Green Power And Wellness – FUKUSHIMA RADIATION ALL OVER AMERICA – March 18, 2014
Anti-nuclear activist Harvey Wasserman has Michael Collins on as his guest to discuss Fukushima – The Perfect Crime? in this fast-paced show with a host who really knows his radiation. Collins describes radiation discovered along the Pacific coast in Pacifica and Santa Cruz, California, Fukushima-tainted dirt lab tested from the heart of marijuana growing country in Humboldt County, extremely radioactive rain in Death Valley, high radiation found through US EPA RadNet monitors coast to coast, meltdown deniers successfully pulling the wool over the Los Angeles Times, news aggregators and “alternative” news outlets, and the now-infamous Ventura County Reporter cover art for one of Collins’s 2012 Fukushima stories that shows how clueless the media, and Americans in general, are about the ongoing triple meltdowns that began in Fukushima Japan March 11, 2011. Not to be missed rarity.
Over 10,000 multi-media radiation tests across America since 2011
Michael Collins Radiation Update (21 October 2013): One hour special that covers much of the radiation challenges facing us today regarding Fukushima, nuclear power safety and the never-resting nonsense spewed by pro-nukers in the media such as the New York Times.
The series listeners have been waiting for, Black Swan SONGS, is finally out describing in five pieces and 23,000 words the threats facing the spent fuel at the San Onofre and Peach Bottom nuclear generating stations. Discussion moves to story of an experienced yachtsman making the Pacific Ocean trek first from Australia to Japan and then onto North America. Sea life is near non-existent for thousands of miles save for a huge whale floating on top of the water with a massive head tumor. “The Ocean is Broken” may be a ‘fish story’ but if it isn’t, the tale it tells is hopelessly heartbreaking. Jeff and Michael discuss next typhoon bearing down on Fukushima and the massive spikes in radiation readings that previous storms over the stricken plant have left in their wakes. Even with persistent poisonous radionuclides recently found in British sediment bordering the Irish sea, the UK government announces the construction of two new nuclear reactors on its southern coast. Michael points out that the British taxpayer will be on the hook for billions in this outrageous government giveaway. US Pacific Coast seaweed is again found contaminated with Fuku goo in the form of cesium-134, cesium-137 and cobalt-60 which suggests ongoing fission at the Japanese site of the triple meltdowns. Sad state of the media in which New York Times dismisses Fukushima radiation and lauds new EPA rules that radically raise amounts of allowable radiation in emergencies, a dangerous plan first exposed months ago in with EPA Nukes Radiation Rules. Happy, though small, state of citizen awareness as 500 people gather on San Francisco beach forming a human chain reading “FUKUSHIMA IS HERE.” Michael discusses $60 billion US government is planning to spend ‘modernize’ its nuclear weapons complex suggesting money would be better spent tracking and addressing Fuku goo. US EPA says “To this day, the [RadNet] system continues to confirm that there are no harmful levels of radiation in the air reaching the U.S. from Japan,” an EPA spokesperson said in the last week when‘s own US EPA RadNet graphs data shows upward spikes in beta radiation in Phoenix AZ, Anaheim, Fresno & Los Angeles CA, Albuquerque NM, Corvalis OR, Amarillo TX and Charleston WV. One of the best shows in over 2.5 years of bringing radiation information to a growing international audience.
Michael Collins Radiation Update (14 October 2013): Thousands mass for anti-nuclear rally in Tokyo 13 October, which earns high marks from Jeff and Michael. Fukushima deteriorating at a breakneck pace with highest level of Cs-134/137 detected in seawater of Fukushima plant port entrance since triple meltdowns began 11 March 2011. Collapsed groundwater bypass plan results in tritium detected in all of the eight groundwater samples. In this analysis, the highest reading was 730,000 Bq/m3. Tritium will not be filtered out to discharge to the Pacific because nothing can filter out “heavy water.” 120 Bq/Kg from two bags of rice in Minamisoma Fukushima which is way too much for Japanese plates but, according to U.S. standards, consumable in this country so grower will ship all but these two bags. Japanese Gov’t Officials: “All of Japan” at risk of food and water having serious contamination from Fukushima, now and into future — Land is contaminated out to 250 kilometers from plant. Top Japan nuclear officials: Fukushima is an unprecedented disaster — “It’s probably the worst nuclear accident to ever happen in the world.”
And, of course, Jeff and Michael talk about the first two pieces of‘s Black Swan SONGS series which will continue through week with amazing revelations from this four-month investigation which led to this blockbuster expose beyond the capabilities of mainstream and alternative legacy media. Michael assures faithful listeners that the best is yet to come.
Michael Collins Radiation Update (07 October 2013): Taut and terrific show hitting a ton of topics. In Vancouver, starfish bodies turning to goo as Canadian study warns of radiation in Pacific seafood over two years after‘s revelations showing same. Removal of nuclear fuel rods from Unit 4’s teetoring reactor almost impossible. We talk of Team EnviroReporter’s upcoming trip to Japan equipped with all the necessary tools to test for Fuku goo.
One of the trip highlights will be a visit to the architectural wonder that is the Hiroshima municipal incinerator. T.E. won’t be there for the stylish complex but to see through detecting whether the wholesale incineration of over a million tons of irradiated ruble from the Fukushima prefecture taking place the width and breadth of Japan, an incredibly foolish process that doesn’t get rid of the radiation. Much of the ash from the Fuku goo burning is dumped into Tokyo Bay where the 2020 Tokyo Radiation Olympics will hold multiple events. Jeff and Michael discussed radioactive silver detected in seafood caught off Japan. The Ag-110m exceeded the readings of radioactive cesium in squid, octopus and crab caught off Fukushima prefecture, implied that fission and criticalities are still going on at the Fukushima site which is a horrific state of affairs. Near a drain to the Pacific, 13 million becquerels per cubic meter of total beta emitters were just detected out of Fukushima Dai-ichi’s south discharge. A day before, it was disclosed that 200,000,000 Bq/m3 was leaking for 12 hours at the stricken site because a TEPCO patrol didn’t notice it as it was raining. Michael teased an upcoming four month investigation by saying what it wasn’t: ProPublica just tooted its own horn bragging about the $750,000 they it spent over two years investigating how acetominophen can be bad for you. spent less than $7.50 to read the label on a bottle of the stuff to see that there are warnings saying just that already on the bottle. Our point was what we have coming is considerably more weighty and cost far less. News also broke in the last week that the Japanese fast food chain Yoshinoya would start sourcing food for the chain from close to Fukushima. Michael reveals he asked the American subsidiary of the firm, with restaurants in Southern California and other U.S. locations, if they got their food from Japan. The company did not reply.
