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Created and Updated by Team EnviroReporter
March 11, 2011 through June 2, 2017 and counting: EnviroReporter.com has produced more than 9,249 special tests and original reports including 3,045 measurements and analyses from nine affiliated Radiation Stations and 6,204 samples and radiation experiments from Radiation Station Santa Monica California. EnviroReporter.com has over 2,200,724 readers and 1,580,275 viewers along with the 24,369 people who have seen Radiation Station Glendale California‘s continuous online streaming. Over 213,751 viewers have watched 101 original videos on our YouTube channel. Thanks to you, we’ve received 7,847 comments and tens of thousands of Facebook ‘likes’ for our site, investigations and Facebook channel. Thank you for your continuing interest and support.
March 11, 2011
Earthquake and Tsunami in Fukushima
March 17, 2011
March 18, 2011
Los Angeles County responds with unsound science poo=pooing multiple meltdowns before even knowing what the true extent of the disaster was and continued to be.
March 22, 2011
The day Cowichan Bay, B.C. almost went nuclear
March 28, 2011
Simon Fraser University researchers are attributing increased levels of the radioisotope iodine-131 in B.C. seaweed and rainwater samples to the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear reactor situation in Japan.
April 1, 2011
Nuclear waste: America’s ‘biggest security threat’
April 4, 2011
For the last seven months, radiation has been found in California rainwater at 181 times drinking limits in the Bay Area as well as its in spinach, kale and milk, while Southern California has seen elevated radiation detected in its rain, mist, dry milk, peaches, hot dogs, beer, tea, vegetable juice, etc., all under the radar of the government. Results of this are on our website and here too:
April 9, 2011
Radiation Detected In Drinking Water In 13 More US Cities, Cesium-137 In Vermont Milk
Radiation has reached the EPA’s maximum contaminant level in some milk samples
• Unusual Reading At Chatanooga Nuclear Plant
• Milk Contamination At EPA Maximum
• Highest Levels Yet In Boise
April 12, 2011
Japan has upgraded the severity rating at the paralyzed Fukushima nuclear plant to seven on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES), a level only ever previously assigned to the Chernobyl disaster.
April 16th, 2011
2nd Great Northern Hemisphere Hormesis experiment
“Greetings, fellow participants in the 2nd Great Northern Hemisphere Hormesis (GNHH) experiment. Ann Coulter is our gracious host; while our proud sponsors are the General Electric Corporation (GE) and the Tokyo Elecric Power Company (TEPCO) Fukushima complex. GE “brings good things to life” and TEPCO, “emphasizing fine-tuned service, supports our comfortable lifestyle”. The 1st GNNH experiment was sponsored by the now defunct USSR at the Chernobyl, Ukraine plant. Those not wishing to participate are advised to relocate to Sydney, Santiago or Buenos Aires.”
“Today, the GNHH experiment families are separating into two groups, the ‘Maximizer’ Team and the ‘Controller’ Team. Maximizers should drink the rainwater, eat plenty of large leaf vegetables, purchase free range chicken, drink plenty of milk, eat shallow water fish, enjoy the cream cheese, and avoid alcohol. Expectant and nursing mothers should take their prenatal vitamins, without iodine (KI). Controllers should double their normal RDA multivitamin/mineral intake, purchase grain-fed chicken, drink bottled or well water, select the sharp (aged) cheese, order the canned peas and select well aged red wines.
“Today, the Maximizers will be enjoying spinach and argula salad, borsht, oysters Rockefeller and the Kobe boeuf wellington with cream sauce. Maximizer desert dessert selections include cheesecake, cream puffs and berries in a rich cream sauce. Those insisting on alcohol will be served an excellent boujoule nouveau.
“The Controllers will select a main course of arroz con pollo, grouper or Argentinian-Style Beef with Chimichurri Sauce. Soup choices will consist of consommé and lentil. A cucumber and olive salad, generously sprinkled with Reggianito will be served. Our featured dessert is Brigadeiros served with Brazilian Daterra coffee. Our vast selection, of finely aged red wines, will enhance your dining experience.”
April 21, 2011
The Tokyo Electric Power Company says radioactive substances that leaked into the sea at the damaged Fukushima plant over six days in April exceed the annual allowable limit by 20,000 times.
April 27, 2011
Rolling Stone – America’s Nuclear Nightmare
April 27, 2011
Radioactive Strontium found in Hilo, Hawaii milk
April 27, 2011
The U.S. has 31 reactors just like Japan’s — but regulators are ignoring the risks and boosting industry profits
April 30, 2011
“Unsafe at Any Dose” by Helen Caldicott in the New York Times,
May 5, 2011
Fairewinds: Radiation In US Food Will Be Nationwide Problem, Not Just Regional!
May 13, 2011
Norwegian Institute for Air Research stop monitoring Radiation Fallout for Fukushima
MAY 18, 2011
Seaweed contamination in Japan sent to US
and source: http://www.greenpeace.org/canada/en/Blog/greenpeace-japanese-government-must-immediate/blog/34729/
May 19, 2011
“I have to wonder, as the media flits from marrying royals to manic sitcom stars, why there isn’t more focus on what appears to be the worst ecological disaster in human history.”
Also : examined the possible implications of airborne Plutonium from spent fuel rods using “MOX” fuel (including Plutonium and Uranium) in the crippled Fukushima reactors – Geoff Olson, Vancouver Courier
May 19th, 2011
Nuclear Physicist: Most Of The Plutonium MOX Fuel Nuclear Fallout Likely To Drop On The U.S As US Plutonium Levels At 20 Year Highs
May 23, 2011
Highest Yet: State of California finds Iodine-131 in milk sample for first time since March
Note: California Department of Public Health Radiation Monitoring Report May 16, 2011:
[San Luis Obispo area] CalPoly Dairy Farm 5/2/2011 detection of:
Iodine-131 @ 4.14 pCi/liter
Cesium-134 @ 4.55 pCi/liter
Cesium-137 @ 5.11 pCi/liter
June 7, 2011
In an interview with CNN on June 7, nuclear engineer Arnold Gunderson states that, based on measurements of radionuclides in carfilters, he estimates that citizens on the Pacific northwest coast inhaled approximately five “hot particles” each day from Fukushima emissions in April, while people around Fukushima were breathing around ten ‘Hot Particles’ per day. These ‘Hot Particles’ can lodge in lungs, digestive tract or bones and over time cause cancers. They may be too small to be detected with regular Geiger counters:
June 24, 2011
AP Reveals Nuclear Regulatory Commission Colluded w/ Industry to Lax Safety Rules
In a special series called “Aging Nukes,” the Associated Press revealed that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the nuclear power industry have been working in tandem to weaken safety standards to keep aging reactors within the rules.
August 4, 2011
Monitoring stations catch a fraction of Fukushima fallout
August 4, 2011
Fukushima brings big radiation spikes to B.C.
Gordon Edwards, president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, says that while radiation coming from Fukushima will lead to higher cancer rates among Canadians, the risk posed to individuals is very small.
August 6, 2011
Time to open Yucca Mountain?
August 9, 2012
Holding back forecast data
August 11, 2011
HOT Toronto rain!
Aug 11, 2011
The Canadian government is disbanding it’s testing stations!!!!
“As part of routine operations, Health Canada’s Radiation Protection Bureau monitors radiation levels across Canada 24/7 through networks of stations which measure radioactivity in air, water and other environmental samples (see Health Canada’s pages on Environmental Radiation for a detailed description of these networks.”
Given that radioactivity levels across Canada continue to be within normal background levels and that there is no cause for concern, on Thursday, August 11, 2011 Health Canada removed nine supplementary fixed point detectors that were installed in British Columbia and the Yukon in response to the Fukushima nuclear incident. In addition, on September 15, 2011, Health Canada will end its weekly data postings, resuming its previous schedule of quarterly postings of the fixed point network data and terminating Website Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) data reporting. Please note that Health Canada will maintain its continuous monitoring of radiation levels and daily review of data. Should there be changes in the situation in Japan; the reporting frequency of radiation data will be reassessed.
As part of routine operations, Health Canada’s Radiation Protection Bureau monitors radiation levels across Canada 24/7 through networks of stations which measure radioactivity in air, water and other environmental samples (see Health Canada’s pages on Environmental Radiation for a detailed description of these networks.
August 13, 2011
Censorship and safety: Health Canada and the nuclear information blackout
Written by Zach Ruiter
August 13, 2011
Human Rights Violation after Fukushima disaster~ HRN published opinion paper to urge the Japanese government to take immediate measure to protect affected people
August 16, 2011
Highest Yet: Rain near Toronto, Canada measures 20,000 CPM per square meter — “Crazy hot” (VIDEO) which is 1,666,666 times the typical background in LA
August 16, 2011
“Tends to concentrate in the testicles”: 360+ atoms of radioactive sulfur per day may have been inhaled by Californians after Fukushima – FORBES
August 16, 2011
UC Researchers Produce First Quantitative Estimate of Fukushima Radiation Leak- Daily Tech
6.0 and 6.4 recent quakes have led to maybe why steam is coming out of ground. Fukushima built to withstand 9.0. Same with other reactors in Japan but since 9.0 is obvious risk, whole island at risk.
August 17, 2011
Reactors were doomed to fail. EXCELLENT
August 18, 2011
Fukushima now radiating everyone: ‘Unspeakable’ reality
August 18, 2011
NRC permissible dose for public is 100 millirem/year. Fukushima steam is 1,000,000 per hours (Therefore 1 year = 8,760 hours) so 8,760/100 x 1,000,000 = 87,600,000 times American public annual dose. (@ 5:20 of tape, Paul Gunter of Beyond Nuclear says “The first thing to be controlled in nuclear accidents is the information and now 160 days into this accident, and still worsening, we still see that the information is being withheld. There is an incredible lag time, months before we really understand the situation. It’s a global nuclear industry that can control the airwaves, the media. We’re really dependent on indy media right now like on your program right now, what’s on the blogs, coming up on YouTube. This is where news on Fukushima breaks first.”
Aug 22, 2011
Australian report on Fukushima
Aug 26, 2011
The amount of caesium-137 released since the three reactors were crippled by the March 11 quake and tsunami has been estimated at 15,000 tera becquerels, the Tokyo Shimbun reported, quoting a government calculation.
That compares with the 89 tera becquerels released by “Little Boy”, the uranium bomb the United States dropped on the western Japanese city in the final days of World War II.
August 31, 2012
French map of cesium-137 deposition from Fukushima shows the US more contaminated than Western Japan
September 6, 2011
3rd quarter report showing WAY HIGHER CS-134 & 137 IN SO CAL MILK RISING
September 7, 2011
Taos NM rain 21 times BG on great You Tube
September 12, 2011
“If you Love this Planet” by Helen Caulidcott
http://ifyoulovethisplanet.org/?p=4952 – listen to her show each week!
September 18, 2011
Experts say Fukushima ‘worse’ than Chernobyl
At least one billion becquerels of radiation continue to leak from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant each day even though it is now more than five months after the March earthquake and tsunami that damaged the facility.
Experts say that the total radiation leaked will eventually exceed the amounts released from the Chernobyl disaster that the Ukraine in April 1986. This amount would make Fukushima the worst nuclear disaster in history.
September 26, 2011
Burning radioactive debris in really fun-looking Tokyo incinerators that look more at home at Disneyland than Fukushima.
September 27, 2011
Cesium Levels Nearly Double in Northern California Milk
The 9/29 milk sample contains a total of 0.181 Bq/L of radioactive cesium (4.9 picocuries per liter), or more than 160% of the EPA’s Maximum Contaminant Level.
Sept. 28, 2011
The New York Times: Fukushima’s Contamination Produces Some Surprises at Sea
Six months after the accident at Fukushima Daiichi, the news flow from the stricken nuclear power plant has slowed, but scientific studies of radioactive material in the ocean are just beginning to bear fruit.
The word from the land is bad enough. As my colleague Hiroko Tabuchi reported on Saturday, Japanese officials have detected elevated radiation levels in rice near the crippled reactors. Worrying radiation levels had already been detected in beef, milk, spinach and tea leaves, leading to recalls and bans on shipments.
Off the coast, the early results indicate that very large amounts of radioactive materials were released, and may still be leaking, and that rather than being spread through the whole ocean, currents are keeping a lot of the material concentrated […]
Full article at:
September 30, 2012
Tokyo plans to store, burn debris from disaster zone
Earlier this month, the Iwate Prefectural Government detected 133 becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram in ash from waste incinerated in Miyako. That’s well below the government’s provisional standard of 8,000 becquerels per kilogram for ashes from incinerators.
October 2, 2011
Plutonium was found 40 kilometers away from plant!
Sept 30, 2011
“But questions remain about whether radiation levels are low enough for all residents to return. On Friday morning, for example, the entrance to Minamisoma city’s main hospital measured 0.51 microsieverts per hour in radiation, according to numbers released daily by the city. A simple calculation would bring annual exposure at the level to almost 4,500 microsieverts, or 4.5 millisieverts a year, far above the annual 1 millisievert limit for civilians recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection.
At an elementary school in Naraha town, also declared safe for residents to return, the measurement came to 0.77 microsieverts per hour, or 6.75 millisieverts a year at that level.”
October 4, 2011
US government wasting $$$ on nukes
October 07, 2011
Issued Oct. 7, 2011: “October 07, 2011 -This Travel Alert updates the Travel Alert for Japan dated July 19, 2011, to note modifications to U.S. government recommendations for U.S. citizens traveling to or residing in the area around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. This Travel Alert expires on January 13, 2012.”
“Areas We Recommend U.S. Citizens Avoid
Based on current data from Japan, we recommend that U.S. citizens avoid all areas within 20 kilometers of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant.”
That’s a reduction of 75% – thanks to Potrblog for this incredible find.
Oct 8, 2011
The total cesium per square meter in Shinjuku therefore is: 51,350 becquerels per square meter.
October 8, 2011
Egypt authorities find another case of radiation in Japanese shipment
October 9, 2011
“Officials in the Aizu municipalities said no districts under their jurisdiction had annual radiation levels exceeding 1 millisievert, the level at which the central government is using to determine areas that should be decontaminated.” which is 83.3 times LA BG of 0.012 pCi/g
October 10 , 2011
Email from Health Canada:
“Health Canada continues to monitor radiation levels across Canada and post these results to their website, but discontinued supplemental testing stations last month. All test results to date have been below background levels (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hc-ps/ed-ud/respond/nuclea/data-donnees-eng.php#ddrl_sept2011).”
October 11, 2011
Japanese industrial conglomerates, with the cooperation of the government in Tokyo, are renewing their pursuit of multibillion-dollar projects, particularly in smaller energy-hungry countries like Vietnam and Turkey. The effort comes despite criticism within Japan by environmental groups and opposition politicians.
“Many countries of the world are seriously exploring the use of nuclear power, and we have assisted them in improving nuclear safety,” Japan’s new prime minister,Yoshihiko Noda, said at an address at the United Nations General Assembly recently. “We will continue to answer to the interest of those countries.”
The World Nuclear Association, a trade industry group, says the world’s stock of 443 nuclear reactors could more than double in the next 15 years, but analysts say that expansion will require strong support from the governments on both sides of any deal.
In early September, after a six-month hiatus following the earthquake, the Japanese government restarted talks with Vietnamese officials on a 1 trillion yen ($13 billion) project to build two reactors in southern Vietnam. The terms include possible Japanese financial aid.
The project would involve a new government-supported company whose largest shareholder is Tokyo Electric Power, operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant. The industrial conglomerates Toshiba and Hitachi, which supplied reactors to the Fukushima plant, are also investors. Ichiro Takekuro, a former executive of Tokyo Electric, is the president of the new company, called International Nuclear Energy Development of Japan.
contrast to the recent announcement by Siemens, Europe’s largest engineering conglomerate, that it would stop building nuclear power plants. Siemens, with headquarters in Munich, is responding to Germany’s decision this year to phase out nuclear power — largely in reaction to Japan’s calamity.
But makers of nuclear reactors from other countries, including Areva of France, General Electric of the United States, Russia’s state-owned Rostacom and several government-backed Chinese conglomerates like China National Nuclear, are pursuing new contracts.
Only about one in five of Japan’s 54 reactors — which previously met about 30 percent of Japan’s electricity needs — is still in service. The rest were damaged by the tsunami, are still being put through routine tests, or have not been restarted after such tests because of local opposition.
Last year, Japan’s nuclear exports totaled 15 billion yen. The ruling Democratic Party had made the expansion of nuclear exports a centerpiece of its economic growth strategy before March. A trip by the former prime minister, Naoto Kan, to Vietnam last October, which gave the country a leg-up in negotiations, was seen as an early triumph.
And when Mr. Kan himself tried to shut down efforts to continue nuclear exports in July, many within his own party urged him to reconsider. If anything, Mr. Kan’s successor and fellow Democrat, Mr. Noda, is more actively promoting nuclear exports than Mr. Kan did. The trade minister under Mr. Noda, Yukio Edano, who now oversees Japan’s nuclear policy, had been a vocal supporter of continued nuclear exports.
But that could benefit yet another Japanese company, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which specializes in so-called pressurized water reactors, a technology in which Turkey has shown interest. Mitsubishi has already won contracts to build three nuclear reactors in the United States, two in Texas and one in Virginia.
October 13, 2011
Radiation poisoning in seals?
October 13, 2011
discussion of Potassium in salmon on the U of Berkeley forum:
One response:
Apparently, for each gram of potassium, there are 32 Bq of K-40 according to this: http://rerowland.com/K40.html
Supposedly Salmon has around 5 grams of potassium per kilo, so it should be closer to 160 Bq than 230. http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/finfish-and-shellfish-products/4102/2
Oct 14, 2011
Water results: Gross Alpha in our water
Below are details From: Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Guideline Technical Document – Radiological Parameters
A given dose of alpha radiation, because of its higher ionization potential, will produce much more damage than the same dose of X-rays or gamma rays.
Compliance with the guidelines may be inferred if the measurements are less than 0.5 Bq/L for gross alpha activity and less than 1 Bq/L for gross beta activity.
Residential treatment devices are available that are affordable and can remove some radionuclides from drinking water to make it compliant with the applicable guidelines.
October 14, 2011
News: Media knew 1.2×10^12 Bq of plutonium was released to the air in the first 100 hours
October 15, 2011
UK Mail: Radiation detected in Tokyo seven months after earthquake… but it’s not from Fukushima
High readings triggered by old glass bottles in a basement
October 15th, 2011
Posted on the Fukushma Diary:
News: Media knew 1.2×10^12 Bq of plutonium was released to the air in the first 100 hours
It reads the amount is 1.2 Trillion Becquerels.
When it comes to Np-239, it is 76 trillion Becquerels.
October 17, 2011
Cyclops shark appears to be the real thing – radiation mutant?
One-eyed creature likely wouldn’t have survived outside womb, researchers say
October 17, 2011
ABC Australia: ‘Japanese nuclear company twists public opinion’ (VIDEO)
October 17, 2011
Japan cities face growing radioactive ash, troubles ahead
October 18, 2011
Project Censored
In their most recent report, released in 2005, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences determined that no safe level of radiation exposure exists—every exposure to radiation increases the risk of cancer, birth defects, and other disease. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) accepts the linear no-threshold (LNT) hypothesis, which states that any increase in dose of radiation, no matter how small, results in an incremental increase in risk, as a conservative model for estimating radiation risk.
October 18, 2011
Tepco finally confirms steam came up from underground at Reactor No. 1 — Now 4.7 Sieverts per hour, almost 20% more than in June.
October 20, 2011
RANT from Georgia Straight article:
Where do I start? Alex, I’m glad someone is talking fallout here, but you’re really underplaying how much our government is lying. What about Toronto hitting 20,000 CPM in July? What about milk in San Francisco hitting 2400% above the limit or Philadelphia rain water at 3300% above the limit? How about Health Canada refusing to test farmers soil in Newfoundland? Vancouver had an infant mortality spike too. The coroner blamed the parents. Anybody seen Autopsy results? You seem to be under the impression that we’re getting less radiation now. These 3 china syndromes are steaming away 24/7 and 75% blows east. It’s been detected in Iceland and Scotland for those who think this is only hitting the west coast. We are over 215 days of constant release. Chernobyl was sealed in 18 days. Chernobyl had 160 tons of fuel, no Mox fuel. 50 tons went up. Fukushima has 3700 tons of fuel + MOX. No one will say how much went up in the 4 explosions. All the worlds radiation plume models have been turned off. Why do you think that is? After reading 4000 pages of info on the greatest disaster in world history, I can safely tell you it’s at least 10 times as bad as you think. Probably more. People in Oshawa wouldn’t be happy with 2 more reactors if they knew how much they were getting from Japan. Chalk River had a meltdow in 1952 and another in 1958. Both were dumped in the Ottawa River The Ottawa valley has the highest cancer rate in Canada and 4X normal background. Chalk River has also been leaking into the Ottawa river since the 60’s, yet they just extended the licence of the oldest nuke plant on earth, even though it had a 3.2 earthquake right under the plant this summer. We’re in big trouble folks, and our government is maximizing the damage by withholding info, so they can keep selling Uranium and building multi billion dollar mega-projects for there buddies. Stay out of the rain, gang and start thinking about a small greenhouse in your backyard. We are on our own and blind, thanks to our government and media. {Present company excluded}.
October 20, 2011
“ 2.153 microsieverts per hour, according to Takehito Toma, an official of the local education board.
The reading is equal to a dose of 11.32 millisieverts per year, or more than 11 times the internationally recommended safety level for the general public, according to a science ministry formula.’
October 20, 2011
From Activist Post:
Fukushima rages on. A combination of corporate media spin and downplaying from Japanese officials has made Fukushima the largest disaster in history that is being forgotten while it still gets worse. It is not something that any of us wish to think about, but this ongoing nuclear holocaust of the entire northern hemisphere has the potential to contaminate air, water, and soil, and our food supply for generations to come. Japan resident and alternative news presenter James Corbett, of the Corbett Report, has introduced FukushimaUpdate.com to keep this issue at the forefront of the news cycle.
October 22, 2011
By September estimates of released contamination had risen to over 3,500 terabecquerels of cesium-137 released into the sea directly from the plant between March 11 and the end of May. Another 10,000 terabecquerels of cesium fell into the ocean after escaping from the reactors in the form of steam.
Initially reports had quieted concerns by stating that the materials would be diluted so vastly that the radioactivity would not be able to accumulate, and would not affect the environment. The experts claimed they would track the deposition and floating radioactive debris field making its way on a trans-Pacific trip to the United States.
October 25, 2011
Radiation released from Fukushima much bigger than Japanese government said:
The new model shows that Fukushima released 3.5 × 1016 Bq caesium-137.
October 25, 2011
Fukushima Dai-ichi Unit 4 Spent Fuel Pool: The Most Serious Threat for Further Massive Radioactive Releases
October 27, 2011
Fukushima may have emitted 35,800 terabecquerels of radioactive cesium 137 at the height of the disaster, according to a study in the Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Journal
October 27, 2011
France’s nuclear monitor said on Thursday that the amount of caesium 137 that leaked into the Pacific from the Fukushima disaster was the greatest single nuclear contamination of the sea ever seen
October 29, 2011
Radiation doses of 1,769 health care workers under-reported for four years by up to 40%!
October 29, 2011
27.1 Quadrillion becquerels of cesium alone flowed into sea — Doesn’t include first week of crisis! — Still 30 times what TEPCO claimed — Warning that ‘significant’ pollution to remain
According to the French report, an estimated an estimated 27.1 quadrillion becquerels of caesium-137 spilled into the ocean between March 21 to mid-July, Kyodo news agency reported. A quadrillion is equivalent to 1,000 trillion.
Cesium-137 flow into sea 30 times greater than stated by TEPCO: report, Kyodo, October 29, 2011.
October 30, 2011
“But in April, it is clear that, at the worst of the accident, hot particles were wafted across the Pacific and deposited in Seattle and in Boston at least. There is also data that indicates contamination on the ground in the Cascades, which are a mountain range right up against the Pacific Ocean.
So I think we have two problems here. In Japan, there is a personal health issue and what that means is that individuals have received enough radiation that there is going to be a statistically meaningful increase in cancers in Tokyo and especially in Fukushima Prefecture.
In the United States, it is a different story. It is a public health issue and not a personal health issue. What that means is that we will never know who is the individual who got cancer from Fukushima. But we can be sure that the radiation did reach here and that there will be an increase in cancers, especially on the West Coast where the Rocky Mountains stopped most of the radiation and deposited it on the ground.”
October 31, 2011
All of the radioactive materials released into the environment
during Japan’s ongoing nuclear disaster are modified forms
of uranium atoms. Radioactive iodine atoms and radioactive
cesium atoms are just two of the many varieties of “fission
products” — broken pieces of uranium atoms that have been
split inside the reactor core to obtain energy.
The same is true of the “fission gases”, such as radioactive
xenon gas and krypton gas. Their atoms all started out as
uranium atoms. Even the plutonium that has been found
off-site is derived directly from uranium — when an atom
of uranium-238 absorbs a neutron inside the reactor, it turns
into an atom of plutonium-239.
To the extent that Sasktachewan uranium was used in the
Fukushima Dai-ichi reactors, then, it can be said that a good
deal of the radioactive contamination in the ocean and the
soil and the food and the playgrounds in Japan are materials
that originated (in a different form) from Saskatchewan.
Gordon Edwards.
October 31, 2011
Tokyo Electric (TEPCO) says it has no plans to sell uranium stakes
see also “Saskatchewan Uranium Mines create toxic legacy
October 31, 2011
“US air filter and dusts samples did not contain hot particles, except for air samples collected from Seattle, WA during the month of April 2011. The samples of Japanese children’s shoes were found to have relatively high radiocesium contamination levels. Isolated US soil samples contained up to 8 nanoCuries per Kg of radiocesium, while control samples showed no detectable radiocesium.”
October 31, 2011
A Japanese government panel says it will take at least 30 years to safely close the tsunami-hobbled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
November 2, 2011
Total Releases from Fukushima: Andreas Stohl says ” Fukushima released 3.5 × 1016 Bq caesium-137, roughly twice the official government figure, and half the release from Chernobyl
November 2, 2011
In dangerous new development, TEPCO detects nuclear fission occurring in destroyed reactors at Fukushima Daiichi
Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) detected signs of a nuclear chain reaction at its crippled Fukushima Daiichi power plant, raising the risk of increased radiation emissions as trace amounts of radioactive Xenon gas isotopes were discovered at the wrecked plant’s reactor No 2, officials said.
Background information
Nuclear fission refers to the splitting of a fissile atom — usually an atom of uranium-235 in the case of a power reactor. When such an atom is struck by a tiny subatomic projectile called a neutron, it becomes very unstable and splits (“fissions”) into two pieces. At the same time two or three additional neutrons are given off, and a lot of energy is released — “fission energy”.
This fission energy can only be harnessed if a self-sustaining
“nuclear chain reaction” can be achieved. For this two things
are generally needed: (1) a stock of fissile material — the nuclear fuel; and (2) a way of slowing down the neutrons — the moderator.
In most of the world’s power reactors, ordinary water (called
“light water”) is used as the moderator. Without that moderator, the self-sustaining chain reaction is impossible because the neutrons are going too fast and too many of them are “lost”.
In a moderated environment, the neutrons given off by one splitting atom can go on to split other atoms, which in turn give off more neutrons that can be used to split even more atoms, and so on. This is a nuclear fission chain reaction, yielding lots of energy.
To control or stop a nuclear chain reaction, all you have to do
is control or stop the flow of neutrons. This can be done by adding
a neutron-absorbing material — such as boron — to the moderator, so that the neutrons are not just slowed down but halted. When enough neutrons are absorbed, the fission process stops. In certain circumstances, when uranium fuel in an unusual geometrical configuration is immersed in water, a nuclear fission chain reaction can take place all by itself, quite accidentally — this is called a “criticality accident”. Such accidents are potentially dangerous because they can very rapidly get out of control, leading tooverheating and potential explosions.
This appears to be what has happened with the melted fuel in the
bottom of the reactor vessel of Unit 2 at Fukushima. The water that is used to cool the irradiated fuel is also acting as a moderator, causing the nuclear fission process to restart at a low level.
TEPCO is adding boric acid to the water in Unit 4 so that the boron (in the boric acid) will absorb neutrons and prevent any further accidental criticality (nuclear fission) from occurring.
November 4, 2011
Pakistan carting around nukes in delivery vans
November 6, 2011
Radiation in milk in California is increasing:
Cesium 137 2.95 picocuries/litre June 14, 2011; 5.09 picocuries/litre Aug 22, 2011
Cesium 134 2.37 picocuries/litre June14, 2011; 3.94 pCi/l Aug 22, 2011
This is what HC says about milk:
Milk Samples
Analysis of radionuclides in milk samples provides valuable information of the general population’s intake of radionuclides as it is consumed fresh by a large portion of the population. Milk contains biologically important radionuclides from environmental releases as a result of the following significant route of intake: the grass – cow- milk pathway.
Analysis of milk samples for Sr-90 in Canadian cities was initiated at RPB in 1957, with the analysis of powdered milk samples at 20 locations. The program was expanded to collect whole milk samples with monthly analysis of Cs-137 and quarterly analysis for Sr-90 at 16 locations.
Since the cessation of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing by treaty signatories in 1962, the values for Sr-90 and Cs-137 in milk have been steadily decreasing. (Note: A spike in Cs-137 levels in milk was detected after the Chernobyl incident in 1986, and has since decayed away). As a result of decreasing radiation levels, the milk sampling program was modified in 1994, to analyze commercial milk samples from Ottawa only. The analysis consists of quarterly measurements for Sr-90, and gamma scan, for the detection of Cs-137 and other gamma emitting radionuclides.
November 11, 2011
75% of all US nuclear power plants are leaking radioactivity
November 11, 2011
It is as mothers that women speak out against corporate interests and government policy. They speak as they protect their children, their families; in this capacity, they are forced but also entitled to protest nuclear threats. They have been charged with something more fundamental than capital accumulation, more important than the postwar protection of corporate heath. Feeding children healthy food is more important than feeding the energy demands of a hungry urban popular.
November 11, 2011
Marco Kaltofen – makes an excellent case for food testing.
November 11, 2011
Low levels of Iodine 131 in Europe (from the hole in reactor #2?)
November 12, 2011
Japan takes journalists inside crippled Fukushima nuclear plant
November 12, 2011
Reporters given first tour of reactors
From afar, a new structure surrounded the No. 1 reactor building, which had lost its roof due to a massive hydrogen explosion related to overheating the day after the quake.
No. 2 appeared to be intact, painted blue and white, despite a reported hydrogen detonation on March 15.
The No. 3 building, meanwhile, had been diminished to a skeletal concrete frame and large pile of rubble, which crews were cleaning up with cranes ahead of it being covered by its own structure.
And the No. 4 building — whose reactor was inactive at the time of the tsunami — also had significant damage, with one side entirely blown out, exposing the nuclear spent fuel pool.
November 12, 2011
Plutonium/cesium in US-BIGTIME 11.1.2011
November 12, 2011
November 14, 2011
Population Germany 81 million
If Germany can do it why can’t we?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sievert re: sieverts
November 14, 2011
European Iodine 131 Detections Indicative of Atmospheric Plutonium 239 Concentrations
The European Iodine 131 detections are a possible indicator of how much Plutonium 239 is in the upper atmosphere; for that reason alone it is EXTREMELY unlikely that the true source and cause of those Iodine 131 detections will ever be revealed.
The POTRBLOG team has warned since early April 2011 that Solar Coronal Mass Ejections impacting both Radioactive AND Non-Radioactive high atomic weight Fukushima fallout in the upper atmosphere could generate a witches’ brew of “Fresh” radioactive iodine fallout across the sunlit side of the Northern Hemisphere.
November 15, 2011
This is what Greenpeace says:
November 15, 2011
Countries with no nuclear power plants = 8 good countries to buy organic food from: Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Nepal, Belize, Peru
November 17, 2011
Japanese authorities have so far estimated about 8,300 hectares (20,000 acres) of paddies and fields are contaminated beyond acceptable limits for farming, the IAEA report found.
November 17, 2011
Russian general warns of nuclear war if NATO expands to include Georgia and Ukraine
November 18, 2011
Largest release in history of nobel gases released from Fukushima (not connected with nuclear weapons) Nobel Gases decay to Strontium 90, Iodine31, crypton 90 etc.
http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011ACPD…1128319S WRONG LINK – CHECK THEIR WEBSITE
November 18, 2011
And most people in Japan, as a fallback, have resorted to the government’s guidelines.
Which are:
* No nuclear plant worker should receive more than 250,000 uSv per year.
* No adult should receive more than 20,000 uSv per year. [CHECK US LIMIT FOR CIVIES]
Do the math in reverse, dividing 20,000 uSv by 365 days and 24 hours, and you come up with the hourly radiation level that puts you on target for the ordinary-adult limit: 2.28 uSv per hour. The number is arbitrary, of course — who spends his or her life in one spot? — but it also has practical applications, particularly in Fukushima. If your front yard gives off radiation levels of 2.28 uSv/hr, you might want to think about moving.
[AT THIS RATE, THE BG OF LA AT 0.014 uSv/hr means the limit is ~163 times our BG]
November 18, 2011
French Socialists and Greens unite for near 50% nuclear shutdown by 2050
November 18, 2011
Annie Leonard in her Story of Broke talks about the 5 reasons to be against nuclear power –
November 20, 2011
Fire latest emergency at problem-plagued Davis-Besse atomic reactor
November 20, 2011
Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant: determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition
November 21, 2011
Report on long term effects of Fukushima (interesting note: north Americans have a background dose of radiation around 3 millisieverts/year
November 21, 2011
1600 millisievert per hour at Unit No. 3 reported on Tokyo Broadcasting System, shocking news that the nuclear event is equivalent to 27 Hiroshimas per day. Uehara Harua, architect of Fukushima’s Reactor #3 warned that China Syndrome is inevitable.
November 22, 2011
New California anti-nuke initiative
November 22, 2011
Fukushima is 33 times worse than Chernobyl
November 23, 2012
The Tokyo Metropolitan government simply announced on November 24, 2011 that it will be accepting the disaster debris from Onagawa-machi in Miyagi Prefecture starting early December and lasting till March 2013, and the debris (which is radioactive, by the way) will be burned in the waste incineration plants operated by the 23 Special Wards and by municipalities in Tama District (western Tokyo). The agreement has already been signed.
November 25, 2011
Nuclear power ‘gets little public support worldwide
November 30, 2011
Fukushima fallout: time to quit nuclear power altogether.
Experience in northern Japan illustrates that even incremental investment in nuclear power threatens human civilization. The Fukushima disaster should once and for all drive global society away from nuclear power, and toward renewable energy.
November 30, 2011
AP reveals doubts by nuclear experts: “The fuel is no longer there” — Measuring temps of empty cores “meaningless” — “Nobody knows where and how hot the melted fuel really is”
November 30, 2011
Unit I worse melting than thought:
November 30, 2011
Change the nuclear world – one village at a time :
Fukushima residents tour German renewable village; learn about non-nuclear energy sources
By Associated Press
FELDHEIM, Germany — A group of residents from the radiation-stricken area around Japan’s tsunami-hit nuclear reactors and a Tokyo actor are visiting Germany to learn how renewable energy could work in their homeland
December 1, 2011
Fukushima creates Pacific Ocean radioactive graveyard
December 1, 2011
Mainichi: Gov’t session reveals 400,000 TIMES normal radioactive xenon-133 levels in Chiba — Actual figure may be MUCH higher.
December 2, 2011
Fukushima fuel rods eating through solid concrete
December 2, 2011
Shipment of Rice Harvested in Fukushima Banned After Detection of High Cesium Level
by Kathy Jones Environmental Health
December 2, 2011
Post-Fukushima Radiation Mapped Cesium in soil a problem for agriculture
“It is not trivial to convert dose in the dirt to dose in the food and then in people,” says John Moulder, a professor of radiation oncology at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
December 2, 2011
TEPCO Again Underplays Severity of Situation at Fukushima
http://peakoil.com/enviroment/tepco-again-underplays-severity-of-situation-at- BROKEN LINK – TRY PEAKOIL.COM
New contaminated water leak at Fukushima nuke plant may have hit ocean.
December 4, 2011
220 tons of highly radioactive water leaked and a part of it leaked to the sea
December 5, 2010
The Asahi Shimbun
“Scientists call for dumping radioactive soil into sea”
When Japan released more than one ton of low-density radioactive water from the plant into the ocean in April, criticism arose from governments overseas.
The government plans to remove radioactive materials in areas with annual radiation levels of 1 millisievert or more.
The removed soil could be stuck in temporary yards in municipalities or a temporary storage facility to be set up in Fukushima Prefecture if a final disposal site is not found.
The contaminated soil is expected to amount to 15 million to 31 million cubic meters in Fukushima Prefecture alone.
