if we have to shelter in. Can’t load the link, but look at Yahoonews.com/officals mull seismic tests near california nuke plant.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 53.6 CPM
6:20a INT 46.1 CPM
“Wet and Chilly for the South West,” Farmers Almanac.
2012-13 El Nino winter: strong Jet Stream splits at West Coast, branches later merge at East Coast (see next link). Rainy cold weather for California. Rads from Fukushima to be more concentrated in SoCal than previous year’s rainy season? Should we prepare to collect rain samples — if so, send where for testing? How best to collect? Who pays and how much?
If I remember correctly, Indian Summers (like we now are presently experiencing) are like a tease to tempt you to ill prepare and let your guard down…then, WHAM-O: a long harsh winter suddenly looms in on the horizon. I hope the forecast is wrong this year.
These rainy winters are also a concern for power plants like SONGS and their nascent releases of radionuclides into the atmosphere. Not to also mention the spreading of contamination at places like Rocketdyne in the mountains above Simi & the SFV. Just go to PubMed and see the research for yourselves– cancer, cancer, cancer, followed by more cancer.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has scheduled a Public Meeting for Tuesday, October 9, 2012, from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the St. Regis Monarch Bay Hotel in Dana Point (1 Monarch Beach Resort, Dana Point 92629). *We need another HUGE turnout for this meeting.* Plan to arrive EARLY to get best seats in what we expect to be another overflow crowd.
NOTE: On-site parking will be $5 Self-Park and $10 Valet. Carpooling is encouraged, We are using a Facebook Event Page to connect with fellow carpoolers from your location (
https://www.facebook.com/ events/332048410225364/.
This will be the first time that local concerned citizens, the NRC and Southern California Edison will take part together in a roundable discussion about San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) issues. They will also be joined at the discussion table by representatives from the California Energy Commission, the Coastal Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission.
This historic meeting will have two parts. The first part will be a roundtable discussion about SONGS steam generator problems. Part two will be a general discussion about procedures of the NRC and their effectiveness. The NRC has promised community organizers that questions from the public will be taken throughout the meeting.
“Generators 2 and 3 have been shut down since late January for safety issues. We welcome this opportunity to sit down with the NRC, Southern Calfiornia Edison and other interested parties,” said Gene Stone, a resident of San Clemente and head of Residents Organized for a Safe Environment. “Restarting San Onofre would pose a grave and dangerous threat to the eight-and-a-half million citizens who live nearby and their voices need to be heard loudly and clearly. We call on all interested citizens to come to this meeting and express their concerns about San Onofre.”
For more info contact: Gene Stone of ROSE – 949-233-7724
Carol Jahnkow of the Peace Resource Center of S.D. – 760-390-0775
caroljahnkow at gmail.com
Sociologist claims Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with radioactive particles for YEARS to test chemical warfare technology
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 49.9 CPM
6:20a INT 46.7 CPM
@chase; so far no rebuttles to your comment on the report re; Dairy Closures. I find it pretty amamzing that no one has attempted to defend against your Fukushima statement since dairy farmers have so much to lose. Silence may tell all? My heart goes out to the central valley, a place where I grew up. The poverty rate has always been high there, and the state is going to hurt from this turmoil fiscally, as well as end an era so embedded in the history of the central valley. Fukushima is changing our lives at a faster pace each day.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:40a EXT 48.5 CPM
6:50a INT 50.7 CPM
@Michael If the plants face new and previously unaccounted for risks, it only makes sense that their insurance premiums should be increased to cover the costs of fixing a meltdown.
Of course that would drive them out of business, thats why the government forces us to cover the costs and risks.
Milks latest ad campaign.
California Milk Processor Board
The general logo theme on the TV commercial and in these adds has what looks like an ‘atomic symbol’ in it to me.
I have to wonder. Is some advertising guy trying to give us a ‘useful’ subliminal message here. It just struck me as odd.
Atomic logo?
The slogan is:
– “REAL MILK… comes from cows”.
(What! Do they think we’re idiots?)
click the second bottle from the left –
Anyone else notice that?
Here’s what ABC news says… CA Dairies are going broke.
Here’s what I think:
I personally stopped drinking milk and many others I know have also stopped over the last 18 months due to detections of cesium in California’s Milk.
There is no mention of this in their article.
However, you can go there and leave a comment.
I did. 🙂
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:40a EXT 49.7 CPM
6:50a INT 47.1 CPM
@Potrblog & All: I sure hope people take advantage of this opportunity to comment on the threat of floods inundating vulnerable American reactors. Below reads the press release without links which you can get if you go to http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/news/2012/12-107.pdf
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is seeking public comment on proposed Interim Staff Guidance to U.S. nuclear power plants for evaluating how re-analyzed flooding hazards could affect plant performance. The need to re-analyze the hazard is one of the lessons learned from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident. The new analysis will take advantage of recent advances in understanding flooding hazards.
The proposed guidance would provide a means for meeting the requirements in a request for information the staff issued on March 12. The guidance would not be mandatory, but should a plant decide to take a different approach, the NRC would review both the plant’s methodology and results when they submit their response.
The NRC will accept comments on the proposed guidance until Oct. 29; comments can be submitted via regulations.gov using Docket ID NRC–2012–0222.
The NRC began examining flooding issues, in the form of upstream dam failures, prior to the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident. That work was incorporated into the agency’s post-Fukushima efforts, which include requiring all U.S. plants to re-analyze potential flooding hazards at their sites using the latest available information. The plants will use present day guidance and analysis methods that have been used in new reactor applications to analyze hazards including stream and river flooding, hurricane storm surges, tsunami, and dam failures. In May, the NRC announced a schedule for all U.S. nuclear power plants to complete the hazard re-analysis by March of 2015.
If the re-analyzed flood hazards exceed the levels a plant was originally designed for, the plant will tell the NRC what interim measures it will use to safely deal with the new hazard. The plant will also perform an “integrated assessment” to identify specific vulnerabilities and examine how existing or planned systems or procedures will prevent or mitigate flood damage.
The staff’s draft guidance lays out several assumptions for the integrated assessment, such as taking into account available onsite resources and systems for responding to flooding. The assessment must also consider any mode of operation (at full power, for example, or during a refueling outage) that could be affected by a flood, as well as simultaneous events such as losing power from the electric grid. The assessment cannot exclude a flooding event based can solely on how rare that flood might be. The guidance is available on the NRC website.
New South Wales,
24th, September, 2012
Report from contact there.
“I would like to say that “pulses in the range of 0.32 uSv/h” are so frequent in Sydney that I don’t report anymore. My small Russian counter pulses every 2 hours or so at higher levels than this. I can leave it on for the weekend and take proper recordings.”
9-25-12 San Diego, CA 10 minute averages
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG some high clouds
6:10a EXT 50.7 CPM
6:20a INT 48.1 CPM
Illegal Immigrant Arrested at Palo Verde Nuclear Plant, AZ
“Man used fake ID to try to get inside plant as a construction worker.”
“…he didn’t go very far, into the really, really secure area, you never know what’s going to happen once these guys get inside there.”
I wonder how many illegal, possibly terrorist, workers are accessing these things every day?
OOps! Forgot to report LAST rain showers here on 9/18/12
1…125.9 CPM @ 12:21pm
2… 30.9 CPM backgrnd @ 12:32 pm
showers moving from SW to NE…
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.4 CPM
6:20a INT 50.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.0 CPM
6:20a INT 49.1 CPM
The first storm radioactive washout test chart in my post on the 25th ran for 2.75 hours.
Radon decay chain isotopes decay quickly and the chart peaks get overwhelmed by background, so the test was stopped after 2.75 hours, and the test results saved.
Using the same swab a new test was immediately started. This time for a longer duration test. It ran for an extra 9.39 hours. So at this point the original sample had been decaying for 12.4 hours when this test was stopped and the results saved.
The short period chart shows the type of peaks you expect from Lead Pb-214 decay in Radon washout.
short period chart,
That is because Lead Pb-214 decay gives out gammas in this ratio of 242 (7.25%), 295 (18%), and 352 (35.6%). So the highest peak should be at 352 keV. Which it is.
The longer period chart shows a prominent peak develop at 242 keV.
longer period chart,
Gamma Ray Bursts & Fallout At 37 Times Background Radiation
Charts at
Used a much better system to capture Radon decay isotopes in the hot rain from another storm that came through on the evening of the 24th. Using surgical gloves as the sample was hot. Wiped a paper towel over the bonnet of a car and kept turning it over and folding the paper towel swab on itself after each wipe. Then squeezed out as much water as possible.
This was then put into a zip lock plastic bag, and put into the testing chamber and tested with a 2″ x 2″ NaI Scintillator. It was 4x more radioactive than the last storm radon washout test sample used on the 21st. This allowed for a much more detailed spectrum to be recorded.
5PM Storms @ 20X Over Background And Lightening Strike Xray Bursts
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.8 CPM
6:20a INT 47.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 50.2 CPM
6:20a INT 51.2 CPM
A video depicts Australia-bound airplanes being contaminated with FUGOO. Check comments also, as it seems Cathay Pacific refuses to alter their Polar flight course to Singapore and instead flies jets directly over the rad emitting pools of Fukushima. Kind of a hot waypoint for navigation purposes!
Anyone out here in raddieland have pets? Reason I ask is at the feed store are plenty of newly-produced fish (salmon, mostly) foods for dogs and cats on the shelves dry and canned–has the thought occurred to sample for radioactivity? Lamb products too. I query this is an afterthought to an article stumbled upon a couple months ago (a must read):
“Goats, with their four stomachs and unique digestive systems, concentrate radioactivity in their milk, more than other mammals. They are reliable indicators of the presence of radioactivity in the environment. For that reason, they are feared by the nuclear industry, which downplays its routine radiation releases.”
Michael, please contact the Weems in Dayton Canyon. Sampling their goats will be a wake-up call for any denier. These goats forage on Rocketdyne grasses and water. Have you thought about obtaining a Katie II to assist in your own endeavors?
24th, September, 2012
The average daily background radiation levels here have increased significantly from the 19th to the 23rd of September, to 32% above average on the 23rd. This has been happening when the area receives a North / North easterly wind direction, for any significant period of time. Again the weather conditions have been mostly fine, no significant solar activity with one brief storm on the afternoon of the 21st. The storm did have some radon washout in it but the elevated background was present days before this storm occurred.
Day chart for September
24 hour chart,
Radon washout chart for the storm late afternoon on the 21/09/2012.
The first storm of the season came through late on the afternoon of the 21st. The wind was coming from the North / North east, and the storm came in from the South West, over the top of this northerly surface air flow.
I did a paper towel swab off the top of two wheelie bin lids. This is the first time I have done any swabs here, and actually got a hot detection with the GS (Gamma Scout Geiger Counter). Up until now all the detections here have been free air detection.
The swab test GS visual peak was 0.28 uSv/hr and the data log peak was 0.35 uSv/hr.
I immediately put the swab into the scintillator test chamber, in a zip lock plastic bag. It was decaying quickly, so the chart is a bit rough. The screen shot was the test chart after 3 hours of testing. The longer I left it in the test chamber, the more the chart data was overwhelmed by background. This is because it was decaying quickly.
A rough estimate is that it was half as active after 3 hours. Seems to be a Radon decay chain as Lead Pb-214 and Bismuth Bi-214 are the main peaks, and there is no indication of any radium. The good news is that I did not detect any fallout isotopes. The peak in the chart between 352 and 609 keV is a test chamber artifact.
To compare with our southern hemisphere friends…
Sitting at my desk in Ventura, CA, I am getting a spot check interior CPM reading hovering around the high 40s.
Switching to sv/hr, I get a reading of .011
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sjy
7:30a EXT 46.8 CPM
7:40a INT 46.3 CPM
Just heard about the steel beam dropping into the spent fuel poos at reactor number three. Chase, you do not have to be a plant engineer to actually believe things with your own eyes and quick analytical mind! I am wondering if something happened on the 20th as well. Thanks for the report on the webcam, and I know you and others here will stay vigilant. As for me, I am going to stock up on zeolite as I can afford it.
Michael, thanks for all the updates. And glad you posted Kim’s petition. Just got one the other day. Maybe our congressman/women can find some funding now that a steel beam has hit the fuel pool and all of hades has broken loose!
New Zealand,
23rd, September,2012
Report just in.
“Was outside with a few friends with the GS in the back yard … and we started getting some 0.33-0.36 pulses coming through every 2-3 minutes …. bit of a shock.”
These are free air detections in uSv/hr with a Gamma Scout Geiger counter. I realize these maybe small compared to some North American detections, but this is a significant detection for NZ.
9-18-12 Burbank, CA, 10 min avg: 32.1
9-19-12 Hemet, CA 10 min avg: 47.5
9-22-12 Ventura, CA 10 min avg: 52.1
Not to overdo the TEPCO Web Cam, but again things at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant are not going well.
There was a ‘fireball’ blast/explosion recorded. (2012-09-20)
Look lower left.
My screen shot:
Explosion Details:
–> @ 18:11:42 on screen Tepco timer
–> @ 0:34 seconds on the video recording.
(use this detail time reference while viewing the video)
2012-09-20 18:11-18:14 JST
(credit enenews user nuckelchen video)
nuckelchen’s frame to frame
from the light-blast on the left:
This all happens very fast, (seconds), but when I watched the video (multiple times) and knew where to ‘pause/stop’ quickly, I then saw a lot of things.
Multiple Light flashes, emissions/smoke and some of it moving at extremely high speed from left to right. Some I cannot explain.
Some of what looks like a smudge on the left screen I think is actually thick emissions prior to the ‘high speed’ blast and/or a small particle of debris from a prior ‘out of view’ pre-blast.
You can see the concussion. At one point prior to the main explosion I ‘believe’ I’m seeing a piece of debris or projectiles horizontally flying at high speed past the base of the center stack and it continues between R3 and R4. (It’s hard to tell?) Just so fast.
Also of note today:
Yahoo Japan, RT news, EXSKF and others are reporting that a steel beam weighing over 1000 lbs has fallen from a crane doing debris removal into the Spent Fuel Pool at Unit #3.
[excerpt RT news]
“[Tepco] says the metal construction, 7.3 meters [~25 feet] in length and weighing 470kg, did not cause any breach in the cooling system, but could complicate further retrieval of spent nuclear rods.”
Complicate? I don’t like the sound of that. 🙁
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG light, high clouds
6:35a EXT 50.0 CPM
6:45a INT 51.2 CPM
“Charged particles coming off of the cranes and the stacks looks like something out of a Sci-Fi movie.”
Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will meet with industry representatives Sept. 27 to
continue discussions on schedules and guidance for the Orders and related request for information the
agency issued on March 12. The actions stem from recommendations of the NRC’s Japan Near-Term
Task Force (NTTF), which examined issues raised by the Fukushima nuclear accident in March
The meeting will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Commission Hearing Room on the first floor
of the White Flint North complex at 11555 Rockville Pike in Rockville, Md. NRC management and
industry executives will discuss guidance for the three Orders (covering strategies to respond to
extreme natural events resulting in the loss of power at plants, ensuring reliable hardened
containment vents, and enhancing spent fuel pool instrumentation) and a multifaceted request for
information, all of which were issued in March.
The discussions will cover implementation of the information request’s earthquake and
flooding hazard “walkdowns,” where skilled engineers verify that the plants conform to their current
license requirements. The meeting will also cover longer-term evaluations and actions related to
possible lessons learned from the Fukushima accident.
The public will have the opportunity to ask the NRC staff questions about the process during
the meeting, which will be webcast. A teleconference will also be available by calling 888-220-3090
and using passcode 69958. Those planning to attend the meeting or call in to the teleconference
should contact Richard Jervey at 301-415-1073 or richard.jervey@nrc.gov to ensure adequate
meeting resources are available.
The NRC continues to evaluate and act on the lessons learned from Fukushima to ensure
U.S. nuclear power plants implement appropriate safety enhancements. Following direction from the
agency’s five Commissioners, the NRC’s activities are being led by a steering committee comprised
of senior NRC management. The agency has also established the Japan Lessons-Learned Project
Directorate, a group of more than 20 full-time employees focused exclusively on implementing
NTTF recommendations and related activities.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 54.4 CPM
6:20a INT 49.2 CPM
Have you raddies signed the petition created by this brave and caring woman? Denise Anne and I have. Now it’s your turn to turn up the heat in the kitchen!
September 17, 2012: Full hour show with Jeff and Michael looking at foodstuffs in America impacted by Fukushima radiation, methods of Pacific Ocean mobility of meltdowns’ goo, disheartening thyroid conditions of Japanese children who are fed radioactive lunches in lurid show of supposed safety and more including AEG’s perchlorate problem in their hoped-for Farmers Field stadium in downtown LA.
After I visit EnviroReporter each day to check on Rad Levels, I then watch the TEPCO Web Cam ‘live’ while I make lunch or before going to bed. Mostly just to make sure the buildings, or what’s left of them, are still standing and have not yet melted into a puddle of glowing goo.
The views of ’emissions’ steam/gas have steadily increased over recent days. (my observation)
Yesterday, at lunch (1:30 am jst) as I looked at the low quality radiation distorted view on the Web Cam I observed horizontal LIGHTNING coming apparently out of nowhere and striking the base of the stack/tower next to Reactor #1.
Here’s a screen shot I took of the lightning initiating.
(Look between R1 and the Left Stack)
At approximately 1:20 into the recording, at the bottom middle of the screen, I noticed a large ‘explosion of light’ or gases occur. It happens again several seconds later.
Then… (like a chain reaction starting)
At 1:27 into the recording lightning arcs from the emissions between Reactor #1 and the stack to the left.
Over the next several seconds the emissions rise and the lightning spiders its way up the side of the stack.
Not over yet…
As I watched this, the entire sky and all metal objects at the entire site begin to appear to interact with the atmosphere. That’s the best way I can describe it. This continues for over an hour.
Everything seems to electrify like a giant “Static Vortex”.
(that’s my made up word for it) Charged particles coming off of the cranes and the stacks looks like something out of a Sci-Fi movie.
Here’s the source video:
Note: this video is a 20x speed
Lightning begins at 1:27
(credit enenews user nuckelchen)
🙁 This looks concerning to me, but I’m not a Nuclear Plant engineer nor a meteorologist.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 50.3 CPM
6:20a INT 52.2 CPM
@Chase – this is a fabulous collection of utubes you have put together. I have added your link to my “Keep Yourself Informed” list that I send out. Also, I will definitely take the time to go carefully through each utube. We needed this.
Michael, thanks for suggesting this to Chase and thank you so much Chase for putting all the time and incredible effort into creating STOP NUKES NOW!!
With huge gratitude,
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.7 CPM
6:20a INT 50.1 CPM
@Chase; beautiful youtube channel! Yes, well done.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.8 CPM
6:20a INT 48.6 CPM
@Chase; beautiful youtube channel! lovely job, thank you!
Last of the Southern Jetstream Rain @ 10X Above Background Radiation
I wanted to say thanks for your suggestion over a year ago for me to set up a youtube channel with relevant videos.
I did that. The channel now has had about 3000 views and 50 subscribers. It really is a compilation of my ‘video’ knowledge regarding Fukushima Daiichi and fallout.
I tried to organize the videos into categories or ‘playlists’ as they are called on youtube.
1. Radiation Realities – A miscellaneous list of videos that contain things everybody probably needs to know or BE AWARE of..
2. Radiation Tests – Includes tests from EnviroReporter, potrblog, Anti-proton and many others. (chronological order)
3. Rad Movies & Videos – Contains First episode of full movie ‘On The Beach’ (Australia Version), music videos and more.
4. Rad Interviews – Collins, Hartmann, the CDC etc…
5. Favorite Videos – Inspirational, from George Carlin, Native American knowledge to demolition videos of Nuke plants. 🙂
6. My Uploads: Mostly videos I’ve made of screen shots taken from the ‘live’ Fukushima web cams showing Gaseous Emissions coming from the destroyed Nuclear Plants. The series of videos is called “See Through The Fog”. I use a photo editor filter to highlight emissions that are not necessarily visible to the eye. (Note: The music track behind the videos is my band.)
Over 18 months of this and what have I learned?
🙂 “…listen to the still, small voice of a bird in the garden? No nuclear power plant was ever needed to supply energy to create such a simple, perfect miracle.”
From commenter Liz mar 21 2011, at EnviroReporter.com
(One of the first and most important comments I’ve ever read.)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 52.0 CPM
6:20a INT 47.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:35a EXT 49.3 CPM
7:45a INT 46.1 CPM
A simple ‘real’ human example of radiation absorption.
Specifically Gamma in this case.
“This video shows radiation levels on May 29th 2011, in Fukushima city (Japan) about 60-65 km (40 miles) from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors. Measurements are made by a CRIIRAD scientist.”
(at about 2:35)
When he places himself between the ‘detector’ and the ‘outside’ and the measurement reading drops, it demonstrates just how much your body is absorbing.
He also says that the level of GAMMA rays will distort his DNA. He knows!!!
Three melted cores, with no end in site, ongoing accumulation, yet still NO EVACUATION(S).
Note: View the ‘Show More’ option for an explanation of counts per second and whats normal for this device.
🙁 “I don’t get it, I just don’t get it?” – Chase
Just in – New measurements with Inspector Alert on flight to Australia September 2012:
“from Seattle to LA (after sunset), at cruising altitude (30k feet) I measured 720 CPM. The counter was going crazy. On descent into LA, at 10k feet, I got 170 CPM. On the runway, about 30 CPM. I don’t know how much cosmic radiation played into it but I’m sure fairly significantly.
From LA to Melbourne, south of the equator at night at 35k feet, I got 402 CPM, quite a bit lower than from Seattle to LA, and we were even 5k feet higher. So that is possibly somewhat telling regarding Fukushima. Still high from cosmic radiation, but not as high as in N. hemisphere.”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:35a EXT 47.4 CPM
7:45a INT 50.6 CPM
9-12-12 Anaheim, CA, 10 min ext 39.7
9-14-12 Ventura, CA 10 min ext 52.5
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.8 CPM
6:20a INT 49.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.9 CPM
6:20a INT 46.7 CPM
sherman oaks, ca
5 min avgs
9:30am EXT 38.6 CPM
9:40am INT 42.8 CPM
@chase the same honeywell hepa in my daughters room after another two months accumulation topped out at 448 CPM. I have the video. I didnt take an average, I got it out of my house. I see it like burning cinders floating around from a fire, you just cant see them, or feel the burn when inhaled.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a EXT 45.8 CPM
6:20a INT 46.2 CPM
Light rain in Ventura, CA. Collected moisture on paper towel and did a 10 minute test. 53.9 cpm
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:05a EXT 50.4 CPM
6:15a INT 48.6 CPM
A Child’s Wish.
“A mother from Iwaki City, with her three young sons, explained: “My middle son’s Christmas wish-list usually consists of ‘I want this, I want that.'”
“When I peeked at it this year, I saw that he’d written, ‘I wish for radiation to be gone.'”
When a child’s wish is “…for radiation to be gone”, then something’s not quite right with world. We need to change that, work on it like our lives depended on it.
We also need to be realistic with children. They must learn to mitigate. Fallout is not going to go away within their lifetime and most likely it will get worse due to the arrogance and greed of a few. They should understand that too.
Beyond the number crunching there are people, families and children.
“Only areas in which cumulative radiation exposure is projected to reach 20mSv/year have been evacuated by the government, leaving residents of other areas to decide whether to evacuate ‘voluntarily’ without government compensation. As a result, many who wish to evacuate cannot afford to.” – from article
A Parent’s Concern.
Your words were meaningful and simple that day, June 11, 2012. They ring with emotion and truth.
It’s now September.
Here’s the comment:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a EXT 52.7 CPM
6:20a INT 50.8 CPM
Yes, we are getting fallout, but not nearly as badly as some places in the Northern Hemisphere. Earlier in the year Byron Bay, Dunedin in New Zealand, and Melbourne, had significant detections that where much higher than my location.
We are all concerned here that this situation will return as we come into the Southern Hemisphere summer. Then most of our weather influences will come from the tropics. All my significant detections so far have occurred when the wind has come from the tropics.
Have a look at the charts for January and February 2012, at the SCCC monitoring site.
Our background is lower on average, so we are more likely to detect small changes, that would be missed by people whose location has a higher average local background.
@biggee, there are high readings all across the northern Jetstream. We even had a report of 1000cpm in Charleston, Sc. They also seemingly get lots of high readings in Devon, England when the jet stream hits.
One thing that does make Saint Louis unique is Tornado Alley; we just happen to be positioned in a location where the weather can rule pull down fallout from the upper atmosphere.
Another interesting thing is that the readings have increased since the corium hit ground water in late summer of 2011.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
7:30a EXT 45.3 CPM
7:40a INT 50.5 CPM
@Biggee it would also be helpful to have a Radiation Station in Upstate New York or Ohio or Great Lakes regions in case the high St. Louis radiation levels move eastward in a northerly trajectory. I wonder about St. Louis too and whether there are other pockets with levels that high on a regular basis. There is too much data to be captured.
Hey RADIATION STATION ROANOKE VA!!! “wheres the beef”?? I thought you were giving rain testing reports since you came aboard! Just checked to see you have only given 3 since 1/14/12..Last one was on 5/5/12 and a very high reading at that. What’s happened? St Louis and NC here NEED your rain sample reports to LINK UP with us in Mid USA… As a RADIATION STATION it means being more responsible in testing as many RAIN samples as possible. Please explain.
@Vital1 Welcome to the newest Radiation Station – Sunshine Coast Australia. Thank you for linking up with Enviroreporter and showing us how things really are in the Southern Hemisphere. We are in the Pacific North West of North America. We now have our Inspector Alert hooked up to software so we can see (sadly) that our background is easily 3 x higher than yours and it often spikes to 4 times yours.
@Michael Now all we need to do is to link into Enviroreporter.com . Can you tell us how to do that? What kind of camera would show the Inspector and the screen – and how do we link up?
Thanks for everything everyone is doing!
Im really dumbfounded by the consistant high readings in St Louis via ..potrblog..Any ideas? and also here in NC but lesser CPMs and the station in Roanoake VA just NE of here thats been MUCH lower..Suggestions? We need a station somewhere between St Louis and Harrisburg NC…maybe in a SE direction to form a link in a chain..Anyone live in that area willing to take it on??
1/2 hr severe thunder/lightning storm followed by 20 min of showers moving West to East/bending sharply to N EAST after passing thru here
1…311.2 CPM @ 6:46 pm [8.53 x background!]
2…36.5 CPM backgrnd @ 6:57 pm
Report for 9/4/12
Thunder/lightning heavy rain
1…103.5 CPM @ 4:35 pm [3.9 x background]
2…26.5 backgrnd @ 4:57 pm
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
5:55a EXT 50.6 CPM
6:05a INT 50.2 CPM
Southern Jetstream Fallout 18X Greater Than Background Radiation
sherman oaks, ca
5 minute avg
11:00 am INT 42.8 CPM
11:10 am EXT 45.2 CPM
A word about atmospheric aerosol spraying especially relative to Michael’s astute postulation regarding its effect on nuclear fallout:
the below is an excerpt describing an upcoming conference at the “Air & Waste Management Association”
“This international conference will provide a technical forum on advances in the scientific understanding of the effects of aerosol on urban, regional, continental and global scale haze and radiation balance. The conference will specifically address : emission sources, atmospheric conditions and aerosol characteristics associated with haze and aerosol urban visibility; regional haze; climate forcing; innovative aerosol, haze and radiation balance monitoring assessments and modeling methods; and urban and regional haze and aerosol climate forcing policy, regulatory, and economic issues…”
There is nothing obviously awry with the above, and any conspiracy theory could be easily refuted, yet some troubling messages persist.
“aerosol climate forcing policy”
“innovative aerosol”
“radiation balance”
There are two things I can say for certainty:
1) In order to test and measure theories about atmospheric pollution and (how to dispose waste in it or disperse and dilute it) you have to intentionally spray the atmosphere with control aerosols.
2) It is irrefutable and has been proven and exposed over and over again that the government sets up and funds cover organizations and research foundations. In many cases the scientists who work for these organizations are unwitting participants and have no idea what the true purpose of their research is. I’ll just leave it at that.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a EXT 49.8 CPM
6:20a INT 48.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.4 CPM
6:20a INT 49.1 CPM
[Sherman Oaks, California]
Interior in Ventura, CA: 39.9
rain-dampened paper towel, tested inside: 50.1
Both 10 minute averages.
intermittent but steady light rain in sherman oaks since 9am. Potrblog-style vehicle hood swipe test:
(10 min averages)
11am 1st Reading: 438 CPM
11:20 2nd Reading: 373 CPM
11:35 3rd Reading: 346 CPM
Will report later on whether we get a rapid return to background.
STL: Southern Jetstream Fallout 22X Greater Than Background Radiation
Looks stormy in Ventura, CA, but no rain. 10 min exterior: 45.8
NEW RADIATION STATION! South of the Equator along the east coast of the land down under:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
5:55a EXT 49.1 CPM
6:05a INT 49.8 CPM
10:00PM Exterior 30 min count 834
27.8 CPM – clear skies
Here is the 24 hour average chart for the last few days of our local background in the Southern Hemisphere. It is still sitting around 8% above the four year average of 0.10 uSv/hr. If this is the situation in a location in the Southern Hemisphere, how much have some local background radiation levels in the Northern Hemisphere risen, since the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Long term data logging could be as important as monitoring spikes in radiation because your overall exposure is greater if your background is increasing.
More reading:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 45.7 CPM
6:20a INT 50.2 CPM
@Rocket thanks for your kind words. Since no U.S. agency is tracking deaths that could be attributed to Fukushima radiation it seems that it’s up to citizens to do so.
@Chase because Santa Barbara’s economy is based on real estate and tourism of a sort that leans heavily on restaurants and locally-produced wines (plus UCSB, which has been part of the Military Industrial Complex since the early days), there is no agency or official here that would publicly admit to the presence of radionuclides. This is a very small town and everyone has a vested interest in one of the three afore-mentioned economic drivers.
The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is based in Santa Barbara and I’ve not seen/heard anything from it on Fukushima, in fact, it’s mission is so narrowly defined that it could almost be a front for nuclear power interests. Local Santa Barbaran and Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist Dr. Walter Kohn might be one of few who could possibly/might yet break ranks and speak out. He is a scientist and a true human being without privileging the former over the latter.
Where is the Society of Concerned Scientists? Why are scientists so quick to unleash technologies they don’t understand yet impossibly slow to recognize the effects of those technologies on the planet, and incapable of taking responsibility for them? The Cold War has been over for a long time yet the blind worship of nuclear power persists as a cult to which we and our children and grandchildren, etc. are unknowing hostages.
🙁 A 100% mutation rate in Santa Barbara, California, 5000 miles from the source, is “concerning” to say the least.
Has anybody tried calling any agencies lately just to see what their current take on all this is? Not that it would help or anything, but it would be interesting to document and to know if the ‘official’ response is to IGNORE it or make up some kind of disinformation or both.
How long can the ‘IGNORance’ continue?
(probably a stupid question, huh)
sherman oaks, ca
5min Averages
8:00am INT 44.6 CPM
8:10am EXT 52.6 CPM
“Sea World” Blue Ceramic Coffee Cup purchased pre-Fukushima Made in China. Multiple 10 minute averages:
110 CPM
S***buck’s “Via” Dry Instant Coffee multiple 10 min averages:
67.6 CPM
Seems that there is no escaping that radioactive morning wake-up whether it be coffee, green tea, or the mug itself.
@sblocal: I’m sorry to hear of your friends untimely passing and cant imagine how distressing that must be for you.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:35a EXT 49.7 CPM
7:45a INT 47.8 CPM
The End of Isaac: 7pm Rain @ 19X Background Radiation
🙂 Welcome vital1,
I was hoping you would link up.
Keeping stats can be a boring job, but it’s highly important when you need it.
Thanks again to all.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:35a EXT 46.9 CPM
7:45a INT 51.7 CPM
10 min thunder shower yesterday 9/1/12
1…235.5 CPM @ 2:35 pm [7.65 times background]
2… 30.8 CPM backgrnd @ 2:46 pm
@vital1 & All: Thank you for this excellent report! Folks, look forward to Radiation Station Sunshine Coast Australia coming within days! These remarkable and caring people are an example of what we all should be doing – sharing information vital to the understanding of the state of our increasingly radioactive environment.
August Report,
The August local background radiation level average was 9% above the 4 year recorded average of 0.10 uSv/hr. Even though this is better than the 43% above average for January 2012, it means our local background has not gone back to normal levels.
See the 2012 monthly average chart.
Here is the 4 year average chart.
We have had days where the day average increased significantly, but there are no real significant peaks detected, or showing in the 24 hour chart. These increases on these days have happened when solar activity was very quiet, it was dry, no rain, and the wind was coming from the North or North East, from the tropics off the Pacific ocean. These were free air measurements no swabs. This suggests the increased radiation must be well mixed in the air.
Without long term data collection, we would not have noticed this
For full local radiation monitoring information,
For those of you who would like to experiment with long term charting,this page now contains templates to help get you started.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:35a EXT 47.3 CPM
7:45a INT 48.2 CPM
@Rocket it’s been an extremely depressing week. I learned that an old friend passed away on Aug. 21 in Santa Barbara of multiple myeloma. He was in none of the high risk groups for getting this (other than being male), and was a health nut (going back decades) in his early 50s who walked and took the bus everywhere. I last spoke with him about a year and a half ago and he had no diagnosis or signs of this disease at that time. Radiation exposure is one of the few known causes of multiple myeloma — it’s not heritable, not viral, very rare, and 95% who get it die from it.
6pm STL Isaac Tornado Warnings, Radioactive At 12x Background Radiation
having been away from my friends who have the courage to face stark realities, I now return with another stark reality. The Honeywell hepa filter running in my 21 month old daughters bedroom with 2 months of accumulated dust topped out on a 5 minute test at:
448 CPM —right here in sherman oaks.
I have the video to prove it.
Rain has been nil here thus no reports..I have 2400 sq ft brick ranch.Just now changed the 2 air filters (forced air ht-air)Filters allegin 20x20x1..Installed 2/10/12..I scanned over each for high clicks @ CPM mode for
1…148 CPM (4.33 times bkgrnd)
2…135 CPM (3.95 times bkgrnd)
3…34.2 backgrnd @ 10 min count
Need to buy 2 Hepas!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 49.7 CPM
6:20a INT 50.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 49.5 CPM
6:20a INT 48.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG some high clouds
6:10a EXT 47.2 CPM
6:20a INT 47.9 CPM
“Just show (the people) that this power is from God…”
– from film (Atomic Energy Commission speaking to Father Keller)
So here’s MAJOR part of how the psychopathic ‘nut balls’ behind the Nuclear Agenda were able to coerce a people, a country, into believing a lie.
Oh, it’s very clear.
This IS one of the most astounding things I have EVER seen.
First get a well known celebrity, then get a clergyman to tell you that God is the reason that Atomic/Nuclear is a good thing. Instill fear and mix it with some technical jargon.
Wow, Holly crap!
‘Atomic Energy Can Be A Blessing’
(@1:55) FEDflix
Starring Fred MacMurry and Father James Keller. 1952
Where are our clergy, religious leaders of today?
Ask yours, if you’ve got one, what they think and why they don’t speak about it?
It’s manipulative implications are more than vast.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.6 CPM
6:20a INT 50.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.6 CPM
6:20a INT 45.9 CPM
Less Isaac and More Radioactive Fallout
9x in STL
Week ending 8/24/2012: all readings normal. Database updated http://memphis.macusa.net/fmi/iwp/res/iwp_auth.html;jsessionid=055D46CAA4704AE0157E1A4E.wpc1
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:35a EXT 45.7 CPM
7:45a INT 48.9 CPM
@Chase the “RadiationNetwork” is not the same as EPA’s RadNet. RadNet does censor (alter) their data. I have not seen any info that the RadiationNetwork alters their data, although they do take down sites that show unusual readings.
The picture you linked shows an alert of over 150,000 cpm; such a reading is in the ballpark of the maximum most Geiger counters can show. Moreover, I would not trust the capability of their software and data cable to accurately report such a reading without testing it first.
The RadiationNetwork does have lots of issues, the primary three being:
(1)they do not normalize their data to a common standard like Cs-137, hence readings from location to location are not comparable.
(2)they only share the instantaneous reading of any location.
(3)they quickly remove from view any unusual readings.
I think issues 2&3 get better if you pay to join their site.
From that perspective, a better free/public alternative is BlackCatSystems Geiger map; it is less populated, but it does not have the three weakness shown above. Plus, they make their software available for free testing. see their radmap here:
@Chase: This ‘plastic bag-wrapped Inspector reads super-high’ sounds factually improbable at best. I have no faith in any network that charges to be part of it. Complaints about high measurements being dismissed as false-positives by a pay-to-join network by users to me do not engender any confidence either.
@SBLocal: After thousands of tests with multiple Inspector Alerts, many videotaped, we know how these machines work. The manual information is also on our site.
Hurricane Isaac? Lowest Radioactivity In a LONG Time
@Chase, this is worth calling suppliers of Inspector Alerts et al, and asking for the lowdown on equipment performance under these conditions (eg plastic bag). A lot could be learned from talking to people who understand these tools.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:45a EXT 46.6 CPM
6:55a INT 45.6 CPM
Dial M for Meltdown – 11 minute fast-paced
Ends with the question “What’s Next?”. You have to ask yourself – what nuclear power plant are you nearest to and could it be next?
@Micheal, potrblog or anybody
Moments ago.
There was another report of a VERY high reading in Indiana on Radiation Nework. 167,000 cpm Yikes!
This makes 3 in a row now.
credit yogda:
I know you don’t, myself included, put a lot of faith in the Radnet system.
It seems that ‘every’ time a high reading comes in they say it’s a malfunction of some sort. No word on this one yet.
This time they are blaming it on a plastic bag.
Here’s what they say at Rad Net:
“…a monitoring station in Indiana broadcast an Alert over the Radiation Network,…
Although set up indoors at the time, stormy weather seemed to be the culprit, until the station operator offhandedly mentioned that his Inspector Geiger Counter was safely inside a plastic bag. As soon as he removed the detector from the bag, voila!, the readings dropped immediately, as shown on the graph.
I have seen this phenomena many times since Fukushima, where placing the Geiger counter inside a plastic bag causes an over “accumulation” of radiation counts. I don’t know why this happens. My personal theory (although not a very good one) is that radon gas has a chance to build up in the unventilated space of a bag, in the same way that radiation readings are often elevated in a radon infested, sealed basement.
I’m guessing that sometime after Fukushima, a novice Geiger counter operator, perhaps in Japan, decided to slip his detector inside a plastic bag, maybe to protect against potential contamination, and others saw this and picked up what I consider to be a very bad habit. To me, about the only valid reason to bag up your Geiger counter is to avoid water damage while taking a momentary outdoor reading in the rain.” – radnetwok
Question: What is your opinion of this?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a EXT 52.7 CPM
6:20a INT 48.4 CPM
USA Radioactive Ground Beef Test Results 2012, 2011, 2010
@Chase – thanks for the reminder on sunflowers. I agree about not touching sunflower seeds or butter.
@Tray – milk isn’t necessary for kids. Water (distilled) is best. Coconut milk, if it’s organic and not from a suspect area might be an option (not recommending, just thinking out loud). Some people have trouble digesting coconut milk because of the high fat content. You can make coconut milk with dry coconut and water. I’ve looked at the common nut milks and most health food store brands come from Oregon or Canada (hemp milk especially). Neither are good sources.
Atomic Attack – The Motorola Television Hour
A Television Play 1950 – (bw film 50 minutes)
Features (a very young) Walter Matthau as Dr. Spinelli.”
– National Archives and Records Administration
“In this sobering film, a family living 50 miles outside of New York must escape the FALLOUT from a nuclear bomb dropped upon the Big Apple.
Great acting! Some interesting inaccuracies. The social and psychological aspects may be pretty close though. Very sad when people start getting sick.
A tear came to my eye as I thought of the children in Japan who were not ‘immediately’ evacuated.
National Archives FEDflix
The ‘no immediate concern’ Nuclear campaign slogan will become a large scale fail! They used the same logic back then too. hmmm…?
However, at least this film shows some of the realities encountered by average people. First they are told the danger will pass in hours or days. Then, reality sets in. 🙁
Sunflowers are used to decontaminate soil because they are one of the best plants for absorbing radiation. So ‘maybe’ not a logical choice. (?)
rhizofiltration: using terrestrial plants for removing radionuclides from contaminated water and soil
Note: This only works to a certain degree. Even once the plants have absorbed the radiation they must be burned to ash and then that ash is stored as radioactive waste.
The point is, the radiation does not go away, it just moves to a different location. It still remains hazardous. So when the words ‘cleanup’ or ‘decontamination’ are used, remember, all that really means is they moved it somewhere else.
Then you’ve got to ask, “where is that somewhere else?”
Then, you might also ask, “why did we build these Death Machines in the first place?”
Now the only real choice is to test everything.
Radioactive Rain Remains
What about whole wheat pasta from Italy? I heard they did a lot of nuke testing in FiJi so I stopped drinking that water.
SBlocal, Thanks for the info on the nut butters. I just bought sunflower butter any thoughts on that.
What milk are you guys drinking? Esp. those with kids. Thanks!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a EXT 47.8 CPM
6:20a INT 49.7 CPM
@ Michael – per your comment on Eat me re: southern hemisphere radiation – Mururoa atoll is getting attention. When I read that it was at imminent risk of collapse where France conducted nuke tests long ago I thought of the insanely high radiation readings by the guy in Brazil who posted his readings of rain on YouTube and figured that if the atoll has already collapsed we’d not likely hear about it until much later. Do you see any connection?
[Michael Collins – No.]
@Tray – I’m probably going to substitute almond butter with homemade cashew or hazelnut butter. Trader Joe’s has organic cashews that come from Brazil, India, and/or Vietnam. TJ’s also has a nutella substitute made with almonds and labeled as a product of Belgium, though that doesn’t tell us where the almonds came from.
@Chase – my readings have generally been a little higher here in Simi Valley compared to Santa Monica or Ventura but I’m not necessarily seeing a steady upward climb. There are periods where the readings jump a bit for a couple of days, most likely due to the jet stream, but they usually come back down to normal background levels for SV. Here are today’s readings:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 49.0 CPM
6:20a INT 50.5 CPM
“Eggs: One generic store brand went bad in April 2011. Another brand didn’t go bad until September. I recently bought ordinary eggs, they were pretty bad, threw them out. Organic eggs from Pennsylvania were much better… though still perceptible. I use them very occasionally in cooking.”
“Bread: White bread was bad, but premium rye bread is OK. I should quit it though, it contains wheat flour. Rye and wheat contain gluten, but wheat also has an affinity for strontium-90.”
“Peanut butter: Horrible. I saw Argentinian peanut butter once, it was sold out in a day. No more almond milk either. Nuts concentrate radioactivity, try tropics and southern hemisphere only. Lots of items contain peanut oil.”
“Bottled water: Biggest current struggle. I have a reverse osmosis (RO) system, but it appears to be inefficient in filtering out gaseous iodine and krypton. I use it for boiling and rinsing. Aquafina, PureLife, and Aldi purified water all use RO, but recently it seems to have gotten worse. Gerber baby water MAY use RO. Jana imported bottled water from Big Lots is reasonably cheap. Fiji is fine, but expensive.”
More comments also on fish, meat, dairy, fruits & veggies, rice, soy sauce, spaghetti sauce… (Link above)
[Editor’s note: We cannot verify accuracy of above information. This comment was also sent from a fake email but had enough valid information to publish it regardless.]
So now almonds are testing high. Michael are you still drinking Silk almond milk? What are you guys giving your kids. Anyone testing peanut butter? By the way my husband just ate a huge bag of pistachios Arghhhhh! I really just want to scream.
1. Any conclusions/observations on the POWDERED MILK Tests?
See Stats: (8/17/2012)
I noticed that even the ones with an expiration of 2010 tested hotter than background. (?)
I remember potrblog also testing pre-Fuku powdered milk with similar results. He was going to do some further research, but I’m not sure how far he got.
2. Radiation Network is showing 4 or more locations with over 50 cpm today. (some over 60) ie… Sacramento, Oklahoma, Michigan, New Jersey. (NJ is usually about 50)
I have also noticed the ‘live’ detector from Santa Monica bouncing over 50. I usually don’t see this.
Are you seeing higher than average?
A steady upward climb?
Again, what is your general observation?
@All testers. Thank you.
You are the Paul Revere riders of the Fallout Era.
I don’t care what anybody says, Mr. Revere was not a ‘fear monger’.
“…through the night went his cry of alarm
To every Middlesex village and farm,
A cry of defiance, and not of fear,
A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,
And a word that shall echo for evermore!
For, borne on the night-wind of the Past,
Through all our history, to the last,
In the hour of darkness and peril and need,
The people will waken and listen to hear
The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,
And the midnight message of Paul Revere.”
– H. W. Longfellow
🙂 We are way past midnight. I hope and pray our hoof-beats are starting to be heard.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 49.0 CPM
6:20a INT 47.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 46.9 CPM
6:20a INT 45.8 CPM
Yesterday rain showers
1…298.1 CPM @ 8:44 am [772% of #2 background]
2…38.6 CPM backgrn @ 8:56 AM
3… Took outside backgrnd —36.2 CPM @ 9:07 am
@California Nuts
Quoted from NIRS: “Here are some of the types of foods that are most likely to concentrate radioactivity: dairy (milk, and everything made from it), meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, oil. Many processed foods contain hidden oils.”
Please contact your county electeds and demand testing of local foodstuffs. Demand they show the specific isotopes found. If the Japanese are testing Cali food exports and know how much Cs-134/-137 is there, our counties do too plus have the necessary ability/bankroll to make testing happen.
So just how safe are cooking oils, such as this year’s olive oil?
@Radiation Rangers: More of the same DTSC ‘background radiation is good for your kids’ propaganda, this time in SF Bay… Chatsworth and Simi Valley are handled similarly by DTSC as can be discerned from article (link next):
“[State health] officials have raised questions about exposure for residents of the island. At an August 2011 meeting, a summary shows, the health department alleged that a Navy contractor might have inadvertently exposed children to radioactive dust at a Boys & Girls Club and a child development center on the island….”
Press Release
Immediate Release
August 17, 2012
First Double-Shell Tank Leaks at Hanford Nuclear Site
“This Changes Everything,”….New Urgency for Building More Tanks
Seattle, WA: Today a public interest group released evidence that the first double-shell tank leak of highly radioactive waste has been detected at the Hanford nuclear site.
Hanford Challenge disclosed a memo to the Washington State Department of Ecology dated August 14th, 2012 that acknowledges a highly-radioactive chemical waste leak that was detected in early August from Tank AY-102 on the floor of the annulus (space between the walls) of the tank.
Radioactive waste was found in two locations, according to the document, one of them in a “mound approximately []2 ft. x 3 ft. x 8 inches.” The material was dry.
The AY-102 tank is one of 177 underground nuclear waste tanks containing an estimated 56 million gallons of high-level nuclear waste. 67 Hanford tanks have leaked over one million gallons to the soil, but until recently, all of them were the older-style, single-shell tanks. The AY-102 tank is a double-shell waste tank, and was previously considered to be stable and non-leaking. Double-shelled tanks have two steel walls, with a “tank within a tank” design that adds to the safety margin.
Hanford is widely acknowledged to be the most contaminated facility in the United States.
“This changes everything. It is alarming that there is now solid evidence that a Hanford double-shell has leaked,” said Hanford Challenge’s Executive Director, Tom Carpenter. “These tanks were supposed to last another 40 years, but that thinking has been superseded by this new reality.”
The State of Washington entered into a cleanup agreement with the Department of Energy with deadlines that allow the high-level tanks to not be emptied until 2052. The assumption has always been that the double-shelled tanks would continue to hold their wastes throughout that time frame.
Carpenter stated, “This new evidence gives urgency to the suggestion that the DOE build more tanks. We always knew the Double Shell Tanks would leak, we just did not know when. We have the first, how many will be leakers in another 40 years? The only good news here is that the waste from this tank leak was not in liquid form, and is apparently not yet affecting the environment.”
Hanford Challenge questioned the Department of Energy’s lack of transparency: “Officials have not made any kind of announcement about the leak, despite the fact that they have known for over a week. The era of secrecy and hiding problems is supposed to be over, but old habits apparently die hard,” said Carpenter.
Hanford Challenge has also cited the uncertainties around the opening of the Waste Treatment Plant, which is under scrutiny because of safety issues raised by whistleblowers, as another reason the government should immediately build a new set of tanks to temporarily store Hanford’s deadly waste.
Margery Brown’s questions.
🙂 Really good questions I might add.
My best replies.
1. “Why are consumers being left to somehow discover for themselves just which foods are still o.k. to eat?”
a. Most likely because the ‘experts’ in charge are tied to the Nuclear Industry.
b. Or because if the ‘majority’ understood what has happened and what is truly going on in the name of ‘secrecy’ there might be an economic collapse which would also end the Nuclear Industry.
c. I don’t know. The ‘system’ should work better, but it obviously does not.
2. “…how many citizens even know there is a problem?”
(GREAT question! Interesting, I wish I knew those numbers. I am amazed at how many seem completely clueless. This observation is sad and scary at the same time. Frustrating at times too.)
a. Not enough apparently.
3. “…why does the EPA apparently feel that there is nothing to be concerned about? …How bad does it have to get before ‘they’ agree that they really should do their job?”
a. Many who work for the EPA have deep ties to the Nuclear Industry. Their ‘conflict of interest’ is blatant. Their primary ‘job’ is to protect the Nuclear Industry at all cost. Whether that’s raising so called acceptable ‘limits’ or manipulating numbers in a favorable way or making comparisons to airplane rides and bananas or just not testing.
b. Their ‘no concern’ campaign remains successful under some pretty extreme circumstances. It will not change.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 49.7 CPM
7:40a INT 46.8 CPM
Avoid Watershed Bottomlands! Persistent Radioactive Fallout in Rainfall
California almonds, pistacios, prunes, and especially mushrooms have now been found to be contaminated with Cesium, which goes straight to muscle tissue, including the heart muscle. It is really incredible that Japan has tested our pistacios, but our EPA has not done so. But then,they are not testing any foods, so far I know.
I also understand that eating any fish from the Pacific Ocean is also now a bad idea,as well as swimming or surfing in the water either.
Why are US consumers being left to somehow discover for themselves just which foods are still o.k. to eat? And how many citizens even know that there is a problem here? And why does the EPA apparently feel that there is nothing to be concerned about? How bad does it have to get before they agree that they really should DO THEIR JOB?
Perhaps it might be a good idea for us to line up any and all Government and/or private sources of help, BEFORE Fukushima reactor #4 either finishes collapsing or loses all of it’s spent fuel rod fire prevention cooling water, resulting in a GLOBAL CATASTROPHE, that is,after they evacuate 35M people from Tokyo. As a long time Red Cross Disaster worker, all I can say is OMG!!
Anyway,there may not by ANYTHING left for dinner!
@Susan the pistacios story is frightening to say the least. This would also probably implicate almonds and walnuts. I think CA avocados also test high. They all share the really high fat content — that is, the good fats we’re supposed to be eating more of. Sheesh. Where is everbody who posts here? Are they all checking out second homes in the southern hemisphere? Maybe we can get some reports on Australian real estate markets. I’d be doing it if I could…
Yesterday it was reported that American pistachios have Cesium 137 at 9.54 bq/kg.
Can someone help me with my math here? A Bq is a becquerel. A becquerel is one atomic disintegration per second. So in every kg (2.2 lbs) of pistachios there are 34,344 disintegrations per hour (over 800,000 disintegrations in a day) – astonishingly high to my mind. If you are lucky you will excrete the Cesium. If the Cesium 137 lodges in your gut then that number gets multiplied out for the rest of your life.
I think Potrblog posted a while ago that 3 bq/kg might be a good limit to keep in mind – is that right?
Don’t know why our government is not testing food – these results came from Japan where they are testing food imported from the U.S. and Canada
I’m starting an “A List” of foods that might be better avoided.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 47.4 CPM
7:40a INT 45.5 CPM
10 Min Count, clear skies
11:00PM Exterior 30.1 CPM
11:20PM Interior 25.7 CPM
(meter-Inspector EXP)
45 min moderate thunder/lightning storm from West to East
1…165.6 CPM @ 5:25 pm [4.48 x background]
2…37.0 CPM backgrnd @ 5:37 pm
On August 15th, 2012 the journal published this:
“Internal Radiation Exposure After the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster.” This research letter stated that levels of internal cesium contamination after Fukushima are “low…much lower than those reported in studies years after the Chernobyl incident”. (incident?!)
This has been widely reported in
USA Today
NBC News
Washington Post
Philadelphia Inquirer
Today, Beyond Nuclear tells us the real story:
“New research misleads on internal radiation doses around Fukushima.
Deception in Sieverts: how a measure of radiation damage can actually be used to hide damage.
The cover-up continues.
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant: from Aug 13, 2012
Observed Blue Spark/Bolt Reaction moving vertically on the TEPCO Web Cam.
An ‘original’ screen shot followed by two ‘filtered views’.
I would also say this is not a camera anomaly. (My opinion.)
Screen Shot captured at :21 seconds
(Filter #2 really highlights it… moving vertically, center screen)
Lots of ‘other’ gases obviously spewing non-stop into our atmosphere too. 🙁
Flashing ORANGEish lightning (?) in background
tepco fukushima 2012-08-13 23:57-00:00 JST
credit nuckelchenblogde
Source Video:
(3:00 minutes real time)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a EXT 49.7 CPM
6:20a INT 46.5 CPM
3:30pm STL Storms @ 9X Greater Than Background Radiation
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 52.4 CPM
6:20a INT 47.5 CPM
Rain has been scarce/last 7 days ago.Just had 10 min heavy thunder shower from West to East then cleared.
1…329.o CPM @ 6:55 pm (10X + backgrnd)
2…31.9 CPM backgrnd @ 7:11pm
Is anyone out there checking Seattle Washington air?
The following question has just come to our Pacific Northwest group:
“An herbalist friend of mine who lives west of Seattle just had a severe episode of nosebleed. She had similar episodes last April, and that’s how we knew Fukushima had melted down even before the official announcement: using darkfield microscopy, she determined damages to her RBCs were due to gamma radiation. (She has an experience treating Chernobyl victims in Europe.”)
A member in Corvallis, Oregon 250 miles away reports “the EPA Radnet monitor is showing pretty high gross beta count Plenty of mid 150ish, almost up to 200 today.”
EPA Radnet doesn’t show any cpm recordings since May.
Normally, when we are in Seattle, the readings are consistently 12-18 cpm – remarkably lower than the background levels of 29-30 cpm where we live in Vancouver, B.C.
Is anyone checking levels with a geiger counter in Seattle today?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 47.6 CPM
6:20a INT 44.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 45.5 CPM
6:20a INT 50.8 CPM
ABC News 4 – Pennsylvania Deptartment of Health hands out Iodine pills. As of Aug 9th
coincidence…? something…?
from article –
“Pennsylvanians who live, work or attend school within a 10-mile radius of one of the state’s five nuclear power plants can get free potassium iodide, or KI, tablets.”
“Taken as directed during a radiological emergency, KI can help protect the thyroid gland against harmful radioactive iodine.”
“Individuals should only take KI tablets when directed to do so by state health officials or the governor.”
Includes list of pickup locations:
MAXIMUM ALERT! Cesium-137 Detected In Pennsylvania
Hi Chase –
Thanks for the perspective. Yes, we are extremely fortunate to have Enviroreporter helping us find the truth of what is happening.
My husband and i have stopped eating all dairy except 3 year old cheese. We eat nothing from the ocean – no fish, seaweed, carreganeen or sea salt.
I agree, it would be great if grocery stores had isotope identifiers like the ones I’ve seen in the Japanese documentaries.
I, too, read that as of June 2012, Fukushima is still releasing 10 million bq/hour – that’s 7200 million bq/month.(7,200,000,000 bq). Down from the 900 quadrillion (900,000,000,000,000,000) becquerels released in the month of March 2011. But no doubt about it – the nightmare continues.
The public is on it’s own. No government is going to help us. We have to work together to protect ourselves. Thank you, Chase, for sharing your thoughts and knowledge
When I first stumbled upon this site shortly after 311 I had a lot of questions. I had to go back to school, so to speak, to learn about the basics of radiation. There was a lot to know.
Thanks you again to EnviroReporter and the many others who have contributed and continue to strive for knowledge and truth.
A retrospective: What has changed and what has not.
From EnviroReporter Comments: (my first comment)
Chase says:
April 28, 2011 at 11:03 am
I live in the mountains near the Sequoia National Park. I am on disability and have to rely frequently on the local food bank. Yesterday, they handed out large quantities fresh milk and cheese to everyone. They usually have powdered milk if they have it at all. Just seems strange to me.
Anyway… My question is this. What is the best way to determine if your food and water are safe? The general consensus seems to be the EPA/media are not giving the full impact or truths. Do you have to own an expensive detector that measures all sorts of radiation? Is this the way of the future?
And… it seems to me that grocery stores should put a Radiation Detector next to the scale in the produce section. Going on “blind luck” and hoping that the cheese or lettuce you just bought is not the contaminated one seems crazy to me. But, it seems like the only choice I have.
Update: What I know today…
I stopped drinking milk over a 16 months ago.
I did not take the milk and cheese that day.
The EPA/media have utterly FAILED us.
(I have no doubt, at this point, that the situation will not change.)
I have determined that, unfortunately, testing IS the way of the future.
I am still going on ‘blind luck’ but I try to make more educated choices.
Three meltdowns and a dangling fuel pool later here we are. 🙁
Note: According to TEPCO
* Fukushima Daiichi is Emitting:
Non-stop, Ongoing, Accumulating, No End in site.
roundabout – unfortunately the EXT readings are even higher today:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a EXT 54.1 CPM
7:50a INT 47.9 CPM
SimiRich; Thanks for your readings. The jet stream is not hitting Ca today, so I am sad that they are as high as they are…
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:50a EXT 50.4 CPM
8:00a INT 51.2 CPM
All readings continue to be at normal background levels.
[Radiation Station Pacifica California]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 49.0 CPM
7:40a INT 45.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:45a EXT 46.4 CPM
7:55a INT 47.6 CPM
August 9, 2012
Anniversary of Nagaski:well worth the sad read.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a EXT 48.5 CPM
7:50a INT 47.9 CPM
91 times background radiation in a Saint Louis rain surface swipe.
Alert: Unusual Airborne Radiation Spike In 10:30pm STL Storms
Large front t/lightning storms moving West to East.NO t/lightning in overhead 20 min shower.Used paper towel sample.Tested BOTH sides of towel
1…243.3 CPM @ 4:13 pm
2…229.2 CPM @ 4:29 pm (flipped over sample)
3…29.5 CPM @ 4:44 pm background
Clean sample.NO dirt on either side just water
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 49.9 CPM
7:50a INT 49.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a EXT 52.7 CPM
8:10a INT 43.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:35a EXT 47.9 CPM
7:45a INT 45.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 51.3 CPM
6:20a INT 50.6 CPM
11pm STL Storms @ 11X Over Background Radiation
Damp paper towel sample from a light rain in Ventura, tested inside for 10 min: 50.2
Another quick downpour came through Simi Valley. Elevated reading taken from rain water sample.
8:20a 158.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG
There was some tropical moisture that rolled through over night. Not a big rainstorm – just a few instances that lasted only a few minutes each time. There was plenty of rain water accumulated for me to take a paper towel sample from a table in my backyard. Very elevated readings.
6:30a INT 194.7 CPM – paper towel sample
6:40a INT Background 48.6 CPM
6:50a EXT 50.4 CPM
10 min. interior: 47
re-check of rain sample after one hour (previously 77.9): 52.2
Small thunderstorm in Ventura, CA. Barely damp paper towel tested inside my house for 10 min: 77.9
Will test again in an hour.
Fukushima. Radioactive Cesium Contamination of Japan’s Food Chain.
Almost all edibles contain radioactive cesium. Rivers and lakes are contaminated
Jim Bartel has been a Japanese-English translator for more than 20 years.
The unabridged version of “The Tears of Sanriku” is available at:
I am going to Europe next month, any advice, I am ‘chicken’ to wear an N-95 mask?
Can I wear same mask to and from?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 46.2 CPM
6:20a INT 48.5 CPM
Caution re fertilizer:
As few years ago, Rense radio reported that fertilizer could be radioactive: http://rense.com/general76/tox.htm
Today I tested two dry fertilizers:
One was organic corn gluten from Canada and registered 30 cpm – same as background.
The second was “conventional” and was over 100 cpm (the guy with the fertilizer bag took it away as he saw the reading going up so I didn’t even get a chance to see where it came from). Good example of how radioactivity spreads….from the fertilizer to the garden vegetables to our bodies to our body wastes and into the sewage system to be recycled as water and soon enough the “background” radiation is higher.
Shows how important it is to test with your geiger counter what you are using, eating, spreading on your garden etc .
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 50.8 CPM
6:20a INT 46.0 CPM
The radiation was still 1.5 times greater than background levels after 8 hours. The high short half readings are the alarm bell that longer half life stuff is in the sample too.
Here is a video update, on the Alert
hmmm ‘fire rainbows’
I clicked onto Potrblog’s site and read what Charleston SC had to say – it was good that he rechecked the rain swipe 8 hours later and found the radiation was “gone”. It looks as though that was Radon.
Could Ray in Ontario check the rain swipe after a few hours next time to compare the immediate result with one a few hours later to see if he has radon in the rain too?
ALERT: Over 1000 CPM Radioactivity Reported In Charleston, SC
@Indigo, From Michael’s description on Rense.com it sounds like “fasciation”. Google images of this.
Sunflowers grow under our bird feeder (black oil sunflower seed)…also in Santa Barbara. They are about 2 feet taller this year. One plant was “white”, no chlorophyll. It grew to about 1 foot tall and did not mature.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 51.5 CPM
6:20a INT 49.7 CPM
Well Micheal, I bet you didn’t think you’d hear from me so soon again? We had some rain here in eastern Ontario today. Probably better off with the drought, eh? lol. Ok two tests after two showers of my down spout. Both broke my previous high mark for rads. I’d say it’s getting worse.
3 PM July31st test. 13 X background.
And 4 PM was even hotter.18 X background.
So I’d say this crap is at least from Canada to Brazil. Probably from pole to pole.
Thank’s for all your great work, Micheal.
PS. Have a peak at the new fuk cam. Lot’s of steamium, probably from the 5.4 quake yesterday Thanks!
Worth a read for sure:
“Bread and Circuses”; This profligate spending on the Olympics could be dismissed as merely expensive indulgence if human civilization didn’t have critical structural and environmental challenges that need urgent attention. If societies everywhere could rouse themselves to give as much impassioned energy to the litany of social, economic and ecological problems plaguing the planet as they do to the Olympic gatherings, then our future would look more promising.”
Exterior 10 min, once the gray skies cleared to sun: 49.5
10 min. average on some seaweed, mixed types, washed up on to a Ventura beach (tested inside my house): 47.3
There are oak trees all over Santa Barbara being attacked by moths and many are turning rust colored and look like they’re already dead. Since we’re also in a severe drought it would be hard to attribute the tree and plant behavior to only one cause, but certainly radiation plus drought would take a toll. Do genetic mutations concentrate in plants the way they concentrate in animals?
In a few days I will send out a pic of pine needles branches that were browned, while others were green, this was in Wyoming, and there was an entire forest full of these anomalies on the same tree. I thought of radchix4 youtube, Michigan Red Forest video. There is also the pine beetle problem there, but this was different.
Am I still the only one who notices how sporadically the plant life om Southern California is dying, how the tops and sometimes sides of trees are rust colored? Anyone seen any other trees that bloom one color on one side and another color on the other side. I’ve only seen maybe, one or two of those. I know we are in a drought, but some of these trees are watered by individuals and/or the city.
Hi Friends,
We too have found a few oddly shaped leaves in our backyard. I took pictures last week and will send them in.
Exterior in Ventura, CA today: 52
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 49.8 CPM
6:20a INT 51.3 CPM
Actually I live in Goleta about 3 miles inland.
So far have not noticed any other abnormalities.
Going to plant another crop and see how they turn out.
@Indigo, are you near the ocean or mountains? I’m in Santa Barbara (hence “SBLocal”) and my succulents this past spring grew noticeably larger and bloomed more than in all the years I’ve had them. But it’s also been drier this year which they probably like. As documented earlier here, Kim kindly tested pine needles from my backyard and we found that the years old needles near the bottom of a pile about four to five inches down had 15% CPM above background whereas the green just-fallen pine needles from this spring tested at background.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 51.7 CPM
6:20a INT 47.6 CPM
37X Background Radiation in 12:30pm STL Storms
Also, Micheal we have had a heatwave with lots of days over 100 F here in Ontario Canada and very litte rain since May. It’s not a good year to be a farmer around the Ottawa area. Anyway on July 23rd our area did gt a quick shower and a friend in Ottawa tested it.
Also, Micheal we have had a heatwave with lots of days over 100 F here in Ontario Canada and very litte rain since May. It’s not a good year to be a farmer around the Ottawa area. Anyway on July 23rd our area did gt a quick shower and a friend in Ottawa tested it.
[Editor’s note: This disturbing video of Ontario Canada rain on July 23, 2012 comes in at at about 2.5 uSv/hr which is far more than 20 times Los Angeles’s already high background. NOTE THAT BOTH the Brazilian and Canadian tests were done with the nuclear radiation monitors IN plastic bags meaning that these readings did not include the most dangerous form of radiation detected by the instruments: alpa. The readings would probably have been much higher out of the bags. From Brazil to Canada, radiation rains mean there is no longer safe haven in the Southern Hemisphere from the radiation nightmare that we call Fukushima Daiichi.]
Hello again Micheal. This crazy high radiation check comes from a friend in Encantado {southern Brazil}. There are no nuke plants or uranium mines anywhere near him. Sam has had high readings before so I asked him to try another street drain {Hence the title. “The other drain”}, just in case of spectics. Well as you will see the geiger really goes nuts when he’s just walking and holding it. That’s from the mist and light rain.
@Indigo: Yes, we have had reports of other deformed plants in the United States. Hopefully, folks here who have had similar manifestations will let us know about it. Please, Indigo, send me some photos of your Sunflowers at contact [at] enviroreporter.com. Other folks experiencing similar deformities are invited to send us photos of them as well. We will then write about it but we need to see your proofs, people.
I live in Santa Barbara.I have planted some Sunflowers, in my garden.
I noticed the other day,that most of them were badly deformed.
Has anyone else had this experience with any plants in their garden?
In researching the internet,I find similar deformities in plants grown near 3 Mile Island.
Has anyone else experienced deformed plants in their gardens?
I’m in Santa Barbara and we have a small garden.Almost all of the Sunflowers are deformed and I mean majorly deformed.I know that Sunflowers are used to pull radiation from the soil so I am thinking they are like the canary in that they are more sensitive and pick up radiation before other plants do.Anyone noticing deformities in their gardens?This really concerns me.I looked online and find similarities in plants grown near 3 Mile Island.I don’t have any readings for this area so I have no idea what is really going on.I’d appreciate any thoughts or info on this.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:45a EXT 52.0 CPM
7:55a INT 48.4 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a EXT 46.6 CPM
7:50a INT 48.2 CPM
The Japanese apparently intend to re-start reactors #5 and #6 because “they are killing TEPKO”. Is there no end to this financial insanity? This is like a variation on Pearl Harbor, all over again. The Japanese government seems to care nothing for their own people, much less the rest of the world. Somebody please make them stop!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.8 CPM
6:20a INT 48.9 CPM
Check out our new post Fracked which has, among other things, this interesting interview with yours truly and Fracking Chemical Cocktail. Comment over at that post if you will.
The July 23rd show with Jeff Rense and Michael Collins is a “must listen to”! Michael, you know how to bring the news to life. Thanks so much.
@POTR there is little oversight of municipal non-point source discharges and I would bet that St. Louis is one of the areas with the least amount of scrutiny by regional EPA. Before the documents disappear, someone might think about doing a FOIA and seeing what they’ve been up to in broad daylight with no concern for being caught. I found that one document just by Googling “St. Louis radiation” or something almost that simple.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG heavy overcast sky
6:10a EXT 49.2 CPM
6:20a INT 48.3 CPM
@SBlocal, Its likely the testing was performed because it is near a former Uranium processing location; but the source of the contamination is unknown.
The details of why the testing is going on now are unclear;I have not found any press releases, and I wager the only reason it is in the news is because a sewer worker tipped them off.
They say the radioactive material they found in the storm water drain is not moving; that means what they found is just remnants of what actually flowed through the system. Its like they found ketchup stuck on the inside of an old empty ketchup bottle, and use that find to infer that the bottle never held more ketchup than they found.
Finally, it is very interesting that they don’t provide the size of the area measured. Usually such measurements are done per 100 square centimeters. A sewer pipe is much larger than just 100cm2.
In the end, I’ll wager they just want the sewer workers to shut-up and just go back down the hole. I doubt they will do even cursory tests on any other storm drain locations; the fear of finding more radioactive contamination likely scares the crap out of the sewer district.
Although I had to leave without a geiger counter throughout the western states, I never left the conversation, both within myself, or with others. I have to say, from Ft. Collins Colorado, Arizona, South Dakota or Wyoming, people are aware of political forces, but are oblivious to the horrors of Fukushima fallout in their land, air and water. Interestingly, citizens in Ft Collins to whom I spoke, had no idea of the state their power plant was in last summer. This is how much power the plants have over the media in localities.
As I took note of the beautiful landscapes and wild animals, watched the waterfalls, rivers and lakes experienced by tourists and locals, what could I do but live in silence with the knowledge most people are not yet prepared to hold.
My own part in how I help others to accept their part in taking precautions seriously is being solemnly considered.
POTR: St. Louis has an old-fashioned combined sewer system (all or virtually all runoff combines with sewer water and goes to a treatment plant) which means that the source of the radioactive material could be anywhere.
Was the radioactive material found at the treatment plant or during water quality testing after an overflow into the Mississippi?
St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District allowed the DOE in 2001 to discharge radioactive substances as hauled waste to their sewer facility that were from remediation of the Weldon Spring Site in St. Charles that processed Uranium.
See this PDF detailing all of the radioactive substances they allowed:
Looks like a story that begs to be investigated.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG heavy overcast sky
6:10a EXT 52.9 CPM
6:20a INT 43.9 CPM
6:35a INT 53.1 CPM overnight dew sample taken from car
“Elevated Levels” of Radiation Found In Saint Louis Storm Water System
@David Crain: Since you don’t have a laboratory, of course, I’d suggest filtering a liter of water through a coffee filter and see if you pick up anything over background. For places where I haven’t wanted to get in the water or couldn’t but could reach it with, say, a broom, I’ve attached a sock to said broom and went dipping. Squeezed out some of the water and measured the wet sock. Sound primitive but it does the trick when you have an Inspector Alert like you do. Your documenting these measurements, along with the time/date/exact location on Pacifica’s beach, will help everyone watch to see if you’re impacted yet, by how much, and if the continuing testing yields an uptick in radioactivity. Thank you for your excellent Radiation Station Pacifica California, David.
@kay: Did you wear an N-95 mask? In Seasons Readings we detected 36 times background at a higher altitude (longer flight) and recently David Crain (see above) 48 times background on a similar length and altitude flight across the United States. That is a 33% increase in verifiable detections in half a year! Was some of what we detected, and what you detected, from hot particles: I would assume so because of the high numbers which are getting higher and hotter. According to calculations by Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the Fukushima No. 1 plant, a total of about 10 million becquerels per hour of radioactive cesium was being emitted from the No. 1 to No. 3 reactors as of June. Wearing N-95 masks won’t catch all the fallout folks are flying through, but it sure is a heck of a lot better than flying the unfriendly Fukushima skies with nothing on at all. Obviously the best way not to fly through the goo is to stay out of airplanes altogether.
I just traveled from Quito, ecuador to Cuenca, ecuador. Flight time is only about 35 minutes. I had my Inspector plus with me, and noted that airport and surrounding area background radiation was measuring between 40 and 60 cpm. It actually went down during takeoff, the climbed to 350 counts per minute at maximun, for sustained-5-10 minute Periods. I showed the flight attendant and told him in my broken Spanish that it could be dangerous. That was over 7X background and I was sorry I had not worn my mask this time-was it very dangerous? Were there likely hot particles this far South-close to the equator? He heard information about Fukushima and radiation for the first time and was very grateful when I gave him your, jeff rense’s and another website to research from.The other flight attendants were also very interested, and asked me questions. Some people do want to be awake-they just aren’t exposed to the truth. Thanks to you and all who are trying to give this valuable information to our brothers and sisters who choose to listen, sometimes at great personal expense. Thank you Michael and Denise. Kayanna
July 23, 2012: Iffy Stanford University study on Fukushima cancers, new Japanese gov tests of radioactive Pacific fish, 300 hot Japanese cars caught by Russian customs, tragic video of Japanese nursery school close to meltdowns site and more in fast-paced half-hour show where a patient Jeff can’t get a word in edgewise due to Michael’s ability to talk nonstop for 23 minutes without taking a breath. This is the first (and last) Michael Blabberthon.
retest of my exterior in Ventura, thankfully down a bit. 10 min. average: 47.3
Gray with a light mist in Ventura: 54.1
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a EXT 49.6 CPM
6:20a INT 47.9 CPM
The last comment I made was a month ago after returning from my trip to Little Rock (via Dallas/Ft Worth). Since then I have been taking weekly readings in my local environment and am happy to report no change above “normal” background radiation level. My FileMaker DB is updated. Datalink is on Pacifica Station page, http://pacificastation.net/
I am not too sure about the reliability of my water samples. Doesn’t water block most radiation? Even if the sample had contaminates how much radiation would you pick up if blocked by the water surrounding it? I want to learn best in class methods for using my InspectorPlus radiation detector. Please comment.
Exterior, gray skies in Ventura: 51.2
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 48.8 CPM
6:20a INT 47.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:10p EXT 48.6 CPM
8:20p INT 47.0 CPM
Sunrise at Fuku. Through the FOG Video #5
TEPCO ‘live’ Web Cam
Early morning July 22nd in Japan:
Heavy emissions…
Unit #1 roof, and ‘the pit’ at Unit #3.
(Screen Shots with Filter View)
reference: my screenshots are from this video –
“The machine does not isolate us from the great problems of nature but plunges us more deeply into them.”
– Antoine de Saint Exupéry writer/poet (early 1900’s)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a EXT 53.9 CPM
7:50a INT 50.0 CPM
@biggee – Thanks for the welcome and the information. I will scope out your videos and incorporate into my testing.
Thunderstorms around all day.Finally 1 went over from West to East for over 1/2 hr.The West to East carry the higher counts on average….7/20/12
367.4 CPM @ 6:17 pm
30.2 CPM background @ 6:28pm [Editor: 12.17 times background!]
NO dirt on sample.Pure rainwater….
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 53.2 CPM
6:20a INT 49.4 CPM
@ simi-rich…1st let me say Welcome!as another much needed Radiation station.If you look at (8 other radiation stations on this website) here I am RADIATION STATION HARRISBURG NC.Go there and LINK to my youtube and see my tests.They are older as I have not added in awhile….or search youtube…..jgrayovski…..
I use a paper napkin folded over twice held with metal tongues swiping my outside car…Sample is flattened on 2 paper plates.I use ALL 10 min tests with Inspector+.Get the Inspector as close as possible WITHOUT touching sample as Not to contaminate…I make the test @ my kitchen table and THEN make a 2nd test in SAME spot for a 10 min background test…IF you go to my youtube and watch the tests it will make it simpler..Any more questions please dont hesitate to ask….biggee
biggee – as I am a novice with an incredibly cool and valuable tool, I am always trying to learn to take the best measurements. I’ve learned quite a lot from everyone on these boards – so thank you all!
My question is – how are you taking your measurement during the thunderstorm? Are you wetting a paper towel and measuring inside or are you actually taking your measurement outside in some fashion?
Any insight is much appreciated!
Yesterdays 7/18/12 thunder shower report
149.7 CPM & 7:00 pm
30.8 CPM backgrnd @ 7:11
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 65.9 CPM – rainwater sample taken over a paper towel wiped from car windshield
6:20a EXT 51.5 CPM
6:30a INT 48.7 CPM
A wide-range of topics covered with radioactive bluefin tuna in the Pacific indicating high contamination in West Coast fisheries for over a year with levels likely increasing; streets in Tokyo so hot they measure hundreds of times different intensities just crossing them; National Academy of Sciences panel on Fukushima lessons packed with nuclear industry reps sparking outrage at this taxpayer-funded event that repeats the mistakes just outlined in a Japanese government report on Fukushima: nuclear industry compromising the regulatory bodies designed to keep them in check and safe. Runkle Canyon update with KB Home facing off against the residents at a planning commission meeting sabotaged by fauxteur illegally taping commissioners.
Thank you, Kim. You and Simi Rich really have us nicely covered in Ventura County which is a good indicator of what LA County downwind is going to get. And here it so again:
7:30pmm 10-minute INTERIOR REMNANTS TROPICAL STORM FABIO FIRST RAINS SAMPLE: 47.3^ CPM = background but also shows how Radiation Station Santa Monica rain samples are not impacted by radon progeny due to geology and proximity to Pacific.
7:15pm 10-minute INTERIOR average background: 47.5 CPM^
Few spits of rain in Ventura, CA.
Wiped off a clean toy left outside and tested the barely damp paper towel for 10 minutes.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:15a EXT 47 CPM
6:25a INT 50.6 CPM
Drudgereport has linked to the the following RT story about dangerous levels of radioactive ocean water heading for the West Coast. All Drudge has to do is read Enviroreporter.com!
Cloudy morning in Ventura, CA: 45.8
sherman oaks, ca
7:30am INT 36.4 CPM
7:45am EXT 36.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a EXT 47.3 CPM
6:20a INT 45.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:15a EXT 49.1 CPM
6:25a INT 48.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:50p EXT 46.9 CPM
8:00p INT 44.4 CPM
Any readings from thunder storms in Yellowstone, idaho Falls or the Tetons? lots of rain. Bad timing for a road trip if readings are high.
Thunder and lightening storm (highly unusual for B.C.) lots of rain (the usual)
interior background (1 hour avg) 33 cpm
rain swipe (i hour avg) 33 cpm
for 7/13/12…moderate downpour 25min..storms from S to N direction
118.4 CPM @ 5:23 pm
30.5 CPM background @ 5:33 pm
10 min. exterior in Ventura: 45.7
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:25a EXT 49.4 CPM
7:35a INT 48.7 CPM
sherman oaks, ca
11:30am INT 40.0 CPM
11:45am EXT 44.4 CPM
9:10am 10-minute INTERIOR TROPICAL STORM FABIO LIGHT RAIN SAMPLE: 45.5^ CPM which is within Inspector Alert’s +/-15% margin of error = background
8:50am 10-minute INTERIOR average background: 48.8 CPM^
follow up test of same saturated rainwater swipe from last night:
8:30am 40.4 CPM 10 min avg(alas a return to background??)
new vehicle surface rainwater swipe from friday the 13th:
8:50am 171.4 CPM 10 min avg
@all rad readers THANK YOU. The evidence builds.
Fukushima Daiichi, a different view. Seeing through the fog.
