The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has secretly granted $34,100, with an option for $68,200 more, to a Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL or Rocketdyne) astroturf group dedicated to stopping the cleanup to background agreement DOE signed with the state in 2010, has learned.
“DOE will be coming out with their quarterly report probably in two to three weeks and they will have a list of grants on the last page,” said Alec Uzemeck of the SSFL “community advisory group” (CAG) August 17, 2016. “DOE is the one that made the grant for us. They are one who supplied the money. So, the question’s been answered.”
DOE not only gave thousands to a rump group of cleanup opponents, it told them to keep it to themselves lest longtime SSFL cleanup champion Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) find out about it before her term in office ends in January 2017.
The minutes of the meeting made clear that DOE wanted its identity as the CAG’s donor so secret that it was known only to CAG leaders, something that didn’t sit well with one of the CAG members. “Alec reported that the SSFL CAG Foundation will be an entity separate from the CAG and will have as directors: Ron Ziman, Alec Uzemeck, John Luker, Tom Nachtrab & Brian Sujada,” the minutes read. “This action is in response to the gift from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. A 501C3 nonprofit organization has been established. The directors will control the funds. As a result of the fact that the donor is anonymous, Elizabeth Harris has resigned from the CAG as she has a grant that could be jeopardized.”
Now why would DOE drop $34,100 on a group comprised of SSFL’s staunchest cleanup opponents, including one leading hikes through polluted SSFL property, and not want Boxer to know about it? Perhaps it’s because she would see through the ruse and know DOE was funding a group opposed to DOE’s cleanup of the its 270-acre part of the 2,850-acre SSFL thereby saving millions. The 23-year-serving Senator will know more soon enough. “We are investigating this and are committed to a full cleanup,” a senior official in Boxer’s office told August 31.
In an August 31 press release, RCC co-founder Marie Mason, who has fought for nearly three decades to get SSFL cleaned up, said, “I find it more than shocking that the DOE would fund this group and ask to conceal they are the funding source and especially to not have Senator Boxer find out. I am more than disgusted and filled with sadness. DOE and DTSC are part of the problem with too many close ties to the polluters and total disregard for the communities they are supposed to protect.”
Not only has DOE kept its cash for cleanup saboteurs scheme secret from the Sen. Boxer, it probably hasn’t explained to her how it could commit a possible $102,000 to the astroturf CAG while simultaneously slashing $300,000 that it had committed to an independently administered community fund.
The coalition states that the CIF was established specifically so that there would be an independent mechanism to ensure that DOE would not do what it has done – fund a front group to lobby on DOE’s behalf to get out of its cleanup obligations.
Meanwhile, the Department of Energy claims what it has done was perfectly legal. In an August 30 email, a DOE spokesperson told
“The Department of Energy is aware of the statements being made regarding grant funding that was provided to the state-authorized Community Advisory Group (CAG) for the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL). This grant was provided in August 2015 as a three-year renewable grant, with first year funding of $34,100, and is being administered in accordance with all federal laws, including those which prohibit the use of funds for lobbying.
“According to the California Community Advisory Group handbook, ‘A Community Advisory Group’s (CAG) purpose is to provide a public forum for stakeholders to discuss issues and concerns relating to environmental projects under the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA), Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC) direct oversight.’ The SSFL CAG specifically interacts with the DTSC regarding SSFL cleanup
“Given the interest in this particular grant, the Department has proactively begun reviewing the document for release.”
The statement raises more questions than it answers. The CAG repeatedly emphasized that its non-profit arm, the SSFL CAG Foundation, was a “separate entity” from the DTSC sanctioned CAG. Yet the DOE statement heavily relies on the CAG’s DTSC sanction as justifying its sizeable grant. So then, what exactly are the grant funds for? Why does a government grant need review prior to being released to the public who paid for it? Why did DOE request that the grant be kept secret for a full year?
