
Internet forums are strange places – virtual clubs where unseen individuals share information and opinions freely, passionately, and quite often, anonymously. Some give their real names and identifiers, others use nicknames or handles.

Anonymity on the internet can serve an important purpose – for example, victims of domestic violence in an online support group, individuals trying to get out information about events taking place under brutal regimes, or even those who just wish privacy.

Unfortunately, people can also create fake identities that they use to disparage others and spread misinformation. It’s not easy to tell who a person really is online.

And, when an individual begins posting comments about a local battle, such as the struggle to clean up the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL), where everyone pretty much knows each other, and no one has ever heard of that person yet he or she knows an awful lot about the details and players involved, it gets a little suspicious – especially if that person has the same opinion and writing style of a known activist.

RELATED ARTICLE: A Trail of Flames

This is precisely the scenario that began to occur in 2010 on the Rocketdyne Information Society (RIS) Yahoo Group and on certain news sites. One commenter using the handle “Keen Observer” especially caused quite a commotion in the community. Was this a local activist using an alias? Was it a Boeing provocateur? Accusations flew, including toward‘s Michael Collins.

On RIS, at least six new individuals began posting, and all of them sounded a lot like one local activist in particular. They shared the same opinion (largely, making negative statements about Dan Hirsch, the Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition, PSR, and, knew detailed information about the SSFL site, and seemed to write in the same frenetic bursts as a known activist. Many people suspected who it was, but there seemed no way to prove it.

It turns out most of the evidence was there all along in the form of the IP addresses associated with the comments. An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a number assigned to each computer (or mobile device if using Wi-Fi) using the same Internet network or same DSL. Most people have a “dynamic” IP address, meaning it can change slightly from time to time. But, often it is the same for long periods of time. An IP address can be viewed in the full header of e-mails (every e-mail program has a setting to show full headers) and on a Yahoo Group’s website it can also be viewed by clicking on a message, then “Options” and “View Source”. Most of the time, the user IP is under “X-Yahoo-Post-IP.”

If a poster sends a message to a Yahoo group from his or her e-mail, the IP address of his or her computer will be revealed. If he or she sends the message through the Yahoo web interface, however, the IP address will belong to Yahoo. If he or she sends the message using a mobile device’s 3G or 4G network, it will change often, and it is possible for different people to appear to have the same IP addresses. If, however, e-mails or messages are being sent from the same non-Yahoo, non-mobile IP address, from the same geographic location (say, Canoga Park), it can reasonably be concluded they are coming from the same IP address at the same location, most likely from individuals in the same household.

Many of the messages on the RIS and SSFL CAG Yahoo Groups from October 2010 to February 2011 from local activist Christina Walsh, “Astrid,” “huntannika,” “Annabella Price,” “cameronsayeg,” “jkoutsobas” and “canyonciccone” were sent from the same IP address – This IP address is also in the header of e-mails, messages, and comments sent by Christina Walsh during this time period. Of course, messages sent by these names from mobile device or via Yahoo’s web interface have a different IP address, as explained above.

The messages are generally nasty and in some cases totally repugnant. “Cameronsayeg” said she had cancer and criticized Rocketdyne worker advocate Bonnie Klea (see December 18 post below). “Huntannika” hasn’t left her house in 2 years (February 28 post) yet mentions talking at the microphone (ostensibly Work Group meeting) on December 1. She also claims to have talked to community member Barbara Johnson, who states that no such conversation every took place. Almost all of the fake names attack Dan Hirsch viciously.

None of these personalities have been seen by anyone at any meeting yet they know details about the SSFL cleanup and players (like “jkoutsobas” and “canyonciccone” wanting to buy a What “Would Gerard Abrams Do?” shirt). And, perhaps most outlandish, “Annabella Price” (whose e-mail happens to be KeenObserver65) repeatedly compliments‘s Michael Collins and PSR to make it look like she actually is Collins, so “Astrid” and others could respond with attacks. “Astrid” sometimes signs her message “Astrid Samuelsson” and sometimes “Astrid Hunt.” With so many identities, it must be hard to keep them straight.

Walsh no longer posts on RIS, but recent posts on her own blog reveal the same IP address. And, Yahoo groups aren’t the only place where Walsh uses false identities. Walsh has tried to comment here on, which uses the WordPress comment system that automatically displays commenters’ IP addresses. Click here to view a screenshot of our comments page after doing a search for her IP. This time, “Nancy Stevens” is her new identity.