A compilation video I did of the last several weeks worth of Screen Shot Photos. Some are from the Ranch Hope Cam #2 (10 miles from Fuku on zoom) and some are from the TEPCO CAM.
As you watch the video you’ll see the ‘ORIGINAL Photo’ followed by the ‘Enhanced’ effect photo.(some with additional zoom) It is sort of like seeing through the fog.
I thought the purple lightning shots from a ‘nuckelchen’ youtube video capture were very interesting too. “It looks like HELL to me!”
It is what it is…
(Live instrumental music sound track by my band “Out Of Passion”)
Note: To be clear, I do believe the zoom shots from the Hope Cam 2 show some camera zoom fog distortion. However, I also think that it also shows the additional releases coming up from Fukushima.
“Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
6:10a EXT 48.9 CPM
6:20a INT 45.9 CPM
from ‘Sizzling’ Oaks, CA
after a one hour july downpour from 8:30 to 9:30pm, I employed potrblogs ‘vehicle surface rainwater swipe’ procedure. I performed the test through one layer of plastic wrap.
10:00pm 705.4 CPM 5 min AVG
10:20pm 573.0 CPM 10min AVG
10:30pm 393.6 CPM 10min AVG
10:45pm 329.6 CPM 10min AVG
9:55pm 10-minute INTERIOR TROPICAL STORM FABIO LIGHT RAIN SAMPLE: 81.4 CPM which is 177% of background HIGHER
9:35pm 10-minute INTERIOR average background: 46.0 CPM
Glendale, CA: Same rain sample after 30 minutes, 61.7 CPM, down from 84.2 CPM.
Light rain in Glendale, CA. Ten minute average 84.2 CPM, background is 37.5. That’s 2.25 times background, a little warm rain tonight!
@Kim: No sprinkles here. Precipitation, no matter what form, is very valuable to measure, even morning dew where you are, Kim, as our monitoring of buckyball infusion is of paramount importance.
Michael, we didn’t really get any more sprinkles to test. Only had time for a spot check this morning, but it didn’t seem elevated. ? What did you find?
sherman oaks ca
3:30pm INT 42.2 CPM
3:45pm EXT 44.4 CPM
overcast 90F 62% humidity.
no precipitation other than a sporadic drop that isnt measurable.
Heavy shower for 20 min….7/11/12
172.8 CPM @ 10 min count..4;13 pm
36.1 CPM background @ 4;25 pm
Light, spotty rain in Ventura, CA.
Spot check shows air readings in the high 30s– low for us.
Spot check on wet plant was in the 40s.
Spot check on damp dog, also around 40.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky, overnight sprinkles
6:10a EXT 54.5 CPM
6:20a INT 45 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:05a EXT 52.9 CPM
6:15a INT 48.2 CPM
sherman oaks, ca
11:20pm INT 42.4 CPM
11:30pm EXT 39.2 CPM
10 min. exterior in Ventura, CA: 50.1
@Michael thanks for the link to your excellent analysis on Rense. I looked up articles about the ocean radiation doubling in five years and the article itself. Here’s the take-away for me: “We also did not model biological processes which might lead to accumulation of 137Cs in areas of high biological productivity, and potentially affect vertical tracer distributions due to adherence to sinking particles.”
To contexualize this for readers: this study is nothing more than a design study of fluid dynamics of an imaginary design plume. In pollutant runoff characterization even the world’s experts cannot determine what happens to known pollutants as they are washed via rain within a bounded urban area to a given water body destination because there are too many unknown variables and complex interdependencies. The amount of pollutants and their concentrations are unknown, what happens when they interact with other chemical and physical constituents in a given environment is unknown, what happens in the water column is unknown, what happens when chemicals switch between being dissolved and suspended solids (yes, they can switch), the temperature of the water changes everything as it varies throughout the water column, gross solids and biological life change everything, etc.
In other words, you can “model” people living in utopian colonies on Mars and it’s rightly called science fiction, but for some reason, if you model fictive radiation transport in the ocean, it’s called “science” (or bad science) but it’s not called science fiction, which it is.
If we can’t predict an El Nino or La Nina — both stemming from observable ocean current oscillations — from one year to the next, how could a fluid dynamics model possibly tell us anything about where the radiation is going/diluting/etc?
Good science would, at the micro level, be sampling the ocean every day for the foreseeable future, and at the gross level, using remote sensing instruments to track the actual plumes.
Here’s the thing: I bet we’re already tracking the plumes — what the hell have we been spending trillions on since the Cold War/military industrial complex was established if NOT TO HAVE NIFTY TECHNOLOGY TO DO THIS VERY THING (especially on the West Coast)? So North Korea could sneak up and nuke us from submarines off the Coast and we wouldn’t be able to follow it? No, I think rather, tracking moving radioactive targets in the Pacific Ocean is our unique specialty but the government isn’t showing us our money.
Are there any engineers out there who would care to enlighten us as to our specific on the ground capabilities for tracking radioactive plumes in the Pacific? If we don’t have this kind of technology in spades, we should all quit being Americans because that’s the only goal our country has pursued for the past 60 years. Show us the money or make us the laughingstock of the world.
SBLocal, I will be happy to test anything. We can meet up, or I can try to get some samples, too. I agree… what’s left? 🙁
How long until UC Berkeley’s BRAWN team jumps all over almonds and gives us the Banana Equivalent Dose (BED), after all they are in-BED’ed in the nuclear industry.
One thing that won’t be addressed is if the Cesium came from the irrigation or the manure; there are lots of questions that flow from that.
July 9, 2012: 45-minute show discussing new Pacific Ocean rad contamination predictions, radioactive California almonds & Rep. Markey’s warning of NRC nuclear plant safety culture of complacency aided by American apathy. Collins notes that the study predicting double the radiation in the Pacific Ocean within five years is probably much lower than actual currents and radiation levels dictate. Rense predicts five to ten times the radiation in a year to two years, a scenario Collins agrees is much more likely.
@Michael and Kim: Would it be worthwhile to test freshly ground and/or almond butter in a jar? I’ve been worrying about this myself as we consume lots of almond butter and almond milk. What’s left? Isn’t hemp (for hemp milk) grown in Canada, and rice grown in California as well? Are there any safe nuts (e.g. grown outside of CA)? Peanuts have aflatoxin, so we avoid them.
@Michael, please let us know what you decide about the almonds, and implications for other foods.
Mammoth Lakes, CA, 10 min. exterior avg, 7-7-12: 66.5
Mammoth, 7-9-12: 67.2
Remember that Mammoth is at 8000+ feet.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a EXT 49.0 CPM
6:20a INT 51.6 CPM
Perhaps the above sheds light on the hot almonds (track high counts for Bakersfield, Kern County, California). This is where the nuts are grown (also, see below)
@roundabout: The cesium-134 and cesium-137 found in the almonds almost certainly wasn’t from air deposition – this detection strongly suggests that rain hot from Fukushima has entered the food chain to the degree that it has made it into the nuts of this crop at a significant level. Denise and I will be studying these numbers and deciding whether to continue to purchase almond milk or not. Almond milk is mostly made up of water which is an effective shield against radiation detection. Our measuring the product without evaporating a significant amount of it first and then testing in a lead-shielded assemblage like Potrblog has may now be worthless.
@ALL: Our cover story feature “A Radioactive Nightmare – Government turns a blind eye as fallout from Fukushima heads our way” was just published in the Pasadena Weekly at http://www.pasadenaweekly.com/cms/story/detail/radioactive_nightmare/11337/. Comment there to show the newspaper the concern you have about the issue – your comments influence editors to stay on stories. Make yours count.
@potrblog; thank you for the almond update. This is one of central California’s premier crops. I understand that cesium loves to cling to bark in trees. The runoff from the central California’s agriculture is I am sure full of Fukushima as well as our own pesticides.
Anyone have any readings for exterior Grover Beach area?
California Almonds now fortified with Cs-137 and Cs-134
reported by
H/t to Rense
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:50a EXT 54.8 CPM
8:00a INT 45.6 CPM
8:10a EXT secondary reading: 50.7 CPM
Screen shots I took from the live ustream Ranch Hope cam #2.
This #2 camera is located 10 miles away and is zoomed in on the Fukushima Nuclear Plant.
I am using a simple photo ‘effect’ filter which sees the minor differences our eyes cannot see due to the fogginess.
Screen Shot: 7-7-2012 7:47 pm pacific time
1. Original – https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/Rad%20Ustream%20Pulse%20086.JPG
2. Filtered – https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/Rad%20Ustream%20Pulse%20087.JPG
3. Filtered zoom – https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/Rad%20Ustream%20Pulse%20087z1.JPG
I have never seen lightning do this.
From video of Live TEPCO Web cam.
(credit enenews user nuckelchen video capture)
Screen shots of ‘unique’ lightning:
(no filters, that really is the sky’s color)
A. wide view – https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/Rad%20TepCam%20Light%20Bolt%20002.JPG
B. zoomed.! – https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/Rad%20TepCam%20Light%20Bolt%20001.JPG
Zapped a good one! How SAFE is that?
12x Background Radiation In 7/8/12 STL Storms
sherman oaks, ca
8:20pm EXT 41.6 CPM
8:30pm INT 35.4 CPM
Simi Valley, CA
8:05a EXT clear sky 10 MIN avg: 52.1 CPM
8:15a INT 10 MIN avg: 47.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA
7:35a EXT clear sky 10 MIN avg: 51 CPM
7:45a INT 10 MIN avg: 46.4 CPM
ALERT! Solar Proton Spallation Event Watch
@Potrblog: First off, Denise and I are very very impressed and delighted with your new live-streaming radiation detection station in the St. Louis area. You have been a fount of excellent information since Day One of this triple-meltdown disaster and everything you have done is groundbreaking and of tremendous value such as, citing just one example, your costly – but worth every penny – lead block setup with an additional two radiation monitors for isotope identification and decay analysis. Plus you are in a crucial location in the Midwest in the track of most of the Fukushima-fallout drenched Jet Stream. Yours is a must-view everyday website.
Yes, it does seem unusual for the Fukushima chatter to pick up at this point, print media-wise, but the road to these breakthroughs has been arduous. My long and fruitful relationships with the Ventura County Reporter and the Pasadena Weekly, both part of the Southland Publishing chain, has been helpful in getting this material published, however, it took months for the first break as, naturally, the editor was nervous about how the issue affected Ventura. But then came along the kelp and blue fin tuna stories which really drove (swam?) the point home. Then it became easier, I believe, for other publications to realize that not only was this material acceptable, it was and is one of the biggest stories facing this country (which I certainly don’t have to tell you or our vibrant community of raddies).
The resistance continues but our recent winning of best “Website – News Organization – Exclusive to the Internet” award at the Southern California Journalism Awards held by the Los Angeles Press Club helped codify that not only is this material important, it really rocks. BTW, for both of us, this is the most important award we’ve won as it recognizes the website which is far more than recognizing just us: it is you and the folks concerned enough to levitate their posteriors to do something about Fukushima fallout in North America. We all won this major award together.
Not only does this recognition make it more palatable for print media editors to pick up on this the most important (and disasterous) story of our recent times, it hopefully encourages other journalists to cover the same issue because it has proven to be a winner. We also hope that it encourages our readers to spend a moment or two telling these publications just how important this information is to them so as to encourage further reporting on this subject. Editors, like mine at the papers and Denise at EnviroReporter.com, really gauge just how important a subject is by this feedback. Every letter represents a multitude of silent people’s feelings on the matter, so the thinking has always been even before the Internet. So readers,please write comments at the end of these (only two so far) print media articles.
All of that said, this coverage in the mainstream will not be easy as the pushback is substantial and we will not continue to have this level of success without your actual support and donations.
Thank you, Potrblog, for asking this question and for the stellar work you are doing. You are an exceptional and patriotic American who we feel honored to know.
@Michael Collins, any insight into why the information is starting to get some print coverage? It seems a little bit unusual for the “chatter” to pick up at this point in the rolling disaster known as Fukushima. (and “good reporting” is not an acceptable response from the author 🙂
sherman oaks, ca
11:00am EXT 37.6 CPM
11:10am INT 41.0 CPM
Readings from Simi Valley, CA
8:00a EXT overcast sky 10 MIN average: 46.2 CPM
8:10a INT 10 MIN average: 48.9 CPM
Live Saint Louis Outdoor Radiation Monitor
It’s still experimental
Readings from Simi Valley:
7:50a EXT overcast sky 10 MIN average: 51 CPM
8:00a INT 10 MIN average: 45.5 CPM
@Chase and Denise Anne thanks for bringing this topic up. My home phone and internet service were turned off a few days after I commented about 3/11 on a smaller regional newsweekly’s website (not in CA). I had to have a phone company tech come out and he said my phone and internet service had been physically turned off. I also recently got an email virus just as my website posts have increased and I’m doing really basic research on the military industrial complex. It’s good to have back up systems. Sad that we have to wonder if we are being targeted via websites and search terms.
Hi Chase, I have run the site through several deep scans, we have a membership with Sucuri and their team also says our site is squeaky clean. I submitted a notice to Google to remove the notice, it may take awhile for Google to reindex everything. There is absolutely nothing awry with the site now so the notice is quite perplexing.
I would be interested to know more about the, ‘This site may be compromised’, google message. I know the question is a bit off topic, but it still affects the big picture.
The ability to apply that message is a very powerful thing.
I know that if a site was compromised or had malware or whatever I would certainly be glad that message was there. But, if it’s false, the ramifications could be horrendous.
I would think that a record of who or why the ‘may be compromised’ switch got flipped should exist. Is it automated? How long to get it removed? I am sure you have asked yourself these questions and more.
Can google be held liable, so to speak, for it’s mistakes?
Anyway, Michale and Denise and the Enviro Team, have a great 4th of July. Keep up the fight on ALL fronts.
Everybody… break the silence.
From Aug 28th, 2011
“Never Forget!”
【検証動画】作業員がカメラに指差し(等倍:後半) ( :40 sec )
sherman oaks, ca
11:30am INT 37CPM
11:40am EXT 42CPM
Paul Gunter of Beyond Nuclear announces that independent studies of radio-active fallout from Fukushima are now being done, and that the results are to be published by the press. Evidentally Mr. Gunter hasn’t heard of enviro-reporter yet, but,Michael,I hope that he soon will.
Misty 4th of July morning in Ventura. A 2 min. spot check shows readings in the 40s.
Try to have a nice holiday, friends.
Happy Independence Day to all!
Readings from Simi Valley:
8:00a EXT overcast sky 10 MIN average: 46.2 CPM
8:10a INT 10 MIN average: 48.2 CPM
Rain showers have been around us but not ON us.Have 1 report from 6/24/12 to add….10 min shower/dried fast 5:10pm
198.9 CPM
37.1 CPM background
Saw this on the local news last night here in Charlotte NC.Caught my eye because its a couple hours south of me in SC.A company in NJ wants to ship to a large landfill there 300 train car loads of RADIOACTIVE soil to be buried there .Looks like a “can of worms” I wonder how much Radioactive material is Buried in our landfills? All about $$$$!! Read the article
@Michale Collins and SBC Local; Thanks for the webarticles, and abstract. Heads up on the July 4th plumage.
Seaweed watch; Strolling around Macy’s today, stopped in at one of the beauty counters. Ack, seaweed in the 175.00 jar of beauty creams. From “seaweed, down at the bottom of the sea, we dig for it.” Yikes!!! That’s too heavy for me, and at any price, too high a price! Watch for the natural seaweed creams as well. Too bad, because I loved my all natural seaweed cream… it worked!
Emergency MELTDOWN Generators Shutdown: It’s TOO DANG HOT at the Nuclear Plant
@SBLocal: “Little is known…” begins this abstract. We wrote about perchlorate in fireworks in 2009 in a two-parter called Hell’s Bells and Up In Smoke. So, this Fourth of July, stay upwind of the fireworks smoke of all kinds just like Dawn Wilde says.

@Chase: that’s a brilliant technique. I hope someone can post here and tell us what it is we’re seeing in the images – e.g. continuing radiation leakage or new radiation leakage.
@Roundabout: Fireworks are extremely toxic from chemicals and heavy metals and have been banned in areas where they can impact large natural water bodies. We should be so lucky. See this recent paper abstract below:
Characterisation of particulate exposure during fireworks displays
Alexandre Jolya,Audrey Smargiassib,Tom Kosatskyd,
Michel Fourniere, Ewa Dabek-Zlotorzynskaf,Valbona Celof,
David Mathieuf, René Servranckxg, Réal D’amoursg,
Alain Malog, Jeffrey Brookf
Little is known about the level and content of exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) among persons who attend fireworks displays and those who live nearby. An evaluation of the levels of PM2.5 and their elemental content was carried out during the nine launches of the 2007 Montréal International Fireworks Competition. For each event, a prediction of the location of the firework plume was obtained from the Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) of the Meteorological Service of Canada. PM2.5 was measured continuously with a photometer (Sidepak™, TSI) within the predicted plume location (“predicted sites”), and integrated samples were collected using portable personal samplers. An additional sampler was located on a nearby roof (“fixed site”). The elemental composition of the collected PM2.5 samples from the “predicted sites” was determined using both a non-destructive energy dispersive ED-XRF method and an ICP-MS method with a near-total microwave-assisted acid digestion. The elemental composition of the “fixed site” samples was determined by the ICP-MS with the near-total digestion method. The highest PM2.5 levels reached nearly 10 000 μg m−3, roughly 1000 times background levels. Elements such as K, Cl, Al, Mg and Ti were markedly higher in plume-exposed filters. This study shows that 1) persons in the plume and in close proximity to the launch site may be exposed to extremely high levels of PM2.5 for the duration of the display and, 2) that the plume contains specific elements for which little is known of their acute cardio-respiratory toxicity.
Readings from Simi Valley:
6:15a EXT overcast sky 10 MIN average: 47.4 CPM
6:12a INT 10 MIN average: 51.1 CPM
The contrast of these screen shots shows up an unbelievable look at Fukushima’s Death Machines.
I took the *original screen shot with a bird in middle. You can tell these are the same shot because you can see the bird outline.
*Original – https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/Rad%20Ustream%20Pulse%20001.jpg
Posterized – https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/Rad%20Ustream%20Pulse%20002.jpg
Chalked – https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/Rad%20Ustream%20Pulse%20003.jpg
Watercolor – https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/Rad%20Ustream%20Pulse%20004.jpg
The sensitivity of the photo program picks up the subtle or not subtle differences. hmmm…?
Screen shot taken at approximately 11:40 pacific time July 2, 2012. From an individuals ustream web cam with Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants in the distance.
[transalted: live camera that is installed in “(Namie farm ranch M) ranch of Hope” at the point of Namie-machi, Fukushima Prefecture, 14 km from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant ]
What exactly are we seeing?
Looks like it’s radiating to me.
If I remember correctly, Denise, Percholate is one of those toxic substances that won a Toxies Award, correct? Well, I am curious what the air quality will be after the fireworks on the Fourth of July since percholate is diffused from these (which affects the thyroid). I don’t believe this is “radiation” per se, but given the Toxies Awards, I thought I would mention it, and wonder about any change in air readings.
Simi Valley – drop from yesterday.
6:05a EXT clear sky 10 MIN average: 46.1 CPM
6:15a INT 10 MIN average: 46.6 CPM
@Chase, agreed, but the prediction is that if SFP #4 goes the entire northern hemisphere is toast. Last night it was reported by the Wall Street Journal that SFP #4 had until Tuesday before its temperature (unaided by a cooling system) would exceed some safety standard. This news was interpreted by readers as meaning “the end”. Next it was reported (on Enenews) that different sources had claimed the temperature was rising twice as fast as first reported. This is crazy-making. Clearly if TEPCO’s modus operandi is to lie then you know you can’t trust them. So where does this leave us? Is Tuesday the beginning of the end? I’m not trying to be dramatic, just wondering if anyone else has better sources.
@Kim; Yes I check the jetstream daily. Each morning and you are right, it has looked great the last few days. Pollen, buckey balls, San Onofre? Who knows. I keep taking my supplements and use my hepa filters. The earthquakes around Honshu Japan seems like they are becoming more numerous.
@SBLocal I did see the reports about SPF4 (Spent Fuel Pool).
What I would say about information from TEPCO.
1. What are they not saying?
2. Why are they saying it now?
3. They have admittedly lied in the past about details like, MELTDOWNS!
So, to more directly answer your question regarding whether the cooling system has been fixed as reported. I would say, “Who knows?”.
I think the whole Fukushima site is spewing ‘goo’ and looking worse daily. That I do know.
@Roundabut & Kim: the jet hasn’t been anywhere near us for several days (you can check the jet stream archive to see exactly how long). This means there is another source for the rising readings. Some possibilities: local pollen, pollen and/or dust being blown across the Pacific not via jet stream, radioactive Bucky balls. Anyone have a theory?
More importantly, did anyone else stay up late last night watching the Enenews website thinking we were on the precipice of disaster with the primary cooling system for SFP #4 out and the UPS back up system out, and the temperature rising? According to sources today, the UPS system was bypassed and cooling is working again. Do we know this is true? WTF!! I was thinking last night this is like living through the Bay of Pigs.
@Michael and Denise!!! Congratulations on your journalism honors!!! I am so happy for you both!!!
@SBLocal; I read early on that pollen does carry radionucleotides. Read it last year when concern was around cherry blossom season.
Another 5.something near Honshu Japan today. Watch “near Honshu Japan”, on the USGS, that is where the 9.0 occurred 3/11/11. Very busy area indeed.
@Kiim and SimiRich; Your readings lend a new meaning to “creepy”. Yikes! Let’s hope for a downturn.
Have a good week everyone, stay safe.
7:35a EXT clear sky 10 MIN average: 55.6 CPM
7:45a INT desk 10 MIN average: 49.9 CPM
Ventura exterior (10 min): 53.8
changed locations in yard, tested again: 48.1
By the way, I went back and looked at my notes from when we first got our Inspector, which was Oct, 2011. For what it’s worth, we had many days at 50+ in the first couple of months of testing, and many in the high 40s. So, while I hate seeing my reading come up over 50 certainly, we’re not dramatically above where we’ve been at my house.
Dear Denise and Michael,
My very warmest CONGRATULATIONS on your so totally deserved journalism 1st place award that you have just received for this internet web site that is so very important to all of us! I am just so very grateful that the world of journalism agrees that you have both been filling an unbelievable news gap by what you have been doing on a daily basis.
As you know, it has been distressingly and incredibly unbelievable to me that all of the major newspapers and TV programs have not been interested, so far, in much beyond some contaminated blue-fin tuna. I can only hope and pray that this will be the very worst of it, and that we can all dream on. Meanwhile, thank God for the Enviro-reporter, and for both of you!
@potrblog I do not believe this is a camera dot caused by radiation. I am very familiar with what those look like.
If you watch the ‘live’ video it’s obvious there is something interacting with the top of the crane that’s located inside the vapor cloud.
More like a blue lighting ball.
Others have suggested it is radioactive isotopes interacting against the metal of the crane.
I think it’s this.
Cherencov radiation:
Also suggested: Possibly… a huge amount of ionized gases, forming plasma, and this blue light could be from nitrogen ions in it. Metal objects with their free electrons and ions are suitable targets for recombination.
In either of these cases the electronics on the crane would be highly suspect for damaged.
Here’s the links again with times.
Screen Shot:
Tepco Web Cam time 2012-06-29 20:59:59
Fuku1live video:
See Video Time – @29:52 (exactly)
btw – TEPCO is reporting as of this morning, (Saturday), that it has lost the ability to pump water to SPF4. The temp is rising at about 1 degree per hour. Currently at 31 c.
The Tepco Web Cam looks horrible. Steam/Vapors/Gases of all colors, spewing into our atmosphere. 🙁
7:25a EXT clear sky 10 MIN average: 51.8 CPM
7:35a INT desk 10 MIN average: 51.5 CPM
Ventura, 9:20 p.m.: 50.3
O beautiful for zenon skies,
For strontium waves of grain,
For Santa Susana Mountain travesties
Above the poisoned plain!
America! America!
Fill in the blanks for the rest. Happy 4th raddies!
EnviroReporter Best 2011 Online News Organization Website at 2012 LA Press Club Gala
EnviroReporter.com wins First Place for “Website – News Organization – Exclusive to the Internet” at the 54th Annual Southern California Journalism Awards Gala Dinner was held at the Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles June 24, 2012. The win for the website is a strong affirmation that our coverage of the ongoing Fukushima meltdowns is valued by alternative and mainstream media. The team of Denise Anne Duffield and Michael Collins, who serve as editor and reporter respectively for the website, also placed in the competition for Online Journalist of the Year and Online Investigative series also for their radiation contamination in North America work.
@Chase, the red and blue dots on the TEPCO camera are from Beta Radiation and the small white dots are from gamma radiation. Tepco put a Nalgene radiation shield around the camera, which should block most of the Betas; its possible that the radioactive gasses have worked their way into the camera housing.
see this video for an example of how different types of radioactivity affect cameras.
Regarding creeping averages: I wonder what the potential seasonal effects are? Pollen this past spring seemed to be down because we’ve had a really dry year in Southern California, but now that we’re into summer, it’s a different pollen season (ragweed, grasses?, etc.). Is that carrying additional radionuclides?
@potrblog; Thanks for the grassfed grass finished definition on your video. Learned a lot. ALso, I ditto that the pursuit of life and liberty as stated in the Declaration of Independence should be remembered this July 4th. Especially though it should enhance our resolve to demand that our government be forthright about the real nuclear catastrophe taking place.
@Michael; Ditto, the readings are inching up.
Thanks all for the replies on cpm readings.
Maybe this is part of the reason we’re slowly accumulating/increasing?
Captured BIG BLUE Spark. Check this out.
I started watching this Tepco Web Cam video at about 15:30 in.
“Yikes and wow!”, I thought.
Then, I saw a BIG BLUR SPARK toward the end.
“That’s amazing!!”, I said out loud.
@ potrblog or anybody
What is it? Any thoughts?
SEE Screen Shot:
Blue Sparkly Times:
Tepco Web Cam time 2012-06-29 20:59:59
Video Time – @29:52 (exactly)
Slightly higher readings this morning from Simi Valley.
6:05a EXT clear sky 10 MIN average: 54 CPM
6:15a INT desk 10 MIN average: 52 CPM
@Chase, At Radiation Station, Glendale, I’ve seen some minor spikes, but the nature of radioactive decay is that it has some randomness. The typical mean here at the Glendale Radiation Station is 35 CPM. Even though I run HEPA filters at my home, I do open the window near the radiation detector nearly every day, especially in the summer. So I don’t think that this detector’s location is in a especially clean or filtered environment.
From a statistical point of view, radioactive decay is a Poisson distribution. One should expect the readings to vary two standard deviations around the mean 95% of the time. One standard deviation is approximately the square root of of the count per unit time, in this case, about 6. So, 95% of the time the CPM at the Glendale Radiation Station should stay within 12 counts of the mean, or, between 23 and 47.
That said, Glendale is 15 miles further inland than Santa Monica or Ventura. So, I would expect any extra radiation coming from the potential U60 buckyball sea spray to show up near the coast first.
The important thing is that the Enviroreporter’s “Raddie Corps” is always watching. We know what the baseline radiation level is because we measure it all the time and have it well documented.
Radioactive Cesium and Grass Fed Beef: Our Choice for Independence Day
TEPCO is bankrupt and the company is now nationalized.
@Chase: They appear to inching their way up.
@all rad cpm readers
Is it just me or do the overall readings from So. Cal. seem to be slowly ‘inching’ their way up or are they staying about the same?
Are there more periodic spikes?
What’s the ‘general’ observation on this?
What is the data telling us.. anything?
What would the graph look like?
Ventura, CA, 10 min. average: 53.1
Very sad article – w/videos – on very highly radioactive ‘dirt’ in Tokyo. This dirt has been seen all over Japan. Speculations as to whether it is ash from burning radioactive materials or algae, et cetera..
6:15a EXT clear sky 10 MIN average: 49.3 CPM
6:25a INT desk 10 MIN average: 48.9 CPM
@David, The TSA says the scanning machines are safe, but I suspect there are times when they go out of calibration, and could deliver too much radiation. Recently, I read of instances in one of our local hospitals where X-ray machines delivered very high doses of radiation unintentionally, because they were out of calibration and/or operated incorrectly. So, if it can happen in a hospital, with X-Ray techs and nurses operating them, what do we expect will happen when the TSA operates the airport scanners? And, if they ever did go out of calibration, or were operated incorrectly, do you think the TSA would tell us about it? Not likely. I think everyone going in the scanners should wear a patch dosimeter, so you would know if you got too much energy beamed at you. Too late for you, of course, but at least we would know what’s going on. And, it would make a great story for Enviroreporter.com!
Reduce Your Cesium Fallout Uptake, Choose 100% GRASS FED Beef
@David Crain; Thank you for the readings, and for the latest personal experience with the scanners and resistance to perform the patdown. Hopefully the pregnant woman held out and didn’t scan. Very strange times we are living in. The readings are extremely high in planes. Hopefully the trains will resist TSA for awhile longer, and people can enjoy a mostly radfree train, albeit it is slower.
6:15a EXT clear sky 10 MIN average: 49.8 CPM
6:25a INT desk 10 MIN average: 44.7 CPM
On a trip to Little Rock, AR from San Francisco, June 2012, I took some readings on the leg between San Francisco (SFO) and Dallas, TX (DFW), both directions. The outgoing CPM measured on the ground and again at landing were very close (~21cpm) and inflight at cruising altitude 48 times that value (1028cpm). The return trip ground reading at departure was ~30cpm and two samples inflight were 752cpm and 760cpm respectively, 25 times ground reading. When normalized to 21cpm this reading is 36 times reference.
I found the first leg results interesting in that my in-plane ground samples were so close together and lower compared to my RadStation background readings (benchmark = 33cpm). My return trip did not allow for readings upon landing but at departure was closer to this benchmark. Here is my data:
Round Trip San Francisco to Little Rock
SFO-DFW Sample
RECORD – 6/21/20@10:09:13 am
BG – 21.4 cpm
Timed – 60 min
TEST – 1028 cpm
VAR – 48.0
BG CPM measured on ground, in the plane, before takeoff and again on landing (+/- .2 cpm)
37k cruise altitude announced at departure
Return Trip
DFW-SFO Sample 1
RECORD – 6/25/2012@12 1:41 pm
BG – 30.0 cpm
Timed – 60 min
TEST – 752.8 cpm
VAR – 25.1
DFW-SFO Sample 2
RECORD – 6/25/2012@3:44 pm
BG – 30.0 cpm
Int – 30 min
CPM – 760.3
VAR – 25.3
36k cruise altitude announced at departure
BG CPM measured on ground, in the plane, before takeoff
The conditions outbound were measurably higher. The detector was an Inspector Plus.
TSA does not appear to be very willing to do a pat down and when I tried to opt out of the scanner, I was shuffled off to the side with one other person, a pregnant woman. She had been waiting for a while and was being ignored. Because of time constraints I stepped into the ‘box’ and, with my hands over my head in a classic surrender gesture, submitted to my dose. This was by far the hardest part for me -observing every man, woman and child, one after the other, lining up to be processed with no resistance. This reminded me of the predominate Jewish response at the hands of the Nazi butchers. I could see how it was accomplished. I am a natural born US sovereign citizen and a veteran. This really hurts! I will now avoid this experience in the future as much as I can. But we are free!
Radioactivity outside the jet stream.
6:10a EXT clear sky 10 minute average: 50.4 CPM
6:20a INT desk 10 minute average: 47.6 CPM
sherman oaks, ca 10 min avg
12:20pm INT 37.8 CPM
12:30pm EXT 44.2 CPM
Jet stream over most of Cali is heavy today. Have all three air filters going. Left a houseplant outside on Saturday, and today, Monday morning, the leaves looked burned. The temperature was mild. Radioactive leaf burn?
@Chase; thanks for the roof update! Looked at the graph link. Fukushima districts are in poor shape, and these people were asked to go back not too many months ago.
Whoever the USA candidate for any position brings up the meltdown has my vote. I am not holding my breath. Unfortunately I don’t live in Oregon. They are getting some good advocacy there.
Thanks SBLocal – I didn’t even think of that. Here are this morning’s readings:
6:10a Exterior clear sky 10 minute average: 47.5 CPM
6:20a Interior desk 10 minute average: 42.5 CPM
Thought this might be an important date to note over the coming days:
Reading in Japan, Fukushima Prefecture High School
20,000 x background spiking.
When I looked at these graphs of cities throughout Japan and the ‘x’ times background these people are being subjected to DAILY, it became clear to me what it must be like living in Japan. Then I realized, it may be like that here soon, if it’s not already. 🙁
(Google translates to English nicely.)
(I can only hope this is a malfunction.)
I guess, ‘Be Aware’ is the prudent motto. Because we all know it won’t be on the NBC Nightly News anytime soon.
@roundabout Roof and upper support walls on Unit #4 have been taken down in preparation for removing the Spent Fuel Rods from the pool. Also probably a good idea considering the ongoing earthquakes. It would fall sooner or later anyway.
The feeling I get though, is that Unit #2 is the ‘designated hitter’ in this debacle. It hasn’t exploded… yet.
On Going Max Alert : Air, Food, & Water – Cobalt 60 and Sb-124
@SimiRich & Rocket — I think you’re both picking up the jet stream influence directly over us today. Saturday (6/23) and Thursday (6/21) we had a break from the jet stream. There was a small jet stream system going over us on Friday (6/22).
update on test sample of highly prized, shade-grown and stone-ground matcha harvested during the last week of May, shipped on June 6th from Uji, Kyoto, Japan.
June 9th 60.5 CPM
June 17th 58.0 CPM
June 24th 50.4 CPM
average interior background is 41.0. this sample was shipped in a vacuum foil bag, and has been exposed to air since June 9th. I have not yet removed another sample from the bag to see if the decay rate accelerates by open exposure. Does anyone have a suspicion about which radionuclides may be present based on the above rate of decay?
sherman oaks, ca 10 min avg 10:00am
INT 39.6 CPM
EXT 47.8 CPM
8:00a Exterior clear sky 10 minute average: 54.3 CPM
8:10a Interior desk 10 minute average: 47.4 CPM
Has anyone heard what happened to Fukushima Number four’s roof, which apparently has disappeared? Anyone updated?
sherman oaks, ca 10 min avg 7:30 am
INT 41.0 CPM
EXT 37.4 CPM
on 6-21-12 i tested dust and debris collected from a dirty air filter from a 2004 8 cylinder pick up truck. the filter was in service about 2 years over 20,000 miles. after several measurements, the average came in at 49 CPM, which matched yesterdays exterior background around 3pm. i am mystified as to why interior hepa filter dust is consistently hot and two different exterior dust tests came in near background. i may run a hepa air filter outside in my backyard and see what we get.
6:10a Exterior clear sky 10 minute average: 47.5 CPM
6:20a Interior desk 10 minute average: 42.5 CPM
P L U T O N I U M …is why this catastrophe is so bad MSM and politicians refuse to talk about it.
Here’s just a couple of reasons why I know this IS the worst global disaster in human history.
* Plutonium emits ALPHA particles
* Plutonium has been released into the atmosphere and sea
* Chernobyl did not run on plutonium or MOX fuel
This is important!
These are critical aspects to understand.
Screenshot I took ‘live’ viewing Fukushima Unit #3.
Typical colored vapors spewing from around the hole,
Tepco Web Cam 2012-06-19:
Screenshot: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/RadTepCam20120619_01.JPG
There will be a coordinated Solidarity Action with the people of Japan vehemently opposing the Ohi (Oi) Nuke Reactor Restart. We will stand in support of their protests on Friday June 22 from 3-5 pm in downtown LA on the public sidewalk facing Grand Avenue, at 350 South Grand Ave where the Japanese Consulate-General is located. Photos and video of the action will be posted here: https://www.facebook.com/events/346978435370914/
Please join us as we do a collective Die-In to show the effects of fatal radiation exposure. Journalists from Japan will be livestreaming the event for Japanese audiences.
-CAN LA (Coalition Against Nukes Los Angeles)
6:15a Exterior overcast sky 10 minute average: 46 CPM
6:25a Interior desk 10 minute average: 48.9 CPM
6:10a Exterior overcast sky 10 minute average: 47.2 CPM
6:20a Interior desk 10 minute average: 45.0 CPM
@roundabout, there has also been less rain to wash it out this year (at least in Saint Louis), which also could increase build up. In that case, more might just head over to Europe. I don’t think that explains the totality or even the majority of whats happening, but it is good to look at all possible view points.
@potrblog; This is not good news. Here comes, then, the build up of radionucleotides that will be with us for a very long time. Seems like we are “On The Beach” now… time to get my passport in place. Most likely, this is the spookiest information yet; radiation that has accumulated to the point of becoming a stable part of our atmosphere. Time to move.
12PM sherman oaks, ca 10 min avg
INT 36.2 CPM
EXT 41.0 CPM
@roundabout & @ SBlocal, our best guess is that the readings are even higher in the jet stream, and that readings have been elevated in the jet stream for a long enough time period that levels remained high even away from the jet stream.
But, there is not good way to prove it with the readily available data. However given all the high and unusual readings over the continent in the last month, the explanation makes sense.
@POTR do you have any theories about your high measurements in the absence of apparent direct Jet Stream influence? Could it be due to condensation/local weather patterns?
6:15a Exterior overcast sky 10 minute average: 49.6 CPM
6:25a Interior desk 10 minute average: 45 CPM
1) A 30 second Twilight Zone clip (pretty sure).
The daughter says, “It’s in the air, and everyone’s afraid…”
2) Having problems with figuring out radiation dose comparisons and converting different radiation measurements?
Then , try this. It’s the best I’ve found for converting.
6:15a Exterior heavy overcast sky with some moisture on chair 10 minute average: 56.2 CPM
6:25a Exterior tested a paper towel after wiping overnight dew from backyard table: 10 minute average: 65.2 CPM
6:35a Interior desk 10 minute average: 50.3 CPM
Rose Valley Falls, CA (1/2 an hour north of Ojai in the mountains, 3450 ft): 55.4
Carpinteria, CA, on the beach: 35.5
@potrblog; Since it may be that the radioucleotides are not being borne from an overhead jetstream, as noted in your blog this morning, perhaps @rocket has a point about these critters being suspended in the air. What would it take to advance and test this hypothesis? Seems it would be very important to consider given the long term problem we will be facing. Or maybe something isn’t quite right in “Denmark”?
sherman oaks, ca
9am INT 10min 34.0 CPM
915 EXT 10min 43.4 CPM
Retest of super premium stone-ground matcha flown directly from the mountainous region of Uji, Kyoto Japan which is the only place on earth where green tea of this quality is farmed. As nasty and irresponsible as the Japanese have been, it is sad that such a beautiful and otherwise environmentally isolated region where such a healthy and ancient remedy is grown, is now virtually ruined.
10min 58.0 CPM against a 34.0 CPM background with peak readings in the low 90’s.
My suspicion is that this tea is partially contaminated with I-131, because the readings are coming in a bit lower. This could mean that I-131 is still spewing over Japan, because the tea leaves were very recently harvested and ground into powder. Significant proof that reactor site containment efforts are a complete failure.
39X Background Radiation 12 AM 6/17/12 in Saint Louis Rain, yet the Jetstream is 100’s miles north over Minnesota.
@Chase; I remember clearly the kitty cat comment from last year. Now it is being manifested with not just deaths, but cat mutations at birth. The hush hush with Japanese young people not wanting to get pregnant due to the radiation is finally coming out more and more.
Would anyone want to live in a world where there would be a predictably lower IQ, mutated humans and increased cancers, all which could have been avoided had the World’s Nations been far less obsessed about their profits? Time to change our world. Time to figure out how to raise the bar on World Nations and our Life, our Liberty from oppressors, and our pursuit of happiness. Nuclear waste is destroying our National and World moral fiber. And we must do so before another explosion or a big enough quake strikes Honshu to blow the entire lid off this cover-up.
Michael and Denise; i will let you know when I get that geiger counter and will be a faithful poster for the area between SLO and Santa Maria. I can hardly wait!!
FDA Radiation safety: from Sept 14, 2011 (note date)
Talks about FISH TESTING.
excerpt: old comment from Enviro….#comment-58811
re: overall outlook
“At this time, there is no public health threat in the U.S. related to radiation exposure. FDA, together with other agencies, is carefully monitoring any possibility for distribution of radiation to the United States. At this time, theoretical models do not indicate that significant amounts of radiation will reach the U.S.”
“FDA does not anticipate any public health effect on seafood safety.” (that’s gotta hurt)
I can’t believe this is still up on the internet. The things they clearly state ‘in writing’ are now nothing more than really obvious lies. Wow!
Hmmm…. something smells fishy ???
The ‘look back’ is interesting, but it also shows how some things have not changed much or at all. 🙁
I listened to the Rense Radio from June 11th. I wish everyone would just ‘listen’.
I listened via youtube. Here’s the first comment made.
“6-15-2012.My cat had kittens yesterday. One of them was born with its guts outside its stomach.”
(Rancho Cucamonga Calif.) - yt user=dkitch11 1 day ago”
In August of 2011 I made the following comment here:
(I witnessed cats eating dead birds prior to the kittens being born.)
“There were only three kittens this year and the two runts didn’t last 3 days. I couldn’t help but think to myself, ‘this is an exposure pathway, this is how the chain of life gets destroyed and I may be witnessing it before my very eyes’”.
@roundabout Thanks. I thought the same thing about the bot cam. The 880 millisieverts reading was taken on the floor directly above Reactor #2. Through some very thick concrete. NO HUMANS allowed there, death would follow quickly.
@Chase; re; viewing the botcam at Fukushima. To think such a primal looking dumpyard is in charge of our very existence as a species is beyond the pale. Thanks for the link, and take care.
Will the inspector react to plutonium in food supplies, or would it only measure beta and alpha? I am hoping to get an inspector unit, (again, soon…lol) but am wondering about the plutonium from Fukushima in our food supply. I realize it would not “detect” it as plutonium, but would it “detect” it with a manifest higher reading?
7:15a Exterior overcast sky (starting to break up) 10 minute average: 49.3 CPM
7:25a Interior desk 10 minute average: 50.0 CPM
This is simply UNBELIEVABLE !!!!
sherman oaks, ca
8:00PM Ext 10min 40.9 CPM
Int 10min 41.2 CPM
Soles of shoes after running 6 miles on dirt and pavement around Sherman Oaks: 10min 39.5 CPM
I expected it to be much higher, seems that the hepa filters pick up the hot particulate in the air, but i wonder about the idiosyncratic behavior of radionuclides in the atmosphere. Could it be that they remain suspended in the air for long periods? Could there be a parallel “bucky ball” phenomenon exclusive to oxygen or carbon monoxide similar to its reaction with seawater? The San Fernando Valley gets much less marine fog than Santa Monica or Ventura, yet our filters are dangerously hot 130 CPM on the most recent measurement. I have three more hepas to test and will post the results.
Hey Man, Ray here in eastern Ontario. I just found this dude in Ottawa, {90 east of me} and guess what? He had his geiger on the same June 12th morning checking the rain. His video….
And my video, both done June 12th
And meet my buddy, Sam in southern Brazil.
You know that theory about how the rads will stay in the northern hemmisphere? Sam would disagree. No uranium mines or nuke plants near him. We checked. Warning, he’s upset so he swears. {Who wouldn’t with those readings}
I hope all is well at your end, Micheal.
Breaking news! A whistle blower on Alex Jones infowars.com has reported as to what his grandfather/father told him about Black projects at University Texas in 60s-70s.Atomic waste stored in underground caves/tunnels and LBJ library on campus built obove an old reactor etc etc…Investigation ongoing ,,,Nuclear dumpsite uncovered!!
Bot Cam video – inside Fuku #2
recording 880 millisieverts per hour
(Probably considered an ‘immediate risk’ even by the NRC)
What’s that bright light? (#11 of 12)
6:05a Exterior overcast sky 10 minute average: 50.1 CPM
6:15a Interior desk 10 minute average: 43.4 CPM
If you took two X-rays to the chest while you were sleeping, would you want to know about it in the morning?
That is the question facing South Bend, Indiana residents.
The rest of us may face that question soon enough.
Ventura, CA exterior: 49.3
Underwood Farm, Moorpark, CA: 43.3
strawberries from this farm: 44.5
6:15a Exterior slightly overcast sky 10 minute average: 49.6 CPM
6:25a Interior desk 10 minute average: 41.5 CPM
Grey skies in Ventura, CA. Exterior 10 min. avg. 50.2
Brunswick Nuclear Sabotage Again? North Carolina Be Alert!
@ roundabout….Just downloaded that RSOE EDIS event map from website.FANTASTIC!! a must download.Heres the link
On 6/9/12 COAST TO COAST with John B Wells had a 4 hr program on Fukushima/radiation etc…available here listen/download mp3 FREE ! Download asap as FREE download here can be taken down at any time
Good morning from Simi Valley:
6:10a Exterior overcast sky 10 minute average: 55.4 CPM
6:20a Interior desk 10 minute average: 49.0 CPM
Numbers are still slightly up over the last two days.
A leak reported at around 430 am at one of the four worst plants in the country, and forty five minutes from South Bend Ind… connection with high readings there seen this last week? This new report is from Palisades, Michigan.
Search for the RSOE EDIS event map. Unable to paste the link here.
On 6/9/12 COAST TO COAST with host John B Wells did a 4 hr special on Fukushima/radiation etc.Website below has all 4 hrs downloadable mp3 FREE.Download/listen while you can as can be taken off website anytime…asap!
6-12-12 BC Central Interior Rain Readings:
background: 46.2 CPM
Rainwater wiped from surface of vehicle: 106 CPM or 129% increase over background!
All this outstanding reporting, Michael, got me thinking — kind of uncanny how the following precisely mimics what is now occurring in Fukushima, AND has occurred at Santa Susana Field Laboratory / Rocketdyne (still occurring, actually).
“The rumor in the neighborhood was that they were making cleaning supplies, says Iversen. My mother thought they were making Scrubbing Bubbles.”
“Instead, the plant was manufacturing balls of plutonium that were integral to creating nuclear chain reactions.”
“The FBI started flying covertly over the plant at night to measure airborne contamination.”
“The Department of Energy has admitted to more than 3,000 pounds of missing plutonium. It has kind of a funny acronym. It’s called MUF, which stands for missing unaccounted-for plutonium. Well, where did that missing plutonium go? Three thousand pounds is a lot when you think about the fact that one-millionth of a gram of plutonium can cause cancer or a health effect. So where was it? Well, in 1990, they revealed that 62 pounds of plutonium had been trapped in the vents and the piping between the building. That’s enough for six or seven bombs right there. The Department of Energy has claimed that much of the plutonium that was missing was due to administrative errors or they put it somewhere and meant to put it somewhere else. It’s just plutonium that has somehow been lost in the system. Or it could be administrative errors for part of it. I think some of it ended up in my backyard, frankly. A lot of it went out into the Denver metro area.”
New book. Open link here:
‘Revelations’. What else more is being withheld?
Good morning all. Here are my postings this Tuesday morning from Simi Valley:
6:10a Exterior overcast sky 10 minute average: 52 CPM
6:20a Interior desk 10 minute average: 48.2 CPM
Reading are slightly up starting last night into this morning.
Data Shows Highly Radioactive Field Saturated Geiger Counter In South Bend Indiana
@all that submit readings. Thank You!
I don’t know why exactly, but your comment in particular, out of the thousands I’ve read over the last 15 months, had an impact on me.
I think if others were fortunate enough to read your comment it would have an affect on them also. How could it not? It’s to the point.
Simply stated. You’ve tested your filters. There ‘hot’. You know it, we know it, the government knows it but ignores it. (whatever?) Yet another verification of fallout. Facts and truth are hard to hide.
It is unfair. Your kids, Japan’s kids, kids whose parents don’t have a clue, Obama’s kids and even future generations of kids. It’s unfair to all.
It’s literally a ‘crime against humanity’, in my opinion, like no other in history. It will become shockingly clear to many in the months and years to come just how much fallout will rule various aspects of our daily lives.
Some will continue to ignore the Fallout contamination, but they will be affected by it none the less.
from sherman oaks
i tested another dust sample from a honeywell hepa filter. (we have five running) the first sample was only a months accumulation, but it measured 109 CPM against a 41 CPM interior background.
today I tested 6 months of accumulated dust from the second filter and it came in at an ASTOUNDING 130 CPM against the same background.
this is so unfair, we have a little 19 month old girl and another due in september.
9:15pm 10-minute INTERIOR HEPA DUST AGGREGATE FROM THREE MACHINES: 76.2 CPM^ which is 192% of background HIGHER over 96 day period. Last 40 day period was 746% of normal. This equates to present period, on a per day basis, just 11% of previous period’s overage. Put another way, this represents an 89% drop in ambient air radiation as filtered by Radiation Station Santa Monica’s three HEPA filter machines.
8:40pm 10-minute INTERIOR averaged background of two Inspector Alerts: 39.8 CPM
Here is a CPM chart from an individual in Portland, Oregon.
Note the ‘steady’ increase from several days ago. Some major spikes too. This is matching up with other dates and times.
Headed your way mid-west and east coast.
ALERT! South Bend, Indiana High Radiation Event Likely True Occurrence
Last Night 80 CPM in Minnesota. Held upper 70’s for several hours throughout the late evening.
(I believe their normal average is about 40 cpm or less)
This looked ‘out of place’ to me and it continued to be the highest reading in the country for quite some time.
Here’s some screen shots. Rains were moving through. I took a screen shot of that too.
79 cpm – http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/Rad%20Network%2079%20in%20MN.jpg
80 cpm – http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/Rad%20Network%2080%20in%20MN.jpg
weather – http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2099954/Rad%20Minn%20Weather%20Radar%20001.jpg
Times on the screen shots are Pacific Time.
(approximately 9:30 to 10:30 pm, June 10, 2012 for these screen shots)
10 min exterior in Ventura, CA: 47.3
Max Alert Continuation! Airborne Radiation + Ground Shine at 3x Above Background Radiation
Monday morning!
Exterior 10 minutes overcast sky at 6:00a: 46.8 CPM
Interior 10 minutes 6:15a: 45.6 CPM
10 minute check in my backyard on a clear evening at 6:30p: 47.8 CPM
Hi all. I’m new to the site and wanted to thank Michael for hosting my readings. I’m located in central Simi Valley and will take readings as often as I can.
An idea, for anyone willing to try it, would be to test your own urine to see if it is hot with rad.
@Roundabout, the shower head is fitted with a filter. I bought the filter a year ago and it’s similar to a Sprite High Output filter with a replaceable filter cartridge but I think mine is a higher end make and model. The one year-old filter cartridge in constant use for the past year is what Kim tested. The cartridge consists of a mixed filter media. Obviously a whole home filter is best but that’s not an option for me.
@rocket;Is super premium matcha, coffee? Well, if it is, that is hot coffee that is not welcome in the morning is it?
@Kim and SBLocal; Thanks for sharing your playdate treasures! From what I understand, Pine needles really soak up the radiation, so nice that it is now lower… what to do with the “hot” pine needles now that they are there might be a venture in creativity??
I am assuming that the readings were from a shower head without a filter??
I appreciate the readings as I am about an hour north of SB. So thank you!! Looking foward to more!
In regards to the ‘possible’ high readings in Indiana on 6/6. I don’t have a clue.
Just by chance someone was watching a weather map screen from College Of DuPage and witnessed a live ‘weather’ anomaly. He took screenshots.
Look for yourself. What could it be?
Overlaid with the marker of the high readings from 6/6/2012: (credit richard at enenews)
Original Screen Shot:
An Unidentified Radiation Detection with a circular shaped Atmospheric Radar Anomaly in the same place.
hmmm..? What are the odds of that?
@Kim – I’ll report back on the filter type and media of the shower head filter (used from about 5/11 to 6/12) that measured at background (no elevated levels). I’m glad but surprised it didn’t pick up anything.
A test project that could be done where water sources come from local surface runoff would be to take tap water samples at regular intervals (1 or 2 hr) after a high reading from rain to see if the elevated levels make it through the water treatment process.
inspired by michaels vc reporter story, i invested in a Inspector. not sure if anyone has yet posted findings in the san fernando valley, but the below are findings from my house in sherman oaks. the hepa dust in this sample is one month old.
background 41 CPM
hepa dust 109.8 CPM
chilean fuji apple 39.1 CPM
super premium matcha 60.5 CPM
disgust & outrage 10000 CPM
Thank you for keeping at both your personal investigation and your terrific investigative reporting on the subject of Fukushima. Finally, the Ventura newspaper is publishing an article on Fukushima, a subject that has apparently been a newspaper secret until now….not just any article…yours. This is a real news breakthrough…thanks to you.
Playdate with SBLocal!!
10 minute background at the Santa Barbara(CA) Zoo: 44.5
shower filter from SBLocal’s SB showerhead: 42.5
old pine needles, buried down 8-10″ under other needles from SBLocal’s yard: 53.9
newer pine needles, on the top layer: 44.2
Fukushima special to be broadcast tonight on Coast to Coast AM June 9, 2012 (10pm – 2am Pacific time). Includes Arnie Gundersen & others. In Los Angeles tune in to 640 AM. This a national radio show so there may be local radio stations or station websites that carry Coast to Coast AM in your areas. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/
Yes, yay VC Reporter! A good publication, even before this important article. Thanks, Michael!
Congratulations to Ventura County Reporter for publishing the important review by Michael Collins on how the ongoing disaster at Fukushima is impacting the west coast of North America. Kudos to Michael Collins who goes far beyond simply reporting the story. This is investigative journalism at it’s finest.
Every newspaper in the country should be following this story and warning Americans. Sadly, government and the nuclear industry have deep power over the media. Glad to know that Michael Collins and Ventura County Reporter are truly independent and willing to report the biggest news story on this planet.
@ potrblog…Definitely something went on on 6/6…See my report below (and my NOTE!) as my rain sample reading was BEFORE that reading by a few hours (yet jet stream should have brought higher count Later…hmm!) as your jet stream chart showed stream going west to east right through NC….ODD!..Were earlier showers but didnt take sample as was sleeping
Airborne 300X Radiation Alert In Indiana, and How To Spot False Alerts
Regarding air travel, I urged a friend of mine, Yoko, to wear an N95 Mask while traveling from Los Angeles to Japan. She did so during her April 28th flight from LAX to Narita, Japan. My friend returned the mask to me inside its original packaging over 6 weeks later. I received the N95 mask on June 7th, 2012. It measured 419 CPM inside the bag and 443 CPM and 453 CPM outside of the bag, Those last two measurements are 26% and 29% over background (350 CPM). Clearly there is an alpha component, and this is still measurable more than six weeks after the mask was used! The lesson is, wear a particulate mask rated N95 or higher when traveling by air. The lungs you save will be your own.
Not to much rain here this time of year.Have 2 reports to add
5/29/12…10 min shower…1:55 pm
122.4 CPM….38.2 background
6/6/12…heavy showers (earlier also) 9:22 am
259.0 CPM….34.2 CPM background
note: this reading of 200 + CPM is the 1st over 200 since 3/2/12 of 502.7…(see my reports here)
“A Radioactive Nightmare – As fallout from Fukushima heads our way, the government turns a blind eye“
Possible ALERT!
Radiation Network & Black Cat Rad Maps are BOTH showing HIGH readings in Indiana. Over the last two hours now.
Radiation network over 7000 cpm
Black cat over 3500 cpm
Doesn’t seem like a malfunction since they’re separate systems and they started at about the same time.
BCat: http://www.blackcatsystems.com/RadMap/map.html
RadN: http://www.radiationnetwork.com/
I don’t rely on these sites much, but something seems up. I took screen shots just in case.
Beautiful, clear night in Ventura, CA. Exterior 10 min avg: 48.8
I tested some whole wheat flour a while ago. My husband is doing low carbs, so I haven’t been baking as much lately. I can test it again and let you know soon.
I will post it in Eat Me when I get that done. 🙂
I will also test our almond milk and let you all know.
@Micheal Collins
We just uploaded a video giving more details.
Several of the reports we are getting are in the YT comment section of the previous video. There are also some other private contacts.
here is the video,
Jet Stream Radioactivity Max Alert! STAY OUT OF THE RAIN !
@Potrblog: What multiple of background are you getting because you don’t say or is this just a general warning?
@Tray: As Eat Me receipts show, we also drink carrageenan-free almond milk, indeed the same brand. We wrote the carrageenan story April 20 which explains the concern with the seaweed extract in all sorts of products including toothpaste.
@All: Check out our lively discussion on Rense Radio Network last night discussing a whole host of things including recent Runkle Canyon revelations in the top two stories right now on EnviroReporter.com.
!Maximum Jet Stream Alert! STAY OUT OF THE RAIN!
Below is a question a blogger posited previously on “Eat Me”, and so far no one has answered… Testing results for Whole Wheat Flour — anyone? Has a comparison been made vis-a-vis to other types of flour? Potrblog? Michael? Kim? Cody?
” ‘Whole wheat foods are made of protein-rich ‘spring wheat.’ Many ‘whole grain’ and ‘unrefined whole wheat’ products go through a milling process that retains the starchy ‘anatomical’ parts of the wheat plant (bran, germ and the endosperm), which is where most of the radioactivity concentrates. Spring wheat rose from about 85 strontium units (pCi/kg) in 1962, to a range of 220 to 335 in 1963, falling back to 140 in 1964. Canadian whole wheat fared slightly worse, rising from 120 to 330 to 220 in 1962, 1963 and 1964 (source: UNSCEAR 1967 figure 14)’ ”
“Does anyone know the status of our whole wheat flours? Are they pre-Fukushima (silo-stores) or are contaminated flours now on the shelves? It seems the healthier the foodstuff (ie organic, whole wheat vs white flour/bread, free range, wild caught vs farm raised, etc., etc.) the more likely it will be contaminated with radiation.”
What “milk” is everyone drinking these days. We have been drinking almond milk made by silk because it doesn’t contain carrageenan. I am so confused as to what to give my family. I remember Michael usually drinks Almond Breeze Almond Milk and it does contain carrageenan in it and has not read high at all. Then I just read that carrageenan can be very bad and carry alot of radiation. Very confused and need some guidance on this milk matter. What are you moms giving your kids? Thanks!
I have tested some accumulated rainfall this morning and this is what my inspector detected:
11:30 am, 10 min timed counts
background: 45.6 CPM
rain water: 81.5 CPM or 78.7% increase over background!
@SBlocal, The EPA’s San Francisco data shows a 6x jump in beta counts on 6/4, it also shows there was a 12x jump in San Fran on 5/31.
In Saint Louis we had a 5 hour long spike in beta readings on 6/4
You’ll find this link useful in checking the data,
hat tip to “NEMO” for that link.
Of course, EPA “reviews and approves” data, which means you can’t fully trust it; see our previous blog on that subject here
@SBLocal: Thanks, for the link, even Santa Barbara and LA may be catching the edge of the deep bend in the jet stream. I have opened my window a bit (June 4th at midnight) to see if any of that fresh Fukushima air will be detected on my Inspector radiation detector. You can see if any extra activity shows up on my Glendale Radiation Station detector. The Ustream feed is displayed on this website in the column at right. The graph tracing the history since about noon on June 3rd to 10 AM June 5th isn’t showing much of an increase. A little maybe, but unless the 10 minute CPM average moves over the 40 CPM value, it’s not 15% higher than the long term average of 35 CPM at this location.
@POTR thanks for the jet stream map to illuminate the SF spike. These maps as animations of current conditions and forecasts can be found here:
Accumulation of radionuclides in California kelp is extremely
dangerous to human health and is not old news. Kelp is harvested for commercial thickeners used in many, many food products, from yoghurt to salad dressings to soymilk to ice cream. It is commonly used to replace gelatin, an animal product, in “organic” foods. It could now be one of the most dangerous vectors for radiation accumulation in the human body as a result of the Fukushima catastrophe. It is not only used in food products, it has many other uses: cosmetics,medical supplies, nutrient gels for bacteria, and much, much more.
Check out “alginate” and “carageenan” on Wikipedia. Also, radioactive Iodine-131 has a short half-life, but some of it breaks down into another radioactive form of Iodine with a half-life of thousands of years. Somebody needs to test these products and soon.
By the grace of Yahweh,we have been here about 5 miles from the Southern Coast in Orange County, CA. for 23 years. We are NOT moving anywhere! For the first time our lovely grass has turned brown in May!(From the ocean breezes??)
We are taking many supplements capsule and liquid. Some of these that fight radiation are Boron, Vit C, D3, Green Tea Extract, Kelp, Food Grade Iodine drops in water, and topical iodine on abdomin a.m. & p.m.
San Francisco ALERT! 3X AIRBORNE Radioactivity Detected, see Fukushima Jet Stream Map here
Alert! 3x AIRBORNE Radiation reported north of San Francisco today 6/4/12
Appears to be a direct Fukushima Jet Stream Hit
see the comment section in the link below
Location: Williams lk. BC canada
indoor ten minute timed count
background: 44.4 CPM
Rainwater: 49.3 CPM or 11.04% increase over background
@Nancy I wouldn’t worry too much about buying a radioactive Japanese car. Yes, I heard reports that some shipments of Japanese cars to Europe and Australia did show signs of contamination immediately after the meltdowns. And, there is ongoing outflow from Fukushima, but at reduced rates from the initial explosions. I would shop for a Japanese car, but I would double check the interior with an geiger counter just to be certain there wasn’t something unusual there. I wouldn’t expect there to be, but it’s ok to check. I don’t apply this reasoning just to Japanese products. I recently purchased kitchen and bath counter tops, and while looking at granite slabs I used the Inspector geiger to compare the radioactivity of different samples. What I found was quite surprising. Some are hot and some are not! The same is true of bathroom tile. I’ll bet you are getting more radiation off of your bathroom tiles, than would be present in a new Japanese car.
Heavy mist in Ventura: 53.9, about 5 clicks over background.
@lucidf8 You captured my thoughts exactly! I am grateful not to be trapped by owning a home in coastal California at this point. I can now appreciate what my grandparents must have felt like in the LA area during WWII when they had mandatory blackouts at night to mitigate potential bombing by Japan. Where are the beach blackouts to avoid actual radiation? Where are the public health warnings on radioactive rain? It’s not wise to love a state that doesn’t love you back or be the vocal “rational” person among radical individualists and stolid conformists.
I know this may sound paranoid, but is there any danger in buying a Japanese car that was made there after the earthquake?
@SBLocal : That giant sucking sound that you hear is the financial vacuum that is being created in the late great State of California. The real estate paradise that you refer to in SB will also eventually succumb to a series of stock market drawdowns, persistent unemployment, and ever expanding public debt. If you don’t own real estate outright or can’t afford to pay the tax man when he comes looking for more, then real estate won’t be such a great investment anymore. Right now, the incredibly low interest rates set by the Federal Reserve, the poor economy, and the witholding of foreclosed property from the real estate market, are all causing property values to levitate here a bit. If any of that changes, and interest rates begin to climb, what do you think will happen to real estate prices? Quite simply, they will plunge. I don’t know how the timing will work out exactly, but the risks are there and it’s best to be prudent about such things. So wear your N95 mask when flying, pay down your mortgage, and don’t take on any significant new debt. Look for a hidey-hole to hunker down in if the worst scenario unfolds (Reactor 4 collapses). And, don’t go on and on about this stuff, or your friends and family will think you’re a loon. lol
From the foregoing, it should now be obvious which way the wind blows. 🙂
Best of luck to all of you, I really hope this all turns out better than I imagine.
As a default position, the POTRBLOG team will avoid eating /drinking any staple food or beverage that contains more than 3 Becquerels per kilogram of radioactive Cesium.
If you would like to understand how we calculated our personal intake limit, and its basis in the EPA’s published data, please watch the video.
@lucidf8 – Thanks for your comments on who, what, and how to tell people about this. That helps a lot. Having a detector helps to convince people but also it sounds like your family and friends value trust over individuality and that’s key. In Santa Barbara, I have one friend who is open-minded and trusting enough to take in this information. With my friends I find that individuality trumps community and also that everyone is supposed to be “stoked” all of the time no matter what. Nothing bad may be allowed to enter (real estate) paradise. My cousins grew up in TO after you. So far no illnesses in them or their children. Which way do the winds blow from Santa Susana lab anyway? Toward L.A. or Camarillo?
@SBlocal I tell family and friends about the ongoing radiation streaming out of Fukushima. I do not let it dominate conversation, but when it comes up, I warn them to take precautions about what they eat and drink and breathe. I back up my comments with demonstrations showing the easily detectable levels of radiation in Japanese teas, and nori (seaweed), Rain, of course, when it comes through Southern California, has up to 5x background levels. And, I give N95 masks to friends and family when they travel by air. They use them too, and I think that’s prudent behavior. Not everyone is ignoring the warnings.
In California, the contamination is nothing like what has been going on in Japan, Canada, and parts of the Mid-West. But no amount of radiation, especially inhaled or ingested radiation, can be considered safe. Is one plutonium atom going to kill you? Six, a Dozen? Probably not. And the 10 to 20 years that it might take to develop leukemia with moderate levels of contamination, serves to decouple the cause and effect in most people’s minds. Older people will probably die of something else first. Young children have the greatest long term risk, because they have longer to live, and a longer exposure to the radiation risks.
I remember my Radiation Science teacher commenting about how the incidence of cancer in the USA was just too high. He said, “I don’t know what it is, but it’s something in the environment that didn’t used to be here.” The irony really hits me now when I think back about his comment. That was in 1969. My school, in Thousand Oaks, CA was about 12 miles from the partial meltdown of the Sodium Reactor Experiment in 1959. Of course, we didn’t know about that then… The authorities have a way of hushing those things up, then, as now.
Heavy mist in Ventura, CA. Spot check showed nothing elevated. Held the inspector in the air for about a minute, and lowered to light rain on plants. Nothing over high 40s.
No time for a 10 minute at the moment, but will check again later if it’s still wet.
@CG118RADSTN K-40 certainly is on the culprit list given the Beta emissions. The NIDO lists potassium at 390mg per prepared cup, the Organic Valley provides no potassium information. It would be nice to know what is going on, but somehow I don’t think they are going to step forward and tell us.
Would someone in SW Ontario (Toronto Area) puleease setup a radiation station also? We are not immune to this — the same Jet Stream that dumped rad rain on Saint Louis while ago is “pissin’ on our roses” right now.
@POTRBLOG: Thanks for the milk test info, good stuff.
I am wondering, how does the potassium content in milk play into this at all? A quick search shows 1 cup nonfat milk has +- 400mg potassium in it. Is this enough to effect the readings at all?
June Gloom showed up, right on time today.
exterior, Ventura, CA, on a foggy, grey day: 45.4
Radioactive Milk Testing Results
Your water, your fish, your milk, your vegetables, your air and your bodies will be contaminated by the 3,488,000 pounds of highly radioactive fuel/poison stored at the Fukushima site if reactor #4 collapses – please sign this petition and wake up your friends.
Did some traveling the past few days and took the Inspector. These are all 10 minute averages.
May 27, Idyllwild, CA: 59.4 (5200 ft elevation)
May 28, Hemet, CA: 46.1
May 29, Riverside, CA: 60.1 (didn’t see that one coming?)
May 29, Riverside retest: 50.4 (about 20 ft. from first location)
May 30, Disneyland: 34.4
May 30, Ventura, CA 48.3
The moral of this story: move to Disneyland!!
@Chase: I have grappled with wanting to warn others about what’s happening. The problem at hand is a lot like climate change and peak oil but with an imminent arrival. Read Jared Diamond’s book Collapse and you’ll see how scenarios like this have played out historically and, for fun, Gore Vidal’s Kalki for the most wickedly funny take on human destruction ever.
You’re an early adopter and could develop expertise in post-Fuku living and let the few catch up or you can try to bring others along with you. If you choose the latter people will think you’re neurotic, crazy, negative, wrong, politically motivated, etc. and when you’re proven right they won’t remember that you tried to warn them in the first place, nor are they likely to thank you.
Most don’t want to know about it, can’t process the existential implications, don’t think anything bad will happen to them personally, and don’t have the wherewithal to do anything should they realize what is going on. Others are buried in work and can’t/won’t train their attention on the problem long enough to get a jolt of reality.
A surprising number of people rely on magical thinking and believe they can energetically deflect or shape the bad into something good or that negative thoughts attract negative and positive attract positive. Unfortunately, even the Dalai Lama and all of the wisest First Peoples’ chiefs couldn’t stop the hideous destruction of own cultures and they have a lot more juju than we do. It’s not likely the “force” will be with us descendents of European colonists who perpetrated inconceivable crimes against earth and fellow beings; not even counting the present one.
A few, when told, will process this very quickly and decide they can’t personally do anything to adapt. I hope these people set themselves to fin de siècle style decadence to provide an interesting diversion from the horror down the road.
A minuscule number of people will try to adapt. Of these, maybe a few will do it successfully.
I’ve limited warning people to close, dear friends with small children. I’ve read repeatedly that if you’re already in your 30s on up it will take twenty years for cancer to show up and you won’t know if it’s from this or something else.
It’s the children born to those who are young children now who will suffer the worst effects of radiation. If you have small children this is one of the most horrific things imaginable.
One effective thing you can do is to build on POTR’s and Michael and Denise Ann’s examples of adaptive gardening techniques to provide yourself with uncontaminated food (and water) sources and serve as an example and resource for others to learn to do this in your area.
Eventually a few people around you will come around and will appreciate having someone with whom to swap homegrown crops and commiserate.
People still don’t understand that Chernobyl killed and maimed untold numbers of people and animals and certainly don’t believe anything like it could happen here. Most aren’t going to get their heads around this ever, even when cancer rates, birth defects, and cardiopulmonary deaths skyrocket. Ask around about Chernobyl; you get “Huh?”
Saint Louis Bugout: 2x Radioactivity in Barlow, Ky Rain
Regarding the San Diego Tuna spin.
I was watching the Fox LA News at noon. (The over the internet video stream.) After the news they record takes for announcing upcoming segments. Sometimes the stream camera is left on.
Anchor, Jeff Michael then sets up for one of tonight’s segments by saying, “And did Fukushima contaminate our tuna supply?”
Then, he states, with a distasteful look on his face, “…of course it did!”. I’m sure that will get edited.
Note: They fail to mention, at least in the TV reports and in several articles I’ve seen, that the test is actually from AUGUST of 2011. <– ???
My first 'reporter' question would be…
Why did this take so long?
My next question would be…
Hey! Where are the CURRENT reports?
Pre Fukushima Ground Beef Gamma Results Undergoing Analysis: Preliminary Results now available
downplaying: to treat or speak of (something) so as to reduce emphasis on its importance, value, strength
I thought this needed to be repeated.
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and REPEAT them OVER and OVER.”
― Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, propagandist
This stuns me for some reason…
In conversation yesterday the subject of Fukushima came up. The person I was talking with said, “I thought that was all over with, isn’t that old news.” Of course, I politely informed this person otherwise. So for now at least one more has been informed.
Obviously, the propagandist ‘fundamental principle’, rule #1, is working very well. Maybe too well. More like scary as hell well!
Ongoing massive releases of radioactive contamination have been and still are accumulating and spreading into every corner of the environment…
Since 3/11/2011, that’s 445 days ago.
A total of 1 year 2 months and 18 days.
How many days until the devastating magnitude of these multiple meltdowns becomes a realization for the masses? I don’t know, but I feel that day may be approaching swiftly.
“Yes. I hear that when the nuclear industry of the former USSR started to do business with the nuclear industry of the US, they probably agreed that downplaying the damages by the accident would be beneficial for both sides.”
Listen and watch:
Kind of sounds like the same old downplaying we’ve all witnessed over the last year or so. Though now we have a meaningless change of characters from instead SU & US to General Electric (Fukushima Japan) and General Electric (US). It’s all the same downplaying.
Japan is under threat of a new catastrophic nuclear disaster that would contaminate the skies across the Pacific and into Asia. But the Japanese government is denying the risk. Experts are now calling on the UN to send an urgent expert team to intervene. I’ve just signed an urgent petition to echo their call at Avaaz.org
Please join in this campaign:
Was that a Nuclear ‘FLASH’…?
Go out to about 1:30, get ready, at about 1:58 for a big surprise.
It’s from the TBS/jnn camera. There is no time stamp on the screen, but it was uploaded on 5/25/2012.
Is it the sun coming up at high speed? No, can’t be…?
…or a flash from nuke going critical?
The video is 1 hour at 20x speed. The first half is complete fog, blue screen sort of, then it starts to clear and the work lights come on and the fog rolls out.
There have been other flashes too. Like around the 15th of May. It’s on video too. Very same type of flash burst.
I wonder, could our elevated readings be related to this?
You won’t see this on the Nightly News. 😉
ELECTRONIC CALIBRATOR for INSPECTOR RADIATION DETECTOR……..Saves time/money for a ONCE a year tune up .I saw this and purchased one.Havent received yet but this seller on ebay has already sold about 10 of these with positive feedback.If interested click below
If things ever get as bad here as they were in Japan on 3/11; you can expect about the same level of warning that the Japanese got from their government. The thing to do is to be as cost effectively prepared as you can.
On 3/11/2011 there were only two groups of individual people with sensitive Geiger counters who were willing to publicly share information on possible Fukushima fallout, that was Enviroreporter and POTRBLOG. We were both prepared, albeit likely for different reasons. We each had a key discriminator that others did not have, a RadAlert Inspector.
The cheapest discriminator to purchase right now is iOSAT. The best free discriminator is to have trusted sources of information who will give you a heads up, to the best of their abilities.
The thing to remember is that Darwin was right about natural selection, and there is a losing and winning strategy when it comes to risk mitigating Fukushima. The losing side is placing one’s head in the sand or keeping it high up in a noose of fear. The winning strategy is cost effective risk mitigation.
Ventura 10 minute average, at the Harbor: 42.9
Great talk on Rense Radio. You guys get a lot into 20 minutes.
“Think about that kid down the street…” – Michael Collins
I am, every single one of them.
We should have had real mitigation plans in place prior to 3/11/2011.
We should have had mitigation efforts utilized immediately after 3/11/2011.
We REALLY should be discussing and planning for the worst case scenario RIGHT NOW. YESTERDAY!
Unfortunately, I don’t see it happening. I mean, if it hasn’t happened yet, what makes us think it will ever happen. What the government’s actions tell me is that we have been and still are on our own here and everywhere else.
I would go so far as to say that even if this all goes up in smoke and hits Maximum Alert levels we will be DENIED proper information. I wouldn’t doubt that internet and other forms of communication will shutdown on purpose or whatever. Be ready.
That #4 reactor building IS crumbling. The roof or what was left of it has visually dropped significantly over the last nine days and now we are seeing increases again via the jet stream. (see potrblog ALERT below) It’s easy to verify the roof top sinking via photos from the Tepco Webcam. The continued earthquakes are certainly not helping.
I have contacted Ron Paul and stated this should be up for discussion at the convention. Even though I know Mr. Paul is still Pro-Nuke, he seems to be capable of talking about tough issues. God knows this is a tough one.
I plan on attending our local town meeting the first Monday of June. I will take a camera this time and record what I say regarding the controlled burning of the forests here in Tulare county.
My best suggestion for a plan of action at this time is to attend local city or county meetings and speak up. Record it and post it.
My only other plan is to continue sending emails to Mrs. Obama. She seems to be able to talk some sense into the President. She got him to ease up on the gay marriage thing, maybe should could help with this issue too. What about your kids?
PLEASE, Mrs. Obama, children are suffering. 🙁
When you cannot afford a Geiger Counter… or do better than one: How to Record Abnormal Levels of Airborne Radiation Using Film:
AMAZON.COM has the lowest price free shipping on INSPECTOR+ @ $536.75 IN STOCK…Purchase before FUKU act II and they run out and prices triple.Great price on INSPECTOREXTREME also…see..
CNN Reporting on Fukushima this morning.
It’s exactly what we’ve been saying all along.
Not sure how long this video will remain up.
Warning: This one was difficult for me to watch for some reason. Nothing graphic really, but that little girls face on her bike.
OMG! …sorry crying. 🙁
Screaming now… “How many innocent children are destined to suffer??? WHY ?”
@Chase et al: Check out our new post “Runkle Roulette – KB Home’s backdoor deal with the city of Simi Valley to build out Runkle Canyon may backfire with new radiation and chemical finds and evidence developer kept EPA from testing well contaminated with TCE”
@Chase: That featured photo gallery is from a citizens group called the Radiation Rangers of Simi Valley testing for heavy metals in Runkle Canyon in 2007 because would-be developer KB Home wouldn’t. This cover story, The Radiation Rangers, tells you all about it.
May 21, 2012: Lively show discussing NRC chief’s resignation, San Onofre’s pot-smoking workers, 1,300 plugged tubes and wires fire danger along with need to reconsider Yucca Mountain nuke dump.
Try this link in case the Forecast & Real-time World Wind Chart did not open right away:
Open link and scroll down a bit to find “Fukushima Daiichi Thermal Images”.
MOX Unit 3 thermal images:
Three is in bad shape. It only takes a hot flea of 239Pu goo to start cancer in lung tissue:
Helpful Dose Chart:
“Never leave home without a geiger”:
Inspector on the dash (see above).
See maps here:
Excellent photo #3 & #4:
Forecast & Real-time World Wind Chart:
Adi Roche: “The nuclear industry. The military industrial complex would rather you and I didn’t have this information particularly in relation to the damage of iodine 131 which I deal with effectively in the book because I actually quote why, particularly in America. They don’t want people to know the information on the research from Belarus because of deliberate exposure to see the effects on human bodies in America of iodine 131 done very specifically in the last couple of decades.
They don’t want us to have the information, John. They don’t want ordinary people to know that there is a 2400% increase in cancer of the thyroid gland there; they don’t want people to know that one in four of all newly born babies is born with a thyroid abnormality. They don’t want people to know that there is a 200% increase in birth defects and this is according to the experts from the University of Hiroshima who have analyzed the 30,000 fetuses of still born babies in a short amount of time. They don’t want people to know that there is a 200% increase in breast cancer. They don’t want people to know that there is a 40% increase in all kinds of cancers in Belarus alone in a very short four year period. It’s extraordinary, they don’t want to know that between 30 and 60,000 cancer deaths will happen worldwide as a result of Chernobyl.”
Learn more:
Petition to bring international aid to the reactor 4 situation.
@Tom Thanks for the link. Everybody should know that information. See ‘goo’ map by zip code below.
@Michael I see in the Photo Gallery box some blue gloves with ‘stuff’ on them. What is that? Inquiring minds want to know.
5-19-12 Thousand Oaks exterior 10 min: 38.5
5-22-12 Ventura exterior 10 min: 52.1
exterior retest 2 hours later: 45.4
Put in any zip code, find your goo path:
How you can help to keep a nuclear power plant from being built:
Send a card to Asako House
Asako House is built in the center of the planned Ohma Nuclear Power Plant premises in Japan
Read more:
Hi Roundabout,
You probably already know this but Rense.com stays on top of news re: anything Fuk’d.
take care,
Kicking Horse Organic Coffee. origins: Central and South America.
10min timed counts:
Background: 29.2 cpm
Coffee: 47.1cpm or 17.9cpm (after subtracting background)
This is good coffee 🙂
My 10min timed CPM last night revealed:
rainwater:59.5 cpm (after subtracting background level)
Background:37.8 cpm
Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but this means last night’s rainwater is 1.57x or 57% higher than my indoor background radiation?
This rain test was potentially hazardous then?
