Exclusive 2019 Update: VICTORY AT THE VA – West LA Veterans Administration master plan protects old nuclear dump from development

  • Rocketdyne Gallery 2 - Maps
VA Nuclear Dump Before and After Fire 2016

January 28, 2016 VA master plan celebration and burnt dump charred two days earlier. Brentwood School's suspect soccer field bordered by tons of junk barely concealed by artful landscaping. Doomed dog park and hillside of tombstone pieces among singed chaparral.

VA Nuclear Dump Second Phase Testing

The VA begins its $1 million Phase Two assessment of the dump in November 2009 by coring in an area where VA maps show no contamination. A cluster of soldiers' tombstones protrude from a nearby hillside in the old nuke dump where maps suggest possible biomedical nuclear debris dumping.

Atomic Tombstones Galleries

On January 9, 2008, EnviroReporter.com noticed something extraordinary in the VA's nuclear and chemical dump in Brentwood. Emerging from the dirt of an eroding hillside in the dump were the tombstones of soldiers, disgarded illegally in a hot zone. Even after informing Senator Feinstein and her district director Trevor Daley, nothing has been done about these atomic tombstones.

Veterans and the West LA VA

THREE GALLERIES of Senator Diane Feinstein's visit to the West LA VA on January 16, 2008, a Veterans protest on March 9, 2008, and the proposed "National Veterans Park" December 11, 2008. These Veterans and Sen. Feinstein figure prominently in EnviroReporter's ongoing coverage of the West LA VA.

2006 Nuke Dump Testing

FIVE GALLERIES of Millenium Consulting's testing of the Brentwood nuclear dump on November 30, December 2, 6, 7, and 8. EnviroReporter.com was surprised that the testing areas did not include the center of the mapped dump or a row of mounds so similar that they are obviously evidence of some form of human disturbance, such as burial of something. The "testing" appeared to be more for appearance than any scientifically-valid method of looking for buried radioactive debris according to several experts.

VA Nuke Dump and Main Grounds

ELEVEN GALLERIES: VA nuclear dump, West LA VA, VA athletic fields, Barrington Dog Park (FOUR GALLERIES), Pre-dog park Aerials, Brentwood School, VA historical structures, 2007 drought reveals dump.

Early attempts to locate the Brentwood nuke dump

TWO GALLERIES of the then Los Angeles-based Committee to Bridge the Gap's efforts to locate the Brentwood Dump in the 1980s. "This was our only defeat," says Dan Hirsch, president of the nuclear watchdog group of early efforts to find the dump and have it characterized and remediated. Hirsch, at left in lab coat, leads a group looking for evidence of the biomedical nuclear and chemical dump in the early 1980s.

UCLA and VA Atomic History

THREE GALLERIES of Atomic Energy Commission Reports, Human Radiation Experiments, and Atomic Bombs and Culture. Such was the hysteria generated by the threat of nuclear devastation during the Cold War, that the federal government's Atomic Energy Commission undertook a massive endeavor to test plants, animals and humans with radiation to guage its effects. The practice of testing on humans with radiation with no benefit to the "patient" was later condemned during President Clinton's administration in the mid-1990's.

Exclusive 2019 Update: VICTORY AT THE VA – West LA Veterans Administration master plan protects old nuclear dump from development