
The Radiation Rangers

The story of Runkle Canyon and the fight against what turned out to be called Arroyo Vista at the Woodlands is far from over. More revelations are surfacing. broke the Runkle Canyon contamination story in Los Angeles CityBeat with “Neighborhood Threat” March 10, 2005. Soon an amazing group of Simi Valley residents rose up to challenge Runkle Canyon’s developers knowing that people needed to know what they literally unearthed which the City of Simi Valley and Department of Toxic Substances Control ignored and dismissed.

The Radiation Rangers of StopRunkledyne formed in 2006 and led the fight against developing Runkle Canyon because of high radiation and chemical findings. Above is the June 21, 2007 Los Angeles CityBeat cover story “The Radiation Rangers – Developers of Simi Valley’s Runkle Canyon claim the water tested clean. Then a band of citizens discovered super-toxic goo seeping from the ground.”

Dead Runkle cow by "Fearless Frank" Serafini
Dead Runkle cow by “Fearless Frank” Serafini

Following are links to archived pages of their information and jam-packed archived website StopRunkledyne. Nearly all the links work making this a go-to news source regarding Runkle Canyon and Rocketdyne. The Radiation Rangers are still active helping media and attending the Santa Susana Field Laboratory Inter-Agency Work Group.

Radiation Ranger "Toxic Terry" Matheney
Radiation Ranger “Toxic Terry” Matheney

May 16, 2013
City of Simi Valley City Council Campaign Contributions
Radiation Rangers expose tens of thousands of dollars taken by councilmembers who later voted on developers’ project without recusing themselves which is legal in Simi Valley

November 3, 2012:
11-03-12 StopRunkledyne

Do Not Build in a Hot ZoneFukushima meltdowns awaken America about the dangers of radiation

Newest Radiation Ranger“Wild Bill” Bowling

Radiation Ranger "Wild Bill" Bowling
Radiation Ranger “Wild Bill” Bowling

September 29, 2011: RunkleDyne History

September 29, 2011: About Rocketdyne

September 29, 2011: Media

September 29, 2011: Resources

White Blight - VC Reporter

February 8, 2011
2-08-11 Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough!DTSC okays development with outdated tests that still show strontium-90 contamination

Another dead Runkle cow by "Fearless Frank" Serafini
Another dead Runkle cow by “Fearless Frank” Serafini

April 21, 2010
4-21-2010 Runkle Canyon Robber Baron Convicted
Runkle Canyon Robber Baron Convicted! Former KB Home chief Bruce Karatz guilty of four felonies

October 21, 2009
10-21-2009 Runkle Canyon's Mystery Spot

Runkle Canyon’s Mystery Spot

“Perchlorate Patty” Coryell, Radiation Ranger, talks Runkle Canyon with KCET‘s “Life & Times” in Runkle Canyon Development – Radioactive?

April 22, 2009
4-22-09 Straight Shootin' - Simi Style

Straight Shootin’ – Simi StyleRadiation Rangers have Runkle Canyon covered!

KB Home’s Bombs – StopRunkledyne YouTube video uploaded on Aug 8, 2007
“See How Housing Developer Manipulates the System and builds on top of a bombing range.”

Runkle Canyon dumped drums
Runkle Canyon dumped drums

February 20, 2009


~November 20, 2008
11-20-08 Simi Valley lab results worse

City of Simi Valley lab results worse than Radiation Rangers Runkle Canyon report!Yet City declares the soil and water clean. City denies water is drinking source and seems clueless as to details of their own damning report! Radiation Rangers reach out to State for relief! Ventura County Reporter tells all in “Spin Cycle

Where Science and Morality Meet: Don’t build Runkle Canyon by “The Good Reverend John” Southwick

More dumped drums in Runkle Canyon downhill from Rocketdyne
More dumped drums in Runkle Canyon downhill from Rocketdyne

~September 22, 2008
9-22-08 Runkle Canyon - Safest Soil in Simi Valley
Runkle Canyon – Safest Soil in Simi Valley?City of Simi Valley and KB Homes’ soil radiation tests are amazingly low — the lab data missing — Rev. Southwick wants answers

March 29, 2008
Runkledyne Arsenic

Runkledyne ArsenicRocketdyne faults leads to Runkle

Dead Runkle cow rotting by "Fearless Frank" Serafini
Dead Runkle cow rotting by “Fearless Frank” Serafini

3-29-08 Good News and Bad News

Good News and Bad NewsGov. Schwarzenegger assures strict Rocketdyne cleanup while Runkle Canyon tests find cancerous TCE

December 14, 2007

The Runkle Canyon Timeline

September 11, 2007

Dirty Business

BOEING PAYS $471,000 FINE FOR POLLUTION VIOLATIONSPenalty to Fund Environmental Programs Benefitting Los Angeles and Ventura Counties

February 28, 2007

Radiation Rangers Questions for the California Department of Health Services

~October 19, 2006

Save Runkle Canyon – Save Lives

24 Years of Award-Winning SSFL/Rocketdyne Reporting
June 1998June 2022