Thankyou for any comments, input, etc.
I am looking for information on Reactor number four since the several larger earthquakes in the last week in that area. Does anyone have any links for this new information? It seems as if there was a lot of talk about how precarious unit four was, and they’ve had some significant earthquakes on the shelf or around the area more so recently. Any new news, links?
Animated map of debris path. Looks like about 3-4 months to go for US/Canada Pacific West Coast:
NOAA’s projection model:
Debris Tracker (be patient while loading):
Some photos of debris at sea:
North American 7-day Jet Stream Forecast:
Well the coffee is a mixture of Central and Southern America.
After subtracting the back ground level from my 10 min timed count on the Coffee beans , the readings doesnt seem so bad 😉
However I did a ten minute timed count on some rain water collected from the windshields of two cars tonight, and the the results were as follows:
rain water: 59.5 CPM
background: 37.8 CPM
So thats a differnce of 21.7 CPM
Should I be alarmed?
Is it safe since its below 100CPM?
What do you think?
Cody, I too have tested coffee (I think from south america?) and it was a lot higher than background.
Um… I didn’t give up coffee or anything…
No Jetstream, And Still 20X Background Radiation In 8:15 pm Saint Louis Storm
@Chase; I am very interested in your dream. How about emailing me with the details. I will take it seriously.
Seaweed tests: Illuminating and alarming…!!!
Pre-Fuk dried Korean seaweed at 202% above normal.
So, to me, that says one of 3 things.
1. We’ve been getting ‘hit’ with this for far longer than we realize or even want to think about.
2. The Pre-Fuk seaweed was somehow contaminated Post-Fuk during storage or shipping.
3. …or both?
It should be obvious to anyone who is fortunate enough to find EnviroReporter and read this that our government/academics/military under the guise of secrecy, ‘for our own good’ is what they would like us to believe, have succeeded in contaminating us all.
A general observation:
Many in our small town of 2000 in central California are very ill and lethargic. Many, who were already ill, have died. Recently. Suicides also seem to be up.
(I am not a medical professional, just a regular guy.)
The Suffering:
I had a dream many years ago. It was a sad dream of a future time. I remember it was called the time of “The Suffering”. I think that period in time has begun. We can now make the choice to NOT be SILENT, take mitigation efforts and live life as best as possible or ‘give up’.
(I am not a psychic, just a regular guy.)
“…we are in the deadly embrace of The Fallout Age.” – sickputer enenews user
ALERT! Radioactive Fallout Identified In and On US Ground Beef
@Lenny: Team EnviroReporter in Canada and Radiation Station Santa Monica have also had repeatedly high coffee readings. There isn’t much literature on the issue but we did find this: http://www.rsc.org/images/number6_tcm18-17768.pdf
@Chase: You make a very good point, one we’ve been talking about on Rense for a while. NOAA’s lack of testing is reprehensible.
It is crucial that people with detectors, especially the Inspector Alert nuclear radiation monitor, take samples of Pacific Ocean water as the debris begins to impact their area. Good news on that front: We have welcomed Pacifica California Radiation Station to our small but growing network of folks taking measurements you can actually understand. Our raddie David in Pacifica lives two miles from the ocean south of San Francisco and north of Santa Cruz and west of Silicon Valley – superb location. David has a 24/7 streaming detector set up and will soon be doing multi-media testing including the Pacific.
@Cody – where are the Organic coffee beans grown? I’ve tested 4 different types of beans from South America and they’ve all come in between 30% to 50% above background. Based on your numbers, your beans are 50% above background. According to Michael Collins, anything over 15% is maybe not a good idea to consume.
Does anybody know why are coffee beans radioactive? Someone said something about Potassium rich soil in Columbia??
That’s strange because the beans weren’t all from Columbia.
Also, organic black tea from Argentina is 33% above background. Any ideas why? A few odd ball ideas myself – barium from chemtrails in the soil? Mercury from fertilizers, except not on organic. Or accumulation of 60 years of bomb tests, wars, nuclear power plants off gassing.
“Is the debris radioactive?” From NOAA.gov
from webpage:
“There is consensus among scientists that this is HIGHLY UNLIKELY, for several reasons:”
See ‘reasons’ here:
See map here:
This is deliberate misleading disinformation in my opinion. What do you think?
When I do a test like that, I find a spot on the table and take a 10 minute test; then immediately I test the product in question in the exact same spot on the table for 10 minutes; then I follow up with another 10 minute test again in the same empty spots.
Here is an example I did a while back with organic dried milk.
Greetings All,
Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone for caring enough to do their own investigations.
Secondly I’d like to ask you all for some advice :0)
I recently recieved an Inspector +.
In a 10 min timed count I averaged 40 CPM in my basement, and 33.3 CPM upstairs. Now I did a 10min timed count on some of my favorite Organic coffee beans, and they averaged 60 CPM upstairs. So my question is: Do I subtract the back ground reading (33.3CPM background) from the 60CPM (Coffee Beans) reading upstairs? or does the coffee beans reading combine with the back ground reading? If so is 60 CPM unsafe?
Hope this makes sense for you, and thank you for reading.
Kind regards,
Electrical storm the other night around 3 am but fell back to sleep.Have 2 small showers to report
1…5/13/12..77.3 CPM @ 3:20 pm
………….43.0 CPM @ 3:30 pm background
2…5/15/12..57.1 CPM @ 9:00 am
………….38.6 CPM @ 9:20 am background
@POTR So an event originating from Fukushima between March 1 and April 29 is the window you’re talking about (that would drop on St. Louis earlier this week)? If I get time tomorrow I’ll see what the jet stream was doing. I’m curious if those maps are good for any predictive value.
@SBlocal, based on the jetstream maps, the 4/29/12 stream was slightly north and west of our location. The contamination likely happened the day after major storms with baseball sized hail blew through the Saint Louis area.
Based on the half lives, what ever caused the detection likely did not happen any earlier than March 2012
The Fuku web cam at enenews, last night and this morning, the sky was showing huge flashes of pink and purple. Sort of like lightning.
Someone used the term nuclear “beta-flare”. (?)
Fuku cam – video 3 min:
Amazing… Screen Capture Photos:
Be aware! I don’t think the ‘situation’ is getting any better. My gut feeling is the situation is getting worse and at an accelerated pace.
Yet our ‘agencies’, that should be reporting this, are dead silent. Our political leaders, dead silent. Religious leaders, and the rest, dead silent. The silence is deafening!
I pray for the children of Japan and of the world. I hope their suffering is minimal. I am afraid it may not be. 🙁
@POTR – Your latest video is essential viewing (after the kids are asleep!). Would it be useful to correlate your findings to the historic jet stream pattern for the period of time affected by the fallout that was measured? In other words, can we gain a rough idea of where this stuff fell by looking back at those records knowing what you’ve provided? Also, the ongoing black ash deposition in Japan (Tokyo, etc) certainly points to a recent significant event, yet no source that I know of has posted anything pinpointing where and what is the cause of this ash deposition.
Anyone? Let’s set aside spent fuel #4 because everyone is watching it. What aren’t we watching might be the point.
There is now a POTRBLOG video detailing the recent radioactive soot detections, plus some discussion of the airborne radiological survey performed in Baltimore this week by the National Nuclear Security Agency’s (NNSA).
ALERT! Recent Radioactive Soot = Recent Radioactive Fire At Fukushima?
Santa Paula, CA, in Ventura County, 10 min exterior average: 49.4
creek water from Santa Paula, tested in a cup at my house: 43.7
There is now a POTRBLOG video on the Barium 140 and Lanthanum 140 indications, and how they are the smoking gun of a recent significant re-criticality in Fukushima
From almost a year ago. This astonishing time lapse video shows the release of contamination from a destroyed Fukushima reactor building.
This is what it looked like. This is what should have been on the news. This is why using the word ‘safe’ in the same sentence as Nuclear Power is nothing but a LIE!
Jun 2011 Time Lapse Fuku Cam
ALERT! Barium-140 Indications of Recriticality In Fukushima
FOIA Freedom Of Information Act
@Ann It certainly has dawned on me. It’s a really good point too. It also made me think of ‘other’ places that have information that is being ‘withheld’, so to speak.
It’s my understanding that Highway Patrol stations in CA near freeways have detectors. Hospitals. Military. Research facilities. Firefighters. I am sure the list of rad ‘sniffers’ goes on. Where are they? I don’t know.
It’s beyond me why ‘they’ wouldn’t just speak up. Maybe they’ve been told to shut up or manipulate data, burn, or delete all reports. We may never know. I am hoping for a flood of whistle blowers.
If all of that data were compiled I feel that it’s ‘highly likely’ that it would present a ‘picture’ of the randomness of radioactive contaminated ‘hot’ spots throughout the USA, the pacific ocean and beyond. From these ‘hot’ spots the contamination will insidiously and consistently spread and accumulate into other ‘systems’ over the coming years and decades. We know this.
I am very thankful we have an EnviroReporter though. 🙂
And please provide an n95 face mask for your mechanic while he changes that filter, at least offer it along with information. My mechanic was surprised as he hadn’t even thought of exposure like that. He started thinking about all the filters he had already changed… the gloves are obvious.
I have just heard that it would be wise for all of us to have our car filters changed each and every time we have our cars lubed. The filters are collecting and retaining any radiation that is in the air, and keeping us in close proximity with the contaminants, while we are driving.
“State Police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance confirmed that many of the state police cars have the radioactivity detectors. ‘It’s part of our homeland security operations here,’ Vance said. ‘It’s just another layer of public safety that we have in this state.’ ”
and this:
“…a colleague knew of an incident in which a patient was traveling by plane the day after a stress test and set off alarms in the airport. ‘It’s definitely known that this happens, and we do let patients know that there is a chance that they could be picked up,’ he said.”
As obvious downwinders, with CHP, or Oregon, Washington, Alaska and other State troopers along with BC Mounties and other Canadian Police having these rad detectors, have they detected Fukushima during the past year of fallout? My hunch is in the affirmative, they must have; for this info is currently being kept under wraps. Potrblog or Michael or Chase — has the thought dawned on you guys that maybe a FOIA is in order here?
Likewise, the rad detectors at the various ports of entry (airports, harbors, and the like) must have detected Fukushima as well.
This could be a viable source of alpha/beta/gamma detection data instead of relying on a broken EPA Radnet, Berkeley, and et al.
@potrblog; Thanks for your feedback, and also thanks for the backyard video! I didn’t know greenhouses could be picked up just like that, and what neat ways to pot your garden!
@Chase; Someone at CBS commentary can not spell, has a dirty mind, or both. If they thought it was a “form of the word” then they read the word with their mind adding in letters that would lead to a censor. It wasn’t from the dairy farm themselves, right? Try it again and see if they can read it correctly, it’s only fair.
Anyone notice Fukushima situation not coming up in the presidential debates? Oh, they are missing an opportunity to rally the people, prove they are honest, and win the election. Why waste a disaster when it could be used so effectively? If they could only see the opportunity, What politician is brilliant enough to use this opportunity to prove their integrity? mmmm? The senator from Oregon who traversed to Fukushima and was brave enough to get a bit nuked for our sakes…for starters…?! The presidential candidates could win on the Fukushima ticket is my opinion. Daring.
We had some preFuku soil, but we also went out and bought some from locations we thought might have less exposure to FUKU. We ruled out anything from Canada. We did run test on the soil, but nothing extensive. If it passed a 10min background test, we used it.
On the water front, the first thing we did was buy a RO water filter that could also handle VOC’s.
@Potrblog Excellent videos! The old ways of gardening must be rethought.
Here’s what happened to me today.
CENSORED!!! “Your comment text contained a form of the censored word ‘Fukushima’ and cannot be posted.” – message from a CBS comment area.
I saw an article about recalled MILK in Fresno California. I was going to leave a comment about “why not test for Fukushima Fallout” and the above message is what I received.
“Wow!”, I thought. “My FREEDOM of SPEECH has just been cut off.”
the Milk article:
Here’s the short article:
“Raw milk from a Fresno County Dairy is being recalled. Ten people have reportedly gotten sick from products from Organic Pastures Dairy. Bacteria was found in its raw cream.”
“The dairy’s owner says he believes the test results are incorrect.”
“This is the second recall in six months for the company.”
So… The Dairy Owner, (corporation – ORGANIC PASTURES), claims the test results are not correct. Of course, and there is no concern either.
It only makes sense that ORGANIC grass fed cows will show the highest amount of radioactive contamination first.
I have a feeling this kind of overt censorship is just the beginning.
@POTR your greenhouse video is beautiful and instructive! A must see. Many many thanks for posting that. Because the current best practices (e.g. permaculture) emphasize nutrient recycling (composting, mulching, etc) it’s important that those of us using these applications in backyard gardens (or in-house gardens such as Chez Collins) modify them according to protocols like yours or give some thought to what might be hitching a ride on what we’d be recycling. Have you tested both your tap water and/or garden soil for radionuclides? Have you found anything? We’ve been drinking distilled water since last summer because I know a little bit about water supply and treatment (specifically ours).
June gloom in Ventura: 46.9
Cost Effective Fallout Friendly Radioactive Gardening
@SBlocal, some people would actually find the video reassuring. The important thing is that we have tried to make the EPA RadNet data understandable so that people can make their own risk mitigation decisions based on their own personal beliefs about the dangers of radioactive fallout. Darwin can pick out later who wins and loses. What we find interesting is that there are people/groups who don’t seem to want to have the data understandable.
@POTR: Your video boggles the mind with its scale of implications. I wish I knew enough to find a flaw in your data so I won’t have the nightmares I’m going to have.
It has been known for many moons now that air currents flow naturally from Japan to the West Coast of the USA.
Same goes for ocean currents (history above).
“Conversations with government officials, she says, can be incredibly frustrating: ‘It’s like, my God, I feel like I’m talking to a 2-year-old.’ ”
Seems like some on here are beginning to feel the same way…
Here is a link to the video I just made explaining the Plutonium 239 “hot particle” detections the EPA made in San Francisco
Live in San Francisco? You Inhaled 75 MILLION Plutonium Atoms In Just 4 days
10 minute average in Somis, CA (ventura, ca): 40.6
If you live in the west and eat strawberries, blueberries, citrus or avocados, some of them were probably grown in this area.
From 3/15/11 -3/18/11 each person in the San Francisco bay area inhaled approximately 75 MILLION Plutonium239 atoms.
Using CONSERVATIVE models, approximately 482 people in the San Francisco bay area had a Plutonium 239 atom shoot off an Alpha particle while the Pu239 was inside of their lungs; and that assumed that every single Pu239 atom inhaled was completely exhaled 1 second later. The data is based on the EPA’s detection of Plutonium 239 in San Fran during the March 15-18th, 2011 time period.
You can see the details of the analysis here:
We’ll probably do a video soon explaining the details.
The key thing to remember is that NO ONE understands the totality of the risk from Fukushima; fortunately some people are digging into it. Unfortunately, nearly everyone providing information has a bias and seeks to influence people towards that bias.
@Roundabout: Gundersen was quoting the finding in Marco Kaltofen’s report that found that Seattle residents had potentially breathed an average of six (I think) hot particles every day during the month of April after Fuku. He did not detect hot particles anywhere else in the US.
Here’s a link to Kaltofen’s presentation:
Thanks SBLocal; I feel a bit less isolated.
Well on Fairwinds new website, Arnie’s scientist is saying that we shouldn’t really be worrying about breathing in the stuff on on the west coast… though I remember Arnie saying Seattle was breathing in 5 somethings of plutonium in a day… but the new info this scientist has out shows no spots on air filters…thus not in the lungs, and even if plutonium is in the air, well, it depends on the size whether it actually makes it to the lungs or not… just to be careful of the sealife. Well, whatcha gonna believe? Does it really change from one April to the next? The facts will speak for themselves sooner or later! Take care everyone and have faith.
@Roundabout thanks for your practical advice and commiseration. I will look up the protocol you mentioned for blocking and reflecting radiation.
It’s hard not to feel isolated in even considering such a stark existential reality as the one we currently face (I live in the city where both botox and silicon implants are headquartered so thinking is doubly a liability for me).
My grandparents survived WWII in LA and fully reaped from the prosperous years that followed. I think luck has run out for us though. Fuel pool #4 has how many A bombs of radiation? Five thousand A bombs or something.
There was never a threat like this (on the West Coast) during the height of WWII. We can’t even plant a victory garden because it’s basically never going to end (unless it does, and not in the good way)! This is grim stuff without any Cold War Era glamour (French cinema or Sophia Loren, for example) to distract us. Where is Mike Davis? Sunshine and noir indeed. Ecology of Fear uber alles.
Ventura 10 minute exterior: 46.2
@SBLocal; Thank you for the link. It is true, the symptoms I saw the last few days are not like your typical allergies. It is migraines and extreme exhaustion. I am around a lot of young people, growing young people, and these are the daily affects. To your question, I went out and got painters plastic sheeting (the very thick type which vapors can not go through) and duct tape. Also painting windows white if it collapses, having tolieting items (including plastic bags), water, food and air filters, and a ham radio. Three to six months worth of supplies. This is what I found out through a WWII infomercial that you can find on youtube or the internet at large. It most likely will be the same type of poisons like being bombed, right? MOX.
Well, I am sad that I feel like a dope when thinking about Fukushima outside the MSM box. It is something that many of us face, I am sure. Once in awhile, when I trust my gut, I can tell you, it can be a lonely spot. This is why an Inspector can help with the reality checks. So thanks everyone for the data! It’s a hope, pray, petition and try to live daily proposition for us. Maybe this is what is was like in our nation during our World Wars… just one mistake away from disaster.
@Roundabout, I’m in Santa Barbara and allergies have exploded here in the past week but we’ve not experienced migraines (and we’re highly sensitive) or anything unusual. Have you spent any time looking at the EPA Radnet data for Bakersfield? It’s the closest monitoring station to the Central Coast and though it doesn’t measure everything it does provide relative data. Here’s the link to the Bakersfield station: http://www.epa.gov/radnet/radnet-data/radnet-bakersfield-bg.html
@Kim, thanks again for your data. It helps manage the uncertainty to an extent.
Does anyone out there reading this have a plan or idea of what they can/might do should the worst occur with pool #4? We generally don’t have basements out here on the West Coast so holing up with a year’s supply of food and water is out. Any other thoughts? I’m trying to develop Plan A, B, etc. because I’m responsible for the well being of a sweet four year old who doesn’t deserve this — as no children do.
@Mark; THank you Mark for those outstanding links. For those who live on the central coast Arroyo Grande, Santa Maria and all areas in-between, the air is horrible (extremely hazey) and I am wondering if the uranium explosion last week has caught up with us here. Many are having migraines but no allergy symptoms. Does anyone have a detector in this area with readings for the air May 7th or May 8th. It is absolutely horrible. I have lived here over twenty years and have never seen it this bad, or with others who are without energy or with migraines even in young people.
@s Kim & roundabout
Check out this map:
Map depicts Cesium-137 highest in mussels (“unique bioindicator”) in sea south of Chernobyl. Coastal California also has plenty of Mytilus galloprovincialis to test. Ventura and Santa Barbara coastlines have piers, attached to pier pilings, find mussels…Also, rocky stretches of beach, find mussels attached to rock exposed at low tide.
Study showing Plutonium 239 (think Mox Unit 3) uptake by lobsters amongst other shellfish:
5/7/12 Rain Fallout Measured 6x Greater Than Background Radiation
Looks like Monticito kelp is too hot to handle.
Ventura, CA, 10 minute exterior: 46.8
kelp, collected off a beach in Montecito, tested indoors at home: 53.6
Frank here in SW Virginia. Just had a light rain shower – more of a heavy drizzle today May 05,2012 at 13:30 hrs EDT. So I did a paper towel wipe of my two located adjacent car windshields to get enough moisture to soak the towel. Put the Inspector just above the towel on two sticks for a 10 minute count. Highest I have EVER seen at 5,101 cts/10 min. 510 counts per minute but had faded to background of 393/10 min. after about 5 hours. Needless to say:
Stay out of the rain these days.
Background readings collected since beginning of March have averaged from 37 to 42 counts per min. measured twice per day in my area. Be well (and avoid untested seaweed).
Keep you posted. We appreciate what you folks are doing so much.
Green Action Japan is looking for organizations to sign onto their urgent request for international action to stabilize and secure the precarious Unit 4 reactor building and fuel pool at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
Email your support to info@greenaction-japan.org. Tell them the name of your organization, plus city and country.
Read the full text of the letter plus endorsements at
Thanks for taking action!
A very noteworthy day! Japan has switched off it’s last operational nuclear reactor! http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/05/05/japan-to-be-without-nuclear-power-for-first-time-in-42-years/
Great talk on Rense Radio Network Michael. Thank you.
The baseline [seaweed] is VERY significant!
See Hot News box on the right for Rense Radio.
Just a reminder & suggestion to change your air conditioner/furnace filters as the hot summer approaches.
I recall that 3M Filtrete filters rated well in Consumer Reports. Though not as good as HEPA filters you might consider using these even if you already have a HEPA filter in your home. Note that the higher the MPR number the better they perform. You can find these at Lowes, Home Depot, Amazon.com, etc.
A Radioactive Blue Siamese Feline Flees From Fukushima Fallout Fog
Yesterday, May 1st, Green Action Japan sent an Urgent Request to UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon asking for UN Intervention to Stabilize the Fukushima Unit 4
Spent Nuclear Fuel.
I am urging everyone to write letters to the Secretary General supporting this proposal:
Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
The United Nations
760 United Nations Plaza
Manhattan, NY 10017
NBC’s Jay Leno speaks about the San Onofre leak.
In case you missed it.
Here’s my youtube comment:
“If your relatives are from Hiroshima OR Fukushima this is NOT FUNNY. Very poor taste and misleading on a subject (NUCLEAR FALLOUT) that is either not reported at all or is grossly under-reported. – Stop the Death Machines known as Nuclear Power Plants!!! Our genetic future is at stake. The untold suffering from these monstrosities will haunt us for centuries to come.”
It would appear that it is now time to forget about eating fish…from anywhere.
@Michael Collins,
Those are RADOS RDS-80 Geiger Counters, they are somewhat smaller but much thicker than the RAD-Alert. We have had them quite sometime. We haven’t been public about them because we prefer to keep things on a need-to-know basis.
We picked them because they have a built in data recording capability, and because they are military grade (they’ll even float in water). Price varies from 1K to 1.5K each
The lead lined box comes from the medical industry, so it suffers from the Government induced $900 toilet seat syndrome. The lead bricks are a much better value, especially if you purchase them pre-painted. They typically run around $60-$80 a piece, not including shipping.
@Potrblog: Thank you for this shocking information. The lead box setup you created is awesome. Did you use those smaller detectors because of their size and/or price? Can you give us newly-minted radiologists an idea of how much it cost to build it?
@Kim: We regret that folks accessing the site find it near-impossible to ‘open in new tab’ or to copy text and photos (though links to pages/posts are easy to copy). Numerous websites and blogs have been stealing our work lock, stock and becquerel and posting it on their oft-times objectionable sites without permission in order to earn ad revenue off of our reporting. These people, by and large, have been hostile to our demands to remove our material and to abide by Fair Use laws. So instead of wasting valuable time trying to protect our reporting by chasing down these intellectual copyright thieves, we’ve gone a step further and copy-protected the site itself. We regret the inconvenience you’ve described.
@All: We don’t approve comments selling items or services, though the vast majority of commenters do not attempt this. People wanting to promote products on our website can contact us to arrange advertising on EnviroReporter.com.
10 min. exterior in Ventura, CA is 49.9
Inching up…
Michael, is there anyway to configure links so they will allow “open in new tab”? I always try to open them to read in a minute without leaving this page. They won’t even cut and paste. Just a suggestion. 🙂
Dying In The Rain, One Non Detect At a Time: The Radioactive Proof
Long half life radioactive fallout is raining down on the USA; we provide the proof from our April 14th radioactive rainstorm sample and detail how academia and industry misrepresent “non-detects / non-identifications” as if they meant no radioactive contamination was present.
Radiation cloud over Australia and New Zealand detected. Radio from New Zealand. Peter Daley interviewed by Tim Lynch.
An extremely informative interview. He covers a lot. Michael is indirectly mentioned as “the environmental reporter guy” from California.
Note: The interview actually starts at 8 minutes in. Enviroreporter reference is at about 32:30.
The download file is an mp3.
Thank you Peter Daley!
Radioactive Rain At 11 Times Background + an example of self limiting sampling
Compelling map showing evacuation zone when #4 Spent Fuel Pool collapses.
50,000+ US Military and Civilians in Japan, what are the evacuation plans for them? Might be a good time to query your elected officials.
“The Reactor 4 SFP contains 204 new fuel assemblies and 1331 spent fuel assemblies”. See link below:
Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! (possibly)
As you may or may not know a petrochemical plant has exploded in Japan 5 days ago.
“3400 barrels of depleted uranium were reported to be at this facility… clearly… the buildings are destroyed.”
Conflicting news reports about releases of DU. Based on prior reporting from Japan I would not assume that things are ‘okay’.
Will this be picked up by detectors? If so, will it be reported and a mitigation warning be issued. We’ll see.
Tracking the cloud: by dutchsinse
Be aware is the point.
“Malama pono” take care, be careful!
i live in north carolina, has anyone seen any reports of elevated radiation in my area. central north carolina
Glendale, CA rain sample 4/26/2011 2:50 PM, 41.2 CPM vs. 35.8 CPM background. That’s about 15% over background, which is nearly normal.
There is,currently,a huge amount of super-concern and worry about planning for the repair of Fukushima reactor #4. If this reactor, which is leaning, finally falls completely to the ground,or endures another large earthquake,it could destroy Tokyo and also become a disaster of global proportions.
This link provides an encompassing description of the problem, and some discussion of possible remediation, which would probably stretch out for several more years. Keep scrolling down, but don’t expect to feel relieved, much less overly hopeful or happy!
Rain Sample 11:00 AM 4/26/2012, Glendale CA. 41.2 CPM, background is 34.6. That’s near normal, 19% over background.
Light rain in Ventura. Collected just a bit on a damp paper towel, came in at 43.4.
@biggie: Thank you!
Hour-long show about 3.9 M earthquake near to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station capable of a 7 M, the plant’s limit; in-depth discussion of lack of action on Fukushima’s Unit 4 spent fuel pool which could precipitate release of 85 times amount of cesium-137 than Chernobyl, and different types of Japanese seaweed possibly contaminated by meltdown.
10:55pm 10-minute INTERIOR RAIN SAMPLE from subtropical storm coming up from the south: 47.2 CPM^ which is within the Inspector Alert’s +/- 15% margin of error. Rain reads at background with no radon progeny present.
10:35pm 10-minute INTERIOR background average: 42.8 CPM^
Rain in Ventura, CA, tested inside in a cup for 10 minutes:
whats that giant sucking sound?
oh wait- there isn’t any-it’s clogged…it doesn’t take an earthquake to shut down diablo:
“Asian pollution contributes as much as 20 percent of total ozone during springtime pollution episodes in western U.S. surface air”. So, when looking at why Glendale (smoggy) has CPMs greater than Santa Monica (less smoggy), one can deduce that ozone is trapped in the valleys vis-a-vis not so much at the coast.
Compare Bakersfield (very high beta) to Los Angeles (high beta) to San Francisco (low beta) on EPA RadNet:
Bakersfield is well known for its smog, as is LA over coastal SF. This would seem to make the case that ozone from Asia along with greater amounts of dreaded Fukushima radioisotope contamination are to be found in smog-prone locales such as valleys encased by mountains. Are there HEPA Air Conditioning Units that are recommended for the upcoming summer smog season?
Nice photo depicting the above:
Been trying 2 days to get RENSE webmaster to download 4/23/12 Michael Collins 1 hr interview with no luck yet BUT I found it here…Look for RENSE 4/23/12 about 1/2 way down for mp3 download FREE to listen
ALERT- Persistent Long Half Life Radioactive Fallout
The fallout sample from the April 15th radioactive fallout rain event remains radioactive 5 days after the initial collection. The sample was still radioactive at approximately 1.3 counts per minute over background, (Beta + Gamma). Data analysis is on going, and more information should be available in a few days.
The continued presence of persistent long life radioactive fallout in these storms does not bode well for long term radioactive environmental build up and migration into food products.
Did you see this recent audit of EPA’s RadNet System?
It makes me even more thankful for Michael Collins’ testing, and the good people here who share their radiation results.
The Audit is called:
People are waking up all around us about this radioactive fallout. Bloggers and youtuber’s who measured earthquakes and things other than fukushima fallout, are now waking up big time. Enviroreporter will continue to be a voice in the wilderness, and many will continue and begin to find their strength here. So please, Michael, Denise and all the faithful posters, please do not stop sending in your readings. You don’t know how many depend on those to ground them in their own sanity during this nightmare. You have an audience who needs you. I hope to join the ranks of those measuring and posting.
2012/04/23 at 7:11 pm
1st HEPA filter reading 1011. That’s 101.1 CPM on a HEPA filter running continuously for the past 6 months.
2nd HEPA filter reading 767, with Ziplock bag used as alpha filter. Most likely some good alpha component present.
3rd HEPA reading 860 about 30 minutes after first reading. Indicates some fast decay radon progeny present.
Glendale mist reading collected from wiped windshield, 1356 for 10 min timing. That’s 135.6 CPM while background measures 35. That’s 3.86X background.
More mist, 708. Slower mist rate of fall right now. Measured from wiped horizontal surface of open garage door.
9:00am 10-minute INTERIOR background average of RAIN SAMPLE: 44.0 CPM^ which is less than background. More proof that Radiation Station Santa Monica rain/air readings are not impacted by radon progeny because, if they were, it would show up even in a rain sample like this apparently not impacted by Fukushima radionuclide contamination. Note other below-background rain readings prior.
8:40am 10-minute INTERIOR background average: 47.3 CPM^
Heavy mist/ light rain in Ventura: 50.1
We are in a drought here which reflects lack of reports.I have 2
4/18/12 drizzle rain
108.9 CPM @ 3:52 pm
36.5 CPM @ 3:52 pm background
4/22/12 overcast/lt showers
189.7 CPM @ 10:18
40.2 CPM @ 10:30 am background
Was worried about the heavy mist “June Gloom” weather that has descended on my neighborhood in Ventura, CA, and is unlikely to leave until late summer. Was happily surprised that tonight’s 10 minute average was 46.7, or background.
@Chase & everybody:
Hot seaweed, hottest L.A. air yet & rockin’ TV appearance on NBC’s G4-TV Attack of the Show!
“Japanese Seaweed Radiation Doubles” – https://www.enviroreporter.com/2012/04/japanese-seaweed-radiation-doubles/
EnviroReporter.com journeys back to the same Japanese store in Los Angeles to purchase the same brand and make of Nori seaweed it had bought last August. The green sheets of seaweed, prized for its nutty, crispy flavor by hipsters and locals alike, comes in at double background radiation, with a substantial part of that ionization coming from alpha radiation which is 60 to 1,000 times more dangerous than beta and gamma radiation because of its lethality if ingested or inhaled. The eight-month old Nori seaweed bought last year still radiates far above background but loses some of its punch strongly suggesting the presence of medium and long-lived radionuclides like cesium-137 and the lethal brew captured in uranium-60 “buckyballs.” Worse still is the fact that the gelling substances in seaweed, 90% of which is grown in the Far East, are used in toothpaste, milk shakes, beer, desserts and all manner of food and drink products that are made with alginate and carrageenan. Hot seaweed sold in 49 Japanese and Japanese-American stores in Southern California as well as over 900 stores.
“L.A. Air Even Hotter with Radiation” – https://www.enviroreporter.com/2012/04/la-air-even-hotter-with-radiation/
Topping EnviroReporter.com’s last radiation readings of HEPA filter dust in the western Los Angeles Basin, a 40-day accumulation of dust and debris by three HEPA filter machines at Radiation Station Santa Monica yields the highest air rad readings we’ve taken yet: 7.46 times normal. The California Highway Patrol considers anything 3 times normal radiologically to be a hazmat situation making this detection doubly dangerous.
“Attack of the Show!” – https://www.enviroreporter.com/2012/04/attack-of-the-show/
EnviroReporter.com was featured on G4TV’s “Attack of the Show!” on April 16, 2012 where host Kevin Pereira and journalist Michael Collins discuss Fukushima meltdowns’ fallout and contamination of the Pacific Ocean and North America. This mainstream media coverage, seen by nearly 2 million AOTS! viewers, is historic in it being the first such program to boldly explore this subject.
Better links to the NBC videos I was talking about.
1. “Cleaning Up The Mess Of Nuclear Meltdown”
2. “FALLOUT: Japan’s Radioactive Zone Frozen In Time”
Similar to other MSM reports there is much left unsaid. Like when it shows the NPP blow up he states that cesium was released. No mention of all the other goo. He does say radioactive isotope(s) though.
Please… get those children out of there.
Check this out, everybody:
Brian Williams and Peter Engle report NBC News.
How can ANYBODY watch this and think Nuclear Power is safe?
– “Cancer for children is 10 times higher.”
– “A reality for generations to come.”
– “It feels like a Nuclear Holocaust.”
– “Cleanup doesn;t really work… it does NOT go away, it does not go out of the system.”
…says Peter Engle from Fukushima
“It’s not a ghost town it’s a town of death!” – said by local rancher
Talks of a population shift. (?)
There are 2 different videos on this page. I recommend watching them both.
There are faces in these videos of people I’ve seen before on youtube home spun videos.
What does all of this MSM reporting mean? Your guess is as good as mine.
Hey Michael…The POWER HOUR show is talking about radiation/remedies now.I just called the show and gave your website/info to a representative there who said she would give it to the program host JOYCE RILEY THEPOWERHOUR.COM so you may be getting a call to be on the show via phone
biggee….Radiation station Harrisburg NC
Here is an email I sent to my sister in Missouri today. I worry for her and her grandchildren. She works for hospice so she sees death every day. I know it’s a difficult job, but she is one of the best.
Subject: Have you Brushed your Teeth Today?
Dear Sis,
This is so important!
Michael Collins of EnviroReporter.com speaks on G4 TV (owned in part by NBC)
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR): is one the 1st government officials to really speak out on NBC regarding the Radioactive Fallout from Fukushima, Japan’s 3 nuclear core meltdowns.
AVOID MiLK…It’s a good idea…!!! (my new slogan)
Did you know… Vitamin D was added to milk in the 50’s and 60’s to counteract the effects of nuclear bomb testing and fallout. They never stopped adding it. I wonder why?
FACT: Cows milk is NOT currently being tested in the state of MO and most everywhere else too.
That’s probably because, in my opinion, if they tested the stuff then they would have to lie to you and they don’t want to do that, so it’s easier just to not test and assume all will be okay.
Do you brush your teeth? Cause if you don’t ‘most likely’ sooner or later they will fall out. (no pun intended) So brushing is a mitigation effort. It does not guarantee that your teeth won’t fall out, but it’s worth doing.
Mitigation of radioactive fallout:
Steps can be taken that are at least prudent and simple if you know what to do.
Here’s a few:
* Avoid rain. (umbrella)
* Avoid milk.
* Wash rain wet clothes and shoe bottoms
* Shoes off at outside door if possible
* Mask when working outside (ie.. yard work, car, or on plane)
* Do not park rain wet car in garage without hose rinse!
* Teach this to children (please, make a game of it or something)
* Hepa Filters (have one or more! clean it every 30 days)
* Water Filters
* Brain Filter (very important! or turn off your TV, same thing basically)
*…and what foods to eat from where and why is a more detailed area of study, but also very important. (common sense really)
If you have the money an Inspector Detector Radiation devise is a really good thing. (about $600-$700 ?)
I predict Radiation Detectors will be common place one day soon or an app attachment for your i-phone.
Inner Truth:
ML King Speech – Break The SILENCE – youtube
This affects every living thing on the planet. That’s why I feel it’s so important.
Thanks for listening,
Your Brother
@Chase & All: Thank you very much, Chase! And thank you for your excellent comments over at the G4 TV site. Denise and I are very grateful to you.
I hadn’t mentioned this yet as I’m working up a post about it along with important articles on the seaweed and new HEPA filter results discussed on Attack of the Show! I have a lot of praise for these folks having me on. The program airs Monday thru Friday live from 4 to 5pm. My segment was seen by around two million people.
It would be helpful to all of us if you folks let Attack of the Show! know how much covering this issue means to you. Already the fallout deniers are burning up the comments on the segment. You have to register but that is a small hassle to let our friends in the mainstream media know what coverage of Fukushima contamination across America, Canada and beyond mean to you. http://www.g4tv.com/videos/58173/radioactive-rain-the-reality-of-japans-nuclear-fallout/
wtg! Great interview on G4 TV Michael. Kudos to Kevin Pereira too. (G4 TV is partially owned by NBC)
Kevin asks about… hepa filter tests, seaweed, radioactive rain and what this means for our own safety.
Highly recommended:
The embedded video is also located at enenews.
Inspector on the go… 10 minute exterior averages around socal.
Thousand Oaks, April 15th: 39.1
LA (at La Brea Tar Pits), April 16th: 38.8
Ventura, April 17th: 48.8 🙁
Also, did I publish the measurement I took last week in Moorpark? That is relatively close to Santa Susanna. I dont’ remember the exact #, but it was under/around 40 for a 10 min. exterior.
Japan tsunami debris conference in HI. Three parts, one hour each. Link to part one below. Interesting info about debris dispersion and prognosis. Depressing stuff.
@SBLocal our detections are tied to the Jet Stream, and the ability of the storms to access that Jet Stream
Rain Minneapolis/St.Paul Minnesota
Background ~40 CPM
1st test: collected sample the potrblog way from a glass top table. Test shows 600 CPM – 15x background. Follow-up tests of the same sample 30 minutes later 440 cpm and 60 min later 230 CPM.
2nd test: left the Inspector outside in the rain for 20 minutes, pancake up, covered with very thin plastic bag. Test shows 2x background.
@potrblog: I noticed on a map of US nuclear power plants that there are something like six in your state (IL). Have you considered that the consistently high measurements you’re getting could be due to all/any of those?
Third Glendale rain sample, this time from a thunderstorm with lightning less than 1/2 mile away. 10 minute timing with the Inspector Alert produced a result of 45.8 CPM. Still very good, not much over background even for rain likely originating higher up in the atmosphere.
Here are the numbers on Glendale, CA rain collected at 11:05 AM on 4/13/2012 . This second rain sample was collected the same way as the first one, directly from falling rain onto a paper towel which was resting on a clean plastic Ziploc storage bag.
background 10 min count 423 (42.3 CPM)
Rain sample 10 min count 460 (46.0 CPM)
8% over background. Cool rain in Glendale!
Here are the numbers on Glendale, CA rain collected at 10:20 AM on 4/13/2012 . The rain was collected directly from falling rain onto a paper towel which was resting on a clean plastic Ziploc storage bag.
background 10 min count 423 (42.3 CPM)
Rain sample 10 min count 531 (53.1 CPM)
25% over background. Not especially hot.
Rain caught in a cup from a Ventura downpour measures at 50 cpm. Just a titch above normal background, but still within 15%.
8:45am 10-minute average INTERIOR RAIN REMNANTS: 43.3 CPM^ [Within +/- 15% Inspector Alert margin of error = NORMAL RAIN WITH NO RADON PROGENY]
8:25am 10-minute average INTERIOR: 42.8 CPM^
Light rain falling off and on in Ventura, CA.
10 minute test came up with a cpm of 45.9, which is background.
Stop the New Nuke Power Loan Guarantees
By harvey wasserman
To be delivered to: the general public, including taxpayer groups, and anti-nuke/pro-green environmental organizations across the board., The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama
In light of Fukushima and Solyndra, please stop the rip-off taxpayer loan guarantees for new nuclear reactors in Georgia…and anywhere else.
The Department of Energy is poised to give $8.33 billion in loan guarantees to the Georgia Vogtle double-reactor project that could irradiate the planet and bankrupt the state. But especially after the Solyndra bankruptcy, details of the deal are coming under intense scrutiny, at the Office of Management and Budget and elsewhere. If we stop this boondoggle there may never be another nuclear plant built in the US.
ALERT! Buy Potassium Iodide “iOSAT” NOW! The US Military is Rapidly Stockpiling! Shortage is Imminent!
Freshly collected Glendale CA rain sample. I took a ten minute timing with the Inspector Alert of a soaked paper towel exposed directly to the rain. The reading was 440, (44.0 CPM). This is barely over background level which was 41.2 CPM.
Tested Glendale CA rain left over from the recent storm.
Background 10 min timing was 412 (41.2 CPM)
Wiped wet surface of rooftop solar panels 10 min timing was 604 (60.4 CPM)
Wicked up small puddle from trash can lid was 383 (38.3) CPM
It seems the difference is grime that was on the surface of the panels. Retesting the solar panel sample inside a plastic bag produced a 10 min count of 543 (54.3 CPM).
A second retest of the solar panel sample produced a 10 minute count of 501 (50.1 CPM)
It’s more than just alpha, but is decaying fairly quickly.
Feinstein Statement on San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station visit
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Energy and Water, issued the following statement after a two and a half hour meeting at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station:
“It was important for NRC Chairman Jaczko to come to San Onofre for a firsthand look at the situation.
“On my visit last year and this, I was impressed with the dedication and expertise of the professionals that run the facility and who work to ensure the safe operation of the plant.
“At this time, the cause of the damage to the heat transfer tubes has not been determined.
“Nearly 7.4 million Californians live within 50 miles of San Onofre, so it is clear that the generator must remain offline until it is carefully inspected and any safety issue is definitively diagnosed and fixed.
“Chairman Jaczko and Edison CEO Ted Craver assured me that they will not allow the generators in units 2 and 3 to restart until they are both certain it is absolutely safe. I will hold them to that commitment.”
April 11, 2012 rain NOT HOT
8:40am 10-minute average INTERIOR RAIN REMNANTS: 46.8 CPM^ [Within +/- 15% Inspector Alert margin of error = NORMAL RAIN WITH NO RADON PROGENY]
8:15am 10-minute average INTERIOR: 44.6 CPM^
thanks Kim that’s a relief:) just got soaked here in Marina del Rey, couple/three miles south of Santa Monica.
its like playing Russian Roulette with the rain these days, just don’t know!!
Someone needs to invent a reactive material maybe on an umbrella so you will know instantly whats landing on you.
I guess the media or medium will never tell us whats up because that would mean the medical industry, (who use radiation for treatment) along with the nuclear industry would be liable for damages. Imagine that?
All the best
Hi Everyone,
Rain in Ventura, CA at 10 p.m. on Tuesday night measures 48.4 in a 10 minute test. My background yesterday outside was 49, so rain is at background. Woop!
Will measure again if it’s falling tomorrow.
Every one affiliated with [the nuclear industry] in the their nuke greed from mining to trying to store the waste should be residents [near] a nuclear power plant.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined that an inspection finding at the
Fort Calhoun Station involving an electrical breaker fire is of “red” or high safety significance.
The plant, operated by the Omaha Public Power District, is located 19 miles north of Omaha,
“This finding has high safety significance because it affected multiple safety systems and
consequently warrants actions to prevent recurrence,” said NRC Region IV Administrator Elmo
E. Collins.
The finding stems from an NRC special inspection regarding an electrical fire that led to
the declaration of an Alert at Fort Calhoun on June 7, 2011. The fire started in a replacement
electrical breaker where poor alignment between components and inadequate maintenance
increased the electrical resistance on some parts, causing them to heat up and fail. Soot and
smoke from the resulting fire then knocked out power to a redundant electrical system used for
distributing power to vital equipment needed for the safe shutdown of the plant. The plant was
shut down at the time because of flooding along the Missouri River.
The fire resulted in the loss of spent fuel pool cooling for approximately 90 minutes and
could have resulted in the loss of a safety function or multiple failures in systems used to
mitigate a severe accident, had one occurred. In the event of a serious accident, operators would
have had to take compensatory measures to safely shut the plant down. OPPD has taken
appropriate corrective action to prevent recurrence.
The NRC staff has characterized the finding as “red.” NRC evaluates performance at
plants with a color-coded process which classifies regulatory findings as either green, white,
yellow or red, in order of increasing significance. The final significance letter issued to OPPD
will be available on the NRC webpage at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html.
Scroll down and enjoy this horribly scary looking photo of Fukushima reactor #4. The spent fuel pool is up on the top floor, supposedly being cooled by water.
Given the anticipated possibility of a large enough earthquake, the spent fuel pool could easily fall down or out, and take Tokyo with it.
According to the the experts, the rest of the world could or would suffer from nuclear contamination for the next 50 years. And, just where were these experts when this THING was being built?
A method to strengthen or shore up #4 appears to be in the planning stages, and will hopefully be carried out before the next big shaker.
A nuclear reactor really is “a hell of a way to boil water”.
Minneapolis rain 10 a.m. 20 minutes external average shows 2x background.
5pm Passing Drizzle 5x Greater Than Background Radiation
Michael Collins is referenced in this new article!
@Margery – I’m getting increasingly uneasy about the reports on spent fuel pool #4. There are ongoing aftershocks, etc. And the former ambassador cast it in terms of end-of-civilization level of concern.
@ Mr. & Mrs. Collins, would you by any chance have any tips on air travel in a time of radioactive fallout should we need to flee this hemisphere? For example, the type of air filter masks you wear on the plane? Where one can get them? Do we tell airline staff the masks are for asthma or nothing or what? A travel tip sheet would be nice as a permanent link on the front page.
Our current “gifts” from Japan will seem minor and unimportant,if Fukushima reactor #4 completes its gradual collapse. Let us really hope and pray that they can fix this one
slow rain over night cloudy/foggy/rain ceased app 1 1/2 hr ago
174,8 CPM @ 8;50 am
139.2 CPM @ 9;10 am (flipside sample)
42.1 CPM background @ 8;55 am
Im still amazed @ potrblogs consistant HIGH readings! How close are the other Nuke plants west of St Louis??
Alert! Overheated Spent Fuel Rod Storage At Earthquake Damaged North Anna Nuclear
19x Background Radiation; Unusually High Southern Jet Stream Radioactive Fallout Continues
I would say it’s spreading and accumulating.
Note the location of Hawaii.
20 second video – Ocean Contamination Map/Model
Radioactive Sea Water Particle Tracing:
(credit Zeitraffer – Germany)
Why is this not in some way on the local Hawaii evening news, in the local newspaper or being broadcast over the radio? Around the world might be nice too.
Is it real or not real? (or deniable?) Or… whatever? The real question is/has pertinent information and data possibly been omitted or kept from us? hmmm…?
I think more and more are realizing the obvious answer.
@Kim Thanks, as always, for your posts.
40.7 (seems okay)
62.7 (seems hot to me, although soil may be different if it has sand or minerals in it, it may also be accumulating like a filter?)
48.4 (would possibly indicate to me that the peas have had a slight ‘uptake’, just guessing)
Backyard 60.1
If samples were taken at the same spot on a regular basis, over time, it might indicate an increase or accumulation. That would be my bet. That would be really good to know.
Fallout can be ‘spotty’ at times. I read once where half of a corn field can be contaminated and the other half be fine. Probably one of the reasons for focusing on the same location when testing.
That’s why when people walk around Tokyo now and randomly find hot spots almost everywhere, then you know they’ve really been getting hit with this monstrous radioactive goo bomb. We all have really. The overall results of which will ‘most likely’ range from ‘not good at all’ to beyond horrific. 🙁
Exterior in MOORPARK, CA, about half an hour closer to Santa Susana than my house, 10 minute average: 40.7
soil sample from popular pick-your-own family farm in Moorpark: 62.7
snap peas grown in that soil: 48.4
exterior in Ventura, CA: 46.7
soil sample from my back yard in Ventura: 60.1
Regarding Fukushima
“…no meltdown occurred”
“As time passed without a full meltdown, the crisis eased…”
So who said this you ask?
Why did they say it, might be better question?
TIME Magazine: 2011 The Year in Review
See Photo of article here:
Isn’t there a law against outright deleterious lies in print or is it just considered free speech? How does one fight this kind of ridiculous onslaught?
NRC Forbids San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant From Reopening:
Personal observation: Heavy rains in the foothills of Tulare county, CA. There was a distinct sulfur smell in the air prior to the wind and rain. Literally smelled like matches. (approximately 1 pm this afternoon)
I have heard people from San Fransisco and from the coast mention the phenomenon, but this is my first observation of the sulfur smell. (and a yucky after taste too) 🙁
More rain in Ventura, CA, thankfully back down to background.
10 minute average was 47.2
12:45pm 10-minute average INTERIOR SPOT CHECK MISTY RAIN SAMPLE: ~176 CPM^ [~506% of prior averaged backgrounds HIGHER with NO RADON PROGENY. HIGHEST LOS ANGELES RAIN TO DATE.]
Videotaped – upcoming as well as post explaining how this sea-derived precipitation matches our buckyball model of Southern California Fukushima radiation fallout.
12:30pm 10-minute average INTERIOR: 34.8 CPM^
Rain’s cleared up, exterior in Ventura is 41.4
Light rain falling in Ventura, CA is HOT.
Backgrounds are consistently around 45 in my house.
10 minute average from a paper towel swipe yields a reading of 69.8.
Stay out of the rain today!
Rainshowers through out the a.m.Got a LOW count
72.0 CPM @ 10:16 am
38.9 CPM @ 10: 27 am Background
5:30pm EXTERIOR & INTERIOR 20-minute check of new red 4-door 2012 TOYOTA PRIUS courtesy of a neighbor who allowed full access to the vehicle. Engine, chassis, undercarriage, trunk and interior all carefully checked with NO RADIATION ABOVE BACKGROUND.
@All: This just across the wires…
Only 9 days left to gather signatures for the California Nuclear Initiative petition.
ACTION #1: Please download and sign the petition and get others to do the same. Gather signatures at markets and large events. Mail petitions no later than April 7th (Easter weekend). Please mail those you already completed — don’t wait until April 7th. Download the petition forms, instructions and other handouts at http://californianuclearinitiative.com/
San Onofre is temporarily shut down due to radiation leaks from defective steam generators.
San Onofre has been shut down since January 31st when radiation leaked into the air from a ruptured tube in one of two steam generators in the Unit 3 reactor. Steam generator ruptures can cause meltdowns. We were lucky this time. Both Unit 2 and Unit 3 steam generators tubes are showing years of premature wear. Unit 3 was installed less than a year ago. Unit 2 was installed less than two years ago. Southern California Edison is working around the clock to find a way to put these defective generators back on-line. And given the track record of the NRC that will probably happen.
ACTION #2: It’s up to us to shut these plants down, so please help get the word out. There are many news articles about San Onofre right now. Please post comments on these articles, recommending people go to the CaliforniaNuclearInitiative.com website to download and mail petitions by April 7th.
California has plenty of power without these nuclear plants.
The good news is, we have documents showing we do not need these nuclear plants for power in California and that blackouts are extremely unlikely this summer without San Onofre — although you would never know it from the scare tactic press releases.
ACTION #3: It’s time to educate the public with the facts. Share this information with the public, post comments on news articles correcting the “misinformation”. Include this link so people will have the data to backup your comments: http://sanonofresafety.org/energy-options/
With all the news media coverage of the one-year anniversary of Fukushima and the coverage of the San Onofre shutdown, citizens are more eager than ever to shut down these plants. However, they often do not know about the CNI petition.
ACTION #4: We need your help to get the word out about the petition. Please forward this email to others, post to Facebook, twitter and other social media sites.
To stay updated on issues about San Onofre and other related issues, subscribe to the mailing list at http://sanonofresafety.org/
Thank you for your support. We can’t do this without you.
Donna Gilmore
Regional Coordinator
@SBLocal: Those are valid criticisms of the study. I invite you to further explore these ideas and report back as we are not going to do an in-depth investigation along those lines. We are more concerned with aspects of the study that speak to exactly what these folks detected and how.
I’ve already taken the liberty to write my questions to the study’s primary author. Here is what I just sent him:
One news item today was the publication of the study (citation at end) that captured that kelp off Southern California had as much as 500% I-131 above that of kelp sampled in the Pacific Northwest.
Here are some off-the-cuff responses to the print coverage of the study. I have not reviewed the published study.
1) The main point missing from discussions of the study (and possibly the study itself) is that what it really captured was I-131 concentrated from urban runoff. I’ll explain this below ad nauseum so that everyone hopefully understands this critical aspect to the study.
The highest reading of I-131 was from kelp sampled from a beach at Corona del Mar and the next highest reading was from kelp sampled in Santa Cruz. The study described how a storm drain outfall that conveyed urban runoff from throughout Orange County happens to be in Corona del Mar. It also described the sampling method being that the samples were taken after rainfall events.
What this means is that the kelp is getting inundated with urban runoff full of I-131 that was deposited on land.
In a sense this does provide an idea of how much was deposited on land but over an area the size of Orange County, the amount in stormwater runoff could represent hundreds of square miles of I-131 deposits. The kelp getting hit with all of that I-131 in runoff does not represent how much fell in the particular area of the kelp but how much was concentrated in runoff that subsequently showed up at a location that they happened to sample.
2) And here is the major confounder: rainfall amounts and densities vary hugely between Pacific Northwest and Southern California. If samples were collected after a rainfall event in Southern California the amount of atmospheric deposition would be so much higher in the runoff because it barely rains in March or April in Southern California so several days’ worth of I-131 would still be around on the ground until a blaster of a winter storm comes and firehoses it to the ocean. Whereas in the Pacific Northwest it’s possible that it could have rained or drizzled at a slow steady rate every day (all day long) in March and April of last year so that any single sample would have been diluted at the storm drain outfall sources. Rainfall rates for So. Cal. vs. PNW could be compared for the historic period of the study sampling.
3) There are a number of ways that I-131 could get into kelp. Here are some off the top of my head:
a) urban runoff from a rain event that transports deposition on land to a location offshore
b) via et stream
c) via rain directly into the ocean
d) via radioactive Buckyballs
e) via fog
f) via resuspension from ocean tidal action
So does the study prove that Southern California got the majority of fallout? No. Especially not if the samples were collected during rainfall events in locations with pollutant-concentrating urban stormwater outfalls, not even taking local currents into consideration.
At least it’s something. It proves I-131 was here and in large amounts. It doesn’t prove that Southern California got the worst of it.
4) To evaluate the study’s validity one would need the proximity of the sample locations to storm drain outfalls in the immediate area. One would need the time series data for rainfall prior to the sample collection and comparative data for samples taken in the Pacific Northwest. Without controls for these factors, the data isn’t really telling us what we want to know which is where and how much radiation landed on the West Coast.
5) Experts can go into particle sizes of different radionuclides, adsorption and adherence to kelp, chemical characterization of radionuclides in ocean water, and local ocean conditions, as additional factors. But they would have to tell you that in depth study of this probably doesn’t exist and that it probably also matters greatly to any meaningful understanding of the matter.
6) Is this study of any value other than as a snapshot (that fails to consider stormwater runoff issues or even suggest an apparent awareness that stormwater pollutant characterization as an academic field of study exists)?
I hope Micheal Collins takes this question up and does an in-depth investigation of what the data says (and doesn’t say) and how scientists in related fields would have constructed a different study to give solid results.
The study citation:
Canopy-Forming Kelps as California’s Coastal Dosimeter: 131-I from Damaged Japanese Reactor Measured in Macrocystis pyrifera
Steven L. Manley*† and Christopher G. Lowe†
† Department of Biological Sciences, California State University, Long Beach, California 90840 United States
Environ. Sci. Technol., Article ASAP
DOI: 10.1021/es203598r
Publication Date (Web): March 6, 2012
Copyright © 2012 American Chemical Society
Ventura, CA exterior, 10 min average, 43 cpm
Will someone please tell me what is a normal finding regarding Beta Counts per minute? Thank you.
CBS News reporting yesterday via AP: article
Some of these statements make no sense to me or maybe it’s confusing on purpose.
(This statement is regarding reactor #2.)
“…But the results don’t affect the plant’s ‘cold shutdown status’ because the water temperature was about 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit), indicating the melted fuel is cooled.”
Okay, cool ‘sounds’ good.
Then it’s stated. (Reactors #1,#3)
“The exact conditions of the other two reactors, where hydrogen explosions damaged their buildings, are still unknown. Simulations have indicated that more fuel inside No. 1 has breached the core than the other two, but radiation at No. 3 remains the highest.”
Reactors #1 and #3 are so damaged and radioactive they cannot even probe them to get any real information.
So… what’s really being stated here, in my opinion, is that overall ‘they’ really don’t have a clue. I think they are just praying like the rest of us.
CBS News Charles Castro(on scene, nuclear expert, one year later – video:
(frightening, how we were ALL blatantly lied to, at least that’s what I get from it.)
Castro says it will be years until we know what’s going on. He did not specify whether that was decades or centuries. (…or longer?)
“Live each day like it’s your last, ’cause one day you gonna be right” ― Ray Charles (musician)
3 rainwater samples throughout the storm yesterday produced no elevated readings above background here in OC fyi…
[ALERT] 3.1 Magnitude Earthquake Near North Anna Nuclear Plant, Mineral Virginia
Glendale, CA 3/25/2012 2:30 PM
Rain Sample 10 min avg CPM: 41.2
Background 10 min avg CPM: 40.6
Clean Rain in Glendale, CA!
11:00am 10-minute average INTERIOR RAIN SAMPLE: 45.1 CPM^ [116% of prior averaged backgrounds HIGHER with NO RADON PROGENY]
10:30am 10-minute average INTERIOR: 40.1 CPM (Combined average of OG and Popper Inspector Alerts): 39.05 CPM
10:30am 10-minute average INTERIOR: 40.1 CPM
10:30am 10-minute average INTERIOR: 38.0 CPM^
Rain in Ventura, CA.
Collected in a cup, tested inside, 10 min. average
44.3 cpm
additional background level at 40 cpm (404 cts for 10 min)
just a rain test note from here in SW Virginia. Paper towel sample by rain falling on it..not wiping anything
10 min: 952 counts=95 cpm
2012MAR25 11:00 hrs
We are up a bit! About a 25 min electrical storm from sw to ne again
109.1 CPM @ 6:25 pm
139.0 CPM @ 6:36 pm (Flip side sample reading)
38.5 CPM background
I would guess the earlier rains today washed out most of the radon daughters? Comments?
Been awhile as no rain for sometime.
Quick thundershower 3/23/12 @ 6:35 pm
58.7 CPM
39.7 bkgrnd
Thunderstorms thru night 3/24/12 @ 8:55 am
63.5 CPM
42.8 bkgrnd
Storm came from SW to NE….Strange though as these 2 readings are some of the LOWEST CPM RAIN samples since I began taking in 5/24/11
23X Background Radiation in 4pm 3/23/12 Saint Louis Rainfall
READ the Ventura County Reporter newspaper feature “ROCKETDYNE STILL HOT – Questionable new EPA soil survey detects radiation thousands of times over cleanup triggers“
The U.S. EPA has spent millions on assessing the radiation and chemical contamination at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, the old Rocketdyne site in the hills between Chatsworth and Simi Valley, California. In this Ventura County Reporter news feature, we find out that not only is Rocketdyne far more polluted than previously thought, even in places twice cleaned by lab owner Boeing and nuclear area responsible party, the Department of Energy, we learn that U.S. EPA has deliberately skewed the cleanup numbers. The result could be radionuclides like cesium-137, strontium-90 and plutonium-239/240 being left in place at high levels in violation of agreements between the State and DOE.
Anyone hear anything about any damage to the Laguna Verde Nuclear Plant from today’s Mexico quake. A brief sentence was mentioned that it sits on top (or close to) the epicenter and children were told to stay away from school. I’m sorry I don’t have a link. To me when there’s even a blurb, it means something’s up, or out, or melting through, or heating up, or whatever.
Rense Radio Network with Fukushima Radiation in America Update
March 19, 2012: Corium burning through Fukushima containment, teetering fuel pond with 7 reactors’ rods threaten Japan, Seattle Fukushima summit & inoperative radiation detectors at U.S. ports!
This just in from Team EnviroReporter – Notes from Seattle:
[3 11 = March 11/ 2011-2012 Year Anniversary]
This was an excellent meeting. It began Saturday night with a screening of a film done by a teacher who was teaching English as a second language to Japanese students at the time of the accident. He then was doing some volunteer work with the cleanup after the tsunami, and then was distributing food. At this time he decided to do an interview of officials, and the general public on their feelings about the disaster of Fukushima Power Plant. The reactions pointed out how the public was not informed, but kept in the dark as a way of reassuring them. Some local politicians found it equally frustrating in the lack of information and help that they received from the central government. Individuals had to fend for themselves. While Japanese culture is one of consensus, and not complaining but believing that wisdom comes from heaven and that government is heaven, that view is changing, to now down from over 90 percent to about 60 per cent that feel that way. Pictures of the destruction by the tsunami were quite incredible to think that a wave almost 30 metres high and that went inland from 3 to 5 km and killed 15,000 with about 4,000 being unaccounted is mind boggling. The last tsunami of this devastation was in about 1700. The movie interviewees also pointed out their frustration and fear of the radiation, and the fact that children are being kept in high radioactive areas, to protect business in those areas. Some would regard this as a human rights violation. The government has increased the acceptable guidelines from 20 mSv/yr to 100 mSv/yr that people can now be exposed. The government has also spread the responsibility on to everyone, by taking radioactive waste, and burning it around the country. This concentrates the radioactivity into the fly ash. It also spreads it around, so that in the future, while there will be increased cancers, it will be background and not higher in the Fukushima area so that Fukushima and the nuclear industry won’t be singled out. In fact, cow’s milk is more radioactive outside the Fukushima area as the cows eat grass, whereas cows in the Fukushima precinct eat food that is brought in from far away.
Chris Noland is hoping to distribute his film much more widely, here and in Japan and people can buy the DVD in April, it is projected. There were about 100 people in attendance.
On Sunday, the anniversary of the tragedy of Fukushima, the conference at Simon Fraser Harbour Centre Campus began with a moment of silence for the Fukushima disaster, followed by a blessing from Audrey Rivers of the Squamish Clan. Then Dr. Tim Takaro gave opening words, telling us that only 2, or ten per cent of Japan’s 52 reactors are now operating and that Japan is continuing to get by, thus indicating that they don’t need nuclear power. You can follow the conference on Twitter at VanBC Fukushima Event, or Facebook – The Fukushima Nuclear …
The morning and early afternoon were education and then action in workshops at the end of the day followed by a panel discussion.
Prof. Shunichi Yamashita of the Fukushima Medical University Director Radiation Medical Science Center for the Fukushima Health Management Survey but is only getting about 20 per cent response as people are sceptical of its value as it seems to be pointing out how few people are being involved.
Dr. Dale Dewar introduced Dr. Cathy Vakil who gave an excellent overview of radiation 101. The talk started with making the point that here in Canada, we have not learned the lessons from Fukushima, that nuclear power can have disastrous effects when the unpredicted happens. Ontario and Quebec both look to refurbish and expand their nuclear power. She pointed out that nuclear industry workers are allowed to be exposed to 100 mSv over 5 years or 50 mSv in any one year, and that this results in an increase of 3 deaths per hundred over a 40 year work span. She spoke of the difficulties of the Hiroshima survivor Life Span Study that excluded people that died within 5 years of the bomb and compared them to a control group that was nearby, but studied 120,000 people, all ages, from mortality data from 1950 to 1997. Cancer, increases with dose, hypertension, benign uterine disease, thyroid disease, chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, heart disease, stroke were more common, but in survivors’ offspring conceived after blast there was no increase in birth defects, cancer who were studied mortality until late 1990s
She talked of the KIKK study 2008 that studied children around 16 nuclear reactors in Germany and demonstrated increased cancers, leukemia’s in children less than 5 years living within 5 Km of a nuclear power station. A French study, GEOCAP Study 2002-7 published in 2012, on Childhood (<19 yr) Leukemia around 19 French Nuclear Plants France within 5 km showed that children had doubled the risk around 5 km of nuclear reactors.
Canadian studies are not as rigorous but show childhood leukemia's, neural tube defects and increased Down's syndrome.
“Nuclear Power is Safe if No Act of God is permitted” Haynes Alfven, Nobel Prize winner in physics 1972
I131 is beta decay, ½ life 8 days, causes thyroid cancer; cesium 137 is beta and gamma decay, ½ life 30 years and accumulates in muscle and brain simulating potassium to cause cancer; strontium 90 is beta decay, ½ life 29 years, causes bone cancer, leukemia and soft tissue near bone (see Ursula Franklin's Tooth Fairy project at http://www.radiation.org/projects/tooth_fairy.html
Chernobyl has had many deaths from 31 and 237 cases of acute radiation as reported by Hallenbeck in 1994 to 4,000 deaths by the International Atomic Energy Commission, http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2005/pr38/en/index.htmlto to 985,000 premature deaths as reported in Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment is a translation of a 2007 Russian publication by Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Nesterenko from cancer, mental illness (suicide), miscarriages, infant/child mortality, cardiovascular, neurological, endocrine and immune systems, and congenital malformations.
She concluded by saying that ionizing radiation is harmful in any dose, particularly to children, fetuses and women. Nuclear accidents can happen anywhere, anytime, are not predictable, harmful forever, catastrophic. An accident anywhere is an accident everywhere!
In discussion afterwards we learned that Canada has decreased its monitoring, and is now not monitoring milk and is relying on Japan to monitor its export of food. Monitoring has also been moved from Vancouver Island where it would be detected to Kamloops, dry and in the interior where it is likely not to be detected.
Arnold Gunderson, of www.fairewinds.com organization presented as an audio with slides as the Live video from Vermont didn't work on– Fukushima Disaster and its Aftermath and Comparisons to Chernobyl
The Fukushima plant is a General Electric Mark 1 design BWR and its problems are well known. In 1972 NRC Memos said containment was too small, venting was added in 1990 without licensing review. There are about 40 of these plants in the US with the same problems.
The earthquake, caused a shutdown, but heat output does not stop, 5% of heat still continues; high radiation readings found in unit 1 prior to the tsunami but after the earthquake as pipes were broken.
The Tsunami – loss of outside power (LOOP), loss except batteries, complete loss of cooling water, loss of ultimate heat sink (LoUHS), then release of noble gases begins, batteries fail, zirconium clad and water ignite fuel, hydrogen gas builds up, despite heroic efforts of staff, valves couldn't be opened due to no electricity, tried manually, temperature of cooling water in suppression pool increase and begins to boil, unit 1 explodes, containment breached, unit 3 containment breached (exploded), unit 2 internal explosion containment breached, unit 4 explodes and burns fuel in fuel pool, not reactor but was a spent fuel (7 cores in 4 pools) but no containment, and therefore much more dangerous.
Lessons learned from Fukushima – inadequate design basis, seismic problems, loss of offsite power (LOOP) (loss of the diesel), loss of ultimate heat sink (LoUHS), inadequate batteries, inadequate containment, inadequate venting
Chernobyl Releases vs. Fukushima Daiichi –
level 7 Chernobyl single reactor that released radiation for less than 2 weeks. Fukushima is ongoing, and has 10 reactor cores (3 operating reactors plus at 7 core)
Chernobyl researchers were intimidated and arrested, Chernobyl demographic data destroyed, Three Mile Island demographic data was never applied, Japan attempts to minimize consequences (Consequences of a Catastrophe – book – cost $15 – find on the web or Fairewinds)
Public health consequences? The Assumptions:
Radiation Available to be released is much larger at Fukushima than at Chernobyl. At Fukushima the timing of releases (failed in 12-36 hr at 100% power), noble gases (3-5X more than Chernobyl), Decontamination factors for cesium/strontium, (should be trapped in water below the reactor, but when the water boils, it is released, but the Australians assumed 10x difference from their 90% vs. the Japanese of 99% contained) Meteorology/terrain was different at Fukushima compared to Chernobyl with the sea coast/inland (winds blew it out to sea (70%) and 28% going inland but contained by the mountains to the west and 2% reached California. Population density is much higher in Japan than the Ukraine. Arnold advised not to eat salmon after this year when it works up the food chain.
Both awful, Gorbachev credits Chernobyl with causing the downfall of the Soviet Union, Tokyo was almost evacuated, Japan still could be cut in half
It is estimated that $500 billion US will be needed to clean up of Fukushima. During the next 20 years there will be 1,000,000 additional cancers plus many other health problems, like Chernobyl heart from cesium. There is a need to stop protecting TEPCO's financial interest, and protect people first
Three Mile Island which was much smaller had increase incidence of cancers.
Japan has the technical talent to become the world leader in the creation of a new paradigm for renewable energy, smart grids is the way to go, V2G technology
No one can predict the worst event that can happen in nature or be created by humans; nuclear power is a technology that can destroy a nation – either financially or environmentally
Need to phase out nuclear power
Japanese is a consensus culture but this is breaking down, 30-40% now not believing the government, the people farther away from Fukushima, the less believe that it is a problem, and as the problem won't hit for 20 years.
The solution to pollution is dilution – burning radioactive material, concentrating in ash Radiation waste is being burned, spread the waste throughout the country, then the cancer rate will increase over the whole country and won't be able to detect increases around Fukushima. Therefore everyone will share the burden.
How to protect the children – 1 in 10 to 1 in 20 children will get cancer, and girls are twice as susceptible as boys. Government isn't taking into consideration hot particles. Where is it measured is important, i.e. measured at 1 metre above the ground vs. the soil. Need to have high cleanliness. Don't stay in areas that have >20 mSv. Need to report stillbirths and miscarriages. Need for the public to inform others.
Technology can destroy a nation (financially, environmentally). Nuclear power is high-risk technology, although low-probability of problems.
@Donna Gilmore Your words ‘ring’ true!
Here are some words from an early comments poster named Liz. Her words rang true too.
[ from Liz mar 21 2011 (almost a year ago) ]
“Our task to work for the curtailment of nuclear energy is large, indeed. At times, it feels even daunting, although urgently necessary.”
“But before sallying forth to do battle where battle should be done, it is always wise to begin with a survey of our own tiny, individual contribution to the problem.”
“No matter how “Green” we all might try to be, how often do we really “unplug” and listen to the still, small voice of a bird in the garden?”
“No nuclear power plant WAS EVER NEEDED to supply energy to create such a simple, perfect miracle.”
@Michael Also, thanks again for your radon explanation. Seems easy enough to understand, even for an ‘expert’.
Starting year number 2 of Fuku Fallout. It’s sometimes difficult to think that we are, in a way, just at the beginning of this. (Only 299 more years until the cesium becomes non-hazardous to life.) I have to wonder if someday, someone, will read these comments? What will they think?
It may not matter much who was more right or more wrong then. What will matter is what you/we did to stop this insane way of creating electricity.
“Nuclear power is a hell of a way to boil water.” – Albert Einstein (he knew!) 🙂
@Michael: I must admit I am a bit surprised at the condescending tone of your reply. I was simply responding to your question with my reasoning based on the process as I understand it. A simple, respectful, professional reply of “thank you, but you are wrong and here is why” would have sufficed.
I understand and agree that no ionizing radiation is safe, and that the build up of Radon gas in our homes is very dangerous and can kill you. But including a statement about Radon Gas buildup in our homes giving us cancer in this context is a bit disingenuous. Naturally occurring background radiation and Radon Washout in rainfall are natural phenomena that humans have evolved within and has nothing to do with Radon buildup in our homes.
There is no doubt in my mind we are on the receiving end of Fukushima’s lovely gift here in S. California. The entire reason I bought an Inspector is exactly because I am not ignoring the issue! I am sampling my families food because I am very concerned, and to imply I am dismissing an issue, believing bad science, and putting my family in peril is down right insulting. The whole reason I found your site to begin with is because I am not just believing what I am told by anyone (you included) and am researching it on my own.
I may be completely wrong in my understanding of Washout process, and if so I will be the first to admit it. As i said, i am no expert and i am learning as i go. I have never heard it is possible for a geographic area to have no Radon, this is very interesting. I will read all your provided links and learn from it what i can.
You imply that I am some unnamed person on a yearlong vendetta to misinform the public through wanting interpretations and am the reason you have no Radiation Station Orange County. Not sure where you are coming up with this, but nothing is farther from the truth.
@CG118RADSTN: Thank you for the explanation. We’ve written extensively about radon and radon progeny and absolutely want to disabuse you of the notion that the gas and its washout/progeny/daughters are completely harmless. No radiation, natural or man-made, is completely harmless as the 2005 National Academy of Sciences expressly said. “The scientific research base shows that there is no threshold of exposure below which low levels of ionized radiation can be demonstrated to be harmless or beneficial,” said Richard R. Monson, the panel chairman and a professor of epidemiology at Harvard’s School of Public Health.
“Exposure to radon in the home is responsible for an estimated 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year,” says the U.S. EPA. Radon is the second most frequent cause of lung cancer, it is the number one cause among non-smokers, according to EPA estimates says the Citizen’s Guide to Radon.
Radon and its daughters are not evenly distributed as we show here. And we found from two sources that radon “washout” (a pejorative term that implies it just washes away which it certainly doesn’t) doesn’t effect our readings at Radiation Station Santa Monica. Note also that Radiation Station Ventura California also is not impacted by radon/radon progeny. Nor is Radiation Station Glendale California for that matter.
Here in Southern California, radon/radon progeny is mostly non-existent as Beta Watch illustrated. Where you are on Balboa Peninsula, zip code 92661, you do not have any radon/radon progeny, for one because the geology doesn’t produce it and, two, because the sea breeze effectively makes it impossible to have these radionuclides in the air there concentrate if they were there in the first place, which they are not. An U.S. EPA map confirms this.
There are a number of reasons I’ve gone through this explanation. Unnamed people using unnamed “experts” and not understanding radon progeny have made it their passion over the last 12+ months to dismiss the true culprit behind these readings. Even intelligent people with excellent nuclear radiation monitors make this mistake. While they may detect accurately, their interpretation of radiation overages is wanting. This is why we don’t have a Radiation Station Orange County California which would be so helpful to the people in the area which are so close to the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.
So if this radiation which drops off so fast isn’t radon and its decay products, what is it? Perhaps Potrblog has a theory but here’s mine: we are not going to know until we can identify the isotopes in these overages. That will only come when we secure an Isotopic Identifier which is used by someone who knows how to use it and properly interpret its results.
Only you folks can make that happen. Now you have an opportunity to do so. Ignoring this issue or dismissing it through bad science put forward by faceless people will not solve the problem. Something with a short half life is impacting us and we don’t know what it is. I suggest that anyone unwilling to help find out exactly what is impacting our air, water, soil, food and drink should do what so many others have: believe bad science and ignore the threat at their own peril and the peril of their loved ones.
@Micheal: 1. Balboa Peninsula 2. Here is how it has been explained to me (and my charts/conclusions have been confirmed by an expert in the field): Radon gas escapes the ground and accumulates in the atmosphere. Rain “washes out” the Radon and brings it down to ground level. This Radon gas is radioactive and is what we detect with the Geiger counters. The Radon decay process is relatively quick and decays to or near background in a matter of hours. (I think the resulting decay products are what you are calling “progeny/daughters but I’m not sure). Ive been told (by an expert) this Radon Washout process is normal and humans have been living with it since we appeared on the earth, it’s completely harmless.
I don’t see why this process would be effected by living at the beach, as there is Radon escaping out of the ground here also. I would also imagine that the gas once in the atmosphere moves around from close by ground.
I have also noticed through my testing that it seems the wash out process happens at the beginning of the storm. Samples taken during the latter parts of a storm seem to yield no elevated readings. So that leads me to think all the Radon gas gets washed out in the beginning, needing time to accumulate in the atmosphere once the storm has passed. I haven’t asked any experts about this yet though.
If one of my samples shows an elevated level beyond what would be expected of the Radon Washout process then I would suspect some sort of other ionizing radiation (possibly Fukushima related) and send it off for spectrograph testing to determine exactly what it is. So far I have not detected any such thing.
So, I’m not an expert in this, I’m learning as I go. I’m lucky I have access to an expert or two and some serious equipment when/if I find any samples worth getting tested.
7:50pm 10-minute average INTERIOR: 47.4 CPM^
7:35pm 10-minute average INTERIOR RAIN SAMPLE: 46.8 CPM^ [98.7% of subsequent background LOWER which again demonstrates NO RADON PROGENY or the sample would have been hotter than background]
@Potrblog: I wonder what the mechanism is where radiation concentrations seem to thin out often in jet stream storms moving further south. I’m checking now to see if this storm in Southern California is the same as yours.
I’ve checked and it appears that the storm system that hit the St. Louis area might not be the one behind it which just hit us. And since it seems that we didn’t get hit by the storm that is hitting you now, we didn’t see those distressingly high readings you are.
@All: As we enter Year Two, I wonder which is worse – being hit more often with hot storms like Potrblog or in Southern California have the increasing threat of buckyballs as the main brunt of the Fukushima goo reaches us in about a year and reaches up to 300 kilometers inland with radiation-infused sea spray. What’s worse – the toast on the coast or the jet stream goo?
17X Background Radiation in 3/17/12 Saint Louis Storms. We suspect a recent increase in Fukushima radioactive releases
6 p.m.– rain and HAIL in Ventura!!
10 min. average came in at 43.8, so actually even a titch lower than background, same as this morning.
Happy St. Patty’s day, folks!
There is limited government monitoring of radiation in the air, milk and water in California. We have no public access to current radiation levels within 50 miles of the San Onofre nuclear power plant. The plant is located near the beach within 50 miles of five Southern California counties (LA, Orange, San Diego, Riverside, and San Bernardino). See details and a map of state and federal monitoring locations: http://sanonofresafety.org/radiation-monitoring/
On January 31st San Onofre leaked extra radiation into the air. I say “extra” because all nuclear plants are allowed to release radiation on a regular basis. San Onofre initially denied the leak of radiation and they now refer to it as a “water leak” in their press releases.
On Tuesday, March 20th the public is invited to a San Clemente City Council meeting (6 pm) where the need for radiation monitoring will be discussed. Address is 100 Avenida Presidio. See map http://g.co/maps/syuv5
San Onofre has the worst safety record of all US nuclear reactors and the highest rate of retaliation against employees who report safety concerns (according to Nuclear Regulatory Commission data). See Safety Allegation charts at http://sanonofresafety.org/
San Onofre has been shutdown since January 31st due to defective steam generators that are less than two years old. They are showing unusual premature wear and leaks, but given the track record of the NRC and Southern California Edison (the plant’s operator and major owner), they will probably try to find a way to put these back on-line. Do you trust them to do it right this time? Defective steam generators can lead to nuclear meltdowns, so this is a serious issue. Do you feel lucky? It was just luck that more leaks didn’t occur when the generators were on-line.
California does not even need these two nuclear plants for power, according to documents from the California Public Utility Commission and the California ISO (the electricity grid operator). See details http://sanonofresafety.org/energy-options/
We don’t need the nukes for power, so why are we living with the risks?
Check these new links out on our Resources page:
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Generating Station (SONGS)
Southern California Edison SONGS
San Clemente Green
San Onofre Safety (SOS)
San Clemente City Council SONGS-related
San Onofre Nuclear Waste Generating Station
Nuclear Free California
Lucidf8, Music to my ears regarding clean rain today due to a leak in the playroom. Thank God!!!
Shine The Light, Thanks for the info. I think we should be fine for today seeing we have some nice clean rain. I will still do some clean up with the baking soda, can never be to careful.
Happy St.Patricks Day to my Enviro family! I ditto the no drink and drive thing.