Michael Collins Radiation Update (30 September 2013): Historic show starting minutes into the U.S. federal government shutdown. Michael thanked over 800,000 fed workers for their service and expressed sympathy for their unearned plight. Also gave thanks that the EPA’s RadNet hadn’t gone dark which is good because this crucial information is brought to the public in an accessible way by on our U.S. EPA RadNet Data page.
Discussion of the FDA’s new *voluntary* ban on a huge list of food products from 15 Japanese prefectures. Michael noted that Japanese food has radiation limits in their food 12 times more strict than the U.S. standards meaning that their hot food can be shipped to us legally with no one the wiser. Hence the importance of our Radiation Food Lab, the most comprehensive data on food, water and other ingestibles anywhere in the world. RFB honcho and Team EnviroReporter stalwart Peter Dailey’s new detections of Radium-220 spell real trouble. From his report we discussed: “The rain swab collected at Caloundra was tested and found to contain both the decay daughters of both Radon-222, and Radon-220. It is common to get Radon-222 washouts, not Radon-220. Radon-222 is from the Uranium decay chain, and Radon-220 is from the Thorium decay chain. This theory has been put forward by a contact in New Zealand. The Radon-220 decay daughter isotope detection here, is an indication that one or more of the underground coriums at Fukushima undergoing fast neutron fission. One or more coriums are possibly purifying, and operating in a mode of unmoderated fission. This would increase the yields of Thorium daughters.” Russia has also banned food from 7 Japanese prefectures and China along with South Korea have restrictions too. Before Michael wrapped up the show, he again reminded his devoted listeners that true character is what a person does when he or she knows that doom looms. He also talked about the radiation levels in Montogomery AL, Tuscon AZ, Los Angeles CA, Denver CO, Washington DC, Tallahassee FL, Fort Wayne IN, Corvallis OR, Toledo OH, Amarillo TX and Harrisonburg VA.
Michael Collins Radiation Update: The grim predictions we made in January 2012’s Beta Watch are sadly coming true as we discuss in a supercharged show. A report came out entitled “Numerical study and prediction of nuclear contaminant transport from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in the North Pacific Ocean.” Appearing in the scientific journal Oceanology, the report was the work of the Key Laboratory of Research on Marine Hazards Forecasting, National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center in China. The Chinese government did something the United States would not do: take a hard look at what Fukushima’s spewing triple meltdowns are doing to the Pacific.
“[H]igh concentrations of the radioactive isotope cesium-137 (137Cs) will move eastward and reach the central Pacific and west coast of North America in two and eight years, respectively.” The map predictions of ocean surface cesium-137 concentrations are astonishing. Since the report, the situation has only gotten worse at Fukushima with continued fallout both literally and figuratively. Jeff and Michael discussed the latter watching the March 11, 2011 tsunami live late at night Los Angeles time with Denise Anne. As the waves rolled in obliterating everything in their path, we realized they could also take out a coastal nuclear power plant. Only the next day did we find out what had happened. Discussion turned philosophical as Michael maintained that in the face of such threats, with no help from the government for its people or Japan, being courageous is easier than being a coward. Hot spots across the U.S. highlighted were Bakersfield CA, Fresno CA, Denver CO, Tallahassee FL, Fort Wayne IN, St. Paul MN, Lincoln NE, Toledo OH, and Amarillo TX. Michael criticized the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s light “green” and “white” violation at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station as puzzling in light of what caused them: a huge number of leaking pipes that forced Units 2 and 3 to be shut down and now decommissioned. Discounting the potential dangers of firing up one of these units, as Southern California Edison did, shows the lax attitude of the NRC which is not enhancing the safety of the site or others it regulates.
Michael Collins Radiation Update – Fast half hour on last day of public’s ability to submit comments on the Environmental Protection Agency’s plan to gut radiation standards not just for emergencies like terrorist ‘dirty bomb’ attack or nuclear power plant meltdown but also to extremely contaminated places like the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. Discussion explored‘s revelations in the expose EPA Nukes Radiation Rules* showing the extent of these dangerous redefining of what’s hot and what’s not. Michael told audience not to worry if they hadn’t submitted their comments if they had concerns raised by the expose because he had submitted the article as a public comment. He was not alone. Earlier in the day before this podcast, over 100 environmental organizations today called on EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy to withdraw EPA’s controversial new Protective Action Guides (PAGs), which would allow exposure to very high doses from radiation releases before government would take action to protect the public. The full letter is at and details many of the radical changes the gutted PAGs would bring. With Fukushima worsening with the entire complex sinking into its own groundwater-saturated sand, the consequences of EPA-rigged and relaxed radiation levels adds to the significance of the ongoing disaster. Michael told of weekend birthday trip to the Central Coast of California that included visiting a fisherman and his wife, Will and Robin, at their beautiful Santa Barbara home to test an assortment of fish and sea creatures for radiation. Will, a listener to the show, offered Denise Anne and I, an excellent opportunity to test yellowtail, bluefin tuna, rockfish, bluefin tuna “collar,” mussels, squid, albacore tuna, yellowtail collar: All measured at background which is probably a function of the fact that the Sea of Fuku Goo hasn’t made it down to Southern California yet. Jeff and Michael thanked Will for being such a stand-up American who courageously contacted Michael to have his fish tested. The results, while hopeful for the time being, do not change‘s admonition not to eat or consume anything from the Pacific unless you can verify yourself it is radiation-free. That includes seaweed and its derivative carrageenan which is widely used in the food industry and toothpaste for its gelling, thickening and stabilizing properties.
