[ER NOTE: This is as valid in 2017 as it was in 1995 because the tritium plume “extends several thousand feet downhill from the Rockwell property line” which is past the later Northern Buffer Zone and deeper into Brandeis-Bardin. The tritium would not have cleaned itself up retreating back up the hill in the last 22 years – it keeps slowly spreading. Cehn is correct about the source, the same source of the tritium bubbling out of Brandeis-Bardin today, the Radioactive Materials Disposal Facility and at least 10 research reactors including the Sodium Reactor Experiment.]
P. 8/9: “Tritium Map” shows OS-3 which is in exact same spot as OS-5 and OS-7. As of 2017, OS-7 still has tritium. 1995 map shows OS-5 in tritium plume.
[ER NOTE: Combined with other data analyzed in these documents as shown above, evidence of knowledge of continuous offsite tritium contamination from 1995 through 2017. See 25 for location proof.]

15. 1994 March_Sampling of Institute Property-Second Round
5 pp
P. 2/5: “In 1992, it was detected at 0.19 and 0.22 pCi/gram, in the ravines. This may be due to Rockwell’s activities–I’ll know more after the latest sampling results are in. Plutonium has not been found in any water samples.”
[ER NOTE: This report has NO results.]
16. 1994 July_Update on Well Water Sampling New Wells
2 pp
Nothing of note except this memo was to attorney Helen Zukin.
17. 1994 July_Trending of Tritium in Well RD-34A
3 pp
See 16.

18. 1994 Feb_Sampling of Institute Property-Second Round
3 pp
See 16.
19. 1994 April_Update_General Status
2 pp
See 16.
20. 1994 April_Telephone Notes
1 pp
Nothing of note.

21. 1994 April_Sampling of Rockwell’s Wells on BBI
3 pp
No sampling or testing data results.
22. 1993 Jan_Letter to McLarenHart re Multi-Media Sam Report
2 pp
No sampling or testing data results.
23. 1992 Cehn-Report on Results of Enviro Radioactivity Survey_BBI
25 pp
Impossible to understand what these measurements mean with “Gamma Scan Results pCi/gm-wet” parameters. No explanations given.

24. 1991 March_Groundwater Tech Inc_Report on Possible Enviro Concerns_BBI
23 pp
P. 10/23: “Groundwater flow is likely to help push contaminants northward across the Rockwell/Brandeis-Bardin property. Figure 5 is a copied portion of a water-level elevation map created by Groundwater Resources Consultants, Inc. for the Third Quarter 1990 SSFL Groundwater Monitoring Report. Some groundwater elevation contour lines have been interpolated across Brandeis-Bardin property for the present report. Note the strong groundwater gradient to the north and north-northwest along the Rockwell/Brandeis-Bardin boundary. It is quite possible that the pressure head allowing natural water flow from wells OS,1, OS-2, 08-3, 08-4 and 08-5 and spring 08-8 is provided by this circumstance of groundwater surface geometry. (That is, water produced from the OS wells and spring is probably sourced in the elevated SSFL region just south).”
[ER NOTE: Since 1991, BBI should have known that SSFL groundwater pushes contaminants northward underneath the surface of its property.]
P. 11/23: “Analyses should be by a State-certified laboratory only, and proper chain-of custody documentation for samples should be maintained.”
[ER NOTE: Chain of custody issues in 2017 indicate a problem perhaps foreseen here.]
P. 11/23: “Detection limits for analytes should be at or below California Department of Health
and Safety maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for drinking water.”
[ER NOTE: As Brandeis-Bardin’s Toxic Denial showed, fluoride exceeds its MCL and hasn’t been reported.]
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