Father of Rocketdyne, and “ardent Nazi,” Walther Riedel third from right, standing

Michael Collins’ Comments to the Keeper at the National Register of Historic Places
October 2, 2020



NASA’s Last Stand EXPOSÉ
EnviroReporter.com – August 13, 2020



EnviroReporter.com – August 13, 2020



EnviroReporter.com – August 13, 2020



NASA’s Last Stand VIDEOS
EnviroReporter.com – August 13, 2020



Stephen Schafer White Mansplaining
EnviroReporter.com – August 13, 2020



2014 Michael Collins Sec 106 PA Comments
EnviroReporter.com – August 13, 2020



2020 Michael Collins Burro Flats Cultural District Comments
EnviroReporter.com – August 13, 2020



Christina Walsh in Burro Flats Painted Cave
EnviroReporter.com – August 13, 2020



SSFL Area IV 11-08-08
This gallery, in the context of “NASA’s Last Stand,” shows how easy it was to trot about Area IV at SSFL.



October 24 2018 SSFL Area IV-SBZ Apparent Fire Violations

Boeing’s “Stroll and Sip” walk began within a quarter mile of the barely protected Burro Flats Painted Cave.


2019 SSFL Continued Apparent Fire Code Violations

“Stroll and Sip” walking  within 0.26 miles of the cave plus people regularly planting trees near the sacred area as Boeing invites more people onto SSFL.



25 Years of Award-Winning SSFL/Rocketdyne Reporting

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