25. 1991 Cehn-Report on Results of Enviro Radioactivity Survey_BBI_1991
13 pp
P. 7/13: Map shows OS10 (not the Bathtub Well) is at where EnviroReporter.com figured where the Old Well campsite probably was and is.
P. 12/13: “OS3, OS4 & OS5
These 3 springs are located close to each other. OS3 and OS5 are labeled on a
steel pipe, and are within a few yards from each other. OS4 is up the hill
about 50 meters.”
[ER NOTE: Proof OS-3 & OS-5 are side by side. Relevant for 12 and 14.]
P. 12/13: “OSlOA
This spring is at the end of the dirt road, past the cemetery. Spring empties into bath tub. Rockwell’s “OSlO” appears to be mis-mapped, if this is the same spring.
[ER NOTE: This doesn’t jive with DTSC’s map of OS-10. This map also has the added “A” designation – “OS10A” – further confusing matters. There is the possibility that there are two bathtub wells, however unlikely.]

26. Annotated Brandeis-Bardin Campus Map
[ER NOTE: http://www.dtsc-ssfl.com/files/lib_pub_involve/other_docs/67456_SSFLMonthlyUpdateMay2017.pdf says under DOE :
“DOE is planning to implement a Groundwater Interim Measure well at the Area IV Former Sodium Disposal Facility (FSDF). The scope of work includes aquifer property testing, extended aquifer pumping, treatment of extracted groundwater, and discharge of treated water at the FSDF site. Additionally, the plan proposes treating and discharging the extracted groundwater in Area IV instead of connecting to the Groundwater Interim Measure conveyance and treatment system. However, precipitation this last rainy season was enough to replenish the shallow groundwater. DOE will resume the planned testing to assess and optimize the effectiveness of groundwater extraction at the FSDF.”
This was sent by DTSC to EnviroReporter.com in May 2017, meaning that the groundwater contamination woes of Brandeis-Bardin will likely continue since the source of those woes has yet to be pumped, extracted and treated.]
*Public photographs of a Brandeis-Bardin Campus survival camping class March 2, 2008 are reprinted through Fair Use and credited to Danielle D.

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