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February 17, 2013
Washington plutonium leak poses ‘long-term threat’.


February 17, 2013
Russians comment on radioactive decay and nuclear explosion in Chelyabinsk meteorite crash on YouTube.


February 17, 2013
New greenpeace report:Fukushima Fallout: Nuclear business makes people pay and suffer.


February 17, 2013
Chinese Companies Projected To Make Solar Panels for 42Cents Per Watt In 2015.


February 17, 2013
New high-level radioactive leak will reach Columbia River, says scientists — Fourth largest river in U.S.


February 17, 2013
Fukushima governor asked the government to ease the 1mSv/y restriction. “Too strict to comply with.”


February 17, 2013
Are Whistleblowers being protected by the NRC? Probably not.


February 17, 2013
‘No immediate risk’: Nuclear waste tank leaking in Washington.


February 17, 2013
German Village Produces 321% More Energy Than It Needs! The small agricultural village in the state of Bavaria is generating an impressive $5.7 million in annual revenue from renewable energy.


February 17, 2013
Fukushima radiation threatens to wreak woodland havoc.
(farm is about 180 km from Fukushima Daiichi)


February 16, 2013
Another risk to nuclear power plants:
Be aware of long-term power grid disruption. A related major safety issue is the continued operation of nuclear power plant cooling systems that will be dependent on long term use of backup generators in the case of total electric grid failure and a possible lack of generator fuel.


February 16, 2013
Nuclear waste seeping from container in hazardous Washington state facility.


February 16, 2013
Over 5,000,000 Bq/m² of Cesium-137 in Fukushima City.


February 16, 2013
Wind and solar power firms fight $100 million rule change. Wind and solar power firms in Canada say they’ll suffer a $100 million loss if power market rules are changed.


February 15, 2013
Leaky Tank at Hanford Nuclear Site Roils Waste Cleanup.


February 15, 2013
49 Bq/Kg measured from beef in Iwaki city Fukushima.


February 15, 2013
14 Bq/Kg from Pacific Cod distributed in Yokohama city


February 15, 2013
Nuclear power is far from safe or carbon-free – excellent rebuttal.


February 15, 2013
Radioactive Japan.


February 15, 2013
Meteor: Another risk to nuclear power plants:

The area around Chelyabinsk is also home to “dozens of defense factories, including nuclear factories and those involved in production of thermonuclear weapons,” said Vladimir Lipunov, an astrophysicist at the Shternberg State Astronomy Institute.

note:Mayak nuclear plant — one of the largest nuclear facilities of Rosatom — is located in the area that was hit by the meteorite.


February 14, 2013
Press releases in U.S. all said no danger from radioactive fallout after Fukushima meltdowns — but transcripts tell another story.


February 14, 2013
The Barber of Fukushima: Brave couple move back, set up business after earthquake.


February 14, 2013
Nuclear Revival Dying in Europe as Power Prices Slump:
“Nuclear is too capital intensive, too time-consuming and simply too risky.”


February 14, 2013
Now over 44% of Fukushima children have thyroid abnormalities in latest tests.


February 14, 2013
Questions raised over testing methods for thyroid gland doses in Fukushima.


February 14, 2013
Wind energy positioning to shutter nukes.


February 14, 2013
10 Fukushima children believed to have cancer — 70% female — Several already had surgery for thyroid.


February 14, 2013
The UK government has been planning the development of a ‘next generation’ of nuclear power plants in the region for some time, but with the price of renewables falling quickly and the costs of nuclear rising, it is looking increasingly likely that the plans will have to be scrapped.


February 14, 2013
It’s the economics that will close existing nuclear power plants.


February 14, 2013
Fukushima disaster panel so far reports three young people have thyroid cancer.


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  1. Michael..what a great way to start a New Year! It is just way beyond terrific to have all of these important articles, with their links, all listed on one page. First of all, it is really impressive to see that there are so many recent articles that MUST be read, and second…it is wonderful not to have to go hunting for them. I just wish I had the time back that I have spent in the past, trying to locate these articles, in order to forward them to friends, in an attempt to inform and educate them as to the nuclear crisis that is going on, thanks to Fukushima. I just wish that the US Government would go and do likewise!
    While I know that there are certainly articles on this potential global disaster to be found in some small newspapers, I have not, so far, found anyone, anywhere, who has been tackling the whole Fukushima disaster, head on, as you have been doing. And, in addition, you have also written many articles, plus, now, a five part series, on our local nuclear and toxic chemical contamination on the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.
    I cannot believe how incredibly lucky that we all are to have you here in our midst, doing your knowledgeable environmental reporting, without which we would basically all be in the dark, when it comes to understanding and interpreting everything that has been happening in California, the USA, and the World. My hope is that in 2013, you, and also Denise, will continue to have the concern, energy and courage to keep investigating and writing about all of these issues, which affect the health and welfare of all of us.
    Meanwhile, 2012 grateful THANKS!

  2. radar.weather.gov/Conus/full.php Check out this site to see the [possibly] radioactive clouds across USA

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