Tag: LA Weekly

Five Years

EnviroReporter.com celebrates its Five Year Anniversary by looking at its beginnings and where its headed as we confront the reality of multiple meltdowns an ocean away.

Radiation Station

EnviroReporter.com‘s “Radiation Station” will go online tomorrow. We will be able to show, in live time, just what the radiation readings are in Santa Monica California.

Dereliction of Duty

Ghoulish graveyard of atomic tombstones – American veterans’ headstones – dumped in Brentwood’s toxic VA grave, according to a new LA Weekly article by Michael Collins.

“Your journalistic practices”

“Dear Mr. Collins – without getting into the content of your story, I’d like to point out to you that your quote from Ms. Winger on our staff was so badly twisted out of context that it is utterly meaningless.”

Meltdown Denier

Who has the time to actually go to a source when you can just be it yourself and impersonate reporters all in an effort to deny Rocketdyne’s 1959 meltdown? Chris Rowe does.

Meltdown Dustup

Worst meltdown in U.S. history happened 30 miles northwest of L.A. for two weeks from July 13-26, 1959. Meltdown spewed hundreds of times more radiation than Three Mile Island in 1979.

Blow In Place

Does $46 million Aerojet Chino Hills cleanup go far enough? Missing munitions, untested groundwater, depleted uranium and radiation running off facility into Santa Ana River are concerns.