Below are a sample of the messages posted under fake identifies that occurred on Walsh’s Yahoo group in September and October 2011, and on RIS from October 2010 to February 2011.

The first two messages will include the entire post header/source. Because the header is very long, subsequent messages will be shortened to just show the X-Yahoo-Post-IP number, linked to the original message with source revealed. Most are from Walsh’s home network of, some are from a mobile device (usually begins with 166.) Anyone who registers with or is already subscribed to RIS, or visits Walsh’s CAG Yahoo group, can duplicate these results by clicking on a message, then “Options” and “View Source”.

Sample Messages from SSFL CAG Yahoo Group

From astridswe@… Sat Sep 11 18:33:51 2010
Received: (qmail 62797 invoked from network); 12 Sep 2010 01:33:49 -0000
Received: from unknown (
by with QMQP; 12 Sep 2010 01:33:49 -0000
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by with SMTP; 12 Sep 2010 01:33:49 -0000
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=lima; t=1284255229; bh=RMkCwVjDmy5M/+PKIzRCQc+yhp5qN+EJghY9anfJ5so=; h=Received:Received:X-Sender:X-Apparently-To:X-Received:X-Received:X-Received:X-Received:X-Received:Date:To:Message-ID:In-Reply-To:User-Agent:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding:X-Mailer:X-Yahoo-Newman-Property:X-Originating-IP:X-Yahoo-Post-IP:From:Subject:X-Yahoo-Group-Post:X-Yahoo-Profile:X-YGroups-SubInfo:Sender:X-eGroups-Approved-By:X-eGroups-Auth; b=gSi8zbbqvc+C4sYSXjjBU+dYqFjap8KQ/HCFwRQ31vWaVyyMXTPL8jMfs4Bie4puvZs0aH9oVzhmdViamblsAg8AuCwRSOaf4bYm99gdubgNjmx3GlTD1NOJ9u9+6v6j
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 12 Sep 2010 01:33:49 -0000
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 12 Sep 2010 01:33:49 -0000
X-Sender: astridswe@…
X-Received: (qmail 46938 invoked from network); 12 Sep 2010 01:32:12 -0000
X-Received: from unknown (
by with QMQP; 12 Sep 2010 01:32:12 -0000
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by with SMTP; 12 Sep 2010 01:32:12 -0000
X-Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 12 Sep 2010 01:32:12 -0000
X-Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 12 Sep 2010 01:32:11 -0000
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 01:32:11 -0000
In-Reply-To: <493405.77016.qm@...>
User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82
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X-Mailer: Yahoo Groups Message Poster
X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: groups-system
From: “astridswe”
Subject: Re: Government pressures Boeing to clean up Santa Susana
X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=340568420; y=hqj3z8bdU0EZb-voxfTKlbH-CBIOI0jJmVIqROnPkILrjeoC
X-Yahoo-Profile: astridswe
X-eGroups-Approved-By: cleanuprocketdyne via web; 12 Sep 2010 01:33:46 -0000

What bothers me is that it seems that the political officials and Dan who criticized it before, are now standing at the gate claiming victory with it.
It just seems like politics to me.
and now this?

do you not see the irony?