@CG118RADSTN – That is very good to know and not unexpected. The Inspector Alert is incredibly accurate making its proper use (i.e. not goo’ing it up) all the more pertinent. Two questions – where are you exactly on the Orange County coast? And why do you think you are picking up radon progeny if you are on the coast (assuming you are right next to the coastline)?
@lucidf8 & Kim: Thank you for today’s updates! And thank you, lucidf8, for the St. Patrick’s Day salutation. Today, now more than ever, do NOT drink and drive: the roads are treacherous and the police are doing an excellent job finding and jailing drunk drivers. Real Irishmen and women do not abuse alcohol. Tiocfaidh ár lá!
@Michael: Regarding the Inspector Alerts 15% error rate: I have asked and been in conversation with Medcom, and specifically Dan Sythe the inventor of the Inspector Alert, about this topic. They have said the Inspector is consistently accurate relative to reading to reading, especially over timed averages. So your 9:55 10 min background and your subsequent 10 min rain sample average DO NOT have a +-15% error possibility. If it were so, two timed average samples could be as much as 30% different and this would completely defeat the reason for doing timed averages.
Glendale Radiation Station East 3/17/2012 10:30 AM
Rain Sample 10 min avg CPM: 43.4
Background 10 min avg CPM: 42.3
Clean Rain! Enjoy Saint Patrick’s Day!
@tray – I am thinking that a borax and baking soda mix might help. You would need to research further. But I think this is a start. I read that an individual was using such a mixture on their driveway. But as this is the playroom I would research further. I understand your fear and concern.
9:55am 10-minute average INTERIOR RAIN SAMPLE: 45.5 CPM^ [107% of previous background higher HOWEVER within the =/- 15% Inspector Alert margin of error which means NO ELEVATED RADIATION and NO RADON PROGENY. This presents another indicator of the fact that Radiation Station Santa Monica is not impacted by radon progeny/daughters – IF we were, we would detect it over the background but, once again, we haven’t.]
9:55am 10-minute average INTERIOR: 42.4 CPM^
This St. Patrick’s Day gift means we aren’t inadvertently drinking or breathing in Fukushima fallout on this day, at this hour, in Santa Monica.
There is a leak in our roof in the playroom. I wiped up the floor and have it collecting in a plastic bin in the room. How far do we need to stay from this water to be okay. Can my kids hang out in the room as long as they are not near the leak? How far should be be and is there any special clean up i need to do on the floor where the rain fell? Thanks for any help. The rain is insane up here we are 2000 feet about sea level.
Oh Yes, I read all EnviroReporter articles. I thought this NEWS 8 article by a cnn reporter was so obvious as to it’s inaccuracies I didn’t need to mention that part. I cannot believe this is what our mainstream news is saying was the point. Sugar coated lies that will kill people is how I see it.
I guess this was the line that got me.
“Over time, damaged nuclear fuel interacting with water and air MAY pose significant environmental risk, since radioactive chemicals MAY be released that have very long half-lives (meaning they will be around a long time before they decay).”
What’s with the ‘MAY’ part. It should state HAS BEEN, IS and WILL CONTINUE.
Ran a rainwater sample last night, first rain we’ve had here in a spell.
157.5% over background degraded out in 8.5 hours.
Orange County beach area btw.
8:45 a.m., Ventura, CA. HEAVY rain.
Collected some in a cup, but DISCLAIMER, Inspector was not within 1″, probably closer to 2″. Will collect another sample and test again.
10 min. avg: 42.9
@Chase: This source is certainly inaccurate as the U.C. Davis report on buckyballs says exactly what happens when seawater comes into contact (not “mixes”) with melted nuclear fuel. See The Endless Summer and Beta Watch. Did you read those pieces, Chase, and not understand the U.C. Davis report on fresh and salt waters’ effects on the fuel?
“…it is still not known what happens, chemically speaking, when seawater mixes with damaged nuclear fuel…”
“Fukushima Daiichi itself would provide a very instructive EXPERIMENT if and when it becomes possible to retrieve and study the fuel,” Peter Burns (Notre Dame professor), and colleagues write.
From article:
Over time, damaged nuclear fuel interacting with water and air may pose significant environmental risk, since radioactive chemicals may be released that have very long half-lives…
KSBW News Channel 8 Santa Cruz,
Nuclear Safety Lessons Explored, Page 4:
9:30am 10-minute average INTERIOR RAIN SAMPLE: 59.2 CPM^ [143% of previous background HIGHER – NO RADON PROGENY]
9:10am 10-minute average INTERIOR: 41.5 CPM^
11am Rainfall Radioactive At 3 Times Greater Than Background Levels
ALERT: 19X Background Radiation in 11:30pm STL Storms on 3/15/12
we suspect unusually high levels of Fukushima fallout maybe contained in the Jet Stream currently encroaching on the west coast.
Since March 15, 2011 – four days after the Fukushima Daiichi triple meltdowns began – EnviroReporter.com has maintained a 24-7 Live Radiation Station Santa Monica in the Los Angeles Basin. We have conducted over 1,500 radiation tests on a variety of media in four states and in jets high above the nation finding high radiation in air, water, food, drink and other media. This robust and ongoing investigation into the greatest single man made environmental disaster in history has yielded invaluable information as we seek out and, unfortunately, find high ionization across the country.
Now we want to kick it up several notches and purchase a Ludlum 711 with all the necessary equipment and software. We are asking for your help so we can further expand our reporting of the extent of increasing Fukushima contamination. The isotopic identifer is able to detect specific isotopes, nuclide identification, spectrum analysis, dose rate calculation (rem/hr or Sv/h), and total dose, all in a unit that measures these radionuclides immediately, storing the data for transfer to our computer and then to Radiation Station Santa Monica. There will be no need for costly and time-consuming third party analysis of the various media we have and will continue to test.
Labs are too expensive to test numerous samples for radiation, costing $500 to $700 easily for a small suite of radionuclides per sample. That adds up very quickly. To be at the mercy of labs with varying quality assurance and quality control is not viable for a project like this. We have to be the lab. We have to be able to perform an unlimited number of detections and isotopic identification and quantification. We have to be able to do this anywhere, anytime and show the results in a clear and incontrovertible way. We have to prove everything and then report it. And we have to do it now as the American and Canadian governments will not.
Ventura, CA 10 min exterior average: 42.1
The NRC knew that babies in CA would receive a 40,000 microsievert thyroid dose of iodine-131 from Fukushima and they did not inform the public??!!
Horror! How can they cover stuff like this up? Why isn’t this on all of the California local news stations? Parents need to know this. If you are a MSM reporter or a news producer you need to tell this story.
Jeff Rense and Michael Collins -Fukushima Meltdowns Anniversary Show
March 12, 2012: Hour-long Fukushima anniversary show with remembrance of the Japanese victims of the earthquake, tsunami and meltdowns, woeful media coverage analysis, grim new LA air readings, Heal the Bay controversy on LA Observed, Rocketdyne radiation worse than imagined with U.S. EPA bait and switch hanky panky plus much more!
@Chase: Yes, I saw this thanks to you; a photo at the San Onofre protest showing nothing unusually high at all. It’s not good press, or a good idea in general, to ‘cry wolf’ over what is in a fairly normal range for So Cal (see our 1,500 readings).
@Michael There was an article about some high readings at San Clemente. (Oceanside) EnviroReporter was mentioned in the comments area as a source that does rad detector readings in Southern California. Do you have any thoughts on this?
from article:
“Japanese visitors from Fukushima – who participated in an anti-nuclear rally on March 11 – reported high Geiger counter readings on the San Clemente beach.”
Hello Thank you guys for all the info on air filters.
Blackcat shows a reading of 1505 near Tokyo, southwest a
touch. It’s like 15 times higher then fukushima area
not really sure what it means.
Maybe it’s coming from someones backyard?
Take care everyone.
exterior 10 min. average in Ventura, CA: 51.5
Lenny, I believe that you can still run your air filters because a hepa air filter should hold on to any particles in the filter that should not be released into the air. I am not an authority on this but I do remember when I lived in an apartment and they were scrapping the ceiling with asbestos illegally(I have since moved!), I was told by an asbestos specialitist to run my hepa filters and that the filter will hold all the fibers in it. I guess that seems the same to me as the dust particles. I do not have an inspector and I just clean the outside of mine and run it.
It’s been A YEAR now and the eerie silence from our so called leaders and their agencies, including the media, is astounding. Even in the age of the internet. The most catastrophic, man made, life affecting event, of all time, and within 90 days, or less, the event seemed to be shoveled under the rug. How did that happen? ..and a YEAR later, still shoveling.
The mainstream news has mentioned the tsunami anniversary, but no real mention of MELTDOWNS and the radioactive contamination that continues to incessantly spread via air, water and soil (food).
1 Year After Fukushima, 3x Background Radiation in Saint Louis Rainfall
@Lenny, the air purifiers are clearly doing their job and collecting particles which would otherwise be collecting in our lungs. I did have a similar concern to what you describe and decided to run my purifier only when I am at work. The rationale is that the air will be cleaned, but there will no forced air circulation when I am at home – letting the “dust” to settle, so to speak. A damp mop daily over the floor – and you are good… Which brings me to my next point: it is important to replace carpet with hardwood or laminated flooring. Carpets are like the filters and accumulate contamination over time.
The link below is to a timer which can be used to cycle air purifier operation.
10 minute averages in Ventura, CA:
interior: 46.5
small sample of sea water from Marina Park, a local beach: 45.6
exterior: 48.5
Question for anyone with an air purifier. I’ve vacuumed my air filter as good as I can and it’s still radioactive. I can’t anymore filters. Would you recommend that I keep using the machine even though it’s blowing through this contaminated filter? Is that better than nothing at all? Thanks for the feedback.
I don’t know if this is crazy or what but I’ve watching Blackcat Systems radiation website for a while and this seems off the fricking charts. Also, yesterday, right near Tokyo, there was a reading of 125 or so. Today that reading is no longer on the map.
Scroll to Japan map on http://www.blackcatsystems.com/RadMap/map.html
Check out the town “Kaminoyama” north of Fukushima. Currently at 10:50 pm (EST) on 3/9/12, the reading is 628!!
Does anyone know what that would equal to in CPM? Apparently the normal is between 5 to 28. The website also says not to panic if there’s a high reading as someone might be getting a wrong reading?? yeah…
10 minute averages from Oak View, CA, about 10 min. inland:
exterior: 47.4
interior: 50.1
roasted seaweed snack from Korea: 66.1
“Highest Radiation in L.A. Yet”
We tested the same HEPA filters in the same environment and setup. This time, as you can see in the video, the dust was a lot hotter. A spot test was ~377% of the previous background. Then we vacuumed out the filters with a HEPA filter Eureka vacuum cleaner and tested the aggregate. The March 6 test of the combined dust came in at a sizzling 668% of background or 6.68 times normal. Since the last testing period, the radiation detected has risen another 130% indicating a continued upward trend. And none of it was radon progeny.
Another Solar Storm, Another Round of European Radioactive Iodine Detections To Come?
You also might want to make sure you vehicles are fueled.
Agoura, CA – 8:30am
Exterior 10 minute average = 41.7cpm
Uncertain risks torment Japanese: Santa Cruz Sentinel article 3/7/2012
“…International Commission on Radiological Protection official advising Fukushima prefecture, says the child’s exposure could amount to as little as 0.3 millisieverts a year, or as much as 8 millisieverts, depending on how the child was exposed to the radiation.”
[ hmmm… What does that mean exactly? …depending ]
“All most residents know is that their bodies are contaminated. What the numbers mean is unanswered.”
[ Unanswered? or perhaps not properly informed..! ]
Check out my new piece Radiation Readings Soar at Rocketdyne – New EPA soil studies detected radiation thousands of times over cleanup triggers
Shocking new radiation readings from the old Rocketdyne Santa Susana Field Laboratory show cesium-137 at nearly 25,000 times normal background levels along with a witches’ brew of deadly radionuclides on “The Hill.” Worse yet, the U.S. EPA has bait and switched the radiation background numbers threatening an agreement to clean the radioactive site back to its normal condition. Sly maneuver fools legislator and nuclear watchdogs and jeopardizes future park plans without major cleanup even after lab-owner Boeing and the Department of Energy supposedly cleaned the area twice.
Heavy marine layer in Ventura, CA, with an exterior average of 45.4
10 minute averages for Ventura, CA:
March 4
exterior, sunny, 10 a.m.: 51.5
interior, 10:30 46.9
exterior, 4 p.m.: 51.4
March 5
Interior, in an open window: 47.8
@Big R
thanks for posting about the bikini islands. this documentary tells the sad story of how an entire indigenous population was involuntarily removed from their homeland, forever. the islands are uninhabitable. the inspector readings of buried human remains are off the chart. the culprit? coconuts. coconut trees slurped up the weapon borne cesium and it concentrates in coconut milk and meat. watch your coconuts.
Karl Grossman article re: new coverup report on its way, downplaying health effects from a nuclear accident in U.S. http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/03/05
from article: ““Calculation Reactor Accident Consequences 2” (CRAC-2) was done for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 1982. It catalogues the impacts from a meltdown with a breach of containment at every nuclear plant in the U.S.
For the Indian Point 3 nuclear plant north of New York City, for instance, it projects “Peak Early Fatalities” at 50,000, “Peak Early Injuries” at 167,000, “Peak Cancer Deaths” at 14,000 and “Scaled Costs” at $314 billion (in 1980 dollars). The estimates turn out to be low considering the toll of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant accident.
But in January, the NRC .. intends to replace CRAC-2 with .. the “State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequences Analyses” or SOARCA. SOARCA flatly dismisses the high casualty and damage figures of CRAC-2 (and the WASH-740 update before it). … the NRC declared that the “risks of public health consequences from severe accidents” at a nuclear plant “are very small.” “
9x Background Radiation In 7pm Saint Louis Drizzle Fallout; Maybe Some Good News
I saw a portion of an interesting documentary on the Science Channel called “Radioactive Paradise”. Here is a link to show schedule, it is to be rebroadcast on 3/3/12 at 1 AM and 3/4/12 at 5 AM. One scientist was using a an Inspector geiger counter similar to the one apparently used on this website.
Summary from website:
“A team of scientists, historians and divers embark on a scientific journey to Bikini Atoll to see the effects of 23 atmospheric atomic test blasts. With the help of a high-tech submersible, the Pagoo, they explore Bikini’s underwater ship graveyard.”
Here is a link to a CNN.com story and video “Fukushima’s ‘cold’ reactors pose a constant threat”.
They are going to downplay every nuclear power plant event on the continent. I can not believe Scientific American would spin Fukushima as a minor non-issue. See the article link on Bakrad link. “Japans Post Fukushima Health Woes…” It is unbelievable with all the evidence pointing in the opposite direction. At this late in the game, I am amazed and disappointed that this kind of pablum would be fed to the public.
Alert Chattanooga Sequoia Nuclear:
Reactor Output Dropping –
Multiple Transmission Lines Down-
More Storms Expected
short electrical storm 9 am
502.7…CPM @ 9:30 am
455.2…CPM @ 9:40 am (flipped over sampls)
45.4 background
Ventura, CA: a windy, clear day.
10 min. background: 43
long spot check of vacuum dust: high 40s
Another Emergency at Byron Illinois Nuclear; Winds Blowing Towards Chicago
2:20pm 10-minute average INTERIOR: 48.7 CPM^
2:05pm 10-minute average INTERIOR RAIN SAMPLE: 57.7 CPM^ [119% of subsequent background HIGHER – NO RADON PROGENY]
Glendale, CA rain sample, 2/27/2012 11:00 AM 10 min avg CPM is 45.8, prior 10 min background count is 35.2. That’s 30% over background. This sample was taken by placing a paper towel directly in a light rain shower. The towel was damp, but not totally soaked.
@roundabout Thanks so much on the offer. I may take you up on the visit in the near future. I agree a trip to the coast would be a good thing. I am currently completing a music project. (I am in the foothills of Tulare county, CA)
The project includes original music with songs such as “See The Rain”. I am trying to do what I can to get the word out. When people say “I like that song”, or they ask “what’s that song about”, then I’ve done my job.
@all Thanks again and again for this site and it’s contributors. There is nothing quite like it anywhere. The knowledge base being gathered here may be critical to future generations. It is a testament to perseverance even in the face of adversity. THANKS! 🙂
Radiation Station Roanoke Virginia
Thank you Frank Thompson for manning our latest Radiation Station in Roanoke, Virginia!
Strange. A story on ENENEWS: “US Navy vice admiral reported 1,500 microsieverts per hour thyroid dose south of Tokyo on March 20. In the story, a latitude and longitude are given. 36.11.46 N, 120.16.87 E. Now, I’m not military, but if that’s degrees, minutes, seconds, I don’t think that’s south of Tokyo. So what’s a U.S. Navy vice admiral doing there? The location of the admiral will be left as an exercise for the reader. 🙂
My vacuum stinks. Has anyone researched a good one for this brave new world?
@movieyawn thanks for the heads up on the usgs report. all of the testing sites where samples were collected are national parks or forests. i’d like potrblogs analysis of the report. mine? class action lawsuit against tepco on behalf of every american citizen that has now been deprived of enjoying the affected national parks and forests.
“Samples were collected and analyzed for the week before contaminated air arrived over North America (March 8–15, 2011) for five of the same sites where fission-product isotopes were subsequently detected during the period of March 15–April 5, 2011. No fission products were detected in the pre-arrival period samples.”
11:45, exterior 10 min. average: 48 cpm
Back down to “normal”.
CPMs are up this morning in Ventura, CA.
Interior, 10 a.m.: 49
Exterior, 10:15: 52.3
(10 min. averages)
Buckyballs, anyone? 🙁
I noticed the ENENEWS item via bakrad “Report from Tokyo: 6.5 microSv/h at Japan’s busiest train station” (near the Imperial palace). I’ve been to that station a number of times, and might have occasion to travel there again. I wondered what CPM reading I might expect to see on my Inspector geiger counter, given that radiation level. Answer: about 780. Hmmm, downright toasty.
“What a fine mess you gotten me into Ollie!” Japan has no technology to decommission Fukushima’s plants. See “Fukushima Diary” blog.
Recently released USGS report: Fission Products in National Atmospheric Deposition Program—Wet Deposition Samples Prior to and Following the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Incident, March 8–April 5, 2011.
Follow the link and download the PDF. Deposition maps for I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137, etc.
Foggy, misty morning in Ventura, CA. 10 min avg. 47.9 cpm
@Tray – Thank you for the link about the skin cancer creme. An old friend of mine was recently diagnosed with Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma. I point the finger at Fukushima.
@Bonnie – I hope that your (step)son achieves a health victory.
12x Background Radiation In Passing Drizzle: Saint Louis 2/23/12 8:45pm
Bonnie, I was watching Dr Oz and there is this eggplant cream called BEC5 curaderm cream. If it is a skin cancer on the head then this cream may be worth a shot to look at. It has been proven to get rid of the cancer all together. I don’t know to much about what you stepson has but check this out.
Bonnie: if the cancer is in the acinar sites of parotid cells and/or glands a possible cause is cell phone radiation. Dr. Robin Bernhoft, an environmental medicine doctor in Ojai, follows the increasing number of research studies to support this cause/effect.
I would like to thank everyone for all their well wishes and support regarding my stepson. I did want to stress that it is not brain cancer. It is a head sarcoma. (a bit too close to the brain nonetheless). I used to work for an alternative medical professional and 90% of our visitors were diagnosed with various terminal cancers. I have a lot of resources in this area. Again, it is like trying to tell someone that we’re getting dumped dangerous radiation regularly since last year. They kind of just look blank. I provide the information – the individual processes and makes his/her choices. I just believe there is a great deal of help out there if he chooses to search resources given. Either way thank you so much for prayers, etc. Prayers and frame of mind are really the healers in the long run. I also want to thank everyone for the work they do here. I have visited this site almost every day since last spring when I found it.
Early Warning Signs of Catastrophic Electrical Grid Collapse Leading To Nuclear Meltdowns
Bonnie, Our prayer are with you and your stepson. He is so lucky to have you and all the knowledge you have. He is young and I pray they found it early so he will make a full recovery. I look forward to hearing the good news about how he comes out of this and how quickly he is healed. Keep us posted.
@All: Check out our latest: Beta Watch – Uranium-filled ‘buckyballs’ from Fukushima meltdowns may be bound for West Coast.
@Bonnie: Denise and I are rooting for you, your stepson and your family. Thank you for sharing this with us.
@Frank Thompson: Your measurements are terrific. Keep them coming. We could create a Radiation Station – Roanoke Virginia if you like.
@M-R: I have seen some hooey shoveled in my time but this takes the whole hot cake. Read Beta Watch.
Living downwind from Diablo, I found this projection interesting… youtube Chernobyl in Southern California for a reality check. Especially if you have family or friends that are not yet awake.
@Chase; Is it you that lives in the central valley?? If your symptoms don’t abate, you might want to come to the coast for a few days to get some cleaner air. I can open my home to you. I am never there, hubby and I work a lot. As long as Diablo dosen’t blow…wink wink.
There do seem to be many who are experiencing medical issues, too many, in my opinion. (myself included) The problem is that doctors, as with most, are unaware of the affects of ionizing radiation. Why should they be? They haven’t been trained for that. My endocrinologist, who’s in California, had never heard of the Simi Valley Nuclear disaster. He did google the accident. I guess to prove I wasn’t just making it up. Still it astounds me that a medical professional, who’s specialty is “glands”, was without a clue on something that could directly affects his patients and his profession.
So, considering that, there is no way the CDC or anyone else can track this with ANY level of accuracy. The “deniable credibility” factor will continue long past our lifetimes. Just like Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and those yet to come… 🙁
@M-R: Thank you for the suggestion. I do not trust the CDC, the WHO,government entity that “should” report signs of radiation poisoning. They haven’t even warned us recently about the milk, the plutonium particles over here etc… But thank you for the suggestion. I think I have basically blocked that part of the brain off that says “government agency, real news.”
@ Chase That is what my gut said, though not as clearly : – ) Thank you for confirming..
@ Bonnie How awful for your stepson and your family. What a roller coaster. A book that is quite good – but was written pre-Fukushima – Anticancer: A New Way of Life by a doctor who had brain cancer himself, and lived well after surgery for 20+ years. He did no lifestyle changes with first diagnosis; when it recurred, he really researched anticancer way of living and it made a tremendous difference. Author is David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD
@ roundabout – I assume that the CDC would be doing that… if that agency was really doing what it is supposed to.. With cronyism and political appointments not sure what really functions there now.
Feb 19,2012 @17:30 EST additional info regarding the HEPA filter test spoken of earlier. I located what may be a hot particle on the Honeywell HEPA pre-filter and set up the meter over it for 10 min reading at 1″ above the surface of the filter(up on some square sticks supporting the meter) and meter not touching the media. I did not do a 10 minute test of other places on the media although there were a few additional emitters. Filter reading was 809 counts per 10 min. Current background reading taken about 15 min later in the next room is 433 cts per 10 min. There currently is approx 5″ of snow on ground and more expected. A snow sample was measured earlier @ 745 cts per 10 min which is fading down toward background.
That is 186% of background at this time on the suspected HEPA particle. At least it is notable since it should not be there in the 1st place.
Thank all of you for the work you do.
Frank T.
Is anyone, or does anyone know of a site that is keeping stats on symptoms of radiation poisoning in clusters here either on the west coast, or in the nation?
gray/lite steady rain….9:08 am….230.4 CPM…..44.6 background
Just did a HEPA filter check although it has been running only about 8-9 days and did not have near the degree of buildup as the ones Michael C measured in his video. Did note a few definite hot spots on the filter however so this is DRY radiation and not rain accrued radon progeny. Will get CPM read soon. Background at 412cts/10 min. “It’s” here all right and am glad I had gotten the Honeywell Enviracare Model 50250. We also sleep better now too. It’s in the filter and not as much IN us.
High regards,
My wonderful 23 year old step-son was just diagnosed with a head sarcoma. It is extremely rare – about 1000 to 1500 people in the United States, I believe per year, get it. Extremely rare that someone in his age group would get it. Upon further research it is determined that it is sometimes associated with ionizing radiation: Risk factors — Radiation-related head and neck sarcomas are well described, and account for several percent of head and neck sarcomas [5,6,13]. Other pathogenetic factors are similar to those for other soft tissue sarcomas. (See “Pathogenetic factors in soft tissue and bone sarcomas” and ‘Angiosarcoma’ below.)
Histology — The main histologic subtypes are RMS…
Never in a million believed that I would be the first one to talk about a situation like this that I am aware of. We live in Los Angeles, CA. From March, 2011 I have really hoped that I was wrong about the situation in Japan, while knowing scientifically, analytically, and just plain common sense that I probably was not. I still have hope that I am wrong and that this is just not the beginning (even though I suspected it would be about 11-12 months when something like this would begin to show up. I so want to be wrong. Thanks for listening.
gray/very lite shower….12:08 pm…..178.3 CPM…..Background 44.2 CPM
@Kim; Are you going to actually plant outdoors?? Or are you going to protect your crop via a dome, or inside hydroponics?
I’ll be glad to critique the “truthout.org” article. One does not need to be a scientist to understand that the article is pure B.S. written by those with an ingrained ignorance that really is arrogance combined with greed.
The “pro-nukers” use nonsense comparisons to disguise the real ‘truth’. That TRUTH is that we are, have been, and will continue to be, under hazardous fallout conditions for a long time to come. All life forms on the planet will in some way be affected. We are not, and most likely will not be, properly informed by the clowns in control of this debacle.
Who is going to plant a garden this year?
We have no space for a proper garden, so we normally do a few pots with tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, etc.
I wish someone on this site would critique this article. It seems to be minimizing any and all health concerns related to Fukushima…. It seems bogus but I’m not a scientist…
“The team’s anxiety wasn’t aroused so much by health risks. Levels of radioactivity reaching the U.S. are vanishingly small – thousands of times lower than people routinely face from natural sources. But minute amounts of radioactive pollutants could easily ruin expensive and delicate equipment and months of work by scientists searching for exotic subatomic particles and so-called dark matter, the invisible stuff that makes up much of the universe.
In this line of work, “A banana would be a relatively hot source of radioactivity,” says Craig Aalseth, a senior research scientist at the lab in Richland, Wash. The abundant potassium in bananas includes a radioactive isotope that occurs naturally in soils.”
@Annette2: Neither decayed to background though both decayed. The 2/13 sample is still more active than the 2/15 one.
@Michael – Did your 2/13 and 2/15 elevated rain samples decay away to background, and if so, how long did it take?
02/16/2012: light rain fall direct on paper towel (not wiped) 10 min total counts: 630; average 63 cpm. Background inside at 39 measured at 06:00 this am Roanoke VA. Must go to work.
Agoura rain. The first 10-minute average was alarmingly high, but did proceed to decay away to background over the next few hours.
Background = 45.6 cpm
Sample = 140.2 cpm
Background = 47.7 cpm
Background = 44.6 cpm
Sample = 47.1 cpm
Background = 41.0 cpm
Sample = 44.9 cpm
Sample = 44.9 cpm
Background = 46.3 cpm
This email address for NIRS article works better.(hopefully)
Thirty seven organizations have now submitted petitions to the NRC to extend the nuclear-disaster evacuation borders beyond the current ten mile agreement. Can you imagine the utter chaos of trying to evacuate thousands of people who live up to 25 miles from San Onofre?
As a long time Red Cross disaster volunteer, I plan to discuss this scenario with the Red Cross, as I have never heard of any sheltering-feeding plans that would include such a Nuclear contamination nightmare, that could potentially involve thousands of victims. Hopefully I will discover some kind of National plan that exists, but I doubt it.
There are hundreds of Fukushima evacuees who are still living in shelters, and have no place else to go, their homes and possessions either having been washed away by the tsunami, or having homes that cannot be re-entered, due to being in the contamination zone. They will certainly continue to need ongoing help for an indefinite period of time.
This kind of nuclear disaster could absolutely happen here!
2:40pm 10-minute average INTERIOR RAIN SAMPLE: 50.2 CPM^ [123% of previous background HIGHER – NO RADON PROGENY]
2:25pm 10-minute average INTERIOR: 40.8 CPM^
Saint Louis Fallout Rain at 13x Greater Than Background Radiation
As this nuclear folly has unfolded over the months I have continually hoped and prayed for the best, yet somehow, as time passed, I have had that deep down “uh oh” feeling.
As I ponder the near future I wonder just how this really is going to turn out. (?) As I think of the long term I wonder what our future generations will think of us. “Why, why,” they will say. That’s if there are any. (?)
I realize that psychopaths responsible for this debacle are either long dead or will be. Those who perpetuate the lie of nuclear power may now get to suffer with the rest us. (Unless you can afford a fallout shelter, then maybe.)
The question may come in our life time as to whether we should take the ‘blue’ pill in order to avoid suffering. (Reference to the movie “On The Beach”.) I don’t believe that would be an option for me, but I think it may be what many will choose.
“No degree of prosperity could justify the accumulation of large amounts of highly toxic substances which nobody knows how to make ‘safe’ and which remain an INCALCULABLE danger to the whole of creation for historical or even GEOLOGICAL AGES. To do such a thing is a transgression against life itself, a transgression infinitely more serious than any crime ever perpetrated by man. The idea that a civilization could sustain itself on the basis of such a transgression is an ethical, spiritual, and metaphysical monstrosity. It means conducting the economic affairs of man as if people (or all life forms) really did not matter at all.” — E.F. Schumacher 1973
Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered,
(Chp. 4, Nuclear Energy–Salvation or Damnation? )
General observations:
1. I am not a medical professional, nor do I work for the CDC, but I am seeing many more sick people than I would consider ‘normal’ in my small mountain town here in California. Those who were already ill seem to be failing quickly.
2. Plants seem to be out of sync.
3. Weather has been ‘odd’ to say the least.
4. There seem to be less birds, except woodpeckers, and cat litters seem small and very unhealthy.
Rain soaked paper towel, Ventura, CA: 53.8 (10 min avg)
No time to do a BG right now, but it hovers very consistently at 47ish.
@roundabout: Yes, it could be from SONGS but we don’t have proof that the reactor complex is leaking beyond the original leak from Unit #3. Southern California Edison, which owns SONGS, told me there is no offsite radiation from the plant that is detectable. If you look at WunderMap right now for Southern California, you will see that the wind can indeed blow from that direction towards Orange and Los Angeles counties on a day like today.
This is the map, with wind direction, that people concerned about San Onofre should be looking at.
Not very scientific, but it is just starting to sprinkle here in Ventura, CA. I took my Inspector out on cpm mode and ran it over all the surfaces (which were just barely wet) in my backyard. My BG is about 47-48 cpm, and I was getting readings mostly in the 50s with a few at 60. Will update later.
Does anyone think that San Onofre could be adding to the goo on these rain samples?? i haven’t studied the wind currents, but am just wondering if it could be contributing. Anyone looking at this?
Well I wasn’t in LA, but I got caught in the rain in Santa Maria. Anyone there taking measurements? I hope my hair does not fall out again…
Sampling of Agoura rain. Sampling taken at 11:30am, about an hour after the rain had stopped. A dry wind was blowing that had largely dried any puddles. Sample swipe from glass topped outside table (just cleaned last night) did not soak the paper towel, but the remaining small rain puddle did dampen it. I would think that any deposited particle would still be present after the wind dried the rain (which is what we’re looking for, right)?
Anyway, the 10-minute counts yielded the following data:
Pretest Background: 50.7 cpm
Sample: 52.2 cpm (3% & 7% over background)
Post-test Background: 48.7 cpm
1:45 am retest
Pretest Background: 45.2 cpm
Sample: 44.7 cpm (1% under and 5% over background)
Post-test Background: 42.4 cpm
*Keep in mind the Inspector Alert has a 15% margin of error in these count ranges.
Radioactive Snowfall At 7x Background On 2/13/12 4:20pm Saint Louis, Mo
I have just completed a test of Glendale rain 11:00 AM Feb 13, 2012. I cleaned and dried my windshield inside my garage, rolled the car back into the light rain falling outside, and then collected a sample of rain on a paper towel from the wet windshield. A 10 minute background count of the dry paper towel was 425 CPM. The 10 minute average of the rain soaked paper towel sample taken from my windshield was 801 CPM, about 88% over background. Not as hot as the sample taken in Santa Monica, which is only about 15 miles from this location. So, your radiation mileage may vary! You can see the record video of this test at http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/20428685
Ventura, CA exterior 10 min. average: 44
I just got back from grocery shopping. The radiation has clearly saved me on my food bill, (or fear of radiation since I am still working on getting an Inspector) and coupled with eliminating GMO foods… I was “reduced” to praying over my best judged choices! LOL! Because I am a protein type metabolically and gain weight with carbs (even “good” ones) this Fukushima thing is definitely personal! My caloric intake is much lower… for lack of protein choices and reduced GMO and rad carb choices. But if it buys us a few more years, perhaps worth the vigilance now. Anyone else facing the same dietary restriction problem?
Michael, yes, that was my sense of things, too. (My really uninformed sense, fwiw.) Are we eating cesium or strontium if we have cheese or avocados that tested within background limits? Maybe. But we might be ingesting these things from wheat tortillas or almond milk, as well. We are currently kind of going on the idea that if something is really hot our Inspector will find that, and since the whole food chain is likely to be involved in this… Well… But we are avoiding 90% of non aged dairy and almost all sea food.
2/10/12 4:15pm Light Snow Radioactive At 20X Greater Than Background Radiation
@Kim: The idea that “Inspectors are not sensitive enough to find everything in the food” is true and not true. Since alpha emits .5 to 1.5″ and beta just a few inches, you’d have to test, say, a turkey by removing it from the packaging and slicing through it enough to reduce the thickness to obtain more accurate testing. However, Inspector Alerts are certainly sensitive enough to test food. Heck, you have an Inspector so you’re already taking the guesswork out of it.
Please do not be provoked by malevolent people using anonymous proxy servers and fake email addresses who attempt to create fear for reasons unknown, as is the case here, into believing what you do (testing of your food with your Inspector) is not accurate. Poppycock. Sure, we can’t catch everything but remember, in the case of radiation in food, less radiation is less radiation so your testing (and your kindness in sharing it at Radiation Station – Ventura California) is most appreciated.
What about the idea that Inspectors are not sensitive enough to find everything in the food? We test a lot– including some dairy– and haven’t found anything to be very hot, according to limitations of our equipment. Almonds have been one of the hottest things I have tested, fyi. So if we can’t eat dairy, nuts, meat, eggs, fish, oils, or seeds… plus fresh greens or veg or fruit… um… WHAT WILL WE EAT? I mean, really. We are cutting back on dairy, except aged, again, and just really feeling a new sense of paranoia. We are trying to eliminate the worst offenders, food wise, and test everything. I am really hoping someone can make other helpful suggestions.
Michael has repeatedly measured almond milk at background levels. I wonder if he or anyone else has done a side-by-side brand test? I spoke with a grocer this week about radiation concerns and he told me that Bakersfield is the largest growing area of everything organic.
@Tray: The reason we started Eat Me is to take some of the guesswork out of eating rad free. You have access to our repeated negative tests on almond milk as well as brand and store done with a new Inspector Alert. We do test loads of stuff and know this: it seems that the mobility of the fallout already in America to get into foodstuffs has not been as rapid as we assumed. Assumption is the death of science. Our food sampling is tiny in cohort and it is affected by the fact we don’t even bother to buy what we know is hot or elevated. The almond milk we’ve test so far is fine.
I just contacted Silk and they use Locaste bean gum in there almond milk and as I recall Michael has said it tests good. Let me know if I am wrong on this. I need to find an option for my family.
Wilma P. Arghhhhhh. Seriously thanks for the update on almond mik. That’s all we have been drinking. I just want to throw my hands up sometimes and forget this whole thing! But unfortunately I am way to stubborn a person. Okay so what to drink? Anyone testing the soymilk or rice milk out there? Which one Vitasoy, Ricedream, Edensoy, Soydream, which tested good? Let us know.
Michael, Thanks for you info. Wilma brings up a good point about where the almonds are grown what do you make of this?
Hello. Doing some research this afternoon and rediscovered the article about seaspray redeposition that I recalled but could not find the citation in our January 20 discussion.
Turns out it was from the 2010 Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk (specific to health effects of low dose radiation), pg. 123:
“The geophysical processes involved are well described and in the case of Plutonium
and Sellafield, measurements have been made which show the presence of
Plutonium and other radioactive particles in marine intertidal sediment, in the
air near the coast, in sheep faeces, children’s teeth and autopsy specimens taken
from parts of the UK. The concentration of Plutonium with distance from the
sea follows a trend with a sharp increase in levels within 1km of the sea falling
rapidly and flattening out to a finite but reducing level up to 300km or more
from the sea.”
Dear Michael,
The Nuclear Information and Resource Service says to avoid nut and animal milk:
“Here are some of the types of foods that are most likely to concentrate radioactivity: Dairy, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, oil. Many processed foods contain hidden oils.”
Almonds are grown in Kern County around Bakersfield, California. And isn’t polluted Bakersfield showing exorbitantly high CPMs?
Seaweed. Again, what have we learned about Iodine-131 and seaweed?
@Tray: We are putting a permanent link to Eat Me on the index page and all Fukushima/Radiation Station pages. We apologize for any inconvenience. Remember, folks, UC Berkeley’s Dept. of Nuclear Engineering just found the highest amount of cesium-137 in milk to date. Switching to the rad-free foods we explore on Eat Me, like almond milk, helps avoid these rads as the Cs-137 hasn’t completely entered the entire food chain yet.
Hey guys,
Is Eat Me still up? I can’t find it in the blog section.
Was expecting quite the storm. A bit of rain finally arrived in Agoura this evening.
Rain swipe from glass tabletop (cleaned just prior to rain). 10-minute averages, unshielded. Background averages taken just prior and subsequent to sample counts.
Background = 42.6 cpm, 39.0 cpm
Sample = 62.8 cpm
Same sample retested at 10:30pm
Background = 45.8 cpm, 43.9 cpm
Sample = 40.7 cpm
Short-lived isotopes completely decayed away (and then some, apparently).
Saint Louis Snowfall Measuring 4X Greater Than Background Radiation
Rain in Ventura, CA: 53.4 cpm
I let a paper towel get soaked, brought it in and did a 10 min. average. Background is normally 47-48, fyi.
Jeff Rense and Michael Collins
February 6, 2012: San Onofre’s Unit 2’s new piping woes affect hundreds of steam generator piping installed just 20 months ago and now wearing out faster than expected, Unit 3’s burst pipe causes radiation to vent out of the huge superstructure’s top and a worker falls into the spent fuel pond trying to pick up a flash light are all topics in this lively full hour show.
6:30pm 10-minute average INTERIOR RAIN SAMPLE: 63.8 CPM^ [155% of previous background HIGHER – NO RADON PROGENY]
6:15pm 10-minute average INTERIOR background average: 41.2 CPM^
10:15am 10-minute average INTERIOR background average: 43.8 CPM^
10:00am 10-minute average INTERIOR RAIN SAMPLE: 68.2 CPM^ [156% of subsequent background HIGHER – NO RADON PROGENY]
@Potrblog: THANK YOU for that incredible video of steam rising from the ground by what looks like between Units 2 & 3. DO NOT MISS THIS FOLKS: http://pissinontheroses.blogspot.com/2012/02/alert-prepare-for-increased-fukushima.html
EVEN MORE IMPORTANT TO THE PEOPLE OF ILLINOIS/CHICAGO: http://pissinontheroses.blogspot.com/2012/02/alert-byron-illinois-reactor-scram.html
[ALERT] Prepare For Increased Fukushima Fallout, STAY OUT OF THE RAIN!
[ALERT] Byron Illinois Reactor SCRAMMED During Restart, YOU SHOULD TOO
10:15am 10-minute average INTERIOR background average: 43.8 CPM^
10:00am 10-minute average INTERIOR RAIN SAMPLE: 68.2 CPM^ [156% of subsequent background HIGHER]
February 4th interview with San Onofre whistleblower:
“San Onfore- How Safe Is it?”
This interview is absolutely worth listening to get a better understanding of what’s going on.
17X Background Radiation in 5:30pm 2/4/12 Saint Louis Misting Rain
Hello from Harrisburg NC.Took 3 readings today 2/4/2012 .Overcast/light showers.Taken with Inspector+ off hood of car
1…218.7 CPM @ 11:50 am
2…204.3 CPM @ 12:10 pm I flipped over sample
#…35.2 CPM background
5:50pm 2/3/12 Saint Louis Fallout Rain At 10X Background Radiation
@Michael: I am about 25 miles north of San Onofre on the beach and am keeping an eye on my 24/7 Inspector Alert monitoring. Have had no change in my average background cpm of 32/33, and seen no unusual spikes on the graph over the last couple days. I will try and get a graph posted online of the last week or so tonight.
100 R/hr Source Found in Pennsylvania NOT a “Concern From a Radiological Standpoint”
@All: Keep an eye on San Clemente weather (the town just north of San Onofre), especially the wind which, right now, is blowing from northwest to southeast meaning any radiation escaping the reactor is not directly blowing into hugely populated areas. Radiation Stations in Santa Monica and Glendale are not picking up excess radiation from this event (not surprisingly because of distance and wind direction).
RadNet Anaheim is showing its usual high beta count bounce-around pattern.
@potrblog; yep. hoping all nuclear power plants are checking their tubing right now… hopefully not an en masse event. Unbelievable. There is Fukushima, now this. All I can do is pray and buy zeolite. I am almost beyond wanting a geiger counter as it is increasingly just to be assumed we are contaminated, and to start acting like I live in Japan and assume all foodstuffs will be contaminated. Especially since the spew has hit our own shores.
SAN ONOFRE: The Tubes Don’t Want to Wait Anymore
If you consult the official ukrainian governments website (below) for the V.I. Lenin Nuclear Power Plant in Chernobyl, you will read and probably comprehend that another fukushima or two or three, isnt going to matter that much, the current status of chernobyl predicts ongoing, increasingly destructive environmental contamination
‘Starting from 1986 to date, not more than 60% of the Shelter (Unit “Á”) premises have been surveyed. The remaining premises are inaccessible due to high-level radiation fields, or due to permeability barriers occurred during explosion, which led to structure destruction and initiation of lava-like fuel containing materials, and during concrete pumping-in when erecting the Shelter. Thus, significant part of the facility remains unexplored area, being one of the most serious present-day risks.’
This article has a very good analysis of the latest news on San Onofre nuclear power plant:
Shine the Light: Thank you for that explanation. Bakersfield is a vortex of sorts. With EPA RadNet measured spikes like those — over 1,000 total CPM, if I’m reading the chart properly — you’d think that would trigger a response to warn the public or something. Also, I did not go back through the historic data to compare, but am absolutely positive I saw the same kind of spikes last March and/or April.
Please, if anyone else is following this data, would you reconfirm?
Hi Frank – So are you saying that the newly installed filter read 1.54 mcsv/h? This filter was new, out of the box, never run yet?
Hello – the link Annette2 provided didn’t work (for me, anyway) so I’ll supplement it with this article on the problem at San Onofre NPP. The more info, the better:
SBlocal – My guess on Bakersfield is that fallout gets trapped in the valley as it is surrounded by mountains. Somewhat similar to how air gets trapped in the LA basin and amounts to the infamous smog problem. Bakersfield has well documented high air pollution levels. In fact, their air resources board in January said this season was the worst air pollution on record since the late 80’s. They were advising residents to stay inside. Obviously, the Fuku particles are adding to the normal industrial and residential particulate matter.
I noticed that the EPA also revised upwards some readings from early-mid January. These would be the last two off-the-chart readings. The readings are supposed to be based in real time. Best to print out the data for documentation purposes.
Unclear, why more people are not concerned.Make that outraged!
San Onofre NPP Unit 3 Shut Down to investigate possible leak:
ALERT: North America may have been on the sunlit side of this CME, hence greater levels of Iodine might be expected.
Rense Radio Network
January 30, 2012: A new U.C. Davis report reveals how the thousands of tons of Uranium oxide (UO2) at the three melted down and out reactors at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi plant north of Tokyo are reacting with Pacific Ocean water to create U60 “buckyballs,” hearty spherical nanoparticles with up to 60 radioactive uranium ions each that survive long enough to make it to the shores of the 44 nations that make up the Pacific Rim including the United States. Even Southern California is not safe as Radiation Station – Santa Monica and the U.S. EPA’s high Los Angeles radiation readings attest to.
January 23, 2012: Collins presents new theory of radiation deposition in Southern California – Pacific ocean breezes which extend inland for miles carrying Fukushima fallout churned up in the water, a phenomenon confirmed by a alpha & beta radiation detected at 538% above normal at Radiation Station Santa Monica where radon progeny does not factor into the mix. Historic show with Rense and Collins at their best.
Silencing the Rape Whistle: Nuclear Technology’s #1 Safety Priority- Hush Kits for Steam Releases
Maximum Alert – Emergency declared Byron Station, IL Nuclear Plant, Reported Airborne Tritium Release, Levels Supposedly “Safe”
The POTRBLOG team would take preventative risk mitigation action, including initial evacuation preparation outside of the 11 mile zone. Saint Louis does NOT appear to be under any immediate threat. Tracking of surface and Jet Steam winds is advised.
As of 2:55pm 1/30/12: Surface winds blowing to the North; Jet Stream blowing East South East.
Bakersfield, CA had some spikes in January that were literally off the chart. See links below. This data is from the EPA RadNet (I didn’t double-check). Should the nearby coastal communities be concerned (e.g. Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and between)? Why is no one talking about these huge spikes? Would this suggest that Bakersfield is at the edge of the jet stream where particles drop out? I recall from last March that Bakersfield also had the highest measurements after Fukushima recorded anywhere. Can anyone illuminate this local phenomenon and far it extends from Bakersfield?
AIRBORNE Radiation Spikes In New Zealand, 18X Greater Than Background
I saw a current issue of Make Magazine at a Fry’s Electronics store. It had an article on building a homemade geiger counter. I didn’t have time to read it but it was on page 100 as I recall. If you are handy with do-it-yourself projects or electronics this could be an alternative to buying an expensive Geiger counter. The magazine cover had a yellow background with a photo of a girl wearing a Supergirl type outfit with the title “MAKE:” and subtitle “DIY SUPER HUMAN”. I found a link listed below with some limited information.
@SBlocal, most of it is probably in the water and it is likely easily aerosolized.
POTR – In addition to the jet stream, can these fullerenes hitch a ride on the ocean debris heading our way? And rain?
Thanks for your great video. I’ve sent the link to all of the scientists I know. I hope Arnie Gundersen sees it.
Weaponized Fukushima Fallout: Radioactive Fullerenes and Endofullerenes
re Bad news buckyballs: The oxidative stress we can do something about, perhaps…but the pulmonary implications are far greater and inhalation is inevitable even if wearing a mask if not made to shut out nanoparticles. I wonder when we will be wearing gas like masks in the future. I watched a sci fi film in the 70’s where people had to wear gas masks outdoors. I guess this day is arriving. We need to keep praying. It has got to be our only hope at this point.
7X Background Radiation In Leading Edge Saint Louis Rainfall
Think HOT PARTICLES are Bad?
Re call for papers at low-dose.org: Responding to the call for papers is a good opportunity to to refute safety assurances regarding the intensity and duration of low dose radiation toxicity. Particularly since the new information on Fukushima victims and the recent deaths in the USA directly impacted from Fukushima. Enviroreporter readers may want to submit their research on these recent impacts.
@rocket; I couldn’t find the egg project on the link. I hope it doesn’t happen. But the toxicity low dose radiation webpage you sent us is absolutely fascinating. I suggest everyone take a look. www,dose-response.org
A call for papers is also there, and I suggest the brilliant contributors and readers of this sight take a look.
Pool water from a public pool in Thousand Oaks, CA: 40 (10 min avg)
Spot check of vacuum cleaner-collected dust in Ventura, CA: 40ish
i cant imagine how these dubiously funded hormesians would respond to your investigative reporting of their activities, functions and missions.
Stay Out Of The Rain!
26 TIMES Background Radiation In 6:30am STL Rain Fall
aka the national hormesis society
its good for you, engineering evolution through predictable, controlled, genetic modification. soon monsanto will produce its patented gmo human eggs, so that the resultant offspring can only procreate after paying a licensing fee.
But then we knew that.
STL Rain at 10X Background Radiation; Greater Risk For The Pacific Northwest, Continental Divide, And Mexico
[VIDEO] Sabotage? Emergency Declared, Crane Fire During Nuclear Refueling at Robinson Nuclear Plant
We updated the story with a video explaining the details.
@ Potrblog: Thank goodness you seem to have more criminal investigative sense than the NRC. Your analysis of a potential saboteur is sobering and extremely valuable. It would be terrific if the raddies who read your superb work would make sure the NRC and the appropriate authorities view this work ASAP.
@ Ilya: Later today, we’ll show you why radon isn’t impacting any of our readings at Radiation Station Central in Santa Monica California in a post called A Whole HEPA Trouble. There are several theories as to why Southern California has such a high background, double as you point out of NYC which is built on granite which ionizes. Our top choice is the fact that several nuclear partial meltdowns have occurred here since 1959, including the partial melt of the Sodium Reactor Experiment at Rocketdyne in 1959, which released hundreds of times more radiation than Three Mile Island did in 1979 according to analysis done by EnviroReporter.com. Also, please check out Seasons Readings where we show that airline pilots are exposed to far higher levels of radiation than you say here, in our case up to 1,238 CPM on Denise Anne and my December 2011 trip to Michigan and 1,740 CPM on our way back on New Years Day. Both 10-minute averages are significantly higher than the one you note, the latter being over four times more elevated. This is certainly higher due to Fukushima fallout over the heartland of America.
Man, this is more than twice the typical background in NYC. Could it be radon ? When I was looking at homes, I routinely measured 100cpm and more in some basements in northern New Jersey ( across the river ). In scientific terms, this is not as terrible since there are very healthy people living with naturally much higher background levels. Airlines pilots are exposed to roughly 350cpm levels at cruising altitude. If, however, pre-Fukushima levels were half the current ones, this is bad. Nobody wants the fly-by radionuclides from Japan.
Serial Saboteur? Emergency Declared At South Carolina Progress Energy Robinson Nuclear Plant
Video Update: 3X Airborne Radiation SPIKE in Taos, New Mexico,
THANK YOU ANNETTE! We will be discussing this at 9:30pm PST in about 20 minutes on the Rense Radio Network including the following testing results from yesterday. Our upcoming post about it, A Whole HEPA Trouble, will show that there was no radon progeny in these detections. All Fukushima yet not in the rain as no hot rain fell during the period of usage. Points to the Pacific…
@Michael, potrblog & all –
I was put into contact and been corresponding with the principals of Isotopics (Dutch nuclear consultancy), and I asked them the specific question we’ve been discussing, “can the Fukushima released cesium 137/134 in the ocean evaporate and precipitate?” Here is their answer:
“Referring to your question about cesium losses from seawater: the radionuclides Cs-137 and Cs-134 that were or are wasted into the ocean are very radioactive, but the waste volume and the mass of these radionuclldes are very small compared to the volume of the ocean and the mass of natural stable cesium-133 present in the ocean. All isotopes of cesium have identical chemical behavior in seawater. Cesium in seawater occurs as an ion and not as a metal; the metal is volatile, the ion is not. Evaporation of ocean water will therefore not lead to cesium or radioactivity from cesium in the air (excluded sea-spray) and consequently not to radioactive clouds and subsequently to radioactive precipitation. The remark in our report referred to the pool-water sample preparation procedure in the lab.”
This conversation was specific to cesium only.
2 p.m. rain in Ventura, CA: 56 cpm (10 min avg. with a paper towel collection).
Background is about 47-48.
ALERT 3X Atmospheric Radiation in Taos, New Mexico Flows From Fukushima 5.8 Earthquake
see http://pissinontheroses.blogspot.com/2012/01/alert-3x-atmospheric-radiation-in-taos.html
Santa Monica, CA rain (collected from a swipe off a clean surface per technique used for 10 months): 46.5 CPM (1:00pm); background 44.5 CPM (12:40pm). We will test rains throughout day/night as well as publish new posts regarding new readings and observations.
AMAZING Fukushima Daiichi footage with 6 minute tour by car around stricken reactors recorded and posted in October 2011 and apparently seen by less than 90 people on YouTube.
Agoura overnight rain (10-minute average run from paper towel swipe of outside glass top table (30″ diameter). Table was cleaned immediately before the rain arrived.
6:50am BG = 421, COUNT = 573
8:30am BG = 446, COUNT = 448
9:10am BG = 482, COUNT = 410
Santa Monica, CA rain (collected from a swipe off a clean surface per technique used for 10 months): 52.3 CPM (8:45am); background 47.3 CPM (8:55am). We will test rains throughout day/night as well as publish new posts regarding new readings and observations.
Ventura, CA rain (collected in a cup) tested at background: 48 cpm.
Thank you all for sampling. This is a valiant effort that serves the greater community. I have a couple of comments for thought for those of you sampling. In no way am I suggesting that there’s anything wrong with the sampling methodology, just some thoughts from a field in which I have extensive experience (urban runoff):
1) When you sample rainwater that has fallen into a clean receptacle this provides an idea of pure deposition via water cycle
2) When you sample rainwater wiped from a surface you may be getting both airborne deposition (dust, pollen) and water deposition — which might give a higher reading due to combined sources.
You all seem to be describing your collection methodology so this is clear. However when your data is graphed this detail may get lost. The combined sample (from a surface rather than receptacle) may give a truer reading of actual exposure rate, whereas the pure water sample gives an exposure rate from rain alone. Neither is better, both are critical, it’s just a matter of what you want to measure.
3)If anyone wants another sampling challenge it might also be helpful to sample rainwater after it has traveled a given distance from the highest point of a watershed (a hill in your neighborhood, for example) to see what the rain has picked up and mixed with that was deposited on the ground before it enters a storm drain. This data point would show a total CPM resulting from continuous deposition over space/time. Of course, this is not going to be anywhere near exact but gives us spot checks. You would ideally want to measure this runoff from the first flush a.k.a. the very first possible amount of water running in the gutter and do a few hourly samples as flow rate increases to compare the concentrations. This is how urban runoff is measured — first flush and continuous monitoring after that. First flush isn’t necessarily full of the most pollutants. Pollutant concentration depends upon the pollutants and how easily transported (adsorbed vs. dissolved) they are. But first flush indicates the earliest possible sample time and will show the highest concentration for some types of pollutants. I don’t know where radionuclides fall on this spectrum. It depends on how much is dissolved vs. adsorbed (bound to a surface of something else such as pollen or mold spores).
With great appreciation,
Frank – I had the same question as you: did pre-Fukushima rain also show elevated radioactivity? Apparently, yes:
The first is a question posted/answered in 2001.
The second link is to a BRAWM page. I realize you are skeptical about academically-sourced information because of possible funding conflicts of interest, but this page is a particularly interesting presentation of an actual decay chain from an air filter, that matched radon daughters. The BRAWM response cited a 1966 article referencing radon washout in rainwater, and showing a graphic depicting a typical radon decay chain.
So, clearly the elevated readings that decay to background quickly are not a new phenomenon. I would be very concerned about extremely elevated readings (that we have not seen here in southern California), samples that do not decay to background quickly (there have been several such cited on this and other sites), as well as always keeping the knowledge that longer lived isotopes that would not be readily detectable with the geiger counters, may still be present.
Potrblog has also posited that the elevated radon/radon daughters may not be entirely local radon, but also possibly radon released from Fukushima soils, as there have been reports of the ground steaming (from escaped curium reacting with soil and groundwater possibly (?) and Japanese soil is rich in radon.
BTW I’m with you… I say question everything and everyone. That’s the only way we learn, and this is a huge learning curve that we’re traversing. There is too much at stake with an event of this magnitude to put our trust in any one source. Thank you for your constructive contributions. What type of software are you running that produced your data report? Blessings to you in southern Virginia.
9:30am Local Radon Washout Rain At 2-3X Background Radiation
For details see-
@ Frank Thompson: Frank, you have put in comments that you have found high rain readings and then did not produce the evidence when asked. We have retained samples that do not fade to background (including our masks) and have oodles of information on this site, including in radio interviews, that debunk this kind of baseless naysaying. In journalism, we do not posit unsourced accusations without backing them up especially ones that seem to target the very folks doing the work that our government should be doing. Meltdown fallout deniers should be ashamed of themselves.
The question in my mind since results from rain samples I have measured has followed the same pattern of the others who have submitted their sample reports here is this:
Has the overall amount of radon daughters in rain water samples consistently increased to above ‘normal’ levels since Fukushima or not? I have been looking for pre-Fukushima measurements to answer that and continue to do so.
I have also heard about a number of individuals whom have been running around “panicking” (not here in this forum) about “hot” rain and creating such a ruckus and annoyance which turns the people off from considering researched findings and more credible sources. Creates kind of like a radiological conspiracy theorist aspersion. No, its not a good idea to drink freshly fallen rainwater but we need to find rain samples which do not fade to background levels in a few hours. And I don’t always trust the academic sources of information since they often receive government grants and may have an aversion to losing them by publishing “contrary” data findings.
Agoura checking in. Testing results from overnight rain:
These counts are all for the same sample-
7:15am – BG = 47.3, 10-minute average = 75.9
9:30am – BG = 45.5, 10-minute average = 51.1
7:40pm – BG = 43.2, 10-minute average = 42.7
So, excess over background entirely shortlived isotopes that have all decayed away.
Nine hours later, this morning’s LA rain sample is now testing at normal background levels.
Posted a rainwater sample from this mornings rain:
Follows the typical pattern…
@ MichaelCollins…BIG gee here again from Harrisburg NC…Michael you need to know this.I discovered a website showing ALL nuke plants in USA with virtual maps and put it on your website awhile ago.Im not sure if I emailed you what I found out here as to maybe why Im getting such HIGH readings here.I live about 3-4 miles south of LOWES Motor speedway.We have been here 5 years and I knew nuke plants are near BUT with that websites maps I calculated I live “Nextdoor” to 2!! AS THE CROW FLIES in a straight line McGUIRE in NC just NW of here is 14 miles “as crow flies_ and CATAWBA 1&2 are in SC 22 mile SW of me “as crow flies” and with all the info coming out about how much they are lieing about their RELEASES its just downright scary living here!! comments?……I have also been taking Chemtrail pictures since we moved here and thats been “Heavy duty” also!!!.I will try to put up a link here for that virtual?Nuke website in case some people missed it.
Hello again from Harrisburg NC.Rains continue today.Test sample taken the same way off car windshield with Inspector+ 10 min CPM
12:22 pm….162.6 CPM
43.1 CPM background
Something unusual today ..maybe??….Usually samples on white napkin are clear rain leaving the sample still white (and sometimes with dirt mixed in) but on swiping I noticed napkin had a YELLOWISH tint to it…I said “thats unusual!”…..then I thought of the discussion yesterday and questioned “Is it sulphur?” Maybe? hmm….
so I double plastic bagged it….in case for “I dont know what!”
A retest at 10am came in at 43 which is slightly above background. I should think it would come down a bit more as the day progresses.
10:05 10-minute INTERIOR Radiation Station – Santa Monica (Central): 49.9 CPM^
@ LAS: If you’d like, collect your data for as long back as you want, including any testing you’ve done you want to include, and we’ll build a Radiation Station Beverly Hills (or West Los Angeles – your choice) for you so we can see your excellent work all together. This would be very helpful as you can see a big difference between your and my readings of the same rain.
@ CG118RADSTION: I think that the goo hasn’t gotten here yet hence your steady lowish readings. A sure indicator of its arrival will be the Texas-sized flotilla of flotsam that is creeping towards us slowly but surely. Be thankful for this ‘before’ time and enjoy that beach.
@ Potrblog: Thank you for your studied response to my questions. Our do-nothing government’s EPA, along with the snooty nitwits in ‘higher’ education specializing in nuclear engineering (and shilling for the nuke industry), can’t hold a candle to your consistent testing, analysis and dissemination. Thank you.
136 CPM ten minute average detected on my Inspector Alert near Beverly Hills / west side of LA. This is a little more than three times background. Sample was a paper towel on my windshield at 7:30am on 1/21.
Will retest and repost in 24 hours.
@POTRBLOG: Please keep us posted as to how that sample decays over time.
>>>>>POTRBLOG says:
January 20, 2012 at 5:34 pm
6pm Freezing Drizzle Radioactive At 22 Times Greater Than Background
>>>>>“I would think that the ocean waves crashing on shorelines and being stirred up by winds and storms might loft heavy particles some distance into the air.
Well, I’m sitting 1/2 a mile from the great Pacific, and I seem to have higher average CPMS than just about anyone. <<<<<<<<<
I'm sitting 25 yards from the Pacific waves and my 24/7 monitoring of background results have not increased from 33 cpm at all. (located in south OC)
ALERT- Solar Flare Interaction with High Atomic Weight Fukushima Fallout
strontium 90 documentary
One hour later my rain sample went down from 62 to 59.
La Nina Shunts Fukushima Fallout Into The Southern Hemisphere
A light rain is falling in Ventura, CA.
My Inspector Alert is calling it at 62 cpm.
>>>>>“I would think that the ocean waves crashing on shorelines and being stirred up by winds and storms might loft heavy particles some distance into the air.
Well, I’m sitting 1/2 a mile from the great Pacific, and I seem to have higher average CPMS than just about anyone. 🙁
Ditto to Chase. The genie is out of the bottle, and until it’s decayed away, it will continue to reappear via various modes.
Re: seapray… of course. I remember reading at least two articles in the past months discussing just that. One was about the increased cancer rates along shorelines near NPPs… the inhalation of particles reentrained by the seaspray from the radioactive effluent was discussed. Perhaps sourced that one from Radiation and Public Health Project. The other was about the radioactively contaminated Irish Sea and a statistically significant increase in ill health within the range of the sea spray. I’m thinking that one was sourced from a study accessed via davistownmuseum.org. So much for reliving those moments of wind & sea spray in my face while galloping my horse along the beach at Montana de Oro (immediately adjacent to Diablo Canyon). Buzz kill.
Re: evaporation, yes, boiling water is a much more violent action than simple evaporation. However, Isotopics commented that some cesium would be lost through selective adsorption, precipitation and co-precipitation. Lost where? The only place it could go is up, with the steam.
Let’s just hope that our “authorities” are correct that by the time the “radioactive” currents reach our shores it will be so dilute that any exposure to particles in sea spray or rogue evaporation would insignificant. I’ll continue to include that in my long list of prayers.
Incidentally, southern Californians… I’ve been corresponding with Heal the Bay, our local beach watchdog agency. They pride themselves on providing “report cards,” for contaminants in coastal waters. Anyway, they are taking the position recommended by the NOAA and EPA that based upon the ONE geiger counter reading provided by the Russian ship encounter back in September of a piece of flotsam that did not give a high reading, that the tsunami debris will not be radioactively contaminated. They do not plan to take any special precautions, or make any additional plans to deal with possible radioactivity. They are not even planning to take baseline readings or supply their volunteers with geiger counters, when they clear the debris from the beaches. Please call/email to help motivate them to improve their game.
Re: said incoming plume. My husband was speaking with a Cal EMA rep at a meeting in Sacramento earlier today. A city council person from Crescent City (way northern California), asked the Cal EMA guy how they should handle the potentially radioactive debris that was beginning to arrive in the Japanese tsunami flotsam. The Cal EMA dude responded, “I wouldn’t touch it.”
The way I see it, the “spreadation”, the spreading and accumulation, of continuous radioactive contamination is incalculable in any real sense.
It will persist to contaminate for as long as the particular substance remains Hazardous to Life. In the case of cesium that would be 300 years. 🙁
We are all part of this insideous folly. We all, every last one of us and every living thing, are part of an experiment of sorts. Not one we wanted or ask for, but one which is here non the less.
Thanks to all for the readings, as the days and months pass by these readings and data may become very important.
Hello everyone from Harrisburg NC..Tonights rain sample report at 5:40 pm off car windshield using Inspaector+ 10 min CPM.Overcast/showers
156.7 CPM………37.4 CPM background inside…Just to make it clear ALL my background reports are taken at same spot as sample readings UNLESS stated as “outside”
Great discussion but a little outa my league.Have a Great weekend
6pm Freezing Drizzle Radioactive At 22 Times Greater Than Background
@Potrblog: I think the Sulphur-35 became airborne after sloshing around in the ocean and coming in on ocean spray, much like the mechanism described in my last comment. This has huge implications for folks close enough to smell salt in the air near the Pacific (like we can sometimes). Denise says she can smell the Pacific’s salt about twice a year in downtown Los Angeles! With the government failing to test the ocean off of the western U.S. coast, we are on our own. Thank goodness for folks like the ones here.
@Michael Collins, as SBlocal indicated it can be very complex. People don’t understand it because they don’t see it in their every day lives, hence they can’t quickly wrap their heads about it. One thing you might look up is how many times water must be steam distilled before it is considered clean from the perspective of radionuclide testing. I believe the water usually has to be distilled at least three times.
The key with the Australia measurement is that the source blew in from over the ocean on the hottest day in several years, with the highest wind speed in at least a month, and the lowest air pressure in at least a month. IF the source was from Fukushima it might have been from dissolved Nobel gasses in the water. But it could just have well been from any number of radioactive liquids, solids, or dissolved gasses which would evaporate, sublimate, off-gas, and/or distribute due to the wave, wind, pressure, and heat conditions described.
In the case of the Sulfur-35 that reached California, at the time our swag was that it was from the formation of Sulfuric Acid evaporating out of the ocean.
see http://pissinontheroses.blogspot.com/2011/08/radioactive-acid-rain.html
@SBLocal: Pesticides are not radionuclides so comparison of pesticide’s evaporation characteristics may not be applicable.
@Annette2: I would think that boiling off radioactively-contaminated water would behave differently than simply evaporating off. But since you point out cesium as an example, and the technique involves boiling which apparently doesn’t drive it off, I’d surmise that cesium doesn’t evaporate with water.
This could be the mechanism and I think it has the highest probability. That would mean that we are all correct. And, as Potrblog states, this could have grave implications for the West Coast of the U.S. (and many other Pacific Rim nations too).
I will delve into this literature further, but at first look, I found this old article (1973)with at least 173 citations that says, “[Pesticide] residues [found in arctic ice samples] are presumably either vapor or are adsorbed on dust particles and may be carried many thousands of miles from the original source.” It goes on to discuss evaporation rates of pesticide residues from aqueous solution or suspension.
This field is called fate and transport of pollutants. Part of the extreme challenge in definining pollutant transport is characterizing the pollutants themselves. A major problem in the field is that pollutants are able to combine with (as dissolved solids) organic or other easily volatilized chemicals (by adsorption) already circulating in the hydrologic cycle and/or atmosphere and can change back and forth being dissolved and suspended solids within the water transport system depending upon water temperature, other chemicals present, and other factors.
Point being: the radionucleides are not entering a pristine environment that one can easily characterize at all but one already riddled with many many types of volatile organic and toxic inorganic pollutants that have not been/cannot be characterized by those studying urban runoff. Fate and transport of urban runoff pollutants is a nascent field of study that has thus far determined there are no simple answers. I know this is true. There are design experiments and also specific time/series samples but the mix of what’s in runoff can vary every hour of every day. Think of how pollutants from China might waft over So. Cal. and affect our rainfalls patterns, pollutant constituents etc.
I think there’s no easy answer regarding evaporation given the complexities and scale involved in the urban water cycle.
Hi Michael – All of the research I’ve seen indicates what you say, that the best way to test the cesium levels in a water sample are to boil off the water and the cesium crystals will remain. However, I had my pool water sampled by a private lab, and the report was reviewed as a second opinion by an internationally renowned laboratory. Although the pool water samples indicated ND for cesium, I commented that perhaps the testing lab could have obtained a more precise measurement (lower MDL) by concentrated the cesium by evaporating off the water. The lab offering the second opinion took issue with this and said, “… but particles that originate from the Fukushima accident and contain Cs isotopes, are almost certain aerosols of a water matrix. As long as her pool does not contain sludge, Cs will occur dissolved in water. Depending on the pH and exact chemical composition of the pool water, Cs might get attached to natural particles, i.e. dust, clay particles, residues of leaves etc. Evaporation of the water, as she suggests in order to discover any particles, will only make things worse from an analytical point of view. There will be some degree of selective adsorption, precipitation and co-precipitation to the walls of the evaporation vessel, which can hardly be recovered and there will be some degree of selective volatilization of especially organic Cs compounds.”
This discussion was specific to cesium. I am not reading that they’re saying the cesium “becomes” water as you say, simply that the “especially organic Cs compounds” can volatize through the evaporative process.
Further, drawing from their other work (that I linked in my previous comment), the heavier isotopes you reference are not as water soluble, so would not be capable of hitching a ride back up.
(incidentally, to answer your question, that was my statement about the hydrologic cycle, not a quote).
I have been paying particular attention to any references to the possibility of the radioisotopes revolatizing off our coasts after they arrive via the currents, one of these days, and all previous references indicate it wouldn’t happen (UC Berkeley concentrating the cesium in their rainwater samples by means of distillation, Browning’s “Introduction to the Rarer Elements,” etc.) This response was the first I’ve seen that challenges that.
I have not had the opportunity to watch potrblog’s video presenting his theory of the australian high readings, but I notice his comment that the San Diego radioactive sulfur was a similar phenomenon (revolatizing). Off the cuff it doesn’t seem plausible to me that the Sulfur35 would have arrived in San Diego within 2 weeks by sea. Much more likely it arrived as an aerosol in the atmospheric plume.
BTW… I’m not challenging anyone here. I appreciate everyone’s intellectual efforts exerted toward understanding/quantifying the mess that’s been dumped on us. I am no expert, simply another concerned mom joining in the discussion and trying to learn & share.
@Annette2: I can’t tell if you’re saying this or quoting the preceding report (in which I can’t find the quote): “Therefore, I would expect that we could see these radioisotopes (except I131 which has obviously already decayed away) actively participate in the hydrologic cycle…” Exactly how? Does the heavier radionuclide ask for a lift. It doesn’t work that way through evaporation.
Water solubility is not the same as the ability of a radionuclide to bind and evaporate with water. It’s chemically and physically impossible. Not convinced? Which radionuclides have the same or less specific gravity of H20 and can travel thousands of miles, en masse, and finally decide to evaporate off Australia (and supposedly the West Coast soon enough)? None is the answer.
Again, common lab procedure for testing for alpha and beta in water is through evaporation as I previously wrote. Sure radionuclides get in the water, but don’t become water unless it’s H3 (tritium) therefore doesn’t evaporate with it.
This is one aspect of Fukushima that doesn’t keep on giving. It’s in the ocean making its way into the food chain and then fish and sushi consumers.
@Michael/potrblog, et.al…
Isotopic’s Note 2011-04 discusses the dispersal of Fukushima radionuclides. Below is an excerpt from a table in said paper, that lists the most common/expected radionuclides released along with their volatility, toxicity, and pertinent to this discussion, water solubility.
Radioactive fission products- Fission yield- Volatility- Solubility in Water
131-Moderate-High-Very High
Cs134 High (n,y)-Moderate-Very High-High
Cs/137mBa High-Moderate-Very High
Mo/99mTc High- Moderate- High-
Based upon this data, I131, Cs134&137, Ba137, Mo99 & Tc99m are all present in high to moderate levels in the fission yield, exhibit high to moderate volatility and are highly to very highly water soluble.
Therefore, I would expect that we could see these radioisotopes (except I131 which has obviously already decayed away) actively participate in the hydrologic cycle unless they adhere/attach to larger particles of solid matter and settle as sediment or sludge, or are consumed and enter the food chain.
Other radioactive fission products and actinides have low to moderate water solubility, and would be therefore less apt to reenter the atmosphere as evaporate from the ocean.
The gift that keeps on giving.
@Potrblog: Thank you for this explanation. It still seems a bit of a leap that alpha and beta particles would evaporate in ocean water along with the water based on this Sulfur-35 detection or that radiation from Fukushima gushing into the Pacific or falling out into it evaporates with the water in the ocean.
I agree with your warnings about eating food caught in the Coral Sea. While there may be no recirculating fallout from evaporation according to scant literature on the subject that I could find, the destruction of the Pacific’s fisheries in the path of a hot ocean current might make for some dangerous eating.
@Annette: Thank you for these readings. We’ve built a page for you and we’ll post any and all measurements you’re taking.
@Frank: Thank you for the readings as well. It would be helpful if this was a little clearer saying that the last number is CPM and that you’re using an Inspector Alert. While the background averages here are informative, can you include your high readings in rain that you’ve taken and that I assume you’re taking? That’s what folks want to know about. Your readings are whole numbers with no fractions. Are you approximating these readings or taking ten minute averages and rounding off the number?
@Michael Collins
Yes and yes. And the water column is not a static thing so wave motion, influent, and anything stirring up the bottom (people wading in, fish, bottom feeders) can also push heavier elements back up to the surface (e.g. turbidity). On further thought, probably most of it will be eaten and work its way up the food chain.
A PBS special program on Fukushima and its’ effects on the nuclear programs in the USA.
a few sequential background readings from current chart:
01/13/12_18:43 38
01/13/12_22:24 42
01/14/12_08:45 40
01/14/12_16:25 37
01/15/12_8:29 37
01/15/12_22:28 36
01/16/12_06:10 38
01/16/12_18:55 39
01/17/12_06:14 34
01/19/12_20:49 40
Agoura, CA exterior 10-minute averages, using Inspector Alert (a,b,g):
8/13/11, 11:45am – 35.2
8/14/11, 10:20am – 37.9
8/24/11, 1:30pm – 35.8
8/26/11, 5:30pm – 40.7
8/27/11, 9am – 39.7, 42.6
9/6/11, 7pm – 38.9
9/12/11, 12:14pm, 37.0
9/20/11, noon, 38.0
9/24/11, 2:30pm – 40.6
10/3/11, 11:40am – 39.6
10/4/11. 6:40am – 37.6
10/4/11, 12:40pm – 37.0 (jet stream moving in for 1st time in several months)
10/6/11, 12:45pm – 37.5
11/19/11, 4:45pm – 38.3 (damp, foggy dusk)
11/26/11, 1:15pm = 36.3, 5pm = 38.3
12/1/11. 10:45am = 42.7 (Santa Ana’s stirring things up)
12/13/11, 1pm = 37.5 (rained hard yesterday, no long-lived radioisotopes)
12/30/11, 1pm = 38.9
12/31/11, 1pm = 39.3, 2pm = 38.6 (beautiful, clear, sunny day)
1/4/12, 11am = 38.3 (beautiful, clear, sunny & warm)
1/13/12, 11am – 38.3; 2pm – 43.2
1/15/11, noon = 41
Malibu beach sand samples. Collected at Westward Beach from below the surfline; air dried and counted for 10-minutes with unshielded Inspector Alert (a,b,g):
8/26/11 – 5:30pm – BG = 407, CPM = 542, 584 (sand still damp)
8/27/11 – 3:05pm – BG = 425, CPM = 654 (sand dry)
1/13/12 – 2:38 – BG = 408, CPM = 652 (sand collected on 1/5/11)
Westward beach kelp (from surf). Air dried.
1/13/12, 3:16 – BG = 439, CPM = 660 (collected on 1/5/11)
@MichaelCollins, the chemical questions are difficult to answer quickly. The quickest answer is that something similar happened with the Sulfur-35 detections in California. The Sulfur-35 was created in the water and was flushed out to sea, it was detected in the air in California almost 2 weeks later.
There are lots of complexities to the situation, particle size, solubility, wave action etc. People have a hard time wrapping their heads around such things; it is akin to why some people claimed Plutonium was too heavy to travel far in the air.
Or course none of that means the Australia measurement was Fukushima related, but IF it was related it spells bad news for the Coral Sea and for the US West Coast. What the situation calls for is greater testing in the area (don’t hold your breath)
A conjecture for a tie to Fukushima is that contamination was carried by DEEP ocean currents into the Coral Sea where it welled up on the continental shelf, and that a low pressure zone within 100 miles NNE of Colundria combined with high wind/wave/heat action resulted in the airborne cloud detected. The graph of the detections is a 10 minute average, the instantaneous peak was 8x but averaged out to a bit over 3x during that particular 10 minute period. Another interesting aspect is that the 30 day average SURFACE winds were blowing from Fukushima towards Australia.
Can’t say much about HAARP, but if Caloundria is a geomagnetic conjugate point to Fukushima there might be some potential for radiation in the upper atmosphere to move between those two points. However, at the levels measured it would be difficult to imagine such things occurring without significant visible Southern Lights Occurring.
Fukushima is not the only potential source for the event, it may not even be the most likely; but, what we find concerning is that the weather and ocean conditions rule IN the possibility of Fukushima being the source. As a result we consider any food from the Coral Sea region off limits until proven otherwise.
@ SBLocal: The literature in this is scant but from what I did find, including what I wrote in reply to Potrblog below, is that when water that is contaminated with radioactivity (versus ‘radioactive water’) evaporates, it’s the H2O on the surface that evaporates, not the heavier radionuclides that have sunk in the water column.
Here’s a stab at a possible explanation to your question about seawater evaporation: what IS highly likely is that radiative contaminants in urban environments will be washed into the ocean as stormwater runoff (and snowmelt) and then from there might be re-suspended in rain via evaporation. Look at water cycle models. This is how the water cycle is said to work, although, water behavior is a lot more complex than what the models show. To qualify these statements: I know the hydrograph part of this equation, but not the water chemistry part as far as what CAN be resuspended (vs. too heavy to be re-suspended). Remember that H2O is one of the heaviest compounds there is; that’s why it can grab onto and transport just about anything.
Radiation Stations
Testing for Fukushima fallout across America with stations in Agoura Hills, Glendale, Ventura and Orange County California as well as Harrisburg North Carolina. This growing network of vetted testers provides trusted up-to-date rad readings. Agoura Hills will come online shortly.
@Potrblog: I’m perplexed by your latest video because it introduces a way of radiation mobilization I heretofore had not heard of: ocean evaporation. I’m also confused by your reading of the graph:
You say in your video at 8:00 minutes “The quick SWAG [Scientific Wild Ass Guess] we did, an off the cuff analysis, we figured that the initial point of highest radiation was no more than a hundred miles out. So within a hundred miles here of Caloundra is where we think the initial point of the highest radiation was when it started falling out.”
But how does radiation in the ocean fallout? Isn’t it already fallen out (or gushed into the ocean at Fukushima)? Can you explain the mechanism of how this is possible?
At 13:30 minutes you say “Behind that rain is whatever evaporated out of the ocean and it blew in four or five hours or the rest of the way to blow out.”
Which radionuclides in the witches brew that Fukushima has spewed into the Pacific do you think are evaporating out of ocean water?
So if the way to test for alpha and beta is to let water evaporate and test the residue, can you explain how and which radionuclides may be floating on the surface of the Pacific and evaporating up into the air with ocean water?
Last night on the Rense Radio Network, Jeff and I spoke of your theory and he offered his own regarding HAARP being the source for the significantly elevated radiation in Australia.
You end your video with “Some scary stuff.” What I find scary about this scenario is that if it were true, it is even more horrifying than the myriad ways Fukushima poisons are already polluting the Pacific and further afar. I hope you can clarify some of these observations and specifically speak to the mechanism of radition in ocean water evaporates only to linger in the air near the ground but not attached to the evaporate.
Yours has been a reliable source for detecting and analyzing the fallout from the Fukushima meltdowns. I look forward to your answers.