Michael Collins Radiation Update: A special one-hour classic show that wasn’t even long enough for the breadth of disaster discussed. Of course Michael’s Tokyo’s Radiation Olympics and Yoichi Shimatsu’s Boycott The Radioactive 2020 Olympics Of Death were the top topics since their double-barrel debut in response to the outrage that greeted Tokyo Japan’s being awarded by the controversial and corruption-riven doyens of the International Olympic Committee in Buenos Aires Argentina September 7. The gold medal performance of Prime Minister Abe convincing the creaky IOC board that all was AOK at Fukushima was easily dissembled by Michael as he pointed out that TEPCO actually pleaded with the Japanese government to take control of the disaster in the week before Dishonest Abe’s blizzard of hogwash won the day. The fact that Fukushima Dai-ichi’s Unit 4, with its full spent fuel pool tottering four stories above the ground, has recently sunk over 30 inches into the soup that the ground is turning into was pointed out by Jeff. The hyper-hot groundwater is within four inches of the surface and the entire site is about to sink into the slush. Once Unit 4 collapses before the spent fuel is removed – an impossible task as the rods are busted and not removable even with TEPCO’s weak assurances – Tokyo is toast as EnviroReporter reported in The Unforgettable Fire in June 2012. Michael gave numerous examples of Tokyo contamination as reported in Rad News Digest just since the beginning of the year: June 17 – 300 Bq/Kg in the park of Konanku Yokohama city” (Tokyo – 178 miles south of Fukushima, Yokohama – 204 miles south of Fukusima); June 16 – 19,000 Bq/Kg from the drain of balcony in Setagaya Tokyo; June 8 – 102.5 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from Sayama (suburb of Tokyo) green tea leaves for sale; May 28 – Cs-134/137 from pool bottom sediment of 9 of 9 elementary school in Chiba,(20 miles NE of Tokyo) max as 796 Bq/Kg and on and on. Jeff talked about a letter sent to him from South Korean flight attendants about the hazards of flying through the air over Fukushima. Michael reminded the audience, which has grown significantly and shows its appreciation more and more, that‘s US EPA RadNet compilation shows high beta radiation, almost certainly from Fukushima or local reactor releases, in the American cities of Montgomery AL, Phoenix AZ, Fort Smith AR, Bakersfield CA, Tallahassee FL, Augusta GA, Fort Wayne IN and other locales including St. Louis MO which had a September 8 rain 108 times background. Jeff and Michael discuss how the California Highway Patrol considers anything over three times background a HAZMAT situation. This hot show again demonstrates that people know where to go to get the real skinny on the radically rad world we’re living where those with true courage to face the consequences are few and far between but always are on the Michael Collins Radiation Update.
Michael Collins Radiation Update August 26, 2013: Fast and furious show as Fukushima triple meltdowns’ “Lost Coriums” sink deeper into the ground, they are impacting the groundwater which is directly leaking into Pacific with astonishing radiation readings. Japan asks for international help for first time publicly as situation out of control. Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and 3 scientists from the GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences showed that radiation on the West Coast of North America could end up being 10 times higher than in Japan by 2016. Michael postulates that this is true for the radiation leaking now but in three years, he predicts the radiation gushing out of Fukushima will even dwarf today’s unbelievable numbers with the result that after 2019, the cesium-134 and cesium-137 off the West Coast will make even 2016’s numbers seem enviable. Jeff figures his 400 tons of radioactive goo sloshing into the Pacific is low. Intense and deep discussion of how this is ruining the Pacific and all the unfortunate flora and fauna in it. “Fracked Nation,” Michael’s new article is discussed showing how has found that a little known new threat posed by fracking is slowly becoming known in addition to the already established menaces of groundwater contamination, huge water usage, methane gas releases and fracking induced earthquakes. Fracking also threatens the very value and marketability of real estate, so much so that major insurance companies are not renewing homeowner insurance policies on properties that have been fracked or are near fracking. Lenders will not loan money on property that has potential for hazardous activity and contamination issues meaning that the land owner is truly fracked. The land becomes uninsurable and unsellable making it worthless. Once that happens, these same oil and gas companies, as well as the insurers and lenders, will be able to scoop up huge swaths of land for pennies on the dollar. This is news that homeowners over frackable oil and gas better pay attention to. We certainly will and won’t let up covering the story.
Michael Collins Radiation Update August 19, 2013: This may be the finest hour-long special in the last 2.5 years. Associated Press picks up on the Santa Susana Field Laboratory story with alternative headlines betraying battle of Boeing PR flack Gary Polakovic and the residents fighting for the agreed-upon comprehensive cleanup to background levels of rads and chems. AP not fooled by Polakovic’s meltdown makeover of SSFL with Girl Scouts and disadvantaged youths the target of Boeing photo ops at lab. Three 100-ton meltdown coriums ‘missing’ at Fukushima as radiation readings higher in last week than at any time during the meltdown. 125 liters of intensely hot goo found outside Unit 4 with damaged spent fuel pool that will destroy Tokyo if it collapses and catches fire. SPF 4 has 14,000 Hiroshima bombs worth of cesium-137 alone. Radiation readings pick up sharply in San Francisco and San Diego. New Dept. of Defense study by University of Texas research assistant says all reactor complexes, spent fuel pools and nuclear weapons storage depots are vulnerable to terrorists. Flawed study misses the most obvious weakenesses but does show that subject itself isn’t taboo in DOD circles, an important consideration in surveillance state where executive branch targets journalists. study will break mold on issue. New Freedom of Information Act documents show coverup of Fukushima triple meltdowns in US with West Coast pounded with fallout in early days of ongoing triple meltdown begun March 11, 2011. Over 100 Ohio earthquakes near nuke plant on Great Lakes caused by fracking in official new study. Columbia Generating Station, a version of the Fukushima reactor design, can be hit with earthquake over three times its design limit according to Dept. of Energy report. Northwest activists want it shut down.
Michael Collins Radiation Update August 12, 2013: FDA says nothing to fear hence nothing to test in Alaskan waters even as TEPCO admits 300,000 gallons of rad water into Pacific daily. Program follower has range of Southern California fish for us to test including bluefin tuna. State sued over SSFL disposal and recycling of lab radiation waste in unlicensed dumps.
Michael Collins Radiation Update August 5, 2013: Breaking news with “Boeing’s Meltdown Mess” with six environmental groups ready to sue Cal-EPA’s Department of Toxic Substances Control and Department of Public Health for allowing Boeing to demolish radioactive buildings including a plutonium fuel fabrication facility, recycling metal or sending to municipal dumps.
Michael Collins Radiation Update July 22, 2013: Fast-paced half hour with EPA RadNet analysis of cities with high rad readings including Bakersfield, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Pierre, South Dakota; upcoming special investigation yielding nuggets like fact no US nuclear plant concrete containment no matter size or shape can contain meltdown or spent fuel fire!
Michael Collins Radiation Update July 15, 2013: One of the best shows ever with “EPA Nukes Radiation Rules” discussed in lively interview. Jeff is amazed by new allowance of Plutonium-239 in soil so high that it will induce fatal cancer with 100% certainty eight times over!
