Radiation and chemical vapors on 47-acre Canoga Park site are too toxic for housing, but could be mitigated to safely house residents displaced by January 2025 fires in above-ground trailers.
Massive Santa Susana Lab Contamination Deliberately Hidden Since 1981
Groundwater contamination coverup continues with highest readings ever in Brandeis-Bardin and Southern Buffer Zone
Back from the Doomsday Brink
A NATO-backed Ukrainian victory should lead immediately to multilateral agreements among the U.S., Russia, China and all nuclear-armed states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals once and for all.
International List of Radiation Monitoring Stations
EnviroReporter.com radiation expert Peter Daley’s comprehensive list of 168 radiation detection systems in 70 countries & Europe
Brandeis-Bardin Groundwater Toxins Hit Historic Highs
Santa Susana Field Lab radiation & chemicals plague popular Jewish camp as Los Angeles Water Board prepares to end SSFL surface water testing
State Secretly Kills Santa Susana Field Lab Cleanup
CalEPA & Boeing cut secret deal allowing most toxins at SSFL to remain in place breaking 2007 Consent Order
ENCORE SCREENING – In the Dark of the Valley
Award-winning documentary creating buzz on decades-long battle to clean up the radioactive and chemical contamination at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory
Grace in the Dark of the Valley
This masterpiece takes the already fascinating subject of SSFL and explores it in ways never done before.
Gates to Disaster – Fukushima Meltdowns at Ten Years
Reactor disaster spirals out of control as Bill Gates pushes nuclear energy doomed liquid sodium design
Radiation Rises in Los Angeles Air
Radiation rises in Los Angeles air as filtered dust goes up 79 percent in 7 months
NASA’s Last Stand Investigation
Trump’s NASA seeks SSFL historic listing claiming it as “pristine” sacred Native American land & avoid cleanup, burying Nazi lab origins.
NASA’s Last Stand
Trump’s NASA seeks SSFL historic listing claiming it as “pristine” sacred Native American land & avoid cleanup, burying Nazi lab origins
N95 Masks Safely Sterilized in Microwave Ovens after Two Minutes with 93% Success Rate, Says 2012 Air Force Report
UVGI light and warm moist oven heat also sterilize masks
Wayne Fishback Investigation
EnviroReporter.com’s investigation of notorious illegal dump operator Wayne Fishback beginning in 2006 through 2020
Mountain Wrecker Wayne Fishback Faces Lengthy Jail Time
Wayne Fishback must clean up Ventura County dump or face jail time until he does
Kardashian Show Tackles Santa Susana Field Lab Contamination
Denise Duffield talks SSFL and Kardashian sisters fight for total cleanup
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