@BigR; I wish I could have posted the news I heard on the radio (KLOVE)that had the lady saying that the thyroid cancer spiked this year… That really perked my ears up, but i was only able to find the USA today article… which you very aptly deconstructed. Blessings.
Really good information about how to protect yourself from fallout —Fukushima or other incident.
My detector battery ran dead last week, of course right before our first major snow storm in Seattle. Anyone in Seattle with a detector taking readings?
I just read that USA Today story you posted Roundabout. The story implies that this is a trend going back some years, so it has to be something other than Fukushima.
“National Cancer Institute statistics suggest that in recent years, the number of cases of this often curable cancer has increased by about 6.5%.”
“In October 2010, Skipper had her thyroid and many lymph nodes removed and was treated with radioactive iodine. She now takes a daily thyroid replacement pill and is cancer-free.”
So here we are folks, main stream news… Fukushima?
Okay question: After this whole tissue holder thing. I found out the home I am renting is earthquake proofed with metal beams in the walls in our bedrooms downstairs. I need to purchase an inspector! How much are they and where do i get the good one? My landlord did this metal thing like 10 years ago but, man, I am freaked out. Just want to make sure it’s good. I understand all homes have metal in them but I have no I idea if this land lady cut corners. I am sure it is fine but I really need peace of mind. I’m in the pasadena/glendale area if anyone has an inspector maybe I can pay them to come out and take a look until I get mine?
Posted 2 rainwater samples from yesterday. Appears to be Radon Washout again: [Orange County, CA “beach area”]
@Potrblog – Will check this out; had seen the Australian detection and the double-speak government dismissal. Thank you.
@Michael Collins; Just another reason why I won’t fly to add to my list! I can hardly wait to get my gieger counter and take it on the train… that will be interesting now that Amtrak has wii fi on all the cars. Would it measure that kind of radiation?
Massive Radioactive Cloud Engulfs Brisbane Australia; Troubling Implications For US West Coast
Cloudy, stormy looking day in Ventura, CA.
A few spits of rain, heavy cover.
Exterior: 48 cpm (normal)
@ roundabout: You don’t need to wait for this satellite to crash to get your rads – just take a jet flight (with your N95-approved mask, of course) where we measured over five times the amount of radiation that the manufacturer of our Inspector Alert said we should find at 30,000 feet. From our post Season Readings:
Don’t worry, it’s just Colbalt 37 and some microbes falling from space… falling to Earth from Phobos in a “few hours” From Yahoo News;
“The worst ever radiation spill from a derelict space vehicle came in January 1978 when the nuclear-powered Cosmos 954 satellite crashed over northwestern Canada. The Soviets claimed the craft completely burned up on re-entry, but a massive recovery effort by Canadian authorities recovered a dozen fragments, most of which were radioactive.
The Phobos-Ground also contains a tiny quantity of the radioactive metal Cobalt-57 in one of its instruments, but Roscosmos said it poses no threat of radioactive contamination.
The spacecraft also carries a small cylinder with a collection of microbes as part of an experiment by the Pasadena, California-based Planetary Society that designed to explore whether they can survive interplanetary travel. The cylinder is attached to a capsule that was supposed to deliver Phobos ground samples back to Earth.”
“Tiny amounts” again… when will this deceptive reporting stop?
@ biggie: We sure did get the photos which will look grand on our upcoming Radiation Station pages. Thank you.
@ Frank Thompson: It sure would be terrific if you continued sharing your readings with us like you began to December 17. Like biggie, your testing would be invaluable information especially to the folks who live in and around Southwest Virginia. Keep them coming.
@ Infrared: Thank you so much for this link. Putting the power of geiger counters into the hands of everyone is almost too good to believe. Denise will fire up her Droid and give this a test run.
@ Potrblog: If you still have snow, is it remaining at 2 x background? Are fresh snows, if you have had any because Michigan’s getting really snowed on, bringing you different readings?
Ok Biggee, I’ll see your 133.8 CPM on 1/11/2012 and raise you 286 CPM from rain obtained by letting a paper towel soak up the rain on our deck on 1/12/2012. Yes, that’s right…2862 counts in 10 minutes here in Southwest Virginia! That is the highest I’ve seen it yet. I’m NOT seeking to win this game though…only to survive it. And so after some 33 background tests our local background range is determined to be 37 to 45 CPM (similar to yours). (I measure using correct methodology using an Inspector Alert avoiding contact with samples.) I think it was likely radon progeny in that rain since I retested the sample at 05:52 the following morning before leaving for work and it had decayed to a level of 41 CPM. It was a cold rain so likely was jet stream showers and we know from what likely source our “gifts” have come.
The Best to you all,
Hello from Harrisburg NC.Reading off car using Inspector+ 10 min TOTAL CPM count for 1/11/12..Overcast/showers all day
Taken around 1 pm
1…133.8 CPM
2… 39.0 background
Alright Peeples.
Anyone with an Android can now test for radiation!
If anyone is up late tonight in LA, KFI 640 AM re-broadcasts the Coast to Coast show again at 2:00 AM. The segment about Fukushima fallout was during the first hour of the show broadcast on Jan. 12, 2012. If not in Los Angeles you might be able to listen on their internet stream at http://www.kfiam640.com/main.html or find a local radio station at http://www.coasttocoastam.com/stations.
Today there was a doctor on coast to coast with george norry talking about Fukushima radiation and US deaths related to the fallout
On Coast to Coast AM tonight, 640 AM in Los Angeles, intereview with a Dr. John Apsley regarding deaths in USA related to Fukushima. Just tuned in myself now. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/
First 2012 Radioactive Snow in Saint Louis; thanks Fukushima
Yes, you should be worried and mad as heck that our leadership is not properly informing us.
All of us, everything, is at risk for many years to come.
We can only do our best to reduce our risk and in the meantime maybe we should start by eliminating Nuclear
Power and the insanity that goes with it. That’s our best chance for long term survival of the planet.
CG118RADSTN – I’ve flown with my radiation detector several times in my carry on bag. Airport security said nothing. They were more concerned with my children’s milk bottles. They gave no notice to my detector device, not even a second glance, no questions, nothing. To cover my basis, I approached TSA and showed it to them and they were clueless about what it was and what it does. We watched it in flight and the flight crew seemed clueless and uninterested also.
@potrblog; Thanks for the North Anna update and the kleenex boxes. I am in a hotel next week, and will bring my air filter with me… and check out those steel contraptions sitting on the counter!
@shine the light; yes, I am worried about the central valley. It already is a breeding ground for lung ailements… and it will trap the radioactivity as proven after Chernobyl and the bird studies west of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Bejing had record breaking pollution with planes grounded due to it, and we will watch to see Bakersfield. If Diablo Canyon goes, the central valley is hosed for sure, in my opinion due to the bowl of haze that is there already and no place for the air to go… Yeah, those schmucks are having neighbors telling on each others homefires, while they do their thing…From Bejing to Bakersfield, “let it snow?” Nope! Please nope!
@kim;Thank you. Ventura looked pretty good that day for sure. I just read that Bejing had to stop flights due to extreme smog… it was unprecedented, and reactor number four with the earthquake today and a few days ago, God only knows what condition that thing is really in… but it’s the first time to my knowledge that pollution was so heavy planes were downed. I truly believe this is all fukushima related. Cancers, yes, they have been here, and so has pollution. But the sudden deaths, fatigue, mental and physical lethargy is unparalleled in it’s scope. Why are more people dropping like flies? Give it another year, by then, the wake up call will be sounding loud and clear. The internet is replete with new stories… and Michael is correct in realizing SOPA is extremely important to vote down due to the news that will be coming down with these Nuke plants.
[Video] Bed Bath and Beyond “Radioactive Kleenex Box Holders” VS Dominion North Anna Nuclear Plant Leak
Roundabout –
I just saw your comment regarding the Central Valley in California. I saw that report over the weekend and thought what criminals! Have you looked at the EPA readings for Bakersfield California over the last 45 days? They are VERY high. At one point they were registering 1,000 CPM the highest point on the chart. It only makes sense that along with the standard particulate matter that “nuclear pollution” might get trapped in the valley due this locale being surrounded by mountains. I have seen a bit of this spin over the last 9 months by the OFFICIALS blaming air pollution, fireworks and high pollen counts for spikes in allergies and respiratory complaints. I don’t buy it. Citizens are suffering from a glut of radiation pollution. Personally, my thought is that it is not all from Fukushima. I have wondered (no evidence) if there might be a problem with a plant in California to explain the Bakersfield levels. So with Bakersfield registering so high it scares me to think about the ramifications of having such a high amount of fallout over a large agricultural center. But rather than address the radiation problem, the air resources board sends their people out on missions to fine residents for lighting their fireplaces to keep warm. Lunacy? Stupidity? If we could just turn back time….
Seize The Day –
Tray has outlined very excellent precautions. I would add that should also research taking supplements to keep your immune system strong and to ward off the impact of the radiation that we are unfortunately being exposed to. There are many recommendations on the net concerning mitigating the health impacts of fallout…mainly via ingestion. It is very vital that we are all live a healthy lifestyle and give our bodies (and minds) extra TLC. You may want to specifically research iodine, calcium/magnesium, vitamin k, vitamin C and D. Others are healing themselves with Zeolite or Bentonite clays.
Seize the day
I am too in that area. Here’s the good news you aren’t in Japan and you found this website. You are probably just fine. I would take precautions from here on. Some key things I have learned from these incredible people.
1. Buy produce from Southern Hemisphere (blueberries from Chile are great and a plenty right now)
2. Get a true hepa filter. Austin makes great ones in my opinion. But there are some cheaper ones. Make sure it’s true hepa.
3. reverse osmosis water filter.
4. take off shoes and jackets before entering house. Wet dust as much as possible.
5. If in rain come in and take shower esp. for kids.
6. If driving in rain turn the circulator on.
7. No dairy products. (Tillamook makes a 2 yr old cheese it’s awesome!, Blue Diamond almond milk is great too.)
I am not perfect and I do go out to eat and sometimes it’s salad and pizza. I try as much as possible to stay on track.
Anyone think I’m forgetting someone will surely cover for you. Please don’t worry about the past even though I am doing everything in my power to keep our family safe that doesn’t safeguard any of us. PRAY!!! It’s the best way to get through this in my opinion. I believe the stress will get you before anything else. Take care and at least you are doing something and are seeking ways to protect yourself. Most people aren’t even our own families and if you talk about it with anyone you come off like a nut. I don’t care if I do! Thanks to the most amazing people with huge hearts and amazing brains I find I am not alone. God Bless you!!!
NRC Notifies on Radioactive “Kleenex Holders”, Yet NOTHING on North Anna Nuclear’s “REACTOR LEAK”
The Radioactive “Kleenex Holders” were destined for a Bed Bath and Beyond store in California.
Hello all! I wanted to first extend a huge thank you to everyone for all their tireless and diligent work keeping the public informed. You are all true heroes.
I am located in the Burbank/Glendale area and have been eating California and Washington produce (mostly fruit) since the Fukushima tragedy in March. It wasn’t until recently that I discovered this site and all the possibilities of fallout.
I try to live out life without too much worry of the unknown, but I’ve got to ask — should I be worried? Have I already done myself in? How can I protect myself and those closest to me? Is there no conclusive answer to these questions? I would appreciate any words of advice. Thank you to all of you and may you all be well 🙂
Good morning from Harrisburg NC.Yesterday 1/9/12 overcast rain off/on all day.Took sample off car with my Inspector+ 10 min TOTAL CPM 2;35 pm
1…134.5 CPM
2…37.9 background
Check out our new post “Will SOPA Nuke the Internet?” The days of getting uncensored news and things as commonplace as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter may be coming to an end. There is something YOU can do, though, and that’s read the post.
In case you missed it, there’s another new post called “Seasons Readings – Fukushima Fallout in the American Heartland.” We tested jet cabin radiation at 800% of normal and sampled the hot rains of Southwest Michigan which were up to 650% of normal radiation background with no evidence of radon progeny.
roundabout, our air seems “clean” here in Ventura. No haze, and 10 minute averages “normal”. For what it’s worth.
Exterior, 10:30 p.m.: 42
Exterior, 8:45 p.m.: 47
With the recent spike in cesium readings, the reactor number four having a broken pipe and water boiling, all after New Years… there is just an awful lot happening over there in Japan right now. Things are really ramping up, and people are starting to wake up. Less opportunity for denial there in Japan. Seems like this last week things have been deteriorating in Fukushima and Tokyo. One reason, maybe, why the metallic taste in west coast mouths.
@livelife; Thank you for the validation. The central valley (Calif)news station radio 580 AM reported that the entire central valley has had the worse pollution than it did in the last 12 years (these last days and weeks), and it is the kind that “gets into the blood” and is “not just cautionary for young children, elderly or those with respiratory problems”… this was heard early this Saturday morning… around 9ish. When I heard it’s the type that “gets into your blood” (the particulate matter) and I have lived here all my very long life… uh oh. Could those particulates be plutonium strontium and lead?? I am going to inquire first thing at the air pollution board in Sacramento on Monday. Sure, they said because of the lack of rain and snow that it’s bad… but I have never heard what I heard on the radio today. And I have never seen the pollution this bad in coastal zones.
@roundabout. I’m in Burbank, CA. It’s hazy out, same like you are describing, and for the first time I am picking up a metallic taste/sensation in my mouth. I do not have metal fillings. Just wanted to put my observation out there in case others in the area are experiencing the same thing. This sucks.
@ CG118RADSTN: No I did not have any issues. First off, it is not illegal to possess or use a nuclear radiation monitor on an aircraft. In the 12 years I’ve been using the Inspector Alert, a galaxy of personal hand-held electronic gizmos have populated society making an Inspector look, well, normal. Off course it isn’t and is best used in such a fashion as to not freak out fellow passengers and crew. That said, a friendly stewardess once brought the captain of a jet back to my seat to see for himself how the device worked and what levels of radiation it was picking up. His face went white when he saw the high readings and this was before the triple melt at Fukushima. Make sure to also bring, and wear, an N-95 approved respirator mask to prevent alpha and beta inhalation (as well as volatile organic compounds and low-level fumes in the cabin air which comes through the engines first). It even helps with not getting a ‘jet cold’ from any of the other hundred or more passengers.
My womans intuition is on red alert… once more. As I drove to Lompoc from Arroyo Grande California (a one hour drive) a weird haze covered the coast. Not normal fog, looked a bit wierd… no worries. Then driving home six hours later… the haze was dirty, and looked weighted. Now how am I supposed to describe that? This was around 4pm. I wished I had taken work home because I have to go out again this weekend back to the office, and I think there is something going on with Diachi. Fukushima Diary is noting that Jan 1st and 2nd ran higher in isotopes than all of November. So, that would be about right for bad air. Something nasty is going on over here. Any thoughts. Do you on California’s central coast see what I am talking about? The sun and sky was horrid. Called Ventura, reportedly all was fine down there.
@Michael Collins: Did you have any issues with the airport security or the planes flight crew regarding the Geiger counter?
I am going to be flying soon and was also planning on bring along my counter. Would hate to have it confiscated or something..
@ Potrblog: That is excellent news. We’re not surprised though. Denise Anne and I had a fallout’s eye of your fair city en route to Michigan over the holidays for family and testing. Our highest readings were over the St. Louis area. We’ll post about it but our “Seasons Readings” stats are already up.
3 new quakes underneath Fukusima.
[Breaking] Busby Radioactive Lead-210 Findings Corroborate POTRBLOG Fukushima Fallout Findings
@Chase; re; the “iums” you have a genius mind for sure! This would be a great doctoral dissertation.
Great Rense show Michael.
Wearing the mask is simple, good advise. Thanks!
If Lithium is an element which is known to affect people’s moods, then, is it possible that other “iums”, like cesium, could have an affect on people “moods” also? Masses of people. Especially, low doses over a long time. Just wondering if anybody has studied that. (?)
Imagine, the whole world taking a a dose of things that are unknown.
Check out this article on Huff Po on “Carrington 2”: the idea that a coronal mass ejection during the sun’s upcoming active two year cycle could fry transformers and– just like Fukushima– leaves plants unable to shut down and vulnerable to meltdown. Times 400 plants worldwide.
Contact your congress people immediately to ask them to fund retrofits– the whole world can be done for less than the cost of one B2 bomber…
Hi Friends,
I was doing some spot checks around my home last night, and– most unfortunately– found some troubling data.
I was running our little Honeywell hepa filter in the bedroom, and was surprised to see spot check ratings around the room in the 50-60 range. Out of curiosity, I turned the filter off and ran my Inspector over the unit itself. The back of the unit, where the cleaner air comes out, was testing around 60ish, give or take. The front of the unit, however– where the air enters for cleaning– was reading at a consistent 150 cpm. There was a hot spot that was giving me spikes of 250 cpm.
We took the unit out of the room (obviously it is in need of cleaning… tips for cleaning a very hot permanent filter?) and waited about 20 minutes (our child happily slumbering through all of this in the room) and went back in and the spot check I did was showing me cpm of around 40.
Really glad we bought our two hepa filters! Our other one is blinking saying it needs cleaning too, so I’ll check that one when I open it up.
PS, this is in Ventura, CA on the coast.
@ Bob Banever: Each rain has shown different properties so it’s hard to advise you about that. Myself, knowing that EPA considers 3 times background “significantly” above background and, according to a Nevada nuclear incident report, 3 times background is the tipping point for a CHP haz-mat incident, I’d pass on running in the rain if it got that high. Check here for Radiation Station – Central (Santa Monica) and – even better – Radiation Station – East (Glendale) before heading out for a jog in the rain.
Thank you, Bob, for you kind and generous donation to keep our ongoing radiation testing, analysis and new and alternative media coverage of this ongoing and worsening disaster. We could not survive without folks like you.
@ solhotwater: Thank you for sending us your testing results. Along with biggee, Potrblog, Dale Ramicone and a number of other folks who test around the country, we are going to build a page that will contain these results so folks can get an accurate and reputable look at rad readings across America, Canada and beyond. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get that Excel file to open but no biggee because we need the results in another form anyway. Certainly keep your Excel file but send us something that looks more like our stat pages layout/look/format. While you’re at it, make sure to send us a photo of you using your Inspector so we can verify who you are (that is if you want your testing results in the upcoming page). As for keeping your samples that are significantly elevated, just bag them up and put them in a safe place.
@ All: I’ll be on the Rense Radio Network for a full hour beginning at 9 pm this evening – just two hours from now.
OK now understand more about radon progeny and the affinity of radiation for water. From now on will test/retest samples and retain only those which do NOT significantly decrease in value from initial level.Can only hope there won’t be many. Hmmmm maybe need lead lined storage box, eh? Assuming that the samples you have kept have not decayed much what further data may retained samples provide? Hope that initial Excel graph was readable.
Fracking is being implicated in recent Ohio earthquake. Wonder if the radioactive water from that process could also be part of the fallout showing up in rain, et cetera… Don’t know what type of isotopes would be involved so may be a silly question.
Have Inspector Alert. Been daily monitoring here in SW Va. since Christmas. Background here at 40-44 CPM so far. Tested rain samples on paper towels from car windshield. One was 171 CPM (1713cts total-10 min)the other 109 CPM(1096 cts-10 min) (different rain shower). Why does the rate fall back to background after 3+/- hrs? Any suggestions?
Greetings from Harrisburg NC.Heres the last rain report here using 10min CPM Inspector+….for 12/27…gray/cloudy intermitent showers.Taken at 12:05 pm
1..428.9 CPM—-background..35.5
flipped over sample napkin off car for
2.. 330.9 CPM
Hope ALL of you are preparing for 2012 (food/gold/silver/water/guns BIBLE)…Predicted to be worst year in history so far
roudabout: How did you measure the wasabi mayo? Did you wand it right on the shelf in the jar or take a sample at home and wand that? I’m trying to figure out how one screens one’s food before buying it.
NEW ATOMIC RADIO PAGE of Michael Collins interviews on Fukushima meltdowns, fallout in America, Rocketdyne, meltdown deniers, Runkle Canyon and more!
Gundersen’s updates: Dec 14th and Dec 26th —TEPCO Believes Mission Accomplished & Regulators Allow Radioactive Dumping in Tokyo Bay. Whatdayathink about them bananas?
Jeff Rense Program
December 26, 2011: Rense and Collins discuss rad readings flying cross country, wearing face masks and a new peer reviewed medical study finding 14,000 already dead American fatalities from Fukushima fallout.
I would stay away from any food from Japan. I mean even if you just wondered if it might be from Japan, don’t eat it. Is it worth ingesting isotopes that can weaken your DNA etc…? There are a ton of other options out there… I do miss my Wasabi Mayo as everyone on this board already knows… lol. But it did register over 50 and Trader Joe’s sells it. When in doubt, in this case, don’t. Why chance it? Maybe time for an “Inspector?” counter…? But so glad you asked… you take care of yourself now… Blessings.
RE: Bakersfield – I’m in Santa Barbara and everyone I know, including people who never ever get sick has either just had an acute stomach flu and/or a head cold that lingers with fatigue. This coincided with clear and very cold weather at night (e.g. jet stream dipping down from the north). It seems unusual even for cold season.
RE: Japanese food – are you kidding? I’ve been eating frozen organic veggies from Trader Joe’s imported from southern hemisphere countries as much as possible since last March. And New Zealand lamb. I eat local too, but I have a young child so no precaution is too much.
Don’t eat Washington state apples or produce!!
Any other thoughts?
Can anyone advise me as to whether it is currently safe to eat in a Japanese restaurant….or if any foods..such as rice and fish are being imported from Japan? It is difficult to imagine the need for food to be imported by local Japanese restaurants, since there is plenty available here. But then, who knows if any locally grown food is o.k. either?
Of course one could just ask the restaurant,but.. could the answer be trusted?
Let me quickly add that it has taken 3 Fukushima meltdowns and a jet stream to result in this level of concern.(paranoia?)
My family and I live in the mountains above Bakersfield at about 4,500 feet. Yesterday our Nukalert went off for about ten minutes in town. Once at home we did a count with our Monitor 4 geiger counter and received a recorded a 10 Minute averaged CPM of 18…well withing background range. And,obviously, not the 100 CPM that causes the Nukalert to emit a warning. However, the EPA radnet yesterday was (and has been) spiking VERY high for Bakersfield. Earlier in December it was off the charts…literally at above 1,000 CPM. Not quite certain what is going on in Bakersfield. But given, the scarcity of government based monitoring I can not dismiss the readings. The EPA would likely tell me that spikes do happen because of interference or equipment malfunctions. Yet, I find it interesting that their monitoring resumed around Thanksgiving time…right around the time some speculate that events at Fukushima started to escalate again (for lack of a better term). Not clear why the Nukalert went off. It is sensitive to extreme heat and cold. Yet, it was not subjected to this yesterday. Either it malfunctioned or picked up something as it was meant to do. I speculate that the Bakersfield readings might be important to “officials” as the San Joaquin Valley is a major food source. Air quality in Bakersfield is generally poor. Perhaps Fuku Goo get’s stuck there just like the other particulate. Not my area of expertise. But those high readings “down the mountain” concern us.
Nothing new had been reported since my last post (in Oct? not sure) regarding ringed seals dying in Alaska until this afternoon. FINALLY. They are finally testing for radiation!
Things just might hit the fan if it turns out to be radiation poisoning (the dying or dead seals have all the symptoms), and if the truth is told. No pun intended but I feel that we are literally at the tip of the iceberg for what is to come. My heart especially goes out to Alaska as they have never fully recovered from the Valdez spill. But we’re all in this together and we sure are making a mess of this planet.
Of course I am hoping for the best results and that it is not radiation poisoning, but I truly have my doubts.
Holiday Cheers to All and Thank You for your valuable input on this site.
@ Kim: We know that the 2012 Toyota Prius will arrive in Southern California in early to mid January. As we understand it, the Prius battery, perhaps the most single valuable part of the car, was/is made near Fukushima. Other Prius parts may be as well. It would be wise if these automobiles were tested thoroughly tested for radiation contamination before plying the roadways of America. Any company or any person(s) who knowingly ship radioactive products to America should know that such actions would be viewed most negatively.
Has anyone bought a Japanese car lately, or know anything about them in light of F? I haven’t extensively researched it yet, but we are wondering about parts coming from Japan in new Japanese cars. We are pondering getting a Honda or Toyota van, and are seeing that most of the parts and assembly are American, but it sounds like some parts come from overseas. Any thoughts?
My family and I spent part of the Christmas holiday in Idyllwild, CA. Idy is at 5200 ft. elevation, and there were patches of snow on the ground. We weren’t really able to do any averages, but found that the snow (about a week old?) was spot checking at 50-70, and the general exteriors seemed to be about 50-60. For what it’s worth (not all that much, I know)…
Some local coverage on the relicensing of San Luis Obispo Diablo Canyon nuke plant, with the to-be-anticipated responses and key words ‘unlikely’, ‘continuously improved safety’….
From yahoo news:
“The total amount of radiation released from the plant is still unknown, and the impact of chronic low-dose radiation exposures in and around Fukushima is a matter of scientific debate.” (what debate?)
“Recent studies also suggest Japan continues to significantly underestimate the scale of the disaster — which could have health and safety implications far into the future.” (Why would you have a study to prove you significantly underestimated something? Isn’t ‘lied’ a better word.)
“…decommissioning the plant will likely take 40 years.” (This number keeps going up. hmmm…?)
“And in Seattle we actually had a two week period where we actually had 4-5 hot particles of radioactive material that was trapped by our quantitative filters in the amount of air that people would breathe in a day. But that radiation seems to have declined. ”
Just great for us in Seattle. My question: “seems” to have declined? That is not reassuring.
Collateral Damage From Fukushima Hits Europe
While few of the corporations have publically acknowledged Fukushima as the major crack in the nuclear industry’s foundation, experts like Stefan Schurig, director of the climate energy director of the World Future Council, are convinced that “Fukushima was one of the last nails in the coffin for nuclear energy.”
Near-Miss Juan de fuca strait in October 2011
24 Dec 2011 Port Angeles, WA – A nuclear-powered submarine narrowly avoided colliding with a cargo ship in the Strait of Juan de Fuca in October, according to the Navy Times. The newspaper reported Wednesday that the USS Kentucky, a ballistic-missile sub based at Bangor, was traveling at periscope depth when it came within 900 yards of a 839-foot-long cargo ship on Oct. 12. The officer of the deck had failed to check for other vessels while making a course change, the Navy Times said. Both ships turned to avoid colliding.
@potrblog;Thanks for your knowledge base. I am just learning about how these plants are built. I live right next to one, Diablo, and I can’t get a soul to talk about how these things actually work, or not… Just hope I move out of here in time… I am fifteen minutes downwind. And just off the beach, which I haven’t gone to since March 12th or so… Biggest revenue in this area, our sacred cow…
@M-R: Ha!Per your link to the news; The Tennessee power plant is now going to test the air and the crops! Well, there ya go! That is one way to get them to test for radiation. I wonder how much Fukushima fallout they will find in the crops?! This is one to follow, let us know, and thanks for the link.
I so appreciate everyone’s input on this site.
Not sure if this means the tritium is in Tennessee’s drinking water downstream from plant, or only in a well on nuclear plant site.
TVA nuclear plant under investigation after tritium found in water
tests found 23,000 picocuries of tritium in one of the 16 wells on site. That’s 3,000 above the EPA’s limit of 20,000 picocuries in drinking water
@roundabout, Paducha dodged the bullet, the rest of us probably would not have noticed anything; at least not right away. From the minimal data we have, the best guess (had it violently burst open) the initial primary risk was chemical. They likely would have had to evacuate a large area just for the chemical aspect alone.
Hopefully the building would have contained most of the liquid aspect of the UF6, but the big risk would be it hitting water.
What we really would like to know is: how much of a near miss was it for Paducha?
@potrblog; the linear event in Kentucky was listed as a “non-emergency”. That blows my mind. Enough poison to kill every person on the face of the planet.And it is a “non-emergency”… due to a cover-up that already got out before the disclosure perhaps? I don’t even want to think about it. We were almost dead?! All of us.
“Linear Defect” = “Leaking Cracked Steel” With 10 Tons of Liquid and Gaseous Uranium Hexafluoride Behind It.
Alternate title: How to know when there is something that should scare the crap out of you in a NRC event report.
Hello from Harrisburg NC…Been mostly gray/overcast last month.Sparse rain.Rained off/on today.Have results on 2 showers
1st..10;35am….124.3….background 33.2
2nd..12;15 pm…197.2….”””””””””” 33.5
Paducah Kentucky Dodged a 20,000 Lb Uranium Hexafluoride Bullet.
But don’t worry, they put a patch on it.
@roundabout, for the most part the debris won’t be any more radioactive than the water surrounding it. Basically, what the situation will come down to is how much radioactive dust has remained stuck to the debris, and how much radioactive water was absorbed and held by the debris.
Of course there will be the odd chunk or two of fuel rod somewhere, but we suspect most it will be difficult to INSTANTLY detect with a Geiger counter. It is the type of thing that will lead lots of people to a false sense of security.
Radiation in America with Michael Collins
L.A.’s 415% of normal high in radiation rain, American nuclear reactor woes, cell phone Geiger counters and more in this spirited conversation.
@ roundabout: Let’s hope those Geiger counters come out when the debris comes in. While we have some idea about how the spewing radiation from the meltdowns got into the atmosphere, how it came down over the water, how much and where, is barely known. We also have no idea how long the debris ‘stewed’ in the waters around Fukushima making any predictions about the radioactivity of this hot sea of destruction.
Japan Times reports that Alaska will soon see radioactive waste on their shores. Only thing that has kept it away has been bad weather, but it is soon to appear. Twice the size of Texas is reported by the Japan times. Unbelievable!
@Chase; And I have lived on the coast for two decades and have been a sky watcher type. A weird cloud came breezing through, and it wasn’t fog. There was no breeze, but moved on it’s own. Someone else observed this with me, so I am not hallucinating and they said it was totally strange too. The rest of the sky was clear and starry. There are signs that things have changed. No one wants to hear it. But truly they will be feeling it sooner or later. That is what makes us human. Maybe you should walk around more with a video phone or camera or something so when these things happen they are recorded?
“…that everything is different now.” – lucidf8
This morning where I live in the mountains I took a walk towards the river. The sun had been rising for an hour or so and the frost had started to melt. Then, a strong cold breeze came from up river. As the wind blew stronger a bitter cold and a chill went through me. About that time the melting frost on the tree leaves suddenly froze and became heavy fast. The trees all around started raining drops of ice all at once. As the small ice droplets hit the ground that was filled with leaves it made an ominous final crackle sound as it struck. The trees are crying I thought. They know it’s different now too.
Side note: We have flowers and shrubs, (Tulare county, CA), that still seem to be in full bloom and it has been very cold here now for some time. It’s like some plants seem think it’s spring or something? Just an observation.
lucid8; I will pray that your muse gets to work on you! There is gold if you take it…
@CG118RADSTN, it is NOT still reading 17x background, but it still is above background. It will take a few more days to see if it remains above background.
VERY ROUGHLY, what we have been seeing in past rain fall samples fits a 20-40 minute half life + a 2-20 hour half life + a 1-5 day half life, and something with a half life beyond 40 days.
See this link for an example.
I have been lurking around here since the accident happened, reading your posts to try and stay informed. With all of these rainwater readings coming in several times over background, one question keeps popping up in my mind. Does the radiation stick around? If it does, why haven’t the background readings increased since the accident?
@potrblog- just curious if those samples decayed out over the short term, or remained high?
Potrblog says:
December 19, 2011 at 9:10 pm
17X Background Radiation in 12/19/11 Saint Louis Rainfall
@Michael Collins, we tuned in for it; lots of good info in a short period of time.
New rainwater sample from last night:
Sample in the high 280’s cpm decayed to background over a span of 4 hours.
(Orange County beach area fyi)
@Michael Collins, there is a target rich environment regarding the current radioactive situation.
(1) First, today via another source; it is possible for people to talk to EPA RADNET technicians on the phone, but the government uses a “Conversation Facilitator” to stop the conversation if something comes up. See the comment section of this post. Very Soviet sounding job title.
(2) Since the start of this month there have been two serious American Nuclear Plant issues
First, Brunswick nuclear plant had another emergency during restart which shut down air conditioning to the equipment in the control room. Had this occurred during the previous emergency where the lid to the reactor was not bolt down tight, it could have gone really bad (we think it was Sabotage)
(2b) North Anna nuclear had an emergency they did not recognize until after that fact in Unit 1. It may have been related to the Earthquake,- The NRC did not require a detail post earthquake inspection of Unit 1; they said inspecting Unit 2 was good enough.
see- http://pissinontheroses.blogspot.com/2011/12/north-anna-nuclear-when-is-nuclear_3906.html
(3) We had someone who claims to be a Senior Nuclear Scientist from Oak Ridge National Labs apparently try to fake/hide long half life fallout we detected. He/she artificially raised background radiation readings to hide the existence of that fallout
(4)European Iodine 131 IZOTOP Blame Game Does Not Explain Airborne Fission Products
(5) The camera phone radiation detector seems to work by counting how many white spots from radiation are picked up by the camera. The user must block the lens with a black piece of paper to keep light from getting in the camera.
In really high levels of radiation the white spots are visible even with the camera not blocked.
17X Background Radiation in 12/19/11 Saint Louis Rainfall
@ lucidf8: You indeed are an excellent writer. Perhaps our we could polish a piece I’ve penned called IT CAME FROM FUKUSHIMA and use raddie-sourcing for expanded story ideas.
@ All: Tonight will be another hot half hour on the Rense Radio Network at 9:00pm live where we’ll talk about everything Fukushima and fallout in America. Appealing to raddie sourcing again, you folks have any suggestions for topics? I’d talk about converting cell phones into detectors but I still couldn’t understand it after looking at one of Potrblog’s post. I’d blame it on the egg nog but I don’t drink.
Hi Everyone,
Glad you are still here. Thank you. Would you all please sign this petition if you have not already? Sorry if someone already posted it.
Please sign this petition to Congress and President Obama demanding full monitoring and reporting on radiation contamination of our water and food sources. We have a right to know. The people of Japan are being exposed to unacceptable levels of radiation from the nuclear accident there — and so are we.
@roundabout: Thank you. You’re not the first person to mention that I seem to string a few words together pretty well. But as far as a screenplay goes, that paragraph about watching radioactive rain outside the restaurant doesn’t measure up to “My dinner with Andre”, I’m afraid. Not even as good as one of Andy Rooney’s rants. Quite honestly, I wish I could express myself that well. I’d dash off a couple of opinion articles and humorously lampoon a few politicians.
Still, you have a point. Thought provoking investigative articles like those at Enviroreporter.com could launch some entertaining, socially aware, plot lines in the TV or movie industry! Hey, Michael, maybe we should do an Indie!
lucid8: Your great writing skills on your dining experience lends itself to a screenplay! A movie producer should pick this up and make a movie out of this. That is one way to get people awake! lucid8, work on that screenplay. You really can write!
A $5 App Turns Your Smart Phone Camera Into a RADIATION DETECTOR
TEPCO Apparently Covering More Cameras With Nalgene Radiation Shields
@Annette2: Yes, the sample from Dec 15th 3:20 pm thunderstorm in Glendale, CA quickly decayed to background. Unfortunately, I was away from home yesterday, traveling in Ventura county, and was not able to take a sample of Saturday’s rain. I managed to stay out it, though. I was lucky enough to be inside a restaurant at The Oaks mall when storm hit yesterday evening. The lights from the parking area lit up the rain droplets clinging to the large plate glass restaurant windows. I immediately thought about the radioactivity likely to be present in the droplets that furiously beat against the glass. It was a strange mixture of feelings, being safe inside, but knowing that many people were caught outside in the sudden downpour. They didn’t know the risks the rain presented to them. I commented that the rain was likely radioactive, but the sudden pause in the conversation was notable. My wife thinks my concern is overdone and prefers that I don’t mention it. I didn’t mean to put a damper on an otherwise enjoyable evening, but the truth and risks presented to each of us shouldn’t be taken lightly. I wasn’t focusing on just one aspect of the storm, that’s why I commented on what I thought was being ignored by everyone else. It wasn’t just the beauty of iridescent play of light through the rain drops, or the fury of the sudden downpour, or the feeling of safety and warmth, being with family enjoying our time together during the Holiday season. It was also knowing what everyone else prefers to forget, that everything is different now.
With the recent rain readings, I am wondering what kind of a nuclear bomb went off over there in Fukushima. There is so much that we have not been told, but fishy stuff like the emergency drill going on over there around Dec 7th at night at the plant right? I think this is the fallout from that emergency drill.
Small second paper towel swipe sample (that’s all the precipitation there is at this point), 10 p.m., Ventura, CA:
@ All: We just measured 415% of normal in our rain. New stats and video going up shortly.
And now, 2 hours later, my paper towel sample has dropped off to 53. Does this mean it is “normal” radon progeny?
Light rain falling in Ventura, CA on the coast. Testing from a paper towel swipe comes in at 81. Normal average is around 45-50.
I’ll test again in a couple of hours and report back.
@ Annette2: Yes they did. I should have related that sooner. New radiation testing numbers, including those, will be going up soon in stats including ones of sushi bought in a Japanese restaurant Tuesday night Dec. 13, from the Phillipines, Alaska and Chile, all that came in normal. That is not by any means an endorsement of eating sushi. We don’t.
@Michael & lucidf8 – did your rain samples from yesterday decay away?
My rain sample (Agoura) taken at 4:30pm read over 3 times background (139.7cpm), but decayed to background within 9.5 hours.
6:30pm – 56.3 cpm
11:30pm – 47.8 cpm
2am – 43.6 cpm (at background)
California Hwy Patrol Says: ‘Anything Above 3x Background Radiation Is A HAZMAT Incident’
According to this NRC Event report, the California Hwy Patrol stopped a linen truck for having radioactivity above THREE times background radiation,
“The CHP said that their protocols dictate that anything above three times background is treated as a hazmat incident”
Knowing California to be the regulatory paradise that it is, it would not surprise us if it were actually a crime NOT to report anything above 3x background radiation to the police as a HAZMAT incident. Given the radioactive materials falling out of the Jet Stream thanks to Fukushima, such a reporting requirement could turn into the largest HAZMAT incident ever reported.
I’m still not sure I heard CNN right this morning…that Fukushima is now in a “cold shutdown”. Really? I don’t think so…and neither does Arnie Gunderson, apparently.
Also…..I accidentally got soaked to the skin yesterday by a surprise rain storm, and, thanks to all of Michael’s efforts and information here, I knew enough to throw myself into a shower, and clothing into the washing machine when I got home. I never thought it would actually happen to me….thanks, Michael.
This “political assertion” of a cold shutdown is, in my opinion, based on nothing more than the cold reality that the reactors themselves are no longer producing self sustaining chain reactions. How could they? They no longer contain much radioactive fuel! It substantially melted out the bottom of the reactor pressure vessels, and the majority of the fuel is no longer contained inside the RPV. This assertion of cold shutdown is merely semantics designed to calm the masses and allows the political entities to put the incident behind them. They won’t even need to comment on it anymore, since the event is “over”. And all that radioactive fuel that escaped into the Pacific Ocean, the air, and is spreading over Japan and the Northern hemisphere? Well, it’s part of our environment now. We will all experience that reality to a greater or lesser degree, depending on currents of the ocean, the wind and the rain. “The wind is going to blow, the grass is going to grow.” People will live and die as before, but there will be higher incidences of mutations and cancers. The same was true of Chernobyl, of course, and other unfortunate nuclear incidents before that. Some of them have been reported here at Enviroreporter.com. I fear many more releases of radiation have actually occurred, and many more are to come. It’s dangerous material, it can and will spread. The laws of nature guarantee it. The nature of man is to believe he can control it. Sometimes he can.
@ Potrblog: I had to read this three times to get the import of it:
Is this some kind of hack job joke on Reuters or could it really be true? I mean does this possibly mean that three meltdowns, melt-throughs, melt-outs, corium fissioning, radiation all over Japan, America and the world just stopped? Unit 4’s spent fuel pool hanging out in the air but it has ceased to be an accident? We can all go home now?
But perhaps inadvertent proof that the goo has gone off site is the phrase “at the plant itself.”
I wonder if any reporter has had the chance to ask this guy the burning question “Are you frackin kidding me?!”
JAPAN: Government Says Stricken Titanic Cruise Liner Is In Cold Shutdown / Iceberg Dock
@ lucidf8 (who runs Radiation Station – East and has created all of our graphs): We just got sprinkles that came in 268% of normal higher, a zap or two hotter than your rain. Radiation Station – Central is about a mile and change downwind off the coast reducing the likelihood that this is just radon progeny (as radon comes from the soil and not the ocean).
Getting thunderstorm in Glendale, CA right now. I collected a rain sample and got 160 CPM. I’ll have to adjust my graph axis a bit to accomodate that.
[Good News] 1:00 pm 12/14/11 Fallout in Saint Louis 7X Greater Than Background Radiation; thanks Southern Jet Stream!
Drudgereport posted a link to a story about an alleged plot to cyberattack U.S. nuclear plants. Anyone feeling safe about your nearby nuclear plant?
@roundabout, TEPCO and the Japanese government should have a pretty good understanding in regards to the condition of the building. They ought to at least be able to give a few days heads up (if not more) in regards to the potential collapse of the building (even considering earthquakes)
The thing to question is if they would be willing to risk lives in order to “save face” over a certainty of “losing face” if they admitted an issue.
@movieyawn; changes or not, lets hope the aftershocks or small earthquakes don’t hit that fourth wall of reactor four. Does anyone else have info? Have been in the hospital all day, and not sure of updates.
@roundabout and all, there was a comment on naturalnews yesterday from someone claiming to have noticed difference in the Reactor 4 wall as early as the 5th of this month. I wonder if the emergency night-time training on the 7th may have something to do with Reactor 4.
[Good News] 5:50pm 12/13/11 Saint Louis Radioactive Fallout Only 8x Background Radiation
Here’s a graph of my last rainwater sample. I’m going to put all my testing results there from now on, and will notify here when new ones are up.
BTW, I will change from “steve” to “CG118RADSTN” from now on…
[EDITOR’S NOTE: Steve in on the coast in southern Orange County, California.]
This just in at 11:20 pm on Monday night from Natural News;
“In addition, we received word today that the southern wall of Fukushima reactor unit #4 has collapsed, leading to speculation that the structural integrity of the containment building may be failing, with the possibility of an imminent collapse of the rest of the building. This has not yet been confirmed by multiple sources, but photos have emerged (see link above). Here’s our original precautionary alert on this issue, just to be on the safe side”:
@ Annette2 & Kim: Thank you so much for the unexpected but much welcome news that the precipitation in your areas either came in at background or decayed to background indicating local radon progeny. That has also been the case throughout the day here at Radiation Station – Central in Santa Monica. Go figure.
Also, I’ll be on the Rense Radio Network at 9pm tonight for half an hour discussing radiation in the United States. I welcome any topic suggestions from you raddies!
Agoura checking in:
7:00am rain sample = 125% over bg. Retested 5-hours later, decayed to below background.
1pm fresh rain sample = 42% over bg. Retested 2 hours later, decayed to background.
[Bone Cancer Alert] LARGE NRC Event Regarding Medical Positron Emission Tomography “PET” Scans
Steve, we’re in Ventura, CA, on the beach.
Our neighborhood has its own little microclimate, and we get a lot of wind and fog right off the ocean. Go three blocks over, and you’ll have sun, but we always have June Gloom weather. I tend to have higher average CPMs, but also have not had (knock on wood) any hot rain yet. I wonder if that is because our little weather pattern pulls in from the side door, if that makes any sense?
@ Kim, what area are you located in?
Hi Michael,
Okay, 2nd sample, half a cup of collected rain water came in at 47, so right at background.
@everyone doing rain samples,
Here is a good testing example to try:
In the video he tracks the position of the jetstream and takes readings accordingly, his finding was that the fallout jumped with the jetstream being overhead.
Rainwater sample from today @ 7:30am = 109% above background.
Orange County beach area.
@ Kim et al: Thank you Kim!
Our first rain swipe came it normal as well. We’ll continue testing throughout the day and report back as necessary.
Ventura County rain sample news:
Took a paper towel swipe from my back steps in a light rain and did a 10 minute average. Came up with 50, which is background.
I’m collecting a larger sample outside now, and will test again later and update.
“If we had let the government do this work I don’t think we would ever would have known the severity of the problem in Japan.” – Arnie Gunderson
Particles of Americium found, byproduct of Plutonium:
Marco Kaltofen’s presentation to the American Public Health Association – (specializes in measuring radiation in the environment)
Fairewinds video (20 min)
When does the ‘directive’ to wear masks become necessary or at least a highly prudent advisory? That’s my question.
Monkey’s being tested was an interesting article.
For now, we are the Monkeys too I guess. hmmm…?
I just found out plutonium is not as bad as table salt, so no worries over here on the west coast. Here is a video to attest to the nefarious fears of plutonium. We need to take the blue pill.
BTW; I am hoping to get a geiger counter in the next few weeks. And when I do, you will get information from the central coast, SLO area. We are almost there folks!
@Weaver; Well, my conclusion may not be perfect about the lights over in Fukushima, but my woman’s intuition says something is not going down well and extra precaution should be taken.
Today, December 10th, afternoon, in Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo area, the sky was extremely hazy. Eyes burned. It is rare in December to have this dark haze over the city and low foothills. I’ve lived here over twenty years and had never seen it look like LA in the seventies, or Bakersfield from the Tehachapi mountains. Very brown gunk hanging out around the beach foothills.
@ Potrblog, lucidf8 et al: Thank you for the heads up. We have resumed normal background readings at Radiation Station – Central as the jet stream storm approaches to give local raddies an idea of the trajectory of any rising radiation levels in Southern California. Radiation Station – East, run by lucidf8, automatically generates averages and is a must see to keep tabs on this storm. Both stations are live on every page of this website.
Our first averages of the day:
12:15pm 10-minute INTERIOR Radiation Station – Central: 46.0 CPM^
12:05pm 10-minute EXTERIOR Radiation Station – Central: 50.4 CPM^
As bad as Fukushima is, there are reminders that radiation danger is present everywhere, and we will never probably know all the details.
West Coast USA Be Prepared: An Emergency Happened In Fukushima on 12/7/11
@Weaver, The reaction posted on environmental was correct, in so much as it identified “EMERGENCY” actions taking place at Fukushima.
By TEPCO’s own admission they were engaging in emergency drills/training. Had this been a real emergency, and according to TEPCO it was not, the alert seen here on Enviroreporter was (and still is) valuable information.
It would be preferential if we all had 100% accurate information, but that ain’t gonna happen in the current environment. The real question is who is willing to give you a “heads-up” that will give you a Darwinian advantage.
That heads-up may be screaming ‘baseball’, and if we’re lucky it will turn out to be a ‘Wiffle ball’; in either case, we still appreciate that heads-up alert.
There is at least 1 more day to prepare before the leading edge of what ever happened in Fukushima 12/7 impacts the USA (assuming the threat is airborne).
On the other hand, you can take TEPCO at their word that what ever happened on the 12/7 was emergency training. But, one has to wonder why TEPCO waited until AFTER the training to inform the public that it was just training.
The Fukushima cam video is showing multiple floodlights. It doesn’t behave at all like an explosion or an uncontrolled fire. The “growing” effect is simply an artifact of the camera; it’s adjusting to the intense brightness of the floodlight as the only other light source – the sun – sets in the background.
@Chase These types of lights are not unusual or uncommon; I see them on the freeway for nighttime road construction all the time.
@Michael The “fake of flare” you are describing is another light being turned off. It would make sense that there are multiple lights in one location. There’s the bright one shining almost directly at the camera and another one reflecting off the buildings; one gets switched off before the other.
While I still hold EnviroReporter in high regards, I’m a little dismayed to see people reacting so dramatically to this video.
@Michael; Wow! That is an explosion if I ever saw one! That sure didn’t seem like just a bright light… yeah, some of it might have been, but that thing just got bigger and bigger and wider and wider. Plus all the gamma rays on radiaiontest youtube channel… this is becoming very dark. Very dark indeed.
@potrblog; It sure seems like we now need to take those precautions.
Ann3; Living downwind of Diablo just a couple of miles, I will be looking into that petition. Thank you.
@All; I started a new job working with “kiddo’s”. I can’t get over the fact that many bright children’s brains are being radiated. Or they will be losing loved ones to cancers. If only we would stop, think,take precautions and pray. Glad to be back on the board with you all today! Take your zeolites.
Here is an interesting video which shows the influence of the jetstream on the radioactivity falling out of the rain in southern Illinois.
@Chase, TEPCO needs the big bright lights because they are doing “Emergency Security Measures Night Time Training”
re: bright light on Fuku cam
Okay, so I looked more closely at the cam from Fuku today and I would now say it’s a big bright light or lights.
If true, then the question is… Why do they need such a big bright light?
I had this silly idea this morning that the ‘padded’ tent structure was actually designed to take an impact from the outside to protect contents inside that area from making matters worse once the next big blast hits. I always think outside the box. 🙂
The PETITION is now available for the ballot initiative to close down California’s 2 nuclear power plants !!
Please note that you don’t sign the petition on-line.
Here’s the petition with full instructions:
California – you can do this!!
China Syndrome –
Some enenews info available on facebook here:
… and below is the video that was on enenews:
Got the exceeded bandwidth on enenews too.
I’ve never seen a welding torch or a spotlight that was that bright.
7:27 pm (pacific time)just checked enenews and the site is down due to exceeded bandwidth. hmmm…???
@ All: A raddie tipster has informed us of something that is so frightening that it must be seen to be believed. This is what David from San Diego wrote us an hour ago:
Thank you, David! What do you folks make of it? Has the corium made it to the groundwater and begun its reaction with a resultant Old Faithful Fukushima geyser of goo?
40 min rainshower today in Harrisburg,NC ending 12 30 pm
105.5 CPM…..Background 35.4 CPM.from test sample using Inspector+ 10 min test
Possible Attempt to Hide Long Life Radioactive Fallout By A Claimed “Senior Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory”
Great talk on Rense Radio Michael…
I would agree that these are the days before. Be aware, be prepared.
The ocean’s radioactive contamination is beyond imagination. 🙁 It is a very small planet and getting smaller by the minute.
Think Different: (1 minute)
Thanks again, (to ALL at EnviroReporter.com)
Jeff Rense Program
December 5, 2011 – Discussion one of the worst week’s of Fukushima meltdown developments plus high radiation levels in Colorado snow and HEPA air filter readings in downtown Los Angeles at 364% of normal higher.
Evidence TEPCO Replaced Radiation Damaged Fukushima WebCam And Modified It to Prevent Visual Detections of Radiation From Neptunium 239, Uranium 239, and Yttrium 90
North Anna Nuclear: When Is a NUCLEAR EMERGENCY Not Reported As An EMERGENCY? And How To Protect Yourself.
European Iodine 131 IZOTOP Blame Game Does Not Explain Airborne Fission Products
Saturday’s exterior readings – Santa Ana winds = 38.5cpm (Agoura)
Sabotage? Another Strange Incident at Brunswick Nuclear Plant in North Carolina!
Check out Radioactive Downtown L.A. Air 11-30-11
11:50 SPOT CHECK of Honeywell HEPA filter in DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES OFFICE: 164 CPM sustained or ~364% of background higher or 3.64 times background higher.
11:30 am – 10-minute INTERIOR average DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES OFFICE: 45.0 CPM
Santa Ana winds are perhaps stirring things up just a bit here in so CA today. Winds from the north right now, will check tomorrow, when they shift to being from the northeast (Rocketdyne is about 15 miles east of me):
Agoura exterior 10-minute average, 10:45am = 42.7
Note: Exterior readings since August have averaged 38.29
I used this link for the Collins Rense radio mp3: (112811)
Interesting High Pressure Reactor SCRAM in Clinton, Illinois
Jeff Rense and I had an excellent conversation last night on the only streaming Internet radio show that I know of in North America that discusses the radiation situation in Japan that I know of. Listen to the podcast here.
The media situation covering the ongoing and relentlessly spreading disaster is so dire here in the United States as amply illustrated by a Nov. 27, 2011 New York Times article which has this amazing passage describing the meltdowns in terms so obsequious as almost to be quaint, if not certainly wrong:
Not even the word meltdown is used. Any fact checking would show the ‘doubling or triply’ estimate to be preposterously low. Seen in this context, the Rense Radio Network’s Fukushima coverage is even more laudable. I’m proud to be part of it.
@2dogs; interesting CalCoast article. Seems like the issues in the comment section are retro 1970’s, though they are valid. The real, new and relevant question from an informed public should be “At what price do we spare our present and future DNA?”
@All: I’ll be on the Rense Radio Network in one hour at 9:00 pm PST LIVE talking Fukushima and the fallout in the United States and beyond, radiation bioaccumulation, what you can do about it and new political news.
Raw Data Download Now Available From The Saint Louis Missouri 11/8/11 Long Radioactive Half Life Fallout Detection
Dining room, 3 p.m.: 46
Sea water from Ventura Harbor: 47
Sand from Harbor Cove beach: 66
Kelp: 60
Exterior, 4 p.m.: 50
interesting local article on ballot initiative to shut down cal nukes if no storage found. chimed into by those in denial of the potential radiation footprint of central coast’s diablo canyon plant. a lot of diablo employees follow articles posted like these and feed the negatives up quickly.
Chui – Thank you so much for the so. hemisphere readings. They provide some needed perspective from an area not likely to have been touched by airborne rads from Fukushima.
It’s great that you’re getting some baseline readings in your area, before any contamination from this, or future events arrive. Keep that data documented in archives for possible future use, although I’m hoping that it will never be necessary for you to use it. Since most of us got our gc’s post-Fuku, we can only speculate about our areas’ baseline numbers or rely on general on-line databanks, in order to correlate our current readings to determine the amount of Fuku fall-out we are detecting in the air & rain…. good job being on the ball.
I’m digging your Chile oranges these days – keep them coming!
Light Mist With 33X Background Radiation in STL @ 1:45pm 11/27/11. Perfect to coat the lungs with Fukushima’s Finest
I found this astonishing.
Gordon Edwards – Physics Professor – Nuclear Lecture video recorded 12/01/2010 <– note date
There Will Be Meltdowns! (part 4 of 5)
"This is not just a theoretical risk this is something that you have to anticipate… there WILL BE meltdowns."
"Isn't the public entitled to know that." – Edwards (at approximately 7:00 minutes in)
Part 5/5 about Plutonium was good too. Some very good points!
Re: Movieyawn’s – Who owns radioactive contamination around Fukushima. – article
(a re-post of mine)
The Radioactive Substances really belong to us all whether we like it or not. TEPCO cannot afford to clean it up, the Japanese Government can’t afford it either. Neither, can the people of this planet and that’s why Nuclear Power is NOT cost effective.
There is no ‘real’ plan for any real cleanup because there really is no such thing as a cleanup. There’s the push it around method, there’s the burn it method, (not good), there’s an attempt to hide/bury it or dump it into the ocean, but these ideas do not really solve the problem especially with ongoing releases of radioactivity with no end in sight.
Exactly when will the majority of people become ‘aware’ of the total scope of this truly horrific folly? I wonder if ever. Maybe, when the irreversible end results and suffering become so devastating and insidious to all living things on this planet, then maybe, they will start to understand. (?)
Seems almost like the masses are hypnotized into not caring or are oblivious to the basic facts. I would not have guessed in a thousand Plutonium half-lives that the media blackout and feed control would be so thorough at this point. Amazing in a way. Kind of makes the German propagandist Goebbels look like an amateur. 🙂
I am in Chile south america, and have tested the rain
from a window swipe from car.
with a 10min test the rain was %70 above background and
went to background within about 1 or two hours.
i have heard this is natural occurring raydon and is
safe to be in as long as its 2 or 3 times below background?
all the fruits and veggies i have tested with my inspector
are all ok so eat chile food.
could someone please tell me at what level the raydon is
no longer safe to be in the rain?. i cant imagine fukashima
has already made it here?
thank you so much for this website best regards.
55 Times Greater Than Background Radiation In 11:30pm 11/26/11 Saint Louis Fallout
ALERT- Persistent Long Half Life Radioactive Fallout Detected in 11/8/11 Saint Louis, Mo Rainfall
Agoura, 11/26/11
noon = 36.3 cpm
5pm = 38.3 cpm
Sacramento rain, 11/24/11
Interior background = 38.5 cpm
Rain, 10 minute average = 65.8 (27.3, 71% over bg)
Same swipe, 1 hour later = 46.9 (18.9 count, 69% decay)
Same swipe, 2 hours later = 39.2 (decayed to background – 15% margin of error)
Free-range egg, 10-minute average = 35.9 cpm
Interior 10 min. average: 46
Swimming pool water, from a Ventura, CA hotel: 46
Exterior: 48
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
I could write a thank-you BOOK to Enviro Reporter and Mr. and Mrs. Collins! EnviroReporter has been THE pioneer for radiation monitoring and factual information on Japan’s nuclear crisis. In addition, EnvriroReporter has been a personal source of comfort to me for filling in the gaps of media and government silence. I promote this site, read every comment, and listen to the interviews.
I am also grateful for everyone who selflessly takes the time to educate and offer input here.
Mr. Collins, I was glad to hear in your interview with “Breathe L.A.” that you’re aware of the ballot initiative spearheaded by Ben Davis, Jr. that would affect San Onofre and Diablo Canyon power plants.
As deeply entrenched as the nuclear industry and lobbies are, it is going to take a sincere effort to get the initiative passed.
The initiative will require 504,760 signatures, needed by April 16, 2012.
On an interview, Mr. Davis said he reserved a domain name which will be up-and-running shortly, with clear instructions:
Here is a link to the initative:
To Californians: Please get involved and help out where you can. WHEN this gets passed with your help, the domino effect could be amazing!
Here is the contact information for Ben Davis, Jr. —
P.S. – I almost forgot! Here is an article on the initiave with an on-line poll. Please take a second to vote on this poll, too !!
Who owns the radioactive contamination around Fukushima? According to TEPCO, the landowners do.
Rense Radio Network
November 21, 2011 show where Jeff Rense and Michael Collins discuss Fukushima meltdowns worsening, radioactive rain in Los Angeles, Washington state and Missouri plus more information on fallout in North America.
BreathTakes with Edward Headington
Thanksgiving 2011 special show with Michael Collins in a wide-ranging interview that covered everything from Fukushima meltdowns, electronic cigarettes, Ahmanson Ranch, Rocketdyne, nuclear power plants, pumpkin pie recipes and John Wayne’s best “Pilgrim” line.
@2dogs et al: Thank you 2dogs. We are also thankful for the amazing people we have become friends with here in our virtual village who have shown so much caring and courage as we face Fukushima together. Sure, we all wish we could have met for a different reason but this is what it is and it isn’t going away. We are thankful that you not only want but demand that this information come out, that our governments act responsibly (or act at all), and that the scourge that is defacing our planet be stopped and not allowed to continue in any form. Thank you folks.
I am thankful for Michael and this site and all the posters. we will at the home of friends today, but Saturday we will have 14 here, including 3 international students from our local university and dine on my post-fukushima crops raised in covered raised beds. we will have kale, leeks, green beans and a few last tomatoes. we’ll smell the dishes in our austin air filtered air and look at the pacific rim out our windows. In the midst of so much tragedy there is still much to live for. God bless us one and all.
Annette2, lucidf8, roundabout and potrblog, thank you for responding to my air purifier post! Based on Potrblog’s input, I am keeping the Ionic Breeze but am modifying the way I use it … starting with an outside test this weekend (results to follow) 🙂
@Michael: Rightfully, Dutch went back to weather and some earthquake watches. I feel for those who donated for the instruments. No food, except milk was ever measured, or at least posted this summer either. It was a failed experiment anyway, for sure… It also reminds all of us to stay at what we do well, and focus on that. He’s pretty right on with the weather forecast. Maybe something will come of that in his future.
This is the BEST video on youtube I have seen so far for food protection. The founder of this healthfood company has a whole lot of info on Fukushima and radiation. I believe those on this board will thoroughly enjoy this!
It is astonishing how Dutchsinse put his Inspector Alert DIRECTLY on contaminated samples with no regard to goo-ing up the detector. Not only that, he smacks around the Inspector in his agitation with the dust sample on a paper towel almost as if he was trying to knock particulate matter into the halogen-quenched Geiger-Mueller tube.
He also did this on his trip across the country this summer setting his Inspector on all manner of objects directly without even the benefit of lifting it up 5 mm with an Xtreme Boot or using anything to shield this sensitive and expensive machine.
This is an absolute no-no. This kind of nuclear radiation monitor can’t even be calibrated after directly touching contamination especially not goo that registered this high.
“Do not contaminate the Inspector Alert by touching it to radioactive surfaces or materials,” the manual reads. “Never touch the Inspector Alert to a surface that may be contaminated. You may contaminate the instrument… CAUTION: Do not send a contaminated instrument for repair or calibration under any circumstances.”
Did you read the manual, Dutch? You fracked up your Inspector! It’s the nuclear radiation monitor equivalent of going into a cat house without a condom. This is a $900 mistake (plus taxes, shipping and getting an Xtreme Boot). Thank goodness we have Potrblog in the same St. Louis area who obviously knows more about radiation detection and keeping one’s instrument clean than Dutch who gives new meaning to “going Dutch.”
Movieyawn,Annette2,et al, it is called Electrostatic Precipitation and it can do a very good job of attracting airborne ionized radioactive fallout. Radon daughters are easily attracted by the method. The lint filter on a household clothes dryer can do a very good job of pulling radon daughters out of the air. It does so via pushing large volumes of air through the statically charged lint in the dryer’s lint collection filter.
We’ve measured our dryer lint multiple times and never gotten a reading, but we have read people getting very high counts using the method.
An Ionic breeze would make a good fallout test instrument outside of the house; if the readings outside the house are higher than inside the house there is definitely an issue. The real test would be to run it outside for awhile and then test for longer half life fallout. We believe Fukushima is releasing large amount of Radon out of the Japanese ground water via the corium heating and steaming that water out. Along with that Radon one would expected to find the harder to detected longer half life fission products.
We saw the Saint Louis video of the Ionic breeze and the arcing he was getting, its possible that the arcing was aided by radioactive beta decay in the air. On the other hand, those devices are known for arcing. The Ionic Breeze could certainly pullout more than just Radon Daughters out of the air and would make a good way to check for longer half life radiation in locations that don’t get a lot of rainfall.
In regards to Ozone; pretty much any time one sees coronal arcing, Ozone is being created. People go back and forth on Ozone, and it can be used to clean out a room. But, we would not want to be in a room where the ozone is attracting pollutants and making larger particles that more easily get stuck in the lung. On the other hand, flush a room with Ozone, clean it up and out, and we’d be good to go.
I had an Ionic Breeze at one time. I contacted the Air Quality Control Board in Sacramento, there was a guy there that was an expert on air filters. He told me to immediately take it back! My Dad had lung problems and he said it was the worst air filter anyone could get!!! I took it back to the high end store, told them what the Air Quality Control Board said, and there was no question about the return. Be careful! Ozone can be spread by some air filters. And this was a very expensive one!
@Movieyawn, This may answer your question about electric fields gathering radioactive dust . Why is the dust on your TV screen radioactive? http://www.hps.org/publicinformation/ate/q157.html. Probably a similar process going on with the electric fields in the ionic breeze. If you can check the rate of decay, it may indicate that you have primarily radon progeny there.
@Movieyawn – You’ve made a very interesting connection and it sounds like a reasonable theory. I’m interested in potrblog’s take.
Our family is avoiding all the electrostatic air filters, in general, because they create ozone – a lung/sinus/throat irritant. We’re running Austin Air filters instead.
Here’s our chance to close San Onofre & Diablo Canyon.
I am having second thoughts about the use of Ionic/Plasma type air purifiers.
I watched Michael’s recent video with the three air filters. Noticed that the ionic one registered noticeably higher CPM reading than the other two.
There is also a recent video by youtuber Dutchsinse. He shows very high reading from his Ionic Breeze – 350 CPM or so, after running the air purifier for a very short time. Blue electrical discharge can be seen. See the link below.
I own an identical Ionic Breeze. Yesterday I took 30 min baseline reading on a clean napkin, got 960 total or 32 CPM. Cleaned the Ionic Breze and let it run for 30 min. Took a sample on a napkin, 30 min reading, got 2232 or 74 CPM. This is 2.5x baseline in just 30 minutes of air purifier operation.
Could this be an indication of a something similar to the effect CMEs have on radioactive particles in the upper atmosphere? In other words, is it possible that the plasma purifiers induce miniature fission reactions in the ionic filters?
Any thoughts?
Wow quite amazing (and sickening) looking at CPM from January 2011, and comparing it to this month (Los Angeles)
The SITUATION in PHILLIPSBURG, New Jersey- You Were SNOOKIED and INDUSTRIALLY IRRADIATED the Weekend Before Halloween!
@Potrblog – Thanks. I’ll do that with the next rain sample. I’ll be in Sacramento over Thanksgiving, and rain is forecasted, so we’ll see how they are faring a bit north.
This one (strangely enough) read at 6.1 and 4.1 counts per minute BELOW background, 24-hours after collection, using 10-minute counts. Took the counts of the sample and the backgrounds twice, each.
I’ve saved/labeled all the old swipes, so can always retest those that didn’t settle back at background for long-lived isotopes.
In any case, blessings on us all this Thanksgiving. We (all of us) need them.
@Annette2, the best way to test for the low level stuff is to take alternating 1 hour counts of the sample and then 1 hour counts of background. Its tedious, and you have to do it several times spread over time, but it is the best way to test for it using only 1 Geiger counter.
@potrblog – 24-hour retest of 11/20/11 Agoura rain sample below background level.
@Potrblog: Excellent suggestion! Will do.
@Michael Collins, if you get a chance discuss what the Emergency at Brunswick North Carolina really portends, see our post below for our thoughts on the matter.
How Many Engineers Does It Take To Screw Down The Lid Of A Nuclear Core? Don’t Ask The NRC or Progress Energy Brunswick http://pissinontheroses.blogspot.com/2011/11/how-many-engineers-does-it-take-to.html
@Potrblog: Thank so much for this excellent explanation! As for half-life, the sample has gone down just a touch suggesting your 50 day half life ‘guess’ is a pretty good one.
@lucidf8, Annette, Kim, biggee, etc.: Your nearly instantaneous readings have helped give folks here in Southern California and across the nation a good (and trustworthy) handle on the fallout situation as jet stream roll through and in general as well. Actually, “instantaneous” in lucidf8’s new Radiation Station East which has such a sweet design showing both the immediate readings in Glendale, California (which is at the crossroads of the San Fernando and San Gabriel valleys and the Los Angeles Basin), and the 30-minute average. And, unlike Radnet, the pay-for service that is befuddling in its readings and meaning, Radiation Station East is understandable and usable to a much greater degree.
@All: I’ll be on the Rense Radio Network LIVE with Jeff Rense this evening for an hour beginning at 9:00pm PST. We’ll be talking about Fukushima, of course, and fallout in the United States including our recent reading of HEPA filter debris that registered 308% of normal (which Potrblog was referring to). Our video of RADIOACTIVE Los Angeles AIR 11-16-11 has been seen by 5,293 in the 4 days it has been up generating dozens of comments from YouTubers who do not have the same grasp of the situation as you all do (but are getting there).
Anything you folks want to share that you think we should discuss?
@Kim re: different readings radnet vs others.
My theory:
There may be several reasons for the different (localized/LA) readings back on the 18th or so. I believe the primary reason is that the radnet detector is located on top of a structure. (higher elevation)
Locally, wind directions, air density, amount of other pollutants in the air, etc… all contribute.
From radiation dispersion maps I seen that can look at different elevations it’s interesting to see how the ‘spread’ of different radioactive contaminants works at 100 ft, 1000 ft or at 36,000 ft. It can be very different.
It is also my understanding, that as an example, a corn field could get ‘dumped’ on and half become contaminated with radiation and the other half remain virtually untouched. It comes down ‘spotty’ so to speak. Seemingly random at times based on many variables.
Mountains also act as a weather barrier to a certain extent causing more of a ‘dump’ as the weather system encounters the high ranges. This has been specifically noted in the mountains inland to the west of Tokyo. It’s ‘highly likely’ that contamination may also present itself as a problem to the snow packs and water run offs in the Sierra Nevada Mountain ranges in California. (just a guess)
@Michael Collins, that is a tough question to answer quickly. Obviously different locations have different weather, if you look at any of the fallout simulations they almost always show fallout highest in the midwest.
The key variables are:
(1)Saint Louis weather is about 1/2 a day to 2 days different in weather travel time so they will never match up in time.
(2)The vertical mixing of air in Tornado Alley is a lot more turbulent than in California (our thunderheads reach closer to the jet stream)
(3) Saint Louis sees the Jet Stream more often, hence greater opportunity for contamination to migrate into and stay in the “local” air
(4) Jet stream source; the lowest readings we have had in months was from the southern jetstram which was over California 11/11/11
If I had to pick a spot in California that would have the highest chance of concentrated fallout within the next day, it would be Hales Grove in Northern California. Of course, that all depends on what pumped out of Fukushima last week.
LA also seems to have a somewhat straight shot from the jestream today too; If we could trust Radnet, I would expect those numbers to go up. Your Plasma Wave air cleaner might notice the difference though.
The tests I would really like to see is how much long half life fallout you guys are picking up, our swipe samples still read above background days and weeks after taking the initial sample. Our best guess is that it is something with around a 50 day half life.
EPA Query Results for public (11/20/2011 23:51)
Query Parameters:
Location Names: CA: LOS ANGELES,
Query Start Date: 11/20/2011
Query End Date: 11/20/2011
Fixed data selected.
Measurement End Date/Time Beta Gross Count Rate(CPM)
2011-11-20 00:53:34 51
2011-11-20 01:53:47 56
2011-11-20 02:53:59 61
2011-11-20 03:54:11 64
2011-11-20 04:54:24 57
2011-11-20 05:54:36 41
2011-11-20 06:54:50 32
2011-11-20 07:55:02 29
2011-11-20 08:55:14 30
2011-11-20 09:55:27 36
2011-11-20 10:55:39 37
2011-11-20 11:55:52 38
2011-11-20 12:56:04 42
2011-11-20 13:56:16 44
2011-11-20 14:56:29 50
2011-11-20 15:56:41 52
2011-11-20 16:56:54 48
2011-11-20 17:57:06 43
2011-11-20 18:57:18 42
2011-11-20 19:57:31 53
2011-11-20 20:57:43 63
2011-11-20 21:57:55 67
2011-11-20 22:58:07 47
2011-11-20 23:58:21 46
Note: Zero Values for “Beta CPM”, “Gamma CPM”, “Flow Rate”, “Sampling Volume” or “Ambient Pressure” indicate data not available.Combined “Wind Speed” and “Wind Direction” of ‘0’ and ‘359’ indicate data not available.
@All: We’re surprised but delighted that these results are even lower than earlier:
5:35 pm – 10-minute INTERIOR average of new rain sample: 47.5 cpm^ or 23.4% HIGHER THAN PREVIOUS BACKGROUND
5:20 pm – 10-minute INTERIOR BACKGROUND AVERAGE: 38.5 cpm^
@Potrblog: Do you have any theories on different levels of fallout we’re experiencing even while we’re seemingly experiencing the same jet storm stream?
11/20/11 2:30pm Saint Louis, Missouri Rain Radioactive Fallout 22 Times Greater Than Background
Agoura rain
3:45pm, background = 42.0
4pm, 10 minute average = 51.9 (9.9 cpm or 24% over bg)
4:30pm, 10 minute average = 47.4 (4.5 count or 45% decay)
Glendale CA rain at 2:50 PM PST is 147% of background.
86.2 vs. 34.8 CPM using 10 min averages.
Great site for locating All Nuclear plants in US
1:30 p.m. rain sample in Ventura, CA is holding steady at background.
Hello from Harrisburg NC just NE of Charlotte and waaayy! west of that Brunswick monster.Here’s month of November rain showers so far
11/9…1st shower…213.7 CPM….11;40 am
…2nd shower…489.3 CPM…. 12;10 pm
11/16…357.3….12:15 pm
All with Inspector+ 10min………Average CPM is 33-34 CPM
@ biggee: Your readings are up to 14.4 times background! Stay out of the rain in North Carolina
@ all: Radiation Station Central and Radiation Station East are registering the same right now!
1:00 pm – 10-minute INTERIOR average of new rain sample: 48.6 cpm^ or 34.3% HIGHER THAN PREVIOUS BACKGROUND
12:26 pm – 10-minute INTERIOR BACKGROUND AVERAGE: 36.2 cpm^
12:25 pm – 10-minute INTERIOR BACKGROUND AVERAGE: 35.1 cpm
Glendale, CA rain measures 34.7% over background at 11:30 AM PST 11/20/2011
51.2 CPM vs 38.0 CPM background.
So… The EPA monitoring is finding crazy readings in LA, yet the Inspectors out there are getting normal readings.
I feel like this has probably been covered 1000x, but is that a function of their equipment being far more sophisticated, or location/ prevailing wind patterns, or ???
Rain in Ventura, CA this morning.
Rain soaked paper towel, 8:30 a.m.: 51
rain collected in a paper cup, 9:30: 48
So… rain is at background here. Woot.
I wonder which TV Station weather channel will be the first to start a “Rad Report” that comes just after the rain report? At least for now we have EnviroReporter. 🙂 – ty!
Good or Bad we need to know. If TV stations can afford helicopters then they should be able to afford some good test equipment and cool screen animations. …or perhaps get ‘valid’ reports from the EPA.
Based on what I am seeing/reading we seem to be approaching, or are “at”, an ALERT Level at this point. At least on the West Coast. (and elsewhere) Yet, NO ALERT from ANY agency. I don’t get it, as a human, I just don’t get it.
Will ANYTHING be said or will SILENCE prevail?
ALERT – ‘most likely’ SILENCE (from the mainstream) will prevail. 🙁
63.8% above background here in San Jose morning rain.
as if the forced ingestion of radioactive poison werent insulting enough, the japanese government uses jackie chan in a psa to sell ‘things are back to normal in japan’. jackie chan is chinese. very funny japan.
Potrblog; Let us hope and pray that our state and national “servants” are taking this matter extremely seriously, and that there is a full scale investigation taking place. And you are right… “pray” is the best way to end such a dialogue that discloses such dastardly deeds! We need protection. Thank you potrblog for looking into this. I hope the powers that can help are looking into your site frequently.
Hi guys,
Since you all are posting CPM counts for your areas, here’s the EPA’s Los Angeles Monitoring RadNet Station gross beta reported findings:
“Query Results for public (11/20/2011 00:32)….
Query Parameters:
Location Names: CA: LOS ANGELES,
Query Start Date: 11/18/2011
Query End Date: 11/20/2011
Fixed data selected.
Measurement End Date/Time Beta Gross Count Rate(CPM)
2011-11-18 00:43:40 147
2011-11-18 01:43:52 143
2011-11-18 02:44:05 163
2011-11-18 03:44:17 184
2011-11-18 04:44:30 209
2011-11-18 05:44:42 213
2011-11-18 06:44:54 213
2011-11-18 07:45:06 201
2011-11-18 08:45:19 195
2011-11-18 09:45:31 201
2011-11-18 10:45:43 210
2011-11-18 11:45:56 210
2011-11-18 12:46:08 202
2011-11-18 13:46:20 192
2011-11-18 14:46:33 191
2011-11-18 15:46:45 180
2011-11-18 16:46:58 171
2011-11-18 17:47:10 162
2011-11-18 18:47:23 153
2011-11-18 19:47:35 146
2011-11-18 20:47:47 137
2011-11-18 21:48:00 133
2011-11-18 22:48:13 136
2011-11-18 23:48:26 128
2011-11-19 00:48:38 120
2011-11-19 01:48:50 109
2011-11-19 02:49:03 95
2011-11-19 03:49:15 79
2011-11-19 04:49:27 83
2011-11-19 05:49:39 82
2011-11-19 06:49:51 75
2011-11-19 07:50:04 68
2011-11-19 08:50:16 64
2011-11-19 09:50:28 69
2011-11-19 10:50:41 72
2011-11-19 11:50:53 78
2011-11-19 12:51:05 94
2011-11-19 13:51:17 106
2011-11-19 14:51:30 116
2011-11-19 15:51:42 107
2011-11-19 16:51:55 86
2011-11-19 17:52:08 90
2011-11-19 18:52:20 77
2011-11-19 20:52:45 67
2011-11-19 19:52:32 73
2011-11-19 21:52:57 66
2011-11-19 22:53:09 62
2011-11-19 23:53:21 54
2011-11-20 00:53:34 51
2011-11-20 01:53:47 56
2011-11-20 02:53:59 61
2011-11-20 03:54:11 64
2011-11-20 04:54:24 57
Note: Zero Values for “Beta CPM”, “Gamma CPM”, “Flow Rate”, “Sampling Volume” or “Ambient Pressure” indicate data not available.Combined “Wind Speed” and “Wind Direction” of ‘0’ and ‘359’ indicate data not available.”
The POTRBLOG team believes that the 11/16/11 Emergency at Progress Energy’s Brunswick Nuclear Plant in North Carolina was an attempt to attack the United States by using a March 18th 2011 blue print described David Lochbaum, the director of the Union of Concerned Scientists’ Nuclear Safety Project, on on how the Brunswick Nuclear power plant reactor containment seals could fail resulting in a Fukushima hydrogen explosion.
The above information combined with a history of sabotage at the Brunswick Unit 2 plant during maintenance and refueling outages leads the POTRBLOG team to believe that the improperly sealed Reactor Pressure Vessel was a man-made attempt to recreate Fukushima style Nuclear Disaster in the United States.
Video to follow.
PS, Thank you, EnviroReporter!
Hey, I just now saw that there is a RADIATION MONITORING STATION EAST, which has begun broadcasting as of two days ago.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Welcome Radiation Monitoring Station East,
from the Burbank/Bob Hope Airport Verdugo mountain area.
Where in Glendale are you located?
BREAKING ALERT! History of MULTIPLE SABOTAGE Attempts at Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant
Exterior 10-minute count: 38.3 cpm
Agoura, damp & cold dusk – 4:45pm.
“…there is no choice but to conclude that Nuclear plants are at MUCH greater risk of human induced catastrophic failure than has ever been admitted to, or previously planned for.” – Potrblog
Fully agree!!! Who wouldn’t?
THIS TRUTH has always been self evident.
There are two fundamentally frightening realities that will come out of the NRC emergency declaration at the Brunswick North Carolina nuclear plant.
(1) The NRC will decide that the potential level of nuclear incompetence shown at the Brunswick Nuclear plan falls within the range of what can be NON-CRIMINALLY expected for a Nuclear Plant operator.
(2) The NRC will find that what happened is OUTSIDE of what could reasonable be expected, hence it is prudent to invite in the FBI to help rule out a case of likely SABOTAGE.
If the NRC follows decides on action #1, there is no choice but to conclude that Nuclear plants are at MUCH greater risk of human induced catastrophic failure than has ever been admitted to, or previously planned for.
There is also the option to use the speaker phone option to avoid EMF emissions from cell phones.
Does anyone know of any published or even informal testing of earphones connected to cell phones as a source of electromagnetic radiation? It would be interesting to test with one of those EMF readers.
