Hector Vazquez
Handle: Hector
Laboratory grade Johnson Instruments GSM-500 paired with Johnson HP-265 “pancake” probe
147 special radiation tests as of October 18, 2018

2017/05/15 at 9:26 pm
East Los Angeles, CA external background at 9:26 pm
9 uR/h (microroengens)
2016/03/12 at 8:53 am
RAIN: No abnormal readings detected in rain. Normal ambient level of 5 microrems.
2015/12/26 at 10:13 am
8-10uR/h in East Los Angeles, C/ at 10:15am. 12/26/2015.
within normal gamma ambient levels for this area.
Instrument: WB Johnson GSM-500 with Johnson GSP-1
cal: 12/21/2015
2015/11/26 at 2:41 pm
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!.
External ambient gamma levels at 10 microrems/hour for gamma at ground level at 2:40pm.
Instrument: Wm B. Johnson and Associates GSM-501
cal: Jun 2015
2015/07/10 at 9:07 am
External gamma environmental levels in East Los Angeles at 9 microrems per hour at 9:00am on 7/10/15.
Instrument: Wm B. Johnson and Associates GSM-501
Cal: 6/15
2015/07/02 at 11:54 am
External gamma ambient level in East Los Angeles is constant between 8-9 Microrems per hour. This is normal ambient levels for this area.
Instrumentation: Wm B. Johnson and Associates GSM-501
2015/04/26 at 8:30 am
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute exterior count at 8:30am Sunday April 4
checks in at 46.8 counts per minute after yesterdays light rain.
[Editor: Testing the rain itself is very important. Perhaps next time.]
2015/04/06 at 3:11 pm
10 minute average exterior East Los Angeles, CA
44 CPM normal for this area at 3:05pm
2015/03/18 at 5:23 pm
East Los Angeles gamma dose ambient level at 5:15pm.
22uR/h. Normal levels
Wb Johnson DSM-500
calibrated 6/2014
2014/12/24 at 3:02 pm
Greetings from East Los Angeles,CA
External gamma dose at 2:55pm
13uR/h-normal range for this area
WB Johnson DSM 500
Calibrated 6/14
2014/08/17 at 11:05 am
East Los Angeles,CA-10 min avg clear sky
10:40 am EXT 47.2 Counts Per Minute
10:55 am INT 42.4 counts per minute
Wb Johnson Instruments DSM-500/Johnson hp-265
Cal 4/14
2014/08/03 at 8:21 am
East Los Angeles, CA
ambient dose rate 13uR/hr at 8:15am.
WB Johnston DSM-500 Geiger Counter
calibrated 4/14
2014/08/02 at 10:15 pm
East Los Angeles,ca 10 minute paper towel wipe test at 10:05 pm. Background internal 44 cpm.
The wet paper towel came in at 210cpm.
Radon in the rain. Now raining heavier.
2014/08/02 at 9:47 pm
Moderate showers in East Los Angeles,ca at 9:35pm. Dose rate 24uR/hr external. Typical external dose for this are is 11-13uR/hr.
WB Johnson DSM-500+energy compensated gm probe.
Cal 4/2014
2014/07/29 at 7:25 am
East Los Angeles,ca 10 minute average at 7:15am
External-46 cpm.
Internal-43 cpm
WB Johnson Instruments DSM-500
Calibrated April 2014
2014/07/24 at 12:46 pm
East Los Angeles, CA 97 degrees in the shade!! Gamma ambient dose reading at 12:44pm.
13uR/h- normal range
WB Johnston Instruments DSM-500
calibrated April 2014
2014/07/23 at 4:17 pm
East Los Angeles gamma dose rate 14uR/h(microrems per hour) at 4:17pm. Normal range for this are.
WB Johnson Instruments DSM-500
2014/07/12 at 1:08 pm
East Los Angeles external gamma ambient dose at 1:05pm. 12 microrems per hour. Normal for this area.
Wb Johnson Instruments GSM-500 with energy compensated probe.
2014/07/05 at 11:31 am
East Los Angeles, ca 10 minute external average at 11:20am 43
counts per minute-normal range
2014/07/01 at 2:28 pm
East Los Angeles,ca 10 minute average external count rate at 2:15 pm.