From cwalsh@… Sat Sep 11 22:33:40 2010
Received: (qmail 75066 invoked from network); 12 Sep 2010 05:33:37 -0000
Received: from unknown (
by with QMQP; 12 Sep 2010 05:33:37 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO (
by with SMTP; 12 Sep 2010 05:33:37 -0000
DKIM-Signature: v1; arsa-sha256; crelaxed/relaxed;; slima; t1284269616; bhZc5eSxNAxuMdc9Ut7VALgmFuFGgQpgmxc1t4nR3WOG4; hReceived:Received:X-Sender:X-Apparently-To:X-Received:X-Received:X-Received:X-Received:X-Received:Date:To:Message-ID:In-Reply-To:User-Agent:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding:X-Mailer:X-Yahoo-Newman-Property:X-Originating-IP:X-eGroups-Msg-Info:X-Yahoo-Post-IP:From:Subject:X-Yahoo-Group-Post:X-Yahoo-Profile:X-YGroups-SubInfo:Sender:X-eGroups-Approved-By:X-eGroups-Auth; bKM2sw5728TrNiuF4Vty0lRZyAQhTELPZLsZV1Yk+bs5DV2eKLas7KojvrLcSaXjfGHIZ1FnliWio482VdmQJ7vhT2LmtfjRRf5MBzhgNyUt0YCtlyih6gG0s+ynA88si
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 12 Sep 2010 05:33:36 -0000
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 12 Sep 2010 05:33:36 -0000
X-Sender: cwalsh@…
X-Received: (qmail 10982 invoked from network); 12 Sep 2010 05:32:53 -0000
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by with QMQP; 12 Sep 2010 05:32:53 -0000
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by with SMTP; 12 Sep 2010 05:32:53 -0000
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X-Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 12 Sep 2010 05:32:53 -0000
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 05:32:51 -0000
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X-Mailer: Yahoo Groups Message Poster
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X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:6:0:0:0
From: “Christina”
Subject: Re: Government pressures Boeing to clean up Santa Susana
X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u285573373; yGoPptut7Ew8QHipD66snAUAO8T87-58QR89Pj8gVM4IOxry1FhJQf4xecos
X-Yahoo-Profile: cleanuprocketdyne
X-eGroups-Approved-By: cleanuprocketdyne via web; 12 Sep 2010 05:33:34 -0000

Let’s focus on the documents and the needed comments before October 1. I’m very concerned about how detection limits will be defined and of course, how can we get Boeing on board with this solution moving forward. I don’t think press stunts at the gate are the answer, but who am I to say? I just think this is too important to risk more circus action like we saw a year ago. We need serious people to come together and discuss how this solution can work, what are the trade-offs? etc.

From astridswe@… Sat Sep 11 08:29:31 2010
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 15:25:08 -0000
Subject: Re: Government pressures Boeing to clean up Santa Susana

This is very disturbing. Government officials and Dan delivering a letter to the gate on camera? seems like a political stunt

From astridswe@… Sat Oct 16 14:25:11 2010
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2010 21:22:53 -0000
From: “astridswe”
Subject: Re: Groundwater monitoring notes for those interested in groundwater

Thank you for doing this Christina. It seems like a lot is going on that we don’t know about. How will the groundwater get taken care of if it isn’t in the AIP? Are you not involved in the RIS anymore? I posted questions there but never heard anything.
Astrid Samuelsson

From cwalsh@… Sat Oct 16 16:08:42 2010
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2010 23:07:06 -0000
From: “Christina”
Subject: Re: Groundwater monitoring notes for those interested in groundwater

Thanks Astrid. We do need to make sure groundwater is considered every step of the way, especially since we are seeing areas that were cleaned to bedrock 10 years ago with clean soil brought in, and now today, that clean soil is contaminated from the groundwater below. The issue of how dnapl and lnapl behave and affect the surrounding soils, shows us that soil removal alone, CANNOT be the answer.2020

To answer your other question, no, I am no longer part of the rocketdyneinformationsociety and no longer part of ACME. I’m not sure who the new executive director is, but there is someone new who has replaced me.

I continue the work I have always done through and the SSFLCAG webex process, which I am happy to report is going extremely well. we’ve received great participation from all the responsible parties, EPA and now even DTSC as well as a wonderful group of dedicated forward thinking people. I encourage you to join us for these online and very productive meetings and see for yourself. All are welcome and all meetings are recorded for transparency purposes, and no one is excluded.

So I do my postings here for the cag where it is open and accessible to all. As you know, you only need to register in the ssflcag group if you want to post. If you just want to read the material, it is available to all for review and no registration or joining is necessary.

From cwalsh@… Mon Oct 24 14:52:42 2011
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 21:52:20 -0000
From: “Christina”
Subject: The SSFL interagency workgroup needs to be discontinued.

It is not acceptable for continued threats from the workgroup leadership, and because no one will step in and correct this, it must be discontinued permanently. As long as Dan Hirsch sits at the front ready to bully anyone who opposes his opinions, nothing will ever really be accomplished. As long as regulators hide behind this farce, the cleanup of the SSFL will continue to be railroaded. How convenient.

When are you all going to wake up?

The disappointment continues from one administration to the next. Maybe we should expect more from our regulators.

