Beta radiation is of particular concern because of its manmade origins. Lethal radionuclides like cesium-134, cesium-137, strontium-90 and plutonium 239-240 have been released in unrelenting massive quantities since the triple meltdowns began. Without the EPA beta stations functioning, the country is blind to the threat because it can’t detect it.
It isn’t wise to be blind when on Beta Watch. Yet that is exactly what America is unless the information is being cut off at the source perhaps because it shows such extremes. EPA did not respond to past requests for comment on the inoperative radiation stations.
Even with a fraction of RadNet working, it still is invaluable and certainly more accurate and functional as a nationwide radiation monitoring system than any for-profit private systems available. An analysis reveals that there have been massive beta radiation surges in cities from coast to coast over the last few months.
To determine what exactly a radiation surge is depends on a variety of factors. The most common tripwire is the multiple of three times background for the alert level. This yields a value of approximately 100 CPM on the detector determining when the readings have gone into ‘alert’ level.
The Inspector Alert sets its alarm default to 100 CPM as do several private radiation networks based in the United States. The presumption is 100 CPM is 2.5 times a typical background of 40 CPM. This alert level is conservative because much of the nation has much lower background levels. Before Fukushima, for example, San Francisco’s background was usually between 12 to 15 CPM.
Through thousands of interior and exterior tests, Radiation Station Santa Monica‘s background was determined to be between 42 to 46 CPM outside and 35 to 40 CPM inside. The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency in 2007 had a “Recommended Decontamination Decision Criteria for Individuals When Using Selected Portable Instrument/Detector Combinations” of 300 CPM. This high standard, ignored by the actual people in the field or laboratory using these nuclear radiation monitors, is triple what triggers a Haz-Mat emergency for the CHP.
Readings all over the country have far exceeded these standards. Vast swaths of America have become hot zones.
California has been hit especially hard with Fresno peaking off the charts over 1,000 CPM last November. Since hitting 950 CPM on the night of December 17 through 18, the town adjacent America’s most productive farmland in the San Joaquin Valley settled down to a still excessive 250 CPM January 11. At Bakersfield a hundred miles to the southeast, the RadNet monitor blew out after hitting 750 CPM September 15.
Southern California has not been immune to the higher readings. Normally registering near background, Los Angeles hit 350 CPM October 27 and topped off at 190 CPM January 4 with all readings in between jumping around significantly above background. This belies the assumption that precipitation is needed to bring radiation to ground. Currently, however, L.A.’s readings seem to be the result of a malfunctioning detector.
Inland 54 miles, the city of Riverside hit 460 CPM January 10. Down the coast, San Diego had a beta radiation concentration over 350 CPM just before Christmas.
Moving into even drier climes, Phoenix, Arizona saw 650 CPM January 7 and Albuquerque, New Mexico blew through 1,000 CPM three days before New Year’s Eve. Four days before its beta monitoring ceased working December 9, Denver charged up over 1,000 CPM. Salt Lake City, Utah topped off at 330 CPM November 18.
Texas has consistently had some of the highest radiation readings in the country. Fort Worth endured nearly five times the hazardous alert level with a December 18 high of 460 CPM. Dallas registered 300 CPM December 21 and Amarillo blew through 1,000 CPM a week later. Recent high detections in the Texas Panhandle may be partly a result of the WIPP nuclear waste dump fire in upwind New Mexico.
High RadNet beta readings were felt in the Midwest as well. St. Paul, Minnesota saw 320 CPM January 12 and Madison, Wisconsin was hit with 300 CPM the day before. Grand Rapids, Michigan had over double the alert level January 10 with 225 counts per minute after hitting 310 CPM December 4.
Not even the South escaped the radiation brought to it from Fukushima on the jet stream in addition to recirculated fallout from re-suspended dust and sea spray. Charleston, West Virginia, pre-chemical catastrophe, was already having a bad day December 29 with a beta blast humming in at 440 CPM. Tallahassee, Florida posted a huge 715 CPM January 23.
