Radiation and chemical vapors on 47-acre Canoga Park site are too toxic for housing, but could be mitigated to safely house residents displaced by January 2025 fires in above-ground trailers.
Tag: TCE
Los Angeles, State Smack Back at Illegal Trump Plan to Kill SSFL Cleanup
Feds attempt to leave 98% of radiation and chemicals in place at meltdown site
EnviroReporter.com takes on Fracking Chemical Cocktail and Trichloroethylene. Reporter meets his match in “Frackie” where the chemistry sparks over drilling and fracking. Hot stuff!
A Fracking Night to Remember
Fracking Chemical Cocktail heats up the Third Annual Toxies Awards for Bad Chemical Actors at the Silent Movie Theatre in Hollywood where the worst of the worst chemicals are honored.
What’s in Pepper Spray?
LA Weekly investigation finds the cancer-causing chemicals TCE and PCE being used as the base of pepper sprays sold in California with no mandatory Prop. 65 warnings.
The Toxies
First Annual Toxies Awards with Perchlorate as a sleak silver rocket girl with thrusters and fireworks, she was ‘the chemical that launched a thousand rockets’ including mine.
EnviroReporter.com discovers a pathway for pollutants from rocket test stands into the soil and groundwater at Rocketdyne – massive amounts of water sprayed after firings.
It’s a Gas
U.S. EPA just announces new draft guidelines for vapors of the toxic solvent trichloroethylene or TCE. Now four times stronger limits for carcinogen that plagues L.A. groundwater.
Corn on the Coca
The Coca complexis polluted by volatile organic compounds including trichloroethylene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), metals, and dioxins.
EnviroReporter.com’s Runkle Canyon Comments Analysis
Will new DTSC leadership in Runkle Canyon take concerns seriously over development of this property borders the nuclear area of Rocketdyne or again favor KB Home?
EnviroReporter.com Runkle Canyon Comments
KB Home gave DTSC 41 environmental reports on Runkle Canyon and EnviroReporter.com analyzed each one and presented its 28 pages of findings to DTSC in July 2008.
ACME Runkle Canyon Comments
Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education’s founder and director Bill Bowling says that the Runkle Canyon cleanup plan is inadequate and doesn’t address toxic trichlorethylene being found on the property.
Railroading Runkle Canyon?
Radiation Rangers ask why the cleanup plan for Runkle Canyon is being railroaded by government and developer without public input, ignoring even City of Simi Valley heavy metals report.
Runkle Rousing
State project manager for the KB Home/DTSC cleanup agreement, Norm Riley, said nothing about public input he’d received, including the Radiation Rangers’ response plan comments.
Perjure Away Pollution in Runkle Canyon?
EnviroReporter.com has discovered evidence that Boeing-supplied documents contain false data about Runkle Canyon, which is downhill from nuclear Area IV of former Rocketdyne.
Down the Test Tubes
KB Home’s lab Dade Moeller produces 10-page report showing strontium-90 radiation only a quarter of “background” for Runkle Canyon, a fraction of previous results. Hot zone hooey.
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