December 5, 2011
Contaminated water found leaking at Japanese nuclear plant
December 5, 2011
Fukushima plant springs new water leak
Strontium spike feared; sandbags used to halt flow
Some 45 tons of highly radioactive water leaked Sunday from desalination equipment used to decontaminate the radioactive water in Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant and it is unclear if any made it to the sea, a Tepco official said. The water is believed to have high concentrations of strontium, which can cause bone cancer if ingested. The decontamination system Tepco is using to stablize the crippled reactors mainly removes cesium, but does little to mitigate strontium.
December 5, 2011
Deadly radiation dusts all of Japan
December 6, 2011
Tepco says water with high levels of strontium leaked into Pacific. The water leaked to the sea is believed to contain 26 billion becquerels of radioactive materials”
December 6, 2011
Fukushima 45 tonne radioactive leak ‘reaches ocean’
December 10, 2011
Regulatory Meltdown” Reveals Efforts to Improve Nuclear Safety Undermined by Four NRC Commissioners
WASHINGTON, D.C. – As part of his ongoing investigation into U.S. nuclear safety since the Fukushima meltdowns, today Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), Congress’s leading voice for nuclear safety, released a blockbuster new report that details how four Commissioners at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) colluded to prevent and then delay the work of the NRC Near-Term Task Force on Fukushima, the entity tasked with making recommendations for improvement to NRC regulations and processes after the Fukushima meltdowns, the worst nuclear disaster in history. The Near-Term Task Force members comprise more than 135 years of collective experience at the NRC, and with full access to expert NRC staff completed a methodical and comprehensive review of NRC’s regulatory system.
December 12, 2011
Fukushima Ocean Radiation Was 50 Million Times Above Normal, But No Threat: Scientists
December 14, 2011
Results of ACRO’s monitoring in Japan: all dust samples are contaminated with cesium 137 and 134 following the catastrophe of Fukushima.
December 15, 2011
Absolutely no progress being made at Fukushima nuke plant, undercover reporter says:
December 16, 2011
The crippled nuclear reactors at Japan’s Fukushima power plant have finally been stabilised, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has announced.
Caesium found in Japan baby milk
December 16, 2011
Arnie Gunderson explaining Fukushima
December 16, 2011
NRC Denies Petitioners’ Request to Shut Down Fukushima-Style Nuclear Plants
December 16, 2011
“TEPCO has not achieved true cold shutdown – so neither the company nor the government should be claiming the job is almost done. Radiation is still escaping from the site, and the exact status of the tonnes of molten fuel remains unknown. Tens of thousands of tonnes of highly contaminated water remain in the reactor and turbine buildings, with some leaking into the ocean again last week. The ongoing radiological threat posed by the Fukushima nuclear disaster remains enormous.”
December 19, 2011
Medical Journal Article: 14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Reactor Disaster Fallout
December 17, 2011
Must read:Decades of nuclear power have left a dangerous legacy
December 18, 2011
Whistleblower on MSNBC: Criticality possible at Hanford — We could end up with explosion like Fukushima — Warns of larger release of radioactive material.
December 19, 2011
Fukushima to Canada: Nuclear power creates toxic pollution for 250,000 years – David Suzuki
“As of 2000, Canada had 35,000 tonnes of highly radioactive nuclear waste and nowhere to put it. With a radioactive half-life of 25,000 years, nuclear waste remains dangerous for 250,000 years, meaning huge costs and risks for future generations.”
December 20, 2011
NRC says Fukushima is A-OK after Japanese announce “cold shutdown”
December 20, 2011
B.C. coastal debris believed from Japan disaster
December 21, 2011
Japan has released a new 40-year roadmap for a full shutdown and decommissioning of its crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant.
December 21, 2011
Over 462 trillion becquerels Fukushima strontium in Pacific Ocean, Seafood risk, Health risk looms as Pacific seafood accumulates radioactive poisoning
December 21, 2011
Joseph J. Mangano and Janette D. Sherman
December 22, 2011
Gundersen: Gov’t dumping radioactive material into Tokyo Bay — Contaminated seaweed found in area.
December 23, 2011
Arnold Gundersen with A Fresh Report on Fukushima
This week, Dr. Caldicott and Arnold Gundersen, a nuclear energy consultant with Fairewinds Associates, have another look at how the Fukushima disaster is affecting Japan, and how the U.S. nuclear industry continues its plans to build new plants in America. […]
Transcript Summary
We just got information that during the first week, people in Fukushima Prefecture [actually Chiba Prefecture] were exposed to 1,300 Bq/m³ of Xe-133… that’s medical levels
It concerns me… obviously they should have evacuated much further, must faster… but there is an exposure that has been under estimated
The Japanese are saying it’s a noble gas, therefore don’t worry about it
As you discussed, it’s fat soluble and gets in your lungs, tissue, hangs around for quite a while
If you’re immersed in a cloud of Xe-133, your receiving high-level gamma radiation, like high-level x-rays
As well as inhaling Xe-133 exposing gonads, testicles, ovaries and other organs to high-level gamma radiation
It’s not just Xe-133, there’s argon and krypton as well
Add to that list iodine
If there was Xe-133, there clearly had to be iodine too
That means thyroid exposure
See also: Mainichi: Gov’t session reveals 400,000 TIMES normal radioactive xenon-133 levels in Chiba — Actual figure may be MUCH higher
December 24, 2011
After Fukushima: A Changing Climate For Nuclear
December 24, 2011
Officials: No Alaska radiation from Fukushima
December 25, 2011
(Why people will try to downplay the seriousness of nuclear power)
Collateral Damage From Fukushima Hits Europe
December 25, 2011
Study: Fukushima Radiation Has Already Killed 14,000 Americans
December 25, 2011
B.C. braces for wave of debris from Japanese tsunami
December 26, 2011
NY Times: Devastating gov’t failure — Entire communities exposed to harmful radiation.
[…] And devastatingly, the government failed to make use of radiation data to predict the movements of the radioactive plumes released from the plant to warn local towns and direct evacuations, the report [by a government-appointed investigative panel] said. The failure helped expose entire communities to harmful radiation, the report said.
December 27, 2011
Radionuclides from the Fukushima accident in the air over Lithuania: measurement and modelling approaches
J Environ Radioact. 2011 Dec 27. [Epub ahead of print]
December 27, 2011
Statement by Fairewinds, Dr. A. Gunderson
As we wrap up 2011, we want to thank all our friends and supporters who have sustained and inspired us as we told the truth about the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in Japan.
The collusion between nuclear regulators and the nuclear industry to cover-up the truth have led many children in Japan continue to receive exposures to radiation levels more than 10 times higher than that of the average nuclear power plant worker in the US, and, children are much more sensitive to radiation exposure than adults. […]
The on-going nuclear accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant site in Japan is the worst industrial accident the world has ever faced and the Japanese people are facing an ever unfolding and expanding tragedy of a magnitude the world has never experienced. […]
Fairewinds and its team of volunteers will continue to raise its voice to tell the truth about the Fukushima accidents, which dwarf the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents, in the ongoing tragic exposure to children in Japan and around the world. […]
December 28, 2011
Diseased seals in Alaska tested for radiation
December 28, 2011
Study: Radioactive pollution in Athens, Greece due to the Fukushima nuclear accident
December 28, 2011
Report: U.S. nuclear renaissance unlikely after Fukushima
December 28, 2011
Residents on the west coast of the US and Canada were bombarded with radioactive hot particles that have also contaminated farms and some food sources in the U.S. said Fairewinds Energy Education’s Arnie Gundersen Monday as the Fukushima government cover up continues to violate health rights in Japan and the U.S.
December 29, 2011
UN Agency’s Fukushima Simulation: “Total release amount was equal to that of Chernobyl nuclear explosion”
December 29, 2011
Everyone Downwind for Fallout from Fukushima:
Physicians for Global Survival is “concerned about the re-use of radioactive waste by mixing it into worldwide recycled metal markets.” Instead of “recycling” she calls the process “pollution by dilution,” dispersing the health and environmental hazards of nuclear waste into consumer goods — from toasters to cutlery , industrial machines to hammers and nails.”
Allowing such recycling creates so called acceptable levels of background radiation, but her organization calls increasing background radiation “insidious ,,, there is no minimum level of radioactive exposure acceptable for human health,”
December 30, 2011
Erin Brockovich and the Risks of Nuclear ‘Hot Water’ (fact-based novel)
December 31, 2011
Arnie Gunderson summarizes Fukushima and what lies ahead
TEPCO Believes Mission Accomplished & Regulators Allow Radioactive Dumping in Tokyo Bay
January 1, 2012
New Study: Aerosolized plutonium from Fukushima detected in Europe — Spent fuel indicated Radionuclides from the Fukushima accident in the air over Lithuania: measurement and modelling approaches –
Abstract, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Dec. 27, 2011:
Lujanienė G, Byčenkienė S, Povinec PP, Gera M.; Environmental Research Department, SRI Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuania
Radionuclides from the Fukushima accident in the air over Lithuania
Activity concentration of (239,240)Pu
One aerosol sample
Collected from 23 March to 15 April, 2011
Found to be 44.5 nBq/m(3)
Activity ratio of (238)Pu/(239,240)Pu in the aerosol sample was 1.2, indicating a presence of the spent fuel of different origin than that of the Chernobyl accident
January 2, 2012
The Biggest Energy Story of 2011
January 2, 2012
South Korea seaweed radioactivity test: The seaweed is called “East coast” brand kelp and is still in the factory sealed packaging. So far it has given a top reading of about 0.76 uSv/hr.
South Korea, Seaweed radioactivity test (part 1)
January 3, 2012
Review of 2011: Figures following Fukushima
January 6, 2012
Mysterious Spike in Cesium Fallout in Fukushima on January 2, 2011
January 3, 2011
Mothers first to shed food-safety complacency National Network of Parents to Protect Children from Radiation,
January 3, 2012
Christmas in the Radiation Zone
“Radiation from the three severely damaged reactors that suffered explosions and core meltdowns at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant complex has spread far and wide. But apart from evacuating those within the 20-kilometer radius, the government merely raised the allowable radiation does by 20 times, from the internationally recognized 1 millisievert per year to 20. This means that anything over 0.6 microsieverts per hour–an amount previously limited to people working in “radiologically controlled areas”–is no longer cause for evacuation.
“Even though the emergency evacuation centers are said to be “temporary,” it is likely that thousands of the 110,000 people who have been evacuated–in particular those from around Fukushima-Daiichi and downwind of the radioactive plume–will never be able to return to their former homes, due to radioisotopes contaminating the ground, food and water.”
January 4, 2012
Seaweed in Illinois from eastern Japanese sea is 0.72 mR/hr or 70 times LA BG
January 6, 2012
Mysterious Spike in Cesium Fallout in Fukushima on January 2, 2011
January 6, 2012
Radionuclides from the Fukushima accident in the air over Lithuania: measurement and modelling approaches.
January 8, 2012
Info from Gunderson re cedar pollen
January 9, 2012
“The captain came on the loudspeaker and announced that we were at 28,000 feet heading up to 38,000 feet. SE International’s “Radiation Basics” page says “When you fly in an air plane at 30,000 feet your rate meter is getting 200 CPM [Counts Per Minute] for anywhere between 2 to 5 hours.”
Our reading was 1,035 CPM which was over five times higher. Two hours later we took another ten-minute average approaching the Missouri River north of St. Charles, Missouri – 1,238 CPM or over 36 times the background in the jet at the terminal. Descending into Chicago the count was 586.2 CPM or 17.40 times previous background in the jet”
January 10, 2012
Fukushima Radiation Spike after Jan 1 Earthquake
January 11, 2012
Child leukaemia doubles near French nuclear plants-study
January 12, 2012
Fukushima’s Impact on the Ocean Analyzed:
No danger from water (Oh sure – buckyballs anyone?), but marine sediments are the big question
accumulation in marine sediment could be of concern for decades,
January 13, 2012
The debate in Canada: What is a ‘safe’ level of radiation?
January 13, 2012
Dr. Busby – you shouldn’t go to Japan
January 14, 2012
Evidence of High Radiation in Australia
January 14, 2012
Canadian fish eaters threatened by Fukushima radiation: anti-nuclear group
January 14, 2012
Radioactive iodine in rainwater: Public was in the dark
January 14, 2012
Antinuclear conference begins urging elimination of nuclear power
January 14, 2012
San Francisco milk samples: For someone drinking milk at the relatively high rate of one gallon per week, the TEDE could be nearly 1 microsievert/hour
January 14, 2012
Low levels of both Cs-134 and Cs-137 still being detected in California milk samples
January 14, 2012
In Australia: “The reading was taken at 6.30pm and measured 0.80 microsieverts, which is eight times over the average level of radiation in the atmosphere.”
January 15, 2012
Study Authors: Now 20,000 excess U.S. deaths after Fukushima, not 14,000? Follow up article looking at age groups, cities (AUDIO)
Download the program here: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/deluge/NuclearHotseat-31_1-12-12.mp3
Transcript Summary at 31:30 in
Follow up journal article looking at additional deaths
14,000 may be closer to 20,000 excess deaths
Looking at age groups, different cities
January 16, 2011
FRONTLINE examines the implications of the Fukushima accident for U.S. nuclear safety, and asks how this disaster will affect the future of nuclear in a clearly pro-nuclear industry sop that is a mark of shame for this once-illustrious program.
January 17, 2012
Hanford Nuclear Safety Manager Questions Waste Treatment Plant
January 17, 2012
Why are infants more vulnerable to the fallout?
Note:Radiation is unsafe at any dose: Helen Cauldecott
January 17, 2012
Cancer Risk To Young Children Near Fukushima Daiichi Underestimated
January 18, 2012
Episode: Nuclear Aftershocks
FRONTLINE correspondent Miles O’Brien travels to three continents to explore the revived debate about the safety of nuclear power, the options for alternative energy sources, and questions about whether a disaster like the one at Fukushima could happen in the United States. Another sop to the nuclear industry and another black mark on broadcast journalism.
January 20, 2012
Fukushima Update: Why We Should (Still) Be Worried
January 20, 2012
Iodine-131 measured from incineration plants in Tokyo
January 21, 2012
The real nuclear threat is not Iran, but Fukushima fallout
January 21, 2012
Rapid increase of fall-out is because of incineration of radioactive waste
January 22, 2012
Radiation still a threat to Japan’s food supply
January 22, 2012
Nuclear critic says Health Canada should have issued warning on radioactive raindrops
January 22, 2012
Stop Harrassing Anti-Nuclear Activists: An Open Letter to Maharashtra Home Minister
January 23, 2012
Why Nuclear Scientists Have Missed the Danger of Spent Fuel Pools
January 23, 2012
Tepco: Radiation levels from Fukushima increasing — Now releasing 70,000,000 Bq/hr
January 23, 2012
Japan seeks UN atomic agency presence in Fukushima
January 23, 2012
Fukushima Daiichi Video: Footage Shows Inside Damaged Reactor – nothing there
January 23, 2012
Calgary Sun: Fukushima fallout hit home
January 23, 2012
Tepco admits radiation levels from Fukushima increasing — Now releasing 70,000,000 Bq/hr — Reactor 3 leaking most
January 24, 2012
January 24, 2012
Sundance Premiere: “Death Row” in NY town where nuclear reactors leaked — “Almost every house on this street had somebody who was sick with cancer or something else”
January 25, 2012
Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation
ONLINE READER by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
January 25, 2012
Japan’s Former Premier Takes Antinuclear Campaign to Davos
January 27, 2012
California Nuclear Initiative
On November 18, California’s Secretary of State approved the ballot initiative that seeks the closure of the two remaining nuclear power plants in California,
January 27, 2012
Anti-nuke groups sputter to life in Asian countries in wake of Fukushima.
January 27, 2012
Fukushima radiation falls on Calgary
Health Canada hasn’t even released the data, saying it’s too small an amount to be worthy of public comment — and the same silence has applied for much of the Canadian data collected so far.
— Health Canada confirms that last March, after the Fukushima nuclear accident, a Calgary monitoring station detected an average of 8.18 becquerels per litre of radioactive iodine, stemming from Japan.
Canadian guidelines limit exposure to six becquerels of iodine per litre of drinking water, and much lower radiation spikes in the U.S. resulted in a “don’t drink the rainwater” order.
But not here.
Edwards says Calgarians should at least have known there was a spike beyond recommended levels, especially as rain-bourne radiation concentrates in vegetation and the food chain.
“It’s not up to Health Canada to decide for everybody else what they should do,” said Edwards.
December 2011 – 14,000 dead in US report with excellent chronology with especially good US failure to monitor as compared to Chernobyl response in 1986.
January 29, 2012
Fukushima casts a shadow over India’s industrial boom
The ongoing nuclear disaster in Fukushima has quashed once ambitious plans for the construction of new reactors in Japan. The government does, however, remain committed to promoting exports of nuclear reactors and technology as it sees huge potential in overseas markets.
January 29, 2012
The cooling operations at Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant have had to be suspended for about 90 minutes because of radioactive leaks.
In the wake of the Fukushima meltdowns in March, the authorities evacuated some 80 thousand people from the surrounding area. The plant’s engineers are now preparing for an operation to remove the fuel from the damaged reactors.
January 29, 2012
Anti-nuclear movement growing in Asia
January 29, 2012
UN nuclear agency to set up Fukushima office: report
January 29, 2012
Asahi: Now 7,800 liters leaked from ruptured pipes — Previous figure mentioned was 600 liters
January 29, 2012
Why would we risk all life on Earth by unleashing the most dangerous pollutant ever discovered when there are safe, sustainable and cheap alternatives?
January 29, 2012
January 31, 2012
U.N. Watchdog Tentatively Backs Japan’s Nuclear Stress Tests
The Lessons of Fukushima: A Symposium for Education, Collaboration, Inspiration
February 24-25, 2012
Willamette University
College of Law
John C. Paulus Lecture Hall
245 Winter Street SE
Salem, Oregon 97302
Abstracts/Papers/Written Submissions
Attendees Information
Live Streaming/Digital Recordings
February 2, 2012
Why we stay: NOWHERE TO RUN
February 2, 2012
Shining the Light on the Triple Meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi – Gundersons talk about the coverup
February 2, 2012
February 3, 2012
Radioactive leaks at crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant increase two months after it was declared safe
February 3, 2012
Panasonic Targets Clean Power for Homes After Fukushima Disaster
February 3, 2012
Ukraine, Japan to combine Chornobyl, Fukushima experience
February 3, 2012
Trivializing the dangers: Editorial
February 4, 2012
The San Diego Anti-Nuke Resurgance: the Timing Couldn’t be Better
February 4, 2012
LETTER: Better active now than radioactive later
Just replace Hanford with Plymouth….
February 4, 2012
Japan: Australian activists address global anti-nuclear conference
February 5, 2012
Nuclear Power Plants and the Dangers of Radiation in North America
February 8th 2012
Swiss government has decided to scrap plans to build new nuclear reactors
February 9, 2012
New Containment Flaw Identified in the BWR Mark 1
February 9, 2012
Harper relaxes accountability rules for China’s use of uranium
February 9, 2012
NRC approves first new nuclear plant in a generation
February 9, 2012
Jaczko dissents as NRC approves Vogtle permits
February 10, 2012
Berlin Film Festival: 3 documentaries on Japan nuclear disaster
February 10, 2012
Renewables Helped France Avoid Freezing in the Dark
February 10, 2012
“This is a developing story”: NBC has learned there’s been a leak at Hanford — “Radioactive reading” near cracked container of radioactive waste.
February 11, 2012
U.S green lights two new reactors
February 11, 2012
Fukushima’s North Pacific Radioactive Seawater Plume Approaches Alaska
Feb 12, 2012
Oak Ridge facility has probably recycled about 1.5 million tons of radioactive metals since 1996 from foreign sources including Germany, Belgium and Canada.
Company’s request to import about 20,000 tons of nuclear waste from Italy for processing in Tennessee and disposal in Utah.
February 14, 2012
Fukushima at Increased Earthquake Risk, Scientists Report
February 14, 2012
Fukushima at increased earthquake risk
February 14, 2012
Feds Approve Unsafe New Nuclear Reactors Requiring Billions Of Taxpayer Dollars
February 15, 2012
US nuclear watchdog questions oversight of safety enforcement
February 15, 2012
Could Fukushima Daiichi Be Ground Zero for the Next Big One?
February 15, 2012
A temperature of 250ºC in what is basically an empty reactor vessel sitting in a basically empty containment over a mass of molten corium somewhere underneath is NOT a reactor in “cold shutdown.” TEPCO had declared all three of its melted reactors to be in that state late last year, primarily to limit the corporations’ continuing liability for damages and payments to evacuees.
Scientists: ‘Big One’ Building Beneath Fukushima
February 16, 2012
Face to Face with the fukushima Disaster
If you only watch one interview – see this!!!!
February 16, 2012
In a special session on Tuesday, Feb. 21, during the 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Salt Lake City, researchers will present early results from several field and modeling studies examining the fate of more than a dozen radioactive isotopes in the air, water, and organisms impacted by the Fukushima releases. This is the largest international gathering to date of experts in this area. The session will feature 15 talks, including two by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) scientists.
February 16, 2012
20 Times More Japanese Earthquakes in the 6 Months Following March 2011 than in the Previous 9 YEARS … Quake May Have “Awakened” Fukushima Fault
February 16, 2012
Cesium 137 in Berkeley milk doubled between August 2011 and February 2012
February 17, 2012
Nuclear crisis turns Japan ex-PM Kan into energy apostle
February 17, 2012
Vermont battle could determine U.S. nuclear future
February 19, 2012
Silence and contamination, legacies of the Fukushima nuclear disaster
February 20, 2012
February 20, 2012
Radioactive medicine can be made without nuclear reactors, scientists show
By developing a cyclotron-based technology for producing
medical isotopes Canada will be contributing to non-proliferation efforts by removing, once and for all, any civilian justification for the use of highly enriched weapons-grade uranium.
Gordon Edwards.
February 20, 2012
Here is a recent photo, below, of the Unit No. 4 reactor at the Fukushima-Daichi nuclear ruins provided by Akio Matsumura. It is quite sobering.
[The photo was taken February 20 2012. It was published by the Asahi Shimbun newspaper and forwarded by Akio Matsumura: see http://tinyurl.com/85wztyv ]
The pool at Unit No. 4 contains 1,538 fuel assemblies, including a full core that was freshly discharged prior to the accident.
Based on data from the U.S. Department of Energy, a spent fuel assembly from a typical boiling water reactor contains about 30,181 curies (about 1.1 million billion becquerels) of long-lived radioactivity. [In thescientific notation used by Bob Alvarez, this is ~1.1E+15 Bq]
So the Unit No. 4 pool contains roughly 49 million curies (about 1.8 million million million becquerels), of which about 40 percent is cesium-137. [In the scientific notation used by Bob Alvarez, this is ~1.8E+18 Bq]
(Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Final Environmental Impact Statement, for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada, 2002, Appendix A, Tables A-7, A-8, A-9, A-10, BWR/ Burn up = 36,600 MWd/MTHM, fuel enrichment = 3.03 percent, decay time = 23 years.)
The risk of yet another highly destructive earthquake occurring even closer to the Fukushima reactors has increased, according to the European Geosciences Union;
This is particularly worrisome for Daiichi’s structurally damaged spent fuel pool at Reactor No. 4 sitting 100 feet above ground, exposed to the elements.
Drainage of water from this pool, resulting from another quake, could trigger a catastrophic radiological fire involving about eight times more radioactive cesium than was released at Chernobyl.
February 20, 1012
Uranium filled “Buckyballs” may be headed for the west coast
February 21, 2012
“Unthinkable”: Reports surfacing of radioactive sheep in parts of Norway containing 4,000 Bq/kg (from Chernobyl)
February 23, 2012
Portland-area had highest Iodine-131 deposition in US at 5,100 Bq/m² by April 5 -Gov’t Study
February 23, 2012
How The New Mexico Anti–Nuclear Campaign Achieved A Major Victory
February 23, 2012
City councilor to measure radiation in Mizumoto park the first was found dead
February 23, 2012
New Study Confirms Low Levels of Fallout from Fukushima
February 24, 2012
Cancer deaths near N-plant not normal
February 24, 2012
Lessons from Fukushima
(see all the active organizations at the bottom)
February 25, 2012
Evacuate Tokyo and All US Forces From Japan
February 26, 2012
Fukushima – worse than Chernobyl
by Janette D. Sherman, M.D., and Joseph J. Mangano, M.P.H.
February 26, 2012
Japan Nuclear Disaster: Fukushima Power Plant Remains Fragile, Plant Chief Says equipment that serves as the lifeline of the cooling system is shockingly feeble-looking. Plastic hoses cracked by freezing temperatures have been mended with tape. A set of three pumps sits on the back of a pickup truck.
February 27, 2012
Fukushima radioactivity discovered in samples taken in Bennington
February 28, 2012
Inside Japan’s Nuclear Meltdown.
February 28, 2012
Greenpeace releases 52 page report: Lessons from Fukushima – End of the “Nuclear Safety Paradigm”
February 28, 2012
The Fukushima Psychiatrist – it’s amazing how traumatized they are
February 28, 2012
February 28, 2012
February 29, 2012
Japan Struggles with Tainted Reactor Water at Fukushima
February 29, 2012
Far more cesium released from Fukushima than previously thought says Japan gov’t agency — 40,000 trillion becquerels estimated –Asahi
February 29, 2012
Japan Struggles with Tainted Reactor Water at Fukushima
When the huge earthquake struck Japan on March 11 2011 the
three operating nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi
plant immediately and safely shut down. The nuclear reaction
in all three reactors was completely stopped long before the
tsunami hit. The shutdown systems worked perfectly.
But no one knows how to shut off radioactivity. In the core of
each reactor, such an enormous inventory of radioactive materials has been created by the splitting of uranium and plutonium atoms that large quantities of heat will continue to be produced for many years after the nuclear chain reaction has stopped. This heat is caused by the unstoppable radioactive disintegrations of dozens of varieties of radioactive materials called “fission products”.
Fission products — such as cesium-137, iodine-131, strontium-90 —
are the broken pieces of uranium and plutonium atoms that were
split in order to get energy to boil water to produce electricity. The fission products are fiercely radioactive. The heat they produce is called “decay heat”, because it is the result of radioactive decay.
And no one knows how to speed it up, slow it down, start it, or
stop it. Like the tsunami itself, the decay heat is an unstoppable force of nature.
And as long as that decay heat is being produced, it will drive the temperature up and up, unless the heat can be removed as rapidly as it is being produced. For that you need pumps, and for those you need power.
So when the tsunami wiped out the backup electrical generators, and the batteries on hand became exhausted, the stage was set for the three reactors to undergo complete core meltdowns, at temperatures in excess of 2800 degrees C (5000 degrees F).
Even now, and for some years to come, heat must be removed from
the radioactive mass in the core of each reactor by flushing water through it at a tremendous rate. But that act pollutes the water with debris from the damaged core and with radioactive materials. Cooling the core automatically flushes out those radioactive materials on an ongoing basis — and then you have enormous volumes of radioactively contaminated water that has to go somewhere. And, of course, despite industry efforts to deny the danger, these materials are all superb carcinogens and mutagens….
Question of the day: What do you do with millions of gallons of highly radioactive water? And how do you persuade people that “everything is under control” . . . when it isn’t?
Gordon Edwards.
February 29, 2012
Beyond Indignation: New Media, Anti-Nuclear Activism, and the Abandoned People of Fukushima
March 1, 2012
“Demonic” reality of Fukushima, versus absurdity of NRC
March 1, 2012
Helen Caldicott on Fukushima 1 year later
March 1, 2012
Plume-Gate: Media Silent Over Feds Fukushima
March 2, 2012
Tokyo starts to burn Onagawa debris in earnest at 23 household garbage plants
March 3, 2012
California Dept Health air/milk tests last quarter 2011
March 5, 2012
From their research, 8 of 17 children (0~13 years old) living in Kashiwa, Misato, Tokatsu areas, where are known to be hotspot turned out to have abnormal peripheral blood lymphocyte.
March 5, 2012
The World is Powerless Against Fukushima Fallout
March 6, 2012
Radiation Readings Soar at Rocketdyne
March 6, 2012
Yokohama City stopped using zeolite to absorb radioactive Cesium 137 after only one month at it’s final disposal site on Tokyo Bay
March 6, 2012
Fukushima anniversary: B.C. looks south to closest nuclear plant.
March 7, 2012
Highest Radiation in L.A. Air Yet
March 8, 2012
Planetary Genocide”: Fukushima One Year Later : The Poisoning of Planet Earth by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri
March 8, 2012
Map shows what a U.S. Fukushima could have looked iike
March 8, 2012
Remembering Fukushima One Year Later –
Sane view for sure
March 9, 2012
Human Rights Watch said
March 9, 2012
More and more often children complain of circulatory disturbances, tiredness, dizziness after Fukushima (VIDEO)
March 9, 2012
Despite Fukushima, South-east Asia still eyes nuclear energy
March 9, 2012
Fukushima Anniversary: How Climate Change Endangers Nuclear Safety
March 9, 2012
Fish imports from Japan turning up radioactive
March 9, 2012
How Fukushima is leading towards a nuclear-free Japan
Tokyo hopes to restart some reactors, but hardening public attitudes may rule out even modest return to nuclear power
March 9, 2012
Fukushima Never Again – documentary
March 9, 2012
Look what everyone is doing with the global March Against Nuclear Madness Calendar
March 11, 2012 must watch!!
Children of the Tsunami
Sunday, March 11, 2012 8:00 PM ET on CBC News Network
Download Flash Player to view this content.
Watch the promo or the full episode . Please note: This film is available for 30 days after the last broadcast.
March 11, 2012
Is Helen Caldicott’s Nuclear Madness still relevant?
March 11, 2012
Records of human deformations and still births after Fukushima yet to be published — Preparing data for public release (VIDEO)
March 11, 2012
Vancouver B.C. Conference Fukushima One Year Later with keynote speaker Arnie Gunderson (audio on Radio Eco-Shock)
March 11, 2012
Protesters link arms around the world to decry nuclear power
March 11, 2012
Japanese honour victims of tsunami, quake disaster
March 11, 2012
Gundersens on TV: Went to Japan to tell people the truth about Fukushima — Cold shutdown impossible — Japanese poised to become energy innovators (50 MINUTES)
March 11, 2012
Activists try to call attention to risks of nuclear power
March 11, 2012
Fukushima triggers ‘nuclear safety renaissance’
March 12, 2012
Contamination Fears Linger for Japanese Children, Workers One Year After Fukushima Meltdown
March 12, 2012
Contamination Fears Linger for Japanese Children, Workers One Year After Fukushima Meltdown – Aileen Mioko Smith talks from Green Action
March 12, 2012
French nuclear specialists agree Fukushima “could still explode”, corium a threat — Reactors remain in meltdown says expert, molten lava could break through at any point
March 12, 2012
Germany and France see mass protests
March 12, 2012
Nuclear Expert: Fukushima 10 times worse than Chernobyl
March 12, 2012
Gundersen on CTV: The country of Japan is contaminated — “Just routine checking an area here and there” in Tokyo found all samples to be radioactive waste (VIDEO)
March 12, 2012
Nuclear Engineer Arnie Gundersen: Fukushima Meltdown Could Result in 1 Million Cases of Cancer
March 12, 2012
Fukushima prefecture aims for green power
The governor of the Japanese prefecture of Fukushima called for terminating nuclear power and promoting renewable energy.
March 12, 2012
5 stories about the Fukushima anniversary that you really need to read
March 12, 2012
Watch Maggie Gunderson (minute 59 into the video)
• There was a lot of fallout that came to this country
• A lot of radiation came down in rain
• British Columbia, Seattle, … that whole Washington, Oregon, part of California
• We know of an organic farm in Portland that is not selling or producing anything anymore because he tested a lot of radiation on his farm
• Hawaii had tainted fruit and milk, there’s a lot of radiation there
• Very frightening what happened on the West Coast
• People breathing 10 hot particles per day – runners – 20 /day
University Researcher: U.S. topsoil with up to 8,000 pCi/kg of cesium
March 13, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for March 9th – March 12th, 2012
March 13, 2012
The Legacy of Fukushima with Helen Caldicott
March 13, 2012
Seattle doctor raises serious concerns about nuclear reactor near Hanford, Washington
March 14, 2012
EnergySolutions awarded Fukushima clean-up contract
US-UK firm will be charged with decontaminating the seawater that was used to cool the reactor as it went into meltdown
March 14, 2012
Let’s reduce our atomic footprint before there’s another Fukushima
March 14, 2012
Fukushima citizens to accuse TEPCO, state of negligence over crisis (in Iwaki)
March 15, 2012
2 Other Reasons Why Municipalities in Japan Want Disaster Debris
March 15, 2012
Radio: “Something new in the history of medicine is happening at Fukushima” says physician — 30% of children tested had thyroid lumps — “Now that’s really early, that’s within the first year, that’s unheard of” (AUDIO)
March 16, 2012
One Municipality After Another Says YES to Disaster Debris Contaminated with Radioactive Materials
March 16, 2012
PM Noda demands WTO do something about the baseless rumours
March 16, 2012
How far the plume has travelled:
Please note this simulation, as explained below, shows only the extent of where the particles in radioactive plume have traveled.
It does not attempt to estimate the dilution of the radiation since such estimates are currently impossible due to refusal by TEPCO and the government of Japan to release critical scientific data required to calculate the concentration of the plume.
Also note that the simulation only takes into account the million gallons of radioactive water TEPCO purposefully dumped into the ocean.
That water was later found to have been 7.5 million times the legal limit and the dumping was done after TEPCO was “Stongly urged to do so by the US government.
Since then TEPCO has reported on numerous occasions that they lack on-site storage space and may need to dump even more radioactive waste into the Pacific ocean.
The simulation also doesn’t account for any of the “run-off” radiation from TEPCO spraying the reactors with water cannons to keep the nuclear fuel cool.
It can not account for any contamination in the ocean from pieces of the nuclear fuel rods that were scattered all over the area after a series of massive explosions at the plant.
It does not account for the run off of radioactive sewage which is piling up all over Japan, running off into the ocean and resoluting in a layer of cesium sludge on the bottom Tokyo bay which is now over 10 inches thick.
It can not account for the cloud of nuclear ash that has rained down on the country from numerous incinerators being used to dispose radioactive waste by burning it.
March 17, 2012
Irish Chernobyl campaigner shares lessons
March 17, 2012
Cesium found almost 375 miles from Fukushima nuclear plant
March 17, 2012
Dr. Haruki Madarame, who is resigning as the head of the Nuclear Safety Commission, is remembered by me as having spoke the universal truth when he said “It’s all about money, isn’t it?” when it comes to nuclear waste.
March 18, 2012
80% in Japan ‘support nuclear phase-out’
March 18, 2012
Fukushima radiation moving in seawater across Pacific Ocean, according to consulting company
“Last April, Japanese officials claimed that they had halted the release of radioactive radiation from the crippled nuclear reactors at Fukushima. On December 5, however, the Los Angeles Times revealed that “45 tons of highly radioactive water” had been released from the plant on the previous weekend. Greenpeace has also reported finding highly radioactive sea life off the Japanese coast.”
March 19, 2012
Japan objected to IAEA IAEA’s proposal in 2005 to designate the area within the 300-kilometer radius from a nuclear plant as “an area where shipment bans on farm products and other measures would be implemented to regulate the intake of radioactive contaminated food”.
(in the event of a disaster)
March 20, 2012
India government takes blunt approach to anti-nuclear push – in what some critics are calling a “witch hunt.”
March 20, 2012
End of the nuclear illusion
A year after the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe began in Japan, the world has a historic chance to end one of the biggest-ever frauds played on the public to promote a patently unsafe, accident-prone, expensive and centralised form of energy generation based upon splitting the atom to boil water and spin a turbine.
March 20, 2012
A Solartopian tipping point is upon us in the U.S., Europe and Japan which will re-define how the human race gets its energy. The definitive breaking point looms in Vermont. By mid-March a state board is likely to deny the Yankee reactor licenses to operate or to create radioactive waste.
March 20, 2012
Mayor of Shimada City re spreading the radioactive debris all over Japan and burning
March 20, 2012
Switzerland: Muhleberg Nuclear Plant Decision Heartens Foreign Activists:A ruling by the Swiss Administrative Court ordering the closure of the Mühleberg nuclear power station has galvanised anti-nuclear campaigners elsewhere in Europe too.
March 20, 2012
Gundersen- 1 in 5 young girls living in some areas around Fukushima Daiichi will get cancer from radiation over their lifetimes (AUDIO)
March 21, 2012
Many residents of Fukushima prefecture still lack basic information and clear answers about the level of radiation in their food and environment, Human Rights Watch said March 9, 2012
March 22, 2012
Engineers admitted they still have not resolved major safety problems with the Hanford Washington plant — which is supposed to help dispose of 53 million gallons of nuclear waste — 12 years after design of the Western world’s most expensive and complex construction project began. So to make sure the plant is safe, engineers may have to rule out processing some volume of the waste, either because it contains high volumes of plutonium or because the mix of chemicals and gases is corrosive or explosive. That means some as-yet unproven new technologies will have to be used to deal with Hanford’s waste.
