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August 28, 2013
Fukushima: Fukushima worker “Tepco had to choose vulnerable flange type of the tanks for the shortage of workers.
August 28, 2013
>Good News: In Victory for Activists, Entergy to Close Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant; Will More Follow?
August 28, 2013]
Fukushima affecting us: Fukushima radioactive plume to reach US in three years after the event. (2014)
August 28, 2013
Fires: Fires are a particular concern for nuclear power plants as they can can damage generators used for shutdown procedures as well as lead to emissions of radioactive substances, Niel told Le Parisien.
August 28, 2013
Good News: US nuclear power: meltdown.
Falling natural gas prices are spurring a nuclear shutdown. Fracked Nation shows how the gas industry is going to cause a housing and commercial property meltdown too in 34 fracking states.
August 28, 2013
Japan: Experts urge Japan to break away from ‘failed’ nuclear reprocessing program.
August 28, 2013
Fukushima fishermen: Fukushima crisis new blow to fishermen’s hopes. Fishermen from Fukushima Prefecture, whose livelihoods have been decimated by the nuclear disaster, are stepping up their efforts to urge the government to intervene.
August 27, 2013
Fukushima lawsuit: For the first time, victims who were forced to evacuate their homes as a result of the Fukushima nuclear crisis filed a lawsuit against TEPCO and the government in Western Japan. They are seeking damages in the amount of one billion yen ($10 million) for psychological stress, loss of their former living situations, forced evacuations, and in some cases, damage to homes. The case charges that government officials failed to take necessary safety measures. “My life was destroyed by the accident. I want to pursue the responsibility of the central government and TEPCO through the lawsuit,” said Katsutoshi Sato, one of the plaintiffs.
August 27, 2013
Fukushima: [Fuel removal of reactor4 pool] Tepco released the debris map of SFP4 -Complete mess.
August 27, 2013
Fukushima:Tepco Faces 132 Olympic Pools Worth of Radioactive Water. Experts: Fukushima “literally a matter of national security” — “This is becoming rapidly an international issue” — “Something must be failing” as Japan gov’t not dealing with crisis.
August 27, 2013
Fukushima affecting us: Gundersen: Radioactive plume to impact West Coast in a year — Not going away after it hits… likely to only get stronger — Fukushima will keep releasing contamination for years to come — Must demand officials test fish and make data public (AUDIO).
August 27, 2013
Good news: Entergy to Close, Decommission Vermont Yankee. Closed for economic reasons.
If a meltdown occurs on a river, it would be much worse than on the ocean.
Radioactive plume heading our way in a year is 10x more radioactive than the ocean was before Fukushima.
August 27, 2013
Good news: Vermont Yankee nuclear plant to shut down.
The company blamed a variety of factors, including the boom in natural gas that has driven down natural gas and wholesale energy prices, the high cost of operating the plant, and what it called wholesale market “design flaws.” The company blamed a variety of factors, including the boom in natural gas that has driven down natural gas and wholesale energy prices, the high cost of operating the plant, and what it called wholesale market “design flaws.”
August 27, 2013
Good news: Entergy pulling the plug on Vermont Yankee
August 27, 2013
Fukushima affecting us: “Fukushima: At the Very Least, Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over”.
August 26, 2013
Fracked Nation
Fracking Chemical Cocktail and Mr. Drill attend “The Toxies Exposed” premiere August 15 and reveal their designs on Southern California. Frackie has quietly made herself at home in the Southland and in 34 states raising gas and controversy. It made perfect sense that Frackie would wow the crowd and press at film premiere which she sees as vindication for all the bad press she’s gotten. Fracking Chemical Cocktail’s drinks look almost as good as she does. So confident is Frackie that she shares her deepest “fracktastic” plans.EnviroReporter.com has found that a little known new threat posed by fracking is slowly becoming known in addition to the already established menaces of groundwater contamination, huge water usage, methane gas releases and fracking induced earthquakes.
