Seaweed PART 1


7:40 pm 10-minute INTERIOR average JAPANESE SEAWEED IN BAG bought in Southern California Japanese market by Michael Collins = 64.3 CPM WHICH IS 54.2% HIGHER THAN PREVIOUS BACKGROUND AVERAGE

6:40 pm 10-minute INTERIOR average = 41.7 CPM

One of the best places to check for contamination possibly emanating from the triple-meltdowns and melt-throughs at Fukushima Daiichi is the ocean. Along with Korea and China, Japan produce $2 billion annually worth of Nori, the Japanese name for a number of edible seaweed including “laver.”

Canadians found that out the hot way when seaweed was detected with Fukushima-generated Iodine-131 March 19, 20 and 25 of this year, just days after the March 11 earthquake, tsunami and multiple meltdowns.

In May, Greenpeace said that 10 of the 22 seaweed samples it had collected near the crippled plant was so hot that it exceeded shown radiation levels as much as five times the standard set by Japan for food.

“Radioactive contamination is accumulating in the marine ecosystem that provides Japan with a quarter of its seafood, yet the authorities are still doing very little to protect public health,” Greenpeace’s Ike Teuling said in a statement.

We bought this seaweed from a vast selection of the item at one of the 43 Japanese markets operating in Greater Los Angeles, according to the 2011 Japanese Telephone Directory & Guide for Southern California. It is also available at many of the 885 Japanese restaurants in the region.

Seaweed PART 2


9:15 pm 10-minute INTERIOR average JAPANESE SEAWEED OUT OF BAG bought in Southern California Japanese market by Michael Collins = 67.9 CPM WHICH IS 67.2% HIGHER THAN PREVIOUS BACKGROUND AVERAGE WHICH IS 22.6% HIGHER FROM ALPHA

9:00 pm 10-minute INTERIOR average = 40.6 CPM

“When alpha particle emitting isotopes are ingested, they are far more dangerous than their half-life or decay rate would suggest, due to the high relative biological effectiveness of alpha radiation to cause biological damage, after alpha-emitting radioisotopes enter living cells” according to Wikipedia. “Ingested alpha emitter radioisotopes (such as transuranics or actinides) are an average of about 20 times more dangerous, and in some experiments up to 1000 times more dangerous, than an equivalent activity of beta emitting or gamma emitting radioisotopes.”

That this seaweed, in just this one spot alone, registered 22.6% higher apparently from alpha radiation, is shocking.

One Comment

  1. 4/13/12
    9:25pm 10-minute background average: 39.3 CPM^
    9:10pm 10-minute average of April 13, 2012 JAPANESE SEAWEED OUT OF BAG: 76.5 CPM^ which is 94.7% HIGHER THAN SUBSEQUENT BACKGROUND. 17.6% of background exceedance is ALPA. April 13, 2012 background exceedance is 40.9% increase over August 23, 2011 exceedance.
    8:50pm 10-minute average of April 13, 2012 JAPANESE SEAWEED IN BAG: 69.6 CPM^ which is 77.1% HIGHER THAN SUBSEQUENT BACKGROUND.
    6:30pm 10-minute average of August 23, 2011 JAPANESE SEAWEED OUT OF BAG RE-TEST: 66.8 CPM^ which is 55.0% HIGHER THAN PREVIOUS BACKGROUND. Higher reading out of bag indicates 10.8% of background exceedance is ALPHA.
    6:15pm 10-minute average of August 23, 2011 JAPANESE SEAWEED IN BAG RE-TEST: 63.4 CPM^ which is 44.2% HIGHER THAN PREVIOUS BACKGROUND. Aug. 23, 2011 was 54.2% higher than background therefore 10.0% decrease in ionization over nearly 8 months (237 days or 64.93%/year) which translates to 15.4% decrease of the radionuclide(s) per year.
    6:00pm 10-minute average: 43.9 CPM^
    8:45am 10-minute average INTERIOR RAIN REMNANTS: 43.3 CPM^ [Within +/- 15% Inspector Alert margin of error = NORMAL RAIN WITH NO RADON PROGENY]
    8:25am 10-minute average INTERIOR: 42.8 CPM^


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