POTRBLOG Predicts the FBI Will and Should Investigate the Possibility of Nuclear Sabotage at Brunswick North Carolina Nuclear Plant
Video to follow shortly
@potrblog+ others….There is 1 headset tha inserts a short airtube into the line before the earpiece so that the radiation stops where the wire meets the airtube.Been around awhile….google —-bluetube headset
Can the IAEA Blame the Institute of Isotopes Co., Ltd for the OTHER Fission Products Too? Of course NOT!
Exterior here back down to 48, normal.
exterior reading, Ventura County, CA: 64.
normal is around 45ish.
Startling Revelations… Raise Doubts Over Nuke Safety
Evidence of Harm at Three Mile Island:
“Randall Thompson was hired as a health physics technician to go inside the plant… He spent 28 days monitoring radiation releases.”
“What they found out during their time inside TMI suggests radiation releases from the plant were hundreds if not thousands of times higher than the government and industry have acknowledged — high enough to cause the acute health effects documented in people living near the plant but that have been dismissed by the industry and the government as impossible given official radiation dose estimates.”
Main Article:
The Official NRC Response: (pdf file)
@Big R & Kim, the problem with using a “wired” microphone and ear piece is that you are essentially sticking an antenna directly into your ear when you do that.
You could use a wired (NOT a wireless bluetooth) microphone and earpiece to limit exposure to cellular phone emissions if that is a concern. iPhones and Blackberry come with wired earphones. I have doubts about rad blocking cell phone cases or other devices making such claims.
Cellphone radiation is non-ionizing, microwave radiation, therefore it can only cause single strand DNA breaks, unlike Nuke radiation which can completely destroy and mutate DNA. How much time it takes to cause a break is anyones guess?
I read somewhere that Microwave radiation can inhibit calcium transport over cell membranes, which I am not sure of what the consequences are. I would say you should be safe if you limit cell phone use to 30min or less per call.
You can easily get an EMF reader for about $99 at Frys Electronics (you’re in socal right?) and set the band to “microwave” make a phone call and see exactly what digital pulse microwave transmissions look like on a EMF reader!
Bummer news about Michael’s air filters. 🙁
On a slightly OT note, I’m wondering if anyone has looked into radiation blocking cases for their phone. Do they work? Worth the money? We have been using cell phones only sparingly, and recently read that our cordless phone bases for the landlines are putting out tons of radiation, too. Feeling like there is nowhere to run!
Radioactive Los Angeles Air 11-16-11
Disturbing readings from one of Radiation Station Central’s HEPA filters after just 30 days of use: 308% of normal background higher. Alpha and beta radiation captured by the filter can be attributed to the triple Fukushima Japan meltdowns, melt-throughs and melt-outs and the decision to begin burning 550,000 tons of radioactive debris in Tokyo from October to March, sending a double dose of radioactive fallout on the Jet Stream over the Pacific to land on America, Canada and beyond. Finding this high a level of radiation is considered dangerous by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Ingested alpha particles can be up to 1,000 times more dangerous than their beta and gamma counterparts.
5:15 pm INTERIOR SPOT CHECKS OF THREE HEPA FILTERS‘s AGGREGATE DUST after 30 days of use in Radiation Station (VIDEOTAPED):
Waterpik Teledyne HEPA air cleaner/ionizer: ~60 CPM or 138% of previous background higher
Honeywell HEPA air cleaner: ~64 CPM or 147% of previous background higher
Kenmore Plasmawave HEPA air cleaner: ~134 CPM or 308% of previous background higher
4:50 pm INTERIOR SPOT CHECK OF HONEYWELL HEPA FILTER: ~96 CPM or 221% of previous background higher
4:45 pm 10-minute INTERIOR Radiation Station – Central background average: 43.5 CPM^
Fukushima: 8 Months and Counting
“A preliminary government report released this month predicted it will take 30 years or more to safely decommission Fukushima Dai-ichi. Like Chernobyl, it will probably be encased in a concrete and steel “sarcophagus.” – from article
“Nobody knows where exactly the fuel is, or in what condition,…” said Hiroaki Koide, a nuclear physicist at Kyoto University
Note 1: ‘Predicted 30 years.. like Chernobyl’ Well, for the record, Chernobyl is no where near over and it’s sarcophagus is cracking with no money for funding the ‘true’ job or any realistic plan for what to do to fix it either.
Note 2: They said ‘probably’ because they really have NO CLUE!
The Good News is –> “Currently, 43 of Japan’s 54 nuclear reactors are shut down…” 🙂
“Fukushima… how will it STOP, when will it END?” – Chase
Great news…
For Immediate Release: November 16, 2011
Media Contact: Nahal Mogharabi, Mogharabi.Nahal@epa.gov
U.S. EPA Issues Permit to Palmdale Power Plant, Requires Limits for Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Use of Innovative Solar Technology results in one of the Cleanest, Most Efficient Fossil Fuel Plants in Nation
SAN FRANCISCO – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently issued a permit to the City of Palmdale, Calif. for the construction and operation of the Palmdale Hybrid Power Project. The 570 megawatt natural gas-fired power plant, with 50 megawatts of solar energy generation, is the first of its kind in the nation required to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Commercial operation is planned for the summer of 2013.
“Palmdale’s use of solar technology is a model for new electric power plants across the nation,” said Jared Blumenfeld, EPA’s Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest Region. “This hybrid design proves that plants can provide energy while having less impact on the environment.”
The permit sets limits for carbon dioxide emissions at 774 pounds per megawatt-hour of power produced, while the clean solar component can generate enough energy each hour to recharge about 750 electric vehicles.
“This is yet another milestone for a project that will not only benefit the residents of Palmdale and the Antelope Valley, but will also help the State of California meet its needs for clean, reliable energy,” said Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford. “The Palmdale Hybrid Power Plant, with its natural gas and solar components, will be the cleanest project of its kind in the world, create much needed jobs and help expedite the retirement of older, higher polluting plants.”
The Palmdale project, located in the desert of Antelope Valley, combines the use of natural gas-fired technology with that of solar, using mirrors to capture sunlight for conversion into electricity. The solar input will provide around 10% of the peak power generated by the plant during periods of highest energy demand. This innovative combination will result in one of the cleanest and most efficient fossil fuel-fired power plants in the nation.
European Iodine 131 And Cobalt 60 Fallout- A Romanian Reactor CANDU That
Arnie Gundersen & Helen Caldicott on FUKUSHIMA – youtube video in 4 parts. Long term perspective …
>>>I would avoid all Turkish Apricots
Thanks, infrared. That’s why we wanted to test them. Our whole family loves them, and has eaten POUNDS of them before we knew about the fall out. You can see they were a good bit hotter than anything else I tested. Boo.
A ton of results from today on the Eat Me page, all non detects.
F&E turkish dried apricots: 58
Apparently a very large amount of Chernobyl fallout hit Turkey, I would avoid all Turkish Apricots.
I’ll be posting my food results on to Eat Me now- somehow missed that there was a board there (doh!). If you are interested, that’s where they’ll be.
European Iodine 131 Detections Indicative of Atmospheric Plutonium 239 Concentrations
The European Iodine 131 detections are a possible indicator of how much Plutonium 239 is in the upper atmosphere; for that reason alone it is EXTREMELY unlikely that the true source and cause of those Iodine 131 detections will ever released.
Dining room, 8:30 p.m.: 47
Tillamook mild cheddar, best by 11-10-12: 44
F&E sprouted wheat bread: 46
F&E cameo apples, grown in WA: 45
F&E turkish dried apricots: 58
F&E mayo: 43
Dining room, 3:15 p.m.: 48
Naked green machine juice, best by 1-19-12: 46
Bag of mixed pears, product of USA, purchased at Fresh & Easy: 45
F&E crumbled feta cheese: 47
F&E butter leaf lettuce blend, no location given: 44
Tray, I just want to say that I digitally and emotionally support your efforts to remove your smart meter. They are coming here in the spring, and we are planning to refuse, and to gear up for a fight about it, if necessary. Hold the line!!
Hi EmDeeBee,
>>>@Kim, just reading back on previous posts, and came across one dated 11/6 w/ counts on Trader Joe’s items. Your spirulina measured at 53. To confirm, that’s counts per minute based on a ten min. average, correct? considered high? Did you test the whole bottle with tablets inside, or take the tablets out? What’s your testing method?
Yes, all the counts I post are 10 minute averages, cpms. So I set my machine to “timer” mode, so it adds up every count it detects, then set my oven timer to 10 min, and divide my total by 10.
I learned through trial and error that some containers I was testing in always test a bit hot. Then Annette posted that ceramics with a glossy white finish– like some of my bowls– can be produced with uranium (?). So now I always use either a small plastic bowl or a metal loaf pan for testing, both of which test at background and seem to produce stable results. And yes, I dumped all the tablets into the bowl.
My interior backgrounds are in the high 40s usually. Our general rule of thumb is that we are not eating anything over about 10%, at least not without a retest. Over 15% is tossed out. So if my average is about 47, then those spirulina tablets are pushing that 15%, right? 🙁 Boo.
Interesting they’re from India,thanks for the info!
Hope that helps,
Just when I thought I had only Fukushima to worry about the electric company comes and slaps a smart meter on our home! I will tell you, if you do not have one yet do NOT let them put this on your home. You can deny it no matter what they say. I didn’t know any better and now I am fighting to get my old analog meter back. Just fyi heres more info http://stopsmartmeters.org/
Also we live on a hill made of granite and our bedrooms sit on a slap with no crawl space. I guess you would say we live on a slab. I have done a radon test and it came out to 1.6 which they tell me is fine. I guess I just got freaked out when I read how much a meter reads when it is on a granite counter top.
[GOOD NEWS] 11/13/11 10:30 pm Saint Louis Downpour Only 7X Greater Than Background Radiation
Just for the record, the rain samples were both taken from a wet paper towel. #1 was just set out in the rain until it got soaked, #2 was a car swipe.
Hi Friends,
We spent the weekend with family in Hemet, CA.
interior: 52
first rain storm, a.m.: 63
rain storm #2 in p.m.: 74
I didn’t get a chance to re-test, all are 10 min. averages.
Today, 11-13, was sunny and clear, exterior 48, interior 50.
Also, fwiw, my mom has granite counter tops, and when I put my Inspector right on them, they were putting off 120+ cpm. YIKES.
This is a good primer for those just acquainting themselves with radiation in the food (how bio-accumulation happens)It’s a good link to send to someone who is new to this.
Sodium fire and explosion – twice last week at Idaho facility containing plutonium. Workers sent to hospital.
Agoura rain update: last night’s samples have all decayed to background.
@roundabout, it is a spooky accurate prediction. Of course it could be just be coincidence too, but those who took risk mitigation actions were well served.
Forgot to say those readings are from Orange County beach area.
11/12/11 3:30pm
10 min avg rain sample: 47.1cpm = +42.7% above bknd
30 min later retest: 39.3% = 19.8% decay
(my avg bknd is 33cpm)
@potrblog;Amazingly accurate prediction and I wonder why these scientists are not on top of it like you, or why they would be silenced so much… There isn’t enough money in the world that we could give your value to us. Thank you for all the work you do! By this time next year, perhaps the world will start to wake up.
@Michael; GREAT show on Rense! Thank you for all you and Denise do as well. I am noticing more comments from those who had only been reading this site! Super!!
European radioactive iodine detections were predicted by POTRBLOG team as a consequence of the interaction of Coronal Mass Ejections with Fukushima Fallout (both radioactive and non-radioactive).
“Mystery Radiation Detected Across Europe” – Trace amounts of iodine 131 detected, here is the link to the article dated 11/11/2011:
here in san diego, the measured rain 10 min avg off windshield is 21% above background. maybe there’s still a trace of radiation? According to the jet stream map, it’s right over us. i know the storm is blowing up from the south.
after one hour, same sample rain count is back to background.
@ Annette2, lucidf8 & ALL:
10:30 am 10-minute INTERIOR Radiation Station – Central background average: 41.9 CPM^
11-11-11 / 11-12/11 Rainstorm testing with Inspector in Agoura
11:50pm background = 46.8 cpm
Midnight 10-minute count = 102.6 cpm
12:30am 10-minute count = 73.4 cpm (29.2 count reduction in 30 minutes = 52% decay)
We had a spirited conversation yesterday on LA Talk Radio and BREATHE LA’s BreathTakes Radio Show where we talked about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory where the worst partial meltdown took place in 1959 35 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. Today, a cleanup costing hundreds of millions is threatened which we discussed and you can hear it here or in iTunes. The implications of the issue affect millions of Southern Californians.
As Chase biggie have already kindly pointed out, the Monday Rense Radio Network show I was was really good and Jeff has made it available for free. We discussed Fukushima, how to protect yourself and a lot of other hot topics. For the record, I didn’t say “avoid anything from Japan” on the show during conversation about the radiation I’ve detected in Japanese beer, sake, vegetable juice, sweet rolls, seaweed and various teas sold in markets in Southern California.
Lastly, the storm about to roll through Southern California appears to be coming up from the south (as opposed to the jet stream-driven storm bringing rain to the Pacific Northwest). Initial testing of a few sprinkles didn’t show anything hot.
@Kim, just reading back on previous posts, and came across one dated 11/6 w/ counts on Trader Joe’s items. Your spirulina measured at 53. To confirm, that’s counts per minute based on a ten min. average, correct? Is that considered high? Did you test the whole bottle with tablets inside, or take the tablets out? What’s your testing method?
Thanks for sharing as I consume that…I buy mine in Glendale. I had contacted TJ’s customer service on May 26th, asking where they source their spirulina and their reply:
“Thank you for contacting us. The spirulina is organically grown in and sourced from India.
Trader Joe’s
Customer Relations”
Web Customer Relations wcr001@traderjoes.com
*Considering it’s from India, who no doubt have their fair share of environmental issues, should we be consuming it? I understand that sea kelp/spirulina and the like absorb radiation, so we are going to have to be extra vigilant about where our food is sourced!
**I just thought I’d share my email response with the community, don’t know if there is any value to it. My first comment, but I do read up on here & enenews to get the latest on this ongoing nightmare. Thank you all for sharing! This upcoming rain is stressing me out… 🙁
2kim; Thanks for the rain readings. I am north exactly 2 hours and we are having the same weather. Everyone, do not take lightly these readings. I got caught in Berkley last year in the rain during that March fallout, 3000 reading. And I lost hair over it!
Ventura County, CA on the coast is getting some sprinkles. A “spitting” type rain, just enough to wet the sidewalk. Swiped some of it off of my car, washed 2-3 days ago. Testing at 57 cpm, after a 10 min averaging. If we get more rain, I will try to collect and test.
@Bar;Documentary was excellent. Same mistakes, not evacuating far or soon enough, denying the extent of the problem, lies about who and how it affects, slow reporting to the rest of the world. All the same psychology over again being used now. It is worth the watch, if anything so that you can clearly see the social patterns that are going on now. Chernobyl folks really believed that they would be coming back to live there someday. And northern Japan still has not evacuated, nor has the west coast in USA. Total denial.
Just listened to Michael Collins on Rense Radio mp3 from 11/7/2011.
“Government not even TESTING!”
“The radioactivity does not go away…”
A few other things I learned:
Wear a mask on a plane.
Avoid the rain. (snow)
Avoid anything from Japan.
Be extra AWARE of Foods.
Filters. Air & Water.
Use a ‘mud’ room. For shoes & clothes.
Wash hands, etc..
Do what you can, when possible.
I am memorizing this list and will add to it like my life depended on it.
–> Waiting for next Monday nights talk. 🙂 THANKS!
For a free mp3 download of Michael Collins interview with Jeff Rense on 11/7/11 go to http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/special/rense_Coliins_110711.mp3
There is a film by Thomas Johnson at this site. Its 132:58 long and its about Chernobyl. If you havent seen it its really worth watching!
The True Battle Of Chernobyl Uncensored 2008
Sorry for confusing? I am also biggee here on website also..see hepa filters July 2011.Im jgrayovski on youtube
Hello all….After a few months of low CPM rain showers here in Harrisburg,NC its beginning to rise,Average CPM is 33-34 here.Todays 2 showers were 1..213.7CPM (6 1/2 X) and 2nd..was 489.3 CPM (14.8 X)using Inspector+…
I’ll be on LA Talk Radio at 1:00 pm PST today talking about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (Rocketdyne), site of America’s worst partial nuclear meltdown. Check out the show as it will be a doozy. On subsequent shows, we will be talking about Fukushima.
Unless he used disposable money, I wager the guy is already having buyer’s remorse with that ‘gamma spectrometer’. However, he does deserve the “Hero Of The Republic” award for stepping into the vacuum when those who have free access to our wallets do nothing.
@Chase; It will be very very interesting to see antiproton’s videos as he detected specific isotopes in food! Looking forward to more of his vids! Thanks for posting.
I watched anti-proton’s video on youtube where he shows his new ‘gamma spectrometer’. This is a test, only a test, so nothing is confirmed here, but it’s interesting to watch him figure out.
(30 minutes)
Possible detects. Strontium 89, Polonium 210. (note:calibrations may be off somewhat)
Most info at 16:00, 18:00, and 27:00 minutes in.
So I looked up polonium: (wiki)
The target organs for polonium in humans are the spleen and liver. As the spleen (150 g) and the liver (1.3 to 3 kg) are much smaller than the rest of the body, if the polonium is concentrated in these vital organs, it is a greater threat to life than the dose which would be suffered (on average) by the whole body if it were spread evenly throughout the body, in the same way as caesium or tritium (as T2O).
210Po is widely used in industry, and readily available with LITTLE regulation or restriction. In the US, a tracking system run by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will be implemented in 2007 to register purchases of more than 16 curies (590 GBq) of polonium 210 (enough to make up 5,000 lethal doses). The IAEA “is said to be considering tighter regulations… There is talk that it might tighten the polonium reporting requirement by a factor of 10, to 1.6 curies (59 GBq).”
Famous poisoning cases: Notably, the murder of Alexander Litvinenko, a Russian dissident, in 2006 was announced as due to 210Po poisoning.
Tray, i hope they wont risk the health of their children and their own by going there. This TV-Host surley wishes he hadnt been so careless.
20X Background Radiation in 9:45pm 11/8/11 Saint Louis, Mo Fallout Rain
More grocery results, all non-detects, within 10% of background.
Fresh & Easy southern fried chicken tenders
F&E yogurt and fruit parfait
Archer Farms (Target) raw, unsalted almonds
F&E cameo apples, grown in WA
F&E sprouted wheat bread
F&E sampling of broccoli and cauliflower florets (grown in CA and USA)
TJ’s XL organic egg
Tillamook mild cheddar cheese, best by 7-19-12
This is in the news today. All I can say is wow!
The Oscar-winning actress is visiting Tokyo with Brad Pitt and their small army of children. Pitt is in Japan promoting his film, “Moneyball.” Jolie’s directorial debut “In the Land of Blood and Honey,” a romance set during the Bosnian War, is set to hit theaters next month.
US Department of Energy Detected Airborne Neptunium -239 During the May 8th Fukushima “Fire”
I’ll be on the Rense Radio Network at 9:00pm Pacific Time live to discuss our latest readings throughout California over the last two weeks as well as yesterday’s hot rain in Southern California so ably detected by Dale Ramincone at Radiation Station East and us at Radiation Station Central. If you miss the show, it repeats for free for a day I think. Our new results with video will be posted on EnviroReporter.com shortly.
@Tray: Occasionally, though rarely, I do shop at Whole Foods. The bulk of our shopping is done at large and mid-sized supermarkets in the Glendale, Montrose, La Crescenta, and La Canada area. We do also shop at Japanese and Korean grocery stores as well, ranging from La Canada to downtown L.A. to Gardena on a fairly regular basis.
Unfortunately, since the radiation can spread unevenly all over the world, and might vary by date, weather conditions, and even field to field, any particular test I perform can’t be generalized to all similarly named or packaged foods, or those sold by particular markets. Still, I have been testing and contributing information to help raise awareness of potential dangers.
If I find anything unusual in this area’s markets I will post that, but I will keep the comments general about the location where it was purchased and the specific brand of food item involved. This is due to liability concerns and fairness due to the limited scope of my testing.
For some products, it may help you to check the labels for the country of origin. I have been using the following meanings of UPC codes of the first two or three digits of the UPC number to help identify country of origin. I can’t confirm that the numbers always seem to match up perfectly with other indicators on the packaging. Look carefully for all printed country of origin information.
UPC code first digits meanings, which I believe to be correct:
690-692 … China
00 – 09 … USA & Canada
30 – 37 … France
40 – 44 … Germany
471 … Taiwan
49 … Japan
50 … UK
If anyone has additional information on UPC code meanings, please let me know.
lucidf8, I live around your area and was wondering if you shop at the Whole Foods in Glendale? or any supermarket you go to in Glendale. I wanted to see if you test the fruits and veggies and if so could you email me and let me know what tested safe? I send Michael my direct email to forward to you. Thanks for any help you can give I am flying blind right now as I can not afford a detector. I really appreciate it. You seem quite knowledgeable about this whole thing along with the many others on this site. Thanks.
Nuclear Banks:
Interesting site. Some things we should probably know.
Until now, little was known about banks contributions to the nuclear industry.
(report compiled at the end of 2009)
You can look up nuclear companies by country etc…
A very well organized website. Click on some stuff. I like the graphics and wobbly buildings.
@lucid8; Thank you for the very thorough explanation. I appreciate it.
@roundabout, Yes, it would be good if we had some hard and fast rules for each food. I understand certain foods, high in potassium, are naturally radioactive a bit due to K-40. That is perfectly normal for bananas, for example. I personally don’t worry about readings within 15% of background (which is 44 CPM or so here in Glendale). To me, 50 and 44 are about the same, within normal variance of the Inspector detector. I have gotten readings of 528 on a 10 min total, and decided not to eat that particular food. I don’t think that level is particularly dangerous, but the higher those readings get, the bigger the risk is. Particularly for younger people who have longer to live and are rapidly growing and thus incorporating radioactive elements they eat into their bodies as building materials. If you are older, you have less to worry about, but the risk does not vanish completely. On a personal level, just make a rule and stick with it. For me it’s 525 and up on a 10 minute timing. But, if I discovered I drank a tea that was 50% over BG, I wouldn’t sweat it too much, I just wouldn’t choose to drink it again.
I am searching for radiation, but I’m focusing my attention on foods which may come from Japan, near Japan, or be contaminated by the North American jet stream. I am periodically checking beer, teas, grains, soy beans, cereals, leafy vegetables, and some home grown vegetables, but particularly those products aimed at children. I can’t check everything but I plan to do more than just casual testing. That radiation is out there, and I’m sure we will find it if we keep testing.
lucidf8, what you have there is a big dose of Fukushima Radon steamed up right out of the ground; you can thank the jet stream which just happens to right over your head. Of course along with that Fukushima Radon is a bunch of other harder to detect radioactive nasties.
You can see the jet stream maps here
Call me very simple minded, but if we don’t have a baseline for any food item, how would one know it would be 10 or 15% above the background level (since we don’t have a baseline)? Or is there a number range that means it is below background, like under fifty? I don’t want to eat anything above any background… so can you be a bit more specific?
Update on Glendale, CA: 2.5 hours after sample taken, 10 min count is now 442, down from 1st 10 min count of 2758. In CPM then, the original 275.8 CPM is now down to background of 44.2 CPM. The rapid decay and short half life are probably radon progeny. This additional radiation might well be originating from Fukushima.
@Chase, roundabout, Kim: If you have a choice, avoid consuming anything much over background. However, I am often asked how much is bad for you? Well, that’s a little like asking how many cigarettes are bad for your health. There is no minimum non-healthy dose established through the research.
There is literally radiation all around us, and even our own bodies are radioactive, to a degree. Just remember that consuming the radiation is 1000 times worse than just being a few feet away from a small background source.
Ionizing radiation striking living cells can damage DNA causing random mutations and possibly cancer. The more radiation, the more DNA damage, the more likely you might get something really bad, like leukemia. The body can repair or destroy some cancers before they get out of control. But, and this is key, it’s a numbers game. Some will get cumulative damage leading to disease or cancer that cannot be repaired by their bodies and some will not.
The cause and effect of X amount of radiation produces Y amount of disease or cancers only shows up in longer term population-wide statistical analysis. I’ve seen preliminary estimates that 100k – 200k additional cancers will show up in the northern half of Japan over the next decade. It won’t be possible to decide who, among all those having cancer in that region, were the ones who got it because of the Fukushima accident. Those individuals will get sick, and some will die, but they will have no proof, and probably no recourse or remedy against those responsible for the nuclear accident.
And, the psychological effects of the accident can also stress individuals, with some people being relatively unaffected, and others being much more vulnerable to stress, causing additional debilitating effects. For the vulnerable, it isn’t enough to say “Don’t worry, be happy”, “Stiff upper lip, and all that”. That’s partly why some Japanese public health officials are trying to tone down the reporting of radiation dangers. For some individuals, the negative psychological effects of fear can far exceed the actual physical damage of the radiation they might receive.
On balance, I think more information is better. If you can move out of danger, then do so. If you can check your food and water for safety, then do that, too.
Be aware of the real dangers, help those with irrational fears understand they can control their exposure to some degree. And, let’s just hope that we don’t get a full blown China syndrome from this accident, or one like it, sometime in the future.
About food… My husband and I are muddling our way through the dark on this one, and have no background knowledge whatsoever, so take this for what it’s worth.
We are trying to only eat foods that are within 10% of the background level in our house. I feel that is well within the +/- 15% margin of error that the Inspector supposedly has. If something is pretty close to, or just over, that 10% mark, then I am trying to retest it after retesting background, to see if the higher reading was an anomaly. That has happened a couple of times, when we obviously had a slight uptick in background levels, or I tested in a container that might be a bit hotter than others (I think I’ve got that straightened out now, and only use one of 2 containers… thanks to Annette for the heads up that glossy white bowls may be hot– my coffee creamer is “safe” once again!).
For now, anything over that 10% level is not being eaten, especially by our son.
Unfortunately, Fukushima is not going away. If this were a short term problem, I would be more aggressive in consuming only foods that fell closer to background. I fear that one day we’ll be lucky to find foods at the levels we are seeing them now. Boo. Testing is also time consuming, and it is impossible to check everything, so we’re doing our best, and trying to stay out of the rain, and detox ourselves as needed.
My 2 cents.
@lucidf8, @Kim
RAIN… That is very high. 🙁
I read where Potrblog washes his car before pulling it into the garage after high rain readings. Wash wet cloths, etc… (test shoe bottoms maybe, then wash them?)
Radiation contamination readings will most likely increase the colder it gets and the more the Jet Stream dips. Obviously this is accelerating and will continue to ‘accumulate’. The word ‘dispersion’ is not a very good descriptor for this situation. An ongoing, spewing mix of goo is more accurate.
FOOD… I feel the baseline on food, as I believe Kim had stated, was that if it’s over 15%, (margin of error), then it’s ‘No Good’ for consumption. (personal opinion) Although, one might go with the ‘anything’ over background is not good. That would certainly be erring on the side of caution.
So if normal BG is 40 to 50 and you test something that’s 70 or 80, then I certainly would not eat it or drink it.
I feel it is critical that these readings are being done. Six months or a year from now, (maybe sooner?), these numbers will be important for comparison. We may long for the days when our foods were below 100 cpm. (I hope and pray not)
LEAVES… I’ll be sending you those spotted leaves on Tuesday. Thanks lucidf8!
Glendale, CA: That rain sample CPM count decline from 2758 to 927 is 1 hr 30 min., not 1 min 30 seconds.
Glendale CA, 7:54, rain sample reads 927 after 1:30 min. It’s much reduced from the earlir 2758.
Glendale, CA 6:47 pm: I just finished the background 10 minute count. It’s 450. That means the rain sample at 2758 CPM is almost 5.13 X BG! I’d say there seems to be a bit ‘o Fukushima visiting Southern California tonight.
Glendale CA, 6:25 pm: Just drove through the tail end of a thunderstorm, then took a sample from the driver’s front windshield, side mirror and hood. Not particularly dirty looking, just wet. Ready for this count? Here it is… 2758!
I mean should I really have taken that sample without gloves? Jeez. Typical background is 429. I’m taking that count now. 543% over typical BG!
11/6/11 10:15am
Rain 10 min avg = 42.7 cpm
10 min avg bknd = 32.1 cpm
33% above background
Measured in Orange County beach area
@everyone; So I am thinking that any food 50 and over is bad, but really, what should be the baseline, in your opinions is the magic number to not touch food at? What are you folks doing??
Dining room, 11:30 (10 min avg): 47
Fresh & Easy romaine and radicchio salad blend: 46
F&E sliced sprouted wheat bread: 51
Trader Joe’s spiced apple cider: 50
TJ’s wild berry yogurt smoothie, best by 12-2: 51
F&E blue cheese dressing: 48
2nd background, 12:40: 48
TJ’s russet potatoes, grown in USA: 50
TJ’s spirulina tablets: 53
F&E salted butter: 45
F&E toasted sesame vinaigrette: 45
Exterior, 1 p.m. (after a morning rainstorm): 47
If there is somewhere else you’d like me to post these results, just let me know.
Thanks for the rain samples kim
Iam out on my boat (Morro Bay) everything is drenched and my hands have small cuts
Question for Michael: is this rain clean enough for skin contact, have you done any rain water testing (Sun.) ?
Thanks Michael and everyone – eat bananas and throw some ginger in dinner tonight–excellent against all radiation
Ventura County, CA rain soaked paper towel sample: 59
30 minutes later: 53
background exteriors are normally about 45-50 here.
My interior testing site was 47.
@roundabout, I was really kind of surprised by the apples, too. But I just report! I will note for you if anything is even close to 10% above background. You can believe we’ll be checking all the WA apples in the future, too.
PS, the wasabi mayo was super good. I snuck a tiny lick. I can see why you’d miss it! lol
@kim, Thanks again for the food samples. I am amazed that Washington’s apples are a non-detect giving the exposure to the jet stream and the high water content. But great news! i still miss my TJ’s Wasabi… it was a staple for me!! sigh.
@Chase et al from the FDA website; “Why is FDA paying special attention to injectable and inhalable drugs?
Injectable and inhalable drugs will be subject to physical examination and testing regardless of their place of origin within Japan because these drugs more directly enter into the bloodstream. All other drugs originating from outside of the ten prefectures in closest proximity to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant will be subject to normal processing for examination, sampling, and testing.”
I read the above with some cynicism. Food get transported via our bloodstream, right? Okay, after it goes through our glandular system, but there is still exposure from food. However, with a drug, it is extremely easy to identify which would lead to more specific lawsuits… and it is my opinion, read opinion, that this is why more diligence seems to be occurring with drugs rather than random food picks. And as far as the food testing, they found just one fish with cesium, out of 115,000? Really?? That’s is pretty stinking convenient if you ask me! My fish eating days are over!!
The following were non-detects in 10 min. tests.
Trader Joe’s Havarti sliced cheese
Fresh & Easy campari tomatoes, grown in USA
F&E organic gala apples, grown in WA
Please share with all communities, from FEMA. ‘Nationwide Test Of The Emergency Alert System’ (on November 9th
@Lenny,lucidf8 Our working theory has been that the quantity of short half life radiation detected reflects how much harder to detect longer half life radiation is in the sample.
Based on some pre-Fukushima readings, 4x over background is our threshold for LIKELY indicating Fukushima. In that regard, Saint Louis has been hit hard and fast several times from the Jet Stream.
However, California may actually be getting more fallout. But instead of the fallout coming in intermittent hard and fast as in Saint louis, in California it comes in slow and steady. If there was a place that could “No Detect” its way into some heavy contamination it probably would be California.
In regards to Radon, it is actively STEAMING out of the ground in Fukushima because of the recriticality in the ground water, that is what makes high levels of Radon in the rain water such a good indicator of Fukushima Fallout.
What has FDA’s screening and testing shown so far?
FDA spreadsheet – Note: GINGER POWDER
Items from Japan and the different cities that they were collected from. March through October.
For some reason the FDA assurances to not reassure me. 🙁
@Lenny: No, it’s not likely to be from Fukushima. These radon daughters are washed out of the air and become non-detectable after just a few hours. Radon gas is naturally present in the Earth (and the air above it) The rain just concentrates it’s progeny when washed out during rainfall. The isotopes being produced by Fukushima would have longer half lives. See POTRBLOG’s site for a more complete discussion about I-133 and other longer lasting isotopes. Southern California has been lucky, with only a relatively light dusting of Fukushima fallout, so far. St. Louis has not been so lucky.
thank you lucidf8.
so is that naturally occurring in rain storms at this high reading normal?
is there a chance that it’s coming from fukushima? doesn’t sound natural..
Glendale, CA rain after 2 hours, reads 413 CPM, a non-detect. Short half-life rain contaminates are likely to be radon progeny.
In San Diego, tested rain from car windshield 2 hours ago, 2X background on a 10 min test. Tested again same sample, now just slightly above background.
I probably missed it in earlier post, but what does the rapid decay mean?
I appreciate any clarification.
Thank you.
After watching Mike Collin’s video on radioactive rain at the Grand Canyon, I’m wondering about the rain we’re having today in SoCal. Is it radioactive also??
Does anyone have the means to report on this?
@Steve, with the exception of the IOSAT, it means putting all the products on the left side of the http://www.POTRBLOG.com webpage in use. It also means washing the cars before we pull them into the garage.
We also finally bought some HEPA filters and are using them in the sleeping quarters before, during, and after rainstorms.
After 1 hour, the Glendale CA rain sample measured 501 CPM. Very rapid decay, indicating a short half life.
Glendale, CA light rain at 5:25 PM 11/4/2011, 10 min CPM count 807, background 10 min CPM was 429. That’s an 88% increase! Radiation in the rain in Southern California. See the test on Ustream, http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/18313015
Some food tests for you to enjoy. All non-detects, for what it’s worth.
Fresh & Easy grated mild cheddar cheese
F&E half and half, best by 12-20
Horizon 2% milk, best by 12-10
F&E broccoli crowns, grown in USA
F&E red grapes, grown in CA
F&E organic unbleached flour
Exterior, in between rain storms, 49– ie normal for us since I got my Inspector.
11/4/11 – Agoura (NW Los Angeles County) Rain Sampling
Second sample, from late morning rainstorm. All counts alpha, beta & gamma.
12:10pm, bg = 47.9 cpm
12:28pm, 10 minute count w/rain sample= 118.1 cpm (70.2 cpm over bg)
1:03pm, 10 minute count w/same sample = 86.1 cpm (38.2 cpm over bg, 54% decay)
Interior background: 10:15 a.m.: 45 (normal for my house)
Rain soaked paper towel: 49
I’ll confess that I haven’t followed the re-testing protocol too closely. Should I retest? We’re supposed to get more rain later, I will take another sample this afternoon if we do.
I am in Ventura County, on the beach.
Red Sky At Night: Solar Flares Spawn Fukushima’s Deadly Delight
Back in April and June 2011 the Potrblog team predicted that Fukushima’s Fallout would create unusual Northern Lights. We now further refine those predictions of when and where to expect these unusual Northern Lights. We also tie the current events back to similar events during ARPA’s project ARGUS and its relation to the University of California Berkeley.
11/4/11 – Agoura (NW Los Angeles County) Rain Sampling
Car windshield washed 2 days ago. All counts alpha, beta & gamma.
Car parked in driveway during early morning (4am) heavy downpour. Rain had stopped 2+ hours earlier. Used potrblog’s thick paper towel technique.
7:20am, BG= 46.9 cpm
8:12am, 10 minute count w/rain sample = 56.8 cpm (99 cpm or 21% over bg)
8:45am, 10 minute count w/same sample = 50.7 cpm (38 cpm or 8% over bg; 61 count decay over 30 minutes = 62% decay)
No need to wonder why anymore. If this is true, omg! What a cover-up took place?
“Lucas W Hixson may have uncovered a major abuse of the public trust by the NRC. In late March 2011 the NRC issued a directive that allowed the nuclear industry lobbyist group NEI to supply radiation monitoring data to the NRC who would then forward it to the EPA. March 24th the NRC discussed handing over radiation monitoring to nuclear industry lobbyists, April 14th RadNet was shut down and went back to routine monitoring schedules. This meant no ongoing food,water and air filter testing. Only the radiation level monitors were left operating. The EPA claimed that levels were going down as the reason for shutting down the expanded monitoring, but places like Idaho did not have the decreases seen at other sites….”
11/4/11 7:00am Rain Sample:
Normal background: 33 cpm
Rain sample (10 min avg.): 70.7 cpm = 114.2% above bknd
Sampled in Orange County, CA (beach area)
This is the highest cpm I have detected so far.
@Poterblog: In your post you say you are taking mitigation measures. Would you mind sharing what those are?
Alert! 5:45pm Saint Louis Fallout Rain measured at 59x to 190X Above Background Radiation
Hi All,
More tests, for those interested.
Exterior, one hour north of LA at the beach: 51
Background interior: 47
Naked green machine juice, best by 1-19-12: 49
Coffee Mate Simply Natural vanilla creamer, best by 2-18-12: 48
Archer Farms (target) raw, unsalted almonds: 52
Green Giant bag of broccoli florets: 50
Driscoll Farms strawberries: 44
@Kim – I’m not killing myself worrying about the natural radium/uranium present in my tiles & other surfaces (Fukushima fall-out has that honor). I figure I’d rather have the stone/natural surfaces than something synthetic that off-gasses. It’s pretty interesting though and gives some perspective. I do always leave my windows open to vent the house (radon), whenever possible.
I am however, concerned about the nuclear waste products that are repackaged into consumer products to distribute the contamination far & wide (the old dilution is the solution mantra). It’s EXPENSIVE to store/contain those by-products, so selling them (incognito, of course), and making a buck is a more economical option: fluoride in our tap water, uranium in our pyrex & concrete, cobalt 60 in our lazy boy springs, the list is pretty long…. that unethical enterprise needs some serious exposing and then I believe the public would demand that it stop.
Cool that you’re a neighbor. You can get my contact info from Michael & Denise – we can chat directly & compare notes.
Good luck!!
@Annette, thanks for the info on tile, etc! I will definitely be checking out my tile soon… although, what then? So depressing!!
We are very close, btw, I am only 20 or 30 minutes up the road from you. 🙂
After a 4-month hiatus, the California Dept. of Health has posted their detection results form June through September.
Please note: although they state that the “miniscule” levels of cesium detected are 3300 to 6200 times less than the action level set by the FDA, you should understand the context:
The cesium detection in September, yielded 9.95 pc/l of cesium (combined). The EPA Maximum Contaminant Level is 3 pc/L. Therefore, the ONGOING cesium contamination of milk is greater than 300% higher than the EPA MCL.
You should know that the EPA is going through a process to align their MCL with the FDA’s DIL. The EPA’s level is intended to address a chronic exposure (ala Fukushima, 8 months later), while the FDA Derived Intervention Level is intended to address a one-time exposure (one dose). Clearly, referencing the FDA DIL as a citation for how “safe” the cesium levels in milk are is misleading and not reflective of the FDA’s DIL intended use (one-time exposure).
Additionally, the EPA is mandated with protecting the environment and public health. While I’d say they’ve done a pretty dismal job managing the public health crisis presented by Fukushima fall-out, I’d take their efforts over the FDA any day. The FDA’s primary mandate is protecting the economy/industry, followed by public health… Check out their websites/mission statements to further grasp their trajectories.
Jeff McMahan wrote a very informative piece about the EPA/FDA incongruence several months back:
The raw data from the 10/26/11 Iodine 133 and Xenon 133 detections in Saint Louis Missouri are available for download in the link below
32x Background Radiation Fukushima Fallout Rain at 1:00pm in Saint Louis,Missouri (approx 1 hour after rain stopped)
Boots on the ground in Fukushima, Japan
@Annette2, thanks to the link to the Np-239 and Pu-239 dispersion models. Slowly the nut is starting to crack open, its a good time to beat the crowd to what every supplies one might need.
I thought I would post this as it’s the FIRST real mention I’ve seen on Mainstream media.
It’s odd how they first show an official drinking a glass of Safe water, then just a few seconds about the reactor. (less than 10 seconds time)
MS NBC News: (entire clip is less than 30 seconds)
“Workers are rushing to control radioactive elements there… They fear nuclear fission is still going on…” – Brian Williams
The look on Mr. Williams’ face at the end says it all for me. thinking… I can’t believe they allowed me to say that.
Check out this dispersion MODEL for Np239 & Pu239, It uses Tepco’s release estimates leaked last week. Only runs through 4/1… but it is fascinating. You can plug in your specific location (500 locations plotted), and see the estimated deposition in 3-hour estimates. A bit morbid. What’s really fascinating though, are the 4 maps at the bottom, right. They show a cumulative deposition for Japan & N. America, for Np239 & Pu239 individually. It’s absolutely striking how the N. American deposition is light on the west coast (as opposed to the Rocky Mountain barrier theory), with heavy depositions in the midwest & eastern US (courtesy of that snaking jet stream).
It’s all just speculation for where it actually landed, I suppose, but the modelers did use actual release data dispersed through actual atmospheric patterns that occurred.
I’d say we need to each scoop up a bit of dirt from our respective areas & ship off to private labs to have it analyzed for specific isotopes, to confirm or refute this, and other models that have been put forth. Individual analysis and testing has been what’s turned the tide and opened the data floodgates for the Japanese people. An actual, as opposed to projected/speculated, deposition map can be created with the collected data. Let’s put some real data on the table, so we can quantify what’s actually been dumped on us and decide how to move forward.
that noon count in Agoura was exterior, sorry.
Agoura, CA – noon, 10-minute average = 37.8 cpm
@Chase – thanks! At least I know it wasn’t just me – phew! ;o)
@all – I sent in a bunch samples to Marco Kaltofen back in August. They included a car air filter (driven in Agoura, western San Fernando Valley and Santa Monica from March through August, plus 2 trips to Sacramento in late July/early August), Malibu beach & kelp samples, topsoil, home garden produce (oregano, rose hips, mint, rosemary, lemon, grapes, apricot, lavender, tomato, celery, lettuce onion, artichoke, swiss chard, dill), pine needles & a free-range chicken egg.
I had also included some spirulina from Hilo, Hawaii and dried milk from Wisconsin (harvested late April).
Today, I received a message from Mrs. Gunderson that included this statement: “No dangerous isotopes were present in the samples you sent to Marco Kaltofen. He did receive your samples.”
I have not seen the actual data, and I am not 100% certain that all of the samples were tested, but, this is excellent news, nonetheless.
I’ve sent in other samples to a private lab for specific isotope analysis. I’ll share those results with y’all once I’ve received it.
Australian physician, author, and anti-nuclear activist Helen Caldicott discusses with Earth Focus correspondent Miles Benson what the Fukushima disaster really means for the health and future of the people of Japan. Dr. Caldicott also explains the links between nuclear power and public health in the United States and Europe.
I have had the issue with my comment post not going through. (several weeks ago) I sent Denise an an email and she did some things. Not sure what? Also had some trouble when there were some special characters on my website link that was causing my comment to fall into the ‘spam’ category or something like that. (try leaving the ‘website’ field blank and see if that makes a difference)
I was doing a cut and paste prior to hitting the Submit Comment button just in case if failed. It’s been working fine now for awhile.
Hi Everyone
There is a NEW website out there pertaining to this topic + with GREAT info in case you are not aware.Check it out…….corbettreport.com
GOD Bless
Unit 2 reactor in Fukushima went kritical again. Bad news! Of course Tepco says there is nothing to worry about..small scale..and so on. If that is true why are they dumping boric acid in there? Guess what we will be detecting in the air next. Xenon detected in No.2 reactor
The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has poured water containing boric acid into the No. 2 reactor.
The move followed the detection of a radioactive substance, xenon, in the reactor’s containment vessel, indicating that nuclear fission may have resumed.
Tokyo Electric Power Company poured boric acid solution into the No. 2 reactor for one hour from shortly before 3 AM on Wednesday.
Last Friday, TEPCO began operating equipment to remove radioactive substances from the No. 2 reactor.
The device sucks out gas from the containment vessel and filters out radioactive materials. The company has been analyzing the types of radioactive substances and their density near the outlet of the device.
On Tuesday, TEPCO detected xenon-133 and xenon-135, substances that are produced during the nuclear fission of uranium-235. The company says the possibility of nuclear fission inside the reactor cannot be excluded.
TEPCO says even if nuclear fission has resumed, it should be on a small scale as there have been no major changes in the temperature or pressure of the reactor, or radiation levels at monitoring posts around the compound.
The government’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency says it is unlikely that nuclear fuel has begun melting again as the density of the xenon is low and there has been no change in the reactor temperatures. The agency says it will continue to monitor the xenon in the reactor.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011 07:27 +0900 (JST)
@Kim –
I think it’s your white counter tiles.
White glazes (particularly glossy) use radium (btw, the cement grout will be radioactive too).
Everything that comes out of the earth will have some level of radiation: clay (porcelain/ceramics), glass & crystalware, etc. Have you tested your toilet? I remember hearing of a truckload of imported toilets setting off the radiation detectors leaving the Port of LA (this was pre-Fuku, when the detectors were still turned on).
When I got my Inspector in June, I was shocked at the high cpm’s coming many of my ’70’s era home’s surfaces. My son’s white, glossy bathroom tiles were the hottest, followed by the tan kitchen tiles (both white & tan tiles are original to the home), next were the granite & marble countertops, followed by the slate and then the saltillo floor tiles.
I don’t have the heart to test my beautiful blue & white talavera shower tiles.
Here are links to a couple of articles I found about glazed tiles, specifically glossy white glazed tiles:
Hello Michael and Denise and thank you again for this informative site.
I just noticed that the Inspector’s screen is not readable. Not sure if it’s because of its angle or??
Any advice??? I’ve been trying to post a comment for a few days.. keeps getting bumped. Anyone else experiencing this, and what to do?
@Kim, I am re-posting links from @Bar. I already replaced some of my mugs. CORELLE tests low in CPM and so does bone china. High-end stoneware (not made in China) looks good too.
Vaseline and Uranium Glass
Fiesta Ware
Iodine 133 and Xenon 133 Indicated in 10/26/11 Saint Louis Fukushima Fallout.
Hello Everybody: Today Utah apparently got on the Fukishima scoreboard. We got some of the greatest snow on earth (so says Utah license plates) The background was 50.5 higher than usual. I guess radioactivity remains in the moisture (humidity). I will just stop breathing today. The towel wipe test yielded 92, 94, 106,108, 94 peaks. Holding the tester 2 inches over glass yielded 88, 92 peaks. The grass test unfortunately unique to me but I hope that will change yielded 102, 96,104,100 peaks holding detector 3 inches over grass.I am not going to try to speculate which isotopes we were graced with but the cpm was double background. I am 100% in doubling background when I test vegitation. This situation seems to exist rain or shine. As for the situation in Iraq and the mulitplicity of wars since Aug 1990 (yes it is that long) we have been breathing nanoparticles on not so depleted uraniun 238. The air circulates the entire planet every several days. Our detectors will not pick up these hot particles but they are there just the same. Loren Moret has done much work linking DU with the epidemic of diabetes – google her work.The half life if DU has been estimated at 4.5 billion years. Barring Divine intervention or a major technicological breakthrough Iraq will still be radioactive long after the sun is a burnt cinder. Thank you pentagon you – really showed that guy Saddam. Also the gold coast of Hawaii a naval test site (yes live DU rounds) is also a diabetes cluster area as per Loren Moret. This is a big story folks check it out.Friday brings more greatest snow until then bye you all.
San Onofre alert: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/11/monia-leak-at-san-onofre-nuclear-plant-prompts-emergency-alert.html
Could this be my problem? Tested my kitchen counter today and it was 55 in there. Stacked up our stoneware dishes next to the Inspector and my next 10 minute average was 72. What the?? Anyone know anything about this?? Or any safe stoneware? I want to recheck before ditching all of it, but that was a serious bummer.
One hour north of LA.
Exterior: 53
Dining room: 47
Taylor brand baby mix salad, purchased at Target, grown in Salinas, CA: 47
Fresh and Easy cheese tortellini in creamy tomato sauce: 43
Starbucks Kitamu ground coffee, grown in Africa: 55 (read that coffee is naturally more radioactive than other foods, ala bananas??)
This is so exiting, i forgot the translation 🙂
Belgium to abolish nuclear power
Belgium has decided to shut down all its nuclear reactors following Japan’s nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima Prefecture.
The European nation has 7 nuclear reactors at 2 plants still operating.
6 parties are in the midst of policy discussions to form a new government.
They agreed to draw up the plan for a shutdown of the three oldest nuclear reactors by 2015 and a complete exit by 2025.
They say they will implement the plan after considering alternative energy sources to replace nuclear power, which currently provides over 50 percent of the nation’s electricity.
Belgium had been reviewing the economic effects of a law passed to abolish nuclear energy in 2003. The Fukushima nuclear accident influenced the decision to implement the shutdown.
Elsewhere in Europe, Germany and Switzerland renounced the use of nuclear energy, while France and the Netherlands, both major nuclear plant exporters, support its use.
Tuesday, November 01, 2011 04:59 +0900 (JST)
Good news! Another country will stop using nuclear power.
Belgium to abolish nuclear power
University of California Berkley Brawm Badly Bumfuzzled By Borealis [High Brow]
University of California Berkley Brawm Badly Bumfuzzled By Borealis [Low Brow]
Shine the Light, thank you for the info. Both the author Amelia Frahm and the Nutcracker Publishing Company are now on my NEVER-BUY-THEIR-BOOKS-FOR-MY-GRANDKIDS list. The youtube video is really, really sick!
The presence of Fuksushima Iodine-133 remains strongly indicated in the 10/26/11 Saint Louis radioactive fallout rain.
Just saw this and I feel sick to my stomach. It’s a new children’s book explaining the virtues of nuclear power plants. The publisher in the press release indicates that they are ready to “radiate brilliance”. What evil propaganda this is. As a parent trying to protect two very small children this makes me terribly upset.
“BAFFLING” Solar Storm Neither Baffling Nor A “Treat” for POTRBLOG.com Followers
Busby: Enriched uranium weapons new battlefield horror
“…and possibly travel around the globe also…”
What a nightmare!
The Precautionary Principle:
“When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.” – from the 1998 Wingspread Statement on the Precautionary Principle
“The precautionary principle may also be interpreted as the evolution of the [Hippocratic Oath] of “FIRST, DO NO HARM” applied to institutions and institutional decision-making processes rather than individuals.” – wikipedia
This web site is straight forward and well stated!
See also:
What can we do to protect ourselves and our children?
(not sure I agree with all of it, but mostly good info)
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead (that would be us)
If someone has left a comment you can click on “Eat Me” under recent comments on the right. I agree that the “Eat Me” link should be a bit more upfront or easy to find. It’s a popular topic.
To find it:
From the Home page click on “More Radiation Station” under the Radiation Station Heading. Then, scroll down and click “Next” for next page.
I had it Bookmarked:
@Bar;Thank you for your concern. Today was nice, I just worked and drank good water and didn’t have to worry. It has been a nice mental rest. I even went to the store for groceries for my houseguest and hubby, and because I decided not to eat for a few days, I wound up not being so uptight in general. The houseguest and hubby chose their own food, and “don’t care” about Fukushima.
@Kim; Thank you so much for all the measurements.
I tried to find “eat me” on this site, is it still around?
Kim, I LOVE your testing THANKS so much for informing us. I’ve been wanting to buy strawberries for sometime now. Your and everyones testing of food never gets old. Especially for us without a counter. Thanks and keep it coming!
@Kim I know I appreciate your testing. The more the better.
It’s very informative. I know it takes time and effort too. Not only to do the reading, but coming here to post it.
It is ‘highly likely’ that the day will come when you go to test a peach or some lettuce and it comes back very ‘hot’. That’s the day the rad detector pays for itself. Your sharing of data is a really good thing. I would also not eat anything over the 15% margin.
I have spent some time thinking on how to best track down the reason for a somewhat hotter kitchen area. I know you’ve been sniffing it like a bloodhound. I love solving mysteries. Especially one that could effect your health or the health of children.
One thing I know is that when Oakridge TN, dismantled it’s nuclear facilities the scrap metal was sold to China. They then turned around, made products, and sold it back to the USA. Some nice looking silverware can be very ‘hot’. I would initially suspect anything metal. ie.. heating duct, grease fan or screen, etc… It may have been made in China. (?)
My suggestion (I’m not an expert) is to systematically break the problem in half. Test one side of the kitchen, then test the other. The “distance” from the source makes a difference. (I know you know that.) I’d go foot by foot if I had to.
I might then try removing one item at a time out of the area. Move the table. If that’s not it, then move the chair. If that’s not it, then move the toaster. etc… Although, it seems to me that if it was the chair, toaster or silverware drawer then holding the detector closer to it should cause an increase or spike. (This idea maybe not be so good.)
The other idea I had was to test the kitchen with the detector inside a paper bag, then a plastic bag, a large glass jar, and then a metal coffee can or a tool box. (all at the same location) If the readings are different then at least you know if it’s alpha, beta, or gamma and that could be a clue.
Alpha, Beta, Gamma penetration tests
Take care.
Thanks, Everyone, for your thoughts on eating “hot” food.
Today I purchased some replacement food for the items I had yesterday that were more than 15% above background, and had better luck. I also tested all the food in my dining room, which averaged 46.
Horizon 2% milk, best by 12-3-11: 46
Naked green machine juice: 47
Target brand small curd cottage cheese: 48
Archer farms (target brand) raw almonds: 48
Driscoll Farms strawberries (Watsonville, CA): 44
I don’t know if these test results get old for some, but I know before we got our Inspector, I was wringing my hands wondering what was okay to feed my child. Let me know if you want me to test anything specific, or if it’s just getting annoying. 🙂
Also, exterior on a patio chair: 50
Sitting an inch off the grass (cut 1 hour before): 50
(I am an hour north of LA)
@Bar Great Video link! Thanks. Highly recommend to all.
Well stated and to the point. This needs needs to be on mainstream media.
Nuclear Power: Dirty, Dangerous and Expensive!!!
Beyond Nuclear interview: (about 30 minutes)
I don’t see how anybody over the age of 12 could not understand this.
Thanks for the link Movieyawn. I haven’t seen much good come out of Alexander Higgins’ blog for quite a while now, but this is very helpful since the EPA made it increasingly more difficult to check these results on their own website.
What I like about Higgins’ layout is you can quickly scan down through the graphs and note similarities between the spikes very easily. There are definitely some weeks where all the graphs seem to show the same rises and lows in radiation (though whether they are linked to Fukushima is not entirely certain). Mostly, I’m ignoring the erratic single-spikes and looking for sustained levels over a longer period of time.
Here is a link with radiation graphs (EPA data) for all states. I am in Minneapolis and in the weeks immediately after Fukushima up until some time in June it was much lower – mostly under 50 CPM with spikes up to 100 or so and far apart.
Kevin Kamps from Beyond Nuclear interviewed by Karl Grossman
Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear explodes the myths now being promulgated by those promoting nuclear power. He tells of the insoluble problems of nuclear waste, how nuclear power plants routinely emit radioactive poisons, how catastrophic accidents can happen, how nuclear power plants are pre-deployed weapons of mass destruction for terrorists, and the enormously high costs of nuclear power. He exposes the falsehood that the French nuclear program has been a success and that nuclear power does not contribute to global warming.
Very informative!
SPIDERS: 1000 times
“radioactive cesium (Cs-Cs and 137-134) were analyzed…”
“gamma-ray emission…”
“The finding that high concentrations of silver concentrate is an insect in the world this is the first discovery. It is also clear that the bioaccumulation of radioactivity has started already in the forests.” – translated from article using google
Article: In Japanese 10/29/2011
This is the first time I have heard of radioactive silver. Ag-110m -(silver nuclear isomer day half-life 249.5)
My initial research regarding ‘first signs’.
My earlier comment on EnviroReporter.com
May 14, 2011 at 9:30 am
Here are some pictures/drawings of a study of insects near contaminated sites.(non-Fuku)
Bugs, will be one of the first signs. Genetic mutations. These mutations can then be passed on to subsequent generations. (if they live)
* credit Cornelia Hesse-Honegger
@roundabout, dont stop eating thats really not good for your health. We will all run out of our pre fuku stash soon and we will have to find other ways to keep the contamination in our food as low as possible. Dont think that foodstuff from europe is much better. The fallout from chernobyl is still hanging around and the government still warns about eating wild mushrooms, wild berries and wild boar. Boarmeat is still highly contaminated with cesium with 4773 bq/1. ( as you can see in this german language Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoMW3PawAxg) The hunters all have geigermeters to test the meat. Who knows how much of the fallout is on the Farmland. And now fukushima added some on top of that. We have to find a way to stop all nuclearpower. It is poisoning this whole planet.
@Kim; Thank you for including TJ’s Wasabi Mayo. I had stopped eating it for a month now. I truly miss it, but will not be partaking of it anytime soon. Apparently my intuition to stop eating it was right on. And thank you for the other measurements as well.
It seems that the central valley and California is really having trouble overall with the foodstuffs, which is one of the worlds biggest breadbaskets. I will be looking for foods from Chile, Mexico etc… I think I am going to stop eating for a few days so I won’t have to worry about it for awhile! Seriously.
@Kim – we don’t even eat stuff that is 9 to 10% over background. Looks like most of your items were 16 to 20% above your background which takes out the +-15% for deviation error. I definitely wouldn’t eat that stuff.
Take care.
Hi Friends,
My kitchen background today tested at 50, with a 2nd test at 48– normal for my kitchen.
FYI, I then tested the following products (all tests = 10 min), all of which came out at or below background:
Trader Joe’s mixed berry yogurt smoothie
Trader Joe’s Honey Crisp apples (grown in NY)
TJ’s Organic Baby Mix salad (does not say where grown)
TJ’s organic ground beef
Coffeemate Simply Natural vanilla creamer
TJ’s Very Green juice blend (contains spirulina)was 56
retest: 50
TJ’s wasabi mayo: 56
retest: 51
TJ’s raw almonds (grown in “central valley, CA”): 58
retest: 59
TJ’s small curd cottage cheese: 62
retest: 57
TJ’s lowfat boxed milk, best by 4-1-12: 58
retest: 55
I’m wondering about these borderline high items. Would you eat them?
Have a nice weekend.
Oh, and PS, I mop my (white :-P) kitchen tile every night with a wet mop. I tested my mop head, out of curiosity, and it tested at background.
>>>Some tiles from the 30′s used uranium glazes for certain colors.
Hi lucidf8,
Interesting about the cooking oil theory. I will look into the steam mop. I kind of slowly ran my Inspector through my cabinets and over my drawers last night, and didn’t get any weird crazy jumps. Not very scientific, but it’s a start.
However, my house was built in the 30s, and I don’t think it has the original tile, but it might. Certainly many parts of the house are original…
Neptunim-239 NOT identified in 10/26/11 rainfall
Iodine 133 IS indicated in that fallout.
Robert Alvarez on the Dangers of US Nuclear Power
What he says makes sense. How frightening.
We are continuing to ‘toxify’ ourselves and other lifeforms, into oblivion. Whether it’s DU or FUKU, what does it really matter where it came from? We know we are being lied to. It’s here and there, it’s everywhere. It has been for awhile and now it’s accelerating so fast we cannot see the exponential increases. All that we a seeing now and have been for some time is the increase in cancers and illnesses that have left no family untouched. (no life form untouched)
I read a book back in the 70’s called “Future Shock”. I remember doing a report on it in high school. Seems odd thinking about it now.
The book initially coined several new terms. One was “Information Overload”. I think that is part of the overall problem/situation at this time. It’s just too much for ‘a normal human’ to follow everything.
For a trip to the past or a look into the future/now here’s the movie/documentary of Future Shock narrated by Orson Welles. (the year 2000 seemed like the distant future at that time)
“…Technology has exacted a pretty heavy price… we are the victims of our own technological strengths, we are the victims of shock…Future Shock!” – narration
From the end of the movie…
“We must begin to say NO to certain kinds of technology… the technology is powerful and so rapid that it could destroy us… What’s most important is that we simply do not ‘accept’ everything.”
“The directions we choose have consequences not merely for us…”
final Part 5/5 : (1972)
@RM Stiles, The detections are fission products, not possible from DU. Given that Iraq pattern in the bottom chart tends to match the USA pattern, it is very difficult to argue that it is from anywhere but Fukushima.
The real question is why are the US readings so much lower when they should be comparatively higher.
Raw data from the Iodine-133 and Xenon-133 detections are now available for download
I drove from Colorado to Bay Area and did some tests at sea level. I have a few questions.
All 5 of my 10 min background test averages to be around +-0.2 CPM in my hotel room. Much more steady than Colorado.
First question – can the elevation that a plant or vegetable grows at affect the natural internal radiation of that plant? E.g I bring some grass grown on top of Mt everest (which there probably is none), and bring it to sea level. Assuming it has no radiation from unnatural nuclear sources, will it test higher than local non-radiated grass? I know for certain kinds of medicinal herbs, the more elevation, the more potency.
Second question – I have tested about 7 different things from Whole Foods like aged cheeses and vegetables from Mexico. All tested at or below background. I know that we’re supposed to give 15% range but the background is steady and all the 7 items have been at or below background. Then we tested Spinach and kale from CA. They both came out to be 10% or more above background. I think that although it’s under 15%, that these 2 veggies have radiation because all of the pre-fuk and southern hemisphere like Chile stuff seems to be well below background, which is strange.
Also, guy from Utah, you must be a little crazy to think that Fukushima has not reached the US. Haven’t you seen all of the rain test from Canada and all over the US?
Just a thought, probably totally wrong, but Potrblog, are you down wind of Fort Calhoune. Could they have had some small meltdown type thing and be off gassing secretly causing the extremely high readings.
Hello Everybody and Potrblog in particular. Is our lovely DOE actually blaming Fukishima for the disasterous levels of radiation in IRAQ? You dont suppose the hundreds of thousands of tons of not so depleted uranium we have dumped on those unfortunate people since 2003 may be a slightly contributing cause? They use uraniun hexaflouride for all sorts of munitions even 50 cal rounds according to the Great Dr Doug Rokke (what a great American Hero that man is). Potrblog, i am curious if you are detecting an elevated level of radiation in vegitation. In Utah I am constantly getting a doubling of background CPM’s by simply holding my inspector+ 3-4 inches above grass or small shrub. I understand that 75% of the fallout from the 1950 atomic tests is still airbourn. These particles contain some mass so at some time will fall to ground. I dont believe that this high level of CPM is from Japan – it is too uniform and we have not been hit with a constant jet stream yet – but that is coming. We had a rain in Utah a couple of days ago with no appreciable difference from background. The grass next to my vehicle was double backgroud – 86 vs 43. Cancer is epidemic nowadays vertually every community has a child with leukemia. This situation existed long before March 11. I believe radiation has been introduced into the food supply and NOT by Japan. All 104 nuc reactors in USA leak some radioisotopes. This leakage plus the Nevada tests plus the countless wars inflicted upon the planet since Aug 1990 has created a disasterous situation. I just got my detector a month ago and am still acquiring experience. I am very curious what other areas in the USA has elevated vegitation levels? If this is a universal situation we are in deep doodoo. These damn wars have to stop and the polluting reactors shut down or we are all doomed. Maybe that is the agenda.
Gun Fire at Fermi Reactor, Officer Wounded in the foot
[Maximum Alert] Neptunium 239 Indicative Fallout in 10/26/11 Saint Louis Rainfall. A unknown 58 minute short half life fallout was also detected; it may be related to interactions between the recent Solar Coronal Mass Ejection and High Atomic Weight Fallout in the upper atmosphere.
@Kim: I purchased a steam mop and used it to clean the floors in my kitchen. The steam bonnet picked up some radioactive dirt. The numbers were posted on this site’s graphs some months ago. Here is what I think happens. Oils from cooking collect on surfaces, fallout in the air sticks to the oils. Over time, it accumulates like a big fallout magnet. So, what takes up the sticky goo the best? Steam cleaning! You can use the steam mop on other surfaces as well. Some have attachements and wands that you can use to clean hoods, cabinets near cooking areas, etc. Also, you may not know the complete history of your kitchen. Some tiles from the 30’s used uranium glazes for certain colors. Even if the tile was later removed, there could still be some dust left over from that tile which may have been broken up during removal.
Tested some creek water from Santa Barbara, CA today and got a non-detect. Still getting readings in the high 40s about an hour north of wonky LA.
>>>@Kim, re kitchen, you could have something in there thats contaminated. I just read this article and couldnt believe it!
Bar, I was wondering about that, but have no idea how to track it down! I mean, really, think how much junk is in your kitchen! I consistently get readings from 45-55 in there, and that is about 8-10 clicks higher than the rest of my house. ???
US Government: Fukushima Radioactive Fallout TEN THOUSAND PERCENT Greater in IRAQ than In the USA
US Government: Fukushima Radioactive Fallout TEN THOUSAND TIMES Greater in IRAQ than In the USA
Hey Everyone,
Anyone know of some Soy Sauce that is safe to buy? Ive run out of my Pre-Fukushima stuff. And most all of it is made in Japan!
@Kim, re kitchen, you could have something in there thats contaminated. I just read this article and couldnt believe it!
Re. LA… I am one hour north of LA, and the last 2 days I have done 3 exterior readings. All were 10 min. averages, with cpms of 45-50. That is a few ticks higher than normal for my exteriors (usually 40-45), but far from 150+.
My kitchen usually tests around 50 for whatever reason (no granite counter tops, so… why?). I have recently tested Fresh & Easy cheddar slices, havarti slices, F&E large organic eggs, and baby carrots. All were testing in at background for my kitchen. More tests as they happen.
“The Japanese government has just started a new experiment in the very highly contaminated Iitate-mura in Fukushima Prefecture where the soil contamination exceeds 50,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium, with a host of other nuclides including strontium and neptunium which has since decayed into plutonium.”
What’s the experiment? To burn the radioactive soil to reduce the bulk for disposal.
This “experiment” will spew even more cesium into the air. If you throw a can of oil on the neighboors lawn, you have to pay the clean-up cost. Why can Tepco contaminate everything and nobody says a word to stop them? They cant do anything about the meltdown and they are trying to fix that mess. If noone stands up to scream because of that, ok. But this burning of soil is done deliberatly. They should be stopped!
Hello Everybody: Today we finally got some rain/snow in Utah. Bright and early this morning I tested my windshield by holding the detector 3 inches from the glass and the towel wipe test a la Michael’s videos. Good news a 473 10 minute baseline and both windshield tests no appreciable increase. The towel wipe test actually yielded less a reading than holding the detector over the glass. BAD NEWS I then tested the grass by holding the detector 4 inches above the grass. I got three successive peaks 84, 86, 84. Apparently the rain was clean but we have serious issues with the plants. Utah is a downwind area from the Nevada tests. I dont know what is causing me to consistantly get double the background when I read plants. I would like to submit that we should be very careful before we blame Japan for what we may be doing to ourselves. When potrblog announced his findings in St Louis the other day I checked radiationnetwork.com a nationwide monitoring system which showed no anomalies. Perhaps there is a local source of this high source to potrblog. I am certain that the dairy which reported a high concentration of I believe iodine 131 last march was zapped by their neighbor Diablo Canyon. We have not heard from them since. No doubt the Feds read them the riot act. The sodium radiation experiment and probably undisclosed other leaks show we have numerous potential sources right here is good old USA. Lets also not forget that title 50 of the US Code gives the gouls at DARPA permission to experiment on us slaves with whatever their black little hearts desire. Voluminous evidence shows that they have taken full advantage of title 50 over the years. I am definitely not an apologist for TEPCO but we need to be absolutely sure before we accuse someone. When I encourage people to google “Japan offers to enrich uranium for Iran” and yield numerous mainstream sources I am not accusing anyone. People should do the research and come to their own conclusions. I really think my work with plants is important and hope others will monitor plants in their own locals. We all eat plants directly or indirectly. Thank you for reading this.
@ Steve – links re: ways to support immune system
a download:
“The waves inundated the Fukushima plant, triggering the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl. However, it’s highly unlikely the tsunami-generated debris would be contaminated with radioactive material, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s marine debris program.”
I`m not so sure about that debris being clean of radioactive contamination. Fukushima spewed most of the fallout toward the ocean. Radioactive particles and isotopes rained and fell down on that floating patch. It`s twice the size of Texas! The big question is who will clean the beaches and how to get rid of it? I guess people should start testing driftwood.
@lucidf8 Thanks. Contacting Michael re: contact and testing …I bagged and dated the leaves today. Pics taken too.
@AngusMerlin hmmm…? Those numbers sure do seem HIGH! Over 100 means ‘Alert’… so where’s the alert? It appears to be fluctuating, but with a steady increase. …and as noted, the temps are cool.
In the POTR video he mentioned “there are things you can do [about the radiation], go ask your doctor”. My doctor would probably dismiss any possibility of danger, I suspect most mainstream doctors would also.
Can anyone provide me some links to info on what I can do to mitigate the radiation risk?
@Big R, thank you for the link to Nature on “Radioactive Wolves”. I really enjoyed watching the cute little wolf pups and went on to watch the movie about the crows too. 🙂 How smart they are! Its amazing how well the wolfs seem to cope with the contamination. My guess is they dont live long enough to develope tumors and they have a bunch of pups in a litter. So if a couple die its not that easy to detect. Pups with deformities due to genetic damage would die soon after birth and/or get eaten by other pretators. So you wont see “handicapped” wolfs. Therefore it appears that the animal population is healthy. But is it really? It would be interesting to know how animals, that live longer, like turtles, are effected.
Well, it was not that hot today (radon increased BETA readings have been linked with increases in high temperatures). Yet, take a look at today’s EPA radnet Los Angeles readings, and we were cool today. What’s up, Los Angeles?
Query Results for public (10/25/2011 00:38)
The data contained on these pages does not constitute an official position,
review, statement or confirmation of integrity by the Environmental
Protection Agency. It is not for use in any official manner unless
reviewed and approved by an authorized agent of the Environmental
Protection Agency.
Query Parameters:
Location Names: CA: LOS ANGELES,
Query Start Date: 10/24/2011
Query End Date: 10/25/2011
Fixed data selected.
Measurement End Date/Time Beta Gross Count Rate(CPM)
2011-10-24 00:29:11 203
2011-10-24 01:29:26 160
2011-10-24 02:29:40 163
2011-10-24 03:29:54 162
2011-10-24 04:30:08 155
2011-10-24 06:30:36 149
2011-10-24 07:30:50 153
2011-10-24 05:30:22 155
2011-10-24 08:31:05 148
2011-10-24 09:31:19 159
2011-10-24 10:31:32 168
2011-10-24 11:31:46 167
2011-10-24 12:32:00 160
2011-10-24 13:32:14 167
2011-10-24 14:32:29 160
2011-10-24 15:21:04 160
2011-10-24 16:43:44 61
2011-10-24 17:43:58 105
2011-10-24 18:44:12 113
2011-10-24 19:44:25 103
@potrblog; Thank you for the analysis. You explained it very well. And I am thankful you brought the human element into it as well; “This is awful.” Thank you for all your contributions.
@Michael and Denise; Thankfully you must be two very healthy people. You have been non-stop since Fukushima on this website! Plus what you did before hand! Most of us have no idea how much work it is to keep this up and going. Maybe you should market vitamins as your energy is enviable! Thank you and take care you two!
@lucid8; thanks for the leaf check!
@Chase; I remember those beautiful snow capped mountains as a child growing up in Tulare! Maybe a botanist can comment on the burned looking leaves. I believe I have seen leaves like that before Fukushima… I think maybe it’s a fungus? But I am not a botanist either. The baby birds were dropping like flys though this last summer in Lemon Cove area! That was unusual too.
@Chase: Send me the leaves. I will test them for you with an Inspector and post on Ustream. 🙂
Japan Map of High Certainty Strontium 89 Soil Contamination / Detections
[ALERT] Miura Peninsula, Yokosuka Japan, Highest Plutonium 236 and 239/240 soil detections in Japan as of 4/6/11
[ALERT] Mount FUJI, Nakahatanishi, Japan, Longest Distance Plutonium 236, 238 & 239/240 soil detections as of 4/3/11
Google Japan Map of High Certainty Plutonium and Neptunium Soil Detections as of 4/6/11
From Yahoo News: Japan debris headed toward Hawaii right now.
I’d like to think these events are indications of the turning tide. Interesting to note that, contrary to Obama, the EPA does not include nuclear power in its “green energy” bundle.
For Immediate Release: October 24, 2011
Media Contact: Mary Simms, simms.mary@epa.gov
U.S. EPA adds Global Tech Giants Google, Ingram Micro as Green Power Partners
Solar, wind farms will power Google’s data centers
SAN FRANCISCO – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is releasing its list of the top organizations using the most renewable electricity in North America. The Green Power Partnership’s top 50 purchasers use more than 14 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power annually, equivalent to avoiding the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the electricity use of more than 1.2 million average American homes. Green power is generated from renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, and low-impact hydropower.
“By making the switch to renewable power, these forward thinking companies are reducing greenhouse gasses and other harmful air pollution so that Americans can breathe easier.” said Jared Blumenfeld, EPA’s Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest.
Google is purchasing green power from NextEra Energy Resources, Renewable Choice Energy, and Puget Sound Energy. In addition, Google helped create the largest residential solar fund in the U.S. and has invested in several renewable energy projects, including the world’s largest wind farm, the Alta Wind Energy Center near Tehachapi, Calif., and the Ivanpah Power Tower solar project in California’s Mojave Desert.
Google has also signed two long-term contracts to purchase the output from over 200MW of wind generation in Iowa and Oklahoma, at set prices over 20 years. The renewable energy from these NextEra Energy Resources wind farms will be applied to Google data centers in these regions.
Ingram Micro’s corporate headquarters in Santa Ana Calif., is purchasing more than 3 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power annually, which is enough green power to meet 107 percent of the facility’s electricity use. The company is buying renewable energy certificates (RECs) from Renewable Choice Energy.
Ingram Micro Inc. is a Fortune 100 company, and the world’s largest technology distributor and supply-chain services provider, offering sales, marketing and logistics services for the IT industry worldwide. The company is a global broad-based IT distributor, serving more than 150 countries on six continents with a comprehensive portfolio of IT products and services.
In Newsweek’s 2011 Green Rankings, Ingram Micro is listed at No. 33, leading the technology distribution industry with its efforts to lessen its impact on the environment.
EPA’s Green Power Partnership works with more than 1,300 partner organizations to voluntarily purchase green power to reduce the environmental impacts of conventional electricity use. Overall, EPA’s Green Power Partners are using nearly 20 billion kWh of green power annually, equivalent to avoiding the CO2 emissions from the electricity use of more than 1.7 million average American homes.
Green power resources produce electricity with an environmental profile superior to conventional power technologies and produce no net increase to greenhouse gas emissions. Purchases of green power also help accelerate the development of new renewable energy capacity nationwide.
More information on the top lists:
More information on EPA’s Green Power Partnership:
A non-scientific look at LEAVES in my yard. I don’t have a rad detector so all I can do is observe.
This leaf and others look ‘burnt’ to me. I realize without being a specialist that this observation might be mold or fungus or acid rain or something else –> like maybe fallout.
Leaves Observation: This is what I saw and this is when I saw it. Tulare, County California 10/22/2011
Prescribed Forest Fires are still burning here…
…and soon neighbors will be burning leaves. 🙁
I have also noticed shrubs and plants flowering or getting new foliage recently like it was spring. (?) Also, there were almost no mountain flower poppies in the spring of this year. (they usually cover everything) The locals say it was because of the heavy rainfall and cooler temps. I am not sure of that assumption at this point.
Snow has begun to dust the top of the mountains. Looks gorgeous here!
Tested a bunch of stuff today: kitchen, living room, exterior (june gloom weather), plus O Organics apples (grown in USA) and VitaCost Kria Xanthin krill oil. All tested at background of 45-50. Also tested some play sand from my son’s covered sandbox, which has been sitting outside for a year. The sand tested at 63. 🙁
@all re: Potrblog video
I listened closely to the commentary. I would advise all with any interest to do the same. It’s laid out pretty straight forward.
Here’s only ‘some’ of what I got from it:
The troubling thing. Alternating cycles. 1, 2, punch.
(I would say there is no doubt as to this observation)
Potential for unmoderated criticality.
at 17:22 (sigh) “This is just a horrible subject…” – Potrblog
Risks are not being shared with us. Readings are so high, MANY are at risk. (no doubt)
The POTRBLOG team now has a video out detailing the Thyroid and Lung Cancer Fukushima Fallout detections in North America. The video is about 30 minutes long and goes into detail about the Neptunium 239 (Plutonium 239) and Iodine 133, Xenon 133 detections in Saint Louis rain fall. How the alternating fallout cycling is indicative of Neutron feast and famine cycling occurring as the Corium is fissioning in the Fukushima ground water. And, how the cycling back from Neutron famine to Neutron feast MIGHT lead to an explosive underground criticality.
You can see the video here:
Fukushima Re-criticality Neutron Feast and Famine Cycle: Dancing With the Devil in North America
@Kim; Thank you very very much! Please only purchase it if you use it already… I will tell you this… the stuff is so good it is addictive! I eat it on eggs, chicken, just about everything except sweet stuff!! I have laid off of it since the dates have been closer to running out of pre-Fukushima, and I soooo miss it! One of the condiments that makes eating great! So I will be curious as to the reading! If you do the reading, please let us know the date on the jar? Thanks Kim, blessings to you.
YOu can catch the episode of Nature on “Radioactive Wolves” online at http://www.pbs.org/programs/. Scroll to the right to the show Nature to see available episodes.
>>>>@kim; Do you have any Trader Joe’s Wasabi Mayo on hand that you could test?
Hi Roundabout,
I don’t have any on hand, but I am at TJs a lot ;-), so I will pick some up and get back to you within the week.
On PBS tonite 8 PM on KOCE in LA and Orange County, California on Nature is “Radioactive Wolves”. It is about the effect on wolves near Chernobyl.
@kim; Do you have any Trader Joe’s Wasabi Mayo on hand that you could test?
Hi Friends,
Exterior (on the beach, 1 hour north of Radiation Station)– heavy fog: 47
Interior, kitchen: 48
Tillamook cheddar cheese, exp 3-19-12: 46– background
Trader Joe’s spirulina tablets: 69 🙁
Fukushima Re-criticality Neutron Feast and Famine Cycle: Dancing With the Devil
Just tested a batch of “O” Organic salad blend (available at Vons) and it tested at my kitchen’s background: 47. That was a 10 min. average, not 12 hours, though. 🙂
The Day THYROID CANCER Was Thrust Upon Saint Louis, North America: Monday 17th of October 2011
The POTRBLOG team has been able to identify a 19.25 hour half life and a follow on 4.8 day half life component in the radioactive fallout which rained down on Saint Louis, Missouri on Monday 17th of October 2011. The half lives and decay chain indicate the presence of radioactive Iodine 133 and its daughter product Xenon 133. Additional longer half life components are also present.
Further updates, and data will follow
I emailed the manufacturer of the powdered milk I buy and this is their response:
“Our milk is canned fresh here in Sandy, Utah. We purchase our milk from Wisconsin and every batch is tested and receives what is called a COA-Certificate of Analysis. This certifies that the milk is free of any contamination. This includes testing for radioactivity or particles.”
Liquid thoughts. I have watched and listened to all of EnviroReporter’s videos. Thanks Michael & Denise. 🙂
Most testing of liquids was done through a “paper” coffee filter. Pouring the liquid such as juice, beer and sake through a filter in order to ‘capture’ particles seems to be the simplest most effective method from my perspective.
