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2015/02/05 at 3:38 pm
Southern Hemisphere January 2015 Background Radiation Report.
Station location
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
January 2015 Summary
There as been a small decrease in January background. This is good news, and means that background levels are not increasing at present, and have stabilized. At least at this location in the Southern Hemisphere.
January 2015 monthly average background radiation level was 40% above the pre-Fukushima average.
January average for 2014 was 41% above the pre-Fukushima average.
January average for 2013 was 52% above the pre-Fukushima average.
January average for 2012 was 43% above the pre-Fukushima average.
Technical details:
(Note: The 4yr average referred to in the charts, is the 4yr pre-Fukushima average.)
On the 26th January 2015 it was 80% above pre-Fukushima average levels on the 26th January. This put the monitoring station into it’s second alert level. It was a hot, humid, fine day.
What the coloured alert levels, in the bar charts indicate.
Background radiation charts for January, from 2012 to 2015.
January 2015 (40% above month average)
January 2014 (41% above month average)
January 2013 (52% above month average)
January 2012 (43% above month average)
2015/01/26 at 4:26 pm
Caloundra (Queensland Australia) 26th January 2015 – It was 80% above pre-Fukushima average levels on the 26th January. This put the monitoring station into it’s second alert level. It was a hot, humid, fine day.
Almost to the day, background levels also went into the stations second alert level in,
January 2012
January 2013,
The spread sheet I use, also has a formula set up to calculate average background from 12 midnight to 8 am. The 12 midnight to 8am average on the 26th was greater than the whole day average.
This is very unusual, for these elevated background events to be so precisely cyclical.
The only thing I can think of at present, is a weather related cyclical break through of the equatorial barrier.
I am open to suggestions.
Note: This alert code system here, is not based on any official government alert system. It is one set up by the station operator to indicate significant local increases.
Ukraine Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Plant Accident Cover Up?
by Peter Daley
11 January 2015
The Ukrainian civil war greatly increases the chances of a major nuclear event occurring in Europe! Ukraine has four nuclear power plants operating, and Zaporizhzhya is Ukraine’s and Europe’s largest. A number of independent Internet news sources, provide evidence that a serious nuclear accident occurred at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant, in the Ukraine in late November 2014.
Here is a summary of circumstantial evidence gathered from separate reports.
1. An alleged hacked conversation between two Ukrainian Officials, discussing a very serious and deteriorating situation at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant.
2. Leaked official report of the incident, indicating significant radioactive releases. At present, there is no confirmation that this document is genuine.
3. Romanian report of a Radioactive cloud being present in Romania after a recent nuclear accident in Ukraine.
4. Large Romanian background radiation detections from different Romanian private radiation monitoring stations, occurring around the same time the news reports of problems at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant surfaced.
All this circumstantial evidence above is weighted against news reports stating that everything is fine.
Ukraine denies radioactive leak on Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant 30th December 2014
Life News newswire published documents which it said came from Ukraine’s emergencies ministry, and showed that a leak at the power plant had led to a spike in radiation over the past two days, exceeding permitted norms by 16 times.
Three officials from Ukraine’s emergencies ministry, energy ministry and the plant itself told Reuters there had been no leak.
The circumstantial evidence in detail.
The Alleged Conversation Hack
This recent OpEdnews article refers a hacked conversation, that is alleged to have taken place between two Ukrainian officials.
General News 1/2/2015 – Zaporozhye Nuclear Problem may be even Scarier
Conversation Extract from page 3, 4 and 5

Zaporozhye Leaked Accident Conversation-
The following leaked conversation took place during the Zaporozhye incident is between Tyshenko (General Director of Nuclear Power Plant) and Torbayevsky ( Head of Emergency Readiness). The questions this should raise because the information coming to light reflect a possible situation like this are enormous.
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