Exclusive 2019 Update: VICTORY AT THE VA – West LA Veterans Administration master plan protects old nuclear dump from development

The arroyo to the west of the dog park was tested, though maps of the dumping do not indicate that any dumping occurred here. A section of the land on the VA’s golf course, associated with a long ash pit, was also tested. Testing project leader Michael Noel says that 27 acres will be examined in Phase One though some of the west arroyo won’t have its brush removed, which makes it impossible to test correctly, because some of the area around the confluence of the two arroyos is officially a wetlands area. The only water we saw was coming out of a drainage pipe south and down-gradient of the main dumping area. Noel says he’ll test this water.

The testing goal was explained in Noel’s Nov. 27 presentation to the community. “The thing we want to do is good science,” Noel said. “We don’t want to have to stand here again at some time in the future and say, ‘We didn’t do it right and now we are being asked to look at this again,’ so I think it’s important enough for everyone to close this and put it behind us.”

Noel later made it clear that should anything be found in the entire area he said they would test, would be evaluated for removal by the VA. “If we find anything that was a potential health issue, a glaring issue that maybe would necessitate closing facilities or doing something else, it would absolutely be brought forward to the VA immediately and, I’m sure, to the councilman [Rosendahl] directly,” Noel said at the Nov. 27 community meeting. “If I believe if there is a health issue there, I will be the first person to ask for this to be closed down.”

(Click thumbnail to view entire photograph)

Exclusive 2019 Update: VICTORY AT THE VA – West LA Veterans Administration master plan protects old nuclear dump from development