March 22, 2012
Armageddon if Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 collapses and melts down — Could change the world — Most likely consequence is that reactors 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 get out of control — Interview with nuclear engineer (VIDEO) (note: in German – click on cc to get English subtitles)
March 23, 2012
Escobar on Fukushima email leak: ‘Deleting data a cover-up’
March 23, 2012
Panel sets standard for shipments of radiation-tainted stones.
March 24, 2012
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, focused on how we can prevent a similar event from happening right here at San Onofre.
March 24, 2012
Helen Caldicott: Fukushima/Nuclear Medical Impact
March 24, 2012
The removal of radioactive contamination an important and urgent task.
March 24, 2012
24,700 Bq/kg radioactive Cesium from Tea leaves in Fukushima City.
March 24, 2012
Governor of Kyoto on Disaster Debris “We May Not Tell Residents.”
March 24, 2012
Disaster Debris is Radioactive – see table
March 25, 2012
Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US.
March 25, 2012
Minister requests debris disposal in western Japan
March 26, 2012
Fukushima Prefecture deleted 5 days of radiation dispersion data just after meltdowns.
March 26, 2012
Tokyo Soil – Blanketed With Fukushima Radiation – Would Be Considered “Radioactive Waste” In the United States
March 26, 2012
Think about ramifications for Tokyo… How would you like kneeling in radioactive waste to pick flowers? Cobalt-60 in majority of samples, up to 1,481 Bq/kg (VIDEO & CHART)
March 26, 2012
Japan in Uproar Over Censorship of Emperor’s Anti-Nuclear Speech
March 26, 2012
Japan Is Left With Only One Working Nuclear Reactor
March 26, 2012
Majia Holmer Nadesan
“Lessons From Fukushima: Governments and the Media Will Deceive the Public and Withhold Vital Information, Leaving Citizens to Create Informal Information Sharing Networks”
March 26, 2012
Chiba local city government published the measuring data of citrus produced in Chiba. For some reason, they picked up only 11 samples for 3 different kinds of fruits, and they measured cesium from 3 of them. However, because it’s under the new safety limit of 100 Bq/Kg, those products will be distributed to the market. […]
March 27, 2012
Anti-Nuclear Activists Say Summit Ignores True Nuclear Security
March 27, 2012
Threatening, active faults found off Boso
Dual jolt could trigger Tokyo temblor up to magnitude 9
March 27, 2012
Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant still emits fatally high radiation, lacks cooling after latest quake
March 28, 2012
Radiation levels inside Fukushima’s reactor 2 have reached fatally high levels, and levels of water are far lower than previously thought, experts say today.
The current radiation levels are so high that even robots cannot enter.
March 28, 2012
Swiss gov’t appeals nuke shutdown order
The Swiss government has launched an appeal of a court decision seeking the early closure of the aging Muhleberg nuclear power plant near Bern.
March 28, 2012
Anti-nuclear activist Dr. Helen Caldicott to speak at 4Cs in West Barnstable April 4th
March 28, 2012
Over a Year Later, Fukushima’s Radiation Is Still Fatal
March 28, 2012
Fukushima monthly fallout higher now than 9 months ago in June
March 28, 2012
Anti-Nuclear Activist Helen Caldicott Brings Message of Peace to Santa Barbara
March 28, 2012
From Inside Fukushima Reactor, New Data Raises New Worries
Crucial things about Unit 2: Engineers have found that radiation levels inside are much higher than they thought, and that levels of cooling water are much lower; and both of those, of course, are bad news. In particular, on the radiation levels, engineers have finally been able to directly measure the levels inside Unit 2 and they found that they’re currently seven times higher than they thought, and that’s 10 times the lethal dose for humans.
March 28, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for March 23rd – March 26th, 2012
March 29, 2012
Still critical: radiation levels at Fukushima can kill in minutes Latest readings from tsunami-stricken nuclear plant overturn claims that reactors have been made safe READ ALL OF THIS
March 29, 2012
Southern California had 2,500 Bq/kg of iodine-131 in seaweed — Over 500% higher than other tests in U.S., Canada
Fukushima radiation plume contacted North America at California ‘with greatest exposure in central and southern California.’
March 29, 2012
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Japan Being Pushed Into Revolt Over Fukushima Radiation
There are startling and shocking reports that show that that water that was poured into the failed reactor core has somehow leaked away into the environment, and there is now less than 60cm of water covering the failed core material itself (see report here). It is shocking to again see that all of the media reports about the ongoing disaster seem to embrace falsehoods!
March 29, 2012
Nuclear power is no longer a viable source of new energy in US, says Excelon CEO who retired just days earlier
March 30, 2012
Nuclear reactors at Japan’s Fukushima may be more damaged, dangerous than thought
March 30,2012
As Fukushima Worsens, US Approves New Nukes
March 30, 2012
Kyoto governor demands reactor safety guarantee
March 30, 2012
California Slammed With Fukushima Radiation
The Journal Environmental Science and Technology reports in a new study that the Fukushima radiation plume contacted North America at California “with greatest exposure in central and southern California”, and that Southern California’s seaweed tested over 500% higher for radioactive iodine-131 than anywhere else in the U.S. and Canada:
March 30, 2012
Radioactive Iodine from Fukushima Found in California Kelp
Kelp off Southern California was contaminated with short-lived radioisotopes a month after Japan’s Fukushima accident, a sign that the spilled radiation reached the state’s urban coastline, according to a new scientific study.
The largest concentration was about 250-fold higher than levels found in kelp before the accident.
March 30, 2012
Kyoto governor demands reactor safety guarantee
March 30, 2012
Expert: Nuclear Power Is On Its Deathbed
A new report from a University of Vermont researcher says the cost of the safety measures needed for nuclear energy will eventually make the power source economically unviable
April 1, 2012
Fallout in Fukushima 10 times higher in Feb 2012 than in September 2011
April 2, 2012
NHK’s new cesium levels – 100 bq/kg food and 50 Bq/kg milk and water
April 2, 2012
One of the biggest issues that we face is the possibility that the spent nuclear fuel pool of the No. 4 reactor at the stricken Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant will collapse. not only independent experts, but also sources within the government say that it’s a grave concern.
The storage pool in the No. 4 reactor building has a total of 1,535 fuel rods, or 460 tons of nuclear fuel, in it. The 7-story building itself has suffered great damage, with the storage pool barely intact on the building’s third and fourth floors. The roof has been blown away. If the storage pool breaks and runs dry, the nuclear fuel inside will overheat and explode, causing a massive amount of radioactive substances to spread over a wide area. Both the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and French nuclear energy company Areva have warned about this risk.
Even today at the end of March 2012, TEPCO workers are still pumping about 9 tons of water every hour into Unit 2’s core to keep it cool. But the containment vessel radiation has been measured at 72.0 sieverts. That’s enough radiation to kill a person in minutes and to cause electrical equipment to malfunction. So now, special equipment might need to be developed that can tolerate the still-high radiation levels.The low water level plus high radiation in Unit 2 means that radioactive water might be leaking out at a higher rate than previously estimated, flowing through pipes and right into the Pacific ocean.
April 2, 2012
New Data Show Fukushima Radiation Moved Rapidly Out Into Pacific Ocean
“One particular radionuclide of concern is strontium-90, which has a half-life of nearly 30 years. “It accumulates more in bones,” continued Buesseler. “It replaces calcium in your bones or in fish bone. And in fish, in particular, there is a concern of this accumulation. And if you were to eat small fish, then you would accumulate strontium-90 that would then affect your dose through the accumulation in your bone.”
April 2, 2012
Everyone knows nuclear plants are not really safe — Only a few noisy die-hards arguing radiation from nuke plants is harmless – Nuclear industry dreams dashed by current economic reality
April 2, 2012
L.A. Rain Radiation Over Five times Normal
An imperfect storm swept into Southern California on, perhaps appropriately enough, April Fools weekend creating the conditions that tested EnviroReporter.com’s scientific hypothesis that radioactive “buckyballs” and other fission radionuclides from the triple Fukushima Japan meltdowns are already impacting the region. Sure enough, a rain composed primarily of sea mist formed over a choppy ocean with high winds tested higher than any other Los Angeles Basin rain since Radiation Station Santa Monica began fallout radiation tests March 15, 2011, four days after the unabated meltdowns began. The rain, not impacted by so-called “natural” radon progeny, came in at a whopping 506% above normal, more than high enough to qualify as a hazardous material situation for the California Highway Patrol. This is the hottest L.A. rain detected with our Inspector Alert nuclear radiation monitor in the over 1,500 radiation tests we’ve taken since last year’s Ides of March.
April 3, 2012
Occupy Portland aims at Wash. nuclear plant
April 3, 2012
Fukushima Daiichi Site: Cesium-137 is 85 times greater than at Chernobyl Accident
April 3, 2012
Hanford rally will challenge cleanup work, call for more funding and transparency
April 3, 2012
PM wants Fukushima accident taken into account on safety standard
April 3, 2012
Post Fukushima, China says 27 Nuke projects safe
April 3, 2012
Iodine-129 “a growing radiological risk” — 15.7 million year half-life — Almost undetectable — Traveled along with iodine-131 from Fukushima — Concentrates in hotspots
April 3, 2012
Japan’s Nightmare Fight Against Radiation in the Wake of the 3.11 Meltdown 私たちは放射能とどう闘えばよいのか
About radioactive waste and Reactor #4
April 3, 2012
Interview with Kevin Kamp – Beyond Nuclear:
Fukushima…radiation so high – even robots not safe. Radiation levels have reached their highest point yet within the plant’s No. 2 reactor in the crippled complex, and are currently at ten times the immediate lethal dose.
Former Prime Minister Kan reveals nuclear coverup — After Fukushima he’s “devoting himself to nuclear activism, he now wants to abolish nuclear power in Japan”
April 4, 2012
Anti-Nuke Group Slams San Onofre with CNN, MSNBC Ad
April 4, 2012
Public Meltdown: The Story of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant, published by UVM’s Center for Research on Vermont.
April 4, 2012
Japan Turns To Geothermal Energy Amid Nuclear Uncertainty
April 5, 2012
Strontium leaking into ocean — Tons more highly contaminated water enters sea — “TEPCO has apologized for the incident and says it will determine the cause and extent of the leakage”
April 5,2012
Tons of radioactive water spill from Fukushima nuclear plant – 12 tons of radioactive water has flowed into the Pacific Ocean.
April 5, 2012
Food items exceeding safety limits in Japan – do we import them?
April 6, 2012
Greenpeace update April 3-5th
April 6, 2012
Osaka Mayor: Japan will collapse if reactors are restarted hastily — Asahi: New safety standards for restarts written in just two days
April 6, 2012
Japan Shiga threatens to rain on nuclear restarts
April 6, 2012
Government sets new safety standards for nuclear power plants
April 6, 2012
Debate growing over ‘local’ reactor consent – Governors of prefectures without units seek greater say in process
April 6, 2012
Election Watch: Hashimoto Blasts Noda Cabinet on Nuke Restarts
April 6, 2012
NRC chair: No timeline for restarting San Onofre nuclear plant as protesters demand its closure (photos)
April 6, 2012
Fukushima spent fuel has 85 times more cesium than released at Chernobyl — “It would destroy the world environment and our civilization… an issue of human survival”
April 6, 2012
Cut nuclear reliance to zero: Japan energy minister
April 6, 2012
Japan Nuclear Power: New Safety Standards Set Ahead Of Restarting Reactors
April 6, 2012
/04/06/election-watch-Japan nuclear crisis: Seven reasons why we should abandon nuclear power
April 6, 2012
Japan’s new food safety standards:
• 10 becquerels/kg for drinking water, not 100.
• 50 becquerels/kg for baby food
• 50 becquerels/kg for milk
• 100 becquerels/kg for general food
• assuming 50% of food is contaminated
Numbers are only for radioactive cesium
April 6, 2012
Kyoto City to burn radioactive debris anyway
April 6, 2012
How do you solve a nuclear disaster –NSNBC VIDEO
Reactor 2 is beyond human capability. Can’t get into reactors 1 and 3 to know what’s going on in there…and keep watching to FOLLOW THE MONEY.
April 7, 2012
Reactor 4 contained no fuel when the earthquake hit. Instead, the spent fuel rods had been moved to a cooling pool on the second floor of the containment unit. […] If another high level earthquake hits the area, the building will certainly collapse. Japanese and American meteorologists have predicted that such a strong earthquake is indeed likely to hit this year.
The meltdown and unprecedented release of radiation that would ensue is the worst case scenario that then-Prime Minister Kan and other former officials have discussed in the past months. He warned during his speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos that such an accident would force the evacuation of the 35 million people in Tokyo, close half of Japan and compromise the nation’s sovereignty. Such a humanitarian and environmental catastrophe is unimaginable. […]
April 7, 2012
Tepco’s Cheapskate Tactics Put World at Risk While “Fifty Year Battle” To Save Japan Rages On
April 7, 2012
No timetable for restarting California nuclear plant: NRC’s Jaczko
The top U.S. nuclear official said on Friday his agency has not set any timetable for restarting the troubled San Onofre nuclear station in Southern California and that it would only do so if safety was assured.
April 8, 2012
Fukushima 4: One of the Greatest Threats to Humanity
April 8, 2012
Situation at Fukushima Has Potential to “Destroy the World Environment and Our Civilization”
April 8th 2012
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster and The Media: An Interview with Professor Akira Murakami Akira
“Children bleeding from nostrils, skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases (VIDEO)”
April 8th, 2012
Hosono makes new debris plea to Fukushima towns
April 8th, 2012
Fukushima will start burning radioactive waste — 100,000 Bq/kg to be incinerated — 1 billion pounds of debris in exclusion zone –Mainichi, f more than 100,000 becquerels of radioactive cesium are found per kilogram of debris, the debris will be transferred to a medium-term storage facility to be built by the state. But if burnable debris contains 100,000 becquerels of radioactive cesium or less, it may be disposed of at a temporary incinerator to be built within the prefecture, according to the officials.
April 8, 2012
Fate of world depends on Reactor #4
April 8, 2012
Casino to be built on site of nuclear reactor meltdown just miles from Los Angeles? Was up to 240 times Three Mile Island — Cesium-137 still up to 1,000 times over limit
April 9, 2012
Chiba Prefecture says it has just found out that fresh shiitake mushrooms sold at an unmanned farm stand had 740 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium. The mushrooms have already been consumed. The prefectural government assures us that the amount is small, and there will be “no immediate, direct” consequence on health.
April 9, 2012
Secret Japan nuclear bomb program covered up by nuclear power industry — Enough to build arsenal larger than China, India and Pakistan combined – That secret effort was hidden in a nuclear power program that by March 11, 2011– the day the earthquake and tsunami overwhelmed the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant – had amassed 70 metric tons of plutonium.
April 9, 2012
The Fuel Pools of Fukushima – the greatest short-term threat to humanity
April 9, 2012
Ex-prime minister Murayama expresses regret over supporting nuclear power
April 9, 2012
Japanese journalist Kinoshitakota leaked the FAX correspondence between JP gov and Tepco just after 311.
From the report, former Fukushima chief Yoshida was aware that Fukushima plants were damaged by earthquake instead of Tsunami.
April 9, 2012
2012Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for April 6th – April 9th, 2012
April 10, 2012
Britain and Japan signed a framework civil nuclear co-operation pact opening up Japan’s multi-billion pound decommissioning sector to UK companies, the UK energy ministry said.
April 10, 2012
Japan is Poisoning Other Countries By Burning Highly-Radioactive Debris
April 10, 2012
Could the collapse of the fuel pool at Fukushima Reactor #4 endanger the Northern Hemisphere? Nuclear industry engineer Arnie Gundersen explains.
http://bit.ly/HqmRdo & http://www.ecoshock.info/
April 10, 2012
Caldicott was in Columbia at University of South Carolina on Tuesday to discuss the hazards behind harnessing nuclear energy.
“It is a carcinogenic industry,” Caldicott said of nuclear power. “These are cancer factories, pure and simple. You provide a little bit of electricity for 30 years, but cancer for the next million years.”
April 11, 2012
Irvine City Councilman Larry Agran would like to see nuclear power leave Southern California for good. His city sits 22 miles from the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, a plant he’d like to see decommissioned immediately.
April 10, 2012
The government has confirmed that the safety measures Kansai Electric Power Co. has taken and will take for the idle Nos. 3 and 4 reactors at its Oi nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture have “almost met” the new safety standards.
April 11, 2012
Build Us A Robot: DARPA Robotics Challenge illustrating the dearth of ideas the Pentagon has technologically to deal with the Fukushima-type meltdowns
April 12, 2012
More problems found at San Onofre nuclear power plant
April 14, 2012
Herbal Tea from Miyagi had 20,290 bq/kg radioactive cesium
April 15, 2012
A Visual Tour of the Fuel Pools of Fukushima
April 15, 2012
3150 Bq/Kg from incineration ash of disaster debris
April 16, 2012
Weekly update by Michael Collins discussing high Japanese seaweed readings as well as new detections of Los Angeles air hotter than ever before tested at Radiation Station Santa Monica, California
April 16, 2012
Start of Main Work of the Cover for Fuel Removal of Unit 4 in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
April 16, 2012
70 Corporations to accept the radioactive debris
By going the corporate route – industries that use debris as fuel and raw material (ashes for the cement, for example) and the industrial waste management industry, the national government can bypass the municipalities who may have to deal with those pesky residents against accepting and burning the disaster debris at their municipal incineration facilities. The municipal governments will be relieved that it won’t be their responsibility to ascertain safety.
April 16, 2012
The aftermath of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear meltdown from 2011 is still fresh on our minds so Kevin Pereira talks to Michael Collins from EnviroReporter.com on his radioactive rain and what this means for our own safety. NBC’s G4-TV Attack of the Show! breaks new ground with this compelling live show.
April 17, 2011
Fukushima Daiichi’s Achilles Heel: Unit 4′s Spent Fuel?
U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, a senior member of the Senate’s energy committee who toured the plant earlier this month. Another big earthquake or tsunami could send Fukushima Daiichi’s fragile reactor buildings tumbling down, resulting in “an even greater release of radiation than the initial accident,” Mr. Wyden warned in a Monday letter to Japanese Ambassador to the U.S. Ichiro Fujisaki.
In particular, Japan isn’t moving fast enough to remove dangerous nuclear-fuel rods from the reactors, and the U.S. should offer its help to speed things along, Mr. Wyden urged, in letters to Ambassador Fujisaki, as well as U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko.
April 17, 2012
Senator Wyden interviewed about what he saw in Fukushima – also on NBC!
April 17, 2012
Trade Minister Yukio Edano signalled it would take at least several weeks before the government, keen to avoid a power crunch, can give a final go-ahead to restarts, meaning Japan is set on May 6 to mark its first nuclear power-free day since 1970.
April 17, 2012
The number of operating reactors will be zero at least for a while,” Edano said at a news conference, referring to a speech he delivered Sunday in Tokushima Prefecture.
April 18, 2012
EnviroReporter’s Michael Collins discussing Fukushima radiation on well known national TV show — Host: “Very, very serious stuff, I hope you guys take it as seriously as you should” (VIDEO, 11 min.)
April 18, 2012
Four months after the federal government pledged a whopping $1.28 billion to the project, Port Hope is moving ahead with phase two of the biggest radioactive cleanup in Canadian history.
April 18, 2012
Ace Hoffman, an anti-nuclear activist, talks to KPBS about the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant.
April 18, 2012
An increasing number of children he has seen “have nosebleeds that don’t stop, diarrhea, dark circles under their eyes, and incurable stomatitis [an inflammation of the mucous linings in the mouth]. A growing number of children [at the centre] have pains in their chests.
April 18, 2012
Gundersen: As much cesium in No. 4 fuel pool as in all 800 atomic bombs ever dropped — Fukushima would be at one place, at one time, and on ground level (AUDIO, 30 min.)
April 18, 2012
At the stroke of midnight on April 19, Japan’s nuclear reactor count will officially drop from 54 to 50, as the ruined No. 1-4 reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant will be formally retired. Official ‘decommissioning’ of Fukushima reactors brings locals no peace.
April 18, 2012
The incredible danger to us all at reactor #4 in Fukushima; Kevin Kamps
It starts at minute 31:18
April 18, 2012
Federal government not testing West Coast salmon for Fukushima radiation
April 19, 2012
NRC Commissioner ‘Lied To Congress’ — Could bring Senate to grinding halt
April 19, 2012
Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 high-level radioactive waste storage pool at risk of catastrophic fire
April 19, 2012
Plans for the removal of nuclear fuel from Fukushima Daiichi 4 have been explained by Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco)
April 19, 2012
Something can go wrong anytime at any of the 58 reactors in France. Between 600 and 800 “significant events” in nuclear power plants are registered every year in France.
April 20, 2012
Japanese report on the lessons they learned from Fukushima
Other reactors are all in considerably severe condition” — 14 total; Dai-ni, Onagawa, Tokai — “Extreme situations, though not much has been broadcast
April 20, 2012
Fukushima Daiichi engineer says “we still don’t know what’s going on inside the reactors” — Cold shut down “wasn’t true then, and it’s still not true today”
April 21, 2012
Ashes from May were found with 16,670 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium, and the ashes from June with 9,623 becquerels/kg, says Assemblyman Nishimaki. If you think they are not supposed to dump the ashes with more than 8,000 becquerels/kg in the final disposal site, you are right, but they do it anyway in Kiryu City. (Probably Kiryu is not alone.)
April 23, 2012
Naoto Kan: The man who says he saved the world
April 23, 2012
It is estimated that six municipalities near Fukushima will have dangerous levels of radiation – above 20 millisieverts of radiation (mSv) per year – for a decade.
April 23, 2012
The Highest Risk: Problems of Radiation at Reactor Unit 4, Fukushima Daiichi
April 23, 2012
Fukushima poses lethal risk to US West Coast, says Senator — Another bomb waiting to go off — Extreme nuclear vulnerability, especially in Reactor No. 4
April 23, 2012
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Is Far From Over
April 23, 2012
Mitsui Chemicals plant racked by explosions while shutting down; radiation risks dismissed
The plant had 3,400 drums of used catalytic agent containing radioactive materials on the premises, but the explosions did not appear to have any effect on radiation levels.
The radioactive agent is harmless to people, Mitsui Chemicals claimed.
April 23, 2012
A decade from now, airborne radiation levels in some parts of Fukushima Prefecture are still expected to be dangerous at above 50 millisieverts a year, a government report says.
April 23, 2012
Kurion and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Sign Agreement to Demonstrate Kurion’s Modular Vitrification System.
April 23, 2012
Japan still divided on nuclear issue.
April 24, 2012
Why Fukushima is a Greater Disaster Than Chernobyl
April 24, 2012
Fukushima To Ask IAEA To Open Local Office
Prefecture officials say the assistance of IAEA experts is essential for dismantling the tsunami-wrecked reactors and and minimizing radiation effects.
April 24, 2012
Wall nearly 100 feet tall to be built underground at Fukushima Daiichi to prevent further spread of radioactive contamination — Construction beginsapril 24, 2012, ends June 2014
April 24, 2012
Fukushima poses lethal risk to US West Coast, says Senator — Another bomb waiting to go off — Extreme nuclear vulnerability, especially in Reactor No. 4
April 24, 2012
View inside reactor #4 building – video at 2:40 min
April 24, 2012
Anyone looking for the most under-reported story of the spring in California need seek no further than the tall stalks of kelp swaying back and forth just beneath the ocean surface along much of the California coast.
Fish eat kelp; so do small crustaceans near the bottom of the food chain that themselves are later consumed by larger fish that sometimes become food for humans. The largely-neglected news story is that it’s been somewhat radioactive off-and-on for months and it concentrates Iodine 131 isotopes at levels 10,000 times higher than what’s in the surrounding water.
April 25, 2012
Japan nuclear plant may be permanently shut down because of quake risk — Fault line found 500 feet from reactor on Tuesday
April 25, 2012
Japan nuclear plant may be permanently shut down because of quake risk — Fault line found 500 feet from reactor on Tuesday. The Tsuruga nuclear plant of Japan Atomic Power Co. in Fukui Prefecture could be “disqualified” as a fault running under it and soft earth layers may have moved together in the distant past, nuclear power regulatory agency officials said.
April 25, 2012
Groups challenge insufficiency of NRC Post Fukushima Orders to install reliable hardened vents on all U.S. GE Mark I and II reactors and modify spent fuel storage pools
April 25, 2012
Fukushima fallout lingered just above ground to be inhaled — Chernobyl particles never came down, or were rained onto surface without floating at low elevation.
April 26, 2012
Pluto’s Fire – Global Nuclear Contamination and Japan’s Nuke Policy
Epidemiology scientist Alice Stewart* at ~37:00 in
“It was once thought that provided the radiation was delivered slowly enough to everybody there would then be no effect at all. What was dangerous was the sudden explosion.My work suggests the opposite. The slower you spread the dose, the more effective every bit of radiation is going to be for producing cancer or inherited defects. In my opinion, Japan is going the very best way in the world for destroying the human race.”
April 26, 2012
Lessons of Chernobyl and Fukushima: Nuclear Safety is an Oxymoron
April 26, 2012
7-fold increase in radioactive cesium being released from Reactor No. 2 during April
April 27, 2012
Root cause of Fukushima accident:
For the prefectural government, there was no such word as “severe accident”. If they didn’t mention the word, it wouldn’t happen.
April 27, 2012
Revelations on nuclear plants sound a warning
April 27, 2012
Japanese nuclear scientist and Japanese and U.S. medical doctors to discuss current radiological health conditions and concerns in Japan after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor catastrophe.
April 27, 2012
SoCal Edison, UC San Diego study earthquake risks near San Onofre nuclear plant
April 28, 2012
66Bq/kg of radioactive cesium found in Maccha Green Tea
April 27, 2012
Prof. Takeda Kunihiko from Chubu university roughly estimated anyone can no longer live in Japan after 3/31/2015
April 27, 2012
Arnie Gunderson discusses the San Onofre Situation
April 27, 2012
After a blackout-and-coverup episode recently, another development is emerging that could deepen distrust in South Korea’s nuclear industry: a corruption scandal.
clear indication that the Korean nuclear industry is out of control.”
Companies rush to set up solar companies in Japan
April 28, 2012
Last year’s green tea from Tokyo found to have 210 Bq/kg of radioactive cesium
April 28, 2012
Nuclear experts: Fukushima crisis may become ‘global catastrophe – Good review of current situation
April 28, 2012
Swedish opposition to nuclear energy on the up
April 28, 2012
Mr. Murata Tomoaki, a town councilor of Manazuru town in Kanagawa received resignation advisory resolution from town council.
He is blamed for commenting they should not spread radioactive incineration ash from Kanto to western Japan on twitter.
April 28, 2012
Why you should stay out of the rain!
April 28, 2012
Why Nuclear Scientists Have Missed the Danger of Spent Fuel Pools
Dr. Gordon Edwards, one of Canada’s best known independent experts on nuclear technology, uranium, and weapons proliferation.
[Article will help you better appreciate the serious issues of the spent fuel pools.]
April 29, 2012
Why is safety a divisive issue for Nuclear Regulatory Commission?
April 29, 2012
Public deserves to be informed of looming Fukushima disaster and Ron Paul’s delegate success
April 30, 2012
Japan’s finding it’s not so easy to go nuclear-free
April 30, 2012
The infighting that threatens to undermine US nuclear safety
April 30, 2012
Brazil, the Next Fukushima?
April 30, 2012
Blueberry Jam from Poland with 220 Bq/kg of Radioactive Cesium – 26 years after Chernobyl
April 30, 2012
US and Japan to set up Bilateral Commission on Civil Nuclear Cooperation
April 30, 2012
Japan Physicians Demand Answers: 90% of urine samples contaminated with cesium in city 200km from Fukushima
April 30, 2012
Gundersen reveals how to shut down nuclear industry (VIDEO) – important – think like a capitalist – 4 windmills = 1 nuclear power plant as far as cost goes.
April 30, 2012
2010 Debate – does the world need nuclear energy? Mark Jacobson from Stanford plus environmentalist Steward Brown (Important)
April 30, 2012
Alaskan salmon, halibut, of Korean kelp and control samples of Japanese seaweed prove Rad findings plus fracking’s earthquake threat to Midwest and Eastern nuclear reactor
April 30, 2012
A “Most Unusual Event”: Birds returning from Fukushima-area with troubling symptoms — Appear to not have been able to find food in North Pacific — “I’ve never seen birds in that poor of a condition come back to New Zealand”
May 1, 2012
Hanford nuclear reservation tanks for radioactive waste failed requirements.
May 1, 2012
Urgent Request to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
May 2, 2012
Vital Choice Pacific Seafood Passes Radiation Tests by Eurofins testing labs
May 1, 2012
Massive radioactive gas covering Fukushima plants
May 1, 2012
Beyond Nuclear is outraged. And they expect you were, too. On April 23, 2012, the Washington Post editorial board writers callously dismissed the Fukushima nuclear disaster as “non-catastrophic.”
May 2, 2012
Japan passed its 4th environmental plan, based on sustainability, clean air and water, conservation and helping the developing world cope with the impacts of climate change.
May 2, 2012
May 3, 3012
Did you know?
The Most Contaminated Spot on the Planet
May 3, 2012
Radioactive fallout in the United States due to the Fukushima nuclear plant accident
May 4, 2012
The Worst Yet to Come? Why Nuclear Experts Are Calling Fukushima a Ticking Time-Bomb
Experts say acknowledging the threat would call into question the safety of dozens of identically designed nuclear power plants in the U.S. The Threat Not Just to Japan But to the U.S. and the World.
May 4, 2012
Beyond Nuclear today joined with concerned Japanese citizen groups and US Senator, Ron Wyden (D-OR), urging that swift international action be taken to prevent a catastrophic high-level radioactive waste fire at the precarious Unit 4 reactor building at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan.
Sign your organization onto Green Action’s petition for international help with Reactor #4
May 4, 2012
Hiroaki Koide, Nuclear Reactor Specialist and Assistant Professor at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute: “With regard to reactors 1, 2 and 3… We don’t even know at this point where the melted core is… Ability for Unit 4 to withstand another seismic event is rated at zero.
We don’t even know at this point where the melted down core is” under Reactors No. 1, 2 or 3
Background: A year after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima local communities in Japan continue to be exposed to radioactivity. Radioactive materials are still being released into the air, soil and ocean – from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Many citizens still live in areas where the radiation level is dangerously high. The Japanese government continues to keep its citizens in harms’ way by applying a 20mSv per year standard to establish evacuation zones. Citizens in the rest of Japan also remain in danger of being exposed to unsafe levels of radiation due to widespread radiological contamination from the accident, food safety standards that are not strict enough to protect children, and the Japanese government continuing to burn and bury the radioactive disaster debris in municipalities across the country.
May 4, 2012
Move south of equator if Unit 4 fuel pool goes dry — Like cesium from all 800 nuclear bombs ever dropped on Earth, except all at once.
May 5, 2012
Thousands march in Japan against nuclear power as final reactor switches off.
May 5, 2012
Op-Ed: Fukushima’s nuclear reactor problems continue
May 6, 2012
Concerns mount over the growing threat from Fukushima’s spent fuel – will the experts’ warning call be heard?
May 6, 2012
Woman’s words at ~0:45 in translated by Fukushima Diary:
“My friend in Iwaki died of myocardial infarction. More and more people living in highly contaminated place are dying of heart disease because of cesium.”
May 7, 2012
‘Hot spots’ detected at more than 20 schools in Koriyama
May 7, 2012
Fukushima Reactor 4 Release Would Doom Western USA
May 7, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Close To Worldwide Crisis
May 7, 2012
EnviroReporter on Rense Radio
“Omnicide” in Japan, 1000 tons of meltdown cooling water dumped daily into Pacific, San Onofre nuke plant false startup stopped by US NRC
May 7, 2012
NRC Chairman: No Restart Date Set for SONGS
May 7, 2012
Washington fish tested for tsunami-related radiation
May 7, 2012
Fukushima Daiichi Worker: Nothing can be done except to leak radioactive water! — Honestly feel that we are dumping massive amounts into ocean — Will spread all over world, reaching Hawaii and US soon
May 7, 2012
Gov’t spokesman discusses ‘heat’ or ‘lack of walls’ decreasing strength of No. 4 reactor building — “We’ve NOT included these points in our assessment even though that may exist.”
May 8, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Plant’s Slow Recovery Offers Lessons to the US
May 8, 2012
Protect Yourself from Radiation
May 8, 2012
FBI Whistleblower Releases Unauthorized Memoir — “They have individuals on their payroll on almost every nuclear facility in the United States” (VIDEO)
May 8, 2012
Hot Particles and the measurement of radioactivity
Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen and Boston Chemical Data Corporation’s Founder Marco Kaltofen have an in-depth conversation regarding the challenges of measuring radiation exposures to people around the globe. Kaltofen explains the scientific methodology involved in accurately analyzing and measuring radioactive releases from Fukushima Daiichi, including the impact of hot particles on human physiology.
May 8, 2012
Global Nuclear Retreat? Armenia, Others Aim to Keep Plants Alive
Armenia is vowing to keep its one nuclear reactor running, despite international pressure to close the 32-year-old Soviet-designed plant, which sits in a broad seismic zone that stretches from Turkey to the Arabian Sea. One of the world’s last remaining nuclear reactors without a primary containment structure.
May 8, 2012
New Tepco head vows to be open to public opinion
May 9, 2012
At San Onofre – 1300 tubes in steam generator found bad.
May 9, 2012
Strontium 90 spread over 1000km evenly in Pacific ocean
May 9, 2012
Japan Takes Control of Tepco in Profit Plan
Japan’s government took control of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501), the center of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and agreed to provide 1 trillion yen ($12.5 billion) as part of the nation’s largest bailout since the rescue of the banking industry in the 1990s.
May 9, 2012
Spring in Japan 2012 – same as Spring in 2011 – Children still being radiated.
May 10, 2012
Minamisoma is 122 times more contaminated than mandatory evacuation zone in Belarus
May 10, 2012
Doomsday scenarios spread about No. 4 reactor at Fukushima plant
May 11, 2012
If Fukushima spent fuel pool goes dry would be like a massive dirty bomb being set off
“I believe Fukushima worse than Chernobyl and I think I can prove that” Everybody’s focused on Unit 4, but structure of Unit 3 thought to be weaker (VIDEO)
May 11, 2011
Health Physics Presents Special Issue on U.S. Response to Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident
May 11, 2012
Trillions of becquerels per day still being emitted from Fukushima Daiichi — Radioactive steam continues
“I would say there are billions, actually trillions, of becquerels per day being released airborne, mainly from Units 2 and 3.
Actually on cold nights you can still the steam coming off those reactors, its not just steam its radioactive steam.
Something on the order of trillions of becquerels per day… trillions of disintegrations per second per day are being released even now.”
“Pacific Ocean will continue to be contaminated, kind of for the rest of time” — Containment vessels continuously leaking into sea
May 11, 2012
Gunderson: I’m telling my friends on West Coast of US to watch Unit No. 4 like a hawk — Wake up everyday and make sure it’s standing… have a plan to move somewhere (VIDEO)
Gundersen is chief engineer of energy consulting company Fairewinds Associates and a former nuclear power industry executive.
At 41:40 in: “I’m telling my friends on the [US] west coast, you gotta watch it like a hawk everyday get up and make sure Unit 4 is standing… if it’s not, have a plan B to move somewhere.
If Fukushima spent fuel pool goes dry would be like a massive dirty bomb being set off…”
“Everybody’s focused on Unit 4, and rightfully so, but Unit 3 had a more severe explosion and is likely structurally weakened more than Unit 4.”
MAY 13, 2012
Fukushima gets worse, cover-up continues
A Freedom of Information Act(FOIA) request filed by Friends of the Earth (FoE), Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), and the Nuclear Information and Resource Center (NIRS) has unearthed a shocking series of new evidence proving a deliberate, global cover-up of the true severity of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. And the unfortunate reality is that the mainstream media continues to blatantly ignore this colossal scandal.