After the show, we received the nicest message from Rusty E. in Matawan New Jersey that we wanted to share because folks like Rusty make all the work worth it:
Hi Mike,
I have to tell you how much we enjoy your reports weekly during your
appearances. It’s so refreshing to hear real data, developments – and
we love your sense of humor. After all, it is a depressing subject.
Your spark of humor and unique delivery helps us get the point, but
not so that we’re numb by the end. Instead, we’re motivated to tell
others about the information, yours/Jeff’s program and the radiation
developments. Keep up the good work.
Michael Collins Radiation Update July 8, 2013: Special 1-hour show with Fukushima corium wrecking groundwater flowing into Pacific; new US EPA RadNet beta and gamma air monitoring data for 48 states & Puerto Rico made user-friendly; new EPA emergency rad regs that raise limits thousands of times & much more!
Michael Collins Radiation Update July 1, 2013: Canada Day special with huge rad detects in Japanese beef as new Fukushima rad waste incinerator being built; unfiltered burning of rad goo continues throughout Japan; new high jet rad readings from US to Chile; San Onofre spent fuel pool dangers & NRC hooey in Indian Point enviro report dismissing aquatic kills and more.
Michael Collins Radiation Update June 24, 2013: Special 20th Birthday anniversary of the Rense Radio Network celebrated with Michael asking Jeff about best and worst shows plus special birthday wish; new alarming jet cabin readings above America from Radiation Station Pacifica; massive Hanford radiation leak of plutoniumner Columbia River; hot Sebastes cheni fish off of Fukushima & repeated TEPCO hooey in memorable show.
Michael Collins Radiation Update June 17, 2013: Taut one-hour show starting with amazing images of Pacific hot zones of water matching Sea of Goo floating on the Kuroshio Current towards North America. Custom-video illutstrates just how far in the drink Pacific users and exploiters are two years after Fukushima Dai-ichi meltdowns began; more startling San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station exclusive exposures; Boeing’s meltdown makeover with reputation-shredding antics.
Michael Collins Radiation Update June 10, 2013: Amazing one-hour special discussing historic environmental victory in closing San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station but where 1,500 tons of highly radioactive spent fuel rods remain; people and organizations that made SONGS closure happen; potential sabotage issue & inconsistencies in security plan for the complex; foreign ownership of US nuke plants possible; extensive discussion of new Japanese radiation contamination along with US Air Force Japan serving up Japanese produce/vegetables with no further restrictions; permanent US nuclear repository needed and much more including how Denise Anne and Michael live rad-free.
Michael Collins Radiation Update May 20, 2013: Special Michael/Denise Anne 9-year anniversary hour-long show with intensely radioactive black mold growing in Japan; ongoing Fukushima contamination undiminished but impacting Pacific more than air now; consumption of sushi, seaweed impacted by radiation; Boeing’s Meltdown Makeover scandal spreads; Oklahoma tornadoes & nuclear power plants plus more.
Michael Collins Radiation Update May 13, 2013: Hard charging special hour show with breaking news that NRC must hold full public judicial-like hearing on SONGS restart; top DTSC honcho’s head roles for her regulating companies she has stock in; Boeing Meltdown Makeover continues with former Times reporter Gary Polakovic hard at work with Girl Scouts now coming to contaminated SSFL to plant trees for merit badges even as liability waiver Boeing uses declares no rights if sickened at lab yet visitor images can be used to keep selling radioactive lab as clean & more!
Michael Collins Radiation Update May 6, 2013: Outstanding show with low rads in L.A. rain; heavy radon washout in Australia & Brazil; San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station battle over re-starting with So Cal Edison threats to shut down; Kewaunee WI to shut down at cost of $1 billion borne by ratepayers; Palisades MI reactor leaks into Lake Michigan as company issues questionable report; high Cs-137 in Japanese fresh water fish & typically bad LA Times op-ed.
Michael Collins Radiation Update April 22, 2013: Earth Day show where Michael shows how new EPA radiation limits are going to be for everything, not just emergencies, with I-131 at 27,027 x EPA MCL, Sr-90 x 828 its MCL & 7,022 x its EPA PRG, Cs-137 x its EPA MCL and Pu-239 90 x its MCL & 3,448 x its PRG; death of long-form journalism except at and much more in a romping show that is one of Michael’s favorites.
Michael Collins Radiation Update April 15, 2013: Reflecting on the Boston terrorism tragedy and the bravery of first responders and law enforcement noting that they are first on the scene and into the fray. Yet new EPA emergency radiation limits would expose them – and the rest of public – to huge amounts of radiation which would theoretically kill 1/6 exposed including you. Plus all 104 U.S. nuclear reactors unsafe says former NRC chief plus NRC tells U.S. Senator Boxer to get lost as they are going to allow damaged San Onofre nuke reactor to start by June 1. North Korea would be pleased at these anti-American actions.
Michael Collins Radiation Update April 8, 2013: US EPA quietly obliterates radiation safety levels under new Obama EPA nominee’s draconian scheme; former NRC head says US agency rep “damaged significantly” in role of dice over nuke plant safety; SCE pushes June 1 San Onofre damaged nuke plant restrart; Radiation Food Lab finds; huge rads in Japanese black fungus obtained by Team EnviroReporter.
Michael Collins Radiation Update April 1, 2013: April Fools Day is no joke. Arkansas reactor accident kills 1, injures 8, So Cal Edison insists on restarting damaged San Onofre reactor, UC Berkeley nuke department dismisses Geiger counters; LA City Council says no Rocketdyne transfer of NASA land until remediated to background; Boeing stages elaborate press stunt at Rocketdyne attended by its greenwashing and astroturfing collaborators and more.
Michael Collins Radiation Update March 25, 2013: 700 sick sea lions in So Cal as cesium 134 & 137 found in store-bought San Diego tuna; NRC fails to require filters in post-Fukushima rules; 900 trillion Bq strontium 90 dumped in Pacific; “fission products” found 300 km from Fukushima Daiichi; Jeff & Michael work on why Cs-137 is moving across ocean and spreading out in an arc instead of just moving in Kuroshio Current; MC’s best & worst editors, Denise Anne being the best.
Michael Collins Radiation Update March 18, 2013: Power failure at 4 Fukushima spent fuel pools with over 7,910 fuel rods; fire would destroy central Japan & Tokyo, electrical vulnerability of 103 American reactor’s pools with no NRC requirements for backup; ionizer HEPA machines a must.
