2014/10/01 at 1:00 am
40 out of 124 beta monitors are functional as of this date out of the 124 areas covered, the same number as last month but with a changing line-up: station stoppage combined with station start-up. Several significant beta stations have gone offline while a couple of crucial ones are sputtering to life. Many stations are measuring very high beta readings with four-month highs in what turned out to be a very “hot” period.
Readings of 100 CPM or more indicate significant beta radiation activity. Three times background readings could mean a hazardous situation exists and protocols discussed and reported on in EnviroReporter.com since March 11, 2011 should be noted. See that below the tilde symbol (~) before some rad readings means mathematically approximate.
Since September 1, 2014 (below in archives), Montgomery AL topped 250 CPM twice before calming down in the last week; Anchorage AK‘s beta graph is getting more active going over 50 CPM in the last week but the last two days have eased off; Fairbanks AK hit a four-month high with ~190 CPM September 28, part of a continuing uptick in beta activity at the station; Phoenix AZ tied a three-month high ~August 25 with ~210 CPM hitting the same peak September 26 right during the rains – perhaps mist impacted these very high numbers; Tuscon AZ nearly hit 345 CPM Sept. 27 remaining quite active; Little Rock AR had two strong pulses, one hitting ~350 CPM Sept. 19 with the whole period hovering around 200 CPM in a place used to 20 CPM – an increase of ten times; Fort Smith AR suddenly went even nuttier ~August 22 after having been calmer in the second week of Sept. 30 hitting 450 CPM, the highest we have recorded in a long long time in an area used to readings in the teens; Anaheim CA‘s beta graph started working August 7 then went dead completely August 15 – your tax dollars at work because a private company is supposed to keep RadNet running and clearly isn’t; Fresno CA charted ~270 CPM Sept. 12 in a town with very active beta; Bakersfield CA went berserk right after we put the last report to bed and soared to ~820 CPM and then kept jumping around but tonight is about 90 CPM; Los Angeles CA‘s beta graph stopped in March but the gamma seemed quite jumpy in September; Riverside CA‘s graph gave out September 15 after repeatedly slamming through the ‘Oh NO!’ threshold of 250 CPM; San Bernardino County CA smashed through to a four-month high August 30 and went over 250 CPM three times in this latest period; San Diego remains extremely active hitting ~580 CPM September 20 which is over FIFTY times background for the city – look at the graph and see yourself: the background is on the left hand side of the graph and the radically-higher readings on the right; Hartford CT is trending upward tying a four-month high September 28 of ~215 CPM which is over ten times its normal background; Washington DC was not too bad with it hitting ~140 CPM yesterday; not one beta monitor out of five works in Florida even after us reporting it for months – Floridians are breathing beta blind; Augusta GA no longer has a working beta graph in a very active environment, unfortunately, giving out August 25 never to return, yet; Ft. Wayne IN continues a radical trend upward hitting a one-month high Sept. 24 of ~365 CPM which is over ten times background; Baton Rouge LA‘s four-month high was hit Sept. 14 with ~225 CPM; Orono ME looks nice and cool but is marginally more active with ~30 CPM August 30 but hit 50 CPM yesterday; Baltimore MD‘s beta and gamma graphs are now ‘on’ and functioning properly which is great news and promptly soared to ~210 CPM yesterday; Worcester MA blew through ~320 CPM September 28; Grand Rapids MI hit ~295 CPM September 30; St. Paul MN went up to ~360 CPM three times in the last few days but dropped off today; St. Louis is really moving up hitting ~335 CPM September 30; Lincoln NE hit a four-month high August 3 with ~360 CPM and then its graph died and hasn’t come back, a real loss since this station is in the middle of the country and the folks there are getting significant readings of beta radiation which is oft-times man-made; Concord NH hit ~275 CPM Sept. 18, a four-month high; Albuquerque NM also hit a four-month high Sept. 19 with a sizzling ~345 CPM; Buffalo NY is increasing active hitting ~305 CPM Sept. 29 – a four-month high – when its normal background is about 20-25 CPM; New York City NY is not functioning as it hasn’t for years but its gamma gross count is sort of jumping around like LA’s gamma is – just one difference, NYC’s gamma is much more active; Syracuse NY‘s beta graph hit a new record for the year – ~240 CPM today; Charlotte NC hit a four-month high Sept. 18 with ~215 CPM; Raleigh NC hit ~170 CPM July 24 and cut out and still hasn’t come back on, a real loss in the South but we do have Radiation Station Harrisburg North Carolina for occasional rain radiation tests; holy Toledo OH is dropping and was ‘just’ ~140 CPM today; Corvalis OR hit a four-month high Sept. 15 smashing past 450 CPM in a place that has a background of under 20 CPM; Pittsburgh PA is going up in active ionizing and has remained active hitting 300 CPM yesterday; Puerto Rico‘s beta graph doesn’t work but the gamma remains low and steady; Amarillo TX went literally off the chart August 3 blasting through 1,000 CPM and is the most active beta station in the country that functions topping 890 CPM September 25/26; Dallas TX was exactly 400 CPM Sept. 21, a four-month high CPM; Ft. Worth, is trending active hitting 350 CPM, the highest in memory; Salt Lake City UT‘s beta station is still down since a huge beta increase over 200 CPM in early May and it’s gamma bears watching as it has pulses of spikes; and Madison WI hit a four-month high September 30 charting an astounding ~555 CPM.
