Filtered dust rises 79 percent in 7 months

Beta radiation has risen significantly in Los Angeles Basin dust over the last half year, according to an radiation readings assessment.

Inhaled beta radiation can be hazardous if found significantly over normal background levels. The higher radiation readings haven’t yet exceeded hazardous materials levels used by the California Highway Patrol (CHP).

The most recent upward trend began September 7 with‘s standardized procedures finding the dust 29.9 percent above background levels. An October 12 test exceeded 37.6 percent over normal. A November 13 assessment of the customary dust aggregate from three HEPA filter air cleaning machines was 68.9 percent above background.

Los Angeles air topped 78.8 percent above normal December 14 at a time of year when radiation levels usually fall. It is still far short of the ‘three times background’ level that trips a Hazardous Materials protocols incident used by the CHP. That would involve HazMat procedures that include wearing protective suits with independent air ventilation systems to protect CHP personnel.

The L.A. Basin radiation readings are part of‘s Radiation Station Stats which encompasses this online news organizations multi-media radiation testing begun March 11, 2011 when the ongoing triple meltdowns at Fukushima Japan first exploded. Over 10,000 ongoing radiation tests have been performed and publicly shared.

Radiation Station Sunshine Coast Australia has produced thousands of radiation tests in the Southern Hemisphere under the supervision of environmental expert Peter Daley since 2012.‘s extensive monitoring databases include Special Radiation Station Tests and Eat Me! which extensively scans groceries for radioactivity.

RadNet Air Monitoring gives the viewer access to a dynamic platform of 483 streaming radiation detection stations at 142 sites across the USA.

Gamma Gross Count Rate, Gamma Gross Count Rate by Channel Range, Gamma Exposure Rate and Beta Air Filter Results are graphed continuously courtesy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. organized this vital data for ease of use for both the public and the government since the source feeds are hard to figure out for many folks.

Long before the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, had extensive experience using N-95 and surgical masks. These very devices can reduce exposure to the threat of beta radiation that we have found in Greater Los Angeles Basin dust when outdoors making them doubly essential as we unite to build back better.

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