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October 30, 2012
(Reuters) – Hurricane Sandy slowed or shut a half-dozen U.S. nuclear power plants, while the nation’s oldest facility declared a rare “alert” after the record storm surge pushed flood waters high enough to endanger a key cooling system. Just 6 more inches of water could submerge NJ nuclear plant’s pump to cool spent fuel pool — 25 hours to boiling without more coolant — New footage of flooding nearby (VIDEO).
October 30, 2012
Superstorm Sandy Shows Nuclear Plants Who’s Boss.
October 30, 2012
Feds: “Atmospheric steam dump” at New Jersey nuclear plant — All 6 circulators lost at Salem due to debris, high river level.
October 30, 2012
Japan-style nuclear errors abound says France regulator.
October 30, 2012
[Column] “so if it’s that serious, why none of the major media covers that up.”
October 30, 2012
Niigata prefecture to increase rice export 4 times much as 2011 to Hongkong and Singapore.
October 30, 2012
Catastrophic damage to the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, resulted in the largest accidental release of radiation to the ocean in history, 80 percent of which ended up in the Northwest Pacific Ocean.
October 30, 2012
Exactly what happened at Fukushima is going on at NJ nuclear plant, except now reactor is in refueling -Gundersen (AUDIO).
“If Oyster Creek wasn’t in a refueling and this tidal surge hit, it’s exactly what happened at Fukushima Daiichi at that point.
You’ve lost off-site power and you can’t cool the nuclear reactor because these pumps were flooded.
We can all be thankful that the plant was in a refueling outage.”
October 31, 2012
NRC: Spent fuel pool cooling lost at NJ’s Oyster Creek nuclear plant during Hurricane Sandy.
October 31, 2012
Hurricane Sandy: Problems at Five Nuke Plants.
October 31, 2012
Japan’s nuclear safety failures that led to last year’s disaster at Fukushima are being repeated in other countries that operate atomic reactors, says France’s top regulator….
Nuclear safety focuses too much on technology and not enough on the human side of preventing accidents, Andre-Claude Lacoste, the outgoing head of the French Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire, said.
October 31, 2012
Caldicott: “I’m NOT Fearmongering…This Is All Too Real.”
November 1, 2012
US NRC staff recommends ordering vent filters at 31 nuclear units.
November 1, 2012
The German Nuclear Exit,” shows that the nuclear shutdown and an accompanying move toward renewable energy are already yielding measurable economic and environmental benefits, with one top expert calling the German phase-out a probable game-changer for the nuclear industry worldwide. […]
November 1, 2012
New French reactor at Calvert Cliffs application review terminated by NRC….Even the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission couldn’t green light another nuclear reactor on the Chesapeake Bay waterfront two days after Hurricane Sandy ravaged the East Coast. The combined construction and operation license application for a proposed French Evolutionary Power Reactor slated for Calvert Cliffs, MD, is terminated by Order announced today.
November 1, 2012
Ex-Fukushima worker files lawsuit against TEPCO.
November 1, 2012
U.S. nuclear energy safety questioned
The United States is headed toward a major nuclear disaster unless the government closely monitors aging power plants, safety advocates and activists said.
A report conducted by Union of Concerned Scientists said the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ignores weaknesses in protection regulations. It allows 27 reactors to operate facing earthquakes larger than they are designed to withstand, 47 reactors violating fire protection regulations, including one Mark I plant.
November 1, 2012
Hurricane “Sandy” sends another warning on unreliable nuclear power in a climate changing world.
November 1, 2012
This March, a lawsuit claiming 5.5 trillion yen ($69 billion) from 27 current and past TEPCO executives was filed by Kimura and other shareholders. she bought TEPCO shares and ever since has been voicing her protest against the nuclear power plants at every shareholders meeting.
November 1, 2012
Report: Wave took out 5 of 6 critical pumps that cool reactor at NJ’s Salem nuke plant — Still operating on emergency cooling — NRC yet to inform public — At 100% power when Sandy hit.
November 1, 2012
The utility said it now expects to lose 45 billion yen ($564 million) this year.
November 1, 2012
“There’s another nuclear disaster” if operators aren’t able to connect temporary equipment in flooding.
November 2, 2012
Worker at Japan’s tsunami hit Fukushima plant: Firm sent crews into danger.
November 2, 2012
Over the objections of the nuclear industry, the staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is planning to recommend the adoption of a new rule requiring American reactors similar to the ones at Fukushima Daiichi to install emergency vents with filters on them.
November 2, 2012
[The first radiation test of fish from the port of Fukushima plant] 15,500Bq/Kg from common Japanese conger.
November 2, 2012
Act now: Support wind power; end the nuclear tax credit.
November 2, 2012
Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority has surveyed the country’s only operating nuclear power plant to determine whether a seam under the facility is an active fault. The authority says it may ask the Ohi plant’s operator — Kansai Electric Power Company — to suspend operations, depending on the survey results.
November 2, 2012
About a third (32%) of actions required by a post-Fukushima review still need further work, according to a report by the UK nuclear regulator.
November 2, 2012
A tough sell perhaps, but Fukushima food promoted at Singapore fair.
November 2, 2012
How Rain Dumps Fukushima
Radiation On West Coast.
November 2, 2012
Criminal charges for promoters of nuclear power?