There is hope, however, in dealing with the threat.‘s advice on how to mitigate against excessive radiation includes how to eat and drink including the most comprehensive online Radiation Food Lab in the world. Common sense dictates that children and pregnant women stay out of radiation rains that exceed 100 CPM.
The Glowden State
Californians also have access to this online news organization’s affiliated Radiation Stations in East Los Angeles, Glendale, Hemet, Pacifica, Santa Monica, Simi Valley and Ventura California. Radiation Station Pacifica California has precipitated over 770,000 YouTube views alone since December 24 when station operator David Crain uploaded Fukushima radiation hits San Francisco? (Dec 2013).
Despite several technical errors, the retired Yahoo executive and restaurateur managed to capture what seems to be the glow of the inexorable flow of the Sea of Fuku Goo sloshing down the coast of the Golden State. Crain’s viral video, and subsequent tests by the surfer and others who descended on the coast, suggest that California’s nickname should be the Glowden State.
“Not good news!” Crain wrote and others via email December 21. “I have been taking readings around Pacifica, in airplanes, Colorado trips, etc. for over two years now. Thursday I went to a beach I frequent.”
Crain was visiting Surfer’s Beach which is several miles south of Pacifica which is down the coast from San Francisco. The popular Half Moon Bay beach is hundreds of miles south of where the Kuroshio Current hits North America and splits into two currents that run north to the Gulf of Alaska and south along the Northwest coast down along to as far as Baja California, Mexico.
“The background radiation counts (CPM) average 25-35 around Pacifica,” Crain continued. “I have fewer readings from Surfer’s Beach but they were close to levels in Pacifica. As I stepped out on the sand about 25 yards from the water’s edge, my alarm on the detector started to beep. I have never had my detector go into alarm before. I went back Friday morning and took more readings. See below. The alarm is set to 99 CPM, roughly x 3 over background. A HazMat situation is assumed present when counts go x 3 and higher.”
Crain’s nuclear radiation monitor topped out at 156 CPM. The subsequent explosion of his YouTube video brought on a tide of other people seeing if they could detect radiation at the water’s edge. Another would-be radiation investigator descended on Esplanade beach in Pacifica January 2 and proceeded to lay his Geiger counter on the same kind of black sand that seemed to be the source of radiation that Crain had found.
“This area is at Esplanade beach, in North Pacifica, appx. 150-200 yards North of stairs,” wrote YouTube poster FrostyFjords wrote in his video description. “Readings were well above 800 counts per minute! Yikes!”
Yikes indeed. Instead of testing for Fukushima radiation, Crain and FrostyFjords were testing sand that appears to have been radiating natural radium and thorium according to a subsequent test of the Surfer’s Beach sand by Inspector Alert’s manufacturer, International Medcom CEO Dan Sythe. Crain was using an Inspector Alert in his viral video.
He was also using incorrectly if he wanted to detect possible Fukushima radiation in the Pacific Ocean. Crain should have been taking measurements of the water, not the sand. In addition, he should have been establishing a database of Pacific water readings to help confirm a range of normal background readings ever since he first contacted about establishing a radiation station May 6, 2012.
It could be argued on Crain’s behalf that testing the ocean water isn’t as easy as it seems because water is a nature block of ionizing radiation resulting in sometimes skewered readings that are too low. Filtering the water is one way around this problem. Regardless, the huge Death Valley radiation rain detections demonstrated that testing water can yield some spectacular results.
YouTube poster FrostyFjords also is shown committing a serious error by putting his Geiger counter directly on the radioactive sand. This can contaminate a nuclear radiation monitor rendering it useless.
Another way to assess sea water was explained in the February 20, 2012 feature exposé Beta Watch. The report documented several British radiation surveys that gauged radioactivity in the Irish Sea mist floating up to 124 miles inland in Wales. In one study, muslin fabric was stretched on frames at various distances from the seashore to capture radioactive spray.
Shaky Science Pushback
Perhaps just as disturbing, the government and a hapless media unfamiliar with radiation science are attempting to fob off the latest bad radiation news as anything but something caused by Fukushima. In response to the Crain video’s viral spread, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) rose up to refute the Fukushima connection before even testing the beach.
