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Vegetable Juice – September 8, 2011

Japanese vegetable juice spot checks at a whopping 53% over background. Not surprising to find this level of radiation in this Japanese juice, it is surprising to find it for sale in Los Angeles.

Sake – September 7, 2011

Japanese-made sake bought in Southern California registers 22.3% above background, but unlike background radiation, you swallow sake. Alpha radiation detected in tests of sake.

Green Tea – August 30, 2011 detects 65.1% higher than normal radiation in Sencha green tea from Japan purchasef at a Japanese-run store in Southern California by Radiation Station’s Dale Ramicone.

Adlay tea – August 30, 2011

Adlay tea from Japan tests over 39% higher in radiation compared to background at Radiation Station Santa Monica. Tea was bought at a local Japanese market in the Los Angeles area.

Seaweed – August 23, 2011

Japanese seaweed bought in Southern California in a bag tests 54.2% higher than background. Tested out of the bag, tests 67.2% higher, suggesting presence of potent alpha radiation.

HEPA Filters – August 11, 2011

HEPA filters’ aggregate from July 29, 2011 after 23 days of use are above background by a significant amount showing substantial radiation is in the air penetrating structures.

HEPA Filter – July 19, 2011

Only 24 days since last testing and particulate pile still comes in at a whopping 79% over background. Suggests atomic particles may not need rain, fog or snow to infuse air with radiation.

Eat Me! expands Radiation Station’s Fukushima fallout coverage to include choices for rad free food foraging. We test everything we buy to consume and share results.