Michael Collins Radiation Update March 11, 2013: Two-year anniversary of Fukushima triple meltdowns and situation worsens in Pacific while air levels lower in SoCal; Caldicott Fukushima symposium in NYC reveals startling facts; rad-induced mutations migration; stiffer Radiation Station air cleansing & thanks to the brave folks who have helped us for 2 years!
Michael Collins Radiation Update March 4, 2013: Cal EPA’s Dept. of Toxic Substances Control on the hot seat since Boeing Meltdown Makeover’s first five articles hit stands in December. Director Debbie Raphael called before state senators for a grilling hours before show and promises cooperation with investigation of DTSC. Whitewash WHO Fukushima report and more.
Michael Collins Radiation Update
February 25, 2013: February 25, 2013: Fast-paced show with latest on Fukushima, Hanford, hot & cold wild boar & Consumer Watchdog report on California EPA’s Dept. of Toxic Substances Control abuses. DTSC director caught running to Boeing top lobbyist pursued by TV news.
Michael Collins Radiation Update February 18, 2013: Team EnviroReporter’s upcoming Fukushima radiation investigation given sneak peak, cost of decommissioning of Florida nuke plant while building new Georgia reactors & $640 billion blown on nuke weapons in coming decade.
Michael Collins Radiation Update February 4, 2013: Tons of Fukushima debris wash ashore along Alaska’s south coast near where McDonalds pledges to catch its wild-caught Alaskan pollock for its McBites; immediate need for Yucca Mountain nuclear fuel dump; Japanese kids suffering rad effects, Osaka goo burning and national suicide by island nation & more!
Michael Collins Radiation Update January 21, 2013: Superb 1 hour show with first half “Greenwashing” Rocketdyne VC Reporter newspaper expose where even after blows the story wide open December 10, Boeing greenwashing maven Gary Polakovic gets press release into Northridge-Chatsworth Patch disguised as an article touting the polluted Santa Susana Field Laboratory as a scenic outdoor classroom. Newspaper coverage shows Boeing’s astroturfing and greenwashing plan is getting wider coverage just as the company deals with its grounded 787 Dreamliner and tries to project credibility during the crisis. Its greenwashing and astroturfing the lab undermines that. Then Fukushima meltdowns fiasco in Japan while Congress committee rejects NRC post-meltdowns safety plan & much more!
Michael Collins Radiation Update January 14, 2013: News breaks that restarting San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in SoCal is a go; Cesium-137 in Los Angeles milk in last EPA test; $640 billion spent on nuke weapons over next decade; America’s spent fuel rods in temp pools vs opening Yucca Mountain.
Rense-Collins Interview January 7, 2013: High jet cabin readings with 3.8 times expected radiation over California-Arizona border, down from 5 times a year ago; L.A. air HEPA dust for 6 days 92% above background but down 18% off April 20 highs & EnviroReporter’s 2012 Year in Review highlights are some of the topics covered.
Rense-Collins Interview December 31, 2012: Celebratory New Years Eve Show with Jeff and Michael recounting many of the discoveries and exposes discussed on the program in the last year including high rad readings in Michigan rain a year ago now slightly less with new tests of snow; “buckyball” revelations; chemtrail “scavenging” of Fukushima troposphere fallout and much more on America’s only weekly radiation report thanks to the Rense Radio Network and Rad News Digest created and maintained by Team EnviroReporter.
Rense-Collins Interview December 24, 2012: Special Christmas Show with new hot airline cabin readings 380% higher than expected at altitude and 17.5 x background; hot mandarin oranges from both California and Spain; tornado threat for reactors Xmas day in South and continued revelations and reactions to Boeing’s Meltdown Makeover series.
Rense-Collins Interview December 17, 2012: Fukushima horror stories and exclusive debut of part 5 of Boeing’s Meltdown Makeover on show for faithful listeners. Discussion of the depth and scope of the investigation, what it means for Southern California and the legal ramifications of the EPA wasting $41.5 million subverting Rocketdyne cleanup with the help of DTSC, Boeing and a cadre of devoted astroturfers.
December 10, 2012: 7.3 earthquake off of Fukushima weakens Unit 4’s spent fuel pool and damages Reactor 1 at Fukushima Daiini; Collins explains Part 1 of new 5-part series “Boeing’s Meltdown Makeover” as news of concerted campaign to “greenwash” the Rocketdyne site above Simi Valley spreads. Superb show!
December 3, 2012: Supposedly safe San Onofre steam generator radiating 16+ times background dozens of yards off; 961% of normal rads in North Carolina rain, not-hot L.A. rain; new fracking within 1 mile of Pennsylvania nuclear plant could cause earthquake, Prince Charles says Mankind must go green or die plus more!
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
November 26, 2012: High Cesium-134 and Cs-137 in New Zealand powdered milk, Cs-137 in NZ yogurt powder and Canadian maple sugar; lake tsunami threat endangers Cook & Palisades reactors on Lake Michigan; 40% of 96,000 Fukushima children have thyroid problems while government and TEPCO lie about radioactive water sloshing into Pacific; curium found 200 km from Fukushima and Cs-137 Pacific plume headed straight at North American coast while Obama Administration to push for smaller, cheaper & “safer” nuclear reactors defying reason and common economic sense all the while fallout-scavenging chem trails are sprayed over Southern California. “We live in an age of denial,” says Rense.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
November 19, 2012: Highest readings in rain yet recorded by Radiation Station Simi Valley, highest Cs-137 in L.A. milk tested by USEPA as well as Portland, massive amounts of rad-ruined water gushing into Pacific at Fukushima, $640 billion that could be saved over 10 years from ditching nuclear weapon relics, and traveling rad-safe on jets during the Thanksgiving holidays add to great show.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
November 12, 2012: Coming off tour of rad road trip through 13 states, Collins shares exclusive radiation readings plus chem trails blanketing West’s skies ‘capturing’ Fukushima fallout which Collins calls “sabotage” plus Hurricane Sandy’s effects on numerous reactors, giant SONGS reactor generator over 100 meters long moved from San Clemente CA to Clive UT, PG&E plans to use sonic blasts to identify earthquake faults adjacent Diablo Canyon on Southern California coast that could blast the eardrums of over 7,000 marine animals plus much much more on the only weekly Internet radio show anywhere devoted to analyzing Fukushima fallout contamination in North America, the Pacific Ocean and elsewhere on the globe – including Japan – that exists now over a year running!