May 14, 2012
We are living through the worst public health scandal in history” — 60 million developed cancer from nuclear weapons tests
May 14, 2012
Fukushima reactor 4 still threatens the world as we know it
Unit 2 completely liquified, 100% liquification of uranium core — “We’ve never seen this before in the history of nuclear power
MAY 15, 2012
Cesium spikes in Tokyo Bay samples – Contamination linked to Fukushima plant; told “no immediate threat to health!” Tokyo Bay showed radioactive cesium contamination linked to the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant crisis grew by 1.5 to 13 times
MAY 15, 2012
May 15, 2012
NHK chairman’s appointment to TEPCO board raises eyebrows
May 15, 2012
New Goddard’s Journal: Landmark study presents “strongest evidence to date that cancer risk not only exists at low doses of radiation, but may be even greater per unit of dose than at higher doses”
May 16, 2012
Emergency rules quietly eased around U.S. nuclear plants
May 16, 2012
Nuclear emergency plans in U.S. pared back – New rules require fewer drills and evacuations
May 16, 2012
Japanese MD: Contamination from Fukushima Daiichi now spreading all over world — There may be radiation damage in other countries
May 17, 2012
Fukushima nuclear crisis in Japan is getting worse – Sludge samples taken from Tokyo Bay reveal that radioactive cesium contamination has increased in some areas by 13-times since measures were taken last August.
May 17, 2012
A Special Report On the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe
May 18, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for May 15th – May 17th, 2012
New data released by Kyoto University’s Disaster Prevention Research Institute shows that aftershocks from last year’s Great East Japan Earthquake may go on for decades near the borders of Fukushima and Ibaraki Prefectures. In 2011, Japan experienced 9,723 earthquakes measuring magnitude 1.0 or larger, up to eight times more than in the previous decade. More than 600 of those measured magnitude 5.0 or greater.
NISA officials and TEPCO are now admitting that they knew that power loss leading to a total blackout as a result of flooding from a tsunami was possible at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant as early as 2006 TEPCO, has been nationalised. Japan’s trade and industry minister Yukio Edano announced a de facto state take-over of the company with a further injection of $12.5bn, bringing the total of state capital in TEPCO to $33.2bn
MAY 21, 2012
Fukushima Reactor 4 poses massive global risk (finally hits mainstream!)
May 21, 2012
N.R.C. Chairman to Resign After “Stormy” Tenure
May 21, 2012
Akio Matsumura is a former UN diplomat who is very worried about the damaged Fukushima-Daiichi power plants in Japan.
May 21, 2012
The Pacific Ocean Is Dying: Special Report On Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe
May 21, 2012
People don’t realize that the Fukushima reactor is on a knife’s edge; it’s near the tipping point. A small earthquake, another pipe break, another explosion could tip it over and we could have a disaster much worse, many times worse than Chernobyl – Dr. Michio Kaku
May 22, 2012
Water inside Fukushima No. 1 reactor may be only 40 cm deep
May 22, 2012
Fukushima Reactor 4: The Most Important Story Nobody’s Talking About – Media Deep Sixing Fukushima
May 22, 2012
Study highlights how Twitter is used to share information after a disaster
A study from North Carolina State University shows how people used Twitter following the 2011 nuclear disaster in Japan, highlighting challenges for using the social media tool to share information. The study also indicates that social media haven’t changed what we communicate so much as how quickly we can disseminate it.
May 22, 2012
Probability of contamination from severe nuclear reactor accidents is higher than expected: study – and see map
such events may occur once every 10 to 20 years (based on the current number of reactors)
May 23, 2012
Fukushima disaster is ‘nuclear war without a war’
“Hazardous radioactive elements being released in the sea and air around Fukushima accumulate at each step of various food chains (for example, into algae, crustaceans, small fish, bigger fish, then humans; or soil, grass, cow’s meat and milk, then humans),” writes Helen Caldicott in her piece, Fukushima: Nuclear Apologists Play Shoot the Messenger on Radiation, in The Age.
“Entering the body, these elements — called internal emitters — migrate to specific organs such as the thyroid, liver, bone, and brain, continuously irradiating small volumes of cells with high doses of alpha, beta and/or gamma radiation, and over many years often induce cancer.”
May 23, 2012
Tokyo Electric Power Co. has estimated the total amount of radioactive substances discharged from its Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant measured 760,000 terabecquerels, 1.6 times the estimate released by the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency in February.
It reached a final estimate of 400,000 terabecquerels of iodine-131 and 360,000 terabecquerels of cesium-137.— 4 times higher than Chernobyl’s 85,000 terabecquerels
May 23, 2012
Anti-nuclear activists from Greenpeace in Slovakia have lost a legal case against the finalization of construction of the third and fourth reactors at the Mochovce nuclear power plant (have to scroll down to find this news item)
May 24, 2012
President Obama nominates Prof. Allison Macfarlane to Chair NRC
May 24, 2012
Columbia Generation Station protests: unnecessary nuclear plant – Bonneville power has the wind generators turned off because they have too much hydropower!!
May 24, 2012
Big change in number of child deaths in Fukushima due to illnesses after July 2011 — Death from cardiovascular disease doubled — Cancer and leukemia also increased
Report regarding the number of deaths due to illnesses in “Fukushima children” Changes since the Fukushima accident based on the government’s vital statistics data.
May 24, 2012
Japan utility ups estimate of radiation released in Fukushima disaster
May 24, 2012
TEPCO combined the two methods and repeated its calculations under different conditions. It reached a final estimate of 400,000 terabecquerels of iodine-131 and 360,000 terabecquerels of cesium-137.
May 25, 2012
Actual Fukushima worker “In case of the major aftershock, all the reactors will be in crisis”
May 25, 2012
TEPCO puts radiation release early in Fukushima crisis at 900,000 Terabecquerels/ Tepco “could not measure” amount of radiation released when Unit 4 exploded
May 25, 2012
UN Radiation Expert: Neutron exposure from Fukushima criticalities not measured
May 25, 2012
Fukushima Daiichi requires a Manhattan Project approach to avoid another nuclear accident – Gov’t TMI Investigator: Fukushima Daiichi requires a Manhattan Project approach — “Accident involving nuclear fuel rods is virtually inevitable” — Virtually 100% probability of large quake in 10+ years required to defuel plant
May 26, 2012
Actual Fukushima worker “In case of the major aftershock, all the reactors will be in crisis”
May 26, 2012
Fukushima’s nuclear fallout spreads through ordinary life in Japan. – in concrete , apartments, hay, beef, green tea, baby formula
May 26, 2012
Reactor No. 2 released 360 quadrillion becquerels of radioactive materials, about 40 percent of radioactive material inside the reactor. The No. 1 reactor released 130 quadrillion becquerels of radioactive materials and No. 3 released 320 quadrillion becquerels.
May 26, 2012
Spent Fuel Rods Drive Growing Fear Over Plant in Japan
May 26, 2012
Weakened Fukushima nuclear pool is not unstable, Japan insists
May 27, 2012
The operator of Japan’s damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant completed its first detailed on-the-ground inspection of one of the reactors there since the tsunami 14 months ago, in an effort to quell fears that another big earthquake could topple the building and release more radiation.
May 27, 2012
Fukushima Daiichi’s Unit 4 Spent-Fuel Pool – up close
Radiation spikes on floor below No. 4 fuel pool
May 27, 2012
Tepco rejects growing calls to let outside experts inspect Fukushima plant
May 28, 2012
Japan plants and prays for radiation-free rice
May 28, 2012
Japan’s Former Leader Condemns Nuclear Power
May 28, 2012
Tuna carry Fukushima Japan quake radiation across Pacific to California
May 28, 2012
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: If There Is Nothing Wrong At Fukushima, Why Won’t They Allow Outside Experts To Inspect The Plant?
May 30, 2012
Possible recriticality in reactor 2
May 30, 2012
Pacific bluefin tuna transport Fukushima-derived radionuclides from Japan to California
May 30, 2012
Pacific bluefin tuna transport Fukushima-derived radionuclides from Japan to California
May 30, 2012
Japan PM says safe reactor restarts needed
May 30, 2012
Now on to a story that – tragically – just won’t go away: The Fukushima Nuclear crisis. Radioactive fish are now swimming in US waters – 10 times the normal level. Incredibly, it takes this long for the truth to come out about radiation in California bluefin — “So people who have been eating tuna for the last half a year have been eating cesium”
May 30, 2012
The massive earthquake and tsunami that hit Fukushima, Japan, last year wreaked havoc in the skies above as well, disturbing electrons in the upper atmosphere, NASA reported.
May 30, 2012
Should you Worry about Radiation in your Wild Pacific Fish?
May 31, 2012
Radioactive Milk Testing Results
May 31, 2012
NPR shouldn’t trivialize the risk of radioactive tuna from the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
June 1, 2012
Japan to make more plutonium despite big stockpile
“It’s crazy,” said Princeton University professor Frank von Hippel, a leading authority on nonproliferation issues and a former assistant director for national security in the White House Office of Science and Technology. “There is absolutely no reason to do that.”
June 1, 2012
Stony Brook and Stanford Universities link radioactive bluefin tuna caught off California coast to Fukushima
June 2, 2012
Cesium fallout spikes every 40 days regardless of the wind direction
http://fukushima-diary.com/2012/06/radioactive-particles-circulate- the-world-taking-40-days/
June 2, 2012
Tepco ordered employees to downplay Fukushima accident
June 2, 2012
Thermometers malfunctioning at No.2 reactor
June 2, 2012
Oregon and the West Coast are between New York and Japan. And radiation, which shrinks the world as it spreads, won’t be gone soon. Post-Chernobyl research established that radioactive particles travel far and last for years. Fifteen years after that disaster, cesium 137 was found in high concentrations in reindeer in Norway, in some locations posing a genuine health threat to those eating large quantities of the animal’s meat.
Now, however low-level the counts, it’s in bluefin tuna. As Oregon and Washington watch for debris released by the tsunami that triggered the nuclear failure, Japan’s radiation seems to be closer to home and even inescapable
June 3, 2012
The union of nine local governments in Kansai — the Shiga, Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Wakayama, Tokushima and Tottori prefectures plus Osaka and Sakai cities — on Wednesday softened its opposition to the restart of the Nos. 3 and 4 reactors at Kansai Electric Power Co.’s (Kepco’s) Oi nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture.
June 3, 2012
Scroll down past the settlement report and READ his whole column (“The world is full of hypocrisy. Too many people try to ignore the truth and live in idleness. Giving up changing and accept the manipulated justice. You may not change it, but if you don’t try, you are as guilty as them.”)
June 3, 2012
‘We have to hurry up or else we will be too late. If another big earthquake happens it will be the end of this country.’
June 4, 2012
Interview with Michael CollinsCanada ditches ability to test oceans, worsening Japanese incineration of radioactive rubble and goo, Unit IV’s spent fuel pond and “Runkle Canyon Tanks” article on EnviroReporter.com examining KB Home’s “factual inaccuracies” at Simi Valley Planning Commission meeting where developer denied tanks were even at the TCE-contaminated “windmill well.”
June 4, 2012
Japan’s Latest Nuclear Crisis: Getting Rid of the Radioactive Debris
June 4, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Plant Wall Bulge Raises New Concerns About Another Disaster
June 4, 2012
Pacific Ocean Will Not Dilute Dumped Radioactive Water
June 4, 2012
Nuclear Tuna and Media Trivialization: The Risk of Radioactive Tuna from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster – Bob Alvarez
June 4, 2012
France urged to clean up deadly waste from its nuclear tests in Polynesia
http://dissensus-japan.blogspot.ca/ (translation)
June 4, 2012
FUKUSHIMA: Pacific Ocean Will Not Dilute Dumped Radioactive Water
The operator of the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant has been dumping at least a thousand tons per day of radioactive water into the Pacific ocean.
June 4, 2012
Japan’s Latest Nuclear Crisis: Getting Rid of the Radioactive Debris
June 5, 2012
Japanese Solar Poised to Soar After Fukushima Fallout
June 5, 2012
Fukushima Radiation Hitting the Streets of LA – quotes EnviroReporter.com
June 5, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for June 1st – June 4th, 2012
June 6, 2012
Japan’s prime minister is encountering unexpected opposition to his quest to bring two nuclear reactors back online in the next few weeks: lawmakers from his own party. Most of the public are of the opinion that we should overcome this summer’s energy needs through conservation and flexibility,” the petition said, signed by 117 members of the DPJ.
June 6, 2012
Reactor 4 takes 3 more days to fix – Backup was stopped too
June 6, 2012
DPJ project team advises Noda be cautious about restarting reactors
June 7, 2012
“A Radioactive Nightmare – As fallout from Fukushima heads our way, the government turns a blind eye”http://www.vcreporter.com/cms/story/detail/a_radioactive_nightmare/9886/
June 7, 2012
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Number 4 reactor presents a security problem for the entire world, Mitsuhei Murata, Japan’s former ambassador to Switzerland said.
June 7, 2012
Tepco creates ‘Radioactive Waste Underground Storage Facility’ at Reactor No. 2 (PHOTOS)
June 7, 2012
Tokyo women’s medical university hospital “We are told not to give radiation inspection by the gov.
June 7, 2012
It all adds up to a (nuclear) industry in accelerating collapse
June 7, 2012
Estimates by NISA now put the total amount of radiation released into the atmosphere in the first week of the crisis at 770,000 terabecquerels. This compares with a previous estimate, made April 12, of 370,000 terabecquerels for the first month of the crisis. A terabecquerel is equivalent to one trillion becquerels. A becquerel represents one radioactive event per second.
June 8, 2012
Tepco adds 60-ton cover on No. 4 fuel pool (PHOTOS)
June 8, 2012
Ultimate Irony! Prime Minister: Japan must restart nuclear reactors for “survival of society”
June 8, 2012
Nuclear waste storage rules thrown out by US Appeals Court
June 8, 2012
Japan PM says 2 nuke reactors must be restarted
June 8, 2012
Japan readies for reopening of nuclear reactors amid safety concerns
June 8, 2012
JP PM “Must restart”.- [Live]Massive demonstration in front of PM official
June 8, 2012
The Fukushima issue] will be minimized by the press… it’s something that is going to have devastating long term health effects. It is up to us not to accept these lies.(at 39.45 minutes)
June 9, 2012
Japan Prime Minister seeks public support for restarting reactors in Ohi
June 9, 2012
Hanford board wants to stop seeking alternative waste disposal methods
June 10, 2012
Four hour special on Fukushima:
Arnie Gundersen, Nuclear Expert: “I’ve been working with researchers who are doing great science and they’re having an extraordinarily difficult time getting their articles published. Again because of industry pressure to downplay the significance of this event. There’s trillions of dollars at stake.”
June 10, 2012
Dr. John Apsley says U.S. is feeling the effects of radiation – there has been a 48% increase in infant death rates in the Philidelphia area as a direct result of radiation. Vancouver, Canada has also experienced a 60% increase in infant death rates.
June 10, 2012
Monitoring post shows radiation level lower than actual by 0.6~0.7μSv/h
June 10, 2012
Noda Aims to Restart Idled Reactors
June 11, 2012
Fukushima residents call for criminal charges against nuclear officials
June 11, 2012
1,300 in Fukushima file criminal complaint against TEPCO
June 11, 2012
Eco-Model City Kitakyushu and Japan’s Disposal of Radioactive Tsunami Debris (Updated)300 times more radiation released into atmosphere from burning debris than claimed by gov’t
June 11. 2012
What Is the United States Government Waiting for?
June 11, 2012
If truth admitted about Fukushima, it would have broken backbone of Japan’s economy
June 11, 2012
Michael Collins interviewed by Rense Radiohttp://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/special/rense_Collins_061112.mp3
June 12, 2012
U.S. Court of Appeals has no confidence in NRC’s “Nuclear Waste Con Game”
June 12, 2012
Ukraine’s Poisoned Past
June 12, 2012
Yamamoto Taro prepares for evacuation abroad
June 12, 2012
Wall St. Journal starts ‘Fukushima Watch’
From May 28, 2012 article
Fukushima Daiichi’s Unit 4 Spent-Fuel Pool Up Close
“Radiation spiked on the second floor at 500 microsieverts per hour — somewhat less than you’d get from a stomach X-ray” said the reporter not understanding that he was getting many many stomach x-rays worth of gamma goo not just one. Poorly-written lesson on lack of scientific expertise on the part of a reporter who was able to go into the site.
June 12, 2012
New documents show Japan lied about Fukushima nuclear fallout forecasts showing high levels of radiation hitting populated areas and withheld them to avoid panic.
June 12, 2012
Fukushima Watch: Japan Gets ‘Feudal’ on Reactor Restarts
June 12, 2012
Great analysis by Goddard – essential reading:
A study just published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports the discovery that low-dose radiation is so safe evacuations from future nuclear disasters may be unnecessary. If another event like Fukushima occurs in the United States, the public could be allowed to live in the fallout zones, spared from the inconvenience of relocation and compensation for damages. However, does this new study conducted by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology actually support repeal of current evacuation policies?
June 13, 2012
Nuclear Power History: Timeline From Inception To Fukushima
June 13, 2012
Experts warn of possible catastrophe at Japan reactor
June 13, 2012
Fukushima Watch: Next Nuclear Battleground — Utilities’ Shareholder Meetings
June 13, 2012
June 13, 3012
Fukushima Daiichi: From Nuclear Power Plant to Nuclear Weapon
June 14, 2012
Radioactive ‘black soil’ patches: A scourge or a solution?
June 14, 2012
Gov’t tells university researchers to stop radiation tests on Fukushima residents — “Testing people stirs uneasiness, so we would like you to stop it”
June 14, 2012
Wasteland: the 50-year battle to entomb our toxic nuclear remains
In the desert and in Washington DC, a war still rages to find the one place in America that no one cares about
June 15, 2012
Japan Prime Minister orders restart of nuclear reactors under ‘intense pressure’ from banks — “The dustbin of history is waiting for him” says expert — Protests as 70% of public opposed
June 15, 2012
There was a huge demonstration in front of the Prime Minister’s official residence in Tokyo by ordinary citizens, on June 15, 2012
June 15, 2012
Friends of the Earth (UK) considering evidence regarding nuclear. May change long held position
June 16, 2012
Black substances — Levels reached over 5,000,000 Bq/kg
June 16, 2012
Japan OK’s Restart for 2 Nuclear Reactors
June 16, 2012
Fukushima woman raises voice against nuclear power
On June 11, Muto led a group of 1,324 plaintiffs to the Fukushima courthouse to file a lawsuit against TEPCO and the Japanese government, for criminal negligence resulting in death.
June 16, 2012
Work begins on controversial Japan nuclear restart
June 17, 2012
Oi decision draws outcry
Reactor restarts hit by protests from Europe, America, Asia
June 17, 2012
Shut down the Northwest’s only nuclear power plant
June 17, 2012
A very strong typhoon 04 is hitting Fukushima on 6/20/2012
June 17, 2012
Shut down the Northwest’s only nuclear power plant
June 18, 2012
Japan Ignored US Radiation Monitoring Data
June 18, 2012
Excellent interview with Michael Collins on Unit #4, boycotts.
June 19, 2012
Japanese authorities sat on data
June 19, 2012
Zeolite may make sense for people in the Cascades (Northwestern US) exposed after Fukushima, but be careful – Gundersen
June 19, 2012
Diffuse! The explosion of reactor 3 that anyone could understand –
Fuel particles themselves must have been blown away” during Unit 3 explosion – Alpha particles “splattered faster than sonic speed”
Unburned MOX fuel containing plutonium was in mushroom-like cloud of black smoke when Reactor No. 3 exploded
June 20, 2012
Radiation Monitoring Devices and Crowd-Sourced Readings
June 20, 2012
Modular reactor concept “perfect” for Hanford site
June 20, 2012
Is Hanford stuck with the hot waste?
June 21, 2012
Plant at Fukushima is slowly degrading
June 21, 2012
What did happen to Reactor #4 between June 5 and June 21, 2012
June 21, 2012
Toshiba says they’re building Japan’s ‘largest’ solar plant in Fukushima
June 21, 2012
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO)’s final report on the Fukushima nuclear disaster has triggered a major backlash from prefectural residents and authorities who call it weak and even laced with falsehoods, it has been learned.
June 21, 2021
Former Japan Official: US army planned to entomb Fukushima reactors days after 3/11 — Given permission to use Yamagata airport
June 21, 2012
Fukushima fuel removal to start year ahead of schedule
June 21, 2012
Japan nuclear minister speeds up Fukushima cleanup
June 21, 2012
Lawmakers push for small modular nuclear reactors in Tri-Cities
June 22, 2012
Fukushima Watch: Japan Mulls Referendum on Nuclear Power
The government of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is also calling for a “national debate” during the summer to cap year-long government deliberations on Japan’s future energy mix. The government is looking at three options for nuclear energy in 2030: 0%, 15%, or 20%-25% of the total power supply, as opposed to 30% before the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
June 22, 2012
The Power of Japanese Action
June 22, 2012
Fukushima Plant Faces Typhoon Summer Plus Tornado Threat
Tepco cover over No. 1 reactor designed to withstand only 56 mph winds
June 23, 2012
Japan to speed up Fukushima nuclear plant cleanup
June 23, 2012
The Corporate Achievement of Disposable Citizens to Enhance Profits
June 23, 2012
Editorial note:
If Unit #4 collapses, it will release 85 times more radiation than at Chernobyl – therefore it is important to study Chernobyl to understand what 85 times Chernobyl means.
Passionate Eye – Chernobyl and later
June 23, 2012
85.03 microSv/h, Fukushima city
June 23, 3012
POTRBLOG’s Ingestible Radioactive Cesium Limits : Detailed account of how they came up with 3 bq/kg limit
June 24, 2012
Oi prompts domestic, U.S. antinuclear rallies
June 24, 2012
the Japanese government had set provisional regulations for radiation-contaminated food at 500 Bq/kg for radioactive cesium levels immediately after the disaster, and reduced the limit to 100 Bq/kg in April. However, this is still 1,000 times the limit for rice (0.1 Bq/kg) in force prior to the disaster.
June 24, 2012
Highly radioactive underwater capsules at Hanford are moved
June 25, 2012
Japanese Diplomat urges UN intervention on SFP4
watch@! Bob Alveraz and H. Hoide
June 25, 2012
David Suzuki on Rio+20, “Green Economy” & Why Planet’s Survival Requires Undoing Its Economic Model
June 25, 2012
A Radioactive Conflict of Interest
June 25, 2012
Reactor 4 has bulged worse than announced before
June 26, 2012
Arnie Gundersen on Eco Review
10,000 +++bq/sec in Japanese vacuum dust
June 26, 2012
Seismologists warn Japan against nuclear restart
June 26, 2012
Two prominent seismologists said on Tuesday that Japan is ignoring the safety lessons of last year’s Fukushima crisis and warned against restarting two reactors next month.
June 26, 2012
Plutonium measured from marine products fished offshore Fukushima
June 26, 2012
Japan Diplomat: No one denies that a problem with Fukushima No. 4 fuel pool would be the end of Japan — “We cannot sleep peacefully”
June 26, 2012
Estimating the Potential Impact of Failure of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 Spent Fuel Pool A Local Problem for Japan or a Global Mega Crisis?
Plutonium levels suggest fuel rods were shattered during hydrogen explosions
June 26, 2012
Utility-scale solar plant for Fukushima
June 26, 2012
At least two walls of Fukushima No. 4 reactor are bulging and structure is tilting — “Latest findings could add to concerns”
June 26, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for June 22nd – June 25th, 2012
June 27, 2012
South Korea Bans Imports of 35 Japanese Seafood Products
June 27, 2012
Fukushima’s fishermen back to work at last, but there’s a catch
June 27, 2012
Arnie and Maggie Gundersen interview – what is the link between Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima?
June 27, 2012
Japan’s two biggest power companies shrugged off proposals to give up nuclear submitted by their largest shareholders at annual meetings Wednesday.
June 27, 2012
Record amounts of radiation had been detected in the basement of reactor No. 1, further hampering clean-up operations.
Radiation levels above radioactive water in the basement reached up to 10,300 millisievert an hour, a dose that will kill humans within a short time after making them sick within minutes.
June 27, 2012
Fukushima operator to be nationalized – through a $12.58 billion cash injection from the Government.
June 27, 2012
If crisis worsened, it’s difficult legally to order workers to stay at Fukushima plant when all of them could die — We can’t give them an order that might lead to their deaths
June 27, 2012
Japan utility shareholders vote to keep nuclear power
June 28, 2012
Tepco’s Plans Restart of World’s Biggest Nuclear Plant – Kashiwazaki Kariwa power station – next year
We have no choice right now but to do our best to carry out Plan A,” Hirose said on June 18. “We don’t have a Plan B.”
June 28, 2012
First seafood caught off Fukushima since Japan nuclear disaster sold
June 28, 2012
Five O’clock Shadow interview with Arnie Gundersen
June 27, 2012
Officials urge conservation as California prepares for summer sans San Onofre nuclear plant
June 29, 2012
Record radiation in Fukushima reactor building
June 29, 2012
Interview with Arnie Gundersen re fish sales in Japan and the state of Unit #4 at Fukushima Daiichi – When you see a building buckle like that, it’s actually called a f”irst mode Euler strut buckle. it’s caused by seismic induced stress.”
June 30, 2012
News blackout of massive protest — This is not normal what is happening (VIDEO)
June 30, 2012
Japanese nuclear officials have apologized to Fukushima residents for withholding maps showing dangerous radiation areas after last year’s meltdowns.
June 30, 2012
Ohi Protests going strong
June 30, 2012
Citizens protesting against restart of Ohi nuclear plant all night
July 1, 2012
Cesium found in Children’s Urine in Fukushima Prefecture
Urine samples contained more than 10 becquerels of cesium per kilogram, including a case with 17.5 becquerels.
July 1, 2012
Japan restarts first reactor since Fukushima crisis
Protesters scuffle with police at Ohi plant’s main entrance
July 1, 2012
36 hours after Massive protest Japanese TV blackout
Fukushima Syndrome 1, 2 and 3
August 2011 but shows Asako House background –
July 1, 2012
Local Official: I feel as if we’re being killed slowly — I want everyone in the world to know that we are living in constant fear — This is infringement of human rights
July 1, 2012
40 Arrested at Valley Nuke Protest
July 1, 2012
Japan restarts first reactor since Fukushima crisis
Protesters scuffle with police at Ohi plant’s main entrance
July 2, 2012
Nuclear Power Causes Cancer – what the Nuclear Industry doesn’t want you to know
July 2, 2012
Nuke-free ad:
July 2, 2012
Oh Canada: The Government’s
Broad Assault on Environment
Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government has been weakening Canada’s environmental regulations and slashing funds for oversight and research — all while promoting aggressive resource development. Critics warn these unprecedented actions pose a major threat to the nation’s vast natural heritage.
July 2, 2012
Restarted reactors sit next to “Devil’s Triangle” where northern and southern halves of Japan meet — “How could we have built so many nuclear plants in such a place?” -Tokyo Professor
July 2, 2012
Kyodo: Highly contaminated fish detected in Fukushima rivers and lakes — Up to 25 times legal limit
The Environment Ministry said Monday it detected 61 to 2,600 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium in 23 varieties of freshwater fish sampled at five rivers and lakes in Fukushima Prefecture
July 2, 2012
Excellent program discussing importance of LA Press Club win for EnviroReporter.com‘s best online news website exclusive to the Internet and how all of the listeners won this award too as part of the Radiation Nation.
July 3, 2012
Caldicott: “We’re talking about a disaster of unbound proportions” from Fukushima Daiichi — 2.5 to 3 million deaths a possibility (VIDEO)
From Chernobyl 40% of Europe contaminated – she doesn’t eat European food
Fukushima 2.5-3 times worse than Chernobyl – 2.5 to 3 million will die
July 3, 2012
The Nuclear Industry and Venting
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has required that certain boiling water reactors in the United States that lack vents should install them by the end of 2016.
July 3, 2012
From Fukushima To California
July 3, 2012
Japan’s 1st offshore wind farm to start in Jan
Japan has the potential to eventually build a huge 1,600 gigawatts of offshore wind power capacity,
July 3, 2012
Collapse of spent fuel storage pool at Fukushima Daiichi could be worse than initial accident, says new report
July 4, 2012
NISA calls for reviews of fault lines near Fukui nuclear reactors
July 4, 2012
NRC Official: 90% chance that containment vessels used at Fukushima would “burst” from fuel melting down
July 4, 2012
Ryuichi Sakamoto: Mankind cannot live with nuclear energy
July 4, 2012
New TEPCO chairman, president survey Fukushima plant for 1st time
July 4, 2012
Flaws in US General Electric Reactors: Japan starts up after Fukushima
July 4, 2012
The human toll of U.S. production and testing of nuclear weapons 83,214 claimants have been granted almost $10 billion for illness and death following exposure to ionizing radiation and other substances.
The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) http://www.justice.gov/civil/common/reca.html, http://www.justice.gov/civil/omp/omi/Tre_SysClaimsToDateSum.pdf
July 5, 2012
Photo from a Kyodo News helicopter on July 5, 2012, shows (from L) No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 reactors of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station on Fukushima Prefecture.
July 5, 2012
The National Diet of Japan – The Official Report of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission
– “System must be established to deal with long-term public health effects” of Fukushima disaster — Grave concerns about radiation exposure
– Disaster was “clearly manmade” — Evidence quake damaged safety equipment, not tsunami- NUCLEAR DISASTER WAS RESULT OF ‘COLLUSION’ BETWEEN JAPANESE GOVERNMENT, REGULATORS AND PLANT OPERATORS |
– the report makes seven proposals for improvement: “Have the Diet monitor regulatory authorities; review the government’s crisis management system; enhance government measures for residents who suffered damages from the disasters; improve monitoring of electric power companies; detail the requirements of the new nuclear regulatory organization; review laws that regulate nuclear power; and make use of independent investigation committees.”
July 5, 2012
Tepco is hiding information about leakage of radioactive water from plant
July 5, 2012
Japan’s atomic disaster due to “collusion:” panel report
July 5, 2012
A nuclear feud – Backer of possible November ballot measure says misleading state analysis foiling anti-nuke campaign
July 5, 2012
NYTimes: Report suggests extensive damage from quake at Fukushima Daiichi — Pipes may have burst leading to loss of cooling within 30 minutes — “Casts doubts on safety of Japan’s entire fleet of nuclear plants” The nuclear accident at Fukushima was a preventable disaster rooted in government-industry collusion and the worst conformist conventions of Japanese culture
July 5, 2012
Face the Fact – 80% of the radiation is coming our way……
July 5, 2012
Kyodo: Fukushima plant remains vulnerable to quakes -Gov’t Report
July 5, 2012
Fukushima Daiichi Employee: Shortage of nuclear workers is becoming real — More and more companies to close as personal dose limits are exceeded
July 5, 2012
Fukushima Children to stay in Czech for recovery
July 5, 2012
Rising up against nuclear risks in Japan
July 5, 2012
Inquiry Declares Fukushima Crisis a Man-Made Disaster
Nuclear Power, Nuclear Submarines Targeted in Protests
July 5, 2012
Nuclear power at record levels, despite Fukushima disaster
Japan restarts reactors, global reactor construction boom underway
July 5, 2012
CBC As it Happens on the Fukushima Report
July 6, 2012
Watershed Sentinel purchased a gieger counter to go on the road in British Columbia, Canada
July 6, 2012
World Atomic Output Falls by Record in Fukushima’s Aftermath
World nuclear power production dropped by a record 4.3 percent last year as the global financial crisis and the Fukushima disaster in Japan prompted plant shutdowns and slowed construction of new sites.
July 6, 2012
Fukushima plant “great risk”: Head of nuclear accident probe panel
Fukushima remains at a very high risk, not only because of the spent fuel issues, but also because of its fragile structure,” Kiyoshi Kurokawa, also professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo, told a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan, noting that another huge earthquake like the one last year may occur off the coast of northeastern Japan again.
July 6, 2012
Japanese journalist’s call for evacuating children from Tokyo causing controversy
July 6, 2012
Watch: Police clamp down in Tokyo streets — “We’re not allowed to get anywhere near protest” (VIDEO)
July 6, 2012
Anonymous leaked material about Fukushima belonging to IAEA, NRC and RC.
July 6, 2012
Japan says Fukushima was man-made and preventable – Arnie Gunderson
July 7, 2012
Latest probe at Unit 1 indicates nuclear fuel has left containment (AUDIO)
July 7, 2012
Nuke protesters’ ire increasingly centers on Noda
July 7, 2012
Poignant photo from Fukushima
July 8, 2012
Eye-Opening nuclear detonation timeline
July 8, 2012
3,300 Bq/Kg from black seabream fished offshore Miyagi
July 8, 2012
Lawmakers prod energy secretary on reactor project
July 8, 2012
Helen Caldicott says if Unit #4 collapses, she’ll evacuate her family in Boston THE SAME DAY
July 9, 2012
DVD – After the Tsunami – over 400 kms from Fukushima tea leaves found to have 270 bq/kg – in at 17:47 minutes
July 9, 2012
Study: Contaminated water from Fukushima reactors could double radioactivity levels of US coastal waters in 5 years — “We were surprised at how quickly the tracer spread” (PHOTO & VIDEO)
July 9, 2012
Fukushima whodunit
July 9, 2012
East Japan: adult and child morbidity and mortality on a rise in the contaminated regions
July 9, 2012
Study: Contaminated water from Fukushima reactors could double radioactivity levels of US coastal waters in 5 years — “We were surprised at how quickly the tracer spread” (PHOTO & VIDEO)
July 9, 2012
Bacteria vs. Nuclear Waste: Scientists finding microorganisms may threaten storage of radioactive waste
July 9, 2012
Fukushima radiation could reach US coast in five years – This study severely underestimates threat and actually is quite questionable at best.
July 9, 2012
Cesium 134 and Cesium 137 found in California almonds – total .17 bq/kg – Problem with this study is that it doesn’t say who did it or reveal lab data. Questionable but not improbable.
July 9, 2012
The Fukushima Nuclear Accident and the Earthquake question.
The latest investigation by a Japanese government panel includes tentative evidence that the earthquake did indeed play a larger role than previously admitted.
July 9, 2012
Michael Collins Interview with Jeff Rense
July 9, 2012
Professor in Japan Blasts Gov’t, Tepco: “These are lies, they’re absolutely lies” (VIDEO)
July 9, 2012
Report: Mortality rising in contaminated regions of East Japan — “Very likely the number of cases of disease and death increased associated with radiation”
July 10, 2012
Study: Cesium-137 immediately damages the heart muscle — Not slow-acting
3 workers suffer cardiac arrest at Japan waste incineration plant — 49 microSv/hr found in scrap last month — Doctor associates with Cesium-137 exposure
July 10, 2012
Japan Nuclear Expert: Extensive areas in Kanto should evacuate if they want to be protected from radiation — Gov’t abandoned the people there
July 10, 2012
Japan wants post-Fukushima export curbs lifted
July 10, 2012
GPS Geiger counter from U.S.’s Safecast creates Fukushima radiation database
July 10, 2012
Helen Caldicott Why I Am Leaving Vancouver British Columbia Canada Thanks Fukushima – reprint from March 2011
July 10, 2012
Dr. Helen Caldicott The Medical Implications of Fukushima, Nuclear Power and Nuclear Proliferation(from May 28, 2011 lecture)
July 11, 2012
Study finds 12 millisievert average thyroid doses of INTERNAL radiation in Fukushima children — Gov’t had assured “the levels of such doses were zero” — Gov’t won’t notify parents of results
July 11, 2012
Fukushima – A Crisis Far from Over
July 11, 2012
Study finds 12 millisievert average thyroid doses of INTERNAL radiation in Fukushima children — Gov’t had assured “the levels of such doses were zero” — Gov’t won’t notify parents of results
July 11, 2011
Study finds lifetime thyroid doses of radiation in Fukushima children
July 11, 2012
Construction costs increase for nuclear facilities
July 11, 2012
Official Fukushima Report Blames Japanese Culture, Not Nuclear Power
July 11, 2012
Japan’s government plans to have Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501.TO) contribute 1 trillion yen toward the cost of cleaning up radioactive materials spread by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, the Asahi Shimbun reported in its Thursday morning edition.
Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/news/2012/07/11/japan-to-seek-tepco-payment-for-fukushima/#ixzz20dhXXC3m
July 12, 2012
A 95-year-old retired doctor is continuing to warn of possible health dangers to residents near the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant after some of them developed symptoms similar to those afflicting atomic-bomb survivors he treated for decades.
July 12, 2012
Everyone is worried… there’s no end in sight — Decontamination is impossible — If they’re not careful more people are going to start killing themselves (VIDEO)
July 12, 2012
Trial to stop restart of Tepco nuke plant — 7 reactors built where ground can behave like a liquid, say plaintiffs
July 12, 2012
“Over all, it’s a myth to suggest that animal abundances are higher in the Chernobyl exclusion zones,” he said, referring to the assertion that Chernobyl’s radioactive exclusion zone is in effect one big wildlife reserve. Radioactive materials like cesium are brought back to the surface soil each year by plant growth and pollination
July 12, 2012
Arnie Gundersen discusses how instead of learning from the Japanese disasters, the U.S. nuclear industry had the head of the NRC forced out for trying to increase safety measures in U.S. nuclear power plants with identical reactors and similar vulnerabilities as the stricken Fukushima Daiichi power plant.
July 12, 2012
Shiina, who spoke through as many as four interpreters, is attempting to raise money to open an independent medical clinic.