“The Department recently responded to reports of elevated radioactivity readings on California’s beaches in the vicinity of Half Moon Bay, south along the coast from San Francisco,” CDPH said in a statement. “Preliminary data compiled by the Department indicates the elevated radioactivity is due to naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM), not Fukushima related activities.”
Perhaps the CDPH was measuring the same thorium and radium-rich sand Crain was. If so, it would have made the same mistake not seeing the ocean for the waves. It would also fit in to calming concerned communities along the coast south of San Francisco.
Keeping people calm about radiation readings taken as plain as day and shown on YouTube to hundreds of thousands isn’t easy. But with the huge stakes at play with currents contaminated with Fukushima radiation flowing down the coast, government agencies are going out of their way to help propagandize their way out of the obvious.
However the radioactivity arrived on the beach that Crain has been monitoring for over two years, one thing is for certain, much of the nuclear industry, state and federal government agencies, academia and media have been brought together to cast doubt on massive detections of radiation as have been coming from Japan.
A Harvard presentation by Kenji Tateiwa, manager of the Nuclear Power Programs at the Washington DC office of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), revealed as much in a presentation December 3, 2013 in Cambridge.
Entitled Fukushima Nuclear Accident and Roadmap for Decommissioning ~ A TEPCO Nuclear Engineer’s Perspective, the report delineates “TEPCO’s Post-Accident Activities in the U.S.” The goal, according to the presentation, is to be “Committed to disseminating lessons learned globally and working together to make nuclear power plants safer.”
Distrusted by the Japanese people and its own government which stepped in to assume ‘control’ at the stricken plant last year, TEPCO’s plan to handle the American people is far reaching and unprecedented.
Joining in this effort are state and federal entities like CDPH, Department of Energy, Nuclear Regulatory Commission and even the EPA. Nuclear powerhouses Exelon, Westinghouse and Diablo Canyon nuclear power-plant owner Pacific Gas and Electric are also spreading the TEPCO word according to Tateiwa. Even Harvard, MIT and the National Academy of Sciences have united in “disseminating lessons” about the meltdowns.
@zach: Apparently you’re a student from St Michael’s Grammar School, an Australian co-educational independent day school located in St Kilda, Victoria that costs tens of thousands of dollars a year to attend. I’m afraid that while that tony education has taught you how to construct poorly-punctuated sentences, it also did not impart the critical thinking skill set that would have enabled you to see that the “perfect crime” that this article exposes had nothing to do with your prattle here. Give it another read.
A perfect crime? why would japan do this to try and harm a few americans when it killed thousands of their own, cost them hundreds of billions of dollars and even made large parts of their own country uninhabitable due to radiation?
I think you have to be pretty big headed to believe that japan decided to do that to attempt to harm a couple of americans in such a far fetched way.
Start having some sympathy for the Japanese who had their lives ripped apart by the disaster.
@All: The U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works sent the following regarding progress, or shockingly no progress, done to make more safe America’s nuclear power plants and infrastructure. Having just finished Fukushima – The Perfect Crime? will probably have our readers not very surprised at what the outstanding, yet sadly outgoing, junior Senator from California has to say:
Opening Statement of Ranking Member Barbara Boxer
EPW Hearing on “Oversight of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission”
October 7, 2015
(Remarks as prepared for delivery)
Today, the Environment and Public Works Committee is holding an oversight hearing on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). I remain concerned about the slow pace at which the NRC is implementing measures intended to protect American nuclear plants in the wake of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdowns that occurred in Japan in March 2011.
It has been more than four years since the Fukushima disaster, and Japan continues to face challenges in its cleanup efforts.
Only one of Japan’s 43 nuclear reactors has been turned back on since the Fukushima disaster. A recent analysis by Reuters found that of the other 42 operable nuclear reactors in Japan, only seven are likely to be turned on in the next few years. Reuters also found that “nine reactors are unlikely to ever restart and that the fate of the remaining 26 looks uncertain.”