Sample of Fake Personalities from the Rocketdyne Information Society

From keenobserver65@… Sun Oct 03 10:46:23 2010
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2010 14:04:46 -0000
From: “Annabella Price”
Subject: Re: Runkle Canyon Meeting Concerns from Today & AIP

See Michael Collins most recent article
Please see link pertaining to EPA Relocations here — Since it seems SB990 has had its teeth pulled out, then Pavley/ Brownley can easily author the appropriate amendments to the law to include relocation of persons/property near contaminated lands adjoining the Rocketdyne property. Perhaps a NIOSH Dose Reconstruction Study needs to also be implemented for all neighboring property owners and residents. Employees were exposed, true; but neighbors below and around also get the double whammy of sleeping in the mess the employees made plus breathing/drinking/ingesting the poison off the hill 24/7. If DTSC and its SB990 purports to somehow have more teeth than EPA Superfund, then this is the time to walk the walk. To get an idea of what DOE is capable of, see link here regarding property lines and buffer zones and how they relate to nuclear brushfires deliberately set by DOE — We’ve had quite a few suspiciously-set fires around the SSFL area as well, some mysteriously close to pending announcements of court verdictsor key attorney settlements of recent. If DTSC follows the “we’ll follow the contamination offsite” banter in lock step, then the entire perimeter of SSFL needs to be adequately tested beyond the bogus buffer zones and into your neighbor’s backyard, which still has not occurred despite SB990. 2017? Not likely. Get the living out of harms way first. Once the polluter owns the properties that are to be relocated, then they can clean it up to background. Otherwise, your neighbor will still be holding the bag for generations to come. For what it’s worth, Norm Riley never gave a damn about neighbors adjoining the site, FYI. Always kowtowing to the deepest pocket instead. True coward in every sense of the word. And seriously, only one sample per 72 acres compared to the 140 samples as recommended by community leader Dan Hirsch, just shows who DTSC is listening to.

From astridswe@… Sun Nov 07 15:34:13 2010
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 15:55:11 -0000
From: “astridswe”
Subject: Re: Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition – NEW WEBSITE!

What has RCC been doing ? I haven’t heard a word about this group for decades. Nice website but I don’t see who is running this group? When are their meetings?

It seems to me that proper cleanup requires details that I don’t see addressed in the agreement. I hope DTSC gets it into gear soon.

From astridswe@… Mon Nov 22 17:30:27 2010
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 00:42:13 -0000
From: “astridswe”
Subject: Re: Fw: groundwater

Hirsch spin cycle continues.

From astridswe@… Wed Nov 24 11:46:59 2010
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 14:42:23 -0000
From: “astridswe”
Subject: Re: Toxic waste dump ruled out as cause of Kettleman City birth defects

PSR and Hirsch wrong again, I guess they should have their real doctors weigh in on this stuff instead of people with no medical background. Maybe they need to look at the other impacts these poor people face including pesticides, and the water quality they drink from. Farming is a dirty business.

From cameronsayeg@… Wed Nov 24 11:21:23 2010
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 14:28:14 -0000
From: “cameronsayeg”
Subject: Re: Toxic waste dump ruled out as cause of Kettleman City birth defects

Well, we knew that didn’t we? Why is Hirsch allowed to make whatever false claim he can dream up to stop our cleanup and still those kids in oak park believe every word. Too bad teens against toxins is being manipulated by his lies and despite the fact that he has been the biggest hindrance to real cleanup for decades, they continue to buy his bull — hook, line and sinker.

From cameronsayeg@… Wed Nov 24 11:22:22 2010
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 14:34:42 -0000
From: “cameronsayeg”
Subject: Re: Fw: groundwater completely one-sided, inaccurate and filled with Hirsch saving the day though we know better. Interestingly, no effort to explain to people what is really going on.

From astridswe@… Mon Nov 29 06:57:52 2010
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 14:26:01 -0000
From: “astridswe”
Subject: Re: Toxic waste dump ruled out as cause of Kettleman City birth defects

I think those kids are trying to make a difference and that’s great, but they are misinformed about many issues by Hirsch and these kids and their parents are not open to the differing views within the community. They seem to see everyone who isn’t blindly on the Dan team as the enemy. But they are smart and it won’t take long for them to ask the same questions about dan that we do. If he is truly for cleanup, why why doesn’t he have any comments? I have never heard of dan liking an agreement from page 1 all the wayto page 64?
Dan Is a fraud who doesn’t care about what happens in our community or to our community, unless it is in the newspaper and dan is in the article. Look at his website! Has anyone tried to contact him for more information?
If you aren’t a teen against toxins, you can just forget about even getting a response.

