[2015 – While EnviroReporter.com‘s reporting on the Brentwood biomedical nuclear dump partially under Barrington Dog Park stopped then-President George W. Bush’s $4 billion plan to privatize and develop VA land, nothing has been remediated.]

Hi Michael,

Here are questions derived from reports available on Congressman Waxmans website at http://www.henrywaxman.house.gov/Issues/Issue/?IssueID=4469

EnviroReporter.com has had this information on it since December 2007.

1. In Document 79, it shows that the Brentwood School athletic fields were built in an area that was used for dumping from three hospitals over decades until the early 1970s.

Question: Were you and/or the school aware of this report and this information? Do you have any comment on it in regards to our analysis of the information?

2. In Document 80, it shows that the football field was built over numerous syringes that were buried instead of being completely removed.

Question: Were you and/or the school aware of this report and this information? Do you have any comment on it in regards to our analysis of the information?

3. In Document 81, it was revealed that high levels of heavy metal contamination at Brentwood School’s shared VA property, where arsenic was found at 32 times the natural level while poisonous thallium was a level the government calls chronic for disease.

Question: Were you and/or the school aware of this report and this information? Do you have any comment on it in regards to our analysis of the information?

4. Is alcohol served at Brentwood School functions that take place on the shared lease area? Has it ever been served in these areas.

Thank you for your anticipated answers to these questions, Michael.

Michael Collins