For the last four years, I have been saying that in order to earn the confidence of the public, we must learn from the Fukushima disaster and do everything we can to avoid similar disasters here in the U.S.
Following the last NRC oversight hearing in April, I met with Chairman Burns to discuss the commission’s progress on implementation of the Fukushima Near-Term Task Force recommendations. I appreciate the letter he sent me after our meeting outlining the status of the commission’s work and anticipated timelines for completing each of the recommendations.
While I recognize that progress has been made on some of the recommendations of the Post-Fukushima Task Force, I am frustrated and disappointed with the overall slow pace. Not one of the 12 task force recommendations has been fully implemented. And many of the recommendations still have no timeline for action.
I am also concerned with some of the decisions the NRC is making on whether to implement important safety enhancements.
In particular, I am troubled that the Commission overruled staff safety recommendations and voted not to move forward with multiple safety improvements. For example, by a 3 to 1 vote, the Commission decided to remove a requirement that nuclear plants have procedures in place for dealing with severe accidents, like the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. These procedures ensure plans are in place when multiple failures of safety equipment occur or other unanticipated events take place.
This requirement was identified in the aftermath of Fukushima, but after years of work on this and other proposals, the Commission simply chose not to move forward. That is unacceptable.
The Commission does not appear to be doing all it can to live up to the NRC’s mission “to ensure the safe use of radioactive materials for beneficial civilian purposes while protecting people and the environment.”
We need to look no further than the two nuclear power plants in my home state. At California’s Diablo Canyon Power Plant, NRC has repeatedly declared the plant safe even after learning of a strong earthquake fault near the plant.
At the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in San Diego County, which has been closed permanently, the NRC recently issued exemptions to emergency planning requirements. The plant’s operator will no longer be required to maintain detailed plans for the evacuation, sheltering, and medical treatment of people residing in the 10-mile zone around the plant.
I am aware that the NRC is planning a rulemaking on decommissioning issues, but rubber stamping exemptions the way the Commission has is the wrong approach. I believe it is wrong to relax emergency planning requirements with thousands of tons of extremely radioactive spent fuel remaining at the site. The millions of people living in close proximity to the plant deserve better.
The NRC owes it to the citizens of California and the nation to make safety the highest priority and I urge all the Commissioners to refocus your efforts to do just that.
I look forward to discussing these issues with you today.
It should be mandatory that dispensaries test ‘medicinal’ marijuana for the presence of radiation now-along with pesticides, fungicides, etc. Wise up folks and quit smoking it.
@Eric: While it may be understandable to advocate such an extreme act, that would be terrorism which is unacceptable. Plus, there is no way to diminish the tons of goo at Fukushima by exploding the place sky high – radiation can’t be vaporized away, blown apart or scattered enough to be safe. It would make the massive mess even more unmanageable and deadly to flora and fauna on the land and in the sea.
Nuke the reactors. It would do less harm to the environment and oceans
Very good investigative factual journalism.
With regard to mainstream media’s coverage, it appears OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD is exerting it’s full force on this grave issue. For those who are not familiar, OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD was covertly implemented by the CIA soon after the agency was formed after WWII, for the purpose of infiltrating mainstream media and using it as a propaganda tool to promote their many covert agendas. Even though it was ordered by Congress to cease it during the late 1970s, it obviously was not done, and no oversight exists. Sensitive subjects which hit close to home, such as real investigations into murdered presidents, govt involvement in drug traffic, 911 and other false flag operations that factually implicate the true holders of power, will trigger the CIA’s mocking propaganda machine into high gear. And like paid stooges, the mainstream media falls in line with a synchronized goose step. And innocent victims be damned.