I also tried to get information from Conejjo Dems who were equally unwilling to answer questions about their letter. So, not really interested in getting to the truth or helping people understand the issues, just collecting of fake signatures.

From cameronsayeg@… Mon Nov 29 06:57:41 2010
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 14:36:51 -0000
From: “cameronsayeg”
Subject: Re: Toxic waste dump ruled out as cause of Kettleman City birth defects

Their parents are being used too! Is dan outraged that the landfill isn’t being blamed? He should be relieved and WANT to learn about the other impacts that are contributing to this horrible issue impacting these kids. But my guess is that now that it is confirmed to be unrelated to radiation I’ll bet that Hirsch has lost interest in it entirely. If it doesn’t play directly to his radiation claims, it doesn’t interest him.
I am starting to think that Dan’s “witches brew” is really filled with politics and misdirection.

From huntannika@… Wed Dec 01 09:03:52 2010
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 16:31:12 -0000
From: “huntannika”
Subject: Re: NASA History For Sale

Oh…now that the questions are pointed back at Mr. Hirsch, we should stop asking questions because it harms everyone except Boeing?

I was told by Mrs Barbara Johnson that the only real activist is Dan Hirsch.. That was because what I asked at the mic was somehow incorrect? So who are all you people? talking about this stuff everyday? The fake activists?? Why doesn’t Dan Hirsch offer a single word here if he is the lead activist? How are we supposed to know what the right questions are if he doesn’t talk to anyone in the community? I guess he talks to you, Marge. Why don’t you ask him for all us peasants?
She also told me my letter to the water board did more harm than good. That was my first letter to a regulatory agency a year ago, and my last.


From astridswe@… Wed Dec 01 09:04:16 2010
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 16:38:20 -0000
From: “astridswe”
Subject: Re: NASA History For Sale

What are you saying Marge? I remember that on RIS and I don’t think we’ve heard from Christina since. It sounds like PSR did some serious blaming…is that okay for a doctor organization to attack an individual? That’s terrible!

From canyonciccone@… Wed Dec 01 09:04:46 2010
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 17:02:43 -0000
From: “canyonciccone”
Subject: Re: probationdiva@… has shared: EPA fines Kettleman City waste dump over

I thought that it was found to NOT be the landfill?
What are you saying? Don’t you want to find out what is really happening to those babies? Does blaming the landfill harm everyone but Boeing? How is that any different?

Blaming the landfill when there are other impacts in this “impoverished community,” harms the babies that continue to be born with these birth defects. Who is looking out for them?

From astridswe@… Fri Dec 03 09:04:59 2010
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2010 17:03:14 -0000
From: “astridswe”
Subject: Re: FYI Changes at DTSC

Maybe I will write a letter as well. Is there anyone at PSR who will listen or even care how they are being used? Anyone at DTSC who is listening to us now?
Astrid Hunt

From keenobserver65@… Sat Dec 11 07:54:38 2010
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 15:17:15 -0000
From: “Annabella Price”
Subject: Re: Recent Developments regarding the SSFL

Actually a big thanks to social justice groups like PSRLosAngeles for pushing to make sure a strong agreement doesn’t get all it’s teeth pulled out by the pseudo activists and meltdown deniers.


Thank you Michael Collins and Dan Hirsch for your continued brilliant work on getting the real truth out.

Annabella Price

From astridswe@… Sat Dec 11 14:20:40 2010
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 21:05:30 -0000
From: “astridswe”
Subject: Re: Recent Developments regarding the SSFL

You have GOT to be kidding me! I have certainly lost all respect for PSR and the other community bullies.

From astridswe@… Mon Dec 13 08:18:15 2010
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 16:14:29 -0000
From: “astridswe”
Subject: Re: Recent Developments regarding the SSFL

I have gone to workgroup meetings on and off for years when I can stomach them, and I read. Where do you get your information? I didn’t realize that people are only real people of you have met them? That is pretty arrogant, don’t you think?

From jkoutsobas@… Tue Dec 14 17:16:47 2010
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 00:32:26 -0000
From: “jkoutsobas”
Subject: Re: Gerard Abrams Removal: ” Say it ain’t True!”

This is awful. I agree that the department of toxics needs to tell us who is really working on this project. Why doesn’t DTSC ever respond to us?

