Tag: radiation

Floor mat – July 7, 2011

Driver’s side floor mat is 23.23% higher than previous interior average. Suggests that people are getting radiation onto their floor mats and shoes then tracking it into work and home.

Radiation Nation

Nearly 700,000 have come to EnviroReporter.com‘s Radiation Station in just a week to watch live Los Angeles basin readings and exchange information sparked by Fukushima meltdowns.

Radiation Station FAQs

Over 1,377,064 people have visited Radiation Station as of September 23, 2011 – and that’s just the live stream alone. Many have questions. Here are answers to some important ones.

KTLA News – March 16, 2011

KTLA News breaks the story of Radiation Station and creates special link on the television station’s website to hook people up 24/7 coverage of radiation readings in the Los Angeles Basin.

Radiation Station

EnviroReporter.com‘s “Radiation Station” will go online tomorrow. We will be able to show, in live time, just what the radiation readings are in Santa Monica California.

No More Monkey Business

NASA backs off irradiating 18 squirrel monkeys in a $1.75 million experiment that our Pasadena Weekly/EnviroReporter.com investigation found was cruel and scientifically useless.

Space Monkey Business

Critics say NASA is taking a giant leap backwards by irradiating monkeys in space-travel tests designed to simulate intense radiation astronauts would experience in voyages to Mars.

Grave Mistakes

Despite outrage over soldiers’ tombstones disposed of VA’s biomedical nuclear and chemical dump in Brentwood, $1 million Phase II testing for toxins begins. VA ducks questions.

Dereliction of Duty

Ghoulish graveyard of atomic tombstones – American veterans’ headstones – dumped in Brentwood’s toxic VA grave, according to a new LA Weekly article by Michael Collins.

“Your journalistic practices”

“Dear Mr. Collins – without getting into the content of your story, I’d like to point out to you that your quote from Ms. Winger on our staff was so badly twisted out of context that it is utterly meaningless.”

More Meltdown Man

“They had two broken fuel rods they had to remove from the reactor core. The last one pulled and fell on the floor before they could get it into the lead cask, and contaminated the High Bay area.”