DOE says that federal law prevents the use of funds for lobbying, yet Uzemeck stressed that the funding had “no strings.” The CAG makes no secret of its lobbying against full cleanup activities. In fact, the top agenda item from the August meeting in which it revealed DOE was its funder is “political meetings.”
With this composition it should be no surprise that the CAG has openly opposed comprehensive cleanup of SSFL and supported hikes and tours through the lab’s still-contaminated Southern Buffer Zone (SBZ) and nuclear Area IV where massive amounts of radiation and chemicals remain. The CAG continually spreads false and misleading information, such as this 2014 flyer that reads, “Why the AOC Cleanup at SSFL is Bad for Our Community.” Claiming that the SSFL cleanup will be more harmful than exposure to its contamination is part of the CAG’s dubious disinformation campaign, covered by in 2014’s, Truth or Scare?
Area IV has been operated by DOE which is responsible for its cleanup which has already cost hundreds of millions thanks to three partial nuclear reactor meltdowns and decades of dumping, spilling and burning highly radioactive waste in an open burn pit, first exposed by this reporter in the June 1998 Los Angeles magazine cover story A Nuclear Nightmare in Our Backyard.
The rump CAG group’s primary focus has been destroying the Agreements on Consent (AOCs) struck between the state EPA’s Department of Toxic Substances (DTSC) and DOE and NASA in 2010. Both pledged to remediate their areas of SSFL to background levels of radioactivity and chemicals. DOE has since grumbled that it doesn’t have the money to fully clean up the huge amounts of goo they’ve fouled the lab with yet repeatedly reaffirms its commitment to its AOC.
Of course if that were true, DOE would not be bankrolling the CAG to help it break out of the agreement, an astonishing conspiracy to complete the greenwashing of Area IV by funding a group fighting its own cleanup. Far from protecting the environment and the people and creatures living in it, the DOE has spun out of control trying to ruin a cleanup while hiding behind a CAG that wants to declare the place a park in a fait accompli.
Park cheerleader John Luker, who is also a CAG member and director of the SSFL CAG Foundation into which DOE shoveled the money, bragged during a long presentation at the August 19 CAG meeting that he had been lobbying at least two politicians about the SSFL cleanup. According to Luker, one of his lobbying targets was Rocketdyne cleanup stalwart Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) who represents the 26th District that borders SSFL.
“Anyway I insisted on a personal meeting with Julia Brownley because in the past I’ve talked to her aides and it’s been like a brick wall, the message has not been getting transmitted,” Luker told the small CAG gathering that was short of a quorum. “Anyway, I asked her point blank ‘has anyone trying to influence the legislation?’ And she goes ‘Oh, uh, what do you mean?’ And I go ‘Well is anybody trying to like influence National Park Service into, say, not consult on this project?’ ‘Oh yeah well uh well yeah I guess that’s a really good concern’ and they [sic] sort of change the subject and went around to something else. Now that would be called equivocation. That means you’re not answering the question. Answer the question with another question. Okay, how much of that do we get and it is a logical fallacy. Now this is really interesting. I am not a professor.”
Painting SSFL as a recreational wonderland before it is even remediated is part and parcel of the greenwashing campaign for which Luker and the CAG are being so richly rewarded.‘s July 13 Critics question safety of Boeing’s Santa Susana Field Lab hikes exposed the deluge of feel-good fictions being rained upon an unsuspecting populace, including children. Luker’s say-anything-mean-nothing Trumpian hucksterism is bewildering even to the seasoned CAG observer.
Oft times appearing disturbed to this reporter who listened to the August 17 CAG meeting via a cell phone set on a chair by Bonnie Klea, Luker would periodically shout at the phone assuming that this reporter was on it, calling me “Mikey” at one point amidst rants detailing his lobbying efforts which have included State Senator Fran Pavley (D-District 27).
“Did you get enough?” Luker bellowed into the cell phone. “Yeah, DID YOU GET ENOUGH? What do you think, Bonnie? Michael you got enough to trash me again?”
