Hector Vazquez
Handle: Hector
Laboratory grade Johnson Instruments GSM-500 paired with Johnson HP-265 “pancake” probe
147 special radiation tests as of October 18, 2018

2017/05/15 at 9:26 pm
East Los Angeles, CA external background at 9:26 pm
9 uR/h (microroengens)
2016/03/12 at 8:53 am
RAIN: No abnormal readings detected in rain. Normal ambient level of 5 microrems.
2015/12/26 at 10:13 am
8-10uR/h in East Los Angeles, C/ at 10:15am. 12/26/2015.
within normal gamma ambient levels for this area.
Instrument: WB Johnson GSM-500 with Johnson GSP-1
cal: 12/21/2015
2015/11/26 at 2:41 pm
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!.
External ambient gamma levels at 10 microrems/hour for gamma at ground level at 2:40pm.
Instrument: Wm B. Johnson and Associates GSM-501
cal: Jun 2015
2015/07/10 at 9:07 am
External gamma environmental levels in East Los Angeles at 9 microrems per hour at 9:00am on 7/10/15.
Instrument: Wm B. Johnson and Associates GSM-501
Cal: 6/15
2015/07/02 at 11:54 am
External gamma ambient level in East Los Angeles is constant between 8-9 Microrems per hour. This is normal ambient levels for this area.
Instrumentation: Wm B. Johnson and Associates GSM-501
2015/04/26 at 8:30 am
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute exterior count at 8:30am Sunday April 4
checks in at 46.8 counts per minute after yesterdays light rain.
[Editor: Testing the rain itself is very important. Perhaps next time.]
2015/04/06 at 3:11 pm
10 minute average exterior East Los Angeles, CA
44 CPM normal for this area at 3:05pm
2015/03/18 at 5:23 pm
East Los Angeles gamma dose ambient level at 5:15pm.
22uR/h. Normal levels
Wb Johnson DSM-500
calibrated 6/2014
2014/12/24 at 3:02 pm
Greetings from East Los Angeles,CA
External gamma dose at 2:55pm
13uR/h-normal range for this area
WB Johnson DSM 500
Calibrated 6/14
2014/08/17 at 11:05 am
East Los Angeles,CA-10 min avg clear sky
10:40 am EXT 47.2 Counts Per Minute
10:55 am INT 42.4 counts per minute
Wb Johnson Instruments DSM-500/Johnson hp-265
Cal 4/14
2014/08/03 at 8:21 am
East Los Angeles, CA
ambient dose rate 13uR/hr at 8:15am.
WB Johnston DSM-500 Geiger Counter
calibrated 4/14
2014/08/02 at 10:15 pm
East Los Angeles,ca 10 minute paper towel wipe test at 10:05 pm. Background internal 44 cpm.
The wet paper towel came in at 210cpm.
Radon in the rain. Now raining heavier.
2014/08/02 at 9:47 pm
Moderate showers in East Los Angeles,ca at 9:35pm. Dose rate 24uR/hr external. Typical external dose for this are is 11-13uR/hr.
WB Johnson DSM-500+energy compensated gm probe.
Cal 4/2014
2014/07/29 at 7:25 am
East Los Angeles,ca 10 minute average at 7:15am
External-46 cpm.
Internal-43 cpm
WB Johnson Instruments DSM-500
Calibrated April 2014
2014/07/24 at 12:46 pm
East Los Angeles, CA 97 degrees in the shade!! Gamma ambient dose reading at 12:44pm.
13uR/h- normal range
WB Johnston Instruments DSM-500
calibrated April 2014
2014/07/23 at 4:17 pm
East Los Angeles gamma dose rate 14uR/h(microrems per hour) at 4:17pm. Normal range for this are.
WB Johnson Instruments DSM-500
2014/07/12 at 1:08 pm
East Los Angeles external gamma ambient dose at 1:05pm. 12 microrems per hour. Normal for this area.
Wb Johnson Instruments GSM-500 with energy compensated probe.
2014/07/05 at 11:31 am
East Los Angeles, ca 10 minute external average at 11:20am 43
counts per minute-normal range
2014/07/01 at 2:28 pm
East Los Angeles,ca 10 minute average external count rate at 2:15 pm.
47 cpm
External ambient dose rate 13uR/h
All normal readings
Wb Johnson DSM-500
2014/06/25 at 12:56 pm
East Los Angeles external gamma ambient dose rate at 12:45 pm. 12uR/h normal for this area.
WB Johnston DSM-500
2014/06/24 at 9:06 pm
East Los Angeles external gamma dose at 8:30 pm.
13uR/h (microrems). Normal for this area.
WB Johnson DSM-500 alarming survey meter with energy compensated Johnson GP-1001
alarm set at 50uR/H
2014/06/22 at 9:55 pm
East Los Angeles external ambient dose rate 12uR/h at 9:45pm
Wb Johnson DSM-500 + energy compensated gm probe
2014/06/22 at 3:10 pm
10 minute average count rate activity at 3:00 pm.
51 cpm external
47 cpm internal
External gamma dose 13 microrems per hour
Wb Johnson DS-500M
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