The Runkle Canyon 2004 Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) has a much lower set of numbers than the 2002 Draft EIR for estimated fugitive dust that will escape the Runkle Canyon site during construction. There is no explanation given for these drastically-reduced numbers which lower the amount of dust estimated by over 50%.
Regardless, Los Angeles CityBeat/ValleyBeat and calculated our 100 tons estimate based on the lower 2004 figures for “mitigated” dust control. This very conservative estimate resulted in a hard number of 112.26 tons of dust that will be launched into the air as a result of this project. How we derived that number is explained herein.
It should be noted that the DEIR has construction starting in 2004, which it obviously hasn’t. However, we use those year mileposts as designations considering it is unknown when, if ever, this project will be built.
It should also be noted that any estimate of dust emissions on a project this big are bound to be inaccurate. But considering what’s in that dust, we gave it our best shot:
There are three phases of construction according to the DEIR although it is sometimes unclear as to which phase some areas belong. Regardless, it doesn’t change the DEIR’s figures.
Phase I includes areas 1-4, 8, 11, 12, 14 and will last 2 ½ years
(Note that the DEIR says that dust emissions are the same in winter and summer and makes no note of weekends or holidays as being ‘zero-dust days’)
2004: 250.19 lbs/day
2005: 250.19 lbs/day
2006: 0.20 lbs/day
2004 + 2005 = 365 x 2 = 730 days x 250.19 lbs/day = 182,638.7 pounds
2006 = 365/2 (half year) = 182.5 x 0.20 lbs/day = 36.5 pounds
TOTAL PHASE I FUGITIVE DUST = 182,675.2 pounds
Phase II includes areas 5,6,7, 14 and will last 2 years
2007: 88.36 lbs/day
2008: 0.22 lbs/day
2007 = 365 days x 88.36 lbs/day = 32,251.4 pounds
2008 = 365 days x 0.22 lbs/day = 80.3 pounds
Phase III includes areas 9 & 10 and will last 1 year
2008: 26.08 lbs/day
2008 = 365 days x 26.98 lbs/day = 9,519.6 pounds
GRAND TOTAL OF PHASES I, II & III = 224,526.10 pounds
224,526.10 lbs/ 2,000 lbs/ton = 112.26 TONS
24 Years of Award-Winning SSFL/Rocketdyne Reporting
June 1998 – June 2022
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