Green Power And Wellness – FUKUSHIMA RADIATION ALL OVER AMERICA – March 18, 2014
Anti-nuclear legend Harvey Wasserman has Michael Collins on as his guest to discuss Fukushima – The Perfect Crime? in this fast-paced show with a host who really knows his radiation. Collins describes radiation discovered along the Pacific coast in Pacifica and Santa Cruz, California, Fukushima-tainted dirt lab tested from the heart of marijuana growing country in Humboldt County, extremely radioactive rain in Death Valley, high radiation found through US EPA RadNet monitors coast to coast, meltdown deniers successfully pulling the wool over the Los Angeles Times, news aggregators and “alternative” news outlets, and the now-infamous Ventura County Reporter cover art for one of Collins’s 2012 Fukushima stories that shows how clueless the media, and Americans in general, are about the ongoing triple meltdowns that began in Fukushima Japan March 11, 2011. Not to be missed rarity.
This IS the perfect crime, because our stooge governments are allowing TEPCO to get away with it.
Specifically, I like how the Japanese Government has taken to explaining the skyrocketing thyroid cancer rates in Fukushima Prefecture — “it’s because we’re testing more thoroughly, not because there are more cancers.”
Yeah, right. If the Japanese Gov’t wasn’t lying its ass off, it would repeat the Fukushima study somewhere out of the immediate fallout zone, and then compare. Please don’t bet on that happening.
You can read some of the sordid details here:
It’s about time for a bunch of nuke plant employees to show up and mansplain to us that “hardly any radiation was released, nukes are safe, even YOU eat bananas, and …” because we’re all just supposed to believe all the nuke industry’s bullshit.
There is an amazingly concerted effort going on to trivialize Fukushima. As recently as this week, the Japanese government was explaining away the skyrocketing childhood thyroid cancer rates in Fukushima Prefecture as “we’re doing a better job detecting, that’s all.”
“Ignore this situation at your peril.”
That’s a phrase I’ve heard far too often in my life, as to a variety of economic and public health disasters. With respect to radiation from Fukushima reaching the United States, the warning is appropriate.
In 1986, few Americans had ever heard of Ukraine, when the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion and meltdown occurred. Whether out of Soviet egotism and pride, or out of fear of intense public anger and its consequences, the highest levels of the Soviet government made decisions to work in near silence (in terms of what the Soviet public knew) to attempt to staunch the continued atmospheric impacts of the explosion and meltdown. Moscow and Leningrad were far from the accident site, the bureaucrats and decision makers’ children were thought to be relatively safe, and catastrophic decisions were made. The residents of Pripyat, the town nearest the reactor, were not evacuated until 2 days after the explosion. Ukrainians living within 20 miles of the reactor were not evacuated until a month later, while Belarussians living in that 20 mile zone were not evacuated at all. The rest of the Soviet population was not aggressively educated on how best to protect themselves from becoming chronically ill from the variety of sources contaminated by the fall out from the burning reactor.
Literally hundreds of thousands of “Soviet citizens” of no consequence, Belarussians living to the north, Russians living in Bryansk Oblast of Russia to the northeast, and Ukrainians living to the east, west and south of Chernobyl were exposed first to airborne radiation from the explosion and fire, then to radiation in their drinking water drawn from the region’s surface waters, and then to radiation in the meat they ate and milk they drank because animal forage had been radioactively contaminated. Belarussians and Ukrainians were also extensively exposed from radioactive contamination of locally grown grain which went into their every day foods. The Soviet government found it inconvenient to try to prevent the public from unknowingly eating radioactively contaminated food (a situation which continues in Belarus today with particular intensity).
Over the succeeding years, the people living in those regions saw a dramatic increase in cancer and related health problems to such an extent that the people now call it “Chornobyl disease”. Birth defects substantially increased. Children died with more frequency than in other eastern European countries. Individual medical doctors in southwest Russia, Belarus and Ukraine began to undertake independent investigations of the effects of radiation on the health of the people. Those physicians wrote about their findings in medical journals published in the Russian and Ukrainian languages. In autopsies of the region’s dead children their organs were examined and Caesium-137 was found in its highest accumulation in the endocrine glands, in particular the thyroid, the adrenals and the pancreas. High levels were also found in the heart, the thymus and the spleen. The average person-on-the-street in the region now takes for granted the fact that their countrymen are still chronically sick and dying from the radiation.