47 cpm
External ambient dose rate 13uR/h
All normal readings
Wb Johnson DSM-500
2014/06/25 at 12:56 pm
East Los Angeles external gamma ambient dose rate at 12:45 pm. 12uR/h normal for this area.
WB Johnston DSM-500
2014/06/24 at 9:06 pm
East Los Angeles external gamma dose at 8:30 pm.
13uR/h (microrems). Normal for this area.
WB Johnson DSM-500 alarming survey meter with energy compensated Johnson GP-1001
alarm set at 50uR/H
2014/06/22 at 9:55 pm
East Los Angeles external ambient dose rate 12uR/h at 9:45pm
Wb Johnson DSM-500 + energy compensated gm probe
2014/06/22 at 3:10 pm
10 minute average count rate activity at 3:00 pm.
51 cpm external
47 cpm internal
External gamma dose 13 microrems per hour
Wb Johnson DS-500M
2014/06/19 at 6:30 pm
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute averages at 5:15pm
External 49 cpm- normal for this area.
Internal 39 cpm- normal
External dose 12uR/h-normal for this area.
WB Johnson DSM-500
Johnnson HP-265
Johnson GP-1001
2014/05/18 at 4:50 pm
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute average ambient.
External 50 cpm +/- 10%
Internal 46 cpm +/- 10%
External 1 hour ambient dose
13 microrems per hour (uR/h) +/-10%
All normal readings on the east side
WB Johnson GSM-500
HP-265 (cpm)
GP-1001 (dose)
Calibrated April 24, 2014
2014/05/04 at 12:05 pm
East Los Angeles mid day readings 10 minute average.
External 47 cpm-normal
External gamma 1 hour integrate 13 uR/h-normal
After various 1 hour internal and external tests we established a normal background baseline of 12-14 uR/h for the East Los Angeles area. This is good to keep in mind since a rise in gamma at this location would indicate something is going on.
WB Johnson GSM 500
HP-265 “pancake”
GP-1001 low range gamma
2014/05/01 at 1:28 pm
East Los Angeles checks in with a very hot day.
10 minute average
external 49 CPM-normal
internal 46 CPM-normal
External 12uR/h(microrems) for a 1 hour timed test for gamma.
at 1:27pm.
Wb Johnston GSM 500-
2014/04/27 at 9:59 am
Hello fellow reporters. We will be back soon reporting levels from the east side of los angeles. We are awaiting our johnston gsm 500 survey meter to return from a fresh calibration. We also added an energy compensated probe in order to give more accurate ambient dose readings from a range of 5 uR/h up to 200 mR/r this would apply to gamma only.we will also report in counts per minute (CPM)with the sesnitive pancake probe. Stay tuned for count readings from the east side of town.
8 miles east of downtown los angeles
wb johnston gsm 500
Johnston hp-265
Johnson gp-1001
2014/01/05 at 11:46 am
East Los Angeles checks in with an external reading of 49 cpm 10 minute average.Normal readings on the east side.
Survey meter used: WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500/hp-265 “pancake” probe
2013/12/28 at 12:07 pm
East Los Angeles checks in with a 10 minute average ambient count of 46 cpm external and 43 cpm internal at 11:50am. Normal activity for this area.
Survey meter used: WB Johnson GSM-500/ Johnson up-265 “pancake” probe
2013/12/25 at 12:49 pm
Merry Christmas to all!!!
East Los Angeles checks in with an external ambient reading of 46 cpm. All normal readings on the east side. This is a 10 minute timed count at 12:35
Internal reading was 43 cpm
Clear sunny skies!!
Survey meter used: Wb Johnson Instruments GSM-500 survey meter/hp-265 “pancake” probe
2013/12/22 at 9:02 pm
East Los Angeles checks in with an external reading of 47 cpm and an internal reading of 42 cpm. This was a 10 minute average. All normal on the east side at 8:45pm.
Wb Johnson Instruments GSM-500/hp-265 “pancake” probe
2013/12/15 at 7:12 am
East Los Angeles checks in this morning with 10 minute ambient average at 6:45am. Probe 5 feet off ground. A little windy with 52F.
External- 40 cpm
Internal- 36 cpm
All normal readings on the east side
WB Johnson GSM-500 survey meter/HP-265 “pancake”
2013/12/14 at 8:07 am
East Los Angeles checks in with 47 cpm. External 10 minute ambient average. Normal range.