True to form, though, the truth inevitably tumbles from one of DOE’s new grant recipients including Luker himself. By the end of the meeting, he became more introspective speaking to no one in particular.
“I find myself falling into these fallacies and it’s really easy to,” Luker said quietly. “It’s really easy to attack [this reporter] instead of the data and that’s one of the big problems I have with this stuff. You know it’s like I pretty much know what the guy on the other end of the phone is going to write.”
This reporter will write what Boeing, DOE and their CAG minions say and do. There’s no need to embellish dangerous buffoonery when the quotes tumbling from loose lips are so pungent and provocative.
But that’s what DOE is paying for, and so the American taxpayer is footing the bill to help DOE’s CAG gut its own cleanup, exposing future generations to the astronomical amounts of radiation and chemicals in the soil, water and air vapors.
25 Years of Award-Winning SSFL/Rocketdyne Reporting
1998 – 2023
> He [SSFL Lab Director] said, “Yes, things happened. Yes, they were unfortunate, and we’ve made a commitment to clean it up…Is DOE committed to the AOC? Yes.”
Either the DOE has changed its mind and is no longer committed to the AOC… or he was lying.
This grant to fund CAG from the DOE should surprise me, but it does not. Anyone who reads knows that such stories and influences are not uncommon. Big business and big government go hand in hand for obvious reasons. To the uninitiated, take the time to read a few of Michael Collins articles like the one above, or some of those linked in the article above, and your eyes will begin to open. It’s important to understand what is being done to all us by powerful forces in business and government. It seems big government serves big business interests and it cares little to serve private citizen’s concerns. I, for one, would like to see that change.
I’m sorry I just read this again and am really steaming. How can DOE not release the grant contract? How could they not tell what it is for? I want to see the budget. That’s a lot of money for “communications.” If our elected officials do nothing then they are responsible too. Why won’t they answer why they asked for secrecy? If they say they didn’t then either they are liars or funding liars. But neither they nor the CAG can be trusted. I also blame DTSC they are 100 percent responsible too. What a horrible bunch of liars and thieves. And given all the cancers let’s call them killers too.
Bonnie tell Luker to “prove” there haven’t been cancers and a lot of them. He can’t!! What do we do? Write Boxer write Brownley write Pavley and anyone who will listen and those who won’t. The CAG certainly is. We need to scream from the mountain top and never give up. This CANNOT stand!
Oh. My. God. I would like to say “I knew it!” but I didn’t, I thought for sure Boeing was the CAG’s sugar daddy. Well well well, this is actually far worse. Boeing has tons of money to throw around at avoiding but not actually doing a proper cleanup. But DOE? It’s whining about not enough money for groups that it can’t control, about not enough for cleanup, wah wah wah. I am BEYOND OUTRAGED. That’s MY money damn it. OUR money. And we don’t want it spent on the coo coo train that is the CAG. There has GOT to be a law against a government agency asking for its donation to be kept anonymous. You know they were waiting until they thought Boxer was almost out. Same thing with the damn EIS, which I guarantee will be a case study in anti-cleanup excuses. What a sad sorry sordid state of affairs. Thank you and the Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition for exposing the scandal, and I do mean scandal. I hope to hell Boxer, Brownley, and Pavely will do SOMETHING to right the wrong.
When I worked out there in 2001, SHEA said that area III still had hot areas too. Do they know if the equipment is still buried out there those areas?
Thank you Michael for another great story. I’ve never seen so much corruption–will it ever end? The CAG laughs about cancer stories, old and new and Luker’s favorite saying is “prove it”. Where do we go from here?
Thanks Michael,
I hope people reading this will post it all over the place. The mainstream media needs to show the public how our system (DTSC) is failing us. The polluters are playing a waiting game instead of cleaning up their mess in hopes a new administration will turn their heads – yet Michael Collins and other activists/agencies like PSR-LA are standing up for a public who is not even aware of what is impacting their health.
Let’s start Trending.
William Preston Bowling
Founder ACME