The Belarussian, Ukrainian and southwest Russians have historically been chronically fatalistic, knowing that “Life stinks then you die” (a translation of a sentiment expressed in both languages.) As a consequence, the public at large in those countries knows and understands the “consequences of the Chernobyl explosion and fire” from practical experience and they soldier on.
Yet there were at least 7 non-Soviet organizations with “western” orientation which conducted public health studies in the region. All of those studies were met with criticism that Chernobyl related illnesses and deaths were under-reported or over-reported. Each study seemed directed toward a particular political goal.
In 2007 three physicians who lived in southwest Russia and Belarus put together of collection of articles on the medical effects of the Chernobyl explosion which had been written in the Russian language by practicing physicians and medical school professors. The book was simply titled “Chornobyl”.
By 2009, the New York Academy of Sciences had sponsored the publication of an English translation of that Russian language book, called “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment”. The publication was little noticed until 2011, when its contents began to be discussed as a result of the Fukushima meltdowns and radioactivity releases. A shit storm about the English translation publication ensued, with some “western” scientists and statisticians vociferously attacking the report out of a belief that eastern Europeans are incapable of conducting “credible” medical and environmental research…a charge which Russian and Ukrainian scientists and physicians find incredibly insulting, given those countries universities’ reputation for producing brilliant academics. In the 2 years following the Fukushima meltdowns the English-language translation of “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment” became very difficult to obtain, in essence a suppressed or black listed document.
In contrast with Belarussians, Ukrainians and southwest Russians’ of the consequences of the catastrophe for their countries populations, Americans are completely in the dark about the consequences of Fukushima. Americans have not realized that public health consequences from the Fukushima meltdowns have already begun to occur, and as a consequence Americans are not trying to improve their chances at maintaining their pre-Fukushima life expectancy or that of their children. They are far more “in the dark” than the citizens of their historical enemy, the Soviet Union.
On all manner of issues, the Obama Administration is accused of “strictly controlling the message”. The progressive media, largely pro-Democratic Party, figuratively stick their heads in the sand on the consequences of Fukushima. No one is discussing how to better the non-interventionist outcome which was and is seen in Belarus, Ukraine and southwestern Russia.
The Republican/conservative media are supportive of economic powerhouses in the U.S., like the food and real estate industries as well as those in the medical industry who profit from widespread cancer treatment. The Republican/conservative media say nothing about the affects of the Fukushima meltdowns on people and the environment in America even when presented with the Obama Administration’s inaction and lack of candor as an opportunity for unfettered “slam journalism”.
Attacks are as-to-be-expected on journalists, scientists and citizens who try to discuss what is happening in the United States with respect to the Fukushima meltdowns. So confident of their silencing of the message, TEPCO’s American advisor Dale Klein* is now seriously talking about a program of perpetually dumping the region’s fresh water, now radioactively contaminated, into the Pacific, whether neighboring countries like it or not. The corporate, political and media elite have created an oligarchy of silence, laying down a fog of fatalism blinding the American people.
The radiation disaster in Fukushima has been and still is a cluster of lies that is allowing them to radiate the air and the Pacific Ocean and everything that lives in it and eats from it! TEPCO must be replaced with a group of international radiation and nuclear power plant experts to stop the leaking radiation from entering the Pacific Ocean and to clean up this ongoing disaster! The people at TEPCO that caused this disaster to happen by not securing the generators to higher ground after they were told to do so long before the earthquake hit and the people in the Japanese Government that allowed this to happen should be tried for crimes against humanity then put into prison! Now dozens of people are showing up with thyroid cancer and other cancers! Anyone that has been eating pacific ocean fish or sea food should think about doing a radiation detox.
Amazingly well written. I am at a loss of words.
I read it twice and will probably read it again.
This one will be forwarded to my family and friends.
🙂 Good one, thanks.
“…more holes than a Fukushima reactor.”
– Michael Collins
Wow. Thank you for this. When I’ve mentioned, or made reference to the radiation contaminating here, people seem to ignore it or deny it. And some, appear to have the attitude of, we can’t do anything about it, so ignore it. I will be sharing this link.