July 12, 2012
Beyond Nuclear files Nuke Waste Con Game contentions against 4 atomic reactors
July 12, 2012
On July 19th, a National Academy of Sciences panel, and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission will discuss its actions following the Fukushima disaster in Japan. NRC is paying for this NAS study.
July 12, 2012
Japanese Report on Fukushima Reactor Disaster is “Real Wake Up” Call For Sleeping U.S. Regulators
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) Executive Director Catherine Thomasson said: “American regulators and the federal government should take heed. This report should serve as a warning that the U.S. has the same colluding system between industry, regulators and government. There are some reactors that will never have adequate evacuation plans as they are too close to human populations to be managed without severe consequences should a catastrophic accident occur. Others will remain problematic because there is the same mindset as in Japan that such accidents could not occur in our country hence there is inadequate preparation.”
July 13, 2012
Seattle’s spectacular sunsets, thanks to wildfires in Siberia – shows how fallout from Chelyabinsk, Siberia could have come here. But they aren’t testing now and they certainly weren’t testing then. Fires from Montana are also here – Hanford meltdown could go northwest to Seattle and Vancouver.
July 13, 2012
A simple question follows: If the Japanese government can provide billions of dollars to bail out the shareholders and executives of TEPCO, why are Japan’s leaders so unwilling to help the innocent victims of the failed Fukushima nuclear plant?
July 13, 2012
A group of researchers from Osaka University estimate that eliminating nuclear power in Japan by 2020 and increasing renewable energy use to 20% of the total could create 200,000 to 300,000 new jobs annually.
July 13, 2012
1.000.000 Bq detected in a school after a decontamination conducted!
July 14, 2012
Activists appeal against AEC’s power plant restart
July 14, 2012
Olympic Dam (Australia) uranium mine protest continues
July 14, 2012
And maybe there’s where cultural distinctions can be drawn. In Japan, the citizenry–especially women–are not demonstrating “reflexive obedience,” instead, they are demonstrating. In the United States, where 23 nuclear reactors are of the same design as Fukushima Daiichi, and 184 million people within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant, when the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission suggested requiring some modest upgrades as a response to the Fukushima disaster, the nuclear industry got its henchmen on the NRC and in Congress to push him out. . . with little public outcry.
July 14, 2012
REVITALIZING JAPAN — Living on an island arc / Fukushima’s health data to be shared worldwide
July 14, 2012
Thyroid Examination by Fukushima Prefecture
This is important information on how faulty Fukushima thyroid screening is.
July 14, 2012
Anti-nuclear protesters put heat on Noda
July 14, 2012
Tepco and Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency are going to take out 2 of the 204 new fuel assemblies soon in order to check the damage on cladding tube caused by sea water injected just after 311, but they are not going to announce the date. The reason is supposed to be the protection of nuclear material.
July 14, 2012
Family 100 km from Fukushima Daiichi: 4, 7, and 10 year old each with many cysts on thyroid. (ULTRASOUND)
July 14, 2012
Comparing the population shifts between the pervious year and this year, a decrease in birth rate and an increase of death number are observed all over Japan. Especially, mortality increased overall.
c.f. Belarus after Chernobyl:
Fig.3 the process of malignant tumor morbidity in 100.000 residents in Belarus
July 15, 2012
N. America’s West Coast to be most contaminated by Fukushima cesium of all regions in Pacific in 10 years — “An order-of-magnitude higher” than waters off Japan.
Model simulations on the long-term dispersal of 137Cs released into the Pacific Ocean off Fukushima.
July 15, 2012
A group of activists is undertaking a month-long No More Fukushimas Peace Walk around Lake Ontario to call attention to the presence of what they say are “dangerous, aging and polluted nuclear reactors (16 active and 2 shut down) around that ecologically precious body of water.”
July 15, 2012
Former NYTimes journalist goes inside no-entry zone, reports radiation levels over 10 times higher than Tepco’s data. (VIDEO)
[Uesugi Takashi] 106.87μSv/h in hazard area, where Tepco said “9.3μSv/h”
July 15, 2012
Now 35.8% of Fukushima children have thyroid cysts or nodules — 13,646 do and 24,468 don’t.
July 15, 2012
US scientists develop wonder capsule that ‘pulls’ radioactive substances out of beverages
July 15, 2012
The New China Syndrome: Radioactive Drywall
July 15, 2012
How To Remove Radioactive Iodine-131 From Drinking Water
July 15, 2012
Cesium-134 and -137 detected in sand from San Francisco Bay Area yard
July 15, 2012
Masako Mori, Member of the House of Councillors in the Diet (national legislature): He said without reconstruction of Fukushima we cannot reconstruct Japan. But he lied. He let people die in Fukushima. I think he cannot reconstruct. I want him to resign immediately.
July 16, 2012
Fukushima Watch: Tokyo Protesters Stage Largest Anti-Nuclear Rally So Far
July 16, 2012
In wake of Fukushima, Japanese village goes all-solar
July 16, 2012
Japan’s largest anti-nuclear rally in Tokyo draws over 170,000
July 16, 2012
Geneticist charts effects of nuclear disasters
US Newspaper reports on link between birth defects and eating radioactive contamination — One piece of contaminated food may deliver radiation of hundreds of x-rays
July 16, 2012
Greenpeace update:
Triple-quake toll put at 400,000 / Tsunami caused by Nankai Trough temblors ‘would kill 360,000’
Allison Macfarlane was sworn in as commissioner of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Monday July 9, 2012, replacing controversial NRC commissioner Gregory Jaczko, who abruptly resigned in May.
The Mayor of Futaba, Katsutaka Idogawa, has lashed out at Japan’s central government for its failure to share US radiological data about the spread of radiation in the days following the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
July 17, 2012
Radiation from Fukushima disaster going nowhere fast — Levels can change a 100 times just crossing the street — No useful data being published by gov’t (AUDIO)
July 17, 2012
Children swim at Fukushima beach as ocean opened for first time since 3/11
July 17, 2012
Michael Collins and Jeff Rense – discuss radioactive bluefin tuna, worsening Pacific, reminder to wear facemasks on planes and more.
July 18, 2012
Film Crew Near Fukushima Plant: “That was bizarre, I felt it as well” — We drove into a high radiation area and something happened in the car. (VIDEO)
July 17, 2012
West Coast to receive dangerous levels of Fukushima radiation:
scientists now fear that incredibly contaminated ocean waters could be reaching the West Coast of the US in a matter of only five years, and the toxicity of those waves could eventually be worse than what was seen in Japan.
July 18, 2012
Fukushima Study: People inhaled up to 85,000 becquerels of radioactivity… in just 4 hours — Includes only iodine-131.
July 18, 2012
Working Together for a Nuclear Free, Carbon Free Energy Future
July 18, 2012
Controversial Stanford University Researchers: Fukushima radiation may cause 1300 cancer deaths worldwide.
July 19, 2012
“Is process of emptying the Unit 4 pool starting?” — Will Tepco continue taking out more racks? — Law forbids disclosing when nuclear fuel is moved.
July 19, 2012
Removed fuel assemblies 100 times more radioactive than normal — Tepco worker thinks it’s from before 3/11.
July 19, 2012
Post-Fukushima, Japan’s irradiated fish worry B.C. experts.
July 19, 2012
Massive Demonstrations Working in Japan? AFP: Size and regularity of events giving gov’t pause — Prime Minister: “Nuclear energy is becoming an issue that divides the nation”, says he will “listen attentively.”
July 19, 2012
CONFIRMED: 36 Percent Of Fukushima Kids Have Abnormal Thyroid Growths And Doctors Are In The Dark.
1. “It is extremely rare to find cysts and thyroid nodules in children.”
2. “This is an extremely large number of abnormalities to find in children.”
3. “You would not expect abnormalities to appear so early — within the first year or so — therefore one can assume that they must have received a high dose of [radiation].”
“The data should be made available. And they should be consulting with international experts ASAP. And the lesions on the ultrasounds should all be biopsied and they’re not being biopsied. And if they’re not being biopsied then that’s ultimate medical irresponsibilityi.e. small sacs of fluid) smaller than 2 centimeters don’t need to be biopsied but solid nodules (i.e. clumps of cells) larger than 5 millimeters should be biopsied.
July 19, 2012
[Reactor4] Taken fuel assemblies were 100 times more radioactive than normal.
July 19, 2012
So using the same lazy reasoning, back-of-the-envelope estimation, and LNT assumption that Ten Hoeve and Jacobson use in their paper (e.g., on page 12 of the PDF), I conclude that their methodology predicts that, since March 2011, the date of the Fukushima earthquake and tsunami, JAL has been responsible for an additional 240 passenger cancers and 120 eventual cancer deaths.
July 19, 2012
NYTimes: Radioactive cloud would be ‘trapped’ over Los Angeles and San Diego in case of Fukushima-style meltdown at California nuke plant –Study
If the Diablo Canyon plant on the California coast released a similar amount of radioactive material [as Fukushima Daiichi did], doses would be far higher even though California is far less densely settled than Fukushima Prefecture is, the study said.
July 20, 2012
New fuel is highly reactive, easier to go critical than spent fuel — Bad situation if assemblies are damaged. (VIDEO)
July 20, 2012
300 Radioactive Japanese Cars Stopped at Russian Border.
July 20, 2012
Nearly 36 percent of children in Fukushima Prefecture have been disgnosed with abnormal growths on their thyroids, although doctors insist there is no link between the “cluster” of incidents and the disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant in March of last year.
July 20, 2012
Unusual Move’: Japan ex-Prime Minister joins ever-bigger crowds at weekly Tokyo protest — Fresh sign ruling party is fracturing.
July 20, 2012
Tokyo area officials blast gov’t decontamination, “An empty promise” — Little progress made in cleaning up radioactive soil.
July 20,2012
Expert on BBC: Like setting off a nuclear bomb in Eastern Europe? Fire fears for dying radioactive tree plantations around Chernobyl.
July 21, 2012
Students taught that burning radioactive debris is safe.
July 21, 2012
TEPCO subcontractor used lead to fake dosimeter readings at Fukushima plant.
July 21, 2012
The Big Picture – Emergency Climate Action Plan
July 22, 2012
Japanese authorities are investigating subcontractors on suspicion of forcing workers at the tsunami-hit nuclear plant to underreport the amount of radiation they were exposed to so they could stay on the job longer.
July 22, 2012
Nursery school children on contaminated playground equipment: “The radiation is in the holes” — Some kids with no dosimeters, masks not covering noses – Documenting Ian part 5
July 22, 2012
Decision to have ordinary life in Japan – versus evacuation.
July 23, 2012
Lawmakers in Japan outline denuclearization bill.
Former Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan and other governing party lawmakers have announced an outline of a bill that would end Japan’s reliance on nuclear energy by 2025.
July 23, 2012
In Fukushima, Surreal Serenity
July 23, 2012
Government Panel Report says officials actively denied the possibility of meltdowns and misled the public.
July 23, 2012
She’s Alive, beautiful, finite, hurting and worth dying for.
July 23, 2012
Young Belarusian photographer faces criminal charges over the teddy bear stunt. Belarus arrests and charges anti-nuclear activists while Dmitry Medvedev was visiting Minsk to finalise $10 billion nuclear power plant deal.
July 23, 2012
More than 200 people are expected to launch a multi-national anti-nuclear camp in Lubiatowo, one of the three potential locations for Poland’s nuclear power plant.
July 23, 2012
Iffy Stanford University on Fukushima cancers, new Japanese gov’t tests of radioactive Pacific fish, 300 hot Japanese cars caught by Russian customs, tragic video of Japanese nursery school close to meltdowns site.
July 23, 2012
New report criticizes TEPCO over Fukushima nuclear crisis.
July 23, 2012
Clean Energy Access For All – Grameen’s Solar Success.
July 24, 2012
Fukushima – Local Children Unwitting (and Unwilling) Radioactive Guinea Pigs.
July 24, 2012
Retired Fukushima engineers to seek U.S. assistance.
July 24, 2012
In the face of overwhelming public opposition, Japan’s prime minister recently announced that nuclear power plants will restart.
July 24, 2012
Probe urges new disaster prevention steps.
July 24, 2012
Around 200 activists arrived on Monday in Lubiatowo, on Poland’s Baltic Sea coast, to protest against the planned building of Poland’s first nuclear power plant.
July 24, 2012
Don’t touch moss in Hachioji Tokyo (4,370 Bq/Kg).
July 24, 2012
Japan nuclear plants ‘still not safe’.
A government-appointed inquiry has delivered a damning assessment of Japanese nuclear regulators and the operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, raising further fears that despite new rules, the country’s nuclear sector still does not meet safety requirements.
July 24, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for July 20th – July 23rd, 2012.
July 24, 2012
NRC chief seeks distance from Yucca criticism.
July 24, 2012
“Now they tell us that Strontium 90 has spread to 10 prefectures.”
July 25, 2012
Al Jazaeera on Japan Reactor Restarts (Video) with Aileen Myoko Smith of Green Action Japan.
July 25, 2012
Reality on the reopened beach. (note: 1 microsievert=100cpm)
July 25, 2012
Small nuclear reactors are too little too late.
July 25, 2012
Extremely radioactive sample from Tokyo air filter — 150 times more uranium than expected — “This is from Fukushima” -Busby (VIDEO).
July 25, 2012
Strontium 90 levels in Kanto, Tohoku rise after Fukushima meltdowns.
July 25, 2012
Retired Fukushima engineers coming to US to ask for help — Will meet with lawmakers, visit major cities
July 25, 2012
Small Modular Reactor Overview.
July 25, 2012
Tepco plans to restart Fukushima plant reactor5, 6 and Daini.
July 25, 2012
Kyoto finally gives up on transporting and burning radioactive debris.
July 26, 2012
Government names radiation physicist , Shunichi Tanaka, as new atomic regulator head.
July 26, 2012
Ex-Fukushima Daiichi Worker: “There are leaks everywhere” — Tepco portraying situation in best possible light.
July 26, 2012
NBC News: “The state of the reactors is still deteriorating … the incident is still progressing” says Japanese nuclear specialist — “How do you remove radioactive material without releasing it? The possibility of Fukushima releasing more radioactive material than Chernobyl is still a reality.”
July 26, 2012
In six years, the reactors at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (Tennessee Valley Authority) could begin burning mixed-oxide pellets (MOX).
July 26, 2012
Columbia, SC – A key Department of Energy (DOE) environmental document analyzing disposal of 13.1 metric tons of surplus weapons-grade plutonium now stored at the Savannah River Site is to be formally released on Friday, July 27. According to the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability, a public interest organization which has been monitoring the program since its inception in the mid-1990s, the document is inadequate.
July 26, 2012
Major Victory for Nuclear Safety in the Northwest!!!
Region’s commercial nuclear reactor, located at Hanford, will not use highly dangerous Plutonium fuel.
July 27,2012
Learning Fukushima’s lessons.
July 27, 2012
Red Cross Team said “We were told by headquarters not to provide medical care for those exposed to radiation” after 3/11 -Hospital Worker.
Fukushima Medical Care Provider: Hospital president says people will be healthier after radiation exposure from triple meltdowns — “There is no argument allowed”.
July 27, 2012
WSJ: Experts say manipulated radiation readings highlight possible “major staffing problem” at Fukushima Daiichi — ‘Incredible’ if other companies got away with it too –Official.
July 27, 2012
TOKYO—Two events Sunday will test the political influence of Japan’s growing movement against nuclear power: a regional election featuring one of the country’s most prominent industry critics, and a 1960s-style surround-the-parliament protest aimed at evoking memories of past mass demonstrations.
July 27, 2012
California plant could be next Fukushima.
July 27, 2012
What Really Happened in Fukushima : A Report From a Medical Care Provider
“The president of the hospital where I am employed says people live longer when irradiated and Fukushima people now will be healthier because of radiation hormesis. There is no argument allowed. Since this statement comes from a physician, many people believe this in Fukushima”.
July 28, 2012
Japanese Professor: “Extreme increase of mortality caused by cardiac disease” in Fukushima.
July 28, 2012
Asahi: Fukushima nuclear disaster is affecting every region of the world – Japanese Professor.
July 28, 2012
“We Are All Radioactive” – online documentary about surfers and ordinary people trying to figure out if Fukushima is safe to live in.
July 28, 2012
Thousands of consumer products found to contain low levels of radiation.
July 28, 2012
Head of internal medicine at Japan hospital astonished by Fukushima thyroid exams — Immediate evacuation required in high contamination areas — “A violation of human rights for those exposed”.
Position Statement: What Is Currently Happening to Fukushima Children?
July 28, 2012
NAGASAKI PEACE SYMPOSIUM: Fukushima disaster figures big in discussions.
July 28, 2012
Fukushima cleanup at a standstill in most evacuated areas.
July 29, 2012
NHK: 200,000 people gather in Tokyo say organizers (PHOTOS & VIDEO).
July 29, 2012
Japan anti-nuclear groups protest at parliament.
July 29, 2012
Anti-nuke protesters surround Japanese parliament.
July 29, 2012
200,000 people protest in Tokyo.
July 30, 2012
Columbia Generating Station: Why relicense a nuclear power plant 10 years early?
July 30, 2012
Arnold Gundersen with the latest on Fukushima, including the perilous worldwide consequences if the No. 4 reactor collapses.
– A ton of plutonium was in each Fukushima reactor.
July 30, 2012
Science group: storing spent nuclear fuel in dry casks significantly safer then wet pools storage.
An NRC report on the lessons of the Fukushima disaster says that storing spent nuclear fuel in wet pools is “adequate” to protect the public; a science groups says there is a significantly safer way to store the 55,000 tons of radioactive waste currently stored by the 104 nuclear power plants operating in the United States: transferring the spent fuel to dry casks.
July 30, 2012
Bombers away! More US subs and missile defense in Pacific?
July 30, 2012
Michael Collins talks with Jeff Rense: 37 x background rads in St. Louis rain, 58 x BG in Brazil, deformed sunflowers in Goleta CA, 200 LA BG in Ontario Canada, phony TEPCO emission numbers at Fukushima Daiichi & talk of censored citizen rad readings at U.S. rad detection system. Though leery of so-called “citizen journalism,” Collins puts out call for experienced and vettable folks with radiation monitors on the West Coast to begin to test fish and tsunami debris to share with America’s most trusted environmental website.
July 30, 2012
Small Amount of Cs-137 Lost in Office of Canadian Nuclear Regulator – The small sample in question, described by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission as low-activity and low-risk. Editoria comment:isn’t that what they told us about the Fukushima fallout? so why does “The CNSC takes safety seriously” – they don’t mind if we have low levels of it lying around all over the country…
July 30, 2012
San Onofre Power Plant Comeback Could Be As Early As The End Of 2012.
July 30, 2012
Are Fast-Breeder Reactors
A Nuclear Power Panacea?
Proponents of this nuclear technology argue that it can eliminate large stockpiles of nuclear waste and generate huge amounts of low-carbon electricity. But as the battle over a major fast-breeder reactor in the UK intensifies, skeptics warn that fast-breeders are neither safe nor cost-effective.
July 31, 2012
Genetic mutations from radiation exposure are up to 100 times higher than anything we have encountered in the animal kingdom -Dr. Fernex, Former WHO Consultant.
July 31, 2012
Japan and US now working together to ‘decommission’ Fukushima Daiichi — First meeting was last week.
Japanese government strengthening international cooperation in nuclear decommissioning and decontamination could just be a public relations stunt since it has backpedaled on getting rid of nuclear power, much to the outrage of the Japanese people.
July 31, 2012
JULY 31, 2012
Japan nuke operator Tepco gets $13B bailout.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. apologized for the “inconvenience and anxiety” caused by the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant in northeastern Japan, and for raising electricity charges to cover the costs of dealing with the crisis.
JULY 31, 2012
Japan’s Experts Call for U.S. Pressure.
Yastel Yamada, President of the Skilled Veterans Corps for Fukushima, and his associate “Tak” Okamoto are in the U.S. to promote a controversial, yet courageous proposal. Essentially, the SVCF is calling on the Japanese government and the Tokyo Energy Power Company (TEPCO), owners of the dangerously crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, to permit retired, senior citizens with technical experience and know-how to be allowed immediately to contribute to the clean-up efforts at the plant, effectively putting their lives on the front lines in the battle to contain this unfolding disaster.
August 5, 2012
From Hiroshima to Fukushima: A Nuclear Legacy.
August 1, 2012
‘No immediate risk to health’ is same as saying there is a ‘long-term risk to health’ –Farmer
August 1, 2012
Prosecutors Have Opened a Criminal Investigation of the Fukushima Disaster.
August 1, 2012
Fukushima Watch: Former PM Kan Sets Out Vision for Nuclear-Free Japan.
AUGUST 1, 2012
Fukushima residents say resounding “no” to nuclear energy.
August 1, 2012
The real “betrayer” and “unpatriotic” to Japan
August 1, 2012
Fukushima kindergarten imported sandbox sand from Australia. Editorial note: but what about everything else they play with and eat, breathe, drink and live with?
August 1, 2012
Organizers of the growing weekly antinuclear demonstrations outside the prime minister’s office asked a group of lawmakers Tuesday to help them arrange a meeting with Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda so they can make a direct appeal to end Japan’s use of nuclear power.
August 1, 2012
The government’s candidate to head Japan’s new nuclear regulatory body has vowed to impose stricter safety standards on utility companies that run nuclear power plants, brushing off accusations that he has a pro-industry bias.
August 1, 2012
Fishy Catch: Fukushima Bluefins Spotted on US Shores..
August 1, 2012
Nano Breakthrough Paves Way for Super Cheap Solar Panels.
August 1, 2012
South Korea banned import of additional 35 types of marine products.
August 1, 2012
2.7 Bq/kg of cesium measured from well water at 25km from the center of Tokyo.
August 2, 2012
Sea contamination Cesium in Pacific cod is increasing offshore Hokkaido.
August 2, 2012
Prosecutors to investigate criminal charges over Fukushima disaster.
August 2, 2012
Prosecutors start criminal probe into Fukushima nuclear accident.
August 2, 2012
Worker confirms Tepco taking weekends off at Fukushima Daiichi.
August 2, 2012
Radioactive tea voluntarily surrendered to Hong Kong authorities — 196 Bq/kg of cesium, almost double Japan’s limit.
August 2, 2012
A contentious debate over nuclear power in Japan is bringing another question out of the shadows: Should Japan keep open the possibility of making nuclear weapons — even if only as an option?
August 2, 2012
URGENT! Fukushima Radioactive Fallout Food Safety Petition.
August 3, 2012
165,000 Bq/Kg from Fukushima river soil.
August 3, 2012
Photographer: After seeing conditions in Fukushima, it feels like Hiroshima is happening again.
August 3, 2012
Kids’ safety key worry in Fukushima.
Attendees of latest public hearing on energy fear low-level radiation.
August 3, 2012
Oi Reactor #4 had 137 alarms set off in 10 days but KEPCO says all is O.K.
AUGUST 4, 2012
Free nuclear webinar that may be recorded as a podcast.
Live report on American post-Fukushima plant fix status.
AUGUST 4, 2012
Radioactive Oatmeal from Fukushima.
AUGUST 4, 2012
Takashi Hirose vs. Shunichi Yamashita.
AUGUST 4, 2012
The state of Washington will not immediately go to dispute resolution over court-enforced deadlines that will be missed at the Hanford vitrification plant, Gov. Chris Gregoire said Friday.
AUGUST 4, 2012
August 4, 2012
Gov’t Releases Last Year’s Tests: “Contamination detected even in the Sea of Japan” — “Airborne material” blamed — Includes Niigata, Shizuoka, and Iwate
AUGUST 5, 2012
The Fukushima Daiichi Disaster: Man-made and Preventable – Arnie Gundersen on Radio New Zealand.
AUGUST 5, 2012
20,000 Bq/body from a man in Fukushima. (about 600 bq/kg).
August 5, 2012
Canadian Nuclear Expert: Reactor is releasing 200 trillion becquerels of tritium every year — Becomes a part of your body and all living things — Gives off beta particles which produce damage that can result in cancer (VIDEO)
• Gentilly reactor [in Quebec, Canada] releases 200 trillion becquerels of tritium every year
• Tritium is a chronic problem
• No way it can be filtered out of [drinking] water
• Becomes a part of all living things
• Beta particle goes ripping through nearby molecules
• Sometimes manifests itself as cancer
Wikipedia: Gordon Edwards was born in Canada in 1940, and graduated from the University of Toronto in 1961 with a gold medal in Mathematics and Physics and a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship. In 1972, he obtained a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Queen’s University. […] Edwards has worked widely as a consultant on nuclear issues and has been qualified as a nuclear expert by courts in Canada and elsewhere.
August 5, 2012
US braces for Fukushima debris: Groups from Japan and the United States are planning for the expected arrival of an estimated 40,000 tonnes of tsunami debris along North America’s Pacific coast.
August 5, 2012
High radiation levels after rain in Ottawa, Canada.
August 6, 2012
19.71 Bq/Kg from Japanese Kellogg’s cereal (40% is Japanese wheat and 60% is polished rice from US.).
August 6, 2012
Nuclear power plants: A hidden world of untruths, unethical behavior.
While it is troubling that workers hid their dosimeters while working at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, where radiation levels soared after the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami last year, it is now clear that such practices have been in place for years, if not decades.
August 6, 2012
Tepco managing director Akio Komori can be heard from the head office saying, “Evacuate the workers from the site.”
Fukushima Watch: Highlights of Video From Inside Tepco’s Nuclear Crisis Center.
August 6, 2012
Japan Nuclear Disaster: Videos From Fukushima Crisis Released By Tokyo Electric Power Co.
August 6, 2012
Anniversary of Bombing of Hiroshima: 66 years later, Japan dropped more than 168 Hiroshima atomic bombs on itself (Cs-137 base).
According to the report of Japanese government in 2011, which is presumed to be the most moderate estimate, Fukushima reactor 1 – 3 emit as 168 times much cesium-137 as Hiroshima atomic bomb by August of 2011.
When it comes to Iodine-131, it was 63,000 tera-Bq in Hiroshima, where it was 160,000 tera-Bq in Fukushima. As to Strontium-90, it was 58 tera-Bq in Hiroshima, where it was 140 tera-Bq. Moreover, there was no emission of Cs-134 in Hiroshima, so it is not comparable with Fukushima. The data is not published to count possible emission from reactor4, also, sea contamination is not counted either. It has been about 17 months since 311. It’s been like having a Hiroshima atomic bomb every 3 days since 311.
It can be more than that in reality because radiation still keeps leaking.
August 6, 2012
L.A. Air Radiation Doubles – EnviroReporter
August 6, 2012
Interview with Michael Collins and Jeff Rense. L.A.’s radiation doubles from last period; USEPA shows high beta in early July; high rad readings in Simi Valley, St. Louis; 66th Hiroshima A-Bomb anniversary & challenge to religious listeners to prepare to explain to their Maker why they failed to act. Spirited show examines Japanese protesting against nuclear power and on Hiroshima anniversary versus Americans blithely ignoring ongoing radiological impacts in North America of Fukushima Daiichi’s ongoing triple meltdowns in Japan as well as incineration of over 550,000 tons of radioactive rubble all across that country’s 27 prefectures.
August 6, 2012
NHK: With support growing for the 0% nuclear power option, gov’t to delay deadline for deciding on an energy policy (VIDEO).
August 6, 2012
Tepco released video of emergency TV meeting “99.3% cut off, 1665 beep sounds, 29 image concealment”
August 6, 2012
Japan marks Hiroshima bombing amid anti-nuclear calls.
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, at the ceremony, said the lessons of Hiroshima must not be forgotten. “We will establish an energy mix with which people can feel safe in the long- and medium-term, based on our policy that we will not rely on nuclear power…”
August 6, 2012
Truman’s grandson marks Hiroshima anniversary.
Clifton Truman Daniel, an anti-nuclear weapons activist, met with survivors and attended a memorial service for the Hiroshima victims to commemorate the 67th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb.
August 6, 2012
Days After Japan’s Nuclear Disaster. Japan’s energy company TEPCO has released surveillance video of the nuclear control centers days after the Fukushima disaster. The WSJ’s Deborah Kan speaks to Phred Dvorak about the significance of the footage.
Japan’s energy company TEPCO has released surveillance video of the nuclear control centers days after the Fukushima disaster.
August 7, 2012
Yucca Mountain dump: Back from the dead? Is this imperfect solution better than leaving spent fuel rods in cooling pools and individual casks which could be impacted by increasing ‘super-storms’ and resultant tornadoes and hurricanes? Ever since Fukushima, individuals and organizations have been reassessing their positions on this controversial issue due to added urgency of over the ‘temporary’ storage of these highly radioactive rods. Indeed, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission just halted licensing of new nuclear plants in an effort to confront this issue. Whether this is just political posturing remains to be seen.
August 7, 2012
Fukushima Hangs by the Devil’s Thread.
August 7, 2012
U.S. Freezes All Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Decisions.
Federal nuclear regulators today froze at least 19 final reactor licensing decisions in response to a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit that spent nuclear fuel stored on-site at nuclear power plants “poses a dangerous, long-term health and environmental risk.”
August 7, 2012
Highest Yet: 300 times over cesium limit in wild mushroom — Found far from Fukushima plant, 140 km away in Tochigi Prefecture – 31,000 bq/kg.
August 7, 2012
Video shows disorganized response to Fukushima accident.
On March 14, 2012 at 7:27 p.m. discussion among those at TEPCO headquarters is centered on the possibility that all of the fuel rods at Reactor #2 Fukushima have become exposed.
August 7, 2012
Development of radiation-hardened equipment urgently required for Fukushima I decommissioning.
August 8, 2012
Dr. Shuntaro Hida: Dangers of INTERNAL Radiation Exposure.
August 8, 2012
Inside the Barricaded Fukushima Nuclear Zone.
August 8, 2012
Report: “Global public sentiment is still vehemently anti-nuclear” — “Extreme public resistance” in Japan, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland.
August 8, 2012
Nagasaki: The Worst War Crime Ever.
August 8, 2012
Alice in Wonderland’ was used to convince children in Japan nuclear power is safe.
August 8, 2012
A-bomb survivors reach out to Fukushima victims.
August 9, 2012
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Suspends New Licenses and Renewals.
August 9, 2012
Fukushima Mother Testimony in NYC. Sponsored by Human Rights Now & Japan Federation of Bar Associations.
“It’s Shocking”: We found Japan’s response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster is much worse than after Chernobyl.
August 9, 2012
Asahi* Japan Physicist: Several millions will need to be evacuated from around Fukushima plant if gov’t used same scale as after Chernobyl — Japan’s handling of disaster “far worse” than Soviet Union.
August 9, 2012
Cesium from 60% of fishery products in Fukushima.
August 9, 2012
Fukushima peaches contaminated: Cs-134 – 11.30bq/kg
Cs-137 : 13.36 bq/kg.
However, they are not only committing into marketing but also exporting it overseas.
August 9, 2012
Japan Physicist: Several millions will need to be evacuated from around Fukushima plant if gov’t used same scale as after Chernobyl — Japan’s handling of disaster “far worse” than Soviet Union.
August 9, 2012
31,000 Bq/kg from mushroom in Tochigi – “190 times higher than nuclear waste standard”.
August 10, 2012
How they test Fukushima peaches – interesting – just use high detection levels!
August 10, 2012
I-131 is still measured from dried sewage sludge in Chiba.
The half life time of iodine 131 is only 8 days, and it is produced from nuclear fission. It makes us question, “Has nuclear fission really ended in Fukushima?”
August 10, 2012
14 μSv/h from the yellow substance on the roof in Kashiwa Chiba.
August 10, 2012
[Video] It was 1.2μSv/h in Tokyo May 2011. Tokyo was significantly contaminated under the total media blackout by the government.
August 10, 2012
South Korea added eel to banned list to import “Now 71 sorts of products are in the banned list”.
August 11, 2012
Hokkaido newspaper “Millions of people around in Tokyo area are living in radiation controlled area”.
August 11, 2012
Contaminated Japanese cars rejected by Russian custom office.
August 11, 2012
Fukushima Chief Yoshida: We must bring foreign experts in to help — Reactors NOT stabilized. Masao Yoshida, the former manager of the plant, broke a 17-month silence.
August 12, 2012
Highly contaminated barley (Cesium:460 Bq/Kg) and wheat (Cesium:16.65 Bq/Kg ) are coming to the market.
August 12, 2012
The biological impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident on the pale grass blue butterfly.
Study finds ‘abnormalities’ in 52% of second generation offspring from butterflies collected May 2011 — Unusually small wings, premature death.
The F1 offspring from the first-voltine females showed more severe abnormalities, which were inherited by the F2 generation. Adult butterflies collected in September 2011 showed more severe abnormalities than those collected in May.
August 12, 2012
Fukushima Radiation Fallout : Mapping the levels of local radiation. ‘Unexpected finding’ revealed in Tochigi Prefecture — 17 times radiation limit in front of school.
August 12, 2012
Fukushima Daiichi Radiation: March to Recovery; Voices From 3/11.
– March 2011 – 900 quadrillion becquerels radioactivity released in that month.
– As of June 2012 – still releasing 10 million bq/hour.
– Nightmare continues
August 12, 2012
Gundersen: We’ve got some never-before-seen video of Unit 4 coming out — “My conclusion is it’s really serious”
At this point my mind is changing — Perhaps best to entomb reactors and come back in 300 years (AUDIO).
August 13, 2012
Cesium-137 Detected In Pennsylvania. 30,000 disintegrations per minute per 100 sq.cm of removeable surface contamination on August 5th. Portrblog says from Fukushima. Aug 8 3000 cpm from rain.
August 13, 2012
Michael Collins breaks the news on California naval oranges at almost 1 bq/kg total cesium.
August 13, 2012
Fukushima ranked Level 8 on newly proposed nuclear scale, above Chernobyl.
August 13, 2012
‘Fukushima reactors not stable’ – plant ex-boss.
August 14, 2012
Biologist on Mutated Butterflies: Study is overwhelming in its implications for humans — Japan Researcher: Insects were believed to be very resistant to radiation — Irregularly developed eyes, malformed antennae, much smaller wings (PHOTO).
August 14, 2012
3 generations of Fukushima butterflies show genetic mutations.
August 14, 2012
Fukushima’s First Mutants Are Malformed Butterflies.
August 14, 2012
New NRC chair vouches for agency’s independence, states goals.
August 14, 2012
Professor who met with Fukushima physicians: Thyroid diseases already apparent — Diseased newborns and Down’s syndrome still kept secret.
August 14, 2012
US keeps importing fishery food from Japan even after 311.
August 14, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for August 10th – August 13th, 2012.
August 15, 2012
“Internal Radiation Exposure After the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster.” This research letter stated that levels of internal cesium contamination after Fukushima are “low…much lower than those reported in studies years after the Chernobyl incident”. (“incident”?!)
This was widely reported in
USA Today
NBC News
Washington Post
Philadelphia Inquirer
Today, Beyond Nuclear tells us the real story:
New research misleads on internal radiation doses around Fukushima.
Deception in Sieverts: how a measure of radiation damage can actually be used to hide damage.
The cover-up continues.
August 16, 2012
“Complete Information Control”: Japan newspapers receive much frightening info that’s covered up —yet not reported — A majority of Evacuees from Namiecho died of acute symptoms
Journalists scared.
August 16, 2012
10 times more deformed worms in Fukushima town — Some have 2 abdomens, legs with necrosis, damaged feelers.
August 16, 2012
Decontamination tech gets test drive in Fukushima.
August 16, 2012
Japan gov’t concealed Reactor No. 3 explosion until just before it happened — Ordered that alarming spike of pressure inside containment vessel be kept from public.
August 16, 2012
Revived Ru2st Belt Resistance to Radioactive Reactor Risks.
August 16, 2012
Conjoint peaches found in Hiroshima.
TBS reported it in the morning of 8/16/2012, but the news is already deleted.
August 16, 2012
“Ukrainian environmentalist brutally beaten to death”.
Take Action: write to your Ukraine consulate or embassy!
August 17, 2012
New NRC Chairman Allison McFarlane says dry casks are good enough.
August 17, 2012
It’s not just an accident for Japan, but for people around the world.
A cofounder of a group of retirees who have volunteered to help contain the Fukushima nuclear crisis is seeking U.S. pressure to get the central government to act more swiftly in addressing the dangerous situation.
August 17, 2012
First Double-Shell Tank Leaks at Hanford Nuclear Site.
“This Changes Everything,”….New Urgency for Building More Tanks.
August 17, 2012
Tokyo’s anti-nuclear protesters remember WWII – “What’s happening with nuclear power plants now is that the government and big business are disregarding people’s lives,” he said.
August 17, 2012
Hosono vows to support robot development to scrap Fukushima reactors.
August 17, 2012
IAEA’s post-Fukushima progress report.