More than 10,000 people from across Japan are seeking criminal charges against officials of Japan’s government and the utility that operates the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant […]
The group numbers about 10,850 individuals, from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south. […]
Complainants argued that a broadly backed complaint would show that the general public is seeking criminal accountability for those who promoted nuclear power—and hold them responsible for damage from the disaster and for exposing victims to radiation. […]
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@what the; The US is not assisting in this because GE is a USA company and therefore would have to admit to being a huge part of the problem. And we have several type of reactors made by GE on line in the USA. Admitting fault would be a financial disaster for both GE and the government. And even the best scientists who can assist are held hostage from the arms of the corporate government. Sad, but I believe, true.
Why is this still not a priority in the US (or anywhere?)??????? I know it will hurt business, and it’ll hurt the very thing i’d been putting so much effort into working and supporting – local organic farming. And people i mention it to often act like i didn’t say anything at all, because acknowledging it means completely CHANGING something essential in one’s life, and beliefs, and sense of “security”. Is there even hope for human consciousness to awaken to what’s right in our faces (and in our food and air!!)… let alone to make a significant impact on the way things are going??!! What else can we do about it to express the imminence of the global situation??? The US has the technology to assist in this dilemma, yet it’s not. What else do they know that we don’t???
I agree, Brian – people should be yelling their heads off – but why aren’t they?
Why Aren’t people yelling their heads off?
Last year, J.H. Bartlett wrote a novel called “Last Summer at the Compound”. It’s about a family in Plymouth who meet at their summer compound that is just a few miles from the Pilgrim nuclear power plant. The disaster at Fukushima has made them realize how close they are to this Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactor and the book is about how they grapple with the decision about selling this summer estate that has been in the family for 5 generations. To quote from the book, the “children, the thirty to fifty year olds were the ones most consumed with safety. Have a Healthy and Safe New Year was the message on their Christmas cards. Merry and Happy were out of fashion, pushed aside by healthy and safe. Accidents, disasters, diseases, even death, could be avoided with sufficient vigilance. Seat belts and helmets were called for, sturdy SUV’s that would not crush on impact were encouraged. Fire alarms and burglar alarms were installed. They enthusiastically lighted up dangerous, dark nights. Regular checkups were made of their bodies, X-rays, MRIs, mammograms, colonoscopies, camera probes were sent down the throat to meet those going up the rear end, blood pressure readings were taken, and electrocardiograms. Some wore gizmos to keep a daily check on heart beat, blood pressure and sugar levels. They had flu shots, took pills to lower cholesterol, relieve arthritis, rejuvenate the blood and thicken the bones. Women took hormones, and then men took Viagra to satisfy their wives’ new hormonal induced sex drive. Dogs were fixed and children were driven to play dates, potholes were filled, roads widened. Smoking was abandoned as was the eating of red meat. Defibrillators were installed at parks, schools and playing fields. There were hand sanitizers inside the doors of most public buildings and bowls of condoms in some.” …”Yet they had little time to do anything about the nuclear plant; they did not show up at meetings or demonstrations or go door to door collecting signatures”….
So people aren’t yelling – but not because they don’t care about health and safety.
A friend of mine says it could be because radiation is so new to human beings. The atom was split in 1917 – less than 100 years ago.
He says “it is truly fascinating, but not too complicated, why most people don’t care or cannot comprehend what’s happening. I think it’s partly the genetic marker. Unfortunately the human race has no genetic marker for radiation. There is nothing for us to latch on to at the instinctive level. So the general public fails to recognize the threat. Can you imagine if Fkushima Daiichi was a biological weapons lab? Now that would get everyone’s attention.”
He goes on to say:
“I think it takes an interdisciplinary mind, background, and personality, an investigative, mentality, interest in earth and life sciences, curiosity, truth-seeking nature (void of politics, religion, belief systems, or any exterior motivations) and the ability to think not only linearly but abstractly and certainly from at least 50,000 feet up as well as down into the microscope to be able to gasp at the epic severity of the situation and to be able to visualize and understand what’s happening. It also helps to be educated in and understand public relations and how things work, so you can laugh at the corporate/govt BS in their mainstream media distraction entertainment money junk science parade. Not many in today’s distraction-based entertainment brainwashed world have those qualifications.”
“For some people, they need to see ‘numbers’ and need to hear from ‘official sources’, they need to be told they should be worried by official sources.”
“The health effects of nuclear power and associated accidents are devastating. Cancer is a side track. Other fallout-related health problems will affect many people first, including heart attack and stroke, before they get to cancer. It’s a cakewalk for the thinktanks and the highest of public relations geniuses to generate misinformation and perception that dismiss all health-related problems. The various forms of disease will not come with a Made in Fukushima tag and good luck proving it in a court of law. Sadly,it is highly likely that the general public will never realize what has happened to them.”
People should be yelling their heads off. It won’t be long before the water off California will be too radioactive to swim in. Reactor 1 is back in fission mode because it is emitting radioactive Krypton and Xenon. Reactors 2 and 3 are putting out isotopes as well. And the Japanese are dumping 1000 tons a day of radioactive water into the Pacific. The plume is reportedly 3500 kilometers out to sea. And if the reactor 4 building collapses? The spent fuel pool will start to burn and the site will have to be abandoned. Do I need to say more?
An excellent timeline historical document!
I clicked on “View All” and just scrolled.
two nuclear bombs. four nuclear power plants. it’s called karma
We would have been better off without the invention as it is so really dangerous unlike anyhing else.Thanks to uranium fluoridation was given boost because nothing was to be allowed to stand in the way of this warlike invention.Still many suffer with the infliction of fluoridation today and without any advantages except as a way to dispose of dangerous fluorides.