45 cpm internal. Also normal. Nice clear skies.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500/Johnson hp-265 “pancake”
2013/12/05 at 9:45 pm
My wife’s 1st generation I-pad tested 100cpm on contact on glass on 10 minute count. Nothing on back. Did test inside. Background level was the usual 46 cpm at 9:30pm. Anybody else has seen this???
2013/11/30 at 10:42 am
East Los Angeles at 10:15am
External ambient 10 minute average 45 cpm.Probe 4 feet above ground. Normal for this area.
Backyard soil sample 10 minute average got 70 cpm. Probe on contact looking at beta and gamma only. Normal reading for soil sample.
Wb Johnson gsm-500 survey meter/HP-265
2013/11/29 at 4:03 pm
East Los Angeles external background check at 3:55pm came back at 50 cpm probe 4 feet above ground. Overall within normal range for this area. Actually on the high end of the normal range for this area. Cloudy with more possible rain.
2013/11/29 at 10:44 am
Active rain in east los Angeles.
Here are the readings for this morning shower. These are 10 minute averages
Interior background-45 cpm-normal
Car window wipe test rain sample 210 cpm. Probe in plastic bag so only looking at beta and gamma rays. Looks like radon progeny on the east side. This test was conducted at 10:30am.
[Editor: Rain progeny which does affect East Los Angeles can measure up to one to two times background. This sample is 3.67 times background HIGHER and should be considered HOT.]
2013/11/26 at 5:08 pm
80 cpm in east los angeles with probe on ground.(dirt) Probe inside baggie so only looking at beta and gamma. This was a 10 minute average. Looks like natural sources probably thorium and natural uranium in soil.
2013/11/26 at 4:25 pm
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute average. External 47 cpm at 4:15pm. Normal range. Probe 4 feet above ground. A little cloudy.
WB JOHNSON GSM-500/hp-265
2013/11/17 at 2:58 pm
East Los Angeles checks in with 45 cpm external at 2:50pm. Clear skies. This is a 10 minute timed test. Probe at ground level.
2013/10/26 at 11:02 am
East Los Angeles clear sky. 10 minute intergrate average at 10:45am. External readings
47 cpm-normal range(gm pancake probe) @ 5 feet off ground
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
2013/11/02 at 10:22 am
East Los Angeles checks in at 10:15am
External readings 10 minute average 42cpm with sunny clear skies
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500 with gm pancake probe 3 feet off ground.
2013/10/09 at 6:16 pm
Radon progeny???
10 minute paper towel wipe test conducted indoors.
75 cpm. 7 miles east of los Angeles at 6:00pm
WB Johnson GSM 500 and pancake probe
2013/10/05 at 5:30 pm
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute average at 5:20pm.
Interior- 46 cpm
External-49 cpm
Clear sky and a bit warm.
All within normal range for this area.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
2013/09/22 at 11:11 am
East Los Angeles checks in with the following readings at 11:30am.
External 46 cpm
Internal 44 cpm
All normal readings.
2013/09/21 at 8:30 am
East Los Angeles checks in 10 minute average at 8:15am.
External-48 cpm
Internal- 46 cpm
All normal readings on the east side.
Todo nivel normal.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
2013/09/14 at 8:50 am
Good morning from East Los Angeles. 10 minute ambient average at 8:30am
All normal readings on the east side of los Angeles
2013/08/31 at 2:56 pm
East Los Angeles 10 minute ambient average at 2:50pm
External 49cpm
Internal 46cpm
Normal readings 10 miles east of downtown los Angeles
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
2013/08/18 at 10:40 am
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute ambient average at 10:30am.
External 49 cpm
Internal 46 cpm
All normal on the east side
Todos los niveles estan normales a las 10:30am
2013/08/11 at 11:43 am
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute ambient average levels at 11:30am
External-50 cpm
Internal- 46 cpm
All normal on the east side
To do nivel normal a las 11:30 am
2013/08/03 at 2:57 pm
East los Angeles 10 minute ambient level
External- 45 counts per minute- normal range at 2:55pm Aug 3
2013/08/01 at 7:43 pm
East los angeles checks in at 7:15pm. 10 minute average ambient reading
External-46 cpm
Internal -44 cpm
All normal on the east side
todos los niveles normalized a las 7:15pm.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500 survey meter
2013/07/21 at 4:59 pm
East Los Angeles 10 minute average ambient levels t 4:45 pm
external-51 CPM
internal 47 CPM
all normal reading on the east side.