August 17, 2012
Analysis: Radiation Health Risk Management Adviser Shunichi Yamashita. (editorial note: a must read)
August 17, 2012
Cesium measured from American pistachios( 9.54 Bq/Kg. Cs-137).
August 17, 2012
US halts shipments of Japanese beef due to concerns of radioactive contamination from Fukushima disaster.
August 18, 2012
Persisent long half life radiation readings in rain fallout in St. Louis.
August 18, 2012
Radio: Nuclear test site in danger of collapsing — Could create 15 meter tsunami — 193 explosions conducted in little area (AUDIO).
August 18, 2012
No. 1, 2 plants’ reactors written off.
August 19, 2012
Mainichi Interview: “The reactors still continue to release radioactive materials” — “The gov’t needs to recognize the gravity of this situation”.
August 19, 2012
Fukushima: 11,400,000 Bq/m3 of cesium leaked again, “metal fatigue of a coupler.”
August 19, 2012
NBC: Radioactive contamination in San Francisco neighborhood — 400 times EPA limit found in soil sample — Boys & Girls Club exposed to contaminated dust?
August 19, 2012
Rubella pandemic “Rubella causes neonatal heart disease”
August 19, 2012
Arnie Gundersen analyzes a US government national laboratory simulation video that shows nuclear spent fuel rods do catch fire when exposed to air.
August 19, 2012
Chiba, Japan, radioactivte fruit being sold to Thailand – and so it spreads around the world.
August 19, 2012
Fukushima Radiation Damages Butterflies, but not People – Yet.
August 19, 2012
Fukushima towns asked to support work to select nuclear repository.
August 19, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Situation “Deteriorating”.
August 19, 2012
Nuclear Power Protests Find Wide Support in Japan.
August 20, 2012
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins.
Cesium in California nuts and fruits, airplane radiation increased since December and much more.
August 20, 2012
Japanese Diplomat: “Worsening situation” at Fukushima Daiichi — 40+ more years of radiation contamination coming out of plant may have sizeable effects in neighboring countries.
August 20, 2012
Seismic study near California nuclear plant wins key approval.
August 20, 2012
People who survived the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as children continue to have a higher-than-normal risk of thyroid cancer more than 50 years after radiation exposure, according to a U.S. study.
August 20, 2012
The nuclear power industry has made behind-the-scenes payments to the tune of at least 3.18 billion yen ($40 million) to six local governments hosting nuclear-power related facilities since the Fukushima disaster last year.
August 21, 2012
4 prefectures chosen for disposal of contaminated ash.
August 21, 2012
Interim storage facilities urgently needed for decontamination work.
August 21, 2012
Lawyer, writers call for legislation on nuclear phaseout.
August 21, 2012
Fukushima govt to use stricter rice screenings. The nationwide limit for radioactive cesium in rice will be cut to 100 becquerels per kilogram in October.
August 21, 2012
Plutonium Detected at 10 Locations in Fukushima.
August 21, 2012
Nuclear Chief: Belgium reactor could have ‘1,000s of cracks’ — Same as used at U.S. plants — Suggests permanent closure all but certain.
August 21, 2012
Cesium from 90% of fishery products offshore Fukushima, “Highest reading was 25,800 Bq/kg”.
August 21, 2012
Fukushima’s Fish Are Soaked In Record Levels of Radiation.
August 21, 2012
Mainichi: “High-radiation jungle” developing in Fukushima mountains, forests — “A natural disaster will certainly y occur” if situation continues.
August 21, 2012
Radioactive food exceeding city’s limits fed to school children in Japan.
August 22, 2012
Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant Releases Steam but no Radiation detected?
August 22, 2012
Two men in Fukushima Prefecture showed high levels of radioactive cesium this week after eating vegetables grown in their home gardens, showing that the risk of internal radiation exposure in some areas remains high. One of the men measured nearly 20,000 Becquerels. Their wives also were also exposed to radiation. The men were from Kawamata and Nihonmatsu, and had consumed, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and dried persimmons.
August 22, 2012
The Environment Ministry cautioned this week that the amount of highly radioactive waste measuring more from last year’s Fukushima nuclear disaster, previously estimated at 50,000 tons, is now likely to be much higher. The government is responsible for handling any waste measuring more than 8,000 Bq/kg of radioactive cesium, and Fukushima and nearby prefectures are currently storing 42,575 tons of highly radioactive waste. Estimates measuring the amount of waste that will need to be stored are as high as 28 million cubic meters, or enough to completely fill 23 Tokyo Domes
August 22, 2012
Fukushima fish carrying 258 times the ‘safe’ level of radiation – 25,800 becquerels of caesium per kilo. The radioactivity which seeped into the region’s air and water has left humans facing potentially life threatening health issues.
Over a third of Fukushima children are at risk of developing cancer, according to the Sixth Report of Fukushima Prefecture Health Management Survey.
August 22, 2012
Radioactive material has been found between the inner and outer walls of an underground double-shell tank at Hanford for the first time.
August 22, 2012
Nuclear watchdogs are questioning a proposal to ship tons of plutonium to New Mexico, including the cores of nuclear warheads that would be dismantled at an aging and structurally questionable lab atop a major earthquake fault zone.
August 22, 2012
Anti-Nuclear Demonstrators Confront Japan’s PM.
August 22, 2012
Japan Nuclear Professor: Fukushima smoke stacks releasing radiation on a daily basis (VIDEO).
August 22, 2012
Official: “Way beyond the levels recorded (258 times limit) before, it is worrying” — Suggests more releases from Fukushima plant may be causing extreme contamination –Asahi
August 22, 2012
Still smarting from Fukushima, Japan is turning to renewable energy in a big way. A recent survey from the Kyodo News discovered that more than a third of 109 Japanese companies are confident that renewable energy can take the place of nuclear power in the nation’s distribution of power resources.
August 22, 2012
90% in Japan say No Nukes.
August 22, 2012
8,560,000 Bq/m2 in Fukushima, 3 times worse than Chernobyl.
August 22, 2012
Canadian Federal government grants licence for new nuclear reactors for first time in 30 years.
August 23, 2012
A record-high 25,800 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium has been detected in fish caught within 20 km of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, according to Tokyo Electric Power Co.
August 23, 2012
USA Radioactive Ground Beef Test Results for grass fed beef in Missouri (well water fed)2012, 2011, 2010
August 23, 2012
Japan radiation cover-up: radiologist told ultrasound tech not to record incidental findings of thyroid mass.
August 23, 2012
Plan Approved to Find Faults Near Diablo Canyon.
August 23, 2012
Physician: We don’t know what’s happening — Cesium levels in soil not going down after Chernobyl, some areas have gotten even higher (VIDEO).
August 23, 2012
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is spreading the propaganda called “Support by eating”. They are pushing food from contaminated area even to hospital and senior citizens’ home.
August 23, 3012
Tap water is the most essential element of our daily life. You need it for cooking, shower, and drinking. You need it even when you make your baby food. However, in 26% of all the prefectures in Japan, they detected cesium from tap water.
August 24, 2012
In a surprise announcement, National Policy Minister Motohisa Furukawa said this week that Japan should strive to eradicate nuclear power by 2030, a view that falls in line with the vast majority of the Japanese public.
August 24, 2012
A whopping 90% of those Japanese who responded support either phasing out or completely abandoning nuclear power in Japan, with 81% saying that it should be completely eradicated. Only 4% said they support nuclear power.
August 24, 2012
92.2% of people have health problem from medical checkup, “worse than ever.”
August 24, 2012
Anti-nuclear weapons activist returns to prison
August 24, 2012
It’s Official: Safety Culture Deeply Flawed at Hanford.
August 24, 2012
Noda’s Cabinet wavers on nuclear policy / Prime minister takes rare meeting with antinuclear group in light of lower house election.
August 24, 2012
The Fukushima prefectural government is inspecting all bags of rice produced in the prefecture to ensure levels of radiation are below government limits, which were lowered this year to 100 becquerels per kilogram.
August 24, 2012
Nuclear News from Iran to Fukushima (Video).
August 24, 2012
Fukushima nuclear disaster cleanup needs global cooperation.
August 25, 2012
History lesson: Fukushima students stumble across wartime atomic bomb program.
August 24, 2012
Yamada: We cannot cover Fukushima Daiichi reactors like after Chernobyl — It’s more complex (AUDIO).
Part 1: http://www.tucradio.org/YastelYamada_ONE.mp3
Part 2: http://www.tucradio.org/YastelYamada_TWO.mp3
August 24, 2012
130 Bq/kg from beef in Japan.
August 24, 2012
Teacher: “I’m lying to a room full of students” — Fukushima City should be evacuated.
August 25, 2012
Unsettling News”: There’s no way to fix it if salt cavern under sinkhole has failed, says state engineer — “There’s little that you can do”.
August 25, 2012
Physician: Overwhelming number of cases being reported from around Japan — Medical data in Fukushima is sealed, no idea what’s truly going on there.
August 25, 2012
Ministry to amend law to bury nuclear waste without reprocessing.
August 25, 2012
Intense Magnitude 5 quake nearby Fukushima plant — Hits hours after even stronger quake in Northern Japan (MAP) – Gunderson says for every 10 earthquakes at M5 you get one at M6.
August 25, 2012
13,299 Bq/Kg from home-grown rosemary in Kashiwa.
August 26, 2012
Complacency perished in the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
August 26, 2012
It’s becoming impossible to have clean food in Japan. One of the major Japanese supermarket chains “Aeon” has given up selling radiation-free food. On 11/8/2011, Aeon announced that they set their original safety limit, which is 50 Bq/Kg.
August 27, 2012
Cod fish shipments 200 miles from Fukushima suspended — “High levels of radioactive caesium found”.
August 27, 2012
Dr. Helen Caldicott: International medical community must immediately assist Japanese — Radioactive elements re-concentrate in various bodily organs.
August 27, 2012
“Green Bitumen?!” Nuclear reactors in the tar sands. The brainchild of the nuclear industry, this novel concept of deploying small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) to replace natural gas is being sold as a solution to the tar sands’ reputation for producing the largest carbon footprint on the planet. Nuclear is being touted as an environmentally friendly, “clean” energy source for the extraction process. But in order to make that claim, one must overlook the substantial carbon emissions in the nuclear “fuel cycle,” from mining to ultimate disposal; the risks of weapons proliferation; the toxic radioactive footprint; and the legacy of highly radioactive waste left behind for many generations to come.
“Nuclear energy is not clean or green – it uses up huge amounts of fresh water, routinely spews out numerous pollutants and carcinogens into the air and water, and leaves behind a legacy of highly toxic, long-lived wastes,”
August 27, 2012
Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) “alters” a Japanese summary of their research paper.
August 27, 2012
TEPCO starts checking unused fuel removed from Fukushima No. 4 unit.
August 27, 2012
Resolving the market mysteries of medical isotopes.
August 28, 2012
Expert: Residents will be exposed to extremely dangerous alpha radiation coming from sinkhole — Radioactive dust inhaled after carried by wind, surface water.
August 28, 2012
Japan Newspaper: Hospitals refused to treat Fukushima plant workers.
August 28, 2012
No Place to Hide – Fukushima Fallout Findings Widespread.https://www.enviroreporter.com/2012/08/no-place-to-hide-fukushima-fallout-findings-widespread/
August 28, 2012
Government memo slams Bechtel for malfeasance, safety violations at Hanford Nuclear Site.
August 28, 2012
Fukushima Mom: 5 hospitals refuse to provide medical care to children; “We can’t be seen by a doctor when we want to be seen”… “It is just not right” — Doctor: It will be confusing if our result is different than Fukushima Medical University.
August 28, 2012
Tepco: Dozen pieces of rubble found in fuel rod assembly removed from Fukushima No. 4 unit.
August 28, 2012
No place to hide – Cesium detected in New Zealand Yogurt .
August 28, 2012
No Place to Hide – Cesium detected in Canadian Quebec Maple Syrup.
August 28, 2012
Japan Earthquake Spurred Jump In Heart Ailments: Study.
August 29, 2012
Wall Street Journal Paints Happy Face on Killer Industry – Rupert Murdoch’s Fukushima Flim-Flam.
August 29, 2012
Aomori Prefecture told to stop shipping Pacific cod.
August 29, 2012
Handle With Care: Communities, Collaboration, And What Canada Can Teach The U.S. About Managing Used Nuclear Fuel.
August 29, 2012
Unused nuclear fuel from Fukushima No. 4 reactor pool intact.
August 29, 2012
Study: Disease-related deaths surged after 3/11 — Heart unable to pump enough blood around body (See also: Cesium-137 not slow acting, immediately damages heart muscle).
August 29, 2012
Bechtel Incompetent To Complete Hanford Nuclear Waste Cleanup: DOE Memo.
August 29, 2012
Bolivian police on Tuesday confiscated two tons of uranium.
Since Bolivia does not produce uranium, Perez said, authorities assume the consignment originated in either of two neighboring countries that do: Brazil or Chile.
August 30, 2012
Calvert Cliffs-3 Reactor License Denied.
This is only the second time in history a reactor license has been denied by an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. The first was the license application for the Byron reactor in Illinois in 1984, which was briefly denied because of quality assurance problems at the site. But that decision was quickly overturned on appeal as the utility already had initiated a program to correct the problems.
August 30, 2012
Fukushima hot cod stopped from entering U.S. (not Canada?)
August 30, 2012
Gunderson : Fukushima released more radiation than Chernobyl.
Level 8 on INES Scale is needed for Fukushima-like disasters (VIDEO).
August 30, 2012
Plutonium shipment arrives at N.M. plant.
August 30, 2012
Asahi: Fukushima gov’t trying to stamp out ‘harmful rumors’ — Officials target group leader who discussed deformed babies.
August 30, 2012
Japanese Government will start genomic analysis for Fukushima people.
August 31, 2012
Symposium in Japan: Gov’t must be stopped from burying effects of Fukushima radiation — Official: Russian authorities did more for citizens post-Chernobyl than Japan has after Fukushima.
August 31, 2012
Black substance found at Harajuku station in Tokyo, “21,346 Bq/Kg”.
August 31, 2012
Bechtel Responds to DOE Criticism on $13bn Nuclear Waste Plant
September 1, 2012
Tepco releases badly altered image of Fukushima Unit.
September 1, 2012
Fukushima could happen again, investigators say, as insufficient lessons learned.
September 1, 2012
Noda chooses 15% reliance on nuclear power even though 90% of the people wanted zero.
September 2, 2012
Gundersen: They may not be able to pull out spent fuel rods — The big problem is are they distorted from heat or quake or fallen rubble? (VIDEO).
September 2, 2012
The Trial Of Minoru Tanaka: The high cost of investigative journalism in Japan & “the nuclear mafia”.
September 2, 2012
Dr. Michael Nobel endorses ProPectin for Radiation Treatment.
September 3, 2012
Appalling: Tepco admits there’s no prepositioned chemicals at Fukushima plant in event water drains from fuel pool after quake — “They had not even considered it” (VIDEO).
September 3, 2012
Fukushima plant “to keep contaminating the Pacific Ocean for the rest of time” if fuel can’t be removed — No good solution, must constantly pump out water from under buildings (VIDEO).
September 3, 2012
Inspector General Faults EPA Radiation Monitoring.
September 3, 2012
NRC Reissues Vent Orders for GE Mark 1 and Mark 2 Reactors.
September 3, 2012
Enviroreporter Michael Collins and Jeff Rense talking about the feature “No Place to Hide – Fukushima Fallout Wioespread”
September 3, 2012
Book Review – Last Summer at the Compound.
fiction book “Last Summer at the Compound,” by JH Bartlett.
The story takes place outside of Boston, near the aging Pilgrim nuclear power plant with the same design as Fukushima (the plant that was hit by the tsunami). Taking place a year after the Fukushima disaster, there are fears surmounting in the community and in one of the main characters that a disaster with the plant could take place, whether by accident or design.
September 3, 2012
Cesium from baby food made in Tokyo and Aichi.
According to the radiation measurement of Yokohama city government, cesium 134/137 are measured from baby food. The producers are in Tokyo and Aichi. Aichi is the central Japan, 446km from Fukushima plant.
September 3, 2012
Support Fukushima by eating is still going-on.
September 3, 2012
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) to US nuclear power plants to ensure proper implementation of three Orders the agency issued in March, in response to lessons learned from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear.
Note:The second Order applies only to US boiling-water reactors that have “Mark I” or “Mark II” containment designs. Mark I reactors must improve installed venting systems that help prevent core damage in the event of an accident; Mark II reactors must install these venting systems.
September 4, 2012
Japan Chief Cabinet Secretary: Huge amount of debris to reach U.S. & Canada this fall — Wants plan to help ASAP.
Comment by Rod Marining (co-founder Greenpeace)
Another whitewash! It is not the debris stupid, it is the radiation. We are down stream of the Pacific Current of Fukushima. Between December to June 2013 we will receive the ocean plume of radiation from Japan which has been slow moving current moving our way for the last 18 months. /Rod
September 4, 2012
Radiation Exposure from Fukushima Nuclear Plant
The impact of radiation exposure from the Fukushima nuclear power plant may be far worse than what we are being led to believe.
September 4, 2012
Osaka pref., city gov’ts call for halt to 2 Oi plant reactors.
September 4, 2012
Bechtel Responds to DOE Internal Memo Regarding Safety of Waste Treatment Plant Design.
September 4, 2012
Whitewashing Fukushima.
September 5, 2012
Nuclear Expert Back From Japan: Fukushima deposited a lot more radioactive material than Chernobyl, except for immediate area around reactors (AUDIO).
September 5, 2012
To allay Fukushima fears, radiation checks made easy in Tokyo cafes, stores.
September 5, 2012
US Military starts registry for people developing health conditions after being in Japan — Says Tokyo babies had 12 millisievert radiation dose to thyroid in weeks after 3/11 (MAP).
September 5, 2012
Tepco Makes “Critical” Admission: Fukushima Unit 4 quake testing “does not take horizontal shaking into equation” — Claims it can withstand a “6+” quake only apply to VERTICAL shaking.
September 5, 2012
Fuchu city of Tokyo will start serving Fukushima milk for school lunch.
September 6, 2012
U.S. military and civilian exposure to radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in Japan wasn’t high enough to make them sick, the Pentagon said. Scientists and doctors have compiled radiation dose estimates into database.
September 6, 2012
FRCSR Alert: Fukushima peaches on sale outside Japan.
September 6, 2012
Intermittent increase of Krypton-85 to suggest on-going nuclear fission in reactor 1.
September 7, 2012
Fujitsu and Leopalace21 Launch Fukushima Prefecture Pilot Project for Virtual Solar Power Plant; New business model brings ICT to rooftop leasing for solar power generation.
September 7, 2012
Southern Jetstream Fallout 18X Greater Than Background Radiation.
September 7, 2012
Japan Times: Unit 4 fuel pool continues to alarm scientists and gov’t officials around the world — ‘Intense criticism’ from some senior US officials.
September 7, 2012
US DOD, “Thyroid Radiation Dose of Tokyo children is 14 mSv for 60days following 311″. ICRP defines the safety limit of annual dose as 1mSv. It’s 14 times much as the limit though it was only for 2 months.
September 7, 2012
(Reuters) – Many countries have taken concrete steps to improve safety at nuclear power plants to help prevent extreme natural hazards such as earthquakes from causing another Fukushima-style disaster, the chairman of an expert meeting said on Friday.
September 8, 2012
Massive Tsunami Debris Field Only 800 Miles Off The Coast Of Washington State.
September 8, 2012
Fukushima Medical U. Professor: Onset of radiation-related disease to begin in 4-5 years, data must be gathered now — We shouldn’t force upon people that low dose radiation exposure is safe.
September 8, 2012
FRCSR: “Inhumane, inexcusable act” as many children and adults under observation while living with radioactive contamination.
September 8, 2012
Contaminated fish from Miyagi was sold in west coast of Japan. 3,300 Bq/Kg from black seabream fished offshore Miyagi)
September 8, 2012
Global help urged to avert reactor 4 pool fire. Concerns persist among experts worldwide that reactor 4’s pool is still at risk of boiling dry.
September 8, 2012
Increase of Krypton 85 is detected in PCV of reactor1, which suggests nuclear fission is on-going. (cf. Intermittent increase of Krypton-85 to suggest on-going nuclear fission in reactor1)
September 9, 2012
Gov’t to begin testing fetuses for gene mutations in “Fukushima Genomic Analysis”.
September 9, 2012
Fukushima Mutant Butterflies Confirm Harm from Low-Dose Radiation.
It is clear that children living in the highly contaminated areas outside the official evacuation zone around Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plants must be evacuated promptly in order to avert a humanitarian disaster on the scale of Chernobyl. Concerted international effort is needed to provide help for evacuating the children and to continue health monitoring and research on radioprotection. Finally, a global phase out of nuclear power is in order given that a combination of renewable energy options can provide all our energy needs safely, sustainably and at much more affordable costs for all, as we made the case thoroughly in [4] Green Energies – 100% Renewable by 2050, (ISIS Report).”
September 10, 2012
Japan energy deadlock deepens; government fails to announce policy mix.
September 10, 2012
NHK: Tainted water leaks plaguing Fukushima ‘clean-up’ (VIDEO). So far, 56 instances of tainted water leaks have been reported. Facilities to decontaminate water have stopped 12 times due to leaks and power supply problems.
September 10, 2012
US University develops wind turbines that generate about 5 TIMES as much energy as usual (PHOTO).
September 10, 2012
FRCSR (Fukushima Radiation Contamination Symptoms Research)
In comparison with Chernobyl, it is estimated that the speed of onset of symptoms would be 3 to 5 times faster and the number of cases would be more than 7 times as many.
September 10, 2012
Kawasaki city mayor, “School serves radioactive lunch for educational purpose.”
A Tokyo newspaper reported on the comments made by Kawasaki City’s mayor regarding lunch items served to students including frozen tangerines (9.1 Bq/Kg of cesium) and canned apples (1.6 Bq/Kg of cesium).
September 11, 2012
43% of kids have thyroid abnormalities in new Fukushima City test results (CHART)
September 11, 2012
In the recent Ontario by elections, some important political maneuvers by all three parties slid under the radar. Not one was willing to protect voters from nuclear cost overruns. 3 min. video
36 billion dollars to be spent on Darlington.
September 12, 2012
Disaster-area kids under hard stress.
Cooped up, inactive lives exacting toll on traumatized survivors.
September 11, 2012
A south Indian fisherman was killed on Sept. 10 after police opened fire to clear a highway blocked by demonstrators protesting against the country’s largest nuclear power project, due to start up within weeks after months of opposition.
September 11, 2012
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has launched a database of radiation measurements collected in Japan following last year’s accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO).
September 11, 2012
Fukushima aftermath – Fish contamination.
High levels of radiation have recently been detected in some fish types. A cod landed at a port in Aomori Prefecture in early August was found to be exposed to 132.7 becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram. That was 1.3 times the government safety limit.
Radiation 380 times the limit was detected in a rock-trout caught off Fukushima in early August. A black sea bream caught off Miyagi Prefecture, in July was 33 times over the limit.
September 11, 2012
Explosion at oldest French nuclear plant.
September 12, 2012
Scientists sound alarm on plan to bury nuclear waste.
September 12, 2012
Parti Quebecois government to close Gentilly-2 nuclear power plant.
September 12, 2012
Japan aims for zero nuclear power in 2030s.
September 12, 2012
Cesium is penetrating into ground water. People are having less and less safe water – 88 Bq/Kg of cesium was measured from well water in Fukushima.
September 12, 2012
Monster Bluefin Tuna Found Near Australia, Suspected Fukushima Radiation
September 13, 2012
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has acknowledged that the court-ordered revision to its Nuclear Waste Confidence Decision, and preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement about the risks on at-reactor storage of irradiated nuclear fuel, will delay the issuance of new reactor construction and operating licenses, as well as old reactor 20 year license extensions, by two years.
September 13, 2012
Thailand imports peaches from Fukushima – and so it spreads.
September 13, 2012
10,502 Bq/Kg in soil at Karuizawa Nagano, 253km from Fukushima.
September 13, 2012
Survey finds zero Fukushima plant strontium contamination in soil samples. (it all came to North America?)
September 14, 2012
Radioactive cesium at 10 times above normal levels detected 800 km away from Fukushima by Russian Scientists.
September 14, 2012
16.57 μSv/h on the street beside students running around a junior high school in Fukushima.
September 14, 2012
Japan Cabinet panel urges ending use of nuke power.
September 14, 2012
More than 1000Bq/Kg was measured in 99.4% of a village area in no-man’s-zone.
September 14, 2012
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is asking local activists for input on who should participate in an upcoming roundtable about the problems at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.
The request marks the first time the powerful regulatory agency has invited anti-nuclear activists to help shape the discussion about the ailing seaside power plant roughly 17 miles north of Oceanside.
September 14, 2012
Japan’s solar market could grow to 13 GWs a year by 2016.
September 15, 2012
Edano apporves restart of construction of 2 nuclear plants in Aomori. “So much for the Noda administration’s “pledge” to have zero nuclear power plant operating in 2030. (We’re just shocked. Shocked, aren’t we?)”
September 15, 2012
Over 180 microsieverts per hour… can never live here…” (VIDEO) (180 microsieverts/hr=18,000cpm!!)
September 15, 2012
GE (NYSE:GE) Slams Economics of Nuclear. Is GE Turning Cold on Nuclear?
September 15, 2012
Nuclear Free Future: Japan at a Crossroad: Two Futures – Arnie Gunderson and Margot Harrington.
September 15, 2012
Nuclear Power’s Long and Toxic Tail.
September 15, 2012
No-nuke plan official, quick to draw flak.
September 15, 2012
Alarming estimate of cancer fatalities… 1 million extra deaths” — Nobody mentions krypton and xenon that poured from Fukushima plant, says Gundersen — 2-3 times greater than Chernobyl.
September 15, 2012
Tepco sent emergency email to report water leakage, “71,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of β nuclides”.
September 16, 2012
Ministry of Health, Labour in Japan , “Safety limit food is safe enough to keep eating”.
September 16, 2012
What mainstream media is saying about Japan’s zero-nuclear dream.
September 16, 2012
After Fukushima disaster, new NRC Midwest administrator is bringing back lessons.
September 16, 2012
“Although Tokyo is 200 kilometres away from Fukushima, the level of the accumulated radiation is nowhere near safe,”
“The Fukushima nuclear power plants haven’t been contained yet and are still dispersing a large amount of radiation.”
September 16, 2012
Japan’s radiation catastrophe was made in Australia.
September 17, 2012
Fukushima girls have 3 times more thyroid NODULES over 10 millimeters than boys — Also 56% more medium-sized nodules than boys.
September 17, 2012
Blueberries almost 6 times legal limit detected in large city far outside evacuation zone. 582 Bq/Kg from Blueberry in Koriyama.
September 17, 2012
According to IAEA Director General Amano: “The Fukushima nuclear accident is behind us, according to Mr. Amano, and everything is fine and dandy again in the world of nuclear energy!! He says we are well into the post-accident phase!
September 17, 2012
NRC Engineers Charge Gov’t Coverup — Reactor melt down an “absolute certainty” if dam fails — 100s of times more likely than tsunami that hit Fukushima. An engineer with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) says the agency has withheld documents showing reactor sites downstream of dams are vulnerable to flooding, and an elevated risk to the public’s safety. Richard Perkins, an NRC reliability and risk engineer, was the lead author on a July 2011 NRC report detailing flood preparedness. He said the NRC blocked information from the public regarding the potential for upstream dam failures to damage nuclear sites.
The report in question was completed four months after an earthquake and resultant tsunami caused the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor in Japan to experience a meltdown.
The report concluded that, “Failure of one or more dams upstream from a nuclear power plant may result in flood levels at a site that render essential safety systems inoperable.”
September 18, 2012
Video: Japanese discuss personal health problems, strange deaths — “7 people died on this particular shopping street”.
September 18, 2012
From Fukushima to Hinkley Point. Rebecca Johnson raises concerns about plans for a new generation of nuclear power reactors in Britain, starting with Hinkley C.
September 18, 2012
Japan Sets Up New Nuclear Regulator After Fukushima ‘Failure.’
September 18, 2012
A mass of data on radioactive emissions from the Fukushima nuclear accident has been made available by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
September 18, 2012
Scientific Paper: “The Fukushima Radioactive Plume Contaminated the Entire Northern Hemisphere During a Relatively Short Period.”
September 18, 2012
“Fukushima radioactive plume contaminated entire Northern Hemisphere during a relatively short period of time” — Map: Fukushima air mass hit California after 3/11 and went north to Ore., Wash., Canada (PHOTO)
September 18, 2012
New nuclear regulatory agency launched.
September 18, 2012
Report: 12 million yen “to censor Twitter” being spent by city starting to burn disaster debris.
September 19, 2012
Radioactive materials reach 3,200 km east of Fukushima in Pacific.
September 19, 2012
Japan Scientists: Radiation dose has been “significantly increased” around Tokyo metropolitan area after Fukushima.
September 19, 2012
Japan’s Cabinet backpedals on totally phasing out nuclear energy; new regulatory agency starts.
September 19, 2012
Safety Culture Paramount After Fukushima, NRC Chairman Says.
September 19, 2012
Impact to US West Coast from Fukushima disaster likely larger than anticipated, several reports indicate.
September 19, 2012
Fukushima Radiation: Japan Irradiates the West Coast of North America.
September 19, 2012
Angry crowd shouts down Japanese leadership – never happened before.
September 19, 2012
Rain with 20,000,000 particles of radioactive iodine-131 per liter fell on US during post-Fukushima peak (VIDEO).
September 19, 2012
Pneumonia is unusually increasing around in hotspot, “80% of the patients are under 14″.
September 19, 2012
Japan Scientists: Radiation dose has been “significantly increased” around Tokyo metropolitan area after Fukushima.
September 19, 2012
Cesium from 93% of fishery products 20km offshore Fukushima, highest reading was 1,350 Bq/Kg from greenling.
September 19, 2012
Fukushima fallout seeps into India’s troubled nuclear push.
September 20, 2012
Arnie Gundersen @Congressional Briefing Cannon House Office Building — Room 121.
September 20, 2012
It’s IAEA job to dispel fears post-Fukushima: AEC chief.
September 20, 2012
Air pollution monitoring project for LA wins Knight News Challenge grant.
September 20, 2012
Tsunami debris not likely radioactive, Ottawa says. Federal documents show aftermath of disaster will come in small pieces, land mostly south of the border.
September 20, 2012
The U.S. Dropped Nukes On Beer, and It Was a Good Idea Too. [This is as good a time as ever to remind readers of the obvious – EnviroReporter.com is not responsible for content on other Internet sites
September 20, 2012
Stanford University energy research finds an answer blowing in the wind. The Stanford researchers conclude that roughly one-third (34%) of the United States carbon free electricity demand (from Florida to Maine) can be technically provided with interconnected offshore wind farms along the East Coast.
September 20, 2012
Save the dates: “A Mountain of Radioactive Waste 70 Years High: Ending the Nuclear Age,” Chicago, December 1-3, 2012
September 20, 2012
Officials: 179 microsieverts per hour at elementary school — Hot spots at bus stop, main gate, schoolyard, pool, gym.
September 20, 2012
Reactor shutdown at Three Mile Island: Release “sounded like a jet engine” — Official admits steam may be radioactive — NRC inspector inside control room.
September 21, 2012
23 Nuclear Plants in Tsunami Risk Zones, Study Finds.
September 21, 2012
The UAE and Canada have just struck a deal whereby Canada will sell nuclear power to the Gulf state. Indeed, over the next ten years, the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) hopes to build four 1,400 MW reactors in order to conserve more of its oil and gas for export purposes.
September 21, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for September 18th to September 20th, 2012.
September 21, 2012
Canada gears up to export Uranium to China.
September 21, 2012
Fukushima: Probability theory is unsafe (first published April 18, 2012)
September 21, 2012
Not Just Cancer: “How Low Doses Of Radiation Can Cause Heart Disease And Stroke.
September 21, 2012
“Our story in 2 minutes.”
September 21, 2012
1 quadrillion becquerels of total strontium into Pacific via wastewater — Giant spike in levels offshore Fukushima many months after 3/11.(PHOTO)
September 21, 2012
New Japan Study: Kidneys accumulate most radioactive cesium by far — Highest levels of any tissue inside cows.
September 22, 2012
Bin in Hawaii confirmed to be Japan tsunami debris.
September 22, 2012
Accident at Fukushima Plant. A metal beam measuring 7 metres and weighing 470 kilograms has fallen into a concrete basin used for storing spent fuel rods at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant.
September 22, 2012
US Gov’t: If exposed to radioactive fallout watch for unknown bruising, nosebleeds, nausea, sore throat, loss of hair, diarrhea — “Make the best of it…(1950)
September 22, 2012
Thousands of nuclear protesters briefly block Indian port.
September 23, 2012
Okuma set to remain uninhabited for 5 yrs. (20 km from plant).
September 23, 2012
Nuclear power is so dangerous that the corporations that build nuclear reactors would not do so unless they were protected from the liability of a nuclear accident.
“If the owners and operators of nuclear reactors had to face the full liability of a Fukushima-style nuclear accident or go head-to-head with alternatives in a truly competitive marketplace, unfettered by subsidies, no one would have built a nuclear reactor in the past, no one would build one today, and anyone who owns a reactor would exit the nuclear business as quickly as possible.”
Cooper found that without such insurance schemes “nuclear power is neither affordable nor worth the risk.”
September 23, 2012
Cesium rises by Reactors 5 & 6 discharge — At highest level in months.
September 23, 2012
Many children playing sports on field with radiation dose over 5 millisieverts per year (PHOTO) 0.581 microsieverts per hour * 24 hours in a day * 365 days in a year = 5089.56 microsieverts per year or 5.09 millisieverts per year. The Japanese government’s radiation dose limit for the public is set at 1 millisievert per year -Yomiuri
September 23, 2012
Radiation 1200x normal at main building of Fukushima plant.
September 23,2012
Advanced radiation detector to scan debris from Japan. Further investigation reveals sensitivity of instrument measured in ‘dose-rate’ versus actual amount of radionuclide found, making an estimate of the device’s accurateness harder.
September 23, 2012
Uranium Substitute Is No Longer Needed, but Its Disposal May Pose Security Risk.
September 24, 2012
Jeff Rense and Michael Collins interview
Fact-packed show with Jeff and Michael talking about prospective isotopic identifiers, new Committee to Bridge the Gap report on San Onofre nuke plant’s worn tubing, shocking Nuclear Regulatory Commission suppression of data showing flood risks to American reactors, urgent need for raddies to collect & test Fukushima tsunami debris and much more.
September 24, 2012
Comprehensive study of Fukushima threat: 60 minute video
September 25, 2012
Videos of all sessions of Coalition Against Nukes Rally in Washington D.C.
September 25, 2012
Gamma Ray Bursts & Fallout At 37 Times Background Radiation – Potrblog.
September 25, 2012
Utube of Debris Removal from the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 Spent Fuel Pool.
September 25, 2012
Radioactive Japan – apple 1660 bq/kg, soil 2990 bq/kg.
September 25, 2012
Japan Plans Restart of Controversial Reactor.
September 25, 2012
Gentilly-2: Politicians rally to try to save Quebec’s nuclear-power plant.
September 26, 2012
3300 Bq/Kg from a pregnant woman in Iwaki city Fukushima.
September 26, 2012
NHK: The Ill Effects of Fukushima Daiichi — Mothers, children face danger — Constant worries over radiation (VIDEO)
September 26, 2012
Nuclear energy: Still worth it?
September 27, 2012
Woman from Fukushima: It’s as if they’re in a gas chamber – Children breathing radiation every moment (AUDIO).
September 27, 2012
Nuclear assessment reliability.
September 27, 2012
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda told the United Nations Japan will share the lessons from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster to promote nuclear safety.
Addressing the General Assembly, the Japanese leader urged U.N. members to act in the interest of future generations about nuclear safety.
He said the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear plant disaster, caused by a massive earthquake and tsunami, led his government to take steps that would allow Japan to end its dependence on nuclear power by 2030s.
September 27, 2012
More than 40,000 Bq/m2 from 82.8% of Nagareyama city in Chiba.
September 27, 2012
Japan TV: Fukushima radioactive plume is circling earth every 40 days — Fallout still showing spikes (VIDEO).
September 27, 2012
1100 Bq/kg from dried mushroom sold in west coast of Japan.
September 27, 2012
Fukushima rice was sold labelled as from Nagano.
September 27, 2012
Fuel from Fukushima reactors may be powder — If so, work almost impossible.
September 28, 2012
Quebec’s nuclear exit: Lessons for Ontario.
September 28, 2012
Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi repeated China’s claim that “Japan tricked China into signing a treaty” and stole the islands.
September 28, 2012
Dispersal of Cesium 137 into the Pacific Ocean for 10 years after Fukushima.
September 28, 2012
Fukushima residents failing to complete radiation-dose paperwork.