Fracking also threatens the very value and marketability of real estate, so much so that major insurance companies are not renewing homeowner insurance policies on properties that have been fracked or are near fracking. Lenders will not loan money on property that has potential for hazardous activity and contamination issues meaning that the land owner is truly fracked. The land becomes uninsurable and unsellable making it worthless.
August 26, 2013
Fukushima: Nuclear Engineer: Estimated 276 quadrillion Bq of Cs-137 entered Fukushima basements — Triple Chernobyl total release — A portion “has already made its way to aquifer, whence it can easily flow into sea”.
Cesium-137: 276 PBq (i.e. 40 percent of the reactor core inventory)
[…] about 2.5 to 3.3 times, depending on the estimate, the total amount released into the environment from the Chernobyl accident.
August 26, 2013
Good news: We are about halfway” to the president’s goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions and “about half of that is because of the substitution of natural gas for coal in the power sector.”
August 26, 2013
Michael Collins Radiation update
Michael Collins Radiation Update August 26, 2013: Fast and furious show as Fukushima triple meltdowns’ “Lost Coriums” sink deeper into the ground, they are impacting the groundwater which is directly leaking into Pacific with astonishing radiation readings. Japan asks for international help for first time publicly as situation out of control. Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and 3 scientists from the GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences showed that radiation on the West Coast of North America could end up being 10 times higher than in Japan by 2016. Michael postulates that this is true for the radiation leaking now but in three years, he predicts the radiation gushing out of Fukushima will even dwarf today’s unbelievable numbers with the result that after 2019, the cesium-134 and cesium-137 off the West Coast will make even 2016’s numbers seem enviable. Jeff figures his 400 tons of radioactive goo sloshing into the Pacific is low. Intense and deep discussion of how this is ruining the Pacific and all the unfortunate flora and fauna in it. “Fracked Nation,” Michael’s new article is discussed showing how EnviroReporter.com has found that a little known new threat posed by fracking is slowly becoming known in addition to the already established menaces of groundwater contamination, huge water usage, methane gas releases and fracking induced earthquakes. Fracking also threatens the very value and marketability of real estate, so much so that major insurance companies are not renewing homeowner insurance policies on properties that have been fracked or are near fracking. Lenders will not loan money on property that has potential for hazardous activity and contamination issues meaning that the land owner is truly fracked. The land becomes uninsurable and unsellable making it worthless. Once that happens, these same oil and gas companies, as well as the insurers and lenders, will be able to scoop up huge swaths of land for pennies on the dollar. This is news that homeowners over frackable oil and gas better pay attention to. We certainly will and won’t let up covering the story.
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Michael..what a great way to start a New Year! It is just way beyond terrific to have all of these important articles, with their links, all listed on one page. First of all, it is really impressive to see that there are so many recent articles that MUST be read, and second…it is wonderful not to have to go hunting for them. I just wish I had the time back that I have spent in the past, trying to locate these articles, in order to forward them to friends, in an attempt to inform and educate them as to the nuclear crisis that is going on, thanks to Fukushima. I just wish that the US Government would go and do likewise!
While I know that there are certainly articles on this potential global disaster to be found in some small newspapers, I have not, so far, found anyone, anywhere, who has been tackling the whole Fukushima disaster, head on, as you have been doing. And, in addition, you have also written many articles, plus, now, a five part series, on our local nuclear and toxic chemical contamination on the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.
I cannot believe how incredibly lucky that we all are to have you here in our midst, doing your knowledgeable environmental reporting, without which we would basically all be in the dark, when it comes to understanding and interpreting everything that has been happening in California, the USA, and the World. My hope is that in 2013, you, and also Denise, will continue to have the concern, energy and courage to keep investigating and writing about all of these issues, which affect the health and welfare of all of us.
Meanwhile, 2012 grateful THANKS!
radar.weather.gov/Conus/full.php Check out this site to see the [possibly] radioactive clouds across USA