From jkoutsobas@… Tue Dec 14 17:17:33 2010
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 00:28:01 -0000
From: “jkoutsobas”
Subject: Re: Senator Fran Pavley December Newsletter SSFL

Would like a large. Who do I contact? How much are they?

From cameronsayeg@… Sat Dec 18 07:59:39 2010
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 15:42:48 -0000
From: “cameronsayeg”

Ms Klea is only helping those she can get claims for. I worked at the hydrogen lab for most of my time there, which is technically in area III, and Ms Klea is only interested in helping those who work in Area IV. I listened when they asked her if the cohort should include anyone else, and she said no. My cancer is the same cancer! but because I was three feet over the line while I was breathing in that crap, I don’t matter.

I don’t know about selfless, I think she had a plan and it was about winning. Just because she helped you doesn’t mean she helped “everybody”. There are a lot people like me falling through the cracks.

From keenobserver65@… Wed Jan 26 07:03:15 2011
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 13:45:43 -0000
From: “Annabella Price”
Subject: Re: Today at the SSFL with the RWQCB

Another meltdown denier

From huntannika@… Sun Feb 27 09:16:44 2011
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 17:12:47 -0000
From: “huntannika”
Subject: Re: New Documents uploaded to the DTSC Website

If that’s what you think is going on here? Are we sharing information with each other? Is that what is happening? I am seeing endless links of letters that don’t mean a thing the people on this list. IF they did, there would be actual discussion about the issues. There isn’t.if I write something about Dade Moeller, I can count on a few people spouting off about their past record. If I say something about radiation in area 1, I can count on several niosh related comments about the unfairness of compensating the people of area 4 and not the workers of areas 1,2 or 3.

But you CAN count on the fact that no one here is really discussing the findings or conclusions of these documents on their face value because here, no one is interested in the truth, just what fits into their particular truth as they believe. I don’t see any real productive discussion here about any of document links provided by the RIS. I never see an opinion from the publisher of the links as to what they mean, and no one else ever dares go out on a limb and state their opinion for fear of being thrown out by the community leadership who only allows one opinion to be heard.

Due to the name calling that occurs here, I don’t think you have a whole lot of opinions being articulated with names attached. I also think that shows then level of trust amongst the community — ZERO! D’Lanie and Liz are of the very few who are signed up under their own names who ever say anything. That shows you as well that people don’t trust the RIS enough to participate using their real names, and that is a very sad and loud statement if you ask me. Especially since we have learned the hard way that bill will only approve the messages that work for him. Anything else, he simply doesn’t approve and you all never see or read those voices. Just by my saying that, I can almost guarantee that this message won’t make it through his approval for publishing,

From huntannika@… Mon Feb 28 10:22:31 2011
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:20:19 -0000
From: “huntannika”
Subject: Re: New Documents uploaded to the DTSC Website

You find it disturbing? I don’t know you either. Are you suggesting that the 200 members are all using their own names? My name is Annika Hunt, not so confusing. I have posted many times but only a few times has the publisher actually actually approved my messages.

If what I am saying isn’t true, why isn’t there discussion about groundwater U. I guess like many others who are no longer posting here, I am clearly also unwelcome.
Whatever. A bunch of closed minded people who only accept their friends and kick everyone else out. This mountain affects me just like it does you.
I haven’t left my house as a result in over two years, but clearly will have to find somewhere else to get my information.
You people suck!

From astridswe@… Mon Feb 28 10:22:02 2011
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 16:26:43 -0000
From: “astridswe”
Subject: Re: New Documents uploaded to the DTSC Website

So much for come one come all. I guess this group is just for the chosen special people that are approved by Marge. If you don’t know marge, I guess you’re nobody! I just looked at the member list and what kind of real name is dtodoubled?

This group does not practice what it preaches. Just a bunch of people hiding and afraid to speak out. I want no part of a group that only accepts certain people and the rest aren’t allowed to speak or are afraid to. No wonder, since anyone questioning anything is dismissed as a fake. What kind of name is provationdia? sheesh.

Please remove me from this list.
Astrid Hunt

From cameronsayeg@… Mon Feb 28 10:21:15 2011
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:24:24 -0000
From: “cameronsayeg”
Subject: Re: New Documents uploaded to the DTSC Website

I was treated the same way by this group. A bunch of bitchy little girls in a click.

RELATED ARTICLE: A Trail of Flames

27 Years of Award-Winning SSFL/Rocketdyne Reporting