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
October 29, 2012: Special 1-hour show with Hurricane Sandy slamming into New Jersey with 16 nuclear power plants in the storm’s projected path. Interview with Paul Gunther of Beyond who says that while DC generators can power a reactor core for up to 48 hours, spent fuel pools have no backup power system at all in case of loss of electricity and have much more radioactivity. Collins also reveals that seas of 21 to 27 feet in Lake Michigan threaten the spent fuel pools at the Palisades nuke plant near South Haven Michigan where the spent fuel rods are contained outdoors in 21 16-foot-tall fortified casks, each containing 30 tons, and and seated on a concrete pad on sand dunes. Much more horrifying news about Sandy and the ongoing and spreading threat of Fukushima radiation in this exceptional show.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
October 15, 2012: Spirited show with Fukushima beef again being sold in America to “high-end” restaurants, Australian navel orange not hot like California ones, much higher beta radiation detected in Bakersfield and other California cities with Central Valley getting hit hard, high radiation in Washington state & North Carolina plus anti-nukers debate owners of San Onofre nuke plant in Irvine & more!
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
October 8, 2012: Lively and provocative show with high detections at Radiation Stations on both sides of Equator, Fukushima fallout-scavenging chemtrails back in Los Angeles with a vengeance, radioactive tritium in Vancouver B.C. open air water reservoirs indicating a foreign source most likely Fukushima, and more!
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
October 1, 2012: Fast paced discussion of 37 x background in St. Louis, Iodine-125 contamination of crematorium next to major fast food distribution center, San Onofre battle over restart, incredible horro stories of ongoing massive radiation release in Fukushima, continued Japanese rad debris incineration, high readings in Japanese food and threat to Northwest United States from Sea of Fukugoo arriving along Pacific Coast and much more.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
September 24, 2012: Superb show with Jeff and Michael talking about prospective isotopic identifiers, new Committee to Bridge the Gap report on San Onofre nuke plant’s worn tubing, shocking Nuclear Regulatory Commission suppression of data showing flood risks to American reactors, urgent need for raddies to collect & test Fukushima tsunami debris and much more!
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
September 17, 2012: Full hour show with Jeff and Michael looking at foodstuffs in America impacted by Fukushima radiation, methods of Pacific Ocean mobility of meltdowns’ goo, disheartening thyroid conditions of Japanese children who are fed radioactive lunches in lurid show of supposed safety and more including AEG’s perchlorate problem in their hoped-for Farmers Field stadium in downtown LA.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
September 10, 2012: Special 9/11 show with new nuke terrorist threats in Pakistan, dismal shape of American nuclear reactor security plus corium steam thought shooting out of ground at Fukushima and comparing hot rain measurements in Missouri & North Carolina.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
September 3, 2012: Drilling down on “No Place to Hide – Fukushima Fallout Findings Widespread,” Rense and Collins explore significance, and scientific studies, on the case of the mutated Santa Barbara-area sunflowers and the mechanics of aerosol spraying in the atmosphere precipitating Fuku-goo fallout in otherwise dry environments like Southern California and the Southwest.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
August 27, 2012: Historic show with “No Place to Hide – Fukushima Fallout Findings Widespread” published as show starts as Rense Radio Network Exclusive. Cesium detected in Florida grapefruit, Missouri beef California nuts and fruit; aerosol trails are new mechanism of Fukushima fallout mobilization exposed; mutations hit Southern California; Collins reveals how people can analyze their hair for Fuku-goo proving once and for all if they have been exposed or not.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
August 20, 2012: Rense listeners get (almost) the full skinny on Collins’ upcoming opus The Big Hot Orange in this exclusive one hour show. Discussion includes doubling of L.A. air radiation off of a low period that, interestingly, saw less vapor/chemical trails in the skies of Southern California; threats detected in California nuts and fruit; airplane radiation detected in two flights higher than in December; new mechanism of Fukushima fallout derived from authoritative studies and more.
Michael Collins guests on Rense Radio Network
August 13, 2012: Investigative environmental journalist Michael Collins and one of the most popular Internet radio hosts in America, Jeff Rense, discuss findings of Collins’ current investigation that will be part of his upcoming August 23, 2012 comprehensive piece, The Big Hot Orange. Part of the discussion relates to high radiation readings found in California-grown navel oranges, dried prunes and almonds as well as more information unearthed in this fast-paced half-hour show listened to by thousands of concerned Americans, Canadians and English-speaking peoples across the globe concerned about increasing Fukushima meltdowns contamination found in lands far from Japan.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
August 6, 2012: L.A.’s radiation doubles from last period; USEPA shows high beta in early July; high rad readings in Simi Valley, St. Louis; 66th Hiroshima A-Bomb anniversary & challenge to religious listeners to prepare to explain to their Maker why they failed to act. Spirited show examines Japanese protesting against nuclear power and on Hiroshima anniversary versus Americans blithely ignoring ongoing radiological impacts in North America of Fukushima Daiichi’s ongoing triple meltdowns in Japan as well as incineration of over 550,000 tons of radioactive rubble all across that country’s 27 prefectures.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
July 30, 2012: 37 x background rads in St. Louis rain, 58 x BG in Brazil, deformed sunflowers in Goleta CA, 200 LA BG in Ontario Canada, phony TEPCO emission numbers at Fukushima Daiichi & talk of censored citizen rad readings at U.S. rad detection system. Though leery of so-called “citizen journalism,” Collins puts out call for experienced and vettable folks with radiation monitors on the West Coast to begin to test fish and tsunami debris to share with America’s most trusted environmental website.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
July 23, 2012: Iffy Stanford University study on Fukushima cancers, new Japanese gov tests of radioactive Pacific fish, 300 hot Japanese cars caught by Russian customs, tragic video of Japanese nursery school close to meltdowns site and more in fast-paced half-hour show where a patient Jeff can’t get a word in edgewise due to Michael’s ability to talk nonstop for 23 minutes without taking a breath. This is the first (and last) Michael Blabberthon.
