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February 7, 2013
Fukushima has become a buzzword for the anti-nuclear protesters across age groups in the fishing villages around the Kudankulam plant. Its ripple effect has coursed through coastal communities in other areas of Tamil Nadu as well as other states where nuclear plants are coming up.
February 7, 2013
The interview of Idogawa Mayor of Futaba Town after his resignation.
February 7, 2013
Why the Nuclear problem can’t be buried.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) estimates that the volume of radioactive waste on the planet already exceeds 345,000 tonnes – 50,000 tonnes in Canada, 70,000 in U.S.
February 7, 2013
Senator Boxer Believes San Onofre Knew About Problems Years Earlier.
February 6, 2013
New model changes earthquake predictions
A new prediction model could change the thinking behind so-called “super quakes.” Physics professor Michio Kaku, of the City University of New York, speaks to the “CBS This Morning” co-hosts about the new model for predicting earthquakes.
February 6, 2013
Fallout level in Fukushima highest since May. 2012
25.7Bq/m2 Cesium 134 and 27.3Bq/m2 Cesium 137
February 6, 2013
Study: Major nuclear accident would cost France $580 billion.
February 6, 2013
A Rebuttal to the January 11, 2013 Article by James Conca, “Like We’ve Been Saying — Radiation is Not A Big Deal,” Posted on Forbes Website.
February 6, 2013
I’d be very concerned if I lived around California nuke plant — “Just an experiment waiting to go wrong”. Arnie Gunderson
February 6, 2013
Appeal from the Nuclear Information and Resource Service:
The Department of Energy (DOE) is considering a plan to allow radioactively-contaminated metal from nuclear weapons facilities to be “recycled.” This would allow this toxic metal to be mixed with clean recycled metal and enter into normal commerce—where it could be turned into anything from your next pants zipper to baby toys. Act below to stop this outrage! Deadline is February 11, 2013.
February 6, 2013
San Onofre Nuclear Plant defects known to Edison & Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
February 6, 2013
The UK’s nuclear triple whammy is worse than you think.
February 6, 2013
Publication: The Triple Challenge facing Japanese Utilities.
February 6, 2013
Study: Radioactive silver found inside all 47 cows tested from Fukushima evacuation zone.
February 5, 2013
What happened at Fukushima for 70,000 US Service Personnel Exposed To Radiation: Operation Tomodachi 3/11 .
February 5, 2013
Japan NRA standards expected to require utilities to install filtered venting equipment at boiling water reactors.
February 5, 2013
SOS from Fukushima to the UN : Mother of Fukushima.
February 5, 2013
Japanese Judge: Already signs of major health hazard in Fukushima — Kids may end up like those around Chernobyl — Urgent need for evacuation (VIDEO).
February 5, 2013
Fukushima NHK Documentary: The Threat Of Invisible Snow
(How do you decontaminate….just move the radioactivity from one spot to the next)
February 5, 2013
Florida nuclear plant – Duke Energy – will permanently close — 60 years to decontaminate and dismantle.
February 5, 2013
Mothers in Fukushima talks about their living condition referring to the safety standards for the food contamination.
February 5, 2013
The woman powering Japan’s nuclear hopes post-Fukushima.
February 5, 2013
Arnie Gunderson on California Nuclear Power Plant Preparing to Restart the San Onofre Reactor.
February 5, 2013
Secret US report called Japan’s Fukushima response “FUBAR, or F−−−−− Up Beyond All Recognition” .
February 4, 2013
Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump!http://www.beyondnuclear.org/home/2013/2/4/stop-the-great-lakes-nuclear-dump.html
February 4, 2013
Fukushima operator TEPCO projects $1.29 bn year net loss.
February 4, 2013
World Cancer Day – over 10 million people die of cancer every year. UN underscored its ramped-up efforts in providing the developing world with vital screening and therapy programmes. (editor’s note: what about getting rid of nuclear power plants and preventing many cancers?)
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Michael..what a great way to start a New Year! It is just way beyond terrific to have all of these important articles, with their links, all listed on one page. First of all, it is really impressive to see that there are so many recent articles that MUST be read, and second…it is wonderful not to have to go hunting for them. I just wish I had the time back that I have spent in the past, trying to locate these articles, in order to forward them to friends, in an attempt to inform and educate them as to the nuclear crisis that is going on, thanks to Fukushima. I just wish that the US Government would go and do likewise!
While I know that there are certainly articles on this potential global disaster to be found in some small newspapers, I have not, so far, found anyone, anywhere, who has been tackling the whole Fukushima disaster, head on, as you have been doing. And, in addition, you have also written many articles, plus, now, a five part series, on our local nuclear and toxic chemical contamination on the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.
I cannot believe how incredibly lucky that we all are to have you here in our midst, doing your knowledgeable environmental reporting, without which we would basically all be in the dark, when it comes to understanding and interpreting everything that has been happening in California, the USA, and the World. My hope is that in 2013, you, and also Denise, will continue to have the concern, energy and courage to keep investigating and writing about all of these issues, which affect the health and welfare of all of us.
Meanwhile, 2012 grateful THANKS!
radar.weather.gov/Conus/full.php Check out this site to see the [possibly] radioactive clouds across USA