I would think this should work with rainwater or milk too.
I have also been informed that testing of water, like river water, can be done by taking a clean cloth and putting it in a jar. Pour in the water and let it evaporate, then test the cloth. (again, a ‘filter’ to attach to seems to be key)
This also made me wonder if pouring your liquids through a simple filter prior to consuming might be an added smart precautionary measure. At least to some degree. Whether it’s worth it or not overall, I don’t know. (maybe filter the liquids several times…? )
Important note: Powdered Milk. Some time ago I believe Michael tested powdered milk and it was somewhat ‘hot’. Also, Potrblog, if my memory serves me, tested –> “pre-fuk” dry milk and it was ‘hot’ for some reason. So, what I’m saying is, just because it’s pre-fuk does not mean it’s necessarily safe. (not sure why)
“Maybe someday, we’ll be filtering everything as though our lives depended on it.” – Chase
Here is what my Geiger counter manufacturer says about measuring food:
“Before you screen for radiation in food, you should establish a baseline measurement in the same location where you plan to test the food. It is best to accumulate the baseline counts for 12 hours as described below.
When you measure, you should put the mica window of the instrument directly over the food you are measuring, as close as possible. In the case of milk or other liquids, fill a container very close to the top so you can measure directly, without the glass in the way. If all your milk is from the same source, you might want to boil or evaporate some to concentrate it, then take a measurement from that. Set the display to Total and accumulate the counts for 12 hours in each location. Divide the total count for the period by the exact number of minutes to get the average CPM.”
Seems like a 12 hour count for a baseline background, then a 12 hour count for the milk is the way to do it. Would be good to test the vessel the milk will be tested in also. I guess if you test the vessel once, then use that for each test you wouldn’t have to keep testing a new vessel each time.
How about a FOIA request to FDA for all N. American dairy farms rad results of dairy consumer food? Milking cows/goats is serious business and the isotope detectors (capable of specifying each radioisotope) are in use regularly. FDA knows who has these devices (hunch) and how they are to be used. Freedom of information…
Bee Pollen is available at some health-type stores and found in the refrigerated section. This might as well be added to the list of foods to test and it might still be possible to find both pre-and-post-Fuku bee pollen…
If so inclined, learn more via goggling phrase ‘cesium 137 bee honey’ or something to that effect.
When you find the best way to test milk with that Inspector Alert, will you please fill us in? I still have conflicting advice on how to best test pure rain as (1),it falls from the sky; (2), rain stored in containers; (3), rain wipes from things like plants, cars, umbrellas, other; (4), rain found in reservoirs; (5) rain frozen in storage; (6), rain sent in for testing; (7), tap water. I guess we really can use a primer on lab/testing protocols, including how best to store rain for later testing and quality review. UCB’s forum seems to just add to the frustration…
See “The Fukushima Daiichi Disaster – Table of Contents”– some great analysis here.
Have been reading this site for some time. Wonderful work by so many I thank you all.
wanted to reply to Jetstreamed about supplements. Here is link to an excellent rebuttal to the recent Archives of Internal Medicine article about the possible danger of taking supplements. We need to make up our own minds, but there is a concerted effort to take supplements and herbs off the shelves, as has been done in EU countries.
@Michael; I can hardly wait for your upcoming coverage!
>>>I wouldn’t drink milk unless it was boxed and shelved before March 11th, or geiger counted, one or the other.
I am wondering what everyone’s thoughts on this are. We have been eating limited dairy, and now are testing it with our Inspector. So far I have nothing over background, but have only tested a couple of things. Knowing that milk is a particularly risky product, radiation wise, do those of you In The Know feel that geiger testing is enough to safely consume dairy?
Also, FWIW, I also called Organic Valley when this first happened and had a few questions about how they were testing. I don’t remember what I was asking exactly, but they were supposed to get back to me to answer my questions and never did. I called twice and never received a satisfactory answer, just head-patting. Made me suspicious.
So… Organic Farms does the testing, but will not post results for all to see. Why would that be?
Saying nothing, actually says a lot to me.
The FDA limit is very different from the EPA. Thousands of times higher actually. (overall) Yet, the FDA has the final say, (and this is the kicker), as to what products can be “SOLD”. (important to corporations) EPA is ONLY a recommendation. (important to humans)
I would say to Organic Farms and ALL others that if the “current”, not some new one, EPA standard is not met and results posted, then I will not buy your product and I may just hold a protest sign in front of businesses that sell your product.
As we all know, at least those who visit this site, ANY amount of radiation over normal background is not good for you. VERY long term low dose exposure to multiple types of contaminants is obviously not good either.
Most of the so called ‘safe levels’ were established based on the results of a single Nuclear event. Where your ‘levels’ might increase for a short period of time, yet would not be considered too harmful. These limits and rules were not designed for this ongoing ‘accelerating’ situation. I am not saying the limits or rules were any good to begin with, but they most certainly do not apply now.
Another way to look at it is how many Milk producer/distributors are NOT testing at all?
…and why? 🙁
Great. I was giving my 2 year old powdered milk until I read Organics Valleys statement. We have been giving him their milk since. Maybe we’ll switch back to powdered milk then; the manufacturer has guaranteed me it is tested radiation free by them.
Sheesh, it’s getting impossible to find any food that is not contaminated with something from somewhere these days.
Then to top it off, I find EnviroReporter’s section on Rocketdyne’s Santa Susana Field Lab meltdown. I spent all my life through high school living not 2 miles from there!! 50% of my household at that time have since had cancer (all have lived and are fine now). We know many families from that area who have lost family members to cancer. None of us ever heard about the labs meltdowns. I have since moved and don’t live near there anymore.
So, I have a Inspector Alert and am going to test my son’s milk now until we decide wether to go back to powdered mike or not (he hates it).
Any special way I should test it? I figured I would do a 10 min background reading first. Then fill a paper bowl (I’ll test the bowl empty first) with the milk and rest the geiger counter on the top of the bowl to do the readings. How close to the counters screen does the milk need to be?
I will also try and call Organic Valley to see what I can find out.
@Michael; Made the call to Organic Valley. Did not get Quality Assurance as requested so I just started asking questions. Organic Valley’s Board makes the decision, not all 1600+ co-op farmers, as to how the milk is tested. And pre-Fukushima milk was tested as a baseline. They will NOT tell HOW they are testing, and they ONLY go by FDA measurements which are basically worthless as far as safety is concerned. It is “proprietary information.” And they will NOT allow the public to have any information on not only how they test, but the results of those tests. So, unless you have a court order…mmm we may never know.
@potrblog; You may be right about the milk already being radioactive because I was told by Organic Valley that the milk they are testing are about the same.
@Michael Collins,Steve & roundabout, my GUESS is that Organic Valley discovered that their pre-Fukushima milk was radioactive enough that they could not use Geiger counters to detect the difference between it and post-Fukushima milk.
@ Steve & roundabout: I have repeatedly e-mailed and telephone-called Organic Valley and Emily at consumer relations asking how they do this. I have NEVER received a response. Now if they are actually doing some kind of radiation testing, don’t you think they’d share how they do it with an environmental reporter after they so clearly claim that they do this?
Why don’t you call them up, Steve, and ask them to explain how they are “carefully monitoring our milk as a precautionary measure”? Why don’t all of you make that call? IF you even get an answer, ask for the proof.
Dodgy claims of testing for radioactivity here in the United States and in Japan are part of our upcoming coverage with my experience with Organic Valley right at the top.
TOKYO, Oct. 21, Kyodo
“The Forestry Agency will test cedar pollen in Fukushima Prefecture for radiation from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, agency officials said Friday.
If high radiation levels are detected, the agency may incorporate the test data into cedar pollen dispersal forecasts that the Environment Ministry will announce later this year before the pollen starts dispersing in the early spring. The agency has requested the costs for the radiation test in a pending third supplementary budget for fiscal 2011 so as to conduct it as early as next month.
Thats something to remember next spring! Can radioactive pollen from Japan travel as far as other radioactive particles? What will that do to the honeybees?
@Steve; My thoughts on the Organic Valley article is two fold. Good for them for measuring. However, the FDA and the EPA did have, early on and may still have, differing thresholds for food safety. Ironically the FDA had a much higher threshold for food contamination than the EPA. So I don’t put great stock on the FDA’s safety values. From Organic Valley website;
“You may have seen recent news reports indicating that very low levels of radiation have been detected in two milk samples collected from non-Organic Valley farms on the West Coast. While any report of contamination should be taken seriously, the levels observed were extremely minute, more than 5,000 times below FDA protective measure thresholds, and are no threat to human health…”
The levels if I remember correctly from grass fed cows in San Luis Obispo were 4000 times above EPA, not FDA acceptability. I wouldn’t drink milk unless it was boxed and shelved before March 11th, or geiger counted, one or the other. I think Organic Valley is trying to appease customers fears,and appear responsible while not appearing to be “fear mongering.” My heart goes out to industries right now who are battling the FDA and food rights. They are between a rock and a hard place. Particularly those who sell raw milk products. So if a peach reads dirty, but a tomato is clean, well, get your own gieger counter seems to be the solution. We are saving our pennies to get one!
FYI, here is a statement from Organic Valley, what do you all think?
Japanese Radiation Events
and Disaster Recovery
La Farge, WI – March 31, 2011
Dear Organic Valley Consumers,
Organic Valley is an organization with a 23-year commitment to providing foods that are produced without toxic pesticides, synthetic hormones and antibiotics. Because of that fact we know our consumers have high expectations of us, so we want to give you an update on what Organic Valley is doing to ensure your favorite dairy products are safe from radioactive contamination given recent events at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. While all our dairy farms are located in the United States–thousands of miles from the affected region–we are carefully monitoring our milk as a precautionary measure and we will continue to monitor our products to make sure they remain safe for our consumers.
Over the years Organic Valley has built the most comprehensive milk quality assurance program in the country. In recent weeks, we’ve added yet another component to our extensive program: the ability to detect the presence of radiation in milk. We are analyzing Organic Valley milk packaged prior to the March 11, 2011 events in Japan to establish normal radiological baselines, and we are comparing milk produced today against those baselines. While there is currently no reason to believe American dairy is unsafe, should the situation change, these monitoring efforts will allow us to take appropriate action.
You may have seen recent news reports indicating that very low levels of radiation have been detected in two milk samples collected from non-Organic Valley farms on the West Coast. While any report of contamination should be taken seriously, the levels observed were extremely minute, more than 5,000 times below FDA protective measure thresholds, and are no threat to human health. We in no way wish to downplay the seriousness of the issue of radiation contamination, but it’s important to note that humans are exposed to a safe and natural background level of radiation through their environment and food on a daily basis, and the levels detected and reported are not a cause for concern.
Our hearts and minds continue to be with the people of Japan during this troubling time, and we are working on ways to lend our support as they deal with the aftermath of these disasters. The American Red Cross has an extensive and ongoing relief effort underway in Japan, and we hope you’ll join us in making a donation at http://www.redcross.org/.
The Farmer-Owners and Employees of Organic Valley
Consumer Relations
Phone: 888-444-6455
On Organic Valley’s Facebook page stated:
Over the years Organic Valley has built what is likely to be the most comprehensive milk quality monitoring program in the country. Because of the events in Japan, we’ve added yet another component to our extensive program. We are sampling milk from before the March 11th events to establish a baseline for testing our products for radiological contamination going forward. No radiological contamination has been found in Organic Valley products, and we will continue to ensure our products are safe for our consumers.
I hope this helps answer any questions people might have. Please continue to pray for those in Japan.
@Kim – Thanks so much for your suggestions on the supplements. I have read about these things too, and actually love the cool refreshing feeling when I use some to wash my hands after using soap. 🙂
However, did you read the latest “report” this week, saying taking supplements can be harmful and actually shorten your life and you should get your nutrients from nutritious food. The studies have kept going back and forth on this subject over the years. Have you noticed? Then my child’s doctor today prescribed 400 mg. of extra vitamin C for a sore throat/virus. So are supplements good or not? Or only some???
@Potblog – Thanks for your input on the Jet Stream only depositing possibly irradiated rain if it is from thunderstorms. Interesting…I still would love to confirm whether or not we still are getting fallout from Fukushima, and what exactly are the radiation levels in our home and yard. If you hear of anyone in Seattle who owns a Geiger counter who could help our family out for a couple hours one day, we’d be very appreciative. I could even offer to bake them some brownies (radiation free, of course!) ;-D LOL
Do you follow the U. of Washington Atmospheric Sciences satellite and radars? They show some interesting phenomena you should take a look at:
http://www.atmos.washington.edu/weather/radar.shmtl (check it out between 6 pm and 9 pm PST. You can select any day and time you want in the drop down box.).
Thanks again!
I added a paper shield and then a four layer thick aluminum foil shield to the roasted seaweed radiation test. The radiation level was virtually the same. This appears to be primarily gamma radiation at 31% over background. See the video test at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-rad-testing
I just tested a homegrown tomato from a backyard in Hillsboro Oregon. This sample tested OK, a non-detect. However, a roasted seaweed snack bought from a well known grocery chain tested 31% over background. See the tests at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-rad-testing
From NRC
On October 7,2011, a Category 3 public meeting was held between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and representatives of the Beyond Nuclear at NRC Headquarters, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland. The list of attendees is provided as Enclosure 2.
On April 13, 2011, Mr. Paul Gunter and Mr. Kevin Kamps representing Beyond Nuclear, hereafter called as the petitioners, submitted a petition pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 2.206 regarding the suspension of OLs of GE Mark 1 BWRs.
The petitioners addressed the NRC Petition Review Board (PRB) on June 8, 2011. The PRB recommendations were transmitted to the petitioners bye-mai l on August 16, 2011. The purpose of the October 7, 2011, meeting was to provide the petitioners a second opportunity to address the NRC PRB.
As described in Management Directive 8.11, “Review Process for 10 CFR 2.206 Petitions,” the petitioners are provided the second opportunity to address the PRB in order to provide any relevant additional explanation and support for the petition in advance of the PRB’s final evaluation. The meeting was recorded by the NRC’s Operations Center and transcribed by a
court reporter. The transcript is provided as Enclosure 3.
Members of the public were in attendance by teleconference. Public Meeting Feedback forms were not received.”
“Public Meeting Feedback forms were not received.” !!!!
Of course there wasent any “Public Feedback”! Remember? There were 30 people on phones waiting to give “Public Feedback”. But the NRC did not wish to unmute the phonelines and ordered the phonelines to be terminated.
Thanks so much for everyone’s kind replies. 🙂
@roundabout: Thanks for the suggestion of saving the hair clippings. I do have some hair from my child’s first haircut and some from a recent haircut. I only hope (and pray) that I won’t have to use them in the future to have to “prove” my child was exposed to fallout from Fukushima. 🙁
I appreciate your suggestions of prayer. We do so daily. It does help offer some peace of mind of course. 🙂 What would really give me that extra peace of mind I’m seeking at this point, however, is having someone in the Seattle area with a Geiger counter help our family test our home and yard. That way we’ll know, one way or another how much if any exposure we are getting.
My child plays sports and we both were outside in the rains during the rainy March and April “fallout season”. 🙁 So I cannot help but be concerned, as you can imagine.
Interesting you mention the air filter: Last month, I purchased a small HEPA air purifier and placed it in my child’s room, running it for about a week. It eventually stopped working…this is also what concerns me. Did it get a toxic overload of radiation or was it just an electrical problem with the unit?
You mention you are in the Bay area. Did you see the strange black clouds or smell the strange smell in the late summer (or early September?) that some people were mentioning on the UC Berkeley Nuclear Forum? A couple days earlier, there were similar reports from San Diego county. As far as I know, the “authorities” claimed they could not figure out what was causing it.
Also, do you follow RadiationNetwork.com? I’ve noticed that the stations in both WA state and Northern California are showing higher than So. CA lately (though I’ve also seen a couple higher counts in LA over the past couple of days.) While these are just Geiger counters and cannot really tell us the whole story, it still is interesting to watch which areas that do have stations (many states and areas near nuke plants unfortunately do not have stations on RadiationNetwork, such as New Mexico, which has been showing incredibly high spikes on EPA’s RADNET for several months now: http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/04/12/realtime-epa-radnet-japan-nuclear-radiation-monitoring-every-us-city-single-page-16511/
It seems many stations on Radiation Network are showing higher levels if they are near nuke plants (especially those which have had some “minor” emergencies or “incidents” in the past several months since 3/11) or near uranium mines, show higher readings. As you probably know, ALL nuke plants give off “permissible levels” of “low level” radiation all the time (“Permissible levels of cancer” is what they should be called…
Anyway, crossing my fingers I’ll find someone here who can help us out with a Geiger counter.
Thanks again.
Hi Raddies! I’m glad to see such interest and participation with testing of home grown vegetables. I have a home grown tomato from Portland Oregon which I’m about to test. It’s been grown out in the open with the Portland rain. Was it hot rain? We will soon see. Live testing will begin at 9:15 PM PDT. Check it out at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-rad-testing at Enviroreporter.com (East)
We have more test results from Western Colorado.
10 min averages
– Small bag of parsley from our garden – 34.8% above background
– Small bag of grass clippings from a large meadow near our house – 50.6% above background
Everything was dry. It hasn’t rained for a week.
2 tests on leafy veggies from my mom’s garden a few miles away which is covered by large leafy trees came back at background. I wonder if it could be that the trees sheltered the garden from most of the rain water. Also, she waters her garden with town water.
Our garden has full sun & rain exposure and we use irrigation water from the surrounding mountains.
FWIW, some strawberries (organic, grown in Watsonville, CA) tested at background in a 10 min. test.
New Arnie Gundersen clip.
TEPCO will pay themselves to ‘burn’ radioactive waste.
“…rubble is to be disposed of by incineration by four Kyoto-based companies” – from article
A spokesperson for the corporation was quoted by Fuji TV as saying: “…but safe disposal of said waste was stipulated in the contract.” – from article
(that makes me feel better..?)
These folks are absolutely _ _ _ _ _ _ !!!
[…fill in the blank(s)]
[…add more blanks as needed ]
Dear World Leaders,
Would someone please mention to these people or send them a memo stating this is NOT a good idea.
Who’s in charge of a world wide, man made (error in judgement), catastrophe?
@JetStreamed, just because the jetstream is overhead does not necessarily mean your rain is coming out of the jetstream. In Seattle I wager a lot of the rain is a local phenomena coming from warm sea air hitting colder mountain air.
My SWAG is that that the rain your would have to worry the most about is anything produced out of thunderheads / thunderstorms. Another area of concern would be places where the mountains are high enough that west side is wet and the east side is desert. Any place with a high incidence of Tornados is also likely at greater risk of getting jetstream Fukushima fallout.
>>>@Kim; Thank you those readings regarding the mist are helpful!
You are welcome, Roundabout! Glad to help.
JetStreamed, I am also a mother of a young child, and share your concerns. I wanted to tell you that, I am not a doctor by any means, but we are doing a lot of supplements. Look into zeolite. We are also taking a lot of spirulina (although I am told much of that is sourced from Hawaii, so we have stopped that for now and need to test our bottles), vit D, calcium, turmeric and NAC. Also probiotics. I have read and researched a lot, and most of these are considered safe for children in proportional doses. We don’t do everything every day, and we probably only supplement our son 4 or 5 of 7 days, but we try to help his immune system as much as possible. We stopped dairy completely for a while, but started eating small amounts a while ago. We may stop again now that reports of fresh iodine are coming out– will continue to test. I’ve also heard good reports of taking baking soda baths, so you may want to google that. We’ve also become very strict about leaving shows and outerwear at the front door. It is so hard to be a parent, and feel out of control. I stand with you solidarity, as we do our bests!!
@Kim; Thank you those readings regarding the mist are helpful!
@Bar; As a collector of dishes, I very much enjoyed having the facts on the Fiestaware! To think I ate off of depleted uranium as a young tyke! Ack!
[Editor’s note: Original orange and red Fiestaware was made with uranium oxide not depleted uranium, a practice halted during WWII when the U.S. federal government took over the uranium supply for the Manhattan Project. Bowls then bombs.]
Good morning.
I mentioned that I am on the west coast, about one hour north of Radiation Station.
We have heavy mist/ light rain this morning. I just used the paper towel swipe method to gather a sample and did a 10 minute average. I came up with a reading of 51, which is the same number I got yesterday outside in the hazy afternoon.
@2dogs; Welcome back from the Bunker!
@jetstreamed; Christopher Busby also recommends that you clip off some hair, date it and put it in a baggie in the fridge so that you have evidence should there be any lawsuits in the future. Hair contains contaminants. It is important to write the date on the baggie. If your children have their baby hair (some mothers clip this off their children and save it for sentimental reasons) then you have a baseline. Dr. Leuren Moret has expressed that the entire west coast should be evacuated. Most people are unable to do so. You can see Potrblogs readings in St. Louis are very high, so it is questionable whether evacuation to another place in the Northern Hemisphere would be effective. I have prayed over my home. This is a mechanism that, if you believe in it, can reduce stress and costs you nothing. My air filter was measured recently and had no concerns after being used since last April. I live blocks from the beach about three hours south of San Francisco. I have also had foods muscle tested before and after praying over them, and there was a huge difference! I wish I would have videoed that session! Although not a mainstream, scientific practice, I will continue pray. It may help relieve your anxiety. It did mine… However, it goes without saying, don’t become weary in well doing, and continue to ask questions, stay alert, and always trust your motherly instincts during this unprecedented time.
I’m a mom living in Seattle, and am looking for guidance to protect my child from radioactive fallout we have received (or could possibly receive in the future) coming from Japan. Are there any Seattle geiger counter owners on this forum who might be able to help?
Or perhaps someone on this forum might know someone in Seattle who has a Geiger counter?
I am hoping to find someone who can either loan it or help my husband and I take measurements at our home? We have a child and are very concerned about radiation levels here from previous fallout, and any new fallout we may be getting…(especially as the Jet Stream is back and the weather report says rain all weekend.) 🙁
I’ve been checking Radiation Network.com lately and it seems Washington State is consistently showing one of the highest readings of the U.S. states recently.
We are not in a financial position to purchase a Geiger counter ourselves, but if someone would be so kind to loan their for a day, or help us do the testing, I would be eternally grateful. 🙂
We live in an old house and my child’s room is in a converted attic (I read on the EPA website that attics tend to concentrate “naturally occuring” radon responsible for the majority of background radiation.) I’m wondering what other radionuclides they might contain. 🙁
Until recently, we also had moss covering much of our roof. I read that mossy soil tends to soak up cesium…(who knows what other isotopes fell on us.) So if the roof tiles are contaminated, then I am very concerned that any isotopes present which emit gamma rays could be bombarding my child from the roof above…
We have had some strange things happening to plants in our yard as well, so I’d love to have the yard tested as well (especially near the outlets of the rainspouts)
I am especially concerned now that the Jet Stream is now moving towards us again…and Japan is finding “fresh” I-131. This is a highly damaging isotope due to its high decay rate, and collects in thyroid. Children are especially vulnerable. I need to know if we should move out of Seattle to protect our child’s health and our own.
BTW: I also have saved some frozen rainwater from this past Spring which I’d love to have a lab test, as well as a yellow substance which fell on our cars and in our yard on our leaves (some of the news outlets claimed was pollen…) It would be great to test these to see if any radionuclides are in these too…if anyone has a way of testing these, please let me know.
Thank you so much! Keep up the great work, EnviroReporter and everyone who are contributing to this much-needed public forum.
@Movieyawn, i would get rid of the cups. Uranium oxide was (is?) used to color or glaze some tableware.
Vaseline and Uranium Glass
Fiesta Ware
Prof. Chris Busby video on supplements to block Fukushima radioactivity effects.
@Michael Collins, Yes the water squeezed out of the towel tends not to read anything; I’ve done that test in several of the videos. I squeeze the water out because it blocks the radiation. The whole purpose of the towel is to suck the water away from the wiped up contaminants.
In regards to the alpha, beta, gamma testing; First I take a close up sample reading without any shielding. That gives the best chances of detecting Alpha radiation. Alpha radiation is large and heavy so it is easy to shield with a piece of paper. But because it is large and heavy it can do a lot of damage when it hits sensitive internal body parts.
So in the video you see me blocking all the Alpha radiation with a paper plate, that means the reading on Geiger counter now reflects only Beta and Gamma radiation.
Beta radiation is an electron or positron; it is tiny and light weight which means it is fast and harder to stop. Usually a quarter inch of wood can stop it, or a few sheets of aluminum foil. Some beta radiation probably got through the aluminum foil I was using, but overall when I took a reading using the aluminum foil as shielding the alpha and beta radiation was blocked leaving just gamma radiation.
Gamma Radiation is a photon, it is has no mass. It is extremely difficult to block. That’s basically what I am measuring when I use the foil as shielding.
See the current test of canned Japanese Green Tea product, running live and Enviroreporter.com East http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-rad-testing
So far, after testing two common cereal products, I have two non-detects!
>>>>@Kim: You must have had your Inspector sitting on top of a granite top in the kitchen, right?
Hi Michael,
Good question, but no. I’m not sure why my kitchen is measuring consistently higher, but we do NOT have granite. We live in a home built around 1930ish, who knows what is in the kitchen?? I checked my bedroom this afternoon and got 39, and the room I am currently sitting in just tested 44. Why is my kitchen always 10 counts higher than the rest of my house? Anyone have any ideas?
Just tested 1 cup of Horizon boxed milk, sell by date of November 8th. The sell by date for this company is six months to the day after production. I tested it for 10 min, and came up with 43, so pretty much exactly background (44), for whatever that is worth.
Check out live testing of a common cereal product at Enviroreporter.com East!
@ ALL: I will be on the Rense Radio Network tonight for an hour beginning at 9:00 pm PDT. The conversation could Potrblog’s 2.76 mR/Hr reading in St. Louis, the radium bottles in Tokyo, and a historic meeting on San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station held in San Clemente we attended last week. Some say SONGS is one of the two most dangerous reactors in the country and it’s within 50 miles of millions.
@steve: You’re radioactive, steve, and so are bananas, that’s not the question. The question is if the object is radioactive from unnatural sources like meltdowns. In the Inspector manual it says it has a +/- margin of error of 15% and this is +9.5% so the answer would be no in this case.
@Kim: You must have had your Inspector sitting on top of a granite top in the kitchen, right?
@Poterblog: I wasn’t asking why you are able to distinguish between alpha, beta and gamma radiation and figure their amounts when detecting, I was asking how? I don’t just ask this to help others understand how you come to your conclusions, but also for myself because I respect your work tremendously. And in regards to Wilma P.’s asking about the water, are you saying that the water squeezed out of the soaked paper towels has lower activity as the radionuclides have stuck to the towel?
I have been wondering about the same thing as @Steve. When I got my Inspector I started measuring around the house and got mostly between between 30 and 40 CPM. Then (unintentionally) I rested the Inspector on my favorite ceramic coffee mug and got 120 CPM – oops! Measured some Correl dishes and finer china I have – normal, around background. Measured some ceramic mugs in my daughter’s place – one mug was 180 CPM. Should I get rid of the mugs?
Can someone tell me how much over background a reading has to be to for an object to be considered radioactive? For example: If I use my Inspector Alert to record a 10 min CPM of 358 for background, then record a 10 min CPM of 392 off an object, is that enough for the object to be considered radioactive?
@Potrblog iodine
saw this yesterday…
The samples were from Sept, 30th 2011
(slightly more than 2 weeks)
TOKYO, Oct. 18 — The Tokyo Shimbun is reporting that Iodine-131 was measured in dirt from a gutter in Hachioji, according to Mochizuki of Fukushima Diary.
I did also read of another iodine detection article within the last week and I thought that was odd. (sorry, did not bookmark that one)
We just received our Inspector, and have been testing it out.
I live on the coast, roughly an hour north of Radiation Station. FYI, we have had “June Gloom” weather here for a few days: heavy cloud cover and fog.
All of these are 10 minute averages.
I don’t know what I’m doing, so feel free to correct technique.
inside kitchen: 56 cpm
held over a slab of Tillamook cheddar: 46
(how can the cheese show lower than the background of the room? we had some Tillamook that was pre-Fuk, so that may be from before this whole mess)
exterior: 51
sea water sample from harbor (1 cup of water in stainless steel bowl, Inspector held just above it): 61
My husband took the unit out of the box about 4 days ago and did some spot readings, testing just for a minute or so, and was getting readings around 40 for his home office, and also about 45 on a tub of yogurt. So we’re up a bit, although he wasn’t doing 10 minute averages. That was before the June Gloom we have been having, for what it’s worth.
I hope to take a couple of readings a day on various items to keep tabs, and will post back anything of interest. I hope to test some milk and veggies later today.
ASSISTANCE REQUEST: Please scour and report any data coming out of Japan dated within the last few weeks that have any indication of Iodine -133 or Xe-133 detections. The shorter half life of I-133 would indicate an fission event in Fukushima within the last week (2 weeks max).
Japanese communities record Chernobyl-level radiation
KOYU ABE, BUDDHIST MONK: This radiation is like an invisible snow. It’s fallen and brought us a long winter. But eventually the snow will melt and spring will come.
This clip is so sad. A long winter indeed.
There is a new Arnie Gundersen video!
Breaking News: Neutron ray measured in Tokyo
“Neutron ray can not be measured by most of the Geiger counters, and it’s way more harmful to human body.
According to the worst pro-nuc safety standard ICRP60:
Tumor risk: 3~200 times higher than gamma ray
Possibility to shorten your life by cancer: 15~45 times higher than gamma ray
Genetic transformation: 35~70 times higher than gamma ray
Chromosomal abnormality: 40~50 times higher than gamma ray
Genetic impact for mammal: 10~45 times higher than gamma ray
This is why I warned that dosimeters makes you blind.
There have been a lot of the cases such as nosebleed, fatigue (bura bura disease), immune trouble etc..
They have been labelled as “harmful rumor” because “air dose” is too low to cause those symptoms.
However, this measurement of neutron rays makes everything clear.
Fear is always in the blind spot.
Now Uranium 235 is all around in Tokyo, which came from MOX with Plutonium.
They keep emitting neutron ray.”
Mr. Mochizuki makes a good point here. Neutron ray is emitted from Uranium 235. There is so much more to the radioactive contamination than most of us can phathom or measure if we have the wrong device.
@wilma.P, if you watch the POTRBLOG videos you will see that the generally the water coming out of the paper towels typically has little detectable radioactivity.
Please listen to interview taped September 9, 2011 of Frank E. Daulton, Ph.D., Prof. of Economics and Linguistics, Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan (scroll about one-third of the way down, link above).
After listening, please see this statement therein:
“As soon as anyone turned on an actual Geiger counter – if you are close to the ground level so that you are capturing not just the gamma radiation coming from all around you, but the beta particles that stop within a few meters from their contact with air molecules – if you are down at ground level, the measurements are around 0.4 microsieverts/hour. That is about 10 times higher than 0.03 microsieverts/hour background level asserted by official sources.”
and this:
“But the glaring problem is: although gamma radiation is very penetrating and can travel great distances and heights, beta particles – which is the other thing that radioactive iodine and cesium emit – are stopped within a few meters (by air molecules). So, the official data from the start is only reporting gamma radiation, which is only part of the total radiation that tends to be accumulating at ground level.
and this:
“I also have to point out that official measurements are taken from atop tall buildings, which are usually government facilities. In the case of my Shiga prefecture, the (measurement height) is 20 meters (66 feet); in Osaka it is around 30 meters (98 feet).”
Now are not Berkeley’s measurements taken in similar fashion; that is, on top of an academic building at the university? Also, what effect would distilling down the rain samples be — would it be to actually LOWER the results of radio isotopes that UCB counts? If “beta particles…stop within a few meters from their contact with air molecules”, then what are realistic beta counts some 5000 to 7000 miles downwind of Fukushima?
My original thought to you is to actually follow part of your technique, in wicking the water onto the clean paper towel. Once wet, then take a reading of JUST THE WATER and not plus the highway/street grime. Forget about boiling/distilling it away as UCB does, how about a simple rain-only sampling? (1), Use of a tarp to collect the rain (=easy with larger collection surface area versus a bucket or the bad idea of just laying out several sheets of paper in the elements to be blown around in the wind and mud, etcetera), (2), dip paper towel in the collected rainwater, and (3) then save that extra rainwater for further testing / verifying if you wish.
FWIW, Chris Busby advocates saving of rainwater for rad testing for very GOOD reason… just keep it safely away from kids.
[Preliminary Alert] Decay signature of Iodine-133 tentatively identified in the 2.76 mR/Hr Fukushima Fallout which occurred in Saint Louis, Mo on 10/17/11
@Michael Collins, I would expect the numbers to be higher the further west one went IF the rain tapped into the same source. My guess is that the Radon Daughters would not be massively higher because they disappear to fast to build up; However, any NP-239 present would tend to be more noticeably higher the further west one went in time.
But as stated, the source of rain is important. Places like Seattle may be getting local rain from warm ocean breezes hitting cooler land air. That kind of local rain would tend to be less contaminated (as long as the ocean is clean). Rain that is coming out of Jet Stream interactions would tend to have more fallout. In Saint Louis we are in “Tornado Alley” because of those Jet Stream interactions.
In regards to the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma testing of the source; it can give indications what the fallout may be, based on the different kinds of radiation present. Doing those tests and showing how quickly the stuff decays also makes for a really strong indication that nothing is faked.
@Wilma P, for that tarp method to be functional with a Geiger counter all the collected water would have to boiled off; on top of that, radioactivity is sticking to the tarp too.
The paper towel method works because it wipes up the contamination that has stuck to a surface, and wicks the water away from that contamination. Anything that interferes with those two aspects (wipe up and wicking) reduces the measurable radioactivity. The best surfaces to test are hard, smooth, non porous, and with a thin coating of water on them. Even the difference between a new car’s paint and an older car’s paint is noticeable on the wipes.
@ Potrblog: This is an astonishing and dismaying detection of radionuclides in your St. Louis rain sample. Could you explain to our readers how you break down from the total how much beta and how much alpha you detect by using your four-folded aluminum foil and paper plate over the sample? What is the breakdown between alpha, beta and gamma in this sample? I know what you’re doing but many of us may not. What do these alpha and beta readings suggest to you? Also, would the jet stream storm that brought this rain to you have higher radiation closer to the source (Fukushima meltdowns)? In other words, would Seattle and the Northwest’s readings of the same storm be higher than what you are detecting?
I also want to express Denise and my personal dismay that you have endured this repeated fallout nuking (as have many of you impacted by this storm system and the ones that have preceded it over the last 7+ months). We take solace in your personal strength and unwavering resoluteness in continuing your testing which is crucial to understanding the impact of this continued fallout. Thank you.
@ Lenny: Your readings all fall within the Inspector Alert’s +/- 15% margin of error so I wouldn’t get too worked up over these specific readings. Thank you so much for sharing them with us and keep ’em coming.
@Potrblog Family in Missouri is aware and taking precautions. Thank you. I agree with your reply on youtube, that this is accelerating. (at least it appears that way) The jet stream is also starting to do its dip down from Canada.
“According to government and industry officials, no one died as a result of Three Mile Island and only low doses of radiation — equivalent to a single chest X-Ray were released. But many local residents disagree and cite medical evidence that radiation released from the Three Mile Island reactor was severe enough to cause disease and death.”
Link TV Specials: Nuclear Power Special Issue
Three Mile Island: The Controversy Continues
Chernobyl: The Real StoryChernobyl: The Real Story
Robert Alvarez on the Dangers of US Nuclear Power
Bill Gates discusses Fukushima:
“This Fukushima thing is terrible, it’s awful over there…”
“The actual effect is clearly going to be negative…”
“The human element is NOT on your side…” – Bill Gates
His solution. Make more Nuke Plants that are controlled only by computer programs to eliminate that ‘human’ factor which keeps messing things up. What an idiot. Maybe we should have the computers write their own programs then we’ll be really safe. (sarcasm) (I liked the comments on this one.)
Some interesting results/ questions. Using our new Inspector Gieger Counter, we are asking for clarification on some of these results. All were done at 30 min average indoors in Colorado at 7000 feet.
Background indoor test area – 58.1 CPM
Swiss chard from garden – 66.2 CPM (13.9% above background)
Zuchinni from garden – 59.6 CPM ( 2.6% above background)
Chlorella from Japan (supposedly pre-fukushima) – 63.8 CPM (9.8% above background)
Chlorella from Taiwan (not sure if pre or post fuk) – 64.8 CPM (11.5%)
Question – we are pretty sure that our garden veggies has some radiation. But we’re uncertain if the readings from the Chlorella came from radiation or do some foods/ supplements naturally produce higher readings above background? Or maybe the vendor lied to us about the Chlorella being pre-fukushima?
We read that certain food items that are high in potassium register higher readings not due to radiation. If so, is there any method to differentiate the none-radioactive material readings? Chlorella has 968mg/100g of Potassium.
It seems like we might be losing a lot of weight as there is nothing to eat 🙂
We appreciate any input/ comments.
I’m catching up and reading others past comments:
Xcellent link from Bar on Sept 20th, 2011 10:46am
Chris Busby caught on camera in 2009 presenting the conclusions of his examination of nuclear scientists and those who believe in nuclear energy and the atom. Asked by Swiss film-maker Edgar Hagen about a proposed movie about nuclear waste, Chris makes the point that there is more behind the nuclear energy arguments than is immediately apparent. He peels back the layers one by one, and concludes that the nuclear issue represents a fundamental historical split in human nature, one that perhaps defines the present world but is an alarming error in its reductionism presented as objectivity. He concludes that blind belief in such reductionist science will lead inevitably to a science assisted collision with reality.
Simply stunning.
Would it be possible to collect rainwater with a tarp, (say a large tarp catch, similar to UCB’s apparatus), then simply dipping your clean paper towel into collected rainwater for measuring? The idea is to see if there is a difference in results using pure rain verses road grime mixed with rain from your vehicle. Tarps come in various sizes, have you seen how Berkeley does it? (please open next)
Thank you for the alerts, I hope people are listening to Potrblog and taking precautions.
ALERT!! 2.76 mR/hr Fukushima Rainfall in Saint Louis Missouri on 10/17/11, (270x Background)
Direct link to the video
ALERT- Saint Louis 4:30pm 1017/11 radioactive rainfall at 270+ times greater than background radiation- 2.7 mR/hr
more info to follow on http://www.POTRBLOG.com
Ian and Colin travel back to the city of Minamisoma five months after they filmed this feature documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGXy0XiFKw0&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL71C5A9C53879E93E
there about the children living in the radiation zone 20-30 km from the damaged nuclear power plant in Fukushima.
In Part 3, on the way to the 20 km exclusion zone, they drive through the wasteland where the debris from the March 11 earthquake and tsunami is being sorted and stored. When they arrive, Ian talks with some of the people they meet at the exclusion zone. Finally, they approach the 20 km border.
Min 3:25 Part 2 Ian asks the Person in charge at the newly build temporary housing complex: “Do you have a message to the world?” and he somberly answered this:
“I don’t want to speak ideologically, but…
This “once in a hundred years” tsunami was an act of god. Its devastating, but its something we must deal with. However, this nuclear accident was man-made. This was caused by human error. I believe that these nuclear power plants are criminal. The entire world must come up with an alternative to nuclear power. Accidents like this cant be undone. How many generations will be effected by this accident? It is our duty to ensure that an accident like this never happens again by eliminating nuclear power plants.”
“To experts who are bought and sold
Who lie with every breath
Whose project poisons all the world
With radioactive death” – Busby
A song by Christopher Busby
‘Newspaper Man’
And I’m in SB. Maybe the people that I’ve spoken to about this will sit up and listen and not look at me as though I am losing my mind and crying wolf. Some people just don’t want to hear it. I always ask before I send an email to someone with my fact-finding links. It shakes up their world just a little bit too much. My reply to them is they’re better off keeping tabs on this situation. It’s sad that so many people are burying their heads in the sand. Soon, results will surface and will clearly make our point.
Hello Everybody: Ever since I received my inspector for whatever reason I have been reading plants. I am getting consistant high readings. Today in Cedar City, Utah backgroung at 40.3 – not bad for 6300 feet alt. I read a two foot high bush the detector 3-4inches from leaves the detector about 30 inches above ground and got a 94 peak. I read a nearby tree the detector 6 feet above ground and got a 74 peak. I took photos of the readings. I think this consistant high reading of various plants portend a serious problem for the ecosystem as well as the food supply. I wonder how long this situation has existed with plants as I only have had my detector a month. Maybe this situation goes back before Fukishima. Utah is a downwind state of the 1950 Nevada tests. The world has had 21 years of depleted uranium in so many wars I have lost count. I think we all should continue to monitor vegitation to ascertain if Fukishima is making the situation worse.
roundabout- as you know I have been ‘in the bunker’ the last few months- I’ll go over the past site notes. glad the filter checked out…the jet stream forcast seems kind of ugly right now:
NPNG- the morro bay sniffer will be spitting distance from me so I will watch that closely- since it ill be just a few miles N of diablo canyon nuke plant, it may, if the wind is right, also tell us if diablo happens to ‘relieve itself’ on occasion….IF they ever let us see what’s the read-outs.
Feds send radiation monitors to Santa Barbara and Morro Bay!
So we should’ve been wearing masks. Maybe…? Probably…!
Plutonium-238, -239, -240, and -241 were released “to the air” from Fukushima Daiichi during the first 100 hours after the earthquake.
The amount of plutonium released is said to be 120 billion Becquerels. (billions)
It also states there was a release of 7.6 trillion Becquerels of NEPTUNIUM-239. (trillions!)
(Note: Just saying.. Potrblog may have mentioned Neptunium once or twice. They were a couple of naysayers, but they are currently not saying much.)
Mochizuki says this report was made by Tepco for a press conference on June 6 (2011) and the media knew and “kept concealing the risk for 7 months and kept people exposed”.
(Who was told and who ‘exactly’ withheld the information is what I would really like to know.)
I guess it’s hard for me to believe that ‘people’ would lie to other people, (the entire planet actually), about information that is so important and that will have an affect on the quality and length of all of our lives not to mention the unknowns of future generations. How and why can our world leaders, academics and agencies that are supposed to protect us, like the EPA, remain totally silent? …for how long?
Yesterday, I heard someone say, “I thought this mishap was over 4 months ago, I haven’t heard a thing about it.” I am not sure how this perception has been implanted into the thought patterns of most it seems. ..or perhaps the truth perception has been blocked? I am not sure which, but something’s up. 😉
@weaver. Absolutely, on all counts.
Thank you Michael and Denise Anne, and to all for your valuable input.
@2dogs; Did you notice the hepa filters that I sent from Grover Beach that were measured by Michael came back pretty clean? Since you are close by, it might be reassuring to you. And I agree, the white noise is great, and it is nice to clean the air regardless.
IAEA is encouraging Japan to not be conservative about the disposal of radioactive soil once it is removed:
The IAEA report on Japan’s crises will be available next month.
@kim; If you google “nuclear reactor sites in the United States” you be shown a map with all the operating reactors in the USA. There are quite a few on the East Coast The ones that are not operating in the USA are not shown on this particular map, but there are maps on the NRC site that show those plants which are not operating as well. The non-operating plants should be important during natural disasters due to possible spent fuel storage in the plants and contamination issues surrounding the plant.
hello kim-
we decided on spending some $ on air cleaners pretty early on in this mess. we went with a small austin ‘allergy machine’ unit for our bedroom and a larger one for our very open main area of the house. they have the military grade filters that may take out the hot stuff. the filters are replaceable, and the exterior shell allows you to vacuum the outer filter.
we have had them for some time now and all I can say is if nothing else, I wake better refreshed- the air smells different and my allergies are at almost non-existent levels. the fans at the highest levels are loud, but it’s a nice white noise at night. we have been perfectly happy with them.
HI Kim
I really like the IQAir Health Pro Plus with the V5 cell. But it is kind of expensive ($850) but well worth every penny. It has a HyperHepa filter. Made in Switzerland.
>>>Sorry for the off topic @Michel Collins. It wont happen again.
I don’t want to seem cheeky, but my husband and I were talking about this Canary Islands volcanic event also. If it blew and there were resulting tsunamis headed for the east coast, wouldn’t that endanger the nuclear reactors there?
Just wondering.
Can anyone recommend a HEPA filter that they like (preferably not a crazy expensive one)? I see that many of them come with permanent filters. If yours does, how are you handling cleaning that, knowing it may be hot?
Thank you.
@NPNG I’m no marine biologist, but the described symptoms all sound like radiation poisoning. It would be unusually naive of scientists to treat this strictly as a virus and not bother testing for radiation. However, I believe that if radiation IS the cause, we will not hear about it.
These days, it’s a wonder anything lives in our increasingly-toxic oceans at all…
“Some of the results were shocking: the sample that Mr. Hayashida collected under shrubs near his neighborhood baseball field in the Edogawa ward measured nearly 138,000 becquerels per square meter of radioactive cesium 137.”
“Mr. Hayashida, who discovered the high level at the baseball field, said that he was not waiting any longer for government assurances. He moved his family to Okayama, about 370 miles to the southwest.
‘Perhaps we could have stayed in Tokyo with no problems,’ he said. ‘But I choose a future with no radiation fears.'”
The father moved his family, not relying on repeated minimizing of radiological data findings by government regulators, but relying instead upon his own findings. This is what it has come down to: there is no excuse for
ignorance, including those downwinders across the Pacific and in North America. Please make informed decisions, but make them soon.
@Michael — Suggestion: would it be possible for both Jeff Rense and you to interview Robert Alvarez, nuclear expert & former special assistant to the U.S. secretary of energy? It seems Mr. Alvarez would be very supportive of your current efforts, especially including the Rocketdyne problem (please read article linked above).
Walruses suffer from similar disease afflicting Alaska ringed seals
Oct 14, 2011 Article in AlaskaDispatch
“50 dead ringed seals that had lesions and patchy hair loss. Scores more with the lesions and skin ulcers are acting sickly. Julie Speegle of NOAA said those lesions have been found in the animals’ respiratory system, liver, heart and brain as well.”
“Walruses that have hauled out by the thousands at Point Lay in Northwest Alaska during recent summers — an event driven by climate change — are also turning up with bizarre, festering sores. Scientists estimate perhaps 600 are infected. Instead of wounds on their faces and rear flippers, red abscesses pepper the animals’ entire bodies. But apparently only a few have perished.”
“The outbreak among ringed seals is reportedly occurring in Chukotka, Russia, and in northern Canada, and officials said they are working with biologists to determine if there’s a link with seals in those countries. Harp seals in Greenland had similar problems earlier this year.”—NPNG note: I googled harp seals disease greenland but did not find any mention of this.
Samples have been sent to US and Canadian testing labs. I hope they’re honest about the results.
What happened at the San Clemente meeting and the LA area nuclear power plant. A must see, but highly edited. It gives a taste of the meeting I suppose. Get beyond the first minute or so.
Okay, last post here! Good night! Have a great weekend.
And for your reading “pleasure”, a pdf accounting for the real problems our nuclear facilities are now facing. This pdf has nice color pictures and spells things out clearly, even a grade school student could understand it. In fact, if I was a teacher, I might get permission to use it in my class!
Newer Arnie Gunderson videos:
This one is all about cost benefit of human lives, and Chase, NOT cleaning up the forests…
And this video is the latest on his website, I believe the one from San Clemente the other day.
Here’s some of what I know on Rad Detector reading and where I learned it from. (disclaimer: I do not own a detector nor have I ever operated one)
#1 Best Tip -> Watch Michael Collins’ videos here on EnviroReporter. (seriously!)
#2 Read the Manual. Study a bit. Do your best is what I would say. Learn the basics and READ the MANUAL, several times, is probably a good tip.
Here are some tips from a youtube user called anti-protons about making a video and testing rain.
This is what I got out of the video.
1 Don’t touch the sensor
2 Calibrate yearly (or equivalent)
3 Don’t contaminate
4 Show stuff, show area, be clear
5 Baseline Readings (before and probably after)
6 Spot Tests
7 Same place, Times, etc (for regular readings)
8 Uniform Distance
9 If hot, if you can afford it, have tested at a lab.
10 Some things can be determined through testing for decay rates
My added 2 cents
11 A plastic bag or cover (when appropriate)
12 Six inches of lead (when appropriate)
13 When not sure… ask questions!
More tips on ‘how to’ take a Rad reading from Berkeley Nuclear Engineering. (Using simple detectors)
Thanks to questions from AngusMerlin.
This is the basic stuff, as I see it. Please feel free to correct, add to, expound or comment on any of these items.
Hello Everybody:First I would like to give a shout out to “Movieyawn” for his link to CRIIRAD channel on youtube. There are some very informative videos for those new to radiation detection. I think on a recent Rense program I heard Michael tell of someone encountering 20,000 cpm. Is this possible? I hope the individual did not handle this radiation with the towel wipe method. This is a serious dose and hopefully was so brief as not to cause permanent damage to the individual. Perhaps my method of holding the detector 4 inches from the subject is a good safety method for an initial measurement so someone will NOT directly handle 20k cpm. Today I measured Cedar City, Utah background and got a ten minute 45.8 cpm. Then instead of grass or a low lying pland I measured a bush about a foot high. I head the detector 4 inches from the top and got a 92 cpm peak. I was concerned that I was picking up ground radiation with previous lower measurements but this test left the detector over a foot above the ground. I a getting a consistant doubling of background when I measure plants. Holding the detector 4 inches above subject seems conservative. I realize I am not getting all the radiation present. I really dont think even an inspector+ will reliably and consistantly pick up nanoparticles of alpha (uranium hexaflouride or plutonium). I wonder if a doubling of background is normal for a ground reading. This is certainly in the crops we eat and cows eat for the carnivores in the audience. Michael is far more expert than I so he can endeavor to distinguish among the various isotopes. I will try to gain this expertise with time. For now I am mostly concerned with the amount of ALL radiation alpha, beta, gamma or whatever. ALL radiation is injurious and the greater the cpm the greater the danger. Hopefully 20k cpm was an amomally and would be encountered again. But I guess I know better. Thanks for reading this and a BIG BIG thanks to Micheal for his efforts.
Sorry for the off topic @Michel Collins. It wont happen again.
Ok will do 10min avg.
Thank you so much for your website and info.
Will let you know if i find anything interesting here in colorado.
Keep up the great work.
@ Bar: I’m not sure what your last four comments have to do with Fukushima and/or fallout across North America and Europe.
@ Lenny: You have to take a 10-minute average to figure out the background. The live immediate readings will not stabilize after 10 minutes or ever: that is the nature of ionizing radiation in a background test. Yes, your background inside and out will be higher in general than here in LA or St. Louis because of the elevation. Take several background measurements and then set up your vegetables to do the same being careful not to touch your Inspector to the veggies (or anything else). And get an Xtreme Boot to protect your Inspector which is not damaged.
Just bought a new Inspector Geiger Counter. I have a few questions that hopefully someone can help us figure out what’s going on. I have the Inspector in a room without anything near it on a wooden table to measure background at CPM setting. Our background reading is fluctuating from 34 to 70 CPM. Is this normal? It seems strange as we heard it should stabilize after 10 mins which it does not.
Could it be that we live in Colorado at 7000 feet? We’ve tested vegetables from our garden in the same room holding the Inspector about an inch over the vegetables. They seem to go up to about 80 CPM and drop back down to the 50s.
Are we doing something wrong? Please help us. We would like to eat our garden vegetables even though they’re probable contaminated.
Maybe the new Inspector is damaged??
We would appreciate any input and clarification. Thank you!
@ All: Did you hear the story of the super-high radiation reading, 5.82 µSv/hr near Tokyo in Funabashi? Then did you read about the “radium bottles” found nearby in a basement which supposedly caused the reading? See Business Week‘s “Radium, not Fukushima, Source of Western Tokyo Radiation Spike.”
In that article, it says “An investigation of a house near the contaminated area turned up two boxes of bottles containing radium-226, Takao Nakaya, head of the Science Ministry’s office of the radiation regulation, said by phone today.
“The high readings have nothing to do with Fukushima,” Nakaya said.”
Well guess what? Radium-226 in bottle could not have caused this because it is primarily an alpha emitter. I ought to know as I’ve been investigating radium contamination across the United States in places like New York City (in four boroughs), Oakland, San Francisco and Los Angeles since 2001. The comprehensive results of that investigation have been delayed by my reporting on Ahmanson Ranch, Rocketdyne, Runkle Canyon and now Fukushima though I did write one short piece on it called That Healthy Glow. Note that this article does not say that the ‘radium craze’ took place in Japan because it didn’t – it was an American, Canadian and European fad that died out when the ‘radium health’ nuts started having limbs amputated and began dying.
Wikipedia says this: “Radium metal maintains itself at a higher temperature than its surroundings because of the radiation it emits – alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. More specifically, the alpha particles are produced by the radium decay, whereas the beta particles and gamma rays are produced by relatively short-half-life elements further down the decay chain.”
The Japanese government has certainly come up with a whopper, one that will be part of upcoming coverage (oh, that coverage, yes). Is it an obvious lie or scientific incompetence? It is not incompetence. Anyone with even a basic understanding of radium knows it decays to radon, so was it the radon that caused this reading? Of course not. Look at the video on Enenews: the “scientists” measuring the radiation are outside where radon would disperse readily and the detector is laying on the ground by a drain (which is the true culprit). Laying a sensitive radiation instrument on media, in this case grass and the ground, that could be contaminated is a no-no. Only an inexperienced hack would do this and then come up with that outrageous claim.
Now look at what the article also says: “Investigators found the radium under the floor of the house in Tsurumaki 5-chome and readings suggested an elderly woman who had been living there until February may have been exposed to radiation 30-times safety levels, Nakaya said.” Let’s do some math. 5.82 µSv/hr divided by 30 = 0.194 µSv/hr (which is 16.2 times Los Angeles’ already high background). This is the safe level in Tokyo?
Look for that pesky radium-226 to be used as an excuse for all sorts of radiation finds in Tokyo and beyond. But know this: even a highly radioactive urn like the one shown in the article is far far more radioactive than any bottles of radium (meaning empty bottles with diluted radium residue) yet doesn’t radiate measurably past a short distance.
Our coverage will show the lengths the Japanese government, along with the American and British governments, will go to stuff this information where the sun don’t shine. Well, in that Tokyo-adjacent basement, the radium sun wasn’t shining from a couple of bottles: the radiation came from Fukushima.
I gathered a bit more info.
Update – The president of the Council of El Hierro has confirmed a volcanic eruption at sea, 5 miles south of La Restinga on El Hierro.
Four ships have alerted the maritime authorities of the existence of volcanic activity, four miles south of La Restinga (El Hierro) and about 500 meters deep.
The latest data collected by the National Geological Survey stations on the island of El Hierro suggest a submarine eruption up to 2,000 meters deep in the Las Calmas area.
El Hierro has suffered, since mid-July 2011, around 9,600 earthquakes caused by magma activity in the base of the island, the strongest of them on Saturday night, which reached a magnitude of 4.3 degrees on the Richter scale.
The water in the ocean is discoloured from the goo that the under water volcano spews out.
This page will now be used for all updates for the El Hierro earthquake and eruption story.
This clip shows worst case scenario.
Mega Tsunami Canary Islands
This is a good article to get facts on this developing story.
Cumbre Vieja Volcano — Potential collapse and tsunami at
La Palma, Canary Islands
This does not sound good at all! I do hope it dosent happen. But i thought, just to be on the safe side, people should know.
Geological Time Bomb: Red Alert Issued For El Hierro Volcanic Region in Canary Islands; Possible Tsunami Threat To U.S. East Coast
There is another piece of “spacejunk” falling from the sky. Uncontrolled. Let hope that we are lucky enough (again) and it wont land on a nuclear power plant.
“SATELLITE RE-ENTRY: The ROSAT X-ray observatory, launched in 1990 by NASA and managed for years by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), will return to Earth within the next two weeks. Current best estimates place the re-entry between Oct. 22nd and 24th over an unknown part of Earth. Although ROSAT is smaller and less massive than UARS, which grabbed headlines when it re-entered on Sept. 24th, more of ROSAT could reach the planet’s surface. This is because the observatory is made of heat-tolerant materials. According to a DLR study, as many as 30 individual pieces could survive the fires of re-entry. The largest single fragment would likely be the telescope’s mirror, which is very heat resistant and may weigh as much as 1.7 tons.”
@chase. Thanks for the post. Let’s watch this closely.
The video is now up detailing the 10/12/11 longer half life decay detection signature
NEPTUNIUM 239 Fallout Once Again Rains Down On The USA- [Maximum Alert]
potrblog; those readings are tempting me to go live in Cinderella’s castle! Thank you from the west coast beach, for your post!
@Chase; You have got to be correct on your judgement that the seals are contaminated. Alaska got blasted from Fukushima very heavily, plus all the radiation in the water current. On top of that, the worse cases are those closest to Japan, farther out… wow. Here it comes! The wake up calls are coming in now. Thanks for the post.
Phoenix metro radiation readings from a Mazur radiation detector:
Indoor 10 min avg 19 CPM
Outdoor 10 min avg 21.6 CPM
When asked specifically about where they source their rice, soy sauce and all ingredients for their recipes, I received this reply:
“Throughout our years of service, Panda Express could not have grown without such wonderful and loyal guests such as you. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you.
We do not source any of our ingredients from Japan.
We value all comments we receive from our guests and appreciate your feedback. Thank you!
Amanda Y.
Guest Relations
Panda Restaurant Group, Inc.”
what happens with the snow, the radioactive rain goes into the ground , evaporates etc etc
what will happen this winter when all this radioactivity is in the snow, piling up feet high?????
“The sickest ones don’t move much… and they have blisters or wounds that bleed easily, including around the nose, eyes… Others have lost much of their hair.”
This is a description of suffering Seals off the coast of Alaska. They say it’s ‘possibly’ a disease. (?) No mention of radiation or potential fallout. I am not a medical professional, but those symptoms seem very similar to acute radiation poisoning to me.
Event: Biological Hazard reported Oct 13th, 2011
[MAXIMUM ALERT] Fukushima Fallout Indicative of Neptunium 239 Again Hits the Western and North Western United States
@Bar; I love your sense of humor! Remember!!! Laughter doeth good like a medicine!! And we just have got to smile sometime, duct tape and all!
So sorry but you will have to enjoy the free trip to Japan without me @ Michael Collins. I seem to have caught a bad case of Radio-Phobia and im afraid there is no cure. But let me remind you of the advice from Fukushima Medical University Professor, Dr. Shunichi Yamashita, the official HEALTH RISK ADVISOR of Fukushima: “The effects of radiation do not come to people that are happy and laughing. They come to people that are weak-spirited, that brood and fret.” So, don’t forget so smile and be happy! Oh and don’t forget to take a roll of duct tape to tape your face to a smile for while you are asleep. Just to be on the safe side!
@Annette2, Actually I’m surprised that the powers that be have not beat down my door for those samples; but I wager they don’t need them because they already know what is going on.
In terms of public discord, Plutonium is on the list of concern. One key sign of that potential discord is how the EPA has rigged the RadNet database to return every single Plutonium detection ever made, no matter what search date is input. The EPA made that change to the database about a week or so after the Fukushima related plutonium detections were first publicly noticed. The change appears to have been made in an attempt to dilute the public impact of the initial Fukushima detections.
I am open to testing the samples further, but the key is maintaining legal control of the samples and ensuring that accurate data is forthrightly released and quickly so. But as it stands now, I’m happy I have held onto the samples because it has allowed me to do further independent testing.
7pm 10/12/11 Saint Louis Rainfall Radioactive at 25 times greater than normal background radiation
@ Potrblog: These are excellent common sense suggestions that would allude most of us since folks have never had fallout-hot rain before. Lives could be saved following your suggestions. Thank you. And thank you for your response to Hector Vazquez.
@ RM Stiles: Yes, holding the Inspector four inches away will prevent its contamination but I would think you’d be interested in checking for alpha by going down to an inch carefully. Get an Xtreme Boot for your detector and you won’t be worried about goo-ing it up. Re: “As to the difference between alpha, beta or gamma these are basically indistinguisable to a geiger counter – the cpm of ANY radiation is what concerns me,” I agree with the last part but certainly not the first. You should know that if you got down to that inch above the media and take an average, and then go back doing the same thing but slipping a piece of paper in between the Inspector and the media, you may see if the count goes down. If it does, and your QA and QC are up to snuff – meaning you did it right, you can determine how much alpha, if any, the paper stopped. Then you could go up another inch and slip some aluminum foil in there folded over several times and see if you have reduced the count again. There’s your beta, once you subtract the alpha. Now you have sorted out the three types of activity and can then start checking half lives, like Potrblog. It will make a world of difference when perusing the chard. Of course a $20,000 machine can pick up hot fleas better than we can but remember common sense: hot fleas aren’t the only problem and where we are, we’ve been lucky not to have gotten hammered like Seattle. Don’t count on that lasting.
@ Chase: Stories of two-headed snakes abounded at the Rocketdyne site 35 miles northwest of downtown LA. One worker killed a two-faced rattler, skinned him, and wore it on his cowboy hat. That and other tales of the worst partial meltdown in American history can be read in Meltdown Man.
@ glassgreen & Bar: So we all finally will meet up in Tokyo? They let us bring our detectors? Whose in?
I hope I am wrong and it is not my style to speculate, but I have a sinking feeling that at some point in the near future, evidence will be presented confirming widespread (albeit significantly less than Japan’s of course), plutonium contamination in the US that was spread by the Fuk’d explosions, particularly from Unit #3’s MOX. I observe that BRAWM is the only government entity still providing public data (i.e., US government pr machine), and note that they have presented seemingly accurate readings indicating widespread cesium contamination. Individuals have posted lab data for soil analyses on the BRAWM website, with said results pretty closely confirming BRAWM’s presented data. This gives the public the appearance that they (BRAWM/government) are being completely forthright. However, after the early (March) EPA published data detecting plutonium and uranium both on the west coast and Pacific islands, and aside from a single Strontium 89 detection in Hilo, Hawaii milk, our government has never publicized any further data regarding these isotopes. Out of sight, out of mind? At the same time BRAWM says that they do not have the proper equipment to detect alpha particles, and after they ran a months long test on soil samples looking for alpha, they indicated that their minimum detection level was so high that although they showed a ND, and that it wasn’t entirely conclusive.
The way the US public is being handled is strikingly similar to how the Japanese government is conducting their spin… confirming the cesium, but avoiding the plutonium and strontium. In fact, now that widespread strontium and plutonium have been absolutely detected numerous times by private individuals/groups, the Japanese government (national and municipal) is saying that they knew the strontium was there all along, but that since they wouldn’t use any different protocol from what they are doing to “decontaminate” the cesium, they are not going to publicly report the strontium/plutonium data, nor conduct further tests for those isotopes.
Simple internet research reveals that the presence of strontium, plutonium and uranium does indeed have different implications for our health and our food supply, over the long term. But, this data is being seemingly being kept from us and definitely being kept from the Japanese people.
@potrblog – You’ve provided some of the most dedicated, hard-working data collection and analysis throughout this long, miserable trip… thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I respect your work. Your presentations indicate solid integrity, commitment to the public good and dedication to uncovering the facts about what is raining down on us from Japan. I believe it would serve the purpose of furthering the body of confirmed data, if you were to have the indicated neptunium sample analyzed for isotope confirmation by an independent laboratory. I do not see any downside to having the sample analyzed (perhaps retain half of the sample for safe keeping). If the sample is identified as an isotope other than neptunium, we can all breathe a sigh of relief and our collective body of knowledge will be expanded. If the sample is identified as the counts indicate, Neptunium 239, then your methods will be publicly confirmed/validated and our collective body of knowledge will be expanded, and I believe, the public exposure of this disaster will likewise be immediately expanded, resulting in more people having the information to protect themselves and their families appropriately.
You are correct, Madame Curie did not have the benefit of advanced equipment to conclusively identify isotopes, but we do. Why not use it?
I know that there is expense associated with a laboratory analysis, and I am happy to contribute $50 toward the cost. I am certain that others would feel the same as I, since there is no reason for you to bear the financial burden alone for this critical public information.
Thanks, potrblog, for considering it.
Now at 7 months 1 day or 215 days since Fukushima March 11,2011
Two-Headed Snake in Tennessee: (cnn video)
The guy interviewed in this video says he’s never seen anything like this in forty years in the woods. Now I know mutations happen in nature from time to time and a 2 headed snake is not unheard of, but still…
Why is no one asking the real questions? Like…
How many more of these are there?
Are other creatures experiencing mutations too?
Are we near a Nuclear Plant?
Has there been ‘any’ rain Fallout lately?
How close is the nearest Monsanto owned corn field?
Maybe, and most likely, a combination of all of the above, that’s the sad part.
“The king snake has two fully working heads and a unique checkerboard pattern underneath.” It sounds cool, but the reality is NOT cool. Mutations can happen because DNA has changed or become damaged.
Press conference held to introduce legislation that addresses DOI Secretary Salazar’s plans to halt uranium mining in Arizona
Its incredible how they try to make uranium mining sound like its a good thing. Secretary Salazar sure needs support with his plans.
New Arnie Gundersen clip
@Hector Vazquez, that is the type of thinking that leads to getting people killed and babies deformed in the womb.
The fallout data clearly indicates a need for people to take prudent risk mitigation actions to avoid contamination. Moreover, the number isotopes that fit the pattern detected is limited (Neptunium 239 is the best fit); your logic is equivalent to saying that one MUST have a match to start a fire. And along those same lines, exactly how do you think Madame Curie did her work with out an Isotope Identifier?
I thought this problem was fixed! Imagine a tsunami with San Onofre right there on the coastline.
“In March 2011, new oil spills were suspected to have come from “leaks in the seabed” north of the Matherhorn field. The shelf edges bordering the Mississippi-Alabama Shelf, appear pretty fractured with large crevices and in potential danger of sliding into gigantic submarine landslides.Submarine landslides are more effective in generating tsunami than quakes without significant landslides. Both the 2011 Japan and 2004 Sumatra Quakes had giant tsunamis due to the accompanying large submarine mass displacement.”
On September 13, 2011 new oil was seen close to where the original BP oil explosion occurred. Due to the fact the EPA insists on using Corexit as the only possible solution to the problem, the most important issue up to this point -the dire consequences of using Corexit- are not being addressed. Corexit not only contaminates the Gulf of Mexico and the human populations established throughout, but also is ineffective remediating the core problem: cleaning the Gulf waters as fast as possible. The only thing Corexit has proven is its effectiveness to pollute the waters and the Gulf as a whole. Why then does the EPA and the federal government insist on using it? It is interesting to note that none of the official statements by either the EPA or the oil companies state that Corexit cleans up the waters. They do, however, repeatedly state that Corexit is “effective”, which misleads the public into thinking that Corexit is cleaning up the waters. What Corexit is effective at is sinking it (OIL) below the surface where it is difficult to see and quantify just how much is there, and breaking it up into small particles and spreading the contamination far and wide making the potential problems of toxic exposure to both humans and all the flora and fauna exponentially worse.
The link below is to the CRIIRAD channel on youtube. Scroll down until you see a bunch of videos from a guy in a white coat. Good info on measuring, preventing contamination, soil issues, importance of volume measured, etc. It is in English.
Hello Everybody: And a warm greetings to Michael who I would like to thank vigorously for his selfless public service. I also enjoy hearing Michael on the Rense program. As a vegitarian I personally am concerned with radiation in plants because this is what I eat (also what cows eat). I hold the detector 4 inches from the subject because the inspector+ instrucrions advise against contaminating the detector. If I get a doubling of the background radiation by a 4 inch test this is telling me that something is very wrong with subject plant. As to the difference between alpha, beta or gamma these are basically indistinguisable to a geiger counter – the cpm of ANY radiation is what concerns me. Dr Doug Rokke who was charged with cleaning up Gulf War 1 told Joyce Reilly that he had to modify the military detectors to pick up traced of uranium hexaflouride. Arnie Gunderson has also stated that “hot fleas” are also mostly undetectable by a standard geiger counter. All testing is beneficial. The water driplets I was monitoring were very scattered and in no way covering the windshield. Water containment does indeed retard the flow of neutrons in containment pools but this NOT the same situation on a wind shield. I would ask Michael to do the same test I am going to do next rain. I am going to wipe half the windshield with a paper towel and read the radiation on said towel then I am going to wipe the other half of the windshield with the same towel and then read the radiation. If there is not much change then this is a valid way to test. If there is a significant increase then the area wiped is critical to the results and thus skewing the test. If the more area you test the greater the reading in the detector this does not seem to be a practical way to monitor. Remember nanoparticles of U239 are very difficult to detect and identify with a hand held geiger counter. I would like to advise all to monitor all vegitation grown outdoors before consuming same also be careful not to contaminate the detector by holding it too close to subject. One again thank you Michael for your teriffic websites.
“Persistent Long Half Life Radiation Detected In Saint Louis”
Portblog you need an isotope identifier in order to make some accurate conclusions as to the long half life that you are apparently suggesting. Also need the training in interpreting what the isotope identifier is indicating.
glasgreen, ROFLMAO!
“In February 1996, Phytotech, Inc., a Princeton, NJ-based company, reported that it had developed transgenic strains of sunflowers, Helianthus sp., that could remove as much as 95% of toxic contaminants in as little as 24 hours. Subsequently, Helianthus was planted on a styrofoam raft at one end of a contaminated pond near Chernobyl, and in twelve days the cesium concentrations within its roots were reportedly 8,000 times that of the water, while the strontium concentrations were 2,000 times that of the water.”
If there is no more clean water, that could be a way to reduce the contamination. Just fill the bathdub with contaminated water and hang the roots of these sunflowers in it.
10,000 free round-trip airline tickets to Japan! Hurry up while supplies last!
@Michael Collins, the simple things to do are not to bring rain soaked items into the house. Create an outdoor “mud room” to handle such fallout soaked items. This is especially the case if the source of the rain is from the Jet Stream.
The biggest contaminant risk would be pulling one’s vehicle into the garage. We run our vehicles through a brushed car wash after the rain and let it dry before we pull it into the garage.
Another thing to do is buy the best air filter possible for your HVAC system and run its fan continuously during the fallout rains and several days after.
The long term build up will only get worse as the disaster carries on; people should examine their future food needs from that perspective.
And last, but most importantly, secure your water supply.
@Tray and all
Your “Eat Me” article comment from the other day was very real. That’s the best way I can put it. Just “Real”. Your cries and ours are but the first waves of many to come over the ensuing decades and centuries from this debacle.
Learning to adapt to the situation as it unfolds will possibly be key to survival. At least knowing what to do and passing that knowledge on seems like the best option to me.
My current strategy for people who say something about me not drinking milk or eating the lettuce is that it is part of my new religion. People may attack you more for believing in facts than they will for your religious beliefs. So I tell them I belong to a sect known as the Radish People, as opposed to Amish or Jewish. Then I explain to them that our fundamental doctrine states that we are supposed to eat and drink non-poisonous non-contaminated food and water and to do our best to ensure the same for all living things.
Take a stand. Who cares if people point their finger at you and call you a RADISH. Pretty soon they may decide to become a bit more Radish themselves.
These people are remarkable. They have held virgils on a daily basis since 2007!
The vigil is held in front of the World Health Organisation (WHO) building. It has been maintained since the 26th April 2007, each working day between 8am and 6pm, to remind this United Nations body of its duties as they are defined in its Constitution.
Prof. Chris Busby, Danielle Mitterrand, widow of the French president Francois Mitterrand, among others, support this cause and stood there themself.
This site has a videoclip. Must see!
For those of you in Southern California, two important events coming up.
The first is tomorrow night, a special San Clemente City Council meeting to talk about safety issues with the San Onofre nuclear power plant. It is at 6:30 pm at the Community Center, 100 North Calle Seville. More information is here and here. Arnie Gunderson will participate via video-conference, Dr. Bill Perkins from Physicians for Social Responsibility-LA, and Dan Hirsch of Committee to Bridge the Gap. The meeting has been organized by a several organizations who would like the city to adopt a resolution to shut down SONGS – the resolution was previously declined but may be considered at the October 18 City Council meeting.
The second is a meeting with Rochelle Becker of Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility to discuss strategy reducing/eliminating risks from California’s nuclear plants. It’s this Saturday October 15 from 10 am – 1 pm at Southwestern Law School, 3050 Wilshire Blvd. More information is here – note, you do not have to be a health professional to attend! Just please RSVP so the organizer 🙂 can plan properly.
@ Potrblog: That is incredibly important and only deduced after 26 days of diligence. HOT damn. Thank you. What prudent risk mitigation actions would you suggest?
@ All: I was on the Jeff Rense Show again tonight, which you can listen to the program for the next day or so unless you are a Rense subscriber. The topics included the great danger Tokyo is in and the incredible October 7 U.S. government advisory reducing the exclusion zone to be “avoided” for Americans around the meltdown site to 20 km down from 80 km even though in the week before this decision, plutonium was found at several places 40 to 45 km from Fukushima.
Knocking On The Devil`s Door
go to home to watch the trailer!
It will send a shiver down your spine!
[MAXIMUM ALERT] Persistent Long Half Life Radiation Detected In Saint Louis
Twenty Six days after the initial radioactive rainfall on 9/14/11, the radioactive sample swipe taken from our truck still shows radioactivity at approximately 6 counts per minute above background levels. Based on the decay data, the POTRBLOG team strongly suspects that a primary component of this persistent long half life fallout is the Neptunium 239 > Plutonium 239 series; and, that it is highly prudent to take risk mitigation actions.
@Chase; Maybe someone can contact the veggie detector and gently show him how to use the detector? His heart is in the right place. Heartbreaking comment at his site”…no one is going to die.”
@Michael; Thank you. Beautiful post of MLK Jr. Good for all parts of our lives.
@Tray; Hang in there. There was a gal that came up to me yesterday and said “There are a lot of people getting sick.” I looked at her as she realized after she said it, what my concerns were after March 11th. I just said, “Well, that is what I thought after March 11th.” She had a look of recognition on her face, and it was sobering. Like I said, we are trailblazers into this new unknown, and it’s not easy, sometimes feels lonely to be a trailblazer. But if you don’t stick with your own convictions, when the going gets tough, (when the info gets out), who will they family etc…) be able to turn to???
Folks, its only lonely for the moment. The information will be coming forth. And people will need those who have the info and the lifestyle example.
Does anyone know what normal background range is over the states 25-35K feet? Should it be the same as surface background?
This 5 part clip is really heartwarming. Its amazing how the animals live in the contaminated no-go-zone from chernobyl. Apparently they naturally dont live long enough to develop tumors and the weak and sick are easy prey.
Life in the Dead Zone
@ Chase: It is really hard to decipher this because the person with the Inspector doesn’t do a background average beforehand which is especially important being in Durango Colorado at 6,512 feet. The vegetables don’t really pop out either. Inspector owner doesn’t do a better job in snow either. The way things are being detected on this person’s YouTube channel videos, it’s clear that it is a novice not aware of the problems of measuring stuff directly on the ground where uranium, thorium and radium can distort readings that attempt to detect Fukushima fallout. Mind you, though, we don’t go detecting a lot of these raw vegetables ourselves because we stick to nuke-free sprouts that we grow ourselves and get southern hemisphere fruits, so we are glad that this is being done and posted on the Internet.
@ Tray: Nobody asked for this disaster but we must deal with it. It is getting worse with a huge detection of radioactive rain in Melbourne Australia recently which has us doubly checking our store-bought fruits from New Zealand and Chile.
Your message is really heart felt and desperate. I understand coming up with rationalizations to return to pre-March 11 food consumption. Family pressure during the holidays is going to be a real problem for most of us. We attempt to address that problem by checking our food on the spot (and family members’ too if they want – and they usually don’t). But since you don’t have a detector, think on this: your attempting to protect your child and yourself is a your right and anyone who messes with you about it, especially over something like almond milk, can pound sand. Be proud of your awareness. Be assured that unlike lemmings, you are not willing to run off the cliff like all the other folks we know who, understandably, are walking around in a state of denial with their radiation levels slowly building up if they are indeed consuming contaminated food. Yes, this is stressful, but be aware of nuclear industry apologists who falsely claim that stress is worse than the meltdowns themselves.
Control your air, water, food and yourself. Your kid is extra cool because you are not only keeping him safer than other kids, you are displaying character that should be the essence of every American: undaunted strength. Don’t flag on us, or your kid, now. Soon enough, you will have material you can give your family that you can introduce with “If you read nothing else, read this.” Then if they keep the peer pressure up, time to remove yourself from that negative energy.
@ Tray & All: It is really hard keeping one’s spirits up during this disaster. We’ve lost folks along the way that basically threw in the towel and went back to pre-3/11 ways of life. Understandable but not acceptable to Denise and I as well as the majority of folks here.
Allow me to share some words that might put this in some kind of perspective. Spoken long ago, they resonate today because this great truth is upon us and we must not shirk it:
I was wondering what others opinions of this video are?
I realize and I am sure he’s not following ‘Berkeley’ Protocol. However, it does show something. The style of the video is interesting in that he is just casually walking down the isle passing his inspector over everything. It’s easy to see the ‘changes’ over the different veggies. This seems meaningful to me in a way, although I realize it may not specifically scientifically prove much to a Nuclear Engineer.
Grocery Store Produce Section, Independent user video – Durango, CO Oct, 9th 2011 (no commentary)
The produce is mostly from California. The sweet peppers seem especially ‘hot’…? 🙁
It sure would be nice to know what the averages for all of these veggies read prior to 3/11 or what they read prior to 1940. hmmm….??? Somebody, somewhere has that answer.
I would assume that fruits and veggies, with some non-harmful exceptions like bananas, should read right at background for your area.
Nuclear energy isnt cheap. Building the plant costs billions getting the fuel costs billions getting rid of the mess the whole thing causes costs billions.
Safety issues at Hanford Nuclear Reservation at pretreatment plant remain in question
Maybe its not all about making electricity. Maybe its a machinery to create weapons and to get rid of surplus waste from the weapons industry? And the electricity is only a byproduct to cover the whole thing and to keep nosey people quiet??
4000 mile Radioactive Road Trip: Disney World, Cinderella’s Castle, and Royal Table
@roundabout Thanks! May take you up on that beach trip soon. People are sick here. (my personal observation) I have watched “The Bird Study” video several times. I have it on my organized youtube user playlist of important videos. (ty Michael for that suggestion) I have suggested this ‘way of saving’ videos idea to others as a simple plan for organizing relevant videos on youtube. (called Playlists)
By clicking on my name above it will take you to My youtube user channel. On the right side are ‘organized’ featured playlists such as Radiation Realities, Radiation Tests (featuring ‘best of’ Michael Collins videos), Rad Movies & Videos (such as the mini series On The Beach), RadIO Interviews (Michael Collins on Rense Radio)and My Favorites which shows videos of the implosion of Nuclear Plants. 🙂
On the left side of the screen are special ‘links’ to the playlists which display my brief personal comment as to why I selected each video. (sort of interesting maybe) I try to find a new video to add once or twice a week.
My further thought on the barrier/dam of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range is that the water and snow feed the farms in the valley below. Just like Okutama, Japan supplies most of the drinking water to Tokyo. The water at our dam here filled to capacity in August (filled up after March) and was released to the farms below over a several week period. No doubt in my mind that the water contained (some?) fallout from the very heavy extended spring precipitation.
