Worst meltdown in U.S. history happened 30 miles northwest of L.A. for two weeks from July 13-26, 1959. Meltdown spewed hundreds of times more radiation than Three Mile Island in 1979.
Tag: Radiation Rangers
Mountains of Goo
Runkle Canyon’s Radiation Rangers uncover KB Home’s promise to remove two giant mountains of slag material that are leaking pools of toxic sludge. Rangers say it’s a mountain of malarkey.
Simi, We Have a Problem
DTSC meeting on Runkle Canyon. CBG’s Dan Hirsch, rips Response Plan as “propoganda” and says 2004 Environmental Impact Report, approved by City Council, was “fraudulent.”
Simi Valley supports Supplemental EIR for Runkle Canyon
Simi Valley City Council indicates “support” for new Runkle Canyon Supplemental Environmental Impact Report after Radiation Rangers’ presentation at milestone meeting.
White Blight
Radiation Rangers Rev. John Southwick and Frank Serafine discover white substance covering Runkle Canyon March 26, 2008. Government later claims it’s ‘natural’ after questioning Rangers’ veracity.
Reassessing Runkle
KB Home agrees to supply DTSC with at least 41 extensive reports and documents for their inspection of Runkle Canyon and pay for the $114,884 that the initial work will cost.
The Promised Land
Gov. Schwarzenegger terminates uncertainty of Rocketdyne cleanup with historic move that keeps California in charge – for now. Long bitter battle of Rocketdyne seems resolved but certainly isn’t.
Down the Test Tubes
KB Home’s lab Dade Moeller produces 10-page report showing strontium-90 radiation only a quarter of “background” for Runkle Canyon, a fraction of previous results. Hot zone hooey.
Dirty Business
Radiation Rangers and Simi Valley residents demand new Runkle Canyon Environmental Impact Report and a government meeting over pollution concerns at the Simi Valley City Council meeting.
Spin Cycle
Ventura County Star and Simi Valley Acorn report Runkle Canyon as “safe” with continued fact-challenged coverage including a false alarm about copper. Hogwash reporting no surprise.
Bubble Trouble
City of Simi Valley tests Runkle Canyon water and soil for arsenic after Radiation Rangers’ samples show same. Rangers release full Pat-Chem lab report on heavy metals in Runkle Canyon Creek.
The Radiation Rangers
Los Angeles CityBeat & ValleyBeat cover story “The Radiation Rangers” reveals high arsenic, nickel and vanadium in Runkle Canyon surface water found by undaunted citizen sentinels.
Developer claims contradict investigation’s findings
KB Home’s subcontractors claim that their testing indicates that only .26 out of a million people exposed to the Sr-90 at Runkle Canyon, even though the U.S. EPA clearly states otherwise.
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