Kardashian Show Tackles Santa Susana Field Lab Contamination –
The Kardashian sisters focusing on the cleanup of SSFL is influential. Watching Kim and Denise connect on the show was surreal but made perfect sense. These two fearless women get things done. “There’s widespread contamination in the soil, in the groundwater, and in the surface water,” Denise said. “In 2010, they said it was going to be cleaned up by 2017. It hasn’t even started.”
EnviroReporter.com – December 23, 2019
October 24 2018 SSFL Area IV-SBZ Apparent Fire Violations – Just one week BEFORE the deadly 2018 Woolsey Fire, Boeing held a Sunset & Sip event where people, after signing waivers, are allowed to walk through the grossly contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory Area IV and Southern Buffer Zone and are rewarded with wine and beer. One week later, the Woolsey Fire erupted several hundred yards north of here on NASA land , incinerating most of Area IV and the SBZ .
EnviroReporter.com – November 23, 2019
Apparent Fire Code Violations at Santa Susana Field Lab Invite Another Toxic Disaster on Woolsey Fire Anniversary – Chaparral-choked lab roads remain uncut where fire started one year ago, generating over 43,000 tons of radioactively-impacted smoke that included extremely poisonous Polonium-210.
EnviroReporter.com – November 8, 2019
2019 SSFL Continued Apparent Fire Code Violations – EnviroReporter.com has uncovered evidence which shows that roads in SSFL’s 1,140 acre SBZ, where the Woolsey Fire roared through Nov. 8, 2018, are lined by combustible grasses and chaparral in violation of Ventura County Fire Code.
EnviroReporter.com – November 8, 2019
Woolsey Fire One Year Anniversary – Boeing itself found radionuclides in Woolsey Fire smoke on its property including the highly poisonous Polonium-210 (Po-210), a substance 250,000 times more lethal than hydrogen cyanide. The Po-210 was found in two separate sensors in the SBZ near where Boeing allows hikes.
EnviroReporter.com – November 8, 2019
Radiation Requiem – 60 Years After America’s Worst Nuclear Meltdown – Woolsey Fire smoke sampled by Boeing had radioactive Beryllium-7 at both stations as well as the radioisotope Thorium-232. Sampling Station #5 also detected Thorium-230 in the air during the fire period. In nuclear Area IV, which borders the Southern Buffer Zone, there existed an Advanced Epithermal Thorium Reactor according to the Department of Energy.
EnviroReporter.com – July 12, 2019
Smoke Screen – Woolsey Fire Contamination Cover-up – Over 2,404 acres of brush that covered 2,849-acre Rocketdyne burned in the Woolsey Fire, brush that sucks up radiation, trichloroethylene, dioxins, PCBs, and a cauldron of chemicals. It went up in smoke, 18 tons of it per acre. That’s over 43,272 tons of smoke.
EnviroReporter.com – November 20, 2018
27 Years of Award-Winning SSFL/Rocketdyne Reporting
1998 – 2025
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