* Another observation that was discussed with several locals this week was an increase in predators in the foothills. Meaning snakes, mountain cats, vultures, foxes, etc… and a shortage of smaller animals such as birds, gophers, house pets and insects. (We had three rattle snakes come up to our door this year. That has never happened in 20 years.) Predator populations might explode due to the die off of others animals for a short period of time. This is another non-scientific observation, but I thought it should be noted as to this was the approximate day and this was the time, I or someone began to more closely observe these kinds of possible events that affect the ‘chain of life’.
side note: The Ferrel cats here have had small litters, (1 or 2, past years it was 6 or more all healthy), this year with high mortality rate. The survivor kitties are all extreme runts. I remember reporting a dead bird falling from the sky and a cat eating it at the start of summer. I noted then what I might be witnessing. Now maybe I am seeing the results. 🙁
@ Michael: to be sure, that is what I meant. I think I am just tired… point being, the reading was better than I expected being just blocks from the beach and “first line” of impact after Hawaii.
@Chase: the video clip I suggested is such that west of the Sierra Nevada’s baby birds died after Chernobyl , east of the Sierra’s the baby birds on the other side of the mountain were able to survive. I actually found the video link originally on this site, early on, right after March 11th. It is also known that the central valley holds pollution which blows from the coast into it’s valley “bowl”, and the air backs up at Sierra Nevada’s, which acts as a type of damn (stagnates there). That is not to say the air quality on the coast is ideal altogether, because SLO AND Santa Barbara County have both failed their ozone grades historically, not sure about 2011 because my attention has been on the radiation monitoring more so this year. I used to check air quality daily. So, I guess I have always been a bit obsessed by air quality, even before 3/11! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hcBGSr9QGk
Chase, maybe spending a few days at the coast would help you decide? My Hubby and I would welcome you!
@Bar; Thank you for all the updates!
BTW: I bought an entire box of the N-95 masks at Home Depot which cost next to nothing, and have them in my first aide kit and my go bag. It is a nice addition to any other emergency measures you take. After all, you can have all the food and water etc… but if you can’t breathe??? Plus you can pass out a few to your neighbors if need be. It’s one of the cheapest and most practical tools you can have! Think about breathing first!
@ RM Stiles: Wiping a rained-upon clean area with a paper towel, like Potrblog, I and many others do, and taking measurements doesn’t “skew the result” like you had already made up your mind that it would. Holding your Inspector 4 inches from water on the windshield commits two more mistakes: The water itself skews and shields the results (which is one of the reasons why, for example, water is used in spent fuel ponds). Plus you’re not close enough to pick up either alpha or beta radiation which is what you’re supposed to be looking for. Measuring plants is certainly not the “more valid way to monitor radiation.” Please bone up on your rad skills.
@ roundabout: I’m not sure what you meant about your air filter but to be clear: it did not register any additional radiation above background.
@ Chase: I think your theory might about living next to the ocean with its sea breezes blowing rads further inland may hold water. With little proof I’ve thought this was the case. I sure hope you mask up when you smell that smoke. N-95 masks can be had cheap but you might want to get this Home Depot mask which we have too.
@ Potrblog: That the American government shrinks the exclusion zone around Fukushima to just 20 km now after it being 80 km is stunning especially in light of the fact that FIVE DAYS EARLIER, Japanese government researchers were reported to have found plutonium 40 (FORTY) km from Fukushima. Is this incompetence or something far far worse?
@ Bar & Wilma P: Thank you for your detailed and provocative comments.
@Chase oops here is the link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hcBGSr9QGk
@Chase; Here is a youtube link where a bird doc. made measurements on bird deaths in the Sierra Nevada’s after Chernobyl. I live right on the beach between Santa Maria and Slo, and Michael just measured my air filter (I had it running since April) and it didn’t come back with background measurements. There just are no guarantee’s because there will be Fukushima houses floating(our own radiation catchers) onto our pacific coast beaches, and God only knows how that will affect the levels of radiation around here…I know I sound cheesy when I say this, but it really does work, just pray and ask God where to go.
Hello Everybody: This morning after a light rain in Hanksville Utah I monitored a 59.4 cpm background. This is a mancos clay area geologically. I held the inspector+ about 4 inches from my windshield and actually got a 58.3 cmp reading. I thin wiped the windshield like Michael did at Grand Canyon and got a 100+ cpm. It seems that this method concentrates a large area and skews the results like I thought it would. I have been monitoring vegitation in Utah and am regularly getting a doubling of the ambient background readings. I feel this is a more valid way to monitor radiation. For the record I got a 1300+ reading at a shut down uranium mine IN Capitol Reef NP. This is an area open to the public. I filed a report with the rangers – it will be interesting to see if they do anything about it. I bet they don’t. I have been taking photos of the detector as I get high readings. Does anyone know of a website to display such photos? With all the detectors now arriving it would be great to assemble a tangible array ofevidence as this disaster progresses.
This is the video to the nrc meeting.
Article from the BakRad ticker.
“…results released Thursday, mountain areas in the town of Okutama in northwest Tokyo had the most contamination in the two prefectures with a reading of 100,000 to 300,000 becquerels of radioactive cesium per square meter.”
“Hourly radiation readings in the area was between 0.2 and 0.5 microsievert, but few spots had radiation levels between 0.5 and 1.0 microsieverts”, ministry official Hirotaka Oku said.
“Radioactive cesium spewed from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant was carried by winds…”
“The ‘geographic nature’ of Okutama, with its MOUNTAINS and FORESTS, made the area SUSCEPTIBLE to catching radioactive materials”, Oku added.
full article:
So I looked up Okutama on a google map. It is located west of Tokyo, a good distance inland, against the mountain range. A long way from Fukushima. Okutama is the biggest producer of –> wasabi.
Of course my next thought was. Uh oh, I live in the California Sierra Nevada foothills at the start of the tree line. Just below where the National Park service has decided to light their controlled burn forest fires, again. You guessed it. They’ve been burning and continue to burn the underbrush.
I wonder if weather and wind conditions might make living near a beach a significantly healthier choice? …at least for now. Assuming that the more a weather system encounters a land mass the more ‘dumping’ it will do. I have observed that readings from the north coast area, like Coos Bay, Oregon, seem to be very average when elsewhere, inland, readings tend to go up. Same with So. Cal., Santa Monica/Malibu can be more on the average side while inland tends to be a bit higher. (disclaimer: this is a non-scientific general observation which may or may not hold a valid point)
Another article questioning the behaviour of the nrc representatives. Arnie Gundersen was there too. Im waiting for a new video from him. Maybe he can shed some light on all of this. The problems that the petitioners talked about are real and should have been fixed a long time ago.
“The petitioners explained the design flaws of the Mark 1 that have been known since its inception under the Atomic Energy Commission back in the 1960′s. The known flaws include containment systems too small to handle a design basis accident among others. The hardened venting system added in the 1980′s as a band aid fix to the flawed containment design failed 3 out of 3 times at Fukushima. The Fukushima disaster illustrated why the hardened venting system simply does not work, it has no power in an accident yet needs power to operate and required a person to go down into the suppression chamber of a melting down reactor to attempt to manually engage the vents.”
More info from the NRC meeting
re NRC meeting comments closed: speechless. 🙁 ??
Wanna find answers? Submit Freedom of Information Act requests. See — http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/nsa/foia/guide.html
Wanna change things for good? Draft a bill and get it to your elected officials (Federal and State Members of Congress, State Governors, County Supervisors, City Mayors and City Councils). See —
Canadian and Japanese citizens have a process different than Americans do. But there is a way to find and fix. Investigative reporters like Mr. Man Hands are invaluable. Seek them out around the globe, become an expert on the topic the best you can, and engage electeds to make a difference.
ALL IS WELL!!! USA Reduces Fukushima Evacuation Zone to 20 km
This is the entire speech from Mr. Mariotte at the meeting.
“Prof. Chris Busby Exposes The Sinister Agenda Behind The Japanese Government Trucking Higly Radioactive Material From The Fukushima Area ALL OVER JAPAN To Burn It” (watch video above).
LiveBlogging the NRC meeting tomorrow
NRC reading through the petition and the list of names of the groups intervening
There will be no time to speak at the meeting, 2 hour meeting. Some sort of feedback will be allowed via email till Oct. 14th.
NRC staff introducing themselves
Paul Gunter, Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear, Bridenbaugh – individual, Gundersen – Fairwinds Assoc, Deb Katz, Zeller – blueridge defense, Kehler – safe and green campaign, Mariotte – nuclear info service, Paul – exec GA womens action, are in attendance
Robert Nelson NRC running the meeting – talking of process
Doing more introductions of various NRC technical and region staff on the meeting.
Today’s meeting will determine to accept or reject the petition. The petition asks to revoke all GE BWR reactor licenses. NRC says the power plant owners will not be part of this review process. Beyond Nuclear et al are the petitioners
8000 people signed on as co-petitioners of Beyond Nuclear’s petition.
Fundamentally flawed pressure suppression containment concerns. NRC rejects this due to NRC reactor changes
Spent fuel pools above reactors without emergency cooling systems or containment.
Mark 1 units by 1979 were found vulnerable to early failure in accidents due to pressure containment issues. 90% chance of failure in severe accident NRC rejects this issue claims regulations fixed this
4 – same design in Japan didn’t contain releases in an accident in Mark 1 units. PRB is accepting this issue for review
5 – long term containment integrity, fixed by wet well vent stack per NRC. Failure of containment even with venting says it is inadequite as a fix NRC accepted this for review
Petition asks for all BRW GE Mark 1 be suspended.
NRC is rejecting this request for enforcement to suspend reactors for review
Public meeting in emergency zones around reactors to get public and expert feedback. NRC rejected this
revoke approval of vent systems at mark 1 reactors – NRC accepted for review of the vent systems but rejects suspension of these units
action orders to install dc battery systems for spent fuel pools NRC accepts for review
accidental or intention airline crash into spent fuel pools – NRC refuses to review this potential accident
reactors on flood plains – NRC accepts for review
critical failure modes of fuel pools and floor slabs – NRC rejects review, claims other NRC actions handles this
NRC refused to take immediate action on the petition in April 2011
Paul Gunter – Beyond Nuclear to take the floor: panel of experts, activists and community leaders.appeal comes after fukushima disaster – asks to suspend these antiquated power plants and asks for due process for the people in US
these reactors are identical to GE units in Fukushima
Speaking on the partial accept-reject by NRC. Containment failures with vent system shows inadequate safety and containment. The gross failure of pressure suppression is key to the petition. Mark 1 containment failure not just prolonged station blackout. But the poor system that can fail in many situations
Containment is represented to people as last line of defense to public
NRC requires containment to be leak tight in licensing contract
The contract made with the public. The mark 1,shows to be patently false
Since 1972 we know mark 1 is prone to failure in accident conditions. By 1989 the venting system was put to save containment from failure. Fuku showed the mark 1 containment is false and breach of contract. Extent of failure as seen in NRC as statement highly rad fuel fragments around fuku site 1.5+ miles ejected from the reactor core. Containment failure confirmed that extensive cesium 307by/kg locations 35 miles from FUKU. Exceeds JP safety standards and show need for larger population evacuation plans.
Revoke hardened torus vent systems at all mark 1 units. NRC accept for review. Petitioner wants revoked. Any modification to mark 1 units should be brought to public meeting and due process. Cites laws that show public can have hearing on such
Gunter done.
Kamps Beyon Nuclear now speaking: Power systems to be installed on spent fuel pool and dc battery systems installed. NRC is agreeable. No mention about make up water issue. Why instrumentation not in NRC ideas. Wants instrumentation – water level, temp, radiation monitoring
called for hardened onsite storage for fuel. includes emptying pools to original low density storage. into dry cask storage in fortified storage. emptying pools could take any 5+ year old fuel to casks.
I wish they would add the vulnerability to reactor safety systems from support or auxillary systems not built to same rigorous seismic standards
oyster creek reactor – 700 tons of waste fuel – pool at capacity in re-racked high capacity 125 million curies cesium 137. Up to 100% could be released in a pool fire.
Millstone 1 reactor shut down still has all spent fuel on site in pools. None in dry casks.
Fermi 2 – well over 500 tons of fuel in pool 90 million curies of cesium 137. Pool 4 hours for that pool to boil if loss of water circulation
Dry cask not installed at Fermi even with permit – missing welds at facility – can’t support the casks and crane to remove fuel
Vermont Yankee reactor – 625 tons of fuel – most in pool 100million curies of cesium 137. Dropped a cask onto refueling floor – seismic risk.
Pilgrim reactor 70 mill curies of cesium in fuel pool – none in dry cask storage
Fuku units 1-4 – fuel pools are less than many of the US fuel pools.
TEPCO states recently fuel pools – Aug 10th cycling cooling equipment operated – 5 months later. 3 months unit 2, 3 months at unit 3. August before unit 4 was being handled
Talking about all the extreme methods to attempt to cool these pools with helicopter drops, water cannons, fire trucks
citing book on spent fuel risk. Many mark 1 reactors – series of incidents with fuel pools showing risks are high in US
Shortened terms: FUKU – fukushima SFP – spent fuel pool
Bridenbaugh now speaking on phone: individual not repeating any group. 40 years exp in nuke industry
has also worked with GE. 1st BWR reactors in containment vessels – Dresden 1 – 200mw plant. 190 foot sphere volume 3.6 million cubic feet. Newer plants similar. Dry containment became a problem due to cost. Mark 1 system developed – containment size made smaller by factor of 10 – cheaper but maintenance and inspection and safety suffer.
1975 nrc – said mark 1 owners – containments should be leak tight to accidents in design basis. GE was involved in investigation. 16 mark 1 units asked ge for help. GE said – program to test for the containment problem. He was the manager of this project.
program was to develop definition of design basis accident loads and create modification. Issues with determining loads. Ended up of defending the reactors as low probability of events. Some fixes to overcome design deficiencies. 12-15 years reactors were out of compliance and uncertain safety. He resigned in 1976 out of frustration. FUKU calls into question the fixes being adequate and for public safety. Vent modification was inadequate to prevent containment damage and hydrogen explosions
Some failures at Fuku may have been part of the reactors issues. US people at risk while these uncertainties exist. Investigation must happen soon. Certain limits for all mark 1 units to assure that unlimited operation not continue.
Gundersen – Fairwinds: concerns about mark 1 reactors. certain mark 1 reactor would be the likely accident to happen. Mark 1 too small when built (containment) – weaknesses in pressure suppression. Involved in design studies on mark 3 units. Mark 3 showed that torus would be destroyed in mark 1 in an accident
first fix for torus was large straps to hold torus down. 80’s hydrogen concerns added the vents to containment. Problematic design. Containment purpose – these vents are absurd as they violate containment and might not close. At fuku all vents failed. mark 1 has long flaws and fixes. Failed catastrophically at FUKU. How can NRC let them continue.
holes in bottom of reactor vessel allows fuel to leak out readily. Pre-prone to melt through. Containment inadequate to handle an accident. Oak Ridge lab showed this in studies. NRC has allowed mark 1 to increase their power level.
NRC ignoring issues with mark 1. NRC should go back and look at containment over pressure issues. 3 reactors blew up at FUKU exposing fuel pools to air. Brookhaven labs showed fire in fuel pool could kill 187,000 people. Fuel pools are why NRC said larger evacuation of the people around FUKU – 50 mile US evacuation
No basis to allow mark 1 to operate. Wisdom of knowing when to modify and when to just stop
Katz: vulnerability of mark 1 has been raised many times before. What NRC told us could not happen was wrong based on FUKU. 2004 we petitioned NRC. vulnerability of fuel pools in accident and need to move fuel out of pools
2005 academy of sci. said the mark 1 was so vulnerable fuel should be moved. Worried the vulnerablility is a terrorism risk so much that plans of reactors should not be public
Venting system failed at each FUKU for different reasons. Couldn’t open, computer said it was open and wasn’t. Cascading problems. NRC assured public this could never happen. What about people who live around mark 1 reactors and the NRC unwillingness to deal with this issue in timely manner. Problems with these reactors since 70’s. Slow motion catastrophy like ours in Japan scar the country forever. Act on behalf of the people – move the fuel out of the pools and shut these reactors. Allow the nuke industry to put us all at such risk
Zeller – Blue Ridge: NRC should protect public health and safety. Browns Ferry – petition focuses on the unreliability of mark 1 containment system and lack of emergency power for fuel pools. mark 1 reactors should cease operation until actions taken. 1. nrc order TVA to evaluate pressure suppression venting. 2. nrc should issue TVA to inspect control rod blades. 3. nrc order TVA remove fuel storage from pool to casks. Cites NRC rules about backfitting to assure adequate protection to public safety and security. Containment – mark 1 bad design. Correct flaw pressure suppression was added to the design. Vent designs to vent to air. Safer dry containments were asked earlier – would make mark 1 unlicensable.
Time to evaluate containment venting to see if reactors should continue operating. Germany when faced with energy vs. safety said no to nuclear power. Wrong to posit that no leaks are associated with mark 1 pressure suppression – is designed to do in an accident. All 3 at FUKU leaking significantly. Without pressure suppression band aids? TVA should be reviewed related to venting
control rod cracks – Browns ferry control rods have cracks. GE says control rods will fail sooner. ge says design life of rods is less than stated. 100% of blades inspected had cracks. More widespread and serious than previously known. Browns Ferry and 16 more mark 1 reactors. 83% of mark 1 have cracked blades. 30-40 units max life. Browns Ferry are that old.
Control rod mismanagement involved in accidents at Argonne Lab and Chernobyl. NRC should issue TVA to check blades rather than rely on notices. 1415 tons of fuel at Browns Ferry only protected by sheet metal building. Has tornado blow out panels. Tornadoes made browns ferry lose power this year. NRC said containments were upgraded but that is not true.
NRC should order TVA to move to cask storage. TVA has a pile of issues at Browns Ferry and failures. Red significance violations, valve failures. NRC issued fire protection notices at Browns. NRC violation many problems in Torus integrity and not maintaining welds. NRC should protect public safety.
Mariottee – nuclear information and resourace service: Public doesn’t understand the NRC or why this petition isn’t being acted on. 95% of people know of FUKU. They saw reactors explode and release radiation across the world. 95% don’t know NRC knew 40 years ago this would happen to a mark 1. AEC was told mark 1 reactors were deficient and AEC ignored it. Banning them would end nuclear power back in 70’s. NRC relied on luck as fundamental protection for the public
1986 – NRC – what would happen to a mark 1 90% probability of containment failure in accident. NRC instead added venting systems. Releases some of the radiation and hope they dont explode. Band aid and didn’t help much.
At FUKU the luck ran out. No power to venting system. They exploded and failed releasing radiation. Instead NRC is now proposing slight improvement to venting. Compensation of failure of design deficiency. Band aid on band aid and crossing fingers for luck public doesn’t understand why you don’t close them mark 1 is 4% of electricity supply. Nobody would notice if shut down. That would be prudent to protect public. Mark 1 older and paid for. Utilities get lots of profits for utilities and motivation for running them.
Fed up with this kind of thinking. Large corps get govt. agencies. Profits above public interest and safety. This is why people are occyping wall street. Fed up with large corps being placed above the people.
This is a matter of life and death. Our children. Existence of homes and communities. 80k lost homes in Japan. Health impacts already in Japan. We don’t want that here. Nobody knows next challenge to a mark 1 will be.
We do know for 40 years waht will happen when that challenge comes. That reactor will fail – it will be on your hands NRC. Stop relying on dumb luck.
We would rather our govt. act on public for a change. Go back and reverse the denials of parts of petition, accept in total.
Paul: Director of womens action – Georgia – 4 plants in GA – public meetings i n 10 mile zones around reactors. Plant Hatch like FUKU. 2002 – 20 year extensions on Hatch. 10 mile zone people deserve to be heard at meetings. Why should we not have public meetings. Why should we have faith in mark 1
1 week ago Tritium was leaking at Hatch. 25 ft below ground. Leak large enough to raise water table in well 5 feet
Raised drinking water 200x limit for tritium. It is impossible to recapture. River in area is a source for water for GA seafood. Significant to the region. We want to know what is going on. Leaks were supposedly fixed in 2006 been happening since 70’s. Pleads NRC come to the community, we hold you and power company responsible for these reactors. Mark 1 have blown up and melted down how can NRC in faith explain. People deserve honest discussion. Transparent process and know what is at stake
Germany felt 1 disaster would be 11 trillion dollars to their country. Plants in GA, they have lots of seismic. Tired of companies saying no threats of leaks and accidents. FUKU – we need to know this could happen here
Concludes remarks from petitioners.
Staff from NRC do you have questions? None. Any questions from regional areas. Region 2 , 3, 4 no questions. Licensees have any questions? none. Paul would like name of person from region 2, chris christensen.
Before we close asks reporter if needed info. Kamps has questions. Class E 1 ac & dc power back ups on pools. prevention of boiling. NRC called for make up water but supposed boiling is underway. This causes steam, water build up in buildings. Should prevent boiling in first place.
NRC – any questions on Kamps comments. HQ officer 30 people on phones. NRC does not wish to unmute the 30 people waiting on the phone. They will NOT be allowed to comment. Terminated phones. Ended video. WTH
No option for public at the event to comment was offered, nobody on the phones was allowed to ask questions or speak.
This was a class 3 meeting; DEFINITION: This is an NRC Category 3 Public Meeting. Public participation is actively sought at this type of meeting, which has the widest participation opportunities and is specifically tailored for the public to comment and ask questions throughout the meeting.
I think this violated the category definition.
The NRC was in clear violation of their own rules.
From NRC documents, category 3 meeting definition:
This is a Category 3 Meeting: The public is invited to participate in this
meeting by providing comments and asking questions throughout the
meeting. The NRC provides reasonable accommodations to individual’s
with\ disabilities where appropriate. If you need a reasonable
accommodation to participate in this meeting (e.g., sign language), or
need this meeting notice or other information from the meeting in another
format, please notify the NRC meeting contact
There were 30 minutes left for the meeting.
The meeting was to go to Noon. They had time. This is the listing for the meeting calling it a category 3 http://www.nrc.gov
My comment to the NRC…
“Please STOP the possibility of more Fukushimas! The NRC seems to be more of a Nuclear Rubber stamp Commission than a Regulatory one. You need to change that public concept and change it soon or any credibility you might have will be lost.” sent Friday, October 07, 2011 at 11:57:44
Comment Form here:
or FAX comments here: 301-415-5272 (NRC Fax number)
You can send a free fax via the internet too. 🙂
Think Different – An inspiring clip. (1 minute)
Going on right now! NRC is holding a call-in meeting with Beyond Nuclear & other concerned groups re: decommissioning of GE Mark 1 Reactors in US. Arnie Gunderson is testifying & many others. It is an OPEN meeting – open for public comment. Please watch & call in – help:
October 7, 10-12 noon EST
National Call In Day to NRC
They are burning contaminated waste and their only concern is to keep the cesium levels in the ash low. What the incinerator spews into the air is not mentioned.
In this article a farmer is worried that the pollen next spring will be contaminated. It dosent look good.
Oh! You just had an earthquake!
So much more tonnage to add to the burning of the 550,000+ tons of radioactive debris resultant from the Fukushima melts — ENTIRE FORESTS… One Billion tons+++ or even more?
“Without cutting down the forests, Mr Sato reckons there will be a permanent risk of contamination.”
“Every time a gust of wind blows, Mr Sato says it shakes invisible particles of radioactive caesium off the trees and showers them over the village.”
For above, see: http://www.economist.com/node/21531522
And now, radioactive pollen. Remove all vegetation; all soil; all biota?
“Radioactive pollen will set off from the ground and fly to south (Tokyo) again.
We take pollen into our lungs or eyes, which causes severe internal exposure.”
For above, see: http://fukushima-diary.com/2011/10/news-actual-fukushima-worker-warns-to-get-out-of-japan-before-spring-comes/
Two billion tons, three, more… to be burned. From experience, multiply official estimates by factor of 100 to 1000.
Relocate your loved ones out of the Pacific Northwest, this includes Canada and U.S. states Alaska, Washington, Oregon, NorCal — known Pacific rainforest areas. Northern hemisphere Pacific Islands as well.
10,000,000,000,000 disintegrations per hour now, what will be the additional Becquerels emitted with all the additional incineration required to dispose of the above?
Nuclear Contamination and Cancer – Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass
Part 1 of 3 “A Tsunami of Knowledge”
The “how and why” the proof was covered up by someone who was there. Infant mortality proof from early fallout.
Low level radiation exposure. They used to treat acne with x-rays. (1960’s) Hey… seemed like a good idea at the time. (?) They (the experts) knew what it was doing, but they wanted to build more Power Plants.
The video was taken eleven years ago. It’s like it was done yesterday. Parts 2 and 3 are also VERY important.
(Re: Chase’s dream) I’ll have what Chase is having 😉
No alpha particles in yesterday’s Agoura, CA (second) rain sample. Retested same sample today.
10/6/11 (24-hours post-collection, same sample)
11:40am, 10 minute average bg = 41.1
11:50, 10 minute average w/same sample, unmoved = 42.3 (a,b,g)
12:00pm, 10 minute average w/same sample, unmoved = 42.3 (b,g – in plastic bag)
NRC public meeting is tomorrow morning at 10am EST
Discuss request for action under 10 CFR 2.206 regarding immediate suspension of operating licenses of GE Mark 1 BWRs.
@Bar; No problem! Thank you for your contributions. The video guy used to put out a bunch of videos on the local southern california economy as he was unemployed and got depressed doing it, so he said he was going to stop doing those videos again. Now he does more political videos. Who knows what the next water report will bring… especially with Chases dream!!
@Chase; Wow. I hope it wasn’t what therapists call a pre-cognitive dream…dreaming something that will happen in the future. These used to be called visions, which are much more life like in nature, as if you were really there. The strange thing is you remember most of the speech, and it sure sounded like President Obama’s style! Either you had really really bad pizza late last night, or the USA might be on the verge of some pretty bad meltdowns of our own. I believe on some level we are trailblazers for preparing for what info is going to come out. So, lets be grateful for and enjoy the good that is here now, and continue the plan to provide a better place for tomorrow… whatever comes. Also, be sure to write down that dream on paper, date it and keep it safe. Believe in yourself.
roundabout, i didn`t mean you, sorry about that misunderstanding. I meant the guy in the video is trying to make it sound like the solar project is causing an environmental disaster. He said they blow “huge, huge” amounts of Chronium into the air. He said that was in the high Dessert and look at this http://www.hdwd.com/Departments/Operations/WaterQualityProduction.aspx
Scroll down to ”Consumer Confidence Report 2009 (Current)” there you have the data on the water contaminants. That’s groundwater from the high Dessert and there are no “huge, huge” amounts of Chronium in there. That guy has another clip :
Occupy Wallstreet Update! The Marines are Coming to PROTECT the Protesters
Because somebody claimed to be a Marine soldier and said he is going there with his buddies. That guy writes “ The Marines are Coming to PROTECT the Protesters”
Sensationalism if you ask me.
Thank you for your kind words @Michael Collins. I do live in Germany right now. But i`m south African with Dutch roots. I have a grown child that lives in San Diego and that is why started to visit your website. Thank you for your work and I hope you keep the information coming.
Last night I had a vivid dream.
I was watching X Factor on TV when a Special News Bulletin came onto the screen. It was a special message from the President of the United States. He was in a small room with Michele and the kids sitting off to one side. (The kids were eating peaches.) He looked directly into the camera and spoke with a sense of seriousness.
He said something like, “Dear American people and the people of the world. I am here to talk to you about the 3 Nuclear Power Plant meltdowns in Fukushima Japan. I am here to tell you what I know, why certain decisions have been made, and the plan for how to best deal with the Fallout from this unprecedented catastrophe. The future of our planet will depend on all of our cooperation and combined knowledge in order to maintain and deal with the ‘spreadation’ of radioactive materials throughout the world which will ultimately affect every living thing. We must take action now! Listen closely, ….etc…etc… Things have changed and we must change.”
Then he quoted Lincoln, “The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.”
Then he listed some of his plans, as best as I can remember was something like…
1. Women and children’s specific needs will be addressed first.
2. Air, Food and Water testing will be a necessary part of our daily lives. Weather reports will include alerts.
3. Instead of CD Civil Defense a new organization will be formed called FD Fallout Defense. (Public education on ‘how to’ grow safe food and gain knowledge of ‘how to’ be aware of radiation situations. This will be supplied by the government.)
4. A ‘radical’ energy conservation plan will be put in place.
5. In order to make a bold and unprecedented statement to the world the United States will be systematically begin shutting down all Nuclear Power plants and will no longer trade with any country who continues to operate them.
6. etc…
He then turned and thanked Michele for convincing him to do the right thing. Right then, the power and lights went off and the TV screen went blank. There was total silence and I was in the dark.
I abruptly woke up. That’s when I realized it was just a dream because I don’t own a TV and if I did, I most certainly would not have been watching anything like X Factor or American Idol. 🙂
Hello Everybody: Michael I am sorry you had such a lousy day to see the Grand Canyon. Go back when the weather is better – a great place to hike. I wonder if wiping the sign with the cloth concentrated the radiation thus skewing the results. Perhaps just holding the detector over the sign would be more accurate. That is how I am going to do my readings. Today in Green River Utah after a significant rain last night my inspector did a 10 minute average of 36.8 – very low background for Utah. However holding the detector 4 inches over the lawn at a local visitor center yielded constant readings in the 70’s and 80’s with a peak of 96 and 100. The grass was 3x background. I think we should continue to monitor vegitation which apparently is biocumulative. I wonder if this will just continue to increase as time goes by.
Can anyone comment on Hepa vs. “Hepa Type” filters? Is a HT filter useful at all? They are so much more reasonable than true Hepa filters. Just wondering if anyone has done any reading on this, and what you discovered.
@Bar: Correction taken. Just note the guy in the video said that he was talking one on one personally to the two solar contractors(on the plane or at the airport it seems casually)who admitted to doing this by their own hand and now the dust is flying everywhere. I think their work had an unintentional consequence. But, you are right in that I should not have made solar sound like the culprit. It’s just another thing to be aware of in any event. And all the more reason to purchase a good water and air filter. It goes without saying that Nuke plants are nothing but Pandora’s boxes when it comes to goo. Thank you for the article reference.
roundabout, thats not good. BUT, i wonder if this is pushed out of proportion to make the solar projects look bad. In this article: http://www.lvrj.com/news/nv-energy-power-plant-may-pose-health-risk-groups-say-115612149.html they write: “In 2009, the EPA’s toxic release inventory showed the Reid Gardner power plant released 169 pounds of chromium into the air, and 48,262 pounds were put in the station’s coal ash landfill near the Muddy River, which flows into Lake Mead, Southern Nevada’s primary drinking water supply.” And here:http://library.thinkquest.org/26026/Health_Concerns/nuclear_power_plants.html “Chromium, a toxic metal, was previously used in this cooling water, eventually causing much surface and groundwater to become contaminated with this toxin.”
When you read ALERT SO CALIF SOLAR CONTAMINATION you tend to think OMG solar is bad! No, its not! The Chromium-6 was not caused by the solarproject. It was in the groundwater already and after the water got pumped up and used it got into the air thru evaporation. Of course its not good for your health regardless of where it came from. But to suggest that the solar project is the cause of it, is simply wrong.
With the rain, and now the snow in the higher elevations here in California, is there anyone out there who can take readings in the snow?
>>>>”A time is coming, and it is coming soon, when Americans and Canadians are going to say “STOP!” to the burning of the 550,000+ tons of radioactive debris resultant from the Fukushima melts”
Michael, I’m wondering what you think we should all DO?? I ask that question not facetiously, but quite literally. I am so ready for this to STOP. I look at forums and articles and see comments constantly asking why isn’t anyone doing anything? What can be done? I’m ready for a list. 🙂
@Chase, your question about radioactive seawater evaporation is exactly what happened with the Sulfur-35 detection in California. It was a rapid transport mechanism to Kalifronia.
@glassgreen; Yes, there is a lot to do in order to retain one’s integrity during these times. Between Occupying Wallstreet and disseminating nuclear fallout information, it’s clear we all must work as a team. So, thank you Michael and Denise, once again, for the “No Nuke Road” you are providing for us to march on! 🙂 Remember prayer works.
My thought for the day:
Anyone and everyone staying silent over this disaster or who is attempting to sweep this under the rug is an accomplice to the death of millions who will die as a result of radiation exposure, as well as to the thousands of children who will be born with birth defects. Not to mention the destruction of our environment and food chain. It’s as simple as that.
2:45 PM: Glendale, CA: Inspector Alert reads 41.4 CPM 10 minute average background count. Then wiped rain from clean windshield and retested. 10 minute average was 72.7 CPM, a 75.6% increase. Immediately repeated 10 minute averaging test with alpha shield in place, reading was 67.7 CPM, 63% over background. We are definitely seeing a hot rain in Southern California.
@annette2 – Thank you, the comparison with Michael’s readings is a very informative.
The decay rate of Iodine, (half life), is about 7 to 8 days. But, it remains hazardous for at least 70 to 80 days. So as this stuff continues to spread daily it would also accumulate. So over a 80 day period it most likely adds up. The days overlap, it’s not like a one time shot. On average it can take 7 days for the Jet stream to cross the Pacific.
The general rule is:
Decay Rate(half-life) x 10 = Hazardous to Life time frame.
Cesium-137, Hazardous to Life = 300 years
I have also read that soil studies from Chernobyl have determined that the Decay Rate (half-life) of many of the substances are far ‘longer’ than had been previously thought. They are not sure why.
I may have asked this question before.
Can or will some ‘highly’ radioactive seawater evaporate back into clouds and then later become precipitation?
If spreading via ‘evaporation’ is part of the picture then how can it be factored in?
The nuclear fission occurring in the Fukushima’s ground water is steaming radioactive Radon into the atmosphere; the decay products of that Radon is causing the nationwide increases in background radiation. THERE IS LONGER HALF LIFE FALLOUT MIXED IN but it is harder to detect. High levels of short half life fallout are a strong indicator to look for the longer half life fallout in the sample.
Here in Saint Louis, I have detected fallout with longer half life indicative of NEPTUNIUM-239 (which decays into Plutonium 239).
@ Joe Marinelli: You are not being unreasonable with that thought. A time is coming, and it is coming soon, when Americans and Canadians are going to say “STOP!” to the burning of the 550,000+ tons of radioactive debris resultant from the Fukushima melts.
@Annette2 & RM Stiles: Thank you so much for your measurements. Keep ’em coming.
@glassgreen: I have been curious about that too and have not found the answer to your excellent question, yet.
@Bar: Superb digging, our German friend! The frightening prospect that the Yakuza may have worked at the plant is not nearly as frightening as supposedly non-criminals burning astronomical amounts of goo and allowing the jet stream to take it our way.
Looks like we dodged a bullet today, when the Japanese start burning all their radiactive material soon, I am not confident we will see such low readings we have seen with todays rain when winter rains come
Thoughts? am I am being unreasonable with that thought?
In sherman Oaks
Hi: While playing with my new toy (inspector + ) at Flaming Gorge Utah the background was around 50 cpm. I held the detector about 4 inches from various vegitation items – the readings varied from 70 to 94 cpm. These were flowers shrubs etc. It is apparent that six plus months has provided a biocumulative situation for probably ALL vegitation.
Unit 1 & 2 combined background average: 34.3 CPM
1:10 pm 10-minute INTERIOR average: 36.3 CPM^
1:10 pm 10-minute INTERIOR average: 32.2 CPM
I’m hoping for people to chime in with their $00.02.
I know some people, including myself, have surmised that the elevated air and rain readings are attributable to Fukashima. But I don’t understand how the radionuclides could make the 3, 4, 5-day trek via the jet stream to the U.S., fall to the ground via the rain, and decay so quickly that the readings go back to normal so quickly.
Unless what we’re measuring are quickly decaying by-products of the longer-lasting radionuclides. But still, some of the longer lasting ones would have to fall to the ground, which should be causing longer-duration elevated readings. For example, radioactive iodine has a half-life of 8 days and ceisum-137 has a half life of 30 years. I would think there should be some longer-lasting elevated readings.
Thoughts anyone?
Another radiation dispersion model link goes MIA:
LA Rain – Agoura, CA. Late morning count. Heavy rain for past 3.5 hours.
11:32am 10 minute average bg on foamplate/papertowel = 48.0cpm
11:48am, 10 minute average w/rain sample, same location = 82.7cpm (34.7cpm over bg = 72% over)
posted previously regarding dr oliver l. reiser’s (colleague of einstein, et al) work on unified field theory and radioeugenics. engineered evolution using radiation is not as far fetched as it sounds, theres no other truly logical explanation for what we perceive as the slow insane mutation of our organic race.
Tested this morning’s LA rain in the drive from Agoura to Encino via 101, and back.
Sample collected from top of car trunk (to avoid road spray/debris & effort to get direct rain). Rain heavy mist to light rain. Hasn’t gotten really going yet, although car was completely soaked. Car washed yesterday.
All counts alpha, beta & gamma.
7:55am, 10 minute count ambient air background = 35.5cpm
8:05am, 10 minute count background on paperplate/papertowel = 43.6cpm
8:18am, 10 minute count w/rain sample = 44.0 (4 over bg = 1% over)
8:39am, 10 minute recount w/same sample= 46.6 (30 over bg = 7% over)
It’s really dumping now. I’ll test again in a bit & repost.
Remember the guy that pointed his finger into tepcam?
He was at this press conference:
He said that “Yakuza” worked at the plant. I have never heard that before and found the explaination of that word at Wikipedia.
Sounds like some kind of a bad movie.
@Chase, you are so right about what you said.
@Michael Collins
Thanks for the update and all you have and are doing, I have to go out, wish I did not
I heard you on Rense a few weeks ago, nice job
What a world in which we live in, like a bad dream or some strange movie
But sadly its real
@Joe Marinelli: Yes we are checking the rain today with multiple units (including one in Glendale, California) and the first reading is not bad and could be the function of radon progeny (daughters):
8:25 am 10-minute INTERIOR average: 38.7 CPM^
8:22 am 10-minute INTERIOR average: 31.9 CPM
“A foolish faith in authority (experts) is the worst enemy of truth.” — Albert Einstein
I did a thesis in college regarding the ‘Psychological Affects on Hiroshima Survivors’. I am not an medical professional, it’s just a paper I did for a class, but I do remember it and I believe it gives me some insights.
(summation of thesis)
…After the blast, and for a long time afterwards, many survivors would still go to work or show up at their usual post even though it was obvious that nothing was left.
I would guess or surmise now that something very similar is occurring world wide with regard to the psychological affects of Fukushima. Regardless of the MSM blackout of information most people in general know something ‘fishy’ is going on with regard to Japan and the entire Nuclear Power Industries consortium.
The harsh regrettable reality won’t start hitting home until ‘obviously’ large numbers of people begin suffering and dying. (I am sure the “deniable credibility’ card will continue to be played over and over. It’s worked pretty good so far.)
I think many ARE SICK and have been SUFFERING and DYING for decades due to our toxic stupidity, but it’s just not discussed or it’s swept under the rug and labeled an “acceptable risk”. The experts say, “your chances are quite low and of no concern…” and when they are wrong they hide behind their corporate veil or the government’s wall of political acceptance. If that doesn’t work, then they hire really good lawyers.
When the everyday wonders of nature begin to mutate or disappear altogether. (btw – They are already. I don’t need to wait for the study to come out.) Even as ‘the change’ is upon us, many will attempt to just ‘go on’ about their daily business as long as it lasts and some will continue to go on even when nothing is left.
We are all doing what we can to a certain extent as a matter of mental survival… we have no choice. Personally I like having a choice. I call it… ‘freedom’.
“A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” – Proverb
Michael, will you be checking radiation levels of the rain today?
I’m sure those of us in SoCal, I’m in Sherman Oaks are wondering if it’s safe to go out today.
Its high time to stock up on last years rice!
Iwate rice hits stores
@Michael; Thank you for the measurements. I am shocked that an air filter used since April didn’t have above background readings… not even close? Pleasantly surprised. I will still be using the air filtration in my apt because it just seems healthy. Being so close to the Pacific Ocean and north of Santa Monica it is surprising such little results.
@Wilma @Bar; Thank you for ALL the links and research. Is keeping me busy in the middle of night! LOL. Could not believe that a vessel of plutonium dropped! The three were taken to a nuclear research center. Now they are guinea pigs?! This plutonium thing is ridiculous, even in our Los Alamos fires concern was there this last summer. The NRC, IAEA et al is totally out of control!
“Occupy” the NRC? Hmmm. The awareness will come, just like with the banksters. Give it about two more years.
An incident has happened today, tuesday, October 4, 2011 in belgoprocess, a waste-treatment nuclear plant located in Dessel, Belgium. According to the site Rtl Info, three people have been contaminated with plutonium during an audit carried out by inspectors from the IAEA (International Agency for Atomic Energy) and Euratom (European body of atomic energy).
A box containing plutonium fell unto the floor and spilled!!!
Japan nuclear plant Genkai No.4 shut after problem
In the list are 14 nuclear power plants with “problems” that caused unplanned shutdowns since March 11.
Unfortunatly they dont say how much contamination got into the enviroment because of these “problems”.
“..it is expected to take decades to remove the melted fuel…”
Wilma P. The link to the Prof. Chris Busby article shows the reality. How frightening.
When a government lies to its people… Witness for yourself the tangled web of deceit as Professor Frank Daulton shows results of his Inspector findings around his neighborhood in Japan, in direct contrast to so-called official governmental radiation numbers.
Professor Chris Busby vividly explains the reason for the gap between truths and lies:
“There is a gap between them and us. Between the phoney scientists and the public who don’t believe what they say. Between those who are employed and paid to protect us from radioactive pollution and those who die from its consequences. Between those who talk down what is arguably the greatest public health scandal in human history, and the facts that they ignore.”
For above, see: http://www.counterpunch.org/2011/03/28/deconstructing-nuclear-experts/
“Fukushima’s nuclear disaster is a nightmare. Ghostly releases of radioactivity haunt the Japanese countryside. Lives, once safe, are now beset by an ineffable scourge promising vile illness and death.
Large sectors of the population are accumulating significant levels of internal contamination, setting the stage for a public health tragedy.
A subtle increase in the number of miscarriages and fetal deaths will be the first manifestation that something is amiss. An elevated incidence of birth defects will begin in the Fall and continue into the indefinite future. Thyroid diseases, cardiac diseases and elevated rates of infant and childhood leukemia will follow. Over the next decade and beyond, cancer rates will soar.”
For above, see: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=26798
Plutonium around Prof. Daulton’s home is of concern. Adding to a previous post, plutonium that is inhaled is far more hazardous than plutonium that is ingested, because it is more readily absorbed into the blood stream via the lungs than via the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Inhaled plutonium will deliver a radiation dose to the lungs; ingested plutonium will deliver a radiation dose to the walls of the GI tract. From either of these entry points, plutonium may migrate via the blood stream to selectively concentrate in the bones and liver. Children metabolize quicker and their cell division rates are much more frequent than an adult’s. For these reasons alone, children are at risk in Japan and evacuation is indicated.
@roundabout: Thank you so much! You’ll be happy to know that the HEPA filter you sent (along with the kind donation) from Grover Beach, California did not test higher than background. Whew! That can’t be said for the two Radiation Station HEPA filters where after the last 53 of cleaning our air, came well over double background. Look at tests of all three HEPA filters and our test of Radiation Station’s aggregate dust just posted.
One note about using terms like “double background”: What is doubling the background is not the same kind of radiation as background (like radium, uranium and thorium in the soil along with cosmic radiation). The most likely explanation is Fukushima fallout which contains some of the most dangerous radionuclides known.
@All: Southern California‘s half year honeymoon not being impacted by rains brought by the jet stream ends tomorrow. Look for our extensive testing to tell you first how hot (or not) it is. Our preliminary recommendation is to be very wary of the rain until you (and we) know what it registers radioactivity-wise.
This interview is from June but if you havent heard it and you have time, its worth it.
1, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKAVtK_kTzo& feature=watch_response_rev
2, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QwIRrX22h4&feature=watch_response_rev
3, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWmch5KZ2Fo&feature=watch_response_rev
4, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6MneP2amqY&feature=watch_response_rev
@Michael; Congrats on the great interview last night on Rense! Wish they had more time with you!
Here is a link from Sept 21 CBS news piece regarding California’s drinking water. Please scroll to the last 2 paragraphs. Please note that while the interviewee said he wouldn’t “blame” people for being concerned, it is “important” to let people know the water is safe”… not to let the people “know” it is safe, just important to “let them know it is safe”… Critical reading is so important nowadays.
Arnie rocks!
Nice find, that Arnie Gunderson clip. I like best when he says the following:
“The fuse for Fukushima was lit 45 years ago when Fukushima-One was built by an AMERICAN company and an AMERICAN architect-engineer using an AMERICAN design.”
Disingenuous General Electric…
From http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-r-talbott/progressives-cry-out-obam_b_841158.html
“Take the nuclear accident in Japan. It wasn’t but three months ago that Obama was touting nuclear power before congress as a major leg in his clean energy program promising $36 billion in his budget to the industry to design and build new reactors. Unlucky, right? But scientists have been warning for decades about the risks of nuclear power, especially the on-site storage of spent fuel rods which was at the heart of the Japanese disaster. Last month, Obama named Jeffrey Immelt to the President’s Economic Recovery Board and then we find out it was GE that designed and built the Japanese reactors. Yesterday we hear that GE is not paying any taxes on $14 billion of profits but is instead receiving a $3.2 billion rebate. And Immelt is the man that is supposed to be investigating how to close corporate tax loopholes?”
More videos to watch, go here:
In one of them, learn how Mr. Immelt went into hiding when he was dispatched to Japan to ‘help’ with the unfolding nuclear disaster.
GE owns NBC. USA Media blackout regarding Fukushima, who’s behind it? Anyone else care to answer?
This is confusing. At first they write:”“To date, even the Fukushima accident has caused no deaths, and the IAEA reported on 1 June 2011: “to date, no health effects have been reported in any person as a result of radiation exposure.”” And then:”The accident destroyed the reactor and killed 56 people, 28 of whom died within weeks from radiation exposure. It also caused radiation sickness in a further 200-300 staff and firefighters, and contaminated large areas of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and beyond.
About 130,000 people received significant radiation doses (i.e. above internationally accepted ICRP limits) and continue to be monitored. About 4000 cases of thyroid cancer in children have been linked to the accident. Most of these were curable, though about nine were fatal.” Further down the Data from Paul Scherrer Institut states 79 fatalities from nuclear accidents worldwide. But what really sounds like storytime is this:”Fukushima has made that clear, with a triple meltdown causing no fatalities or serious radiation doses to anyone, while over one hundred people work on the site to mitigate the accident’s effects.”
Who believes this rubbish?
“Radioactive water found beneath Georgia nuclear Plant Hatch Radioactive water has been found underneath a nuclear power plant in southeast Georgia, but officials said Friday that the leak does not pose an immediate threat to public health and is unlikely to contaminate any drinking water.”
There is a new Arnie Gundersen clip
North Anna Nuclear Plant Analysis: Seismic Activity Under Reported; Insufficient Cooling Was Available; Public Was Placed At Risk; Radiation Leaks Not Important To Restart
The analysis and video are available at
Below is a link to good overall treatise, especially for the newly enlightened on low level radiation. But the “notes” area at the end gives excellent resources for those who are studying in depth on cover-ups, historical accidents and want to get more exposure truthful resources.
Radiation Network is showing prolonged higher readings in Hawaii again tonight. Avg 60 going up to 70 sometimes. I see there is a new site on Oahu…Yay for whoever is doing that!!
I was looking at the following site:
I thought four of the six reactors were in full core meltdown? How do you do a cold shut-down if there is already a meltdown?
Also, the article says the following:
The Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan said Aug. 4 that the possibility of a hydrogen explosion, reactor core meltdown or any other serious emergency is extremely low.
Then a few paragraphs later says the following:
Kazuhiko Kudo, specially appointed professor of nuclear power engineering at Kyushu University, says, “The temperatures of nuclear fuel that has been piled up at the bottom of the pressure vessels after meltdowns may still be high. The possibility of a hydrogen explosion cannot be ruled out, and the risk remains that piping for the water circulation system has deteriorated.”
So first they say there is no meltdown, then they admit it? Crazy…
@Bar; Thanks for the Dr. Sternglass videos. The very best since I have been obsessed with watching scientists on the topic since March 11th. Humane, warm, intelligent, kind and informative. And above all, endearing. Both youtube videos on Sternglass are fantastic. Thanks again! Please check out Bars youtube links on Dr. Sternglass.
@Wilma; You bring up scary points as far as Fukushima II over hear on the west coast. I don’t think though that there will be “timing” by Japan’s government as to the burning of the goo. They haven’t thought things out for their own citizens very carefully from the get-go, and I doubt they are going to put much thought into the implications of their actions for others either there or in the world at large. They haven’t yet, so why would they now?
I urge everyone, after reading Wilma’s succinct and precise summary on the different effects of isotopes to be diligent with your immune system, and also know that prayer over you and your loved ones, and the earth, animals,food and people will help. It really will. Don’t forget to add a smile to your neighbors life, in spite of the genocide. That alone can release creative thought and set you free from this “enslavement” created by corporate greed.
Japan Discovers Plutonium Far From Crippled Reactor (& Sr-90, & Sr-89 & … ):
Chris Busby: “Strontium-90 is a prime suspect. It decays to Yttrium-90, which then decays further. This second decay event has a high probability of occurring while the cell is repairing damage caused by the first. The second event defeats the cell repair mechanism because the mechanism itself is irreversible and has no means of repairing damage inflicted after it begins.” Read:
So, when burning the Fukushima irradiated wastes full of man-made radioisotopes galore, what will the timing be for such activities this current month of October? Will it be follow the winds east across the Pacific Ocean towards West Coast of North America and away, away from Japan or will it be allow the incineration to occur when prevailing winds blow back over the Japanese people? You KNOW the answer to that one, the goo is headed towards the Pacific Northwest: indeed, a Fukushima II event.
Plutonium loves the lungs and bone. Strontium-90 mimics calcium and concentrates in bone. Cesium-137 mimics potassium and concentrates in soft tissue such as heart muscle. Tritium (H-3) is indistinguishable from water by the body and becomes water-like: instead of H2O, think of it as H’T’O whereby tritium is incorporated in every way water is, for all living things.
They stopped burning contaminated waste in Chiba because the ash is too contaminated for the landfill. Did i get that right?
Thanks Wilma! I am a woman who knows way to much about radiation. I rewired my kids classroom because my gauss meter read to high. The school district really enjoyed that! I also know our bodies are made really strong and I have a huge belief in God. I am doing some serious praying that the people in charge will do the right thing by not only us out her but there own people.
Thanks for the info on who to write and I hope everyone will do the same.
This clip is a little older but still good to watch.
“Nuclear Contamination Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass and Cancer A Tsunami of Knowledge”
Here is another clip from Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass from 2006
55:14 min worth watching
(See Above) Please learn about the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) and the new 2011 Matheson bill amending RECA. $150,000 can be very helpful in moving downwinders away from the Pacific Northwest. Write your senators Feinstein and Boxer and ask that West Coast residents be included in RECA since we are now downwinders of Fukushima Japan and will be well into year 2014 due to the burning of tons and tons of insanely high amounts of radioactive debris in Japan. Please don’t forget to also write your congressperson (House Rep) as well.
Ask people from Alaska, Hawaii, Washington State, and Oregon to likewise write their two federal senators & congressperson and demand to be included as RECA downwinders.
Learn all you possibly can regarding radiation effects on the living from Dr. John Gofman, start here:
BRAWM data and forum:
Invest in an Inspector if you can afford it and learn how to use it. Maybe a neighborhood group of some sort can chip in and buy a decent radiation detector. We are on our own, as you now must realize.
People on the East Coast of the USA now are testing foodstuffs from California for radiation. That should tell you something.
One BILLION Becquerels per day constantly being released into the atmosphere across the Pacific from Fukushima. 10,000 Counts per Minute in Toronto, Canada rain this month (Sept 2011). Milk far and away from any safe consumption limit: Phoenix, Arizona at 1600% above and Hawaii at 2300% above. BEWARE DRINKING MILK.
Wilma Is this really happening? Is it confirmed they are really going to do this? or is it an incredibly BAD idea someone came up with. How can we stop this if it is true. I thought there might be some light at the end of this tunnel but now I am not so sure. How are we over here in southern california? Aren’t people in Japan protesting this? Let us know what we can do. I refuse to fold!
For those of you who smoke – well [I] think [this] might make you cringe more. [Polonium-210 in cigarettes – editor]
Melbourne Australia hot rain! Check this clip out.
I don’t think that was reactor 4…that is some buildings on the other side of the reactors…I have checked it out on other pictures because there is always something weird going on over there. I think they still have to vent whatever is left of the cores in order to avoid another explosion….I’m surprised we didn’t see more steam/smoke till now. It is very frustrating that they don’t tell us what is going on….we are all jumping to conclusions every time something different happens…..because we all know this is extremely serious. Every day that goes by without more explosions is truly a miracle. Mahalo nui loa
Check it out above: BRAWM team again finding INCREASES of Cesium-137 in milk; now the latest with a best by date of October the 1st. Cs-137 punches holes in kids’ hearts.
This was just posted on BRAWM:
Fukushima air filter data
Submitted by Marco Kaltofen (not verified) on Thu, 2011-09-29 18:33.
The data for the air filters tested at WPI will be presented at the 139th meeting of the American Public Health Association, next month, (Monday Oct. 31, 8:30 AM), in Washington, DC. The presentations will be available online after the close of the meeting.
Can’t wait… we’re holding our collective breath … literally, since we do not have access to the data that would tell us whether the air we are currently breathing is laced with plutonium.
I took a look at the jet stream forecast. It looks like any fallout release from the fire and/or explosion/earthquake will hit the Pacific NW/northern California/western Canada, then central Canada, then the U.S. Atlantic coast.
How much worse can this get and what are the implications of #4;s fire/eartquake today? Arnie Gunderson are you ready for a new video? Chime in folks…
“Considering the fact that melted fuel rods are sinking about 17m deep in the ground, it is possible to think the last earthquake was a hydrovolcanic explosion caused by nuclear fuel touching the underground water vein.”
@ All: REACTOR 4 IS ON FIRE – http://www.tepco.co.jp/nu/f1-np/camera/ – The reactor to the far right: you can see flame and certainly smoke.
bar, thanks.
glassgreen, iam no expert. I believe the nitrate tester is just an extra gadget with a seperate function. If you read this article you will see how bad nitrates are for your health http://www.doh.wa.gov/ehp/dw/Programs/nitrate.htm
I have a question for everyone. There is a Soeks radiation dosimeter that also has a nitrate tester for fruits and veggies. I take it that when foods get exposed to radiation that nitrate levels increase?
“There is a possibility of long term effects. Such as ‘shortened life span’, cancer or hereditary damage.”
– About Fallout, from the U.S. Department of Defense 1963
They knew way back then, but they still down played it. Things really haven’t changed much except instead of theory, we are now the ‘soon to find out’ experiment. Long term –> low dose –> exposures have no plan, at least not any good ones that I am aware of.
These mutated plants discovered in Kooriyama-shi, Fukushima
That is scary!
OK so the grand canyon is drawing in alot of radiation so MR man hands is it possible ya can post results of Phoenix or any of the valley fallout. Radiation network moniters say the Vallay been exposed to little radiation but those are ground level based sensors. the EPA sensors in Phoenix are on a high mountain or a top of a tall building could ya happen to Go into City and check for this please.
An update, I took a 5 minute reading 24 hrs after the hot rain… Back to normal levels 55 CPM (.165 uSv/hr). Then and hour later another system, but this one was from the North, dropped some rain. This time no change in readings, still normal background.
2011 09 27 – 8pm CDT
original comment:
September 26, 2011 at 8:08 pm
I took a reading on the heavy rains today (2011 09 26 @ 9pm CDT).
I’m getting 202 CPM (.605 uSv/hr) on the same RadAlert Inspector. Normal background here is 59 CPM (.175 uSv/hr).
Location: Central IL
OC Register article on the meeting about the San Onofre Nuclear Plant: http://www.ocregister.com/news/san-319346-onofre-nuclear.html
Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Plant Faces Crisis As It Struggles To Pay For Repairs From Flood Damage
“Ft. Calhoun and Browns Ferry nuclear plant are the two worst in the US. Ft. Calhoun only supplies Omaha with 24% of their electricity and is only a 484 mega watt reactor.”
I dont understand why they dont build water turbines at the many dams they have along the river and get rid of these old and dangerous nuclear plants.
“Entergy’s Palisades nuclear power plant in Covert shut down on Friday after the system that cools the reactor began leaking water at around 15 gallons per minute.”
“Environmental groups warn that NRC has loosened safety rules in order to allow the aging Palisades plant to continue operation.”
And days later a new “problem” occures. I was taught, if you play with fire you are gonna get burnt.
Here is another link to the Michigan plant level 2 accident video found off of “favorites” on believersunderground youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/believersunderground#p/a/f/0/OzAas9sxtus:
Electrical problems trigger radioactive steam release at Palisades
“Entergy’s Palisades nuclear plant near South Haven is venting radioactive steam into the environment as part of an unplanned shutdown triggered by an electrical accident.
This shutdown, which began Sunday evening, came just five days after the plant restarted from a shutdown that was caused by a leak in the plant’s cooling system.”
Hope they fix that quick. We shure dont need more goo in the enviroment!
Youtube user video:
Plane from Tokyo to LAX just off of California coast at high altitude. Reading went over 5.00 mcSv/hr. Averaged about 4.75. That’s seems a bit high to me.
At :17 seconds into the video his camera pans over to a women clutching her baby. I saw no masks?
I took a reading on the heavy rains today (2011 09 26 @ 9pm CDT).
I’m getting 202 CPM (.605 uSv/hr) on the same RadAlert Inspector. Normal background here is 59 CPM (.175 uSv/hr).
Location: Central IL
…Experts think that a low, but chronic dose of radioactivity, is very dangerous thing for the human genome..
Incredible! I have no words…
North Kanto Japan, Plutonium Oxide Typhoon Rains? A Photo Comparison
Looks like they are burning contaminated household trash in at least 410 facilities and spewing cesium into the enviroment. The people need to be evacated before they poison this whole planet.
“Of 410 facilities where cesium levels of ashes were 8,000 becquerels or lower, 22 sites mainly in the Tokyo Metropolitan area have been storing the ashes. They say they cannot bury the ashes due to residents’ objections.”
I just stumbled across this site and I am disturbed by this information. I wasn’t aware that food was radiated on a routine basis.
How does irradiation affect the food itself?
..Whether the products of radiolysis in food are all innocent from a human health perspective is still debated. However, years of experience in food irradiation has not demonstrated any identifiable health problems…
…FDA does not require labeling of irradiated food served in restaurants..
“No degree of prosperity could justify the accumulation of large amounts of highly toxic substances which nobody knows how to make ‘safe’ and which remain an INCALCULABLE danger to the whole of creation for historical or even GEOLOGICAL AGES. To do such a thing is a transgression against life itself, a transgression infinitely more serious than any crime ever perpetrated by man. The idea that a civilization could sustain itself on the basis of such a transgression is an ethical, spiritual, and metaphysical monstrosity. It means conducting the economic affairs of man as if people (all life forms) really did not matter at all.” — E.F. Schumacher 1973
Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered,
(Chp. 4, Nuclear Energy–Salvation or Damnation? )
I added the (all life forms) part.
I’d say I agree with Mr. Schumacher 100%.
If Japan can go from 54 to 11 plants, then the USA should be able to go from 104 to 22 easy, that’s all I’m saying. I certainly don’t want the country of Japan to ‘out do us’ at doing the right thing. Please… not again. We have a ‘smart grid’, let’s put it to the test and use it.
Start my rationing tomorrow. I’m okay with that. Until we all do this, people will be lazy and not figure out what to do. Start the rationing and people will be hooking up bicycles with generators, mini-wind wills, mini-water turbines, solar panels and whatever else you can think of. It will get done faster than a particle accelerator. (A particle accelerator has now produced speeds in excess of the speed of light. Note: This physics theory was at one time considered impossible. oops again!)
Chase, Humans are tough and hard to kill. Fukushima is not the end of the world; but it is the start of a whole lot of misery. In regards to shutting down nuclear power, it can’t happen now because it would really destabilize the political industrial complex.
From a “political industrial complex” view point, it makes no sense to kill off nuclear until an efficient methodology is developed to rationing electricity via centralized planning. Of course if you think Nuclear is bad, just wait until electricity is controlled and rationed by someone like Robert Mugabe (or maybe ANY mayor of Chicago).
Until technology comes about to ration electricity at the individual level, I would not expect anything more than nuke plants being outsourced to countries willing to host them (we will see that in Europe soon).
@glassgreen Good observation!
“I think governments and the nuclear industry have always seen the threat of nuclear accidents as being very localized, short-term, high-dose events, from which people could evacuate. But Fukashima is a broad, long-term event, with nowhere to evacuate.” – glassgreen
I have done a lot of reading and your statement is absolutely true. This event is far different and far from over.
The ‘experts’ knew of this possibility all along, but it was barely ever mentioned. (Except in those fictitious sci-fi movies.) It’s more of a mess than the ‘experts’ want to fathom and it’s certainly more of a mess than “Joe Citizen” wants to think about or can grasp logically. The Nuclear Industry has the second part of that sentence on their side.
I am not sure when the ‘moment of truth’ is going to hit the masses, but it will. Probably not until it’s obvious to ‘Joe Citizen’ that they themselves or their loved ones are dieing and they’ve been lied to or deceived. …or until the price of a piece of cesium free beef equals an ounce of gold. Then it will be too late. It will be regrettable.
My question is this. Can the world be destroyed by 1(3) nuclear meltdown(s)? I know for a ‘fact’ it can certainly change our lives and our way of thinking. I am hoping and praying that the way of thinking can change for the masses soon!
If Japan can go from 54 Nuclear Plants down to 11 in less than six months, then I know we can do this.
@bar Thanks for the link to the detox doc.
My comments about the doc and other detox and radiation safety info out there is that they all seem to be tailored to a single short-term event and assume people can get away from the radiation source/exposure. I hate to be a downer but we’ve had ongoing radiation exposure for more than six months and there is no end in sight. I don’t think anyone ever planned for an event of this magnitude, duration, and exposure level. I think governments and the nuclear industry have always seen the threat of nuclear accidents as being very localized, short-term, high-dose events, from which people could evacuate. But Fukashima is a broad, long-term event, with nowhere to evacuate.
Also, many of the remedies mentioned in this and other docs are natural food sources and assume that the public can get uncontaminated sea vegetables, tea, grass superfoods, etc., and that supplements are made from uncontaminated substances. But the gunk is in the food chain as EnviroReporter has found and documented, UCB has documented, etc.
I still think people can lessen their exposure with a lot of time, effort and diligence. For detoxing, you can try to buy sea vegetables and supplements made from the Atlantic Ocean or sources in the southern hemisphere.
It’s a mess.
Raw Data from Saint Louis Neptunium 239 Detection Available for Public Analysis
Arnie Gundersen posted a new video dated Sept 19, 2011. From the site:
Gundersen expresses concerns that the nuclear industry and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are not addressing major safety issues that have become evident since Fukushima. These issues include serious design flaws in the BWR Mark 1 containment, fundamental flaws in the Boiling Water Reactor vessel design, and problems with detonation shockwaves. The NRC and the nuclear industry are using a flawed cost benefit computer code that underestimates the value of human life and minimize property damages after an accident, which has the effect of justifying continued operation of reactors without safety modifications.
Also, Fairewinds announces the launch of the Japanese language version of its site, Fairewinds.jp.
CARROTS for California sold on the East Coast at 4X background. (after washed and peeled, then tested ‘Cesium-137’ found)
“I had my local Radiological Division of the Health Dept. check local produce (East Coast) with some sophisticated equipment… A number of natural radioactive isotopes registered, along with a minor amount of Cesium 137! The Dept. admitted that it could not test Strontiums in its mobile lab and would have to wait weeks for results from a separate lab.”
“1 bag of peeled, certified organic California Carrots had 4 times the counts of Cesium 137 as did multiple unwashed tomatoes, kale, pear, yellow squash, red peppers, figs, a beet, and a few other things from local PA and VA farms! That was a shocker!”
I cannot vouch for the validity to this information as no photo or video of the document was shown. However, I don’t doubt it and I anticipate that this will become the norm from here on in. I requested of the user to post a video of the documentation.
There is so much useful information in this article. Its worth reading!
@All: Our Fukushima investigation page has been updated and streamlined. It now includes Special Radiation Station Testing and Radiation Station Graphs. We are front-loading the website to support our upcoming coverage.
Didnt they just have a Typhoon with tons of rain? Why are they worried about fires and are sprinkling (contaminated)water over the woodpiles and around the compound? Strange.
This video debunks some of the Nuclear Industries most ignorant claims and it does so very well.
The video is also SCARY with regard to it’s dramatic inaccurate number crunching and it’s representation of non-truths.
OMG!!! The disinformation that is being purported as ‘fact’ is beyond astounding to anyone with ‘half a lick’ of sense. How much did the people who made the BBC video get paid? hmmm…? (originally aired Sept 18th, 2011 BBC)
Side note: Yesterday while watching a local Los Angeles TV show called Good Day LA the weather reporter Jillian was reporting on the tsunami in Japan and reading from a teleprompter. At the end of the report she states, “a minor meltdown in Japan back in March”. (that’s how I heard it) She sort of got a look on her face like. What the ????! I wish someone out there had a clip for youtube on that one. Geez!
It’s gone from disinformation to lack of information to outright lies that attempt to associate with the word ‘fact’. The above video is proof in my opinion that the Nuclear industry is grasping at straws and will do most anything in an attempt to keep the folly rolling.
BBC Debunked
There you have it. The reporter says that people shouldnt be evacuated everything is fine and then he puts a pair of boots on to protect himself. Incredible!
Brilliant. A “must” facebook post:
“Waiter There’s cesium in my soup”
Up Close Episode 144 May 4, 2011
(audio interview from Australia)
Title: The health implications of radioactivity
“The mechanisms are complex and not fully understood.” – Prof Tilman Ruff Interviewed by Dr. Shane Huntington
He discusses FOOD contamination at 22:00 minutes in.
It’s complicated because radiation in food is “long term”. Some radioactive substances mimic other important natural substances inside our body.
Informing people about the risks in ways that make good sense. Especially –> women and children.
4000 mile Radioactive Road Trip: Marathon Florida Tropical Down Pour
Since I did not retest the sample within the half hour you suggest, we do not know if the sample decayed by 50% within the prescribed 30 minutes.
The rest of my protocol was basically consistent with what you recommend. I did use a fresh paper towel, fresh paper plate and determined the background (10 minute average) immediately before collecting the sample. I had cleaned the glass surfaces of a small table and rear auto window the night prior, so they were fairly dust-free (actually, nothing is dust-free with all the animals running around my place, but I planned to take a sample the following morning, so I made an effort). I didn’t measure out the swiped area, but I would guestimate the total area swiped was about 3 feet.
I also want to clarify that I did not have the sample in a plastic bag. Rather I placed my Inspector immediately (.25″) above the paper towel/plate combo, so I was registering alpha, beta and gamma.
This is what we do know though about how that heavy mist sample decayed:
Initial Reading = 81.5 minus the background of 43.2 leaves us with a sample showing radioactive isotopes exceeding background of 38.3 counts per minute. This 38.3 cpm is the amount attributable to whatever was collected in the mist sample.
When I retested the sample 78 minutes later, the cpm was 50.7. This exceeded background by 7.5 cpm. 7.5 divided by 38.3 shows an 80% decay in 78 minutes time.
The next time I retested, 288 minutes after collection, the cpm was 46.4 This exceeded background by 3.2 cpm. 3.2 divided by 38.3 shows a 92% decay in 288 minutes time.
Based upon your recommended protocol, the sample would have had to decay to 19.15 cpm or lower within 30 minutes time. This may have occurred, but we simply do not know, since I didn’t test until 78 minutes.
Angus, thanks so much for the more definitive testing protocol. I’ll be sure to pull retests according to that schedule and sampling parameters, in order to definitely rule out radon, or not.
I think I’ll also retest the background at each recount rather than use the original background. Although the background in the area where I am taking the counts (on top of the wooden bar in my living room) is well established though multiple count periods and really doesn’t vary much, since we’re working with such small numbers, using a fresh background with each count will help to ensure whether we’ve crossed the radon/no radon threshold, or not.
In any case, I’ve got the swipe bagged up and labelled, along with a bunch of other samples, all safely stashed away for future analysis, should the need arise. Although I did not video it, I did take photos of the swipe locations and the final count readings with the samples, as well.
Angusmerlin, back on Sept 9th (because of a massive Radon spike in one of my rain samples) I surmised that the Fukushima core hit ground water.
see http://youtu.be/IgQzBTcIhLU
The short of it is that Radon is steaming up out of the ground water along with other stuff from the fissioning core.
If anyone is detecting high levels of short half life radiation, it is suspect that they are also getting hit with longer half life radiation. It is by that very method that I was able to detect the signature of Neptunium 239 in the fallout.
If anyone detects the higher levels of radiation than normal, they should try and use the methodology I used in this video to document it.
Typhoon to give a snag to Fukushima; Reported on NPR webiste today:
Japan was also struck by a 5.3 magnitude earthquake that was deep and caused no damage. CNN reports that officials are worried that as the typhoon moves northeast, it could affect the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant:
TEPCO officials said they had outdoor construction canceled at the plant. There were also concerns about whether a strong downpour could wash radiation-contaminated waters out of the plant.
At one point before the storm made landfall, about 1 million people were urged to evacuate from vulnerable areas as heavy rain pounded central and western Japan.
P.S. Annette re the heavy mist, slightly different methods could be used to collect heavy mist re the following:
“Possible car swipe method
Submitted by Angusmerlin (not verified) on Tue, 2011-08-23 07:38.
Possible car swipe method for determining fresh rain water radiation levels:
Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen suggests swiping a three foot area of a car for the car swipe method of determining fresh rain radiation levels. I would suggest that the tester use exactly the same pattern of swiping and the same number of swipes of that three foot area– from rain sample to rain sample. Again, a clean cloth of a predetermined size (folded the same way from rain sample to rain sample) should be used. Thirty minutes after the sample is first measured, measure again to check for possible radon artifact. If radiation levels have not decayed by about 50%, test likely is negative for radon. Any increased radiation measured beyond background level is likely due to non-radon sources.”
Happy radiation hunting… Well, maybe not happy, but you get the idea.
Your Agoura Los Angeles/Ventura County, CA heavy mist increased radiation gross beta CPM readings of Sept. 21st, 2011 (though fairly quickly decaying) may be of the longer lasting type of radiation fallout. On August the 23, 2011 I submitted to the Berkeley Dept. of Nuclear Engineering Public Forum the following possible field test screen for ruling out radon artifact, based on suggestions/findings from one of the Berkeley Dept of Engineering public forum moderating team members. Again, as I have mentioned many times before, we are all in this Fukushima radiation field study disaster, learning together. Here is my humble, possible radon field test for rain radiation sample, which I feel absolutely also can be used for heavy mist readings.
P.S.: Thanks for sharing your findings, Annette.
Angusmerlin post @ UC Berkeley Dept. of Nuclear Engineering Public Forum:
“Amended radon field test for rain radiation samples
Submitted by Angusmerlin (not verified) on Tue, 2011-08-23 07:20.
Amended radon field test for rain radiation samples:
1. Calibrate geiger just prior to the beginning of the radiation measuring odyssey. Install fresh batteries.
2. Determine background radiation.
3. Using a clean rain gauge (or, other measured container), collect a sample of the rain.
4. Pour a pre-determined amount of the rain collected onto a clean cloth (Aside: cloth to be of a predetermined size, and folded the same way from rain sample to rain sample).
5. With geiger counter measure the given sample amount on your cloth for radiation levels present.
6. Radon screen: Re-test the same sample 30 minutes later to check for possible presence of radon (to help factor out any radon progeny contamination, which may be present).
7. If radiation levels have not decayed by about 50%, test is negative for radon. Increased radiation likely due to non-radon sources.”
Annette, your CPM gross beta levels did not decay by the 50% level (the criteria that Berkeley suggested). Possibly, non radon radionuclide fallout is responsible for the high CPM levels you recorded. Interesting and disturbing!
Thats a better link.
Berkeley NUC just published their Observations of Fallout from the Fukushima Reactor Accident in San Francisco Bay Area Rainwater at http://www.plosone.org
Don’t worry – it’s not IMMEDIATELY(!) harmful to human health!
A crane fell onto reactor 4 building during the Typhoon.
What else is going to happen there?
@John Southwick
I usually don’t refer or point to something as ‘fact’ based on what someone just ‘tells’ me. I would request to see the data and then verify it’s source. …and at the same time I might speculate on the possible motive of why they, an expert most likely, would ‘tell’ me this if it’s not true. I am not saying that’s the situation, but it’s a possibility to consider that’s all.
If the Santa Susanna Field Lab has the equipment why not post the data online for all to see? That would be the right thing to do.
It is possible however that the Santa Susanna Field Lab is just fine and there is ‘no concern’. It’s only everywhere else in the northern hemisphere that’s showing spikes in rad activity. Currently, primarily seen in rain.
Please refer to the Potrblog “Smoking Gun” video below or the EnviroReporter “Grand Canyon” Video located on this site. They show the data. I like that. 🙂
Very interesting information in light of the fact they are telling us that everything is o k at the Santa Susanna Field Lab here in Simi Valley CA
I re-titled my previous video on the Neptunium 239 detection so that people may more readily understand the implications.
Plutonium 239 Fallout Raining Down on North America; The Smoking Gun
Pathological Archives of Life-Span Animal Studies on Carcinogenesis Following Internal Exposures to Plutonium Compounds
Published by the National Institute of Radiological Sciences February 2006
What a nightmare!
Chase, It doesn’t feel right to say “your welcome” for making a video that calmly shows and lets people know that crap loads of plutonium 239 is raining down on their heads every time Fukushima goes re-critical, but thanks for your support.
But one thing is clear, if the Neptunium, Plutonium (and maybe Americium) coming down left little red dots behind every time it touched someone, people would be freaking out in Biblical plague proportions.
Sorry… the radionuclides in heavy morning mist counts I posted yesterday were 10 minute totals, not counts per minute. Neglected to divide by 10 before posting.
So, the counts per minute were:
Background = 43.2
Sample at time of collection = 81.5
Sample 1 hour:18 minutes after collection = 50.7
Sample 4 hours:48 minutes post collection = 46.4
Realtime radiation data collected via the System for Prediction of Environment Emergency Dose Information(SPEEDI)
Looks like the Typhoon is headed straight for the nuclear power station.
And they just had another 5.2 earthquake near Fukushima. Why on earth did they build a nuclear power station in a place like that?
Weaver, this an article about the contamination in Europe.
Tracking of Airborne Radionuclides from the Damaged Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Reactors by European Networks
This is an Austrian article from the same study, in German. I used Google translate:
“Traced routes of radioactivity
“It is noteworthy that the radioactive particles are not evenly distributed, but a distinct path from northwest to central Europe laid back,” said Georg Steinhauser, radiation physicist at the Technical University of Vienna. Despite the wide path that had traversed the air masses from Japan already, the particles remained even in Europe, yet somewhat bundled together. That is as interesting as the meteorology for nuclear research.”
Most of the contamination went over the US and then toward Europe. So the information should apply to the US too but with higher contamination.
What stood out is that the particles stayed bundled together and the particles were not evenly distributed. I think that confirms what Potrblog and others said about the Jetstream and there being higher contamination on that route. It could also be the reason why Sac has higher readings. Have you checked information about Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station? Its closed down but there is a storage building for low-level radioactive waste and a dry-cask spent fuel storage facility.
Agoura (Santa Monica Mtns) – Heavy Morning Mists show fast-decaying radioisotopes: 9/20/11 – sample tested with Medcom Inspector Alert.
7:15am background of fresh paper plate & paper towel = 432 cpm
7:32am 10 minute count w/same paper towel saturated with mist collected from glass table top & auto rear window on same paper plate = 815 (189% of background)
8:50am 10 minute count of same, unmoved sample = 507 (117% of background)
12:20pm 10 minute count of same, unmoved sample = 464 (107% of background, within 15% margin of error)
@Potrblog THANKS! Finally got to the latest Neptunium Video. Highly recommend.
My review:
The surprise ending was somewhat expected, okay maybe unexpected. I won’t spoil it. Watch it through to the very end. Maybe twice.
@Weaver re your query for the cause of increased epa reported gross beta radiation spiking:
Los Angeles epa Radnet monitoring station also is reporting some very high spikes, ranging from 100 to 350 CPMs. I am wondering if perhaps at least in part huge spikes are occurring in conjunction with last Thursday and Friday’s East Coast Honshu, Japan multiple +6 mag shakers. Damaged nuclear power plants becoming even more damaged… Starting September the 18th, this very high spiking especially began to be noticeable in Los Angeles. This seems consistent with the time it should take for the trade winds from Japan to arrive at the West Coast. Unfortunately, it is hard to nail anything down re the source of this increased gross beta spiking, as everything is so hush, hush. Is it actually hot particle increased radiation fallout from Fukushima? Or, simply increased radon artifact. One thing is for sure. The increased radiation spiking you and I are both seeing in California sure appears to come hand in hand with the Fukushima trade winds.
@Michael Collins,
I can’t wait until the winter rains and Japan jet stream begin to hit Southern California. That should be real special! Unfortunately, most people have completely no idea that anything is even amiss!
It has been some time before I checked the EPA’s progressively dumbed-down and covered-up monitoring of the Fukushima disaster.
I plugged in a graph for Sacramento’s beta gross count rate since the beginning of the month and was startled… ridiculously-high values, one going over 500 on 9/11, multiple 200s, and several dozen above 100. While I’m aware that the Sacramento instrumentation has a history of erratic spikes, the huge values are very close together and do not seem like coincidental flukes.
I have two questions for the brilliant minds here at Enviroreporter, and I apologize if they have been answered already as I have been away for some time:
1) Has there been any recent reports of extra-high amounts of radiation blowing in from Japan?
2) Whatever happened to the EPA’s quarterly lab tests? They should have gone back to testing about now. I’ve tried searching but, sure enough, almost all the tests I find end in March 2011. Perhaps I’m not searching the right place?
Thank you all.
Sorry, this is the clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQKlFa2vcHs&feature=player_detailpage
Listen starting at 6:33. Tepco is involved in building two nuclear reactors in the Golfcoast of Texas! Tepco??
Busby Video dated Sept, 19, 2011
“So we have 2 different points of view here…”
“Like a tennis match backwards and forwards, the independent scientists say there’s a problem, the government and the Nuclear scientists say there is no problem. The REAL problem is that we must do something about it!”
“It’s not like this is something new, we know what is going to happen…”
“Sinister and horrifying…”
Final words -> “This is disgraceful.” – Busby
Arnie Gundersen
Fairewinds Introduces a Japanese Language Edition and Identifies Safety Problems in all Reactors Designed Like Fukushima
Must see!
Longer Half Life Fukushima Fallout With a Neptunium 239 Signature Hits Saint Louis
video to be available shortly at
Video Summary:
(1) Longer Half Life Fallout Detected in Saint Louis on 9/14/2011
(2) The Detected Half life is Indicative of Neptunium 239
(3) Under a Long Term Np-239 Fallout Scenario, Explosive Dispersal of the Corium Becomes Risk Mitigating