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July 2013 Report, Fukushima very unstable, Pacific Sea Food Risk, Southern Hemisphere Background, and Rain reports

Fukushima Criticalities Occurring?

The Fukushima Nuclear disaster site has been getting very unstable. In early July, possible fires were seen on Fukushima webcam. There also have been lots of large steam events witnessed recently on the Fukushima live webcams. These events seem to be following a two week cycle at present.

Thanks to enenews webcam forum commenter ‘pure water’ for the screen shots of the possible fire at reactor 3. One other suggestion is it is not a fire, they were burning off Tritium near the reactor 3 building.


Radioactive Iodine I-131 was also detected in sludge in nearby cities. There were also increased levels of Tritium, Cesium and Strontium, detected in recent tests of water from bore holes at the Fukushima nuclear plant. This all points to the possibility that underground criticalities are occurring, or have occurred, recently at the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site.

Here is a list of International radiation monitoring stations if a major event happens at Fukushima.


Consumption of any Northern Pacific Ocean sea food is risky

Headline in a recent Japanese news article.

“Tepco now admits radioactive water entering the sea at Fukushima, No. 1 Fisheries exec shocked by utility’s flip-flop on groundwater’s flow.”

Shocked, really! Anyone who has taken any notice of what has been happening at the Fukushima Nuclear disaster site from the very beginning, would not be shocked. Contamination has flowed into the Pacific Ocean for 28 months now. They use the word leak, to play it down. Their estimate is 800 tons a day of ground water is flowing into the Pacific Ocean. This is probably a very conservative estimate! It’s a flood, not a leak!

Look under the Pacific Ocean heading at,


to see the magnitude of these contamination reports.

It is important to keep an eye on reports here, so you know what to avoid. There are new reports being posted constantly. Contamination detection reports of Korean, and Atlantic Canadian seaweed are two of the very newest.

Background Radiation Levels

Monitoring station location


July’s 2013 month average was 6% above the pre Fukushima nuclear disaster four year average. It is lower than July 2012 month average of 9% above. Local radiation levels have been relatively lower during winter months here over the last couple years. Our theory for this seasonal change is that less air breaks through the equatorial barrier during the winter months.

2013 month average chart


2012 month average chart


Day average chart for July 2013


Rain Report

There were very small traces of Iodine I-129, Lead Pb-210, Uranium U-235, Thorium Th-234 and Beryllium Be-7, detected in this month’s rain test. It was in smaller amounts compared to previous months.


2013/07/08 at 6:05 pm



June 2013 report on local background radiation levels, and rain test results.

Background radiation report

Here are the June charts for this location, day averages, 2013 month averages, and for comparison, the 2012 month averages. The June 2013 local background radiation level was 7% above the 4 year pre Fukushima June average.

Day averages June 2013


Month averages 2013


Month averages 2012


Rain water Test

Junes local rain water test detected Beryllium Be-7, Uranium U-235 ?, Lead Pb-210, and possibly I-129 in trace amounts. (See test chart). At the location here, June was a very wet month, with over 300 mm of rain. A lot of water went through the filter. Even so, the amount of these isotopes that were detected, was less than previous months.


Food Report

Food contamination fears still persist in Japan, and will for decades. This short video by Jamie Williams of the New York Times, clearly explains why private food testing has become a necessity to protect families, and children in Japan.


Keep an eye on Enviroreporter’s “Radiation Food Lab”


for the latest food detection reports.

Southern Hemisphere rain water test 2nd June 2013
May be a detection of Iodine I-129 from the tin roof down pipe polyester filter. It is not conclusive. Rain water was passing through this polyester filter off a 36 sqm tin roof at a location on the Sunshine Coast. If it is, it is still a very small detection of I-129, because the filter was in place for all of May. Mind you, not all of it would have been captured using this filter system. Lots of Beryllium Be-7 is also present! If I-129 is present in this Southern Hemisphere test, it would suggest that there is a lot more in the rain in the Northern Hemisphere!

For background on this subject, read this article on using Be-7 as a tracer for I-129.


There is a natural Beryllium Be-7 and Lead Pb-210 cycle here in the Southern Hemisphere. There is more Beryllium Be-7 and Lead Pb-210, detected in rain washouts, during summer than in winter. This appears to be an above average detection of Beryllium Be-7, and Lead Pb-210 in this test for May 2013.

Be-7 is produced by cosmic ray spallation in the upper atmosphere. The Sun had been relatively quite during May 2013. It takes around two weeks to reach sea level.

It is my understanding that the Japanese have been pumping large amounts of liquid Nitrogen onto the multiple molten coriums at the Fukushima Nuclear disaster, to cool them down. The neutron bombardment, plus lots of underground corium venting, has also been releasing large amounts Beryllium Be-7 and 1-129.
Test chart using experimental Theremino MCA V4.5 software.


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