September 28, 2012
Japan Utility Eyes Resuming Nuclear Plant Construction in Aomori Prefecture.
September 28, 2012
Japan Engineer: Fukushima Units 1, 2, and 3 can’t be reinforced — “Much easier” to break during quake than Unit 4 — Buildings can’t be reinforced (AUDIO).
September 28, 2012
Problem plagued nuclear reactor (Monju) called world’s most dangerous.
September 29, 2012
Industry minister Edano says nuclear energy too risky for quake-prone Japan, must end quickly.
September 29, 2012
Japan’s Cabinet on Wednesday stopped short of committing to phase out nuclear power by 2040, backtracking from an advisory panel’s recommendations in the face of opposition from pro-nuclear businesses and groups.
September 29, 2012
Fukushima hospital imported new WBC equipment, distributer “It can’t measure internal exposure”. Japanese distributer of this equipment commented on their website that this equipement cannot measure internal exposure unlike the hospital explained on their press conference.
September 29, 2012
1,200 Bq/Kg of Cs134 was detected in marine snow that was gathered from the depth of 5,000 meters of the Pacific.
September 30, 2012
Solidarity For Anti-Nuclear Struggle Pours In From Around The World.
September 30, 2012
Unsurvivable – A dark and gruesome depiction of the threat of thermonuclear war, the consequences. (clearly anti- Obama – may be politically motivated but it reminds us we need to get rid of all nuclear power and weapons…..)
September 30, 2012
Fukushima city is going to send inspectors to Gomel in Belarus to learn their policy of health management.
September 30, 2012
March 19, 2011 Yamashita said it was not serious enough to take Iodine tablets and yet ….43.7% of children turned out to have nodules or cysts in Fukushima city [Link] and Fukushima prefectural government is starting to build the research center of anticancer drug with Fukushima medical university.[Link]
October 1, 2012
Construction of Aomori nuclear power plant to continue.
October 1, 2012
Tritium Emissions –Radioactive emissions and background radiation.
by Dr. Gordon Edwards
“Each CANDU reactor releases about one trillion becquerels of tritium per day into the environment. That’s about 365,000,000,000,000 becquerels per year.”
October 1, 2012
Nikkei: Clinton personally pressured Japan leader to keep nuclear power as “President Obama wishes it”.
It was the US government who pressured the Noda administration to drop the “zero nuke by 2030” (which morphed into “zero nuke sometime in 2030s) from its new nuclear and environmental policy decision.
October 1, 2012
Fast-paced interview with Michael Collins and Jeff Rense – 37 times background in St. Louis, battle over San Onofre restart, ongoing massive releases in Fukushima, threat to Northwest U.S. from Fukushima debris.
October 1, 2012
Radioactive CORPSE Vapors Possibly Contaminated McDonald’s Food Distribution Hub says Potrblog in St. Louis after deep research into NRC incident report.
October 2, 2012
Japan Agency To Study Radiation Fallout From Fukushima.
October 2, 2012
Video – Fukushima – Never Again.
October 2, 2012
Gundersen: Fill Fukushima reactors with cement and come back in 100 years — It’s too radioactive (VIDEO).
Radio: 1 million cancers coming from Fukushima? “We’re seeing that already… Enormous increase in cancer precursor” (VIDEO).
Top US Nuclear Official: Technologies don’t exist yet to clean up Fukushima site… very difficult to overstate difficulty (VIDEO).
October 3, 2012
Fukushima fallout ushers new clean energy era.
October 3, 2012
Radioactive Tritium Found in Vancouver B.C. Water.
October 3, 2012
Video: Nuclear fallout – Fiji.
October 3, 2012
Korea gov’t pressured to withhold information on Fukushima radiation.
October 3, 2012
Tokyo getting 5 times more radioactive fallout than prefectures closer to Fukushima.
October 3, 2012
Intelligence agency pressured researchers to withhold info on spread of Fukushima radiation.
October 3, 2012
Leaked EU nuclear stress tests reveal hundreds of defects
October 3, 2012
Secret meetings held on Fukushima nuclear crisis’s impact on human health.
October 3, 2012
“Unusually Serious”: Nurses evacuating from Fukushima Prefecture fearing effects of radiation.
October 4, 2012
Fukushima expert panel held secret meetings over nuclear crisis’ health impact.
October 4, 2012
The Real Reason the U.S. is forcing Japan to stay with nuclear?
October 4, 2012
Workers at San Onofre Nuclear Plant Report Culture of Fear, Deep Mistrust.
October 4, 2012
Scientists in groundbreaking study on effects of radiation in Fukushima – Asahi: Cesium levels spike in Fukushima primates — Radioactivity much higher in 2012 than in June 2011.
October 4, 2012
Victims of suspected radiological spraying in St. Louis suffer thyroid, other cancers — Helicopters covered children in powder.
October 4, 2012
PG&E’s plans change for seismic survey for the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant complex about 150 northwest (and upwind) of Greater Los Angeles which is built near earthquake faults that residents and activists could meltdown during a big earthquake impacting millions.
October 5, 2012
More than 100 anti-nuclear activists from around the country are gathering in Alice Springs for the annual conference of the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance.
October 5, 2012
Radiation and Health Specialist: Children with over 11 Bq/kg of cesium start to see heart problems -Study (AUDIO). Excellent interview.
October 5, 2012
Suppressed U.S. Military Film on the Medical Effects of the U.S. Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
October 5, 2012
Fukushima workers have started to have cancers.
October 5, 2102
Miners pressured as uncertainty sours uranium market.
Eighteen months after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown, the spot price for uranium hit a two-year low this week, putting the squeeze on the already depressed shares of uranium miners.
With a looming election keeping Japan from making a decision on how much, if any, of its nuclear reactor fleet it will keep, and slowing growth in China weighing on the broader resource sector, it will likely be months before uranium prices start moving back toward pre-Fukushima levels.
October 6, 2012
Study: 15-year-olds from Fukushima town got an estimated 77,000 becquerels of iodine-131… in just 4 hours — Area a destination for evacuees fleeing radiation.
October 6, 2012
Ministry may have manipulated Fukushima radiation readings.
October 6, 2012
Hiroshima Univ. Historian: Don’t believe Tepco’s lies — Fukushima meltdowns caused by quake not tsunami — Smoke, radiation spike, loss of coolant, collapsed walls and pipes were all before wave hit. (VIDEOS)
October 6, 2012
3/13/2011, Tepco had no cash to buy batteries, went to a DIY store but it was closed. Reactor3 exploded the next day.
October 6, 2012
16,800 Bq/Kg of cesium was measured from sewage sludge ash in Tokyo.
October 6, 2012
Iodine 131 measured for 67% in Yamanashi, “2400 Bq/Kg on 8/16/2012″.
October 6, 2012
Nurses evacuate Fukushima to save their children from the potential risk of radiation.
October 7, 2012
Tritium Found in Water in Vancouver B.C. Canada.
October 7, 2012
Japan Diplomat: Ground underneath Fukushima Unit 4 is sinking — More than 30 inches in some areas — Now in danger of collapse (VIDEO).
October 7, 2012
Inside Evacuation Zone: Cattle sick, dying — “We call it Fukushima syndrome” — Severe diarrhea, skin problems, weakened immune systems. (If the nuclear reactor closest to you had a meltdown – this is what would happen).
October 7, 2012
It was Noda’s second visit to the plant since he took office in September last year. The government declared last month it was aiming to eliminate nuclear power from the country’s energy mix by 2040. But his trade minister said immediately afterwards that two partially-built reactors could be finished and put to work, leading the public to cast doubt on the government’s determination.
October 8, 2012
The Economist: “Something strange was afoot” during Prime Minister’s visit to plant — Fukushima 50 muzzled.
October 8, 2012
Meet the Fukushima 50? No, you can’t.
October 8, 2012
Bishop of Sendai: Stop discrimination against the people of Fukushima
October 8, 2012
Michael Collins and Jeff Rense interview. Lively and provocative show with high detections at Radiation Stations on both sides of Equator, Fukushima fallout-scavenging chemtrails back in Los Angeles with a vengeance, radioactive tritium in Vancouver B.C. open air water reservoirs indicating a foreign source most likely Fukushima, and more!
October 9, 2012
Nuclear Waste Burial in the Great Lakes Basin.
October 9, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for October 5th to October 8th, 2012.
October 9, 2012
Entergy Nuclear sues DOE over Nuclear Waste Fund.
October 9, 2012
Lowest detectable amount of school lunch is 10Bq/Kg, the one of cafeteria in Fukushima gov is 1Bq/Kg.
October 9, 2012
60km from Fukushima Plant: Kids walk to school each day on road contaminated with radioactivity of 70,000 Bq/m2 (VIDEO).
October 9, 2012
Massive mushroom cloud in Russia after ‘spontaneous missile explosion’ — Shockwave caught on film, felt 25 miles away — Entire town in plumes of black smoke — “No nuclear arms involved” – No risk to public, public evacuated (VIDEOS).
October 9, 2012
Europe’s Nuclear Reactors Fail to Meet Safety Standards.
October 10, 2012
Fukushima controversies that the mainstream media ignores.
October 10, 2012
Nuclear Plant Safety.
“I spent the last year reviewing Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima and so on and found that neither they nor practically any of the 435 operating nuclear plants around the world are designed for safe shutdown in case of simultaneous external and internal electricity failure.”
October 10, 2012
TEPCO starts study inside No. 1 reactor at Fukushima plant.
October 10, 2012
Anti-nuclear activists go undetected for 28 hours at Swedish nuclear plant, Greenpeace says.
October 10, 2012
Anti-nuclear activists urge Lithuanians to vote against building new plant.
October 10, 2012
San Onofre Nuclear Plant Offline Until 2013: NRC
October 10, 2012
77Bq/Kg from mushroom in Aomori, “355km from Fukushima plant”.
October 10, 2012
Hundreds attend contentious forum on San Onofre’s future. Residents say public ignored in push to restore ailing California nuke plant.
October 11, 2012
Japan nuke chief hints no restarts until next year.
October 11, 2012
Despite more water, radiation still high in Fukushima reactor.
October 11, 2012
“What the Fukushima?” refers to the basic design of the 1972 Vermont Yankee, which used the same General Electric boiling water reactor technology as the 1971 Fukushima plants that failed in Japan in March 2011. Vermont Yankee’s original license expired on March 2012, but the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has already granted a 20-year license renewal to the plant’s owner, Entergy Corp. of Louisiana. The Fukushima #1 plant had been scheduled for decommissioning in 2011, but had been granted a ten-year renewal before the tsunami hit.
October 11, 2012
Above-limit radioactive cesium detected in Fukushima tobacco. Sample checks found 110.7 becquerels of radioactive cesium in tobacco grown by three farms in Shirakawa.
October 11, 2012
NRC whistleblowers warn of nuclear accidents caused by dam failures and effort to suppress disclosure.
October 11, 2012
A hotline has been set up by an anti-nuclear group in Saskatchewan for people to confidentially voice their concerns about uranium mine safety.
October 11, 2012
What are efforts to contain Fukushima? None.
October 11, 2012
Fukushima Diary reported cattle are starting to die of “Fukushima syndrome” in the farm of hazard area.
October 12, 2012
Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco), the operator of the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant, said on Friday it could have dealt better with the plant’s meltdowns if broad preparations were taken, reversing the previous management’s view that the disaster was unavoidable due to an unexpected force of nature.
October 12, 2012
China carrier ends Fukushima route.
October 12, 2012
Japanese nuclear plant operator admits playing down risk.
October 12, 2012
After Fukushima: Canada’s nuclear ambitions that could be characterized as foolhardy and sad by anti-nuclear activists.
October 12, 2012
Kitakyushu city turned off monitoring post to incinerate disaster debris.
October 12, 2012
Anti-nuclear activists call for temporary ‘hardened on-site storage’ of nuclear waste.
October 13, 2012
Some progress, but radiation remains high at Fukushima nuclear plant.
October 13, 2012
Assistant Professor. Takatsuji from Nagasaki university measured 2.9 Bq of cesium from a grain of rice.(0.02 g). In 1 Kg, it can be 140,000 Bq/Kg. The rice was produced in Iwaki city Fukushima, where is not a evacuation zone. Iwaki city still ships rice.
October 13, 2012
Fukushima Cancers May Reach One Million.
October 14, 2012
The Hazards of the Darlington Nuclear Station post Fukushima.
While other countries are abandoning nuclear power post Fukushima and investing heavily in renewable energy, the Ontario government is spending billions to keep nuclear on life support.This November the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) will hold public hearings to consider Ontario Power Generation (OPG)’s request to spend $8 – 14 billion to rebuild the Darlington nuclear station in order to stretch out its operational life to 2055.
October 14, 2012
Nobel laureate Oe leads protest of Oma nuclear plant in Aomori Prefecture when Asako House is.
October 14, 2012
America threatened by sea species hitching a ride on tsunami debris.
October 14, 2012
Video (30 minutes) Fukushima Now – in the afternath of the nuclear disaster.
October 14, 2012
Cesium measured from all the samples of unpolished rice in Fukushima.
October 14, 2012
America to restart importing Fukushima beef. As of 10/23/2012, America will restart importing beef from Fukushima. They will be sold at high-end restaurants. America hasn’t imported Japanese beef for 2 years and 6 months.
Related article… US keeps importing fishery food from Japan even after 3/11/11.
October 14, 2012
Deep trouble: Nuclear waste burial in the Great Lakes basin.
October 15, 2012
Monday Night Web Movie: Photographing The Wreckage Of Fukushima.
October 15, 2012
Thinking Outside the Nuclear Box – Gordon Edwards.
October 15, 2012
Stopping Nuclear Waste in its Tracks. Communities, Indigenous organizations pass resolutions against transportation and storage of nuclear waste in Saskatchewan Canada.
October 15, 2012
Anti-nuclear activists call for temporary ‘hardened on-site storage’ of nuclear waste. What do they propose to do with the more than 68,000 tons of spent fuel in the U.S. as of 2009, according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which is growing by 2,000-2,400 tons per year? The short answer is hardened on-site storage of used fuel rods.
October 15, 2012
Do Not Rebuild Darlington. Gordon Edwards
October 15, 2012
A Plan to Power 100 Percent of the Planet with Renewables. (Video)
October 15, 2012
Jeff Rense and Michael Collins in a spirited chat about Fukushima beef being sold in high end U.S. restaurants, higer beta readings in Central Valley California and high radiation readings in Washington State and North Carolina.
October 16, 2012
Up to 1,000,000 sieverts per hour outside Fukushima Unit 1 containment vessel — Still too hot to attempt measuring other areas (PHOTO & VIDEO).
October 16, 2012
Ambassador Murata about the potential for Unit #4 to collapse
October 16, 2012
Children in Fukushima still being irradiated.
October 16, 2012
Ground under Fukushima Unit 4 sinking, structure on verge of complete collapse.
October 17, 2012
Is Food Irradiation the answer to reducing risk of illness from E. coli ?
The nuclear industry is back at it, pushing for use of cobalt 60 to irradiate food. The opponent’s concerns include: doses (20-30 million times higher than a chest x-ray); nuclear facilities across the country that are 1000-10,000 times larger than hospital medical facilities; cobalt 60 transport across the country; nuclear waste; super-charged ions in the food; some food risks but difficult to measure.
October 17, 2012
Fukushima dirty bomb stories leaked, 300,000 children radiated daily. Official trailer of Fukushima Never Again.
October 17, 2012
Singapore has decided against nuclear power.
October 17, 2012
The Nobel War Prize.
October 17, 2012
Red Cross labels Fukushima disaster “ongoing humanitarian crisis” — Physician: “Difficult to reveal what potential health effects may occur long term” — Official: “It has not ended”.
October 18, 2012
US nuclear regulator meets to discuss 80-year licenses for old reactors.
October 18, 2012
Robot suit to be used in Fukushima cleanup, controlled by brain waves.
October 18, 2012
GE’s Toronto west-end secret. Fifty years later, uranium pellet factory still a mystery to locals.
October 18, 2012
Full report of the Japan Diet’s “Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Committee”.
– now publicly available. The central message of the extensive investigation, first published in Japanese along with a translation of the Executive Summary in July 2012, is that the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe was “a profoundly man-made disaster” despite being triggered by the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The special investigation concluded that the on-going nuclear disaster was the result of “willful negligence” and the collusion between an entrenched bureaucracy of government, a “captured regulator” and the nuclear industry “to put their organizational interests ahead of their paramount duty to protect public safety.”
– Chairman Kiyoshi Kurokawa warns, “The consequences of negligence at Fukushima stand out as catastrophic, but the mindset that supported it can be found across Japan. In recognizing that fact, each of us should reflect on our responsibility as individuals in a democratic society.” In fact, Kurokawa’s words and the content of this report are more urgently addressed and need to be heeded by citizens of the United States and the other nuclear states before the next nuclear catastrophe as the result of an identical formula of willful negligence, collusion to prioritize production over safety and the Nuclear Regulatory Capture.
October 18, 2012
Confirmed speakers for “A Mountain of Radioactive Waste 70 Years High,” Chicago, Dec. 1-3.
October 18, 2012
People power pressure against Entergy intensifies nationwide – read what is going on across the USA.
Entergy Nuclear’s ironic motto, “The Power of People” has backfired, with concerted pressure intensifying against its dirty dozen atomic reactors across the country. In New York, hearings have begun on the State’s and environmental groups’ opposition to Indian Point’s license extensions; the Alliance for a Green Economy and Beyond Nuclear have followed up their emergency enforcement petition with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request against the FitzPatrick Mark I; and Beyond Nuclear has been invited to speak in Stony Point on October 21st, and on Long Island on October 27th. A lawsuit has been launched against the Pilgrim Mark I near Boston, objecting to Entergy’s impacts on Cape Cod Bay. And at Vermont Yankee, the drum beat of citizen actions continues, as oral arguments at the federal court of appeals against the Mark I’s extended operations are scheduled for next month.
October 18, 2012
Beyond Nuclear debates “thorium power” proponent at Sierra Club meeting.
October 18, 2012
How Citizen Scientists can Monitor for Radiation.
October 18, 2012
Japanese gov’t changes rules and makes rice “safe” at 102.8 bq/kg.
October 18, 2012
Japan rejected signing to ban nuclear weapon in UN.
October 18, 2012
Radiation levels rising every month since decontamination in Fukushima district – Gov’t won’t help or even respond – “Are they forcing us to tolerate high radiation?”
October 18, 2012
Radiation level keeps going up in Tokyo and Kanagawa area.
October 19, 2012
Cesium measured from all the 61 unpolished rice samples in Fukushima, “the max is 99Bq/Kg.
October 19, 2012
Cesium above new limit in Miyagi beef – 150 becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram. (new limit is 100 bq/kg, reduced from previous 500 bq/kg).
October 19,2012
Greenpeace Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for October 16th to October 18th, 2012.
October 20, 2012
Tokyo Legal Expert: Once a nuclear accident occurs EVERYTHING is over! — Zero prospect of ever restoring fishing grounds — Warns Californians of quake risks, “All will be lost, this is the reality of nuclear energy”. (VIDEO)
October 20, 2012
Magnitude M8.2 Aftershock Still Awaits Japan, Just Ask Sumatra.
October 20, 2012
San Onofre Restarting Today!
October 20, 2012
Policemen are told not to make a child for 2 yrs after going to disaster area.”
October 20, 2012
Risk of Nuclear Melt-Down in U.S. Higher than it was at Fukushima.
October 21, 2012
Fukushima threatens Global Human Survival.
October 21, 2012
2100 Bq/Kg from mushroom in Nagano.
October 21, 2012
European Union to ease Japan food import rules / No change for Fukushima restrictions. (Editorial note: And so it spreads…)
October 21, 2012
Interview: Arnie Gundersen and Kevin Hurley discuss the deteriorating status of Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4, the ramifications of a recent TEPCO announcement, and how it all relates to nuclear reactors in the United States.
October 21, 2012
Environmental experts note that Japan, with the right policy push, could build up its long-neglected renewable energy sector and eventually fill the void of atomic energy, which before the Fukushima disaster accounted for one-third of Japan’s electricity output. But that will take years, and in the meantime, Japan will see its greenhouse gas emissions spike as power companies struggle to meet demand.
October 21, 2012
Fracking permit given just 1 mile from US nuclear plant (Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station in Shippingport). “Whether that is cause for alarm, experts can’t say.”
October 22, 2012
Leaked Report Suggests Long-Known Flood Threat To Nuclear Plants, Safety Advocates Say.
October 22, 2012
Energy Northwest mulls using Richland land for solar power.
October 22, 2012
Japan Nuclear Expert: 30,000 deaths in first month and up to 7 million cancer deaths total if accident at Taiwan nuke plant.
October 22, 2012
US nuclear plant permanently shutting down for economic reasons – Possible “Domino Effect” discussed (VIDEO).
October 22, 2012
The International Atomic Energy Agency and the Japanese government plan to set up a long-term research base in Fukushima to study ways to decontaminate radiation-tainted areas and dispose of radioactive waste, government sources said Saturday.
October 22, 2012
Don’t Ship more Radioactive Waste to Hanford.
October 22, 2012
Fukushima Update: Unit 4 Is Sinking … Unevenly.
October 22, 2012
Fuksuhima’s Returning Residents.
October 23, 2012
Two survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic attacks — and the grandson of the man who ordered the bombings — moved a classroom of high school students to tears with an impassioned plea to bring an end to the nuclear age.
October 23, 2012
Something of significance happened in Fukushima on Oct 14 – 1000cpm in Eugene Oregon. More On The Way: Fallout Detected on Radiation Network and RadNet.
October 23, 2012
Aging and Expensive, Reactors Face Mothballs.
October 23, 2012
Concern Japan gov’t is manipulating radiation readings — Levels nearby much higher than some monitoring posts indicate (VIDEO).
October 23, 2012
Some school facilities in Fukushima city exceeding radiation limit by 1,000% — Many hot spots around playground equipment are especially disturbing –Greenpeace.
October 23, 2012
Greenpeace slams Japan anti-radiation action. Government radiation monitoring in areas near Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is unreliable, Greenpeace charged on Tuesday, with heavily populated areas exposed to 13 times the legal limit. 3 microsieverts/hour radiation is 100 times as much as pre-nuclear-accident level in Fukushima.
October 23, 2012
The world’s nuclear industry continues to decline.
October 24, 2012
Australia’s Uranium Bonanza: Making the World a More Dangerous Place.
October 24, 2012
Creating a New Generation of Nuclear Knowledge Managers –(Editor’s note: in three days?)
October 24, 2012
Kindergarten outside evacuation zone closed because of Fukushima radiation threat — “No one can deny the reality” (VIDEO).
October 24, 2012
Do you live near a nuclear power plant? Study will assess cancer risks.
October 24, 2012
Discount store to sell just products from contaminated area is very popular in Shinjuku Tokyo.
October 24, 2012
More US tuna contaminated — Study: Entire food web “including humans” may be affected as Fukushima radionuclides spread to West Coast.
“What we can say is that we have detected Cs-134 in fish thousands of miles from where that Cs-134 came from, and over a year since it was released,” Neville added. “It’s very interesting scientifically, and it can tell us more about tuna migration and what happens to radioactive releases”
Results will be presented on Octover 27 – for now, no actual levels of Cesium 134 were presented.
October 24, 2012
Nuclear watchdog may broaden definition of active fault lines.
All geological fault lines that have shifted at least once during the past 400,000 years should be labeled as active and considered in discussions about the quake resistance of nuclear reactors, Kunihiko Shimazaki, the deputy chairman of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, told reporters.
October 25, 2012
Fukushima government “Radiation test of beef overrides urine test of the children”.
October 25, 2012
A Conversation with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Allison Macfarlane
October 25, 2012
Pacific fish from Japan to Oregon still radioactive from Fukushima fallout. Large and bottom-dwelling species carry most risk, which means cod, flounder, halibut, pollock, skate and sole from the waters in question could be off limits for years.
October 25, 2012
Tepco spokesman admits Fukushima reactors may be continuously leaking into ocean.
October 25, 2012
Fish Off Japan’s Coast Said to Contain Elevated Levels of Cesium.
October 25, 2012
JAPAN NUKE PLANT WATER WORRIES RISE. “It’s just outrageous and shows how big a disaster the accident is.”
October 25, 2012
Anti-nuclear activism intensifies in Great Lakes Basin.
October 25, 2012
To stop water from seeping out of the plant, Tokyo Electric is building a 2,400-foot-long wall between the site’s reactors and the ocean. But [Yoshikazu Nagai, a spokesman for Tepco] said the steel-and-concrete wall, which will reach 100 feet underground, will take until mid-2014 to build.
October 25, 2012
We know contamination from Fukushima reactors is still seeping into ocean – Researcher.
October 25, 2012
Contamination levels not declining off Japan.
October 25, 2012
Columbia nuclear station issued two white findings, severity level III finding. Violations existed between 2000 and 2011. NRC didn’t evaluate the violations until 2012.
October 25, 2012
Former Energy Northwest manager files whistleblower lawsuit.
October 25, 2012
Max Alert: Airborne Radioactive Fallout On Jet Stream Boundary.
October 25, 2012
27x Background Radiation From Saint Louis Storms.
October 25, 2012
Fukushima fish still radioactive. Many have cesium levels that are just as high as they were after disaster.
October 25, 2012
California Public Utilities Commission launches San Onofre investigation.
October 25, 2012
All of Canada’s nuclear reactors running for first time in nearly 20 years.
October 26, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for October 23rd to October 25th, 2012.
October 26, 2012
NRC to increase its oversight of Richland nuclear power plant.
October 26, 2012
Japanese Legal Expert: “Even residents of Tokyo are evacuating” — More and more people fleeing Fukushima (VIDEO).
October 27, 2012
Fukushima is a civilization disaster.
October 27, 2012
Fukushima Operators Struggle To Contain ‘Outrageous Amount’ Of Radioactive Water.
October 27, 2012
On 3/21/2011, 50 times more of Uranium-238 was measured in the air of Hawaii than 2010.
October 27, 2012
Fukushima nuclear plant still poisoning fish 18 months on.
October 28, 2012
As the mood in Japan, Germany, Italy and even France hardens, China is restarting a £170bn reactor programme and India is looking to atomic power to shore up its creaking grid.
October 28, 2012
The albacore tested after Fukushima had 340 – 1024 millibequerels/kg of combined cesium, according to Simplyinfo.org. 0.34 to 1.024 becquerels/kg.
October 28, 2012
Arnie Gunderson’s weekly podcast: potential impact of hurricane Sandy on U.S. nuclear plants, Woods Hole Report, Kuydankulam, shutdown on Kewaunee nuclear plant.
October 29, 2012
Hurricane Sandy is approaching. They’ve shut the subways. They’ve shut the schools. They’ve shut the parks, tunnels and shortly the bridges. But the nuclear power generators at Indian Point, just 26 miles north of New York City? Those they’re keeping open.
October 29, 2012
[Guardian] “Eating contaminated fish over a long period could be harmful”
October 29, 2012
“Please keep it in mind that the announcement reassuring people about the safety of small amount of radiation exposure is generally not aiming to protect their citizen or someone vulnerable, but to protect someone very strong with huge power.”
October 29, 2012
Interview with Dr. Aris Candris is a senior advisor and a member or the Westinghouse Electric Company Board of Directors. He is also the former president and CEO of Westinghouse Electric Company.
October 30, 2012
(Reuters) – Hurricane Sandy slowed or shut a half-dozen U.S. nuclear power plants, while the nation’s oldest facility declared a rare “alert” after the record storm surge pushed flood waters high enough to endanger a key cooling system. Just 6 more inches of water could submerge NJ nuclear plant’s pump to cool spent fuel pool — 25 hours to boiling without more coolant — New footage of flooding nearby (VIDEO).
October 30, 2012
Superstorm Sandy Shows Nuclear Plants Who’s Boss.
October 30, 2012
Feds: “Atmospheric steam dump” at New Jersey nuclear plant — All 6 circulators lost at Salem due to debris, high river level.
October 30, 2012
Japan-style nuclear errors abound says France regulator.
October 30, 2012
[Column] “so if it’s that serious, why none of the major media covers that up.”
October 30, 2012
Niigata prefecture to increase rice export 4 times much as 2011 to Hongkong and Singapore.
October 30, 2012
Catastrophic damage to the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, resulted in the largest accidental release of radiation to the ocean in history, 80 percent of which ended up in the Northwest Pacific Ocean.
October 30, 2012
Exactly what happened at Fukushima is going on at NJ nuclear plant, except now reactor is in refueling -Gundersen (AUDIO).
“If Oyster Creek wasn’t in a refueling and this tidal surge hit, it’s exactly what happened at Fukushima Daiichi at that point.
You’ve lost off-site power and you can’t cool the nuclear reactor because these pumps were flooded.
We can all be thankful that the plant was in a refueling outage.”
October 31, 2012
NRC: Spent fuel pool cooling lost at NJ’s Oyster Creek nuclear plant during Hurricane Sandy.
October 31, 2012
Hurricane Sandy: Problems at Five Nuke Plants.
October 31, 2012
Japan’s nuclear safety failures that led to last year’s disaster at Fukushima are being repeated in other countries that operate atomic reactors, says France’s top regulator….
Nuclear safety focuses too much on technology and not enough on the human side of preventing accidents, Andre-Claude Lacoste, the outgoing head of the French Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire, said.
October 31, 2012
Caldicott: “I’m NOT Fearmongering…This Is All Too Real.”
November 1, 2012
US NRC staff recommends ordering vent filters at 31 nuclear units.
November 1, 2012
The German Nuclear Exit,” shows that the nuclear shutdown and an accompanying move toward renewable energy are already yielding measurable economic and environmental benefits, with one top expert calling the German phase-out a probable game-changer for the nuclear industry worldwide. […]
November 1, 2012
New French reactor at Calvert Cliffs application review terminated by NRC….Even the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission couldn’t green light another nuclear reactor on the Chesapeake Bay waterfront two days after Hurricane Sandy ravaged the East Coast. The combined construction and operation license application for a proposed French Evolutionary Power Reactor slated for Calvert Cliffs, MD, is terminated by Order announced today.
November 1, 2012
Ex-Fukushima worker files lawsuit against TEPCO.
November 1, 2012
U.S. nuclear energy safety questioned
The United States is headed toward a major nuclear disaster unless the government closely monitors aging power plants, safety advocates and activists said.
A report conducted by Union of Concerned Scientists said the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ignores weaknesses in protection regulations. It allows 27 reactors to operate facing earthquakes larger than they are designed to withstand, 47 reactors violating fire protection regulations, including one Mark I plant.
November 1, 2012
Hurricane “Sandy” sends another warning on unreliable nuclear power in a climate changing world.
November 1, 2012
This March, a lawsuit claiming 5.5 trillion yen ($69 billion) from 27 current and past TEPCO executives was filed by Kimura and other shareholders. she bought TEPCO shares and ever since has been voicing her protest against the nuclear power plants at every shareholders meeting.
November 1, 2012
Report: Wave took out 5 of 6 critical pumps that cool reactor at NJ’s Salem nuke plant — Still operating on emergency cooling — NRC yet to inform public — At 100% power when Sandy hit.
November 1, 2012
The utility said it now expects to lose 45 billion yen ($564 million) this year.
November 1, 2012
“There’s another nuclear disaster” if operators aren’t able to connect temporary equipment in flooding.
November 2, 2012
Worker at Japan’s tsunami hit Fukushima plant: Firm sent crews into danger.
November 2, 2012
Over the objections of the nuclear industry, the staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is planning to recommend the adoption of a new rule requiring American reactors similar to the ones at Fukushima Daiichi to install emergency vents with filters on them.
November 2, 2012
[The first radiation test of fish from the port of Fukushima plant] 15,500Bq/Kg from common Japanese conger.
November 2, 2012
Act now: Support wind power; end the nuclear tax credit.
November 2, 2012
Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority has surveyed the country’s only operating nuclear power plant to determine whether a seam under the facility is an active fault. The authority says it may ask the Ohi plant’s operator — Kansai Electric Power Company — to suspend operations, depending on the survey results.
November 2, 2012
About a third (32%) of actions required by a post-Fukushima review still need further work, according to a report by the UK nuclear regulator.
November 2, 2012
A tough sell perhaps, but Fukushima food promoted at Singapore fair.
November 2, 2012
How Rain Dumps Fukushima
Radiation On West Coast.
November 2, 2012
Criminal charges for promoters of nuclear power?
More than 10,000 people from across Japan are seeking criminal charges against officials of Japan’s government and the utility that operates the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant […]
The group numbers about 10,850 individuals, from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south. […]
Complainants argued that a broadly backed complaint would show that the general public is seeking criminal accountability for those who promoted nuclear power—and hold them responsible for damage from the disaster and for exposing victims to radiation. […]
November 3, 2012
Reuters is reporting no timeline for restarting unit 1 at Salem after a high wave from hurricane Sandy took out 5 of the 6 water intake pumps.
November 3, 2012
Are Nuclear Plants Safe in Hurricanes? Incident During Sandy Suggests They May Not Be.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-schiffman/are-nuclear- plants-safe-i_b_2063329.html
November 3, 2012
Video on how one town decided to take Potassium Iodide pills after Fukushima.
November 4, 2012
Tokyo Bay cesium even higher than levels reported off Fukushima — Nearly entire sea floor contaminated by 2014 (VIDEO).
November 4, 2012
Japan’s new nuclear regulatory agency has adopted a larger view of active fault lines to anything that has shifted in the last 400,000 years.
November 4, 2012
TEPCO’s Fukushima headquarters to help redress, cleanup.
November 4, 2012
Hurricane Sandy bore down on the East Coast, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission shut down three nuclear power plants and issued an alert for the Oyster Creek plant in New Jersey. This is an important reminder that the United States has several low-lying nuclear plants on the Eastern seaboard, with minimal protection against inundation. Particularly with climate change increasing the likelihood of extreme weather, this hidden threat to public safety should be remedied.
To assess the vulnerability of nuclear power plants around the world, we collected information on plant height, sea wall height and the location of emergency power generators for 89 nuclear power plants that lie next to water. We compared this to historical information on high waves triggered by various sources such as earthquakes, landslides and hurricanes.
Our findings were striking. Our data suggest that several U.S. nuclear power plants are unprepared for high waves. In our database, the United States came in second, behind Japan, as the country with the largest number of inadequately protected nuclear power plants.
November 4, 2012
Atomic industry bankrolls Japan’s nuclear watchdog.
Members of Japan’s nuclear watchdog who are charged with drafting nuclear safety rules have received sizable funds from the atomic industry. The reports raise concerns that regulations may be diluted after last year’s Fukushima nuclear disaster.
November 4, 2012
Gundersen: Nuclear fuel pool started to heat up at New Jersey plant due to Sandy — They were bringing in fire pumps because of all the problems (AUDIO).
November 4, 2012
Peach juice from Fukushima at 34bq/kg – “Oh it’s sweet! It’s delicious!” Just like last year: If it is delicious, it is “safe”.
November 4, 2012
Members of Nuclear Regulation Authority took money from utilities, manufacturers.
November 5, 2012
A fault running under the Oi nuclear plant in Fukui Prefecture is definitely active, an expert on a Nuclear Regulation Authority panel investigating the compound’s safety said Sunday, as other members continued to debate the potential danger.
Tokyo University professor Mitsuhisa Watanabe is calling for the immediate halt of two reactors at the plant, the only nuclear facility reactivated since the Fukushima disaster last year, arguing evidence points to an active fault.
“It’s certain there is an active fault. Operations should be stopped and another investigation should be conducted” at the Oi plant, Watanabe said.
November 5, 2012
Study to look at Hanford risk factors for beryllium disease
November 5, 2012
Report: What is going on at Daiichi? Fukushima fallout increased Nov. 2-4 — Highest back-to-back days in months (CHARTS).
November 5, 2012
US Paper: Fukushima kids playing above nuclear waste — Public parks are now unmarked radioactive dumps.
November 5, 2012
China refused importing Japanese frozen saury for excessive radioactive cadmium.
November 5, 2012
South Korea Shuts Down Two Nuclear Reactors After Discovering Parts With Forged Quality Certificates.
November 5, 2012
Cracks In America’s Nuclear Safety Exposed By Super Storm Sandy.
November 5, 2012
Fukushima Watch: Active or Not? The Battle Over the Oi Nuclear Plant’s Seismic Fault.
November 5, 2012
Is the miso safe?
“One of the two Iitate-mura residents that I follow on Twitter, Mr. Ito, casually tweeted the other day that the much prized Matsutake mushrooms he just collected would probably measure anything from 1,000 to 15,000 becquerels/kg. He said he was thinking of sending them to TEPCO with an invoice.”
November 5, 2012
“Doctor couldn’t count all the thyroid cysts of my daughter”
November 5, 2012
Monitoring posts are made by nuclear power maker.