2014/09/01 at 4:00 pm
40 out of 124 beta monitors are functional as of this date out of the 124 areas covered, a drop of 10 percent. Several significant beta stations have gone offline while a couple of crucial ones are sputtering to life. There is a noticeable sharp beta radiation trend upwards at a number of stations across the country but not as bad as the last reporting period. The following three-week summation allows for a larger data set to apprise than the last weekly report.Readings of 100 CPM or more indicate significant beta radiation activity. Three times background readings could mean a hazardous situation exists and protocols discussed and reported on in EnviroReporter.com since March 11, 2011 should be noted. See that below the tilde symbol (~) before some rad readings means mathematically approximate.
Since August 6 (below in archives), Montgomery AL hit its highest reading since May 26 with a ~270 CPM August 15; Anchorage AK‘s beta graph is still at under 20 CPM all three weeks but burped up into the 40 CPM area twice around August 20-25; Fairbanks AK hit a four-month high with ~150 CPM August 14, part of a continuing uptick in beta activity at the station; Phoenix AZ hit a three-month high ~August 25 with ~210 CPM; Tuscon AZ was over ~350 CPM August 28 remaining quite active; Little Rock AR hit over 380 CPM August 10 trending more active in pulses in an area used to ~20 CPM background; Fort Smith AR suddenly went nuts ~August 22 after having been calmer in the second week of August hitting ~265 CPM~August 24; Anaheim CA‘s beta graph started working August 7 then went dead completely August 15; Fresno CA charted ~270 CPM August 27; Bakersfield CA still coming back online with both beta and gamma in a most welcome development with the beta hitting ~545 CPM August 7; Los Angeles CA‘s beta graph stopped in March but the gamma remains normal and EnviroReporter.com‘s regular test of sea water at Manhattan Beach and Playa Del Rey in Southern California came back normal with no signs of the Sea of Fuku Goo having arrived yet; Riverside CA hit 300 CPM twice in the last period August 12 and August 30; San Bernardino County CA smashed through to a four-month high August 30; San Diego remains extremely active hitting ~200 CPM several times in the last three weeks which is a dozen times background for the city; Hartford CT is trending upward hitting a four-month high August 12 of ~215 CPM which is over ten times its normal background; Washington DC also notched a two-week high August 27 with ~145 CPM; not one beta monitor out of five works in Florida even after us reporting it three weeks in a row – Floridians are breathing beta blind; Augusta GA no longer has a working beta graph in a very active environment, unfortunately; Ft. Wayne IN continues a radical trend upward hitting a four-month high August 24 of 405 CPM which is over ten times background; Baton Rouge LA‘s four-month high was hit August 25 with ~145 CPM; Orono ME looks nice and cool but is marginally more active with ~30 CPM August 30; Baltimore MD‘s beta and gamma graphs are now ‘on’ and functioning properly which is great news; Worcester MA blew through ~235 CPM August 10; Grand Rapids MI hit ~260 CPM August 25; St. Paul MN went up to ~400 CPM August 20, a four-month high by far; St. Louis is trending active hitting ~230 CPM August 25; Lincoln NE hit a four-month high August 3 with ~360 CPM and then its graph died and hasn’t come back, a real loss since this station is in the middle of the country; Concord NH hit ~195 CPM August 27; Albuquerque NM spiked to ~350 CPM several times in the last three weeks with greatly heightened activity and frequency; Buffalo NY is increasing active hitting ~208 CPM August 21 when its normal background is about 20-25 CPM; New York City NY is not functioning as it hasn’t for years but its gamma gross count is sort of settling down; Syracuse NY‘s beta graph went out before hitting ~135 CPM July 27 but came back on going down to ~65 CPM the night of August 3 before stopping then coming on again only to totally die August 24; Charlotte NC hit a four-month high August 29 with ~180 CPM; Raleigh NC hit ~170 CPM July 24 and cut out and still hasn’t come back on, a real loss in the South; holy Toledo OH is going through the roof right at the same time as their drinking water crisis eases with the beta peaking at ~370 CPM August 5, a four-month high and stayed active while dropping off a bit; Corvalis OR hit ~200 CPM August 26 in a place that has a background of under 20 CPM; Pittsburgh PA‘s beta graph hit ~205 CPM August 5 in active ionizing and has remained active; Puerto Rico‘s beta graph doesn’t work but the gamma remains low and steady which makes it even cooler even with the one-day major hiccup August 25; Amarillo TX went literally off the chart August 3 blasting through 1,000 CPM and is the most active beta station in the country that functions; Dallas TX was ~300 CPM August 28; Ft. Worth, is trending active hitting ~150 CPM August 25; Salt Lake City UT‘s beta station is still down since a huge beta increase over 200 CPM in early May and it’s gamma bears watching as it has pulses of spikes; and Madison WI hit a four-month high August 22 charting an astounding 500 CPM.