A wide-range of topics covered with radioactive bluefin tuna in the Pacific indicating high contamination in West Coast fisheries for over a year with levels likely increasing; streets in Tokyo so hot they measure hundreds of times different intensities just crossing them; National Academy of Sciences panel on Fukushima lessons packed with nuclear industry reps sparking outrage at this taxpayer-funded event that repeats the mistakes just outlined in a Japanese government report on Fukushima: nuclear industry compromising the regulatory bodies designed to keep them in check and safe. Runkle Canyon update with KB Home facing off against the residents at a planning commission meeting sabotaged by fauxteur illegally taping commissioners.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
July 9, 2012: 45-minute show discussing new Pacific Ocean rad contamination predictions, radioactive California almonds & Rep. Markey’s warning of NRC nuclear plant safety culture of complacency aided by American apathy. Collins notes that the study predicting double the radiation in the Pacific Ocean within five years is probably much lower than actual currents and radiation levels dictate. Rense predicts five to ten times the radiation in a year to two years, a scenario Collins agrees is much more likely.
“ wins best Online News Website from LA Press Club”
July 2, 2012: Jeff graciously announces’s First Place victory for Website – News Organization – Exclusive to the Internet which both agree is a milestone in recognizing the scant media work done documenting Fukushima meltdowns contamination in North America. Michael points out that this is a win for the audience as many listeners participate in the website making this a team triumph as suggested by the judges’ comments: “A wealth of resources when it comes to our environment. From investigations to videos to exclusives, is one interactive site that should be clicked on everyday.”
June 18, 2012: Rense and Collins examine the decision to cap destroyed nuclear reactor Unit 4 spent fuel pool with a 60-ton steel lid in the last week supposedly to keep out debris when there is no debris above it. The pair explore why TEPCO lie about why it really covered the pool and what that could really mean. Collins points out lid prevents rod removal suggesting company cannot or will not remove these rods to a safer location. Destruction of the pool could doom Japan.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
June 11, 2012: High energy half hour with no small amount of praise for the Ventura County Reporter cover story “A Radioactive Nightmare – As fallout from Fukushima heads our way, the government turns a blind eye,” the first print publication in the United States brave enough to present this fact-studded expose for Americans to know the challenges they face. It was on the Rense Radio Network where Jeff and Michael first discussed sea spray as a mechanism for transporting radioactive goo inland up to 200 miles predating even this potent cover story by months.
June 3, 2012: Canada ditches its ability to test ocean waters for contamination, worsening incineration of goo in Japan and Runkle Canyon Tanks in high-energy half-hour show including Unit IV spent fuel pond impending disaster.
Fukushima Radiation in America Update
May 28, 2012: Bluefin tuna caught off of San Diego in August 2011 tests positive for cesium 134 and cesium 137 radiation, isotopic identifiers with the Fukushima Daiichi triple meltdowns polluting the Pacific. Rense and Collins discuss the implications as the amount of highly-poisonous radioactive water from Fukushima pours at least 1,000 tons of contamination into the ocean daily leading to bioaccumulation now seen in some of the top of the food chain marine creatures. Runkle Roulette revelations too.
Fukushima fallout on America with Michael Collins
May 21, 2012: Lively show discussing NRC chief’s resignation, San Onofre’s pot-smoking workers, 1,300 plugged tubes and wires fire danger along with need to reconsider Yucca Mountain nuke dump.
Jeff Rense with Michael Collins on Fukushima fallout in America
May 7, 2012:”Omnicide” in Japan, 1,000 tons of meltdown cooling water dumped daily into Pacific, San Onofre nuke plant false startup stopped by US NRC. Discussion on Northern Hemisphere survival if Unit 4 spent fuel pond collapses, subsides and/or cracks losing its cooling water entirely. Fukushima complex built on land next to just-found earthquake fault capable of magnitude 9 earthquake. Pond failure would lead to total calamity.
April 30, 2012: Radioactive Alaskan salmon, halibut, hot Korean kelp & control samples of Japanese seaweed prove rad findings plus fracking’s earthquake threat to Midwest and Eastern nuke reactors. Fast-paced show that characterizes the kind of smart discussions Jeff and Michael engage in!
Michael Collins on the Jeff Rense Program
Hour-long show about 3.9 M earthquake near to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station capable of a 7 M, the plant’s limit; in-depth discussion of lack of action on Fukushima’s Unit 4 spent fuel pool which could precipitate release of 85 times amount of cesium-137 than Chernobyl, and different types of Japanese seaweed possibly contaminated by meltdown.
Rense & Collins in Wednesday show
Jam-packed full hour show where Jeff and Michael look deeper into the challenges and threats posed by radioactive Japanese seaweed not just for consumption as an organic food and sushi wrap but one main seaweed ingredient carrageenan’s use in shampoo, toothpaste, beer, soy milk and more all threatened by Fukushima contamination. Japanese seaweed bought and tested by Collins Friday the 13th lives up to that unlucky day’s reputation. Collins’ appearance on NBC’s G4-TV’s Attack of the Show! discussed as major mainstream media success.
April 16, 2012: First anniversary one-hour show with radioactive seaweed, even hotter LA air readings in HEPA filter dust over 200% higher than previous period coming in at a whopping 7.46 times normal, Pentagon robot competition illustrating woeful lack of ideas to contain Fukushima meltdowns, shameful Los Angeles Times pro-nuke pablum & clueless New York Times coverage.
April 9, 2012: Isotopic identifier systems costing tens of thousand of dollar are thousands of times less sensitive than premium nuclear radiation monitors like the Inspector Alert obviating the need to raise funds to get such a device with the expensive software and extras plus a discussion of Los Angeles Daily News article which incorrectly stated that a casino could be built by the Chumash tribe on part of the chemically and radiologically-contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory known as Rocketdyne.
Rense Exclusive with Michael Collins
April 2, 2012: Spirited interview discussing April Fool’s weekend rain in Los Angeles coming in at over five times background and how this strongly suggests that the mechanism for Fukushima meltdowns’ radiation mobility in the Pacific is accurate and based on good, sourced science in direct contrast to the American and Canadian governments’ ‘see no goo’ non-policies. Also, San Onofre nuclear plant’s woes worsen as word that Southern California Edison changed four key parts of the now-shut plant without Nuclear Regulator Commission inspection or approval.
Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
March 26, 2012: Exciting one-hour show with Pacific goo patch half way between Midway and Hawaii, Tokyo proper at U.S. rad waste levels, game-changing radiation isotopic identifier, shoddy U.S./Canada radiation laboratories, U.S. EPA tomfoolery at Rocketdyne’s Santa Susana Field Laboratory & more!