November 5, 2012
Strong in the Rain, a new book co-authored by Japan Focus coordinator David McNeill and Lucy Birmingham, Time magazine’s Tokyo correspondent, tells the story of Japan’s 2001 [sic] triple disaster through the eyes of six ordinary Japanese people
November 5, 2012
This is a very rare opportunity for overseas delegates, media, and citizens to hear what has been happening in Fukushima, as the Japanese government, Fukushima prefectural government, Japanese major media, and the nuclear lobby have been trying to send messages “it is safe to keep living in Fukushima”, and Fukushima citizens cannot express their concerns about radiation effects on their children. Since the national and local governments do not adopt a collective evacuation, children have been living in heavily contaminated areas, ie. 27μSv/h near a primary school in Date city, 1.3μSv/h in Koriyama city where these child plaintiffs have been living since 3.11, 2011.
November 5, 2012
Concerns rising at Fukushima plant — 16,000 workers have quit, ‘severe working conditions’ blamed (VIDEO).
November 6, 2012
Canada, India reach agreement on nuclear trade.
November 6, 2012
NRC: Steam vented into atmosphere through ‘monitored release path’ at Michigan nuclear plant — “No immediate safety concerns… here’s what happened” (VIDEO).
November 6, 2012
Environmental coalition opposes Davis-Besse license extension at ASLB oral argument pre-hearings in Toledo.
November 6, 2012
Breast milk tested but with a high detection limit.
“The prefecture tested breast milk from 378 mothers among the 703 who received counseling by the end of October. It said all samples indicated levels lower than the detection limit of radioactive cesium, 2 becquerels per kilogram.
The prefecture earmarked 100 million yen ($1.25 million) for breast milk tests covering around 10,000 mothers, after estimating 18,000 births a year.”
November 6, 2012
The full ramifications of the aftermath of the disaster that occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in March 2011 will take decades to unfold. Having shifted from the initial visceral drama to a more long-term, almost invisible threat, there is a real risk that the situations faced by residents of Fukushima Prefecture will simply vanish from the radar screens of the world’s media (or, in the case of Japanese media, remain non-existent). To this day, as a result of the meltdowns, children can’t play outside, families are breaking up, and women are even having abortions for fear of genetic damage to their unborn children. Hope is hard to come by in Fukushima.
November 7, 2012
TEPCO to seek $125bn as Fukushima costs double.
November 7, 2012
Superstorm Sandy: Powerful Case For Revisiting Fukushima and the Dangers of Nuclear Energy From Natural Disasters.
November 7, 2012
Sellafield nuclear waste storage is ‘intolerable risk’.
November 7, 2012
FUKUSHIMA’s tsunami aftermath has quashed consideration of nuclear power in Australia, with the government’s energy white paper arguing there is no compelling economic case and insufficient community acceptance.
November 7, 2012
Cesium level of Tokyo tap water is 4% higher than Fukushima.
November 7, 2012
200% as many radioactive products returned to Japan this year than in 2011 says Russian report (VIDEO).
November 7, 2012
Conditions at 3 US reactors from Hurricane Sandy were similar to what caused Fukushima disaster.
November 7, 2012
Meltdown fears crush case for nuclear power.
November 8, 2012
IAEA, Japan to hold the Fukushima Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety.
November 8, 2012
Feds deny groups request for San Onofre nuclear plant lciense amendment.
November 8, 2012
Fukushima radiation ‘underreported’ — Metal boxes in monitors are blocking radioactivity — Hundreds of locations in multiple prefectures affected.
November 8, 2012
Attendance and public comments critically needed at NRC Nuke Waste Con Game environmental scoping hearing.
November 8, 2012
The Japanese operator of the nuclear power plant devastated in last year’s disasters is seeking more government financial support, saying the cost of the cleanup could be double the $62.5 billion allocated so far.
November 8, 2012
The second largest book wholesaler refused to sell revealing book about nuke industry, the publisher got web attack.
November 8, 2012
Thyroid abnormalities found in Fukushima kids declared ‘ok’ by gov’t — Officials ordered doctors to stop examining patients.
November 9, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for November 6th to November 8th, 2012.
November 9, 2012
A study released Thursday by a U.S. research team links protracted exposure to low-level radiation to a rise in the risk of leukemia among workers engaged in the cleanup of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
November 9, 2012
Fukushima’s Damnably Unstable
Atoms Contaminate Pacific Ocean.
November 9, 2012
Radium Unbound
Fracking and Radioactivity. (scroll down past their fundraising ask.)
November 9, 2012
Cracks found in South Korea nuclear reactor.
November 9, 2012
A plump, yellow cartoon character with stubby wings and boots — is warning youngsters to stay away from puddles and ditches, where radioactive particles accumulate.
November 9, 2012
760 Bq/Kg of cesium from Asian black bear in west coast of Japan.
November 10, 2012
33,000 tons of quake debris to reach N. America by June 2013.
November 10, 2012
Japanese broadcasting company NHK revealed that as much as 130,000 tons of ash and sludge remain stored in Fukushima and four other surrounding prefectures.
November 10, 2012
350μSv/h from a temporary debris storage equipment in Fukushima plant.
November 10, 2012
Courting Calamity with Nuclear India. Canada’s nuclear deal with India.
November 11, 2012
Renewable energy sources are booming in Germany, and electric utilities exported more power in 2012 than ever before. Gas-driven plants are shutting down — Wind, solar, hydro prices are “too low”.
November 11, 2012
Huge increase in tsunami debris for U.S. and Canada on the way — Still over 100 times more to reach coast over next few months (VIDEO).
November 11, 2012
Possible Sabotage at Southern California Nuclear Plant.
Yet more problems for San Onofre: According to Southern California Edison, a possible case of sabotage at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant is being investigated. Gundersen and Hurley discuss how coolant liquid at the plant may have found its way into an unrelated system and threatened the backup power supply. – San Onofre has a long history of employee concerns, and recent layoffs may have exacerbated their employee problems. – The nation’s oldest running Nuclear Plant, Oyster Creek, may remain shut down for longer than expected following the discovery of a crack in the reactor head. – The NRC to back a new study which will re-evaluate earthquake risks and probabilities at U.S. nuclear plants.
November 11, 2012
Mother: I want the world to know Fukushima is in a state of dying — I reaffirmed severe radioactive contamination — I alone can’t do anything, I tried (VIDEO).
November 11, 2011
Over 9.999 μSv/h in Edogawaku Tokyo. (10 usv/hr = over 1000cpm).
November 11, 2012
Apples from Fukushima to be exported to Thailand. Fukushima City apples tested this year at 11.87 Bq/kg.
November 12, 2012
12,778.74 Bq/kg of cesium from the HEPA filter of air cleaner in Yokohama.
November 12, 2012
Radiation level jumped up to be double in Aomori prefecture.
November 12, 2012
FitzPatrick nuclear plant in Oswego County shuts down during fire.
November 12, 2012
Top Nuclear Official: Japan in “desperate, seemingly endless battle with radiation” — “Seemingly infinite damage to the daily life of residents”.
November 12, 2012
[Human hair more contaminated than food] Over 100 Bq/Kg from hair of Fukushima citizen.
November 12, 2012
Japan Nuclear Engineer: “Mind-blowing… truly outrageous” — Many massive pools of contaminated water are spread around Fukushima plant.
Currently, about 200,000 tons of radioactive water, enough to fill more than 50 Olympic-sized swimming pools, are stored in gigantic tanks built around the nuclear power plant, About a mile away from the nuclear plant, a reading of 30.8 microsieverts (over 3000 cpm) when anything over 3.8 is considered unsafe.
November 12, 2012
Top Japan paper reports 100,000 at Tokyo nuclear protest, then alters headline.
November 12, 2012
Coming off tour of rad road trip through 13 states, Michael Collins shares exclusive radiation readings plus chem trails blanketing West’s skies ‘capturing’ Fukushima fallout which Collins calls “sabotage” plus Hurricane Sandy’s effects on numerous reactors, giant SONGS reactor generator over 100 meters long moved from San Clemente CA to Clive UT plus much much more on the only weekly Internet radio show analyzing Fukushima meltdowns radiation that exists anywhere on the globe.
November 12, 2012
UN expert to probe health rights dimension in the post-disaster Japan. United Nations Special Rapporteur Anand Grover will visit Japan from 15 to 26 November 2012 to assess issues related to the realization of the right to health in the country within the context of Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011.
“I will examine the interlinks between the right to health of the affected people and the actions taken in emergency response, recovery and mitigation following the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accidents,” Mr. Grover said, announcing the first mission to Japan by an independent expert charged by the UN Human Rights Council to monitor the implementation of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.
November 13, 2012
276,000 Bq/Kg from soil of Kashiwa Chiba.
November 13, 2012
Asahi: Gov’t worried about highly radioactive fish — Why are radiation readings still 100s of times over official safe limits?
November 13, 2012
Japan Experts: Contamination from Fukushima “is almost irreversible” in coastal sediments 70 km south of Fukushima plant.
November 13, 2012
Worries over highly radioactive fish prompt study. Two greenlings caught 20 kilometers north of the Fukushima plant were found to have cesium levels of 25,800 becquerels per kilogram, the highest level ever measured in fish since the nuclear accident.
November 13, 2012
Why the nuke boys don’t want to upgrade their reactors: Cheap renewables and post-Fukushima safety costs may close Oyster Creek reactor early.
November 13, 2012
San Onofre public meeting postponed.
November 13, 2012
NHK Documentary: Recently deteriorating working conditions at Fukushima plant causing workers to quit — Company hasn’t been able to recruit a single employee (VIDEO).
November 13, 2012
Fault under Japan nuclear plant ‘may be active’. Japan’s only working nuclear power plant sits on what may be a seismic fault in the earth’s crust, a geologist has warned, saying it is “very silly” to allow it to continue operating.
November 14, 2012
The Search for Action among Japan’s Ruling Classes.
November 14, 2012
Uranium Exposure Linked to High Lupus Rates in Community Living Near a Former Refinery. High rates of systemic lupus erythematosus have been linked to living in proximity to a former uranium ore processing facility in Ohio, according to new research findings presented this week at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
November 14, 2012
Fukushima prefectural birth rate rapidly dropping in 2012.
November 14, 2012
Polymaster isotope identifier finds Americium 241 in Tokyo (142 miles from Fukushima Daiichi).
November 14, 2012
Researchers: Continuing radioactive leaks from Fukushima Daiichi — “There must be a source” — 300,000,000,000 becquerels (300 BILLION becquerels) a month thought entering Pacific.
November 14, 2012
Radioactive tea leaves found over 1,000 km from Fukushima — 80 Bq/kg detected in Western Japan; Gov’t limit is 10 Bq/kg for tea leaves and drinking water.
November 14, 2012
The Nuclear Age Turns 70. This Conference notes that to this day, not a single ounce of radioactive waste has been permanently disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. And it attempts to bear witness to those fellow humans to whom the Nuclear Age has been less than kind. Whether the hibakusha of Hiroshima or now Fukushima; the Navajo or Australian Aborigines; the children of Belarus; the returning Gulf War veterans; the Marshall Islanders; or the old women of Opachychi, who have returned to their family homes in the highly contaminated regions surrounding Chernobyl to live out the remainder of their radiation-disrupted lives, it’s important to understand that the Nuclear Age has come at an exceedingly high price, often paid by those who don’t receive the alleged benefits.
November 15, 2012
What is the risk to the public at San Onofre?
November 15, 2012
Urge NRC Chairwoman Macfarlane to withdraw legally deficient Nuke Waste Con Game environmental assessment. On Nov. 14th, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held public comment hearing sessions regarding its court-ordered environmental assessment (EA) on its Nuclear Waste Confidence Decision and Rule. Critics have dubbed this NRC’s “Nuke Waste Con Game,” for it has been used by the agency to block challenges to reactor licensing for decades.
November 15, 2012
Potential Japanese new prime minister Abe declared to restart nuclear plants in Japan.
November 15, 2012
Anti-nuclear protest blogger’s home raided by police, computer equipment seized.
November 15, 2012
Massive tornados sweep through Japan — Filmed hovering along coastline — Warnings issued (VIDEOS). Tornadoes are relatively rare in Japan and the agency has issued further warnings of strong winds, lightning and tornados
November 15, 2012
Cesium over 500,000 Bq/kg detected in canal soil nearby Fukushima gov’t offices.
November 15, 2012
How Germany Is Getting to 100 Percent Renewable Energy.
November 15, 2012
Plans are under way to erect a partially sealed cover over a third reactor building at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, to contain radioactive debris during decommissioning work.
November 15, 2012
US importing food from Japan that’s considered unfit to eat there? (VIDEO)
November 15, 2012
Watch the fascinating story of Britain’s Biggest Nuclear Disaster.
We all need to learn the history of the nuclear industry so we can understand our present day issues with perspective.
November 16, 2012
Mitsubishi to develop, market camera capable of ‘seeing’ radiation.
November 16, 2012
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review – Unit 3 to Be Covered
plus World’s Largest Nuclear Plant to Remain Offline.
November 16, 2012
NUKE MATTERS: Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima…Plymouth? (or read Columbia Generating Station…or any of the Mark 1 and 11 reactors).
November 16, 2012
[Debris incineration] Radiation level is jumping up near Kitakyushu city.
November 16, 2012
“Disturbing risks” have emerged at NJ’s Oyster Creek nuke plant after Sandy — Reactor may be decommissioned early.
November 16, 2012
Radioactive trout 11,400 Bq/kg (over 100 times gov’t limit) caught in Fukushima river.
November 16, 2012
Radiation level of the seawater at reactor2 reached the highest level since August 2012.
November 16, 2012
Another complaint filed over Fukushima disaster against Tepco, ex-nuclear body. In the complaint filed with prosecutors, the 13,000 demanded that the accused be investigated and charged with professional negligence resulting in death and injury.
November 17, 2012
The first confirmed case of thyroid cancer in a child in Fukushima Prefecture in September. Now a second case suspected.
November 17, 2012
Strontium-90 measured from west of Tokyo.
November 18, 2012
Time bomb in Tokyo metropolitan area — Experts warn of accumulating Fukushima contamination.
November 18, 2012
Unit 3 Fuel Pool Repairs Support ‘Detonation’ and More Contamination Found in Fish and Tokyo Suburb.
November 18, 2012
Trout caught in Fukushima Prefecture contains radioactive cesium110 times over limit.
November 18, 2012
“Under a Cloud” presents evidence that the Savannah River Site in South Carolina had an unreported radioactive fallout event. That fallout threatens human and environmental health. This is a “wake-up call” for the communities neighboring the Savannah River Site: we must take action to secure site accountability and to protect our health and our environment.”
November 18, 2012
Uranium processing plant a major concern for west-end Toronto neighbourhood.
November 18, 2012
Scientists: “The very lowest levels of radiation are harmful to life” — We have to rethink exposure levels from nuclear plants.
Even the very lowest levels of radiation are harmful to life, scientists have concluded in the Cambridge Philosophical Society’s journal Biological Reviews. Reporting the results of a wide-ranging analysis of 46 peer-reviewed studies published over the past 40 years, researchers from the University of South Carolina and the University of Paris-Sud found that variation in low-level, natural background radiation had small, but highly statistically significant, negative effects on DNA as well as several measures of health.
November 19, 2012
Scientist fears radiation still leaking at Fukushima nuclear plant.
November 19, 2012
Disaster Debris Test Burn to be Halted November 24 in Osaka City.
November 19, 2012
Tsunami debris is late, but it’s still on its way. See map:
November 19, 2012
Michael Collins and Jeff Rense: Highest readings in rain yet recorded by Radiation Station Simi Valley, highest Cesium 137 in L.A. Milk plus Portland tested by U.S.EPA Radnet, massive amounts of rad ruined water gushing into the Pacific and $640 billion that could be saved by ditching nuclear weapons relics.http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/special/rense_Collins_111912.mp3
November 19, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for November 13th to November 15th, 2012.
November 19, 2012
Most tsunamis occur in oceans and are generated by earthquakes, like the one off Japan last year. But lake tsunamis are not unknown, said Richard A. Schweickert, an emeritus professor of geology at the University of Nevada in Reno. He cited evidence that the collapse of part of the shoreline of Lake Tahoe within the past 20,000 years caused a tsunami with wave heights of perhaps 100 feet.
November 19,2012
Costs and Consequences of the Fukushima Daiichi Disaster.
By Steven Starr, Physicians for Social Responsibility
November 20, 2012
Caldicott in Japan: “Incredibly rare” thyroid abnormalities found in 40% of Fukushima children (almost 100,000 children) — Indicates a really high dose of radiation, higher than at Chernobyl (VIDEO).
November 20, 2012
Quake, nuke, economy fears chase Japanese overseas.
NEW figures reveal the number of Japanese leaving their homeland for a life abroad has more than tripled in the wake of last year’s earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident.
November 20, 2012
DOE award supports development of small modular reactors; Oak Ridge’s Clinch River site eyed.
November 20, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Update for November 16th to November 19th, 2012.
November 20, 2012
TEPCO, Japanese government denying Fukushima radiation reaching ocean fish. What must the most dumbfounding state of denial seen in modern times, both the Japanese government and utility Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) are disputing the recent study that showed radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant is leaking into the ocean. 18 months after the March 2011 nuclear disaster, the U.S.’s Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, a respected research group, reported that 40% of the fish caught off the coast of Fukushima were still testing positive for radioactive contamination above the government’s safety own limits.
November 20, 2012
The Fukushima prefectural government […] survey found that 40 percent of 96,000 or so children for whom test results are available developed thyroid gland problems, such as nodules, or lumps, and cysts. […]
November 20, 2012
“One thing sure is doing something is better than doing nothing.”
November 20, 2012
Gov’t complained when school tried to remove radioactive material — “Why you did that? You don’t need to” — But mothers are standing up (VIDEO).
November 20, 2012
Watch the video at the end, see the contamiinated areas “everyone is living normally – no one seems to care”.
November 20, 2012
Interesting and eye-opening insights into what has happened in Japan since Fukushima.
November 20, 2012
Kashiwa city served Fukushima rice for school lunch to fight harmful rumor.
November 20, 2012
The Children of Fukushima (PHOTOS). Ground level radiation: the counter read 47μSv/h (microsieverts per hour).
November 21, 2012
33,000 Bq/Kg from wild boar in Iwaki city, “The highest measurement ever”.
November 21, 2012
Financial pressures are affecting safety decisions at the nations nuclear power plants.
November 21, 2012
Pu-239/240 was measured in sea water from 15km offshore Fukushima plant.
November 21, 2012
MEXT reported the contamination of Tokyo Bay “114 Bq/Kg from ground soil”.
November 21, 2012
Are radioactive insects spreading Fukushima contamination from lake bottoms across the land? Scientist: They grow underwater then fly out & die everywhere.
November 21, 2012
Possible safety breaches at radioactive waste plant, files show.
November 21, 2012
Wild mushrooms far from Fukushima show high levels of cesium.
November 21, 2012
Japanese evacuating country because of radiation — “Passport issuance growing sharply”
November 21, 2012
Urge NRC to consider risks of pools & dry casks, improvements of HOSS.
November 22, 2012
USGS: Coral disease outbreak an ‘epidemic’.
“Given the scale of the event, the large numbers of corals affected, and the consistent preponderance of a few agents (cyanobacteria and fungi) associated with gross lesions that look similar in both Makua (Tunnels Beach) and ‘Anini, this outbreak would have to qualify as an epidemic”.
“I have never seen a cyanobacterial disease like this killing corals to this degree in Hawaii”.
November 23, 2912
Expert says Japan should be prepared for possibility of M10 quake — “Days of tsunamis” — Only 1 magnitude below asteroid strike (VIDEO).
November 23, 2012
[Column] What current anti-nuke activity lacks – they are not covering a thing in the best way, which is the internet sector.
November 23, 2012
North Korea is ready to launch extended range ballistic missile by the end of November.
November 23, 2012
Port Hope (Canada) Initiative gets federal approval to move forward with cleanup.
November 23, 2012
Where the ocean plume is – Day 623 and counting.
November 24, 2012
“There’s something out there…” in the Texas Panhandle. Over 100 cpm multiple times.
November 24, 2012
USGS: Rapidly-spreading disease in Hawaii coral — New strain of cyanobacteria blamed — Fish with lesions, turtles having problems — Big concern whether infectious to humans — “Truly an unusual event” (PHOTOS).
November 24, 2012
Low Level Isotope Identifer SAM 940 finds Plutonium-239 levels were almost as high as Cesium-137 a dozen kilometers from Fukushima Daiichi (PHOTO & VIDEO).
November 24, 2012
Obama to push for smaller, cheaper and “safer” nuclear power plants.
November 25, 2012
Shizuoka [350 kilometers SE of Fukushima Daiichi] is also contaminated. And I’m personally from Shizuoka. When I’m there for 3 months or 4 months, I start getting very sick. Last February, I started bleeding in the nose. I have to go out of Japan for 10 days to get recovered. So there is a health problem in Shizuoka as well.
November 25, 2012
Gastroenteritis of norovirus cases are 7 times more than last year in Ishikawa, Japan.
November 25, 2012
Port Hope, Canada, Nuclear Waste:10-Year Cleanup Of Radioactive Material To Cost $1.28 Billion.
November 26, 2012
Rice planting to resume in Fukushima Prefecture. This year, all bags of rice experimentally grown in the town were examined, and two of them were found to contain radioactive cesium in quantities exceeding the government-set maximum limit of 100 becquerels per kilogram. (the others were less than 100 bq/kg!)
November 26, 2012
21.36 μSv/h was measured from a used car to export in Tokyo Dec of 2011. (2136 cpm)
November 26, 2012
United Nations wants to control the internet.
November 26, 2012
NHK shows radioactive Curium detection 100 km from Fukushima plant? — Professor David Suzuki: “Wind blew this way and radiation levels were high as Fukushima City “(VIDEO).
November 26, 2012
Infant Powdered Milk from New Zealand found to have Radioactive Cesium- total 23 Bq/kg.
November 26, 2012
[Contaminated water storage] 240,000 tones of tank is full, pipe runs for 10km, finding storage place at Fukushima NPP getting harder.
November 26, 2012
UN says Fukushima nuclear risks underestimated in Japan.
November 26, 2012
34 American Fukushimas Possible. The likelihood was very low that an earthquake followed by a tsunami would destroy all four nuclear reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, but in March 2011, that’s what happened, and the accident has yet to be contained.WHISTLEBLOWER: NUCLEAR REGULATORS SUPPRESS FACTS, BREAK LAW.
November 26, 2012
UN informs Japan: Radiation went far beyond Fukushima, affected people should get health checked — Gov’t not protecting residents properly.
November 27, 2012
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: U.S. Scientists Look For Lessons From Japanese Accident.
November 27, 2-12
Workers raise first section of new shelter covering Chernobyl nuclear power station.
November 27, 2012
IEMA Offering Potassium Iodide to Residents within 10 Miles of Nuclear Power Plants.
November 27, 2012
Leak at NJ’s Oyster Creek nuclear plant — Gundersen: “A larger issue than the NRC and Exelon is letting on”.
November 27, 2012
NHK: One person stops working at Fukushima plant each day — A serious problem, conditions deteriorating (VIDEO).
November 27, 2012
How to protect the right to health and life of citizens from radiological contamination? New York – Human Rights NOW!
November 27,2012
What would it be like if a reactor melted down near you?
November 27, 2012
Points from this week’s Greenpeace update:
– Although urine testing can detect even minute radiation exposure, Fukushima officials refused to use it then, and continue to do so even today. Katsuma Yakagaski, from the University of Ryukyus, said, “They apparently didn’t want to reveal that they wanted to avoid conducting urine tests, in an effort to underestimate the damage to residents’ health.”
– – Nearly 100 Japanese employees of utilities with nuclear power plants are serving on local assemblies, with 91 of them receiving salaries both from the power companies and local governments.
– -if unit #3 lost cooling power, it could start to meltdown within 24 hours.
– – Contaminated mushrooms, some measuring as much as 3,000 Bq/kg of radioactive cesium, have been found in Aomori, Nagano, and Shizuoka Prefectures, more than 200 km and up to 350 km from the Fukushima plant. In many cases, readings are higher than they were last year.
November 27, 2012
[Column] X-day – when Fukushima plant discharges millions of tones of the contaminated water to Pacific ocean.
November 27, 2012
Radioactivity density of the seawater is increased at 57% of tested locations offshore Fukushima.
November 27, 2012
Workers raise 1st section of new Chernobyl shelter.
November 28, 2012
UN special report on Fukushima criticizes handling of radiation catastrophe, suggests positive steps forward.
November 28, 2012
Nuke Waste Con Game? Urge NRC to “STOP MAKING IT!”
November 28, 2012
TEPCO announced that the robot used to enter the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 Reactor Building measured radiation levels up to 4,780 mSv per hour, nearly three times the 1,300 mSv reading taking in the same location last year on November 14th, 2011.
November 28, 2012
Last week the Department of Energy (DOE) announced its decision to award the first company to receive government funding in support of commercializing Small Modular Reactors (SMR), a new generation of nuclear power plants.
November 28, 2012
Riverkeeper recently filed a 10 C.F.R. § 2.206 enforcement action petition urging that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) permanently shut down reactors at Indian Point due to safety concerns.
“Citing the risk that hydrogen produced in a severe nuclear accident could accumulate and explode with sufficient force to breach Indian Point’s Unit 2 and 3 containment buildings and expose the public to a large radiological release, the New York clean water advocacy group Riverkeeper recently filed a 10 C.F.R. § 2.206 enforcement action petition urging that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) permanently shut down these reactors.”
November 28, 2012
New Documentary: On Fukushima Beach.
“An hour long brilliantly constructed documentary that uses a montage of mainstream and Internet media clips to unpack the Fukushima disaster. In addition to providing a painless scientific overview of radiation health issues, it outlines the ongoing radiation risks faced by all residents of the northern hemisphere.
There are simple measures people everywhere (except the Japanese – they need to be evacuated asap) could be taking to protect themselves. Yet in their eagerness to promote and support the nuclear power industry, the Obama administration, the Japanese government and the international agencies charged with monitoring and addressing similar health issues (such as the UN, the International Atomic Energy Agency and World Health Organization), have remained stubbornly silent on what promises to be the most serious health crisis of the 21st century.”
November 28, 2012
Foreign doctors on Fukushima trip “very surprised” at condition of patients: “Symptoms are always the same” — Pains at rear of ears, stomatitis, skin disease… more (VIDEO).
November 28, 2012
[Reactor3 got worse than last year] 5 Sv/h on the first floor of reactor3, “3.6 times worse than last year”.
November 28, 2012
Footage of new giant sarcophagus at Chernobyl — Still nowhere near dealing with corium over 25 years later — Storage area for fuel debris not yet built (VIDEO)
November 29, 2012
Support the evacuation of Japanese children – sign the petition!
“It is a huge lie from the government and the medical people. Most dangerous now is that the first NPP is still melting, secondly a lot of hot spots near big concentrations of people and high background levels near Fukushima city.”
November 29. 2012
NRC staff will urge Commission to install radiation filter vents at flawed Fukushima-style reactors in US and industry will oppose.
November 29, 2012
Radiation levels going up in Reactor #3 to 4.78 millisieverts/hour (478,000cpm).
November 29 2012
Fukushima governor urges prefecture’s municipalities to accept state surveys on nuclear waste disposal site.
November 29, 2012
Nuclear is not Cheaper.
November 29, 2012
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission will have public hearings on the Darlington rebuild project of 4 reactors December 3-6, 2012 in Courtice, Ontario. The hearing will be webcast live on:
November 29, 2012
Councillor asks Toronto uranium plant to shut down.
“Families living in Toronto shouldn’t have to be exposed to the risk of a radioactive heavy metal in their air, water or soil. It’s time for the GE-Hitachi uranium processing plant to be relocated to some nuclear exclusion zone like those around the Bruce or Darlington nuclear reactors. The existing site in Toronto should be vacated and decontaminated.” Dr. Gordon Edwards
November 29, 2012
Osaka started test incineration of 100 tones disaster debris, 36,000 tones more to come next year.
November 29, 2012
Reactor 4 has new hole on 4th floor of the south side and 2 door-looking marks on the 1st floor.
November 29, 2012
“Wait until you see pictures of what we found on the beach in Hawaii” — “Leading edge of what many fear is an oncoming wave” (VIDEO)
November 29, 2012
Nuke Power’s Collapse Gets Ever More Dangerous.
November 29, 2012
Tepco press releases:We deeply apologize to the people of Fukushima and broader society for the tremendous inconvenience and anxiety caused by the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
November 30, 2012
Japan’s Idle Land Finding New Life as Solar Farms.
November 30, 2012
“Beef labelled as from Hokkaido, but the tracking code tells it’s grown in Fukushima”.
November 30, 2012
NRC meeting re decision on restarting or closing San Onofre.
November 30, 2012
Tepco has no solid plan for increasing amount of contaminated water.
November 30, 2012
A World In Denial: Underestimating Japan’s Nuclear Disaster.
November 30, 2012
Tepco only visually measures the tilt of SFP4.
November 30, 2012
Radioactive silver and Sr-90 measured from marine products of Fukushima, silver higher than cesium in 62% of samples. Ag-110m (radioactive silver) and Sr-90 were measured from crabs, common skete, and barfin flounder.
November 30, 2012
Sunshine Coast Australia Radiation levels 40% above background.
November 30, 2012
An Open Letter: Why I Support Akio An Open Letter: Why I Support Akio Matsumura, and Why You Should Too.
November 30, 2012
Some of the Japanese aluminum is mixed with contaminated aluminum cans from Fukushima.
December 1, 2012
San Onofre nuclear plant may have been sabotaged.
December 1, 2012
Massive undertaking to overhaul 4 reactors at Darlington Ontario at a cost estimate of $6 to $10 billion.
“To advocate or authorize the building of new or extended nuclear reactors at the Darlington site, knowing what has happened at Chernobyl and at Fukushima, it is not only unwise but could be seen as a crime against current and future generations…”
December 1, 2012
TEPCO shows Fukushima footage leading to tainted water release.
December 1, 2012
Presentations at the Mountain of Waste 70 Years High Conference.
December 1, 2012
Tokyo still accepts 148 tonnes of debris to incinerate per day.
December 1, 2012
Southern Co. is building the first U.S. nuclear reactors approved in decades. However, the AP1000 design does not have any safety advantages compared to currently operating reactors and, in fact, may be less safe,” Edwin Lyman, a senior scientist for the watchdog Union of Concerned Scientists, said. “The features described are only designed to function in the event of [a] so-called ‘design basis accident’ — not the type of severe accident that occurred at Fukushima.”
December 1, 2012
High Thyroid radiation doses in Fukushima recovery workers.
Dozens of workers received potentially cancerous doses of radiation to their thyroid glands during recovery work at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, according to data submitted to the World Health Organization. The highest recorded dose was 11,800 millisieverts, a level that would give a correspondingly high probability of thyroid cancer.
December 1, 2012
“2.49 μSv/h (249 cpm) in Kitakyushu, Japan after debris incineration.”
December 1, 2012
Mountain of Waste Conference.
Akiko Yoshida of Friends of the Earth – Tokyo discusses the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster and Japan’s energy policy after the accident
December 2, 2012
“Faced with this (Fukushima) catastrophe, many people concluded that this social and political deterioration had to be remedied and Japan’s energy and nuclear power policies fundamentally changed. We are witnessing a once-in-a-century opportunity where such change is possible.”
December 2, 2012
Children who have been using internet device since they were born are seemingly rebelling in Fukushima. They search on the internet and are accusing the adults of forcing the children to eat contaminated food, where they can’t take any responsibility.
December 2, 2012
Free Webinar: Centralized vs. Decentralized Energy: Lessons from Germany Dec. 6, 10 a.m. EST. What lessons can Ontario and North America learn from the decentralized energy transition occurring in Germany?
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@what the; The US is not assisting in this because GE is a USA company and therefore would have to admit to being a huge part of the problem. And we have several type of reactors made by GE on line in the USA. Admitting fault would be a financial disaster for both GE and the government. And even the best scientists who can assist are held hostage from the arms of the corporate government. Sad, but I believe, true.
Why is this still not a priority in the US (or anywhere?)??????? I know it will hurt business, and it’ll hurt the very thing i’d been putting so much effort into working and supporting – local organic farming. And people i mention it to often act like i didn’t say anything at all, because acknowledging it means completely CHANGING something essential in one’s life, and beliefs, and sense of “security”. Is there even hope for human consciousness to awaken to what’s right in our faces (and in our food and air!!)… let alone to make a significant impact on the way things are going??!! What else can we do about it to express the imminence of the global situation??? The US has the technology to assist in this dilemma, yet it’s not. What else do they know that we don’t???
I agree, Brian – people should be yelling their heads off – but why aren’t they?
Why Aren’t people yelling their heads off?
Last year, J.H. Bartlett wrote a novel called “Last Summer at the Compound”. It’s about a family in Plymouth who meet at their summer compound that is just a few miles from the Pilgrim nuclear power plant. The disaster at Fukushima has made them realize how close they are to this Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactor and the book is about how they grapple with the decision about selling this summer estate that has been in the family for 5 generations. To quote from the book, the “children, the thirty to fifty year olds were the ones most consumed with safety. Have a Healthy and Safe New Year was the message on their Christmas cards. Merry and Happy were out of fashion, pushed aside by healthy and safe. Accidents, disasters, diseases, even death, could be avoided with sufficient vigilance. Seat belts and helmets were called for, sturdy SUV’s that would not crush on impact were encouraged. Fire alarms and burglar alarms were installed. They enthusiastically lighted up dangerous, dark nights. Regular checkups were made of their bodies, X-rays, MRIs, mammograms, colonoscopies, camera probes were sent down the throat to meet those going up the rear end, blood pressure readings were taken, and electrocardiograms. Some wore gizmos to keep a daily check on heart beat, blood pressure and sugar levels. They had flu shots, took pills to lower cholesterol, relieve arthritis, rejuvenate the blood and thicken the bones. Women took hormones, and then men took Viagra to satisfy their wives’ new hormonal induced sex drive. Dogs were fixed and children were driven to play dates, potholes were filled, roads widened. Smoking was abandoned as was the eating of red meat. Defibrillators were installed at parks, schools and playing fields. There were hand sanitizers inside the doors of most public buildings and bowls of condoms in some.” …”Yet they had little time to do anything about the nuclear plant; they did not show up at meetings or demonstrations or go door to door collecting signatures”….
So people aren’t yelling – but not because they don’t care about health and safety.
A friend of mine says it could be because radiation is so new to human beings. The atom was split in 1917 – less than 100 years ago.
He says “it is truly fascinating, but not too complicated, why most people don’t care or cannot comprehend what’s happening. I think it’s partly the genetic marker. Unfortunately the human race has no genetic marker for radiation. There is nothing for us to latch on to at the instinctive level. So the general public fails to recognize the threat. Can you imagine if Fkushima Daiichi was a biological weapons lab? Now that would get everyone’s attention.”
He goes on to say:
“I think it takes an interdisciplinary mind, background, and personality, an investigative, mentality, interest in earth and life sciences, curiosity, truth-seeking nature (void of politics, religion, belief systems, or any exterior motivations) and the ability to think not only linearly but abstractly and certainly from at least 50,000 feet up as well as down into the microscope to be able to gasp at the epic severity of the situation and to be able to visualize and understand what’s happening. It also helps to be educated in and understand public relations and how things work, so you can laugh at the corporate/govt BS in their mainstream media distraction entertainment money junk science parade. Not many in today’s distraction-based entertainment brainwashed world have those qualifications.”
“For some people, they need to see ‘numbers’ and need to hear from ‘official sources’, they need to be told they should be worried by official sources.”
“The health effects of nuclear power and associated accidents are devastating. Cancer is a side track. Other fallout-related health problems will affect many people first, including heart attack and stroke, before they get to cancer. It’s a cakewalk for the thinktanks and the highest of public relations geniuses to generate misinformation and perception that dismiss all health-related problems. The various forms of disease will not come with a Made in Fukushima tag and good luck proving it in a court of law. Sadly,it is highly likely that the general public will never realize what has happened to them.”
People should be yelling their heads off. It won’t be long before the water off California will be too radioactive to swim in. Reactor 1 is back in fission mode because it is emitting radioactive Krypton and Xenon. Reactors 2 and 3 are putting out isotopes as well. And the Japanese are dumping 1000 tons a day of radioactive water into the Pacific. The plume is reportedly 3500 kilometers out to sea. And if the reactor 4 building collapses? The spent fuel pool will start to burn and the site will have to be abandoned. Do I need to say more?
An excellent timeline historical document!
I clicked on “View All” and just scrolled.
two nuclear bombs. four nuclear power plants. it’s called karma
We would have been better off without the invention as it is so really dangerous unlike anyhing else.Thanks to uranium fluoridation was given boost because nothing was to be allowed to stand in the way of this warlike invention.Still many suffer with the infliction of fluoridation today and without any advantages except as a way to dispose of dangerous fluorides.