2014/08/06 at 1:00 am
44 out of 124 beta monitors are functional as of this date out of the 124 areas covered. There is a noticeable sharp beta radiation trend upwards at a number of stations across the country. Such a wide distribution of rising beta detections suggests a major source ‘upwind’ of the nation. The ongoing triple meltdowns at Fukushima Dai-ichi are such a major source.
Readings of 100 CPM or more indicate significant beta radiation activity. Note that below, the tilde symbol (~) before some rad readings means mathematically approximate.
Since July 28 (below in archives), Montgomery AL hit its highest reading since May 26 with a robust ~250 CPM August 4; Anchorage AK‘s beta graph is still at under 20 CPM all week which is terrific but its beta graph seems to have stalled on ~August 2; Fairbanks AK hit a four-month high with ~137 CPM August 4 which is a strong uptick for the station; Phoenix AZ was a mere ~115 CPM August 4; Tuscon AZ was over ~310 CPM August 4 remaining quite active; Little Rock AR hit over 200 CPM in the last week trending upward in an area used to ~20 CPM background – now ten times background readings; Fort Smith AR has been settling down hitting ~52 CPM August ~35 CPM August 5; Anaheim CA was nice and cool at ~45 CPM July 28 or so it seemed – actually the station has been flatlining since July 23 with it blanking out entirely August 1 through now; Fresno CA soared to ~540 CPM August 1 and looks to be trending aggressively upward with Bakersfield CA still coming back online with both beta and gamma in a most welcome development with the beta hitting ~170 CPM August 5; Los Angeles CA‘s beta graph stopped in March but the gamma remains normal and EnviroReporter.com‘s regular test for beta radiation in HEPA filter/ionizer dust showed lower ionization August 5; Riverside CA was way over 150 CPM every day in the last week with increasing activity; San Bernardino County CA was ~100 CPM August 5; San Diego remains very active but off its highs of 220 CPM ~August 1 which is a dozen times background for the city; Hartford CT is trending upward hitting a four-month high August 5 of 130 CPM which is over six times its normal background; Washington DC also notched a four-month high August 5 with ~160 CPM; not one beta monitor out of five works in Florida even after us reporting it three weeks in a row – Floridians are breathing beta blind; Augusta GA was over ~160 CPM twice in the last week; Ft. Wayne IN continues a radical trend upward hitting a four-month high August 4 of 450 CPM which is over a dozen times background; Baton Rouge LA‘s graph is thankfully A-okay with a high of ~140 CPM in the last week; Orono ME looks nice and cool but is marginally more active with ~30 CPM August 5; Baltimore MD‘s beta and gamma graphs are now ‘on’ but not functioning properly; Worcester MA blew through ~235 CPM July 28 and hit ~152 CPM August 4; Grand Rapids MI dropped then went higher hitting ~345 CPM July 28 but was ‘just’ ~200 CPM August 5; St. Paul MN went up to ~300 CPM in the last week; St. Louis is trending active hitting ~175 CPM August 4; Lincoln NE hit a four-month high August 3 with ~360 CPM; Concord NH hit ~220 CPM August 5 nearly tying a four-month high; Albuquerque NM spiked to ~325 CPM July 26 then its graph seems to have stopped the night of August 3 which is not good since this site is one of the closest in the nation to the troubled WIPP facility in same; Buffalo NY is increasing active hitting ~170 CPM August 5 when its normal background is about 20-25 CPM; New York City NY is not functioning as it hasn’t for years but its gamma gross count is sort of settling down; Syracuse NY‘s beta graph went out before hitting ~135 CPM July 27 but came back on going down to ~65 CPM the night of August 3 before stopping as of the time of this report; Charlotte NC is picking up repeatedly hitting over 100 CPM and was ~130 CPM July 27 at its height but has eased to just ~35 CPM the evening of August 5; Raleigh NC hit ~170 CPM July 24 and cut out and still hasn’t come back on; holy Toledo OH is going through the roof right at the same time as their drinking water crisis eases with the beta peaking at ~370 CPM August 5, a four-month high; Corvalis OR hit ~145 CPM July 26 and has kept going up hitting a four-month high August 4 with a whopping ~235 CPM August 4 in a place that has a background of under 20 CPM; Pittsburgh PA‘s beta graph hit ~205 CPM August 5 in active ionizing; Puerto Rico‘s beta graph doesn’t work but the gamma remains low and steady which makes it even cooler even with the one-day data hiccup August 3; Amarillo TX went literally off the chart August 3 blasting through 1,000 CPM and you can tell this is no anomaly; Dallas TX was ~270 CPM August 4; Ft. Worth, is trending upward hitting ~180 CPM August 3; Salt Lake City UT‘s beta station is still down since a huge beta increase over 200 CPM in early May and it’s gamma bears watching as it has pulses of spikes; and Madison WI hit a four-month high August 4 nearly hitting 500 CPM.
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