Rense Radio Network with Fukushima Radiation in America Update
March 19, 2012: Corium burning through Fukushima containment, teetering fuel pond with 7 reactors’ rods threaten Japan, Seattle Fukushima summit & inoperative radiation detectors at U.S. ports!
Jeff Rense and Michael Collins -Fukushima Meltdowns Anniversary Show
March 12, 2012: Hour-long Fukushima anniversary show with remembrance of the Japanese victims of the earthquake, tsunami and meltdowns, woeful media coverage analysis, grim new LA air readings, Heal the Bay controversy on LA Observed, Rocketdyne radiation worse than imagined with U.S. EPA bait and switch hanky panky plus much more!
March 5, 2012: Excellent show discussing worsening Japanese disaster with 23 separate incinerator facilities in Tokyo alone burning 550,000 tons of radioactive debris and astronomical new radiation readings at Rocketdyne in Southern California, site of America’s worst nuclear reactor meltdown in 1959.
Jeff Rense Interview with Michael Collins
February 27, 2012: Full-hour show where many topics are covered as one year anniversary of Fukushima meltdowns approaches. Collins describes, drawing on his years as an investigative reporter and journalism judge, how the government and some mainstream media obscure and diffuse danger presented by world’s worst single environmental disaster even as new evidence shows that Los Angeles had the largest cesium-137 deposition after the meltdowns began March 11, 2011.
February 20, 2012: Lively show discussing just-published Beta Watch with its findings. 42-day period results in significantly alpha and beta detections at Radiation Station – Santa Monica that can’t be explained away by radon progeny. Studies reveal hottest parts of ocean water near shore are breaking waves which also generate the most sea spray found up to 300 kilometers inland. Plutonium 239 concentrates 26,000 times in algae and concentrates on top other water with cesium-137.
February 13, 2012: Hot Los Angeles rain, plutonium in sea spray study showing it penetrates up to 200 miles inland and getting in kids’ teeth and food, Collins told by EPA and NOAA no Pacific radiation tests for Fukushima contamination currently, and a sneak peek at the highest beta and strontium-90 readings yet in milk purchased in January 2012 in Vancouver, Canada are all examined in this half hour program.
Jeff Rense and Michael Collins
February 6, 2012: San Onofre’s Unit 2’s new piping woes affect hundreds of steam generator piping installed just 20 months ago and now wearing out faster than expected, Unit 3’s burst pipe causes radiation to vent out of the huge superstructure’s top and a worker falls into the spent fuel pond trying to pick up a flash light are all topics in this lively full hour show.
January 30, 2012: A new U.C. Davis report reveals how the thousands of tons of Uranium oxide (UO2) at the three melted down and out reactors at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi plant north of Tokyo are reacting with Pacific Ocean water to create U60 “buckyballs,” hearty spherical nanoparticles with up to 60 radioactive uranium ions each that survive long enough to make it to the shores of the 44 nations that make up the Pacific Rim including the United States. Even Southern California is not safe as Radiation Station – Santa Monica and the U.S. EPA’s high Los Angeles radiation readings attest to.
January 23, 2012: Collins presents new theory of radiation deposition in Southern California – Pacific ocean breezes which extend inland for miles carrying Fukushima fallout churned up in the water, a phenomenon confirmed by a alpha & beta radiation detected at 538% above normal at Radiation Station Santa Monica where radon progeny does not factor into the mix. Historic show with Rense and Collins at their best.
Jeff Rense & Michael Collins January 16, 2012: Australian radiation cloud, HAARP, Collins jet readings even higher from unaccounted neutron radiation and new study detailing 14,000 of Fukushima-related American deaths of premature infants.
Jeff Rense Radio Network January 9, 2012: In this outstanding show Collins’ Inspector Alert picked up over 5 times normal radiation in a jet over the Colorado River and SOPA legislation that could threaten the Internet with censorship being voted on January 24 in Congress.
January 2, 2012: High rad readings in Michigan rain, troubled nuke plants next to Lake Michigan, high radiation exposure in jet travel across U.S., misuse of radiation monitors and more in full hour show.
December 26, 2011: Rense and Collins discuss rad readings flying cross country, wearing face masks and a new peer reviewed medical study finding 14,000 already dead American fatalities from Fukushima fallout.
Radiation in America with Michael Collins
December 19, 2011 show includes discussion of L.A.’s 415% of normal high in radiation rain, American nuclear reactor woes, cell phone Geiger counters and more in this spirited conversation.
December 12, 2011 – Nothing like Unit 4’s collapsing south wall to cause a hot conversation as the ramifications of this grave development are analyzed. Show marks the nine month anniversary of the beginning of the meltdowns a day earlier.
December 5, 2011 – Discussion one of the worst week’s of Fukushima meltdown developments plus high radiation levels in Colorado snow and HEPA air filter readings in downtown Los Angeles at 364% of normal higher.
November 28, 2011 – A spirited discussion of the latest Japanese government report showing Fukushima radiation impacting all prefectures including Okinawa 1,700 kilometers away as well as radiation bioaccumulation and what folks can do about it.
BreathTakes with Edward Headington
Thanksgiving 2011 special show with Michael Collins in a wide-ranging interview that covered everything from Fukushima meltdowns, electronic cigarettes, Ahmanson Ranch, Rocketdyne, nuclear power plants, pumpkin pie recipes and John Wayne’s best “Pilgrim” line.
November 21, 2011 show where Jeff Rense and Michael Collins discuss Fukushima meltdowns worsening, radioactive rain in Los Angeles, Washington state and Missouri plus more information on fallout in North America.
November 7, 2011 – Jeff Rense talks with Michael Collins about the worsening Fukushima fallout situation is in the U.S., Canada and Europe and ways to protect oneself from radiation.
Jeff Rense Interview – Radiation in Our Food
August 29, 2011 – Rense interviews’s Michael Collins
July 18, 2011: Jeff Rense interviews Collins about Radiation Station’s detections of unnaturally high radiation readings.
From the website:
New Doubts About Rocketdyne Accident
In 1959, a nuclear reactor in Southern California suffered a meltdown. For years, the lab’s owner said no significant amount of radiation was released. But a report by an independent advisory panel says the incident released nearly 459 times more radiation than Three Mile Island did in 1979. We’ll look at the new claims.
* Daniel Hirsch, physicist and co-chairman of Santa Susana Field Laboratory Advisory Panel
* Michael Collins, Freelance Investigative Journalist
* Linda Parks, Chair of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors
* Lorraine Kurowski, Widow of Worker
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