Todos los niveles normales a las 4:45 pm.
2013/07/17 at 11:22 am
East los Angeles 10 minute ambient levels at 10:45am
Internal-47 cpm
External- 50 cpm
All normal on the east side
todos los niveles ambientales de radioactvidad estan normalized a las 10:45am
Vector v
2013/07/14 at 8:18 pm
East los Angeles ambient levels at 7:45pm. 10 minute integrate
External-46 cpm
Internal-44 cpm
All normal levels
2013/07/13 at 9:28 am
East los Angeles 10 minute average ambient count rate
Internal-46 cpm
External- 49 cpm at 9:00am
All normal readings on the east side
Todo normal en el este de los Angeles
2013/07/09 at 8:03 am
East Los Angeles checks in this morning with 10 minute average ambient levels at 6:45 am.
exterior 49 CPM
interior 46 CPM
all normal on the east side
Todos los niveles normales en el este de los angeles, ca a las 6:45 am
2013/07/02 at 4:48 pm
10 minute interval ambient levels east los Angeles,ca @4:30pm
External-49cpm- normal
Internal 45cpm- normal
All reading within normal range
Todos los niveles normales en el este de los angeles a las 4:30pm
Survey meter:WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
2013/06/28 at 2:23 pm
East los Angeles at 2:00pm
External-48 cpm
Internal-46 cpm
All normal levels on the east side with 100 degree heat
2013/06/24 at 4:10 pm
East los angeles 10 minute average at 3:45 pm.
internal 45 CPM
external 48 CPM
all normal readings on the east side
Todo nivel ambiental normal en el este de los angeles, ca a las 3;45pm
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500 survey meter
2013/06/20 at 8:04 am
East Los Angeles, CA at 7:45 am
external 46CPM-normal
internal 40 CPM-normal
2013/06/18 at 6:30 pm
Back from a short road trip.
East Los Angeles checks in with 48 CPM external 10 minute average-normal for this area
internal-45 CPM-normal for this area
All normal ambient readings on the east side
Todo nivel de radioactividad ambiental normal en el este de los angeles, ca a las 6:15pm
WB Johnson GSM 500 survey meter
2013/06/12 at 8:01 am
East Los Angeles,ca 10 minute average ambient at 7:50am
Internal-40 counts per minute
External-48 counts per minute
All normal on the east side
Todo normal en Los Angeles
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500 survey mete
2013/06/08 at 10:28 am
East Los Angeles checks in with 49 CPM external at 10:15am and 45 counts per minute internal 10 minute average.
2013/06/07 at 11:34 am
East Los Angeles 10 minute ambient levels at 11:15am 6/7/13
external 49 CPM-probe on ground
internal 45 CPM
all normal on the east side
Todo normal en el este de los angeles, ca a las 11:15am
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500+ “pancake” probe
2013/06/05 at 8:21 pm
10 minute internal and external ambient average E. Los Angeles, CA
internal 42CPM
external 44 CPM
all normal readings on the east side at 8:00pm
Todo normal en el este de los angeles, ca
a las 8:00pm
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500+ HP-265 Probe
2013/06/01 at 6:30 pm
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute external ambient level at 6:15pm 46 CPM. All normal on the east side.
Todo normal nivel ambiental 46 CPM en el este de Los Angeles 10 minutos promedio
WB Johnson nstruments GSM 500 with Pancake GM probe
2013/06/01 at 6:29 pm
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute external ambient level at 6:15pm 46 CPM. All normal on the east side.
