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SONGS’ Lethal Legacy

Should 1,800 tons of SONGS spent fuel catch fire due to cooling pools water loss, the impossible-to-extinguish fire could unleash fatal radiation doses to everyone within 10 miles.

Black Swan SONGS exposes San Onofre’s extreme vulnerability to terrorist attack or disaster which could destroy Southern California without major defensive improvements.

Fracked Nation

Fracking Chemical Cocktail defiantly attends “The Toxies Exposed” premiere despite methane emissions, water waste, earthquakes and homeowner insurance cancellations.

EPA Nukes Radiation Rules

Proposed U.S. EPA “Protective Action Guide” allows hundreds to thousands of times more radiation in disasters than the agency had previously allowed. More cancers deaths seem likely.

Radiation Food Lab

Thousands of food and drink radiation tests worldwide are conducted and compiled by Radiation Station Sunshine Coast Australia’s Peter Daley. Most comprehensive compendium.

Winter Hot Zones

Hot skies sizzle with over five times the amount of radiation that would be normally expected at 30,000 in pre-Fukushima meltdowns days. Michigan snow shows significant beta.

Up a River Without a Cleanup

Boeing’s lobbying power, and its success in turning DTSC into a ‘captured agency’ assures that contamination will continue to gush into the L.A. River, object of a $2 billion renovation.

Debbie Raphael and Boeing Lobbyist Peter Weiner

Toxic Department

DTSC called a “captured agency.” Astroturf collaborators claim no more cleanup is needed, guided by greenwashing plan by publicist Gary Polakovic . Contamination discounted.