WATCH UC Davis Protestors Pepper Sprayed November 18, 2011
WATCH UC Davis student David Buscho emotionally recount getting pepper sprayed by campus police
CHECK OUT various pepper spray Material Safety Data Sheets
READ 2003 University of Helsinki, Finland study Toxic carriers in pepper sprays may cause corneal erosion
READ 1994 “Pepper Spray and In-Custody Deaths” by the International Association of Chiefs of Police
CHECK OUT Fox Labs International
SEE Defense Devices’ list of law enforcement and military agencies using Fox Labs products.
SEE Red Hot Pepper Spray list of law enforcement and military agencies using Fox Labs products.
CHECK OUT Personal Safety Corp.’s Pepper Enforcement
SEE Personal Safety Corp.’s MSDS for OC Fogger-Non Flammable PE5MF
CHECK OUT Sabre Red pepper spray
CHECK OUT First Defense pepper spray
VISIT the The Center for Public Environmental Oversight for expert TCE information, reports and forums

VISIT Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles for environmental and nuclear weapons issues by this Nobel Peace Prize-winning organization
READ The Trichloroethylene Legacy in the Los Angeles Area by Lenny Siegel [DOC, 5 PGS] June 2006
READ 1997 California Department of Public Health TCE hazards report
READ Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research February 8, 2010 report Industrial Solvent Linked to Increased Risk of Parkinson’s Disease
READ California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment’s PROPOSITION 65 IN PLAIN LANGUAGE!
SEE OEHHA’s current Prop. 65 list
READ October 2011 Cal-EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control VAPOR INTRUSION GUIDANCE
READ “Air Apparent – Deadly Rocketdyne Vapor Threatens Ventura and Los Angeles Counties”
READ “It’s a Gas” about TCE vapors
READ 50 Years After America’s Worst Nuclear Meltdown about Rocketdyne TCE groundwater pollution
VISIT Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition which aims to make Rocketdyne owner Boeing to clean up the TCE-poisoned groundwater
VISIT Aerospace Contamination Museum of Education that shows that 530,000 gallons of TCE were used at Rocketdyne
READ “Boeing Blocks Lab Cleanup” where TCE usage is estimated at 800,000 gallons
READ Parson’s Poisonous Posterity
SEE The Toxies Bad Actor Chemical Perchloroethylene
Very informative post! I just hope that pepper sprays get regulated to ensure no “harmful” chemicals are used.
That’s good to hear Miriam. I am curious about other brands of pepper spray that people use that may blow into your face. I was able to find a list of the popular brands here; They have a total of 14 brands, I wonder if there is anyone that could tell us which ones are safest?
Just spoke to Sgt. Pete Simpson of the Portland Police Bureau. He told me that PDX cops use First Defense and Saver Red . He said that he did the research for us and that neither contains carcinogens. I feel so much better about getting sprayed in the face in the future at occupy actions! I’ll tell my friends!