Todo normal nivel ambiebtal 46 CPM en el este de Los Angeles 10 minutos promedio
WB Johnson nstruments GSM 500 with Pancake GM probe
2013/05/31 at 10:49 pm
East Los Angeles 10 minute ambient levels
interior 42CPM
exterior 43CPM
all normal on the east side at 10:44pm
Todo normal en el este de los angeles
WB Johnson GSM 500+pancake probe
2013/05/28 at 7:31 pm
East los Angeles checks in with 10 minute ambient levels
Interior 45 cpm
External 48cpm
All normal on the east side at 7:25pm
2013/05/26 at 3:23 pm
Happy Memorial Day Weekend. East Los Angeles, CA checks in with 10 minute ambient levels at 3:07pm
internal 45CPM
external 48 CPM
all normal on the east side
Niveles Normales de Radioactividad ambiental a las 3:07PM
45 CPM-interior
48CPM exterior
WB Johnston Instruments GSM 500+pancake probe
2013/05/24 at 8:33 pm
East Los Angeles at 8:00pm 10 minute average ambient readings
external 43 CPM
internal 40 CPM
all normal on the east side
Todos los niveles normales en el este de los angeles a las 8:00pm
2013/05/23 at 4:50 pm
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute ambient average
exterior-48 CPM
interior-45 CPM
all normal on the east side at 4:15pm
Nivel de radioactividad ambiental 10 minutos promedio
interior 45 CPM
exterior 48 CPM
Todo normal en el este de los angeles
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500+ “pancake” probe
2013/05/23 at 7:44 am
Good morning from East Los Angeles, CA
10 minute ambient average readings at 7:00am
interior 42 CPM
exterior 43 CPM
all normal ambient levels on the east side of town
Buenos dias desde el este de los angeles, ca
nivel ambiental
interio 42 CPM
exterior 43 CPM
todo normal en East Los
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500+”pancake” probe
2013/05/22 at 11:03 pm
Greetings from East Los Angeles, CA
10 minute average integrate at 10:15pm
exterior-40CPM all within normal range
Nivel ambiental de radioactividad a las 10:15pm
Todo los niveles estan normales
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
2013/05/18 at 8:12 am
Good morning from East Los Angeles, CA.
10 minute average
internal at 7:30am 39 counts per minute
external at 7:45am 45 counts per minute
all normal on the east side
Buenos dias, nivel de radioactividad ambiental son
interior a las 7;30am 39 Counts por minuto
interior a las 7:45am 45 counts por minuto
todo normal
WB Johnson GSM-500
2013/05/15 at 7:27 pm
East los angeles checks in with 47 CPM external 10 minute average and 45 CPM internal. All normal on the east side at 7:15pm
Nivel de radioactividad ambintal en el en el este de los angeles. 47 CPM-extrior
45 CPM en el interior. Todo normal a las 7:15pm
WB Johnson Instruments GMS 500
2013/05/13 at 8:19 am
Good morning from the east side of Los Angeles, CA
10 minute average atr 8:00m
interior-40 CPM
exterior-45 CPM
all normal background readings on this side of town with a 90+ heat forecast.
Buenos dias desde el este de los angeles. Nivel ambiental promedio de 10 minutos
interior-40 CPM
Todo nivel normal para esta area con un dia bastante caliente
Hasta Luego
WB Johnson Instruments GGM-500 contamination survey meter
2013/05/09 at 9:04 pm
East los Angeles reports rain. Internal 10 minute count 45 CPM. Tested rain sample towel for 10 minutes and was 101CPM. So 101CPM-45CPM=56CPM. Slightly above the average for this area. Must be some radon on the paper towel at 8:50pm
WB Johnson GSM-500+”pancake”
2013/05/07 at 5:07 pm
East Los Angeles checks in 40 CPM internal and 45 CPM external. This was a 20 minute average at 4:38pm.
All normal background levels for this area. We did not pick up any additional levels due to the light rain. See you next time.
Todo normal en el este de los angeles. 40CPM interior y 45 CPM en el exterior a las 4:38pm. Niveles de radioactividad ambiental normal para esta area. No detectamos ningun nivel arriba de lo normal con la lluvia ligera. Hasta luego.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500+”pancake”gm
2013/05/06 at 11:51 am
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute rain sample of 47 CPM which is normal background level. No radon progeny on the east side detected at 11:00 am May 6.
Nivel normales de radioactividad embiental en la lluvia. 47 Counts por minuto. Nivel normal a las 11:00 am 6 de mayo
Wb Johnson Instruments GSM-500+”pancake” probe
2013/05/05 at 8:30 am
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute average integrate checks in with 43 CPM-interior and 45 CPM exterior at 7:45 am Sunday May 5, 2013. All readings within normal range. Cloudy skies with possible rain on the way. If it rains will take measurements.
El este de Los Angeles reporta nivel de radioactividad ambiental normal con 45 CPM en el exterior y 43 CPM en el interior a las 7:45 am 5 de mayo 2013. Nublado con possible lluvia.
