EnviroReporter.com has discovered evidence that Boeing-supplied documents contain false data about Runkle Canyon, which is downhill from nuclear Area IV of former Rocketdyne.
Tag: Santa Susana Field Laboratory
Meltdown Dustup
Worst meltdown in U.S. history happened 30 miles northwest of L.A. for two weeks from July 13-26, 1959. Meltdown spewed hundreds of times more radiation than Three Mile Island in 1979.
State Keeps Rocketdyne Cleanup Control
In an historic move to maintain California’s control of SSFL cleanup, Cal/EPA Secretary Linda Adams says agency opposes federal Superfund listing for contaminated site.
Dirty Business
Radiation Rangers and Simi Valley residents demand new Runkle Canyon Environmental Impact Report and a government meeting over pollution concerns at the Simi Valley City Council meeting.
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