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Back from the Doomsday Brink

A NATO-backed Ukrainian victory should lead immediately to multilateral agreements among the U.S., Russia, China and all nuclear-armed states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals once and for all.

Adiós Diablo Canyon

Adiós a Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant today as owner PG&E announces 2025 shuttering. Close to earthquake faults, plant’s re-licensing fight avoided but decommissioning challenges loom though not as acutely dangerous as San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 250 miles to south.

EnviroReporter.com DECADE 2006-2016

EnviroReporter.com marks a major milestone – the online news organization turns 10 today having begun publishing May 18, 2006 with a story about the biomedical nuclear and chemical dump in the Los Angeles suburb of Brentwood. Story stopped a $4 billion scheme to privatize the West L.A. Veterans Administration. So began this award-winning environmental news outfit which says its best is yet to come.

Lights Out

Failure to harden electrical infrastructure and spent nuclear fuel storage leaves U.S. and world vulnerable to solar or terrorist induced apocalypse.

Hit Men for Hot Zones

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station exposed as vulnerable to rocket attack on its two spent fuel pools by terrorists and even dry casked fuel appears vulnerable to on-foot attack.