Wb Johnson Instruments GSM500+”pancake”
2013/05/04 at 9:03 am
Good morning from East Los Angeles. Today the average 10 minute integrate internal count with pancake probe near window is 40 counts per minute at 8:30 am. All normal reading. Going to visit the Los Angeles Natural History Museum just south of downtown LA. Going to check out the mineral collection and see some of the natural radioactive minerals on display. Hope to write some CPM measurements from the samples on my pad.
Buenos dias desde el este de los angeles, ca
Nivel de radioactividad ambiental esta normal a 40 Counts por minute en 10 minutos promedio.
Wb Johnson Instruments GSM-500 + “pancake” gm detector
2013/04/30 at 9:39 am
East Los Angeles checking in this morning at 8:45 am 10 minute average integrate count April 30, 2013
interior 45 counts per minute-normal range
exterior 48 counts per minute-normal range
Reportando desde el este de los angeles nivel ambiental de radioactividad a las 8:45 am 30 de abril
10 minutos promedio integrado
interior-45 counts por minute-normal
exterior-48 counts por minutos-normal
survey meter: Wb Johnston GSM 500 & Pancake probe
2013/04/29 at 8:33 pm
Reporting from east los Angeles 10 minute average integrate
Interior-41 cpm
Exterior-42 com
time:7:30pm April 29,2013
Radioactividad ambiental en este de los angeles
exterior-42 cpm
Todo normal
Instrument:Wb Johnson gsm 500 with pancake probe
2013/04/29 at 8:16 pm
East los Angeles checking in with 10 minute average integrate 7:00pm April 29, 2013
interior-41 counts per minute-normal
exterior-43 counts per minute-normal
all within normal limits
radioactividad ambiental en el este de los angeles
interior-41 counts por minuto
exterior-43 counts por minute
Todo normal a las 7:00pm Abril 29, 2013
instrument: Wb Johnson GSM-500 with “pancake” probe
2013/04/28 at 9:59 pm
East Los Angeles checks in at 9:00pm with
interior 44 CPM-normal
exterior 42 CPM -normal
10 minute average integrate
El este de los angeles se reporta con niveles normales de radioactividad ambiental
interior-44 CPM-normal
exterior-42 CPM-normal
las medidas son por el tiempo de 10 minutos de promedio.
See you all next time, hasta luego amigos
WB Johnston GSM 500 and “pancake” probe
2013/04/28 at 8:08 pm
Reporting from East Los Angeles, CA
Time: 7:00pm April 28
exterior count probe at grass ground level. beta & gamma only- 60 counts per minute
interior-60 counts per minute
all reading within normal range
Reportando desde el este de los Angeles, CA
Hora 7:00pm Abril 28
nivel externo-60 counts por minute
adentr 60 counts por minute
Todo normal
WB Johnston GSM-500 with “pancake” probe
Sunday April 26 8:30am East Los Angeles, CA
interior 10 minute average integrate 42 CPM-Normal Range
exterior 10 minute average integrate 45 CPM-Normal Range
Nivel de radioactividad ambiental en area del este de Los Angeles Domingo 26 de Abril a las 8:30 am.
interior-42 CPM-normal
exterior-45 CPM-normal
Saturday March 27, 2013 at 6:30pm
location: East Los Angeles, CA
10 minute average integrate
interior- 42 CPM-normal range
exterior-46 CPM-normal range
Saturday March 27, 2013 at 12:58 pm
Hello from East Los Angeles CA
I’m located 6 miles east of downtown Los Angeles,CA
10 minute internal average integrate count
interior 47cpm-normal range
exterior 10 minute integrate count 40CPM-normal range
Hola nivel de radioactividad ambiental desde el este de los Angeles,Ca. Estoy a 6 millas de el centro de Los Angeles,CA
10 minutos promedio
interior 47CPM-normal
Time 12:41pm
Friday March 26, 2013 at 7:51 pm
I will post in English and Spanish with brief explanations. I will start with 10 minute internal/external and then measure foods and other stuff as I get more practice. I will send you some pics of my set up. I will be using a laboratory grade Johnson Instruments GSM-500 paired with the Johnson HP-265 “pancake” probe. The unit is a digital microprocessor instrument with analog readout. It has an integrate function which allows me to do timed counts. I can measure in CPM and dose rate with the flip of an external switch. Looking forward to posting readings.
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