Tag: arsenic

Runkle Roulette

New contamination has been found on the Runkle Canyon development site and evidence that KB Home has blocked government requests for Clean Water Act data mandated by law.

Schooled for Scandal

L.A. Councilman Bill Rosendahl leads tough talks with VA to secure $1 million for comprehensive Phase 2 tests of West LA VA’s forgotten biomedical nuclear dump. Ensuing tests laughable.

Spin Cycle

Ventura County Star and Simi Valley Acorn report Runkle Canyon as “safe” with continued fact-challenged coverage including a false alarm about copper. Hogwash reporting no surprise.

Bubble Trouble

City of Simi Valley tests Runkle Canyon water and soil for arsenic after Radiation Rangers’ samples show same. Rangers release full Pat-Chem lab report on heavy metals in Runkle Canyon Creek.

The Radiation Rangers

Los Angeles CityBeat & ValleyBeat cover story “The Radiation Rangers” reveals high arsenic, nickel and vanadium in Runkle Canyon surface water found by undaunted citizen sentinels.