Exclusive 2019 Update: VICTORY AT THE VA – West LA Veterans Administration master plan protects old nuclear dump from development

Seeing the dump being “flagged” for testing for the first time was certainly an amazing sight. The testing technique included gridding off areas with 10 by 10 meter quadrants delineated by white surveyor flags. A red flag marked the “hottest” spot for radiation and had that highest reading on it and also a 6-second average reading for the quadrant, according to project leader Michael Noel. Many of these red flags had only one reading on them, or none, at all and huge swaths of land that Noel said would be inspected in Phase One were not, partly due to interference from dog park people in the south field Dec. 8 who tried to block access to his crews vehicles. The police had to be called to sort out the situation. Noel’s crew has authority to access that land and a dog park honcho let folks know that after the standoff.

More proof of radioactive waste exposed on the ground was found by EnviroReporter.com. This evidence included a radioactive syringe near a crescent-shaped mound in the dump that the VA and Noel had said was associated with the excavation of the Brentwood School athletic fields. That syringe, and a chip of ‘hot’ ceramic material found between one of the mysterious burial mounds, both seen below, registered two times higher than normal background readings for the area.

Later, when asked if he had seen the syringe, Noel affirmed that he had and that it was likely associated with the crescent-shaped mound. Phase One testing was completed Dec. 8 and Noel and his team had left the VA testing area a week earlier than the “proposed project schedule” had indicated. Noel says he may “front-load” that week onto Phase Two next spring and inspect/test the missed areas then.

(Click thumbnail to view entire photograph)

Exclusive 2019 Update: VICTORY AT THE VA – West